Newspaper Page Text
3?c!imoit4 Jispiclt ?*'"??'??' ?" i 1 * ?"? " " '" ? 31 ON DAY .MAY 26, 1879. J&fltors of Richmond Dispatch : . ' Gentlemen,? Will you do the public a favor by giving them an intelligent transla tion of the Inscription on Hollywood Monu ment, u Knmlni el l Fa(ricv Asio " ? By coaoplylnir yon will Increase the knowledge of the living, And do justtee to the dead. . Respectfully, Subscriber. The meaning ts> ? I stand for God a nd. the country." Wo once asked the late ?! oha M. Strotber whether he had a band in se lecting this inscription, and be said *? no" Id such a w.\y as to imply that he Old not admire .it% How ?nvmeii? came tc> me*n a god or divinity may be guessed at. "A nod" [?um?n} from Jupiter wa?4 the sign and promise of a- god. However, we have stated what the inscription was iutemled to mean, and that is enough. For aught that we know to the contrary, the objectlofcs to the inscription are the result of a want of lull information. What says Professor Harrison, of Richmond College? Or who ?will tell us all about it ? Perhaps Gordon McCabe, of Petersburg, will. > Richmond, V 4., May 24, 1870. Editors Dispatch : Please settle this ques tion of doubt : A had 102 oransres, of which Jse sold 08. B bad 22 oranges ?ad sold 19. Who sold the largest number in proportion to their original numbers? : By answering this question you will con fer a favor upon a reader of your valuable paper. ANWZR. A fold at the rate of 91 3-17 oranges out <jf a hundred. B at the rate of $0 4-11 out of a bucdred. Plain Tamc fkom the West.? [From the Indianapolis Sentinel. ]? 2*ow, then, if tlirre are Democrats who propose to surrender to Hayes, Hoar, Bluine, Robeson, Garfield <fc Co., they might' as well commit karlfcari in Washington, and po to the devii by the short est route, for their constituenls will bury them face downward, so that if they should scratch out they would come to the surface upon the opposite side of the globe. So far the Democratic majority has made a good record?a record that will stand any amount of investigation. To stand by it, to bat'le for it, will be regarded as the high est evidence of patriotic devotion to the wclTare of the country. To back down will be treason. Some Indian mounds, supposed to be three or four thousand years old orso. were recently opened near Beloit, Wisconsin, and the first thing the excavators dug out were a couple of railroad passes and an au togfaph-alburu. Thus we see the early dawn of remote civilization mingles with the cray shadows of the aeons that? of llie acor.s ? the a;ons? the gray shadows of the aeons. jEons. Gray shadows o! the ajons. Hawlccye. J3R0TECT THE SYSTEM FROM MALARIA. It Is porsible to do IhW even In regions of country ?where miasma is most rife, and where the periodic fevers v.hlch It causes assume their most formidable types. The immense popularity of Hostetter's Sto mach Bitters is very largely attributable lo ilie fact ?fltsefllcacy as a remedy for chills aud fever. bil ious remittent*, and as a preventive of the various forms of malarial disease. In those portions of th.e West and South where complaints of this, nature prevail, and in the tropics, It is particularly esteemed for the pro'ective iutluencc which it exerts J audit has been vkry widely adopted as a substitute for the (laugeroua and comparatively lueffcctlTc alkaloid, sulphate ofquluine. Physicians have not been among the bit to concede its merits, aud the emphatic professional endoisements wbloh it has received have added to the' reputation it has obtained at home and abroad. ' my 21-W(w),F.fcM BOOK'UIXDEKY, B >00K-B1NDERY AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTORY. The undersigned, ba*iug a biudery connected with their establishment, are prepared to BIND BOOKS, PERIODICALS, PAPERS, &C., In the various styles, and to manufacture BLANK-BOOKS to auy desired pattern. Their PAPER-BOX FACTORY is in full opera tion. Work faithfully done aud promptly executed. my 20 WOODHOUSE & PARUAM. TELEPHONIC EXCHANGE. fJiELEPHONE EXCHANGE. CONVERSATIONS BY WIRE. EDISON'S SPEAKING-TELEPHONES. ALWAYS READY AND EASILY OPERATED THE AUTOMATIC SIGNAL TELEGRAPH COMPANV'S TELEPHONE DEPARTMENT? Central Station at Western Union Tele grafh Office, No. 1210 Main street. EDISON'S CELEBRATED SPEAKING-TELE PHONES AND PRIVATE WIRES, connecting the Western TTniou Telegraph offlcc Railroad Depots, Old Dominion SteauiBhip Com nauv. Daily Dispatch oifi?<\ Tobacco Exchange, Ford'.- Hotel, Southern Express office. Eagle Brew cry, Commercial Club, promineul busluess-houses, elc Each subscriber can converse in an ordinary tone of voice, dav or night, with any other sutecrlber. All conversations by EDISON'S TELEPHONE STRICTLY PRIVATE. The IMPROVED- ANNUNCIATOR SWITCH usc<I at the central siationeriablcs each subscriber to call any other subscriber direct without calling the central nation for the connection, thus securing prompt service aud avoiding loss of time. - AUTOMATIC SIGNAL DEPARTMENT. Automatic blgnal Instruments connected bylwire " with the central station for calling a messenger-boy policeman, carriage, city anibulauce, etc., furuisbed at $18 aud $25 per annum. Uniformed messengers furnished on call by Tele phone or'Sigual Instrument lo carry telegrams to telegraph office or to deliver letters, notes, circu lars, packuges, etc. No charge made for messenger service when called for telegrams. 4 Other messenger service: For short eirauds from central office 10 cents. For bal f-itour service .. 15 cent a. For one-hour service..-. t 25 cents. R. M. J. PAYNTER, secretary. JOSKPH W.Kates, President. my 12-eod BOOIMl SHOE"*' *e. LADIES' FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS MAOE TO ORDER FOR ?4 RICHMOND BOOT AND SHOE FACTOEY, 216 EAST BROAD 8THEET, .between Second and Third street;, my32-l?a IN ANY STYLE. JF YOUR FOOT is SO BROAD or so narrow you can't get a satisfactory fit, try J. A. GRIGG, Tknth a*? Main streets, , 8HOBS8, vtry WMd aud vtry narrow; CAi TK R t m ta, Sal-heel CONGRESS LASTIKgC FOZBD, and MOROCCO SHOES ; broad-bottom, flat-heel GAITERS, . TIES, and LOW SHOES; sandSlb^ fancy STEAP SLIPPJ?B$ ^feoileinen's LOW SHOES in Calf, Goaf, Ename ] aud Kid; Children'* STRAP 8LIPPEHS, INLAID TIES and LOW BUTTON' KHOJ?? : SPRING-HEEL NEWPORT TIES and BLOCK HEELS, as large as JO \ ; ^TRUNKS. VALISES, SATCHELS, SACS STRAPS, tc. STOCK VERY LARGE AND PRICES TO ?WT THE CLOSEST BUYERS. ? ' fap 2I-80dj : ? ;r ?A?PFACrP?BD TOBAVtXP. j^jAtf U FACTUKED TOBACCXfc "GRAND- DUCHESS" BRAND. ? '? ii.xn ii?., .. Receiving from the factory,* npolvof the Above ] 4DKLEBRATKD URASD (iF TOiiAUCO.^ 1 toe quality is mqwrtar, For ?aie -fewsf * 1 LJ $ 4S5??0?r i MORRIS; ; WmMm ?noa^?i ? Docfc street, j mm ifiinii 1 ? ? 111 nmriEB, tKtPOIW, ^ ?pUENCH BRANDY. <4{ ;rVt*1 *;' "r Just tending a luqre Invoice of ' ; ; james umtimY brandy, ; ? V'?v. r* - ? ... . " ? V . -v ; ^ bcuVe* and eases, direct from Meters. HEKXX88T ' ' " * ? <? ?"? ' ? " 4 Co., Cognac, France. ? "For wle, In bond or doty paid, and on tery literal crm? to the trade* OSCAR CUANZ, w? 2-tJcU 14 Governor street. CBOCItXRY. gLASSWARE, <Xn. gUiiMER LUXURIES. FOLDING-HAMMOCK BEDS-tfat best th!ng<out. The CHAMFION ICE-CREAM FREEZER? war ranted to be the best on Hie market. REFRI G K R ATOBS. PEACOCK FLY-BRUSHES, 4rC. With a ftail line of CHINA, GLASSWARE, and HOUSE-FURNISH ING GOODS. A cjrtl Ij solicited. ? MEDITERRANEAN STONE FILTERS, mv28 E. B. TAYLOIU 1B11 Main nm*. -GLASS-CHINA. NEW GOODS? NOVELTIES. The larger assortment or CHINA. SEMI-PORCE LAtNE, OUT and PRESSED GLASSWARE, ever offered In Richmond. GEORGE GIBSON. JR., ap 1C ? 1K07 Main street. UBibGEi'OBT Brass company,/ 10 MUltHAY 6TBKKT. SXW YOKK. > Febnvnry 6, 2879. 3 \;fR. GEORGE GIRSON, Jr., is appoint jLtx ed our sole agent for the sale of the LEADER BURNER AND CHIMNEY, ?with all Improvements appertaining thereto, for the ?oky of Richmond. State of Virginia. * BRIDGEPORT BRASS COMPANY: fe 10 SAMITKL HOLMES. Treasurer HH. WALLACE, ? 406 Broad stbekt, Richmond, Va.. (!atf of Fredericksburg, Va., I respect fully invites atten tion to his new, I urge, cheap, and aUrn<*tlve stock oi CHINA, GLASS.' and HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Buying and selling exclusively for cash, special Inducements will be offered. A call solicited. np 4-3m LIVEKY A ST> SAIiKH KTAB1.ES HEADQUARTERS FOR TUB SALE OF HORSES, MULES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND WAGONS AT AUCTION AT RICHMOND BAZAAR, 1438 AND 1440 FRANKLIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The snbtcri'tcr bas fitted up In connection with his extensive stables one of Hie most COMPLETE AND CONVENIENT BAZAARS to be found in this country: and having every fa cility for the accommodation or stock, respectfully solicits consignments of HORSES, MULES, AND VEHICLES, of every kind, promising that all stock. &c., eon signed to him shall have every attention, and re turns promptly made. LIBERAL CA.SH ADVANCES made when required. Ii is enough to say that Major E. B. COOK has charge of the Auction Department, and Captain C. S. Allen Is General Manager of Hie Livery De partment My STABLES are new. of LARGE CAPACITY, and tifford every convenience for drover?. Parties desiring to purchase for their own use or ?he irafp wl 1 lind a larjte stock to select, from. Atction Sales every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN B. DAVIS. J. M. PACE. Sa'esman. my 1 7 Leave your orders yor HORSES AND VEI1ICLES-^?2_W AT OFFICE OF LAFAYETTE STABLES, No. 8 Eighth street, where tlicy will be promptly tilled with llie bes f stock In the city. Competition defied: p- ice? popular. PLEASURE CARRIAGES, per hour. $1. WEDDINGS, IHjPS. THEATRE, Ac., attended at reasonable rates. HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES FUR NISH ED FOR FUN ERALS at reasonable rates. First-class HORSES aud BUGGIES for hire a reduced prices. HORSES AND BUGGIES BOARDED nt the fol lowing rates: Per month for Horse uud Buggy $lfi ; per month for saddle Horse, SI 3. BAGGAGE TRANSFERRED nt lower rates than anywhere else charged? namely. 20 cents per single trunk; each additional trunk, i5 cents; valines aud email packages, 10 cents each; WILLIAM H. SUTHERLAND, Proprietor. On and after WEDNESDAY, May 21. orders re ceived through the Bell Telephone promptly attend ed to. my 19-eod2w A MERICAN STABLES, J\. NO. 1? SOUTH TENTH STREET. HORSES, BUGGIES, and PHAETONS for hire Also several fine HARNESS HORDES forsalo. Horses taken on livery at $15 p?-r month. W. S. WOOD, my 19-eodlin Agent for N. M. Lee. WWLIItSK. ME?IC1)SK?. (^ULPUATE QUINID1A HA? THE SAME COMPOSITION, CHEMICALLY, Ai THE SULPHATE OF QUININE. Like quinia, it is made from Cinchona Bark, an< by the same process. It has been used abundantly by the best practitioners, aud with great success It Is undoubtedly the best substitute for quinia, ant is sold at a much f?ss price. J. BLA'R, Druggist, my 22 corner Nluth and Broad streets. QUTICUliA REMEDIES. FURTHER SUPPLIES RECEIVED. PURCELL, LADI) & CO., my 21 12 1G Main street. jyjEADE & BAKER'S DRU G-S TORE, 919 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA., MAY UK FOUND T1XE FOLLOWING J AIR-CUSHIONS FOR INVALIDS. AIR-PILLOWS FOR TRAVELLEKS, . HOT-WATER BAGS, ICE-BAGS FOR THE HEAD, RUBBER-CLOTH FOR INFANTS, SOFT-RUBBER BED-PANS, TRAVELLING FLASKS, SPONGE-BAGS, POCKET-STOVES, HORSE-HAIR FLESH-GLOVES, - FLESH-BRUSHES, CUTLER'S POCKET INHALERS STEAM INHALERS, . THROAT ATOMIZERS, NASAL DOUCgES, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, HARD-RUBBER TRUSSES, FEVER THERMOMETERS, " GALVANIC BATTERIES, GARRATT'S ELECTRIC DISKS. CHLORATE PUTASH TABLETS, SEA-SALT FOR BATHING, MEDICINE-GLASSES FOR THE SICK, SPITTOONS K>R THE SICK, FINEST SELF-STRING ES. SHOULDKR-BRACES for-adults and youIhE, and all surgtea* and medical appliances, for sale bv MEADE ? BAKER, Pharmacists, ap24-3ui SLfi Main str?*t* Richmond, Va, BOOKS. STATIONARY, Ac. RARE WORKS.? We have many hun dred at low sirtces, besides BAYLE*S HISTORICAL ANF> CRITICAL DIC TIONARY. 4 votoiaea. 1710. ^ ,v? MILTON'S HISTORICAL. PWOTICAL. AN O MISCELLANEOUS WORKS Splendid cdlttOB), ; - 2 volume*. 17S8 COLLECTION OF ?00 VOYAGES AND TRAV ELS. ivlth Hums and rare platee, 2 volumes, 1744. * ? ?31IE MINISTER Off STATE. Bv?)e Silhon, Sec reL?rv tt> Cardinal iiirht-Ueu. MISaB. ??y RAN DOLi'H & ENGLISH., jgOOK OF CITY OlU>INAtfCE~S. A limited number of copies of the..- v CITY ORDINANCES, CHARTER, A?., COM - <? FLETCh - *? ' ' Just aevlwd and prluted. A most useful book to all clrtttUS? especially professional men. For Rate I by J. W. RANDOLPH 4 ENGLISH. [ my 13 ' BY BELL TELEPHONE FOR \J BOOKS. ? WATIONERY, . T JJINDJNU. ^ . M ?" - PRINTING, or PAPER-BOXES, will rceeWaurtwayi Attention. Store open from 7 A. B AN^LPHA SWGLIr'K. my 17 1802 and 1304 Main rtrttfc MMTTTI rr Auirsioif i. +>*"*?+*+* ?*?* " * * **"'^' " " ' ByGruM?& William*. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, ,,' Klevcntfi ?trect betwecnMaln and Bank. DENCEof the late i)r. Howell L.*. rtttwrea i on the -north side or Grace street betttten Third and Fourth street*. It has Mx room*, an.d a kitchen In 1 the rear. 1 Tbe location i? one of the mo$t deslraWe on Grace street. ' ? On tbe day following TUESD \Y tbe 27th dav of May. at 11 o'clock A. J*t~ ! will sell the ch aMBER I AND OFFICK-FUliNITURE In said bouse. I And Immediately thereafter? tav, at 12 o'clock M.? at the eanic pl*ce. will b? sold the well-known and flue pair of ROAN MAKKS used by the dece dent. They are yoanjr, sound, gentle, and very ser viceable, ALSO, A TWO-SEAT PHAETON, or DOCTOR'S CAR RIAGE; A SINGLE-SEAT PHAETON, or BUGGY; wlih SINGLE- and DOUBLE-HARNESS, Lc. Tkbmk: For fbe real esta'c, one fourth ca?h; bal ance at four, ebdit, aud twelve months, wtth Inter est. and secured t>y a trust deed. For the other pro perty, ca?h. The valuable MEDICAL LIBRARY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, <tc.. will be sold ata tuture aay? of which doe not Ice will be jrtven. WILLIAM HATCHER, Executor of Dr. H. L. Thomas, deceased. ? GKtrnafi A Williams, Auctioneers. my 20 Ry Frank D. Hill 4 Co., Koafel Estates Aarent and Auctioneers, 1108 Main street. XPRAME DWELLING AND LOT OF X1 GROUND ON THE WEST SI DEOF LAUREL BETWEEN BEVERLY AND ALBEMAIH.E STREETS AT AUCTION.-At the request of the owner, we will cell At auction, on tlte premises. No. 300 fcoufb Laurel street, on MONDAY. May 20, 1879. at 5* o'clock P. M., the- PROPERTY above described. The lot fronts 30 ftct on Laurel street, with depth of 145 to au alley. The house contains three rooms. Terms: $100 ca?h; the balance In three or four years, with ?sb: perceut. interest added, secured by trust deed. FRANK D. HILL ,t CO., my 20 Auctioneers. Cy J. Thompson Brown, Real Estate -Agent and Auclioncar, No. 1113 Main street. Peremptory sale, without re serve. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. ' 'F THAT NEAT BRICK COTTAGE, WITH LARGE YARD. NO 212 WEST MARSH VLL STREET? EVERGREENS AN1> SHADE-TREEP.-By re quest of executor I will pell on MONDAY. Siay 20, 1879, at 0 o'clock P. M.. the above desirable proper ty. for division between heirs of same. The dwchli'R has six rooms veranda across the frout: English basement; kitchen. Ac. Lot 34 by 150 feet to a wide alley, and has a well besides city water, Tkkms: One fourth cash: balance in fix. twelve, and eighteen month?. Interest added, secured by trust-deed. J. THOMPSON BROWN, juy20 Auetlonrer. Bv R. S. Anderson Son, General Commission Merchants and Auctioneers, 1524 Main street. WE will have" our regular AUCTION SALE OF GROCERIES, AC.. TO DAY, commencing at 10 o'clock. Parties wishing to adil to this sale will p'ense have their goods in before the hour of si'e. R. S. ANDERSON & PON, my 20 Auctioneer?. HPO ARRIVE THIS MOIJNING? JL 10 lioirshetds extra CABBAGE; FRESH SPOT! 9. FRESH TROUT, KKESII CROAKERS, &c. CABBAGE SALE 1 o'clock. JOHN F. BURCH. my20-lt* with 11. C. ADAMS. RKAL l'.STATi: AT PRIVATE SAJ.E. Elegant location for small MARKET-GARDENS. Fl OV.'ER-GA RDKNS, POULTRY OR BUTCHER ESTABLISHMENTS. IN THE WEST END ?We ott'or for sale west of the old reservoir, THREE TRACTS OF LAND, com prising six an'' a half. tVelve. and nine acres of beatitiitil-Jylng land. A bold branch passes through the twelve-acre pi< ce. The nine-acre piece Js imme diately its front of the Male Orphan Asylum, in Har vie. Price reasonable aud terms liberal. CHAFFIN, STAPLES & CO. ray 26-M.W&F:it F OR S A L. E nOJIEt ON FIVE YEARS' TIME. PRE- S-IJRICK DWELLING with nine room?, hot and cold water. double parlors. Als", PRESS I5RICK DWELLING with etjrbl rooms, bath-rooiu, &c. try 2C-eodnt CHAFFIN, STAPLES CO. I[H)K SALE, THE VERY I)ESIKA-g$ 15I.E DWELLING In Litidrn Row, No. taiii 112 Franklin street, between First and Second streets. This Is one. of the b?st in the block; has ten rooms, betides kitchen with four rooms, with all modern convenience-, & c,. Liberal terms of payment allowed. n.y 24-Gt GRUB US & WILLIAMS. F OR SALE PRIVATELY. FRANKLIN AND GRACE STREET LOTS. Wc have on Franklin sircet near Monroe Park some of the most eligible BUILDING LOTS for sale now on tbe market. Also, on Grace street, several DESIRABLE LOTS which we wilt e?11 cheap. Parlies desiring to build this spring can certainly be suiiPd. No charge for showinsr properly. FRANK D. HILL & CO.. Real Estate Agents, nr.y 10-eodGt 1108 Main street. FOIl KEXT. For rent, two of those a* LARGE, CONVENIENT. and WELL- Big ARRANGED (Xt\V) BRICK DWELLINGS <?n the northwest corner of Clay and Eleventh street?, just complete*!, containing about Mxteen rcoms each, besides large basement lor laiin<iry and other purposes. 'J hey have all the modern convenience.* ? r ui^e. hot aii'l cold water, stationary wash tubs. &c., &c. Reut reasonable. App>v to JOHN T. goppin. Estae Agent, mh 26-3t Ban* and Eleventh streets. For rent, those three de sirable DWELLINGS on the voutli sidei of Dauce street between Carter and Ritchie streets, containing five rooms each. besides kitchen. Rent very low. Apply to JOHN T. GODDIN, Real Estate Agent, my 2G-cod3t Bank and Kleven'li streets. For rent, for the summer,^ FURNISHED ROOM? second floor- bath- SB room connecting, at 805 cast Franklin street. my 2U?lt* pOR RENT, THAT r VERY DESI-*** -ELLING No. TlCfcllii west Grace street, containing ten rooms, and num. eru improvements; in very desirable neighborhood and low rent. Apply to FRANK D. HILL Jfc CO.. my 24-31. HQS Main street. FOR RENT, THAT CONVENIENT-#* LY-LOOATEP BRICK DWELLING No.aSiiii 708 east Grace street; eight rooms and Kitchen. Rent very low. Apply 10 FRANK P. IIILL & CO. my 24-3t 1108 M-Mn street. For rent, that nice n e \ v g?* BRICK DWELLING on Sixth st-eet nearEii Main, containing eight rooms and ki'chen. wltn modem improvements. This house is verv desira bly located, being near to cliurclns. market, and business. Apply to FRANK D. IIILL Sc Co.. my 24-3t 1108 Main street. T/OR RENT, THE STORE 1327 i. MAIN STREET, with dwelling above. ?212 This is a good stand lor business, aud the premise-. In good repair. Apply to HtANK D. HILL & CO.. my 24-3t 3108 Malu street. FOR RENT, IN CAPH OL HOTEL?B and WHIG BUILDING, the most delitrht-isiii! full* situated houses in the ci'y, FIRST-CLAfcS ROOMS, either furnished or unfurnished, wltn ser vants' attendance. Apply on the premises. T. C. WHEELER. Manawr. In the above bouse is a FIRST-CLASS RESTAU RANT under that prince of caterer*. P. B. Cal laguan, wlieie he will be happy to see his frlenls uud ;>a;rons. my 24-2 w For rent, excellent bricks DWELLING No. 1 05 Marsh .11 street, be- ?aa tween First and Second, in thorough order, whh eight rooms aud kitchen. Also, CONVENIENTLY-ARRANGED AND N EARLY-N E W DWELLING No. 23 Adairs s'.reet, between Main and Cary streets, with eight rooms including servants1 rooms; has all mouern conveniences Also, FIRST-RATE BRICK DWELLING No. 104 south First street, between Cary, and Canal streets, with nine rooms and kitchen. AIpo. the THOROUGHLY-RENOVATED AND EXCELLENT DUELLING No. 309 Franklin Street, between Tlnrd and Fourth sireK?, with twelve or fourteen rooms. A!*o. FRAME DWELLING No. 311 Carr street, near Madison tkchool-house, wiih Uve rootns and kitchen. Also, BRICK DWELLING No. 312 sonth Third ?street, Gambles Hill, with five rooms. Also. FIRST-RATE NEARLY NEW BRICK DWELUNG. corner of Clay and Gilmer streets, with seven rooms. Apply to ray2,V3t GRUBBS & WILLIAMS. IiMja RENT. SICE BRICK TENE-<pj MENT No. .307. west Malu street between Silt Monroe aud Henry streets, containing six rooms: gas, water, batli, 4c., &c. A nice little home. Rent only $200 per annum. Apply to air 23-?t ROBERT B. LYSF.. FOR R&2TT, THREK-STOHY^ DWELLINGS on Marshall between Seventh Jgfcij and EluhtJa streets, with good ba>uk -yiird.s an<? All <n:provcine?ts, gas-tlxtnres. Ac., on tb? preultois. Have Just been put in nice orde. ; CHARLES T.DAVIS. OflSc\ 111 *onb Eighth street : gp 9-law6w Rfcsldence.415 north Egghth street. T3E YA If LEW MANSION, ON, CHURCH HI?L, FOR RENT-Tke boauttrulsiiuatlou in LV? city; will be partial lv fur- J Dished or unfurnished ; ?Jlh BtaUe. -4c. There is a 1 ! cooking-rarge and bath-rooms with hot aud cold water. Would suit a club of young men. A polv to my 16-lm GRUBBS & WILLIAMS. *?EAS, TEAS, TEAS. DAVENPORT k MORBIS offer for f*1c choice GUNPOWDER TEAS, Imported direct from China via fas FraoeJsco, selected withpreat care a? to i qaaljty Sot tbls^market bT Messrs. Rumli dtCo.. of { gbaz?jjbaL^J: ?'!? -f . i > ?yH-l4V AtCTtoa 8Al/ES?-Ttt*nre Poyg* By J. L. Appctsoo an<tK, D. Eatho, Ancttoneew. mEUSTEES' AUCTION SALE OF 1 THAT DESIRABLE KEARLYJ^^B^CK DWELLING NO. G17 NORTH T W E N T Y -S & V - ENTH STREET. BETWEEN CLAY. ; STUKETS."-!]^ virtue of a trtut-docd io w* ilEUxi t ?i'f *!??* VXWa r\ZZl *^i?T?fnKmnndCIinnCCTV .."Bi owS pr U . ttie obS;^?Sed , BfeSKi ita "TuTiJi,? 1 dwelling con talus Mx rooms; framed kitchen, rooms. The lot fronts 25 feet on {be ac_f | Twcniy*sc?cnth street, and runs bick 125 feet to on j alley 14 fart wide? A REAL COKFOUTAnLE HOME. Terms : One fourth cash: balance at *lx, and eighteen mouth* Tor negotiable notes, interest added, sccorcd by unit-deed. ^ ^ AppKRSOj,, E. D. EACHO, my 26 Trustee*^ "pLK-ISLAND MARKET. Sale TUESDAY, May 27rb. of all kind? of COUN TRY PRODUCTS. STOCK, <fcc. Their stock hrines a fair price at ttiese sales. There win ^ several laces on the day of sale. Round trip, *2.# We take stock on pasturage io fatten. Howes, *?. cowsj. *1 Dtr month. Improved machinery on exhibition. ? W. L. WARRING & SON, I W. J. Trick. Auctioneer. my ^6-xt By J. Thompson Brown, T Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1113 east Main street. gIDNEY METHODIST CHURCH AND I . . ? ON MAIN STREET, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, . OX - - ; FRIDAY, MAY 3QTIT, AT 5X O'CLOCK P. M. By virtue of authority vested in the 'rusfeesor'ald church by an act or th?i Assembly At Vir plnla. aJ being ordered by tho 'rii^soto do I ?will f-p! I at nubile anc Ion, on FRIDAY. Ma} 30tti, It C'fo'dMkT M . tho CHURCH ANDLOT known as SIDNEY METHODIST CHURCH, on t he north line of M^in street three floors west of Monroe P arl k. Tlie LOT fronts 52 feet on paid frtrt*et and h.ift a denth ot 95 feet. The BUILDING is substantial? the first story of which I* brick?and can be, with bnt sinaU cost. char.Bed Into dwelllnirsor lial Is.' with ample room In front for the erection of stores, w hicb will handsomely remunerate the purchaser. TritMfi: One fonrth c*?pIi; balaucc in fix, twelve, .1*1 ^^SMstRO'WN. iny 24 Auctioneer. By Robert B. Lyne, Real Estate Agent ana Auctioneer, ? No. 3212 Main street. A DMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF FINE JTSL HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. AC.. AT NO. 153.r> MAIN STREET, TA THIS RESIDENCE OF MR. D. ROSE. BETWEEN FIFTEENTH: AND SEVENTEENTH STREETS, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. 1S79. At the remicst of the administratrix of tho lute Benjamin Rose I will oiler f.>rsale. upon the prem ise?. lit 1535 Mains'reet, beginning at 10V. o'clock A. M . the following FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, con-l.?tlnK In T?rt of FINE SET I'ARLOR EUR NT! I. RE. Elegitn' nAT-RACK. BRUSSELS CARPET, 1 fln?* WEBER 7-OCTAVE PIANO (In good order), Fine ARM-CH AIRS. LOUNGES. MARBLE-TOP TABLES PICTURES, R< iCK 1 NG-CHA IRS. W A RDROBEs, MIRRORS. WASI1STANDS, Fine CURTAINS. BEDSTEAD, BEDDING, ?e.: LARGE EXTENSION DIN1NG-TABLE, CHIN AWARE. COOKING- and H K ATING-STOVES, TABLE-CUTLERY. CHAMBER-FURNITURE. tf<\; and many other nriiclrs too numerous to insntioii. The attention of those wi?hing to purchase first class furniture 1< imited to this sale. TURMS : Made known at ?a'e. _ ROBERT 11. LYNE. my <>4 Auctioneer. By<irnbl>3 Sc Williams, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. ? Eleventh slrcet hetweeu Main and Bank. WEST BROAD AND WEST MAR SHALL STREET LOTS AT AUCTION.-On THURSDAY, 29th May. at 5 o'clock P. M.. we will soil l>v auction, in on the premises, SIX BUILDING LOTS on, the north side of Broad street, beginning ai i he west corner of N"rton street and running west to the brick residence of Mr. W. II. Tralnhani. each lot froutlng 32 fiet and running back of vary intr depth to Hie property of the Richmond, Frcder lcksbnri and Potorn tc Rai'road Company. Also, a VERY BEAUTIFUL LOT at the north o:ist corner of Broad anil Ilowe streets, and opposite to the Richmond College giounde, 32nl37 feet to an alley. Also. SIX LOTS on the south side of Marshall p' reel between Hancock and Harrison strce'G. 1m tr.ed lately In rear of the Urge depot-building now in cmii'e'C of con tructlon for the Richmond. Freder icksburg and Potomac Railroad Company. And TEN LOTS on the south side of Marshall street, extending from Harrison to Norton s'.rtet, and Immediately in rear of i ropertj recently pur chased by Ihe rdtroa?i company. The lots on Marshall street are each 32x143)^ feet to an alley. . , In no part of tl.e city has there been so much Im provement In the grades of the streets as in the vi clnlt v of these lots, and the most of them lie as beautifully as could be desired. This, together with the location ot the depots and the prow.h of busi ness in thai direction, pives to the property a pros pect < f value at no distant day that will w??Il repay an iiivestment made at the present deoressed rates. A little mouey invested here mu>t prove more pro tl table than in many of the securities so eagerly sought after at Iii^li prices. TKRMS : At sale. GRI.'BBS & WILLIAMS, in\ 24 Auctioneers. By Jas. Macdourall, Auctioneer. No. 10 Governor (or Thirteenth) street. TRlTSTEE'S SALE OF STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. &C . AT AUC TION.? By virtue of a drcl of trust executed by U.S. Kaufman to the su'-serlber, and of record in tile clerk "a cilice of the Chancery Court of the clty of Richmond, au<J belnsr reo ilre l to (losotiyone of the creditors seen red in Mild deed, I will proceed to sell at auction on THURSDAY the 29th instant, at 10 o'c'cck A. .M., at the storehouse of H. S. Kauf man (No 1401), corner of Main and Fouriecirli streets. Richmond, Va . the entire stock of poods now In said stor* . consisting of a varied assoi iment of GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, Ac., except such Articles therein as have been claim ed and set a^art bv the said Kaufman as his home stead by deed of record in said court. The trade Is particularly invited to attend said sale. TKl!M6: Cash. GEORGE D.WISE. io y 24 Tin -tec. Ac. By Frank D. Hill & Co., Real Es'.ate Acenls and Auctioneers, 1106 Main street. VERY DESIRABLE GAMBLE'S DILL T BUILDING-LOTS FOR SALE AT AUC TION.? At the request of owner, we will offer lor sale ai public auetion. on I lie premises. ::l ~i% w'Clo k P.M., ou THURSDAY, May 29, 1879, thoie very convenient ly-loc ted and desirable LOIS at the corner of Fourth and Ilvnl s;r< uts. There is a front or r>r. fret on the eist side of Byrd. with a tlentli ??r 140 feet, and will be sold as a whole or divided iuto two lo's. . , , ? . . . , . The Improvements now being inad- on Oamb.e * Hill render this location very desirable, aud in a very .short time will make this property very valu TEKMS : One third cash; balance In 0 and 12 mouth,, wlih 0 |jcr A CO.. ,nv 04 Auctioneers. PKSHSTS. W. JONES, G. ' DENTIST, baviiiL' moved Ills <>nic<* l<? that Iniyc and eleraut residence on Fr.mkllu street, No. >-07, between E'phtliand Ninth, with ercrr convenience and ap pliance lor the comfort of his patients, wPU twPTP ty-flve years' experience, and hKiCKS RKDi'CED. will perform all operations trend v and carefully for all sueli as desire h!a professional services. an 5-3a> jyi. GEO LIGE B. STEEL, DENTIST, 723 Main street, RICHMOND. VA. TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. fmv !C-eod3mJ JOHN MAIIONY, # DENTIST, (formerly Wayt & Mahony.) Office : G35 Main street between Sixth and Sev enth, Richmond, Va. oc 1-eodts JUD. B. WOOD, D. D. S? *1. DENTAL OFFICE: over Messrs. Meade & Baker's, 919 MAIN STREET. LoM. Cowaudix, I). D. S.. Assistant. r? V 2 8-eod H ENRY C. JONES, D. D. S., (formerly assistant to Dr. John Mahony.) Dental Office : 915!J Mais street (east). RESIDENCE: 325 SOUTH THIRD STREET. oc 14-eod __ _ Win IXERY. J^EW MILLINERY. A fine assortment*)? LEGHORN HATS . all shapes, tu Fayal ; FINE STRAWS, and HATS of every description. Alsn. a splenrtid assortmRirt of FEATHERS, FLOWERS. SATIN- KIBBONS. SILKS, GAUZES; 100 crosi VIOLETS, all cotors,-it 5c. a dnz?n. Just received at - Mrs.R. WEISEf/S, my 23-F4M2t - 531 Broad street. NEW GOODS BJBC E I VE D DAILY- MILLINERS' GOODS ATf II A L F- PRI CE. ? G real barga'as to ie had. In Straw?, Leghorns, and Ctiips. Flowers very cheap. Trimmttd GoccH lower than tver before. Crape W-ils and Mourning Goods a specia lty- Look at our INc-Nlc (trimmed) Hats at 25. 35, a.*>d *5c. Extra bargain* In Straw Hal?? new and sty/'sh ?hapcs-ut 15,20. 25, and 40c. Lartre stock and 'ow nricea at MBS. F. HDTZT.ER'8, my 21 ? 525 BroaJ street. SOOK AND JOB WORE NEATLY EX ^K^UTED AT THE DJfiEATCH^rmNTXJ^ AUCTION SAI.ES-? Fatnro P?y?. By Robert B. Lyne, Heal Estate A Kent and Auctioneer, . . 1212 Main street, Richmond, Ya. QRAJS'D HOTEL PROPERTY IN RICHMOND, VA., WITH FURNITUItE, FIXTURES HORSES. OM NIBUSES, AND EVERYTHING COM PLETE FOR THE BUSINESS, FRONTINGCAPITOL STREET AND CAPITOL SQUARE, ON NINTH STREET, THE LOVELIEST SPOT IN THE SOUTH, FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. By reqnest of Messrs. Hauler A Pendlelon, owners or the "ST. CLAIRE HOTEL," located on the northwest comer of Grace and Ninth street*, and now doing a large and rapldly-lncrcaslng business, with n reputation equal to any hotel In Richmond, I shall sell oy public aactlon, upon the premises, on THURSDAY THE 29TH DAY OF MAY, 1879, AT 12 O'CLOCK M? the Hotel as above described, with a front on Gracc street of 88 3-12 feet and on Ninth stret-t 163 4-12 fe-et, with :i depth of 130 feet on Its north line, and a width on Its rear of 73 3-12 feer. The Hotel Is a partly four stories and partly three stories above havment. Contains sixty-thkke booms. The FRAME DWELLING adjolnlug, and fronting on Ninth street, which 1? Included in the sale, contains seven rooms, kitchen, laundry, servants1 apart ments, stable, carriage-house, &c., Ac., situated In the treouraulilcal centre of the cliy, In front of the Stale Gauitol square, with *ti elevation Insuring health Tu! air and flue views of the surroundlug coun try. This is Justly considered the MOST DESIRABLE POSITION FOR A HOTEL in Richmond, located as it is on one of the great thoroughfares of the city, where street-cars arc passing every few minutes, and within a few squares of the post-oi!ice, custom-house, and all putillc places, and yet withal In a quiet and delightful lo cality. where property is steadily and continually improving In value. The Kile or this proper! y sliou'd commend itself to men of capital, aud to hotel mi n at large, who may desire m>w to secure permanently thelocation the best and most desirable of all others for that business In Richmond and in ihe entire South. The FURNITURE is comparatively new, and is ct good modern style? such as Is usually found In a first-class hotel. The fixtures. Ac., required for (he hotel business will beitieiudtd In sale? such a5 cblinwarc. &c., Ac. The owners have conchtdcd to still positively on the day naned. Purl tes may attend expecting to sec the sale made on the davii'imed. THE TERMS WILL RE MA DE EXyEEDING LY LIBERAL. AND WILL RE ANNOUNCED FULLY ON DAY AND HoUR OF SALE. ROBERT B. LYNE, Auctioneer. N. B. ? This advert iscineut will not in any way in terfere wiili ihe business of the Hotel, and our friends and patrons will be made as comfortable and taken as good care of as heretofore. HUNTER & PENDLETON. Proprietors of St. Claire Hotel. Rqukkt H. LYNK. A uctionecr. my 1 By Robert H. Lyne, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. 'yERY DESIRABLY^ LOCATED "WEST-FRANK LIN-STREET STOCK-BRICK IKON-VERANDA DWELLING FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Bv request of the owner, bow removed from the city, I >nall sell, upon the premise*, by nubile auc tion. on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 28'ih day of May. 1870? say at (Jo'clock P. M. rimmedlutelv after the sale of General Bradley T. Jolinsou's residence bv Me^rs.Grubl.s A Willi tm?). that HANDSOME and WELL-ARRANGED EIGHT-ROOM STOCK BRICK DWELLING. No. 412 west F.anklin street, i ow occsipied hv W. F. Jenkins. E-q . sit uated on north line ot Franklin stri c t bet ween Mon r c and Henrr streets. This dwelling has been con structed since the war ?>f the tiesr material, and In Ihe mo-t modern and substantial manner; lias hot an?i cohl water, range. ic., &v. : iron v< randa, iron raWiug; and local 'd. as it is. in one of i he mo-t fashionable and pleasant portions of the west end, very near to Monroe Park, It <hr.uld attract a' ten t Ion of purchasers. The lot Is 27 3 l>y 150 feet to a wide hI ley; Is connected with front and rear cul verts. The premises are in nice order. TliltMS: One fourth cash ; balance .it six. twelve, ano eighteen months, whh six per cent, interest added lo the negotiable note and trust deed. A bargain will be had, the owner having deter mined to sell. IIOBEAT B. LYNE, my 23 Auctioneer. Bv GrubbsA Williams, Real Estate Agent* and Auctioneers, Eleventh street between Main and Bank. A N ELEGANT PRIVATE RESI J\ DENCE, WITH LARGE GROUNDS AT TACHED. ON FRANKLIN STREET. IN ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE LOCALITIES IN THE CITY. FoiJ SALE BY A ITCTIoN.? We will sell a public auction on WEDNESDAY the 28th day of Ma v. at o.'s o'clock P. .M.. on the premises, 2 1 2 we-t Frankl'n street, the RESIDENCE of General Brad ley Johnson. Tnls Is lie- most desirable PROPERTY i urchasa ble in the eitv. It fronts 132 feet on Franklin and 170 on Madison si rtet. with a ten-foot alley be longing to it. The. mansion is 60 feet front. It contains a parlor, drawing-mum, library, and dining- room, all opening Into a Drgc ball In the centre, on the first door. There are four chain Iters on the second ikor and three on the third; large halls opening the hone fioui bottom to top. The basement contains kitchen. Inundiy. servants' hall, and servants' chambers. The stable accomtno uatcs four horns and two carriage?, with servant?.' rooms above. Ad convenience* of water and heat by furnace are in the house The con4crvatorv is commodious, and will contain as many plant's as anvamateiii wiil desire. The grounds .ire elegantly laid off and Improved, and are planted with a large collection ot exotic and foreign plauts, the greatest profusion of ros< s. and oilier pi ivnnlals. 'Ihe shrubbery Is the rarest in the State. There D a fine selection of grape=. some r.f which were specially Imported from Tuscany and Sicily for this place. There Is perfect underground drainage to Grace j street, the water arrangements having been per fected rcif.rdie.-s of cost. We will show the propertv to any one <*eslrous of purchasing up to Hie day of sale, ft will be sold in gross. TUB terms will kk: One fourth cash : and the rest iu one. two, and three years, or upon shorter credit?, its Hie purchaser rnav < her. GRUBBS & WILLIAMS. my 19 Auctioneers. By Cbatliu, Staples .t Co., Ileal Estate Axeuts and Auctioneers, No. 1 north Tuith street. riONTIXUATIOX OF THE GREAT Vj SALE OF WEST-END LOTS? TRUSTEES' T v .......... :s' SALE MY A I'CTIoN' OK A LARGE yiANTlTY OF REAL ESTATE IX THE t'LAN < ?F SIDNEY AND HARVIE ? f?v virtue of a certain deed of trust executed l?v ?]' Ti 11 15. Harvieotl ? I??* 7 ? Ii March. 1877. to the undersigned trade- s. imd duly recorded iu tin* c:erk*? offices of Richmond Chancery Court, and Henrico. Amelia. and Powhatan ('? untv Courts, we will ?clt upon the premises. ? <n JIuNDAY the 2-1 day of .1 n tif. 1870, at 4 o'clock I*. M..a LAItGE Nl'MISER OF VAM'A RLE LI'ILDING LOTS in the plan of Sidney and Harvle. plats of which may now t'e seen a' the office of tin; auctioneers. The very low prices at which !? ?t s in tills addition sola at our two last s-des should Induce speeulaiors a>id others to attend this. No lOll'l'r ui* will It IC WITIIIiRAWX. Tkiims : (.tin; fourth cash, and t!ie balance aj four, c'gbt. and twelve months as to the town I ds: and one fourth ca-h. and i lie balance at six. twelve, and eighteen mouths as to the property tu Hie country : In cither c ise negotiable notes, with Interest added, to he pi veil for the deferred payments, and .'ecured by a trust-dfctd. R. 15. ('II AFFIN, J.O.STEGER, in y 22 Trustees. II V Wellington Goddln, Real Estate A Kent and Auctioneer, corner of Eleventh and Hank streets. riOMMISFlONERS' SALE OF 42 87-100 VyAfCES OF LAND IN THE PLAN Or MOUNT ERIN, ?>\- TflE EAST SIDE OF THE W1L LlAMs-RURG TlRNPlKE, HALF a MILE J5E Lo\V RK'HMOX D.? I5y virtti? of a decree of the Circuit Court ot Henrico, entered on fie 18th of December. 1878, and <d' another ?'ecree eniered on the 31st of .January, 1877. in the case of V.'ool folK's executors a.'a'.iK Wool folk and fi/.i., we shall, a-! special commissioners thereby appointed, pro ceed to sell at public auction, at the office of Wel lington Goddin, 1,'eal Estate Auctiouctr. comer of Rank and Eleventh streets. In thecttyof Richmond, on TCESDAY the '27th of Slav. 1871*. at 12 o'clock M.. the VALUABLE AND ATTRACTIVE LAND locateil as at) ivi . containing 42 87-100 ACRES OF EXCELLENT FARMING LAND, a tier reserving therefrom one-tenth acre for a burial-ground, and one acre heretofore sold oil" to the Viivlul* Sugar Refinery Company. For a suburban residence, or for a market-garden, lids tr.;C' posse- ses many advantages. TEt;MS: Oue thlr'J cash: balance at six and twelve months for negotiable notes. Interest added, and title retain* d lill all of the purctiase-moner Is fullv paid aud a couvevauc*! ordered t>y the ? 'ourt. Is" A AC H. CARR1NGTON, JOHN 15. YOUNG, my 1G Comm'ssloners. 15y Chaffin. Staples & Co.. Real Estate Agents and AucMoueers, No. 1 north Tenth street. Rocketts brick^clay proper ty, NEAR THE 15 A L T I M O R E RRICK COMPANY'S YARDS. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, On THURSDAY, May 29. 1879. at 5 o'clock Is. M.. we will sell, on Uiepremlses.aboutFwUK-AND A-QUARTER ACRES of the celibrated Van Low btick-clav land, adjoining that ltcently gold to Messrs. Powers A Crump. The superior quality of this ciay Is so well estab lished as to need no commendation from us. and as It 1? the last of the Van Lew olay property now In the market, or likely lotw for some year, to come, brick- mak?rs should not miss this opportunity of securing the only clay from which brick can be made for supplying the city government, and which Is preferred bv bail den to any other. Tkiims : One flfih cash : aud the balance at G, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 80 months, with Interest added, for negotiable note?, secured bv a trust deed. CH AFFIX, STAPLES A CU, my 19 Auctloueers. 0 TION. ,ver one thousand acres CHOICE ALBEMARLE LAND AT AUC nOS. The BOILING SPRING ESTATE, former ly t he property of .Judge A. Hives, near Warren, on the James- Rlvr canal, wilt be offered at-puhli* sale on WEDNESDAY the 28th instant, on ihe prem ises. Tills property includes an excel leu r GRIsT sum SAW MILL, and neceasary farm buildings. The Blchmo5d and Allettbuny railroad will probably pass through this land. It wilt be sold as a whole, or dl vlced to suit purchaser". It Is determined to sell on the day name i, if possible. Terms: Liberal. For /urtbtr particulars address i JOHN WOOD. Jr., N. H. MASSIF, ' - TrttaUW. ^^awTTMViLLy. VJL, May 1?, 1879. AUCTSOBf ?AI,ES?~rtatnre Pays* _ . ; Gri,bi? AWIlilamsT' Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer*, No. 4 Eleventh si reef, between Mala and Bank. ATTRACTIVE SALK, FOUR VERY VALUABLE LOTS, WITH TIJE STORES THEREON. AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OP SEVENTH AND BHOAD STREETS. TWO NEW BRICK STORES AND DWELLINGS ON THE WEST SIDE OF SEVENTH STREET, IN REAR OF ABOVE, ASD A SMALL STORE AND DWELLING ON TINK ALLEY, AT AUCTION. On MONDAY the 2d dayof-June, 1879. com mencing atdM o'eiocfc P. M.. we w|jj sell, ur>on the premises, the PoilR FRAMED STORES. Nos. 622, 624, '??- 6, and 628. situated at the northwest cor ner or Broad and H'veirth streets, each 16x60 feet to an ulley 14 feet wide. In view or the dally ln crearcof bmdnesson Broad strict, of the early re moval or the cars from the street, and Its location in one of the most active business parts of ihc clly, tills Is Justly regarded as the most durable proi? erly now J11 the market. In lis present form it readl lv rents at good prices, but when Improved by a block of handsome stores ir will be a hive of busi ness. and unequalled as a good-paying investment. After the alx>ve. will he sold the TWO NEW STOKES and DWELLINGS, Nop. 308 and 310 north Seventh streat. occupied by Messrs. Hechl<r a ud Lcls. They are beautifully arranged for stores and dwellings, with sldc-cntranccs to each. The lots each are 18 bv 50 feel. Alio, a NEW STORE and DWELLING, No. 621 Pink alley, occupied I<y William Rlair. We invite special attention to 1 his sale, as it offers an unusual opportunity to iiuv property now yield ing good rent?,and dally growing in value. Tkiims: For the Broad-street property. one fourth cash; balance at one. two. and three years, with In trust payablesemi-aniiually. For the othn* prop erty. one fourth cash : balance at four, eight, and twelve months, wifb interest. All credit-payments to be secured by deeds of trust. GRUBBS A WH.LIAMS, mv 23 Auc'.ioiicvrs. By Robert JL Lyne. Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. COMMISSIONER'S i SALE OF TWO VALUABLE MAIN-STREET STORES, AND ONE BRICK STORK AND DWELLING CORNER OF WII.Ll A MS BURG AVEN UK AND GHAHAM STREET. AND TWO VACANT LOTS ADJOIN ING TIJE ABOVE. AND FRONTING ON THE W EST LINE OK GI.'AllAM STREET, TOWN OF FULTON, BY PUBLIC AUCTION.-ln pur-unnee of a decree of the Chancery Court of the eRv of Richmond entered on the 5Mi day of May. 1S79 In suit therein pending styled Rose vs. Rose. 1 shall proceed. In us ecu: ion of said deerce. to sell, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY the 21 -t day of .May, 18 79, commencing ttt 4,!i o'clock P. M.? First. at No. 1535 east Main sti cot. with the STORE and DWELLIXGover ?amc. nowoccupicd l>y David Rose, Esq., as a dry-goods store and dwelling. This projxrrty fronts on the ooiitli side of M tin street 2S', feet, bet ween Fiftceulhand Seventeenth 'tree's, and is a jfooo location for that business or any other, ami will at all times command goo. 1 tenants. TLe pro perty L in very good order. The Ijl extends back to an alley in rear. second. Immediately after the above, ST< >RE, and DWELLING over same, Ni>. 201ft east Main strict, east of and the engine-house. The '??t and building front on south >ide of M 'In street bet .veen Twentieth and Twenty-first streets 'J2 feet, ami the dwelling overhead contains - about ic.i rooms, gas. water. Ac, This store wilt pay a good interest, u mi Is worthy of attention. Third, Immediately after the sale has been made? say at 6 o*cnck? uiron tie* premises, that large and new .-tore and dwelling sltiiaredon Wllllam-burgavcnuc and Graham >tr- et. This Is a well-built and desirable stand, and is amongst the best. pionertv in Knci?uft?. luviiiecoM Mr. Rose during his lifutlmea eon-lderable amount to build. The store fronts t -n both th? avenuoaud Graham street. The dwelling overhead contains tlve r>x>uis. The lot is 30 fe-:t front on Graham stixvt. andixtcnds back some, considerable depth on 'he avenue. It has a large stable, water, ic., on the premises. Fourth. Imtn< diatc'y after tlie above I shall sell the TWO LOTS adjoining tills s*?>r?ou Rs north, 25 feet in depth. I"t> are ready as pretty and as de?ir:;ble for building purposes as any 111 that local Ry. Tkrms : Under decree, will be cm- fonrrti cash ; residue at -ix. twelve, an 1 ilehteen months" civdlt. with negotiable notes 0 per .cent. Interest added, and title retained until all of the purchase-money is paid and a CO ivevance i< ordered by :he Court. Special attention is Invited to the site of this valu able proj.erty. The auctioneer will give any fur ther information ropiired before day of sale. A. M. KE1 LEV, Special Commissioner. POSTPONEMENT. The sa'e of the above property is unavoidably postpone* 1 until TL' E> DA ? N EXT, the 27 111 of Ala v. when it will take place :it the hours and In tl.e order named in above advi riNement. A M. K El LEY. Special Commissioner. Ron EH T B. I.Y.VK. Auctioneer. my 22 Bv W Gortdtn, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. FOR SALE AT ALTCI IOX, WITHOUT RESERVE. THE LAPGK AND ELE GANT PRIVATE DWELLING ON THE SOUTHEAST CoRNIR OF GRACE AND SIXTH STREETS* IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT SALE. THE BEAUTIFUL VACANT Lot' Al.i JOINING THERETO. ON' THE FOLLOWING DAY. A PORTION OF THE FIJRMTt'RE-TO WIT., A BEAUTIFUL CHAMBER SUIT OF SOLID RO-EWOOD: THREE BOOK-CASES. OF oil. ED BLACK WALNUT, ALL HANDSmM Ef.Y CARVED, and made t<> order bv hklvin; LIBRARY AND PARLOR CARPETS : LARGE AND ELEGANT WIN DO W- CURTAINS TO MAT' II CARPKTs; CHANDELIERS, LARGE AND SOLID MAHOGANY DIVING TABLE AND ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD. AND OTHER THINGS NoT NECESSARY TO EN UM ERATE. On MONDAY the 9lh d-tv of June, at 5 o'clock P. M.. I .'hall -ell the LARG E AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE above described, now occupied bv the Hon. James Lions, which is ore ol" the njoi-t chjmi clrus and best- finished in the city. There an* bath rooms on every chamber-floor, and a tine new tur iimcc in the basement, which is above gruiud. built of solid dressed granite. The LOT contains a front of ?4 tVet. and runs hack 153 feet to a paved alley, and Is thoroughly drained by culvers, which were put at grcut es- j IH tise when the whole was altered ami thoroughly repaired a few vears "-it'C". The VACANT LoT has a front of 46 feet, ard runs back to same alley, which belongs in fee to the whole properly. Upon this lot. there U a large and capacious Mnble and carriage h< and the brick frame of a green-house. '1 Kit ms : Eor the leal estate, one fourth c.t-Ii: the balanc* a' ^l\. twelve, and cMife-m inonMis. ne gotiable notes. Inchi'dng lnt< n -r. ?ecnre<t bv deed of tru.-l : the taxes ami in-uiaiiee for 1679 to he pud by the purchaser. For 1 he furniture, all mikis un der ?50. cath : over tl?it sum. credit of sixty days for approved endorsed neiroihtble paper. W. GODDIN. Auctioneer, my v-2.26,28.3"^ Je 2-4.6 7Jiil \r A L UA IJLE 1 1 E A I J ESTA'IE () N T JAMES RIVER FoR SALE.? Rv virtue of a deed of tru>t executed by David S. C.?wles on the I <t da v of February, A. D. 1 S7-S, to ?ecure j debt tin t ein menPoned, wf . or one of us, being rupiind bv the creditor, wilt sell by pnb'10 auction, on MoNDA V ttie bib divot' June. 1879, betore the court-hon-e door of .1. lines City county, the VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND iu said couutv, on Jaims riv? r ju-t above Javnestown IslamE containing about 375 ACRES, known as ?? AM BE ERV," now -WIL LOPGIIBY,11 which was purchased by ->ald D. S. ( Viwles from W. W. Coke, executor of Eliza Cohe. decc:usc?l. Thl> is an e.\eellent. larui : good soil, with comfortable b? ie|< buildings th-rcon. a aood orchard, and a new wharf, erected at a cos- of about *2.5(Ii', t*? which largtt vessels can come. It has a tine water view. Tkhms: Cash for *1.951 25, with Interest from 1st Janirtrv. 1875. and co-ts of sal**: balance on credits to be made known on day of -;tl<-. WIl.LI AM S. PEACHY, Jt.HN A. (.OKE, my 15-15t Trustees. KAIl<&e?AI> 1.ISKS. / COMMENCING .SUNDAY. May 11,1 {>70, 'kJ trains c<h '.his ie;ui will run as follows: LEAVE RICHMOND SO fill. 11 55 A. Mm THROUGH MAIL dally. conurtttnj for Charleston, >nvaunah, Augusta a ii< J Aiken (via Charleston). Ual> i^h. Jacksonville? r~?rli r cars' t<> WlimPiir ton. Slops only at Chester and Man chester 7:54 A.M.. ACCOMMODATION dally makes close eonuecM" :i at Petersburg with the Atlantic, Mu*i?5ippl and Ohio rallrnxi for Hsi.s'ol, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis. Lvnchourjr, Fa rmvilte, and ??titer loca'. stations on tJiat roail, BiaklM sairu '.line a- by any other line. Stops at all regular stations. 4:50 T. M. ACCOMMODATION* TRAIN <lally (exce;it Sunday). 1 ';isi.*.a^cr3 taking this tr&ii. will msKe cl*-5t conncction nt IMcr-hury f< r Norfoll'. 10:35 P. M.. THROUGH MAIL dallv, connecting for M'eldon. Wilmington, Kalclprii Charleston. Savannah, Auxusti, C'o lumKla, Atlanta. Macon, Montgomery, Mobile, N'ew Orleans, and all ooluli South and Southwest. Piilimac sleei Ituc-'-ar from lkwton f< t Wlluitiu* ton, Savannah, and tie Smth. Stop> 00 15 at Manchester and Chester. LEATK rETBItSUtTUO NORTH. 6:40 A. Mm THROUGH MAIL dally, connecting with Richmond Kretifrleksburg and Potomac railroad fo' *11 points Xortti, Eait, and West. SN>i>a at MaiicUis ter and Chetter. and at Half-Way and at Drury's Blutf, on sijrnal. 8:25 A. M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN dallj (execut Suite ay). Stops at all sta , lion*. 7:10 P.M., ACCOMMODATION" TRAIN .lallv (except Sdndav). Stopsi only at Mau cr ester and Chester. 3:45 P. M. TUROL'Oil MArt. dallv, ?ojwecUaj with Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad for aH. i<olnto bUtl and Went. Also, making clot* connec tion with ike Chesapeake ?.nd Ohlc railroad for the Virginia Springs aud all polnU North and Wf-ai. ThU train stops at Manchester #nd Chester, am! at Half- Way auU Drury's HluiT, ob Mgnal. ALL TRAINS leaving Petersburg will start fro? tiie ApnoHtatto* danot. SUNDAY EXCURSION TRAINS leave Rich mond 8:20 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.: leave Peters burg 0&& A. M. aod 5rJ5 P.. every Suuday. my 3 A. SHAW. Sui*er1iiteodent. Book and job work neatly ex. rrnJXAD AT TI?S DISPATCH P1LNT1** Boon CHESAPEAKE A!CD OHIO Raii -v Richmond, Va.. May 2s fe7'} AND AFTER SUNIUY vAv ( roLi5j?v? :ABS'NGf;it ?? 0 Leave Richmond Arrive m Hanover .. JllUCtlOTl.. Bearer Uaui .... Louisa G o r dons vlllc CbarlottV vilte Lynchb'rg .Junction Staunton.. Goshen.... Mlllboro' . Covlnjfton White Su! Dbnr Hluton.... C baric- t'uj II u u r liiK-i ton Exnrtt*. Dally. 8:00 A. M. 8:43 A.M. 9:03 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 10:z2 A. M. A 10:55 A.M. 11:35 A. M. A-i I lui??,, I Huodly, ??0 I'.M. *30P.H BStfciaifji 384:S:bf-l 3=50 A.M.!,. 11:48 A. M. l> 1:30 I'. M. k F 2:50 1*. M. 3:15 1?. M.i 5:00 P. M. 0:00 p. M. 10:4(1 |\ M. 5:35 A. M.i 3:55 A. M.I 5:3(1 a.m. ^?'?*'4 A. M . i:IU A.M. 8:30 A.M.!..."* ?*? A. M ' 1 *? ::<?> \. 4ao t\M. , 9:00 A. M.!o 6:'<0 \; Portsm'tb. II 10:301'. M Cincinnati 1 1.1 \. m. Kast Uoisd. Mall train arrive* at Richmond .'ii:v t.x. ccpt Sunday at , 3., ,, ,, Express train arrives at l:i.-bn:?.?.j .j.-jj.y '* at. * \ \r Accommodation train anlv<> at Rm,. mond dally exo ptSnu lay at n.-?, . .. A mixed train naves J-autr-:, .? .A'J* taking pasceneers 'roni Vlrjr 1 v Mr: ;; ?' from WasbluRloii. and arrive* u! KW Us,, h.j'm ; ' 1 I*. M. <laily exe. i;t -Mm Jar. A connect* wpn VlrKlnl i MMIiud rn! rc.;ii!. l1T> lug at 11:00 A. M. for Lynchburg .m-l \t!.uitl<> Mississippi and Ohio Ralroi.t ^t.i. ; . , . Virginia Midland rallro;il, leaving 3; *, 1 0 p y '{ . Washington. B connects with Vlrsle.ia Mi-It ir ! rsllr ?.|. iV. Ivn at 3:50 A. M. I? ?r an i * ;-,.i w. alula Midland railroad. v \. \? ? . Lvncbbnrg and Ailanite. ai.<l i.min 5: ?? . road Callous T> connects v?ith ValUy railroad, having at p M. for Harrisoulntrir. K connects with Valh-v railroad. bravliiK at 11 ;*, L M. for Harper's Ferry. F conuccti with suae line !">m- T.< \iu?t)>n. v. (r connects wi h ||. s and I'. I". M'Kmt- v point* on tin; < ?lu<i ri \ ? r :iit-l 1 tncliin 111. 11 connects with trcloto Valley i.?.i/?-a-l 1 ?*,. Northwest. .1 connects with aR Une? illvi'vix' i?. t'u- u .? Northwest, and Souihwot. V?. *. t>? \ \ KiiKdieer an ! Mjji-rmt,-? ;. ?, C'oxwaY B. Howai:i?. General l i>vii^- v>? Tlcki't Ag'-iu. ii'v ?:! T>ICHil()MI> AN!* !?.\NV!L{.;: i:am. 1^, HOAH COVi'.v W. SCHKDULE OF TRAINS 1 \KlvQ KFrtXl SL'NDAV, MAV 1 I la ily. ? 1 1 1" M.j 2:20 !'. . ij.11,. ' I'" J!. 1:17 V.J!. 4 ' - V. I : ' 1 ? >! <?.?} A V. ^ :? m. ? 11 \.M. 1 1:1 T \ >1 Leave Hichnioinl s:.. Arrive at llurkevil!*. Va Arrive at Sutlierlin. Va A 5:40 I*. M Ariirc/ at 1'anvltir.; Va C: j?; 1". M. Arrlvi; at Greew^bo. ro\ N . ( ' S:*J5 i*. M Arriveat S-ilcin, N. <*. ll:ti p. .v. Arrive at Buicigli. N. (; | Arrive at ^lilNhnry.l N'.C 10:3 1 I'. M Arrive at ('harlot**.! N.C j 1-J37A.M Arrive at Coh;iiit)ia. S. r '....5:30 m. Arrive at < "liarl'-ston. 8. c; i Arrive a'. Any:i-ia. V. ,'d Arrive at S.ivaniuli., (ia ii? -S ? !'. M Arrivcat A'Unia, lia. K 1J M. K ] ii . ; ? yt Arrive at Monti;oiii? -! ry. Ala. F 7 P. M Arrive ?(M"bilc. Ala. I 2a)5.\..'<i ... Arrive at New Or- J le.itis. i.a !<? A. M. . A Crttiierts f"'>r Mlltu'i. 1 . Ii iMnufvr?. for A^hevillitaiid all 1- >t 1 . . N<>rth < ar 'Una ?!s? i I v. rxn-tl iy. <: coiiHccitf for Macon and ail r? lu s??m < G>-orgia. I > connects t"? >r J.i k-<?nvil? -m i ail p !' . rida. K eonn^et* for Mhc'-h ami a'l |mv ? In ??'< ? ? i?r?irgla. ami Chat.'anu"^.!. Na-livili \i>" , - , all Tt-x-- p?'i ill h. F coniifcts lor SiPiia, 't. rldlan. I # >?. i:.l Vi'-K- lutrtf. 1 i connects for i t. ?!*????>*< >11 and all I ? \ . ii^' nt Train- lr<?iii tin* anuve-naineii u<.!.n. -1, r. f. Hh'tiinuiu' at 4:13 !' l 7:l i \ '!. Trnius hMWi-cti Gre"ii>l?"i<?" aii'l >.t ?! 1 i execjit Siui'iji v. l'nllliuu l'a!a?-e I>rawiti^-ri?'in a!.'.' f. < run through <0; Tr.iin N-<. I n*?m \>- v y r Clchiiion I to Atlania. ale! 1'n'in ? 1 gu.'-ta. and on i'raJii No. :i fnjm \< \< 1 ? i.i luonii t<< f'liarlotie. 'tickets sold to nil P'.i'it- souih. - 1:1 1 southwest, and h:ig|f isrcch' e!ie>l t iir- ? Ii. Frelalit Train No. leaving Ifi'iiiti ? ? li'V. M..and N'". L0* arriving in Iticlim ? V. M will have acconiiiio.:.iti.>n> l"??r a ?? ?< lOKsenjrers. who iuii-i pur'-h i'-e lie:.- ???!.. - ting oil the I l ain. N*<? |?a.?M-in:ei-? h 1!, I- ' oilier ir?-lyht train-*. No lav-ov?-r i:h?,ck> glvm 1.11 tirUi-t . .I'iMN |{. M Ml' If'". ? ral l'.i--<'iir? ? \ ? T. M. R. TaI-COTT. (.??neral -u.'? r ' BICIJMO.MD, Volt K KIVJSK A MM II -i 3CHEI;LTr.B OF TlfAl.vS, K2 T A K I N ? i KFKM.T Al'lilf. J. 1-7:" THKOCGll l,A?SKN?i!J It. 3:00 P. M. i:kih;,..u<! ti'i<>i? \ v in ?> S.\T! IM? \ i . t ??mi ? ?? it Wi'st Point Willi ihunn r I i i v ;? it , t . t all C'liifS oil i'..rk liv-r aii'i it.U ifi'-ro. A rrlm in ltaitiui?r<' ?* - V M. : <*'?u ii ? v? uii r.iMn, : n w ? Ill/ton, I'tii Ii !.(, \m.v \ ?? ? ? toll. aii'l a.'l vu?l< ril |? kt llU'll'MOIl'l \i*tl li'llll'-t || Kl ?? t and !'. u-r?'i>iry u :i ? ? >?* - ;t ? i^: till!") r;".i!i"' a?!s. Til IN il <iH I'ltKIOHT. 5:40 A. M. I.Oi i'i> linn inl ViimmV. v.. ? VJ>'I#AV.;hh1 I ,n,.| 5:00 A. M TriCShA',. Mil ir>l?AV. t.M I - I' If H I ) '? V . ' "N li"<*'i V ' ? ? I . at W.-r I-., in* i'.,r rl w.r !.iiol<.'.' . tiiiiori*. .tit 'I all in i.o'ji:' .11 1;,c,'iiimii.| v<. iu 'ri. lute inoii'l if .'t I >: i* rill'- 1 iHr-' i-MC. ail. I I Vli'i sli'ir/. 4'i<! l"i# ayr\? ' Ohio railroads. I.Oi'AL FAs^KNGKIt. 3:30P.M. L?iv?-s fCiMiin'ii<? M>i\ii\y. N KSDAY. aii'I ri:i It \ ^ . TMK? UJGH IMSM'AM.n. 10:00 A. M.. Ar?iy*s ai Ki< luu-i; ii Tlil'lODA V.auJ ~ \ : ; i::? \'i ? fleets with tnnif >n t: i., P?-t?-rilMiri? ni'i ? !><?-.? . raill'Oit'N. ' V4.W II : V I.I.I l t r? ?ii- I *?? r 111 MONO \ V. >V'I !?\ i *|? \ V, mi-: 1 > A V. at 4 >: < ? in ? < is ' '-J iralus iV'ifn I'iiila ?'?!', ''i'i. Srw ? aim ??-(??rii i> an?i r ? '? l ? ?:'Ii truuj J\.>r I.'i 'i.r..'?u.i : lir tiuiiih. Tuuoiriiii t'l: ki ;irr. 3:25 P. 31. A rr i < s Ili'Mi.- . <t M' ?\ H \\ f.i)< NFvMA V, in. I l-IMO.W : . Ji'fO P, M.'n?I>Ai. Tin vU. l'l:l?A V. i -'i't' ??' :i III' " *'? WVht Point i'i* i ii i;:i!uii f. > . lUTts * ill; ? '?ii*' jt? l ! 1 . Hir.'Bl-'ii'l i ii<l I vi. i ??ni.-..': ;< -? Lm a<*?' ait'l ? >ii ralij ? ? I-.. LOCAI. PASSKN?iKi:. 10:1.j A. M. Arrtv' , it KIcIiiumii'I '? V l? \ V \VK./M >i) \V. an.I Fi;II)A V. ilfcts w J ? J; IJii'lim ii.'l i<!? !>'.? ? I Mir/ ^ii'l ? i ??? * i : ? I O .i > i ?? r< a?i3. Ko tran^f'-r -if fn,l;,,i! a' t'i ? ? fr front t-crti jxtiulo. ruro Mm Hi r< . t. Ii L? t > 4 ail'! WtsSl Pwliit. Careful hiiDdllnK mJ di-rut'-:.. wiiii ?' '?*? KUaraukH. Turotiifh Dili.-: <'f" ' i h -.i vf'i r~> ' Issn^il to *li norilicrn ai.-'l i'i ! Tlirouph tick?:t> ??:il f all ? r 1 t,;' ? ;a west?ru points, eh ? ? ' ? /-'h . , Kortlck??ti apj'ly al <ir-m-r:?! II < ' 1 icc. h'Jti M*i? a* tlu K\. ? .? ? t ? I coiniiauv'a corner Twvii'.y-'-iJ'i'l 1 ? I,/: I streets, Itlcbmoii.l. Va. ? ma W. T. T w ? I " ? : I A A. iwrta'' ' iXiCll MO.N !>.' r t) I'.iJmVa' ti. i< ' ( OKriCJtGKVEU.W. Tl' KK1 A'-KVT. < KiC!!VfONU. V A., Al'.rtl \i~. I s ' flOMMESClSH M'NDA V, >! A V i, K'. \J trains ou tills r-iad *>iii run .??* NOltTll llor s ll. No. 1-8:00 A. JJ.. |;;ia-s:r?K.'uV ? 7 (oxcep; <1111-1.1* - : J'J' i; ^ 1 iiu'ti.n, 1:H? r. M. : lij'.'t'' '? 3:05 I'. SI. ; I' ?: i ? ?? ?:, ( . M. NO. 3-5:00 P P.M.: \? - t - ii. l":1 1 i'- '>? . M., Icavrs ltwlW.'>'*1 -.*?!'?? )" till'' ?' \\ .i ./:''iv-.?ii. !f 55 P. ?? Balllmorv. ! 155 1". M. ;P'?! <? ?lcl|?lii.4, .> >5 A. it. ; >?< A V' 'i. 7 ? 1:00 P. .V., AC<'(?.VMI)I? ATI' >V T K 4 I .V (< <r JuiK'll.iH. Hr>*J Str.-rtsUtlo m <txll ) <hy a). SOUTH ROCMX NO. 2? J 0.1 5 P. SJ., arris ? at nvr?i->:r??*t ?ut!os Uany Suudty*). t.r* ^ N i* Vor?. ' Ifl '?? iU-Ipli!ii. 11:15 A W . Hi1:. 0i?'n*. 3:30 P. M. : \\a?s.!t;. t n No. 4 1 1 :35 A. il., ir? ? <?*> a* Hvril-^'riv; i*.i" -2 tln.'ll. J...,vr> .\\w Y .it* . 1' ''tf P. At.: I'liiij'i-S'in i . i:l'' v 31. : Ha It in. rr, -}:55 A. >1. ? ? M'asMiixti'ii, i) Jp A. *?!. No. 8? ?:40 A. M., AO'VMMi >1) ? I ION r H A ? *? . airivtj at Mr?>jiJ-S:rctt iUU/3 daily (except Suit iav*>. (*. A. T IVM'K. Gfilrrii TkKri ? ? 1). M\*?nK. General >tiiK-.r.ut?ii-'<'"!. *P*? 8PECrAt'LI>i, EYK-?l..tSsi,s. .l** TO KEOiALN YOL'KMli ii [ JTOK a5r. ??? VtT! call at 1?04 Main ?lr?- t awil Kvl a uiir ?( ' r CLES or KVK-Gf.ASS.VS. A larv<- *^m<n:,K ?toperlor qualitr aiw*vs on an.I. Prkvt itvw upwardi. Skilfully a4Ju>(<-<l to thu <?;<? . v. W. II. COtt -IKI ?>? PracMrtl Opltcian, Watchma^/- ^ ^ ?l?2a-<Ua ^1,u