Newspaper Page Text
RICHMOND, YA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 28. 1879 n^PISPATCa cbWARDTN & ELLY8QN. ? - ? rT7C ?** v mTm.v in *f>vAvn*. nxiLY orSPATCH is delivered to imbscrl ^Tc,i nrTKKV ckvts orr wcfk, payable to the v!!<*r wtvkly. Mattel *t tG per annum; *3 Tor Jfx ?I'OO for months ; 00c. for %??F\il-WKF.KLY DISPATCH at #2 per an JTnVfl for ftx months, ?ffi0\VKKKLY DISPATCH *t?l n?r annum. ^ DR. Turn PILIkH. rj^-irs PILLS. KNCORSKD BY fgYSTCIANS.CLKKGYMEN, AND MERCHANTS JUK HIGHEST TESTIMONY, MALE ANT) fe malf. all over the land. pr I. Gxiv L'wls. Fnlton. Ark.. savt? : ?'vf;*-r ? pruciicecl twenty-flw y?Hv, I proclaim Ti TVS TILLS the Ix'ft anti-lllious mcdlctne ct cr JflS'-le. _____ TT'TT*S TILLS. j u Tit'S**tl5. l">a?H>ia. Mien., say*: -xmusUifr I??.Tl'TT> PILLS, and am hartac U-.Sfi t.evUi than 1 have had in thirty year#." Tl'T'FS PILLS. ? i bnvo Llvcr-I)iwa*e twenty years. TUTPS TILL* havc entirely cured me."' Tl'TT'S TILLS. p, v j; No* York, *nv*t ?I h*ve Jta.J Dyspepsia, Weak stomach, and Ner T/?.,T,t ?->. 1 never had any medicine to do me $o ni:.r!i rood v 'I I IT'S TILLS. '1 hey arc at good ivpewCT'^' _____ Tl'TT'S PILLS. R. ?. Austin* Pprinptk'ld, M*??.. fays : ??' For thirty u-ar* 1 bare* been troubled wish pile?. Co> dretH-v*- art! Kidney- T ?.<t*8e. TL'TT'S TILLS fcsvc I rv.vfct me out aslripht ?' TL'TT'S PILLS. Pr. M. P- fi'tirrix. Vork town, Ind.. says: -I il 'i 'I S TILLS In my prse;ice, and And llrtis U? !* aii thiv are represented.1* TL'TT'S TILLS. v K K? ? ? Tow n. Ark., says ; ?' rn"^ TILLS arc the ln-st I ever sold. I tblnk nib J *'i: ,'"t ,N-' 11 ",c '<? handle any other pii!.'* TL'TT'S TILLS. J.Yt M. "VV. t/.ra!:sn?. I.nwrrncevMte. : ? Ma r**e (Torj .1-1 Liver) has liaflled therkiU of n)|V>Kl:i<:< 'r-' fllteCtl Vfars. I eail i-aff if SJIV Tl'vr* Til.l..v n.ive none sue more good ihau all other tifdiciues combined. TUTT'S TILLS. rr r A Williams Newton. N. vrrito: -V. :?< versold a medicine tbi't uivcs such jrene rr.! >vtsfactlon :>? TIT 1*> TIJ.I.S. I'he demand Inere.-^ ftrv j. * ( KSTS. SOLO T.Y ALL PKUGGISTS. fniy 7-c-o<ltF?TSi3 pens. TOHX HOLLAND'S PATENT BECOKD ?' GOLD TEN. TATltNTKD Oolober 2, 1S72. |? the bUlicst aehievement in the manufacture of IVu?. und tli^* ro-ult of experiments for more than twenty tr1-. Tl-e "IlftCOifl")" I'KN L?; |>ro d ire > hya skih'u' combtnatlon of the tv.-o precious ami n'?n-c ?rfo-Jve iflfUls? 16 karat OO/.D and PLA tim'm? while ilse oriilnary cold pen contains uu a' I \ ?tf i-opj^r. rv'lucin^ its liuen<*< without ylrld jDr- Hi. it tU>UcIty, density, st?l-Iike temper wl.l:h tin1 c-^i.'y platinum sii|?pllc"*. TlJt MiEO 0!:i>- l> TKN-TOIN rs are of the best liM lum {Ji.iiij uiU-). tudtstrucllhle with fair treatment, mid !<> j.'I:is?.IIke smoothness". n writers have now every objection to gold f.iir'v overcome, and every requirement In a pen *iin !i will (sji'.nre and :i<>; oxMlzr?, fqnarely met. Tlic "KKroi;r?" ti'iLI) TEN Is guaranteed to p^'css durability. i*rtnancticy of t-prlnp. and per f-r'ton of pf-lnt. Trirc.i'2.50. Sold by all jewellers ard i'.iMontrfi in the Lulled States, if not lound or der dinrt ft out JOHN HOLLAND, Manufacturer, IP wf>? fourth street. Cincinnati. For ?aV by K'ANL?OLl'Ji .tt ES(iLl<ll and W'OOP UOfM; ? Taiiuam, Kichmond. Ya. nth 10.\Yly \VA M'I'N. W AN 1 1:1 K A ii>:LT A r,L K POUTEIJ. I T Musi t?e well recomn-ended. One who lias had f .me isperience lit the clothing trade preferred. Andres- <"? T.. care <*arrier .\o. 1. my 2S-2t WAN TJ-1), A GOOD WHITE ^{JRSC. Tl Good home and jjood wafes. Apply at SOI a ?: l.i-ltfb street (corner Eltthth and Ltsixb). None m ' ?! ai ply wilhoui c'ood recumuiendalious. lay 'js- It* WANTED, A SALESMAN acquainted il in Ylr^iula in a liist-cla-s manufactuiinx cs (ju/.sliiiaiii. Inc.'o-e >tami?. wiui auuie>*. HALTIMORE M ANl'KACT 1'IC I NG C O., 301 wesi Fayetie street. ? - my 20-3t* Haltitnore. Aid. ~\\T ANTEI>. ? A ^ontU-niau desires to so il cure liv tht- last of June UOAltD for himself end wife willi a private family in a pleasant part of the T,y. Heferences excbaiiged. Address "II.," c.ife I.c'iler-C'arner No. <?. id v '23 \Y ANTED, FOR A SHORT TIME. A] T? GENTLE Kl'GGY -IIORSE for lady's use. j Ll.lit wurk and tr<?o<J attention. A voori cinince to have a hor$e well cared for tor a few months. To out- who has such an animal, for wlilcli he has no lirc-M-nt i!-e. i hi> presents a good opportunity to put it oil*. A-blr.-* 1\ W. 1L, in > 21 -eo<i3t *? .'.Care />itf/wfcftoiHcc. "WOOL WANTED. ?Having received i t orders direct from manufacturers for WOOL, vrr mr pr-pan d t" pay the highest cash market price for the -ame. Shipment? made to us shall have our aMeutlou, and remittances promptly made. H. WAI.LERSThlN & CO., General Coui:Tiis>lon Merchants, No. 11 south Fifteenth street. tiiv lg.dM.W.AFlin.twlui "WANTED. A COMPETENT MAN TO 1 1 ltUN A SAW-MILL near the city. Address, *itli recommendations, I'ost-Ofilce Box 13.">. n.y 2<;-M.\VAK3t ANTED, one salesman in each State to ?' m-1I ? ur roods. Salary. *1. (?(?() a year. TUT I'Ml'll M ANt'FACTURING COMPANY. 11G Monroe street. Chicago. my 8-1 m SOVI. STKAYEO. AXi> F?HM>. T OsTT OSlTESDAY MORNING, May * J 2#th. GOLD LOCKET with blank enamel on fr.tnt. containing t lie photograph of a lady in one U v. t lie other side vacant. A -ultaMc reward will be paid for its return to this ofilce. * mv 2S-3 .* C] WILL 15E PAID, and OJ *J question* asked, for the return o|?2?^_^?j mv ML A ? K-AND WHITE SETTER PUl'l'Y. six ve old, taken from Tornado's stable Satmduy e\et>in?. T. F. TAYLOR, n. \ 2S-1 1 * 23 south Thirteenth street. F?K KKJ.X I?OR RENT. No. C05 north Tenth ^ . street. 13 rooms? $400. *ill> No. 110 ?t st Can strict, 9 room.-?? * 240. No. 118 west Cary street, 8 rooms ? $240. >r?. 231 soutu Second street, 6 . oi?iu? ? ?200. .\?. ] 2 '> north Seventeen tii 6ireet? store and dwell l!lL' atjllTf. X". 807 cant Gracestreet . 3 3 rooms. Apply to ??V 2S-eod3t CHAFFING STAPLE? A CO. T?0R KENT, THAT VERY DE-m SI i:\RLtS RESIDENCE (No. 10) west&ii side of Third street li-tween Main and Cary streets, v itii eleven rooms. trxv. water, batti-roouis, Ac., and a brjre and beautiful iront yard. FRANCIS T. ISUELL. Real Estate Avent. No. 8 Eleven th street, between Main ami lJuuk. mv 2g-3t "LHii: KENT, STORE AND DWELL-g* J- I VI, corner Sixih and ltr?>ad ctreets", now ISuii oceuplct Mr. ('h.irkni ileWi; nee of the be.?l bu->l iievs elands on itroaU street. Apiilvnt Meat Stall No. C. N.-w Market. K. HERMANN. mv 'JS-Gt 8tatl N'o. <L3?cond Market. Ti^OK KENT, TWO OF THOSE -1 LARt.E, ( '( >.\ VEX 1 EXT, and WELL-JKiiil ARRANGED iNt\V) JtKICK DWELLINGS on the Mgrttiwe-t corner of Clay and Eleventh streets. Jut-i completed. contaliiltMt about sixteen rooms each. WMdes !ar?e basement J or laundry and other pnrjHJM i. 'I hey have til) tl?e .modern com'enionccs? ratine. U ,i and cold wales, stationary wustitubs, &c., Ac. ltett retuoiiaole. Alipk to *Jo?lN T. GODD1N, Estate Atfent, 2t'-r.t ltaak an< Ele-ventli atreets. "L*0R REN r, IN OA PI IOL HOTELS* f- and WHIG BUILDIJTG, tln-auost delialit-Siii! r?I!y situated hoiw^-s lu tibe <c|if. FIRST-CLASS 4?:>(>.MS. ni.icr furnished omnJ'u.vilshed. ?v<tu ser vauu' atteuvlance. Apply <*? premises. , . TTii. VHKHLEXL Manner. In the atjo^e house is a FII?ST-?CLASS REsVAU *! A NT under that prince of *at?iiirr-. P. U.^'al he Mill be Ii*pi>v W?Mre his t'cleuds wu laiHint. rov 24-2w PO if?j^TfITOSK THREE DE-^i 7r ,*'RAHLE WELLINGS on the s<*<tli vldej^S Dance street Ut iweea (;a?-t? r an<t Ritchie str?.ets, ?J^tjfcijing five ro->ui> cacli. holdes kitchen,. Real v*v. Apply JOHN T. G ODD IN, , Real Estate Axeiil. -,nJ 'X>~(0'l3t IJanlf and Eleven ih aircets.| T"I VAN LI Vkl M AN b 1 0 N , ON HILL. .FOR RENT? The loost M' .^'liul^iualion In tl?e cttv: will be partially fur r fVff3 or<nfurnl>Lie't : >ylth stable, Ac. There is a vookiu^.rar.jfrc and batfevoouis with hot and cold ,.1'\ , i*4li bUlt ? club*/ you men. Apply to jo? 16-let GKUHBS WILLIAMS. XOTK K fO TUB T?? AtCO TKAJPg; Vick COHSttATae op Italy,) Uunmosu, iltvf SJ(J? 1879. i A LL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ffrjZiWab for furalshiasr the TOBACCO COS' ?r the Italian Government are hereby lhat the typos of nr.illlJes of lobcceo to he ?W?M,e<j ba? e xrrfvrd inlijl? city, and can be stt-u. ???!?*,. Mu|'? jir?x't (up-fctsdi-s. ihlrd Uoor) }>e fii?r,.v1'l'.?r> of 12 *"<1 3 oVi wk ?Jully ttottllhe Z JC'S.'K.on which dav the tea# wi'l he SfJ-i V ?outr*aa s warded Jn llmnc. The tr VfiAn !4/ls for 1.200.000 fiII<*rKMin<?. ty.l'640'000 VIRGINIA LKAF.JntVO aZ'ui it JOHN A. IMZZlUt ^ tl'%1 YlotrCouw* o? Italy. WEDNESDAY MAY 23, 1870. JBSTTUK CIRCULATION OF THK BISPATCB IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCU LATION OF ALL THE OTB KB DAILY" NfcWS PAPKILS OF TIIK CITY. WEATHER REPORT. Indications for To-Day.? For the Mid dle Atlantic States, falling followed by rising barometer, stationary or slightly higher temperature, southerly winds, generally veering to westerly, and light local rains, followed by clear or partly cloudy weather. For the South Atlantic State?, generally higher pressure, stationary or sllubtly higher temperature, southerly to westerly winds and generally clear weather are probable, except probably occasional light rains. The weather yesterday was partly cloudy and mild. THERMOMETER YESTERDAY : 6 A. M., 68; 3 A. M., 72; noon, 73; 3 P. M., SO; 6 P. M.. 74; midnight, 71. Mean temperature, 73 5-0: A ft'!vo-IY(imfrcd-E*oR?d Meteor l.andN oik the Line Between Iowa and Min nesota. The Jackson (Minn.) Republic of the 17th has the following : Last Saturday afternoon things in the air were lively and exciting. Thunder, light ning, hail, and rain are common and neces sary In any well-regulated and healthy com munity; whirlwinds, water-spouts, and even diminutive cyclones are quite common and comparatively innocent aerial diver sions; but when it comes to shooting tivc bund red- pound red-hot balls of iron or like metallic kind promiscuously through the air, t!u*n it partakes the ivdure of grandeur and sublimity, and. if one happens to be in range,- it approaches mighty near what might be termed danger. Such was actually the missile that went ricocheting through space that afternoon, and whose track was plainly vMble throughout this section of country, and the explosion of which mads windows rattle and people tremble. A few of the unsuspecting undertook to palm the long, red, smoky, skyward sub stance oil' as a peculiar cloud, and the ex plosion as peculiar thunder; but most con ceded that it was a meteor. On Monday all doubt in this direction ceased when Mr. Kidley, of Estlierville, brought to the lie public office a piece of the meteor itself, and which he saw taken from the identical spot where it fell. It had opened the earth for a space of ten feet across, just over the line in the town of Emmet, Iowa. One piece weighing two and one half pounds had been dug out when he loft. It threw sods about for fifteen rods, 'and other evidences went to show that a little perseverance would exhume the strange aerial visitor that bad so suddenly sought sepulture in the beautiful valley of the Pes Moines. On Wednesday Mr. S. L>. Weir came to our office, and who first discovered the icrra-firvia destination of the new comer, and infoimcd us that after digging fifteen feet they reached the nve-liundred-pcund wonder which had been driven that distance into the ground, and ten feet of which was in solid blue clay. The parties succeeded in raiding it by means of levers and chains, and it weighed four hundred and thirty one pounds, another piece thirty-two pounds, and, with other pieces that were found, made the whole meteor safe ly five hundred pounds. Its exterior is rather ragged, and its exact composition ib u matiex- ox speculation. Ail sifce it is two feet in length, and fourteen by Iwenty once inches; hence the sublimity in cou templating the body, its course, its mo mentum, as well as its destination. lis starting point is a matter not easily figured, its exact orbit not positively known ; but its destination is not a matter of specula tion, for within twelve rods of the school house near John Barber's, about a mile east of the residence of our good friend Charles Jarvis, that burning, bursting, cannon-resounding, lightning-speed missile came in contact with the earth. Mr. W. K. Pingrey in our office yes terday and informed us that another piece that weighed about one hundred and fifty pounds was afterward found on A. A. Pin grey's farm, about two miles from the othe", and which was buried live feet in the solid clay. The track of this meteor was observed for miles around and the explosion heard in many places. Restitution*.? In the Circuit Court of Alexandria county, inst closed (Judge Keith presiding) the final report of Commissioner Kemper for $39,142.04 in favor of Mr. W. N. McVeigh against John I>. Alley and the representatives of Cakes Ames and Samuel Hooper was confirmed. Me-stf?. Alley, Ames, and Hooper were members of Con gress from Massachusetts during the war, and not possession of a large portion of Mr. McVeigh's real estate in this city, which was withheld from him some fifteen ycais. This decree is for back rents, dam ages, &c., on a part of it. ? Alexandria Ga zette , 'Kith. "Singular Fight of Two Soldiers.? Niagara , Ont., 51 ay 26.? Two American soldiers, named Murphy and Coyne, left for Niagara dock at midnight 011 Saturday, under the influence of liquor, to go over to Fort Niagara. They quarrelled on the way, and Murphy threw the oars away and at tempted to pitch Coyne overboard. The latter, however, beiug stronger, tbrew Mur phy out. C'ovne, in the boat alone, drifted into the lake, where he was picked up yes terday, lie claims to have acted in self-de fence, and liis story is generally believed. The General Omnibus Company of Paris has for some time past made u<e of electri city for subduing vicious horses. l>v the process adopted intractable animals eiven to biting, rearing, and kicking are rendered inoffensive, and submit peaceably to be yroonicd and harnessed. To obtain this re sult a weafc current of electricity is passed into .the mouth of the horse each lime it be comes restive. The will of the animal seems almost annihilated. The current is pro duced by a small induction-machine of the Clarke system, the wires of which commu nicate with the bit of the bridle. The em ployment of electricity is said to produce a sort of uneasiness or torpor rather than pain, and is much less barbarous than mrrny tamiog methods hitherto adopted. An amphibious monster of the tortoise specirs was Silled last Saturday bv tbe agent of tl>e Richmond and York-River Steamboat Company at Gloucester, Va., anfi was bron^bt to this city In the steamer Ha vana, ol tbat'line. Tbe curiosity hns much tbe semWanoe of a sea-turtle. It is of about thrte hundred pounds weight, with elaw-* less flippers rfe?enibling the fluke<rf a wbale, and its shell or'batk is filled with large and regular rUfe<es, ar>fl is pliable, whHe the en tire form is disproportioned and unceasing in appearance. It is supposed to 4>e a na tive of the West Indies, and its presence in the locality where it^ras killed is a matter of surprise and wouder.? Baltimore &ner- 1 lean. Alexandria, Ya., May 20.? Charles Atbey, an interesting boy, aged ten year?, wbsie playing on the wharf at Hooe's dock tliw evening, about 7 o'clock fell overboard and was drowned. The writer of a letter in tbe London Times points out that an ounce of bread waited daily in each household In England and Wales mearn? about 25,000,000 quantern loaves, tbe produce of 30,090 acre* of wheat in a year, tyblle ai: ounce a week of meat wasted amounts to bfltne 300,000 rt eep. Greeley liked Gibfotf.? Yarjc Tri ? htne. It is more triesfeu than feceiTlft*.-* Vincinnaii Commercial* LOCAL MATTERS. Annual Meeting op Young Men's Chris tian Association.? Despite of other nttrac Hons a large audience greeted the Young Men's Christian Association last night on the occasion of their annual meeting. ? After devotional exercises (singing, read ing the scriptures, and prayer by Rev. Pres ton Nash,) the President of the Associa tion made a statement of the work of the Association during the past year, showing that they had paid off the debt with which they were burdened twelve months ago. and met all current expenses cxceptthc rent of their hall ; that the Association has done most important evangelical work, besides keep | ingup their library and reading-room; that they have grown in favor with, the people of , the city, and that they enter the new year with a firmer purpose to be useful, and i brighter prospects of success. On motion Messrs. F. II. Deane, W. A. Wilkinson and W. C. Mayo were appointed a committee on nominations. During the absence of . the committee Colonel W. P. Munford gave a very inter esting account of the great convention in Baltimore. _ The committee made the following nomi nations_jof, new officers, _.\vho were unani mously elected : President, J. William Jones. First Vice-President, J. Taylor Ellvson. Second Vice-President, John 13. Cary. Third Vice-President, Major Robert Stiles. Fourth Viee-Prcsideut, William T. Shop* paid. Fifth Vice-President, Charles I). Ilill. Corresponding Secretary, William F. C. Gregory. Recording Secretary, John W. Snyder. Treasurer, W. Fletcher "Richardson. Librarian, John W. Cringan. Registrar, George B. Harrison. Directors: F. II. Deane, J. D. Iv. Sleight, John Hunter, Jr., General George J. Hund ley, and General J. G. Field. Dr. Jones expressed his regret that the Association had not consented to select an other president who could till the office more acceptably, but expressed his willing ness to ?lo anything in bis power to serve 1 the cause. He earnestly appealed to the Association, the Christian public, and the Christian women of Richmond, to give him their warm sympathies, active cooperation, and fervent prayers. + There was disappointment that Mr. Wal lace did not arrive, and that others who were expected failed to be present, but the meeting was considered qnitea good "send off" for the new year. Personals axd Briefs.? Governor Ilolli dav was in his office yesterday working hard and looking well. We notice the presence at the tobacco auction sale at Centre warehouse v ester day of William T. Iilackwell, Esq , the head of W. T. Black well & Co., of Dur ham, X. C. He purchased freely of tine smokers, and made Centre warehouse a lively place. The shoes-tore of I). F. Thompson, Main street near Fifteenth, was entered yester eav morning between 2 and 3 o'clock, and robbed of thirteen pair or shoes. Common wealth's Attorney George I). Wise was in Baltimore yesterday looking after the interests of the Commonwealth in the case of Rc<iford, Knox, and Wren. The Police Board met yesterday eve ning?four members present. The charges against Sergeant Seal and Policeman Brooks? of which they are likely to be promptly acquitted? were continued until Thursday evening next. Commonwealth's Attorney Wise desires 10 be present at the In ? CSCttfUttvu. Mr. J. B. Pace will to-day take a party of young folks? of twenty-eight couples? to his Albemarle farm, to celebrate a daugh ter's birthday. Letters have been received from Mr. T. William Pemberton and family, dated Tan gier*, Africa. The party arc all well. Mr. Isaac X. Jones's name was omitted in the list of managers of the Male Orphan Asylum published yesterday. The police force have received the new hat which was adopted as a summer-regula tion hat. They were furnished by J. D. Fry & Co. Four hundred men and boys are engaged at Lestor Manor gathering and hulling green peas for the canning establishment there. Captain Epps and other officers of the Third district were engaged yesterday working up the matter of the robbery of the Baltimore dry-goods house. On and after to-day the Ariel will land daily at Old Point. A carpet-bag full of clothes was found near the St. Charles Hotel yesterday and turned over to the police. A boy fell from Mayo's bridge yesterday afternoon and was severely injured. The citv ambulance was sent for and took him off. United States Circuit Court.-? Judge Ro bert W. Hughes presiding? Judge Hughes delivered an opinion in t lie case of Gor don vs. Dooley, trustee, 'in bankrupt cy, of Asa Snyder, deciding that Doug las II. Gordon's claims for rent-charge of $1,000 a year on the foundry property cor ner of Gary and Tenth streets is not void for usury, but a valid claim. The suit of Whittock vs. Blackvvell, Dur ham tobacco-man, claiming damages for ma licious pro-ecution, went in favor of the de fendant. by the ruling of the Court oh de fendant's demurrer to the evidence. The cases of the United States vs. The Petersburg judges of election, which went to the Supreme Court on a certificate of divided opinion between Judges Bond and Hughes two years ago, and which had been sent back subject to the ruling of the Su preme Court in tbe Cruikshank case, sus taining Judge Hughes's view of the law, were put to the jury with instructions to find a verdict cf not guilty, which they found. Police Court, Yesterday? Police- Jus tice Joseph J. While presiding. ?William Harris (colored), trespassing on the premises or William Gordon by breaking open his door and removing goods therefrom. Fined $5 for disorderly conduct. George Stockdale, charged with being drunk, also with stealing one coat from Joe Coleman, was sentenced to receive fifteen stripes. M. B. Laudrum, charged on attachment with contempt of court, was tined $1. Elizabeth Smith, creating a disturbance, to the annoyance of the neighborhood, was committed for thirty days in default of surety. Anthony Powell, charged with petit lar eeny.was sentenced to receive fifteen stripes. Excursion to tub Baptist General As sociation.? An excursion train will leave the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad depot rthis morning at 11 o'clock for Charlottes ville. Delegates and visitors to the Baptist General Association, or any .other persons who may wish to spend a week in the coun try can procure round-trip tickets at $3.50, go?d to return on any train until the 5th of June. Drixo.? A private telegram from Cul peper. received here last evening, states that Mr. D. M. Ream, who was shot on Tbuni<iay last by G. W. Jamieson, was dy ing, and It was supposed that lie would not last during the night. Moore-Memorial Cuuhcu Fair and Feast.? The ladies of this church, ever fore most in good deeds and works, propose holding a sale and feast at No. 303 east Franklin street, commencing Ibis ufteruoon and continuing each succeeding afternoon and evening until Saturday. It is to be boped tbat a molt liberal patronage will be given the ladles. First-class goods, deli cious refreshment*, 8Rd pieassut evenings we fiwsfltwl THE HOWITZERS. THRIB ANNUAL TARGET- PRACTICE AND PARADE-A'/ FIELD-DAY AT "STRAW BERRY HiLL^? FINE GUNNERY? THE BAN QUET, AC. %V " 1 The annual fecurrence of the iTowitzer target-practice is an event, which is looked f orward to with great pleasure by all who attend, tbe members of the company and invited guests alike. Their entertainments are always marked by an absence of any thing like excess in any regard, and con spicuous for gentlemanly courtesies, gener ous hospjiality, and innocent, healthful amusements. THEIR TAR APE and target-practice was unusually pleasura ble and successful yesterday. The clay, though overcast, was one for out -door sport and comfort. Tbe guns were sent out Mon day evening to "Strawberry Hi ll,'' the beautiful farm of Mr. Isaac "Davenport, about three, miles distant from the city, on tbe line of' the Chesapeake and Ohio rail way. Ther company formed at their armory, near tbe City Spriog, yesterday morning: at 7 o'clock, and, headed by Yoel Iter's band, andattendctf by infited guest?, took up the line of march to Broad street, up Broad - to Fifth, thence to Main, down Main to Eigh teenth, thence to Broad and to the depot. Here they took a special train and was soon conveyed to the shooting-grounds. THE COMMAND consisted of forty-five oificerp and men, and their fine appearance and soldierly bearing was generally commented upon. The ofli cers were Major II. C. Carter and bis staff, consisting of Captain Carlton McCarthy, Major Christopher Tompkins, surgeon ; Lieutenant \V. E. Harwood, assistant sur geon ; Lieutenant W. II. Aborn, ordnance officer; and W. L. Austin, hospital stew ard. Captain Wortham commanded the com pany. with First Lieutenant E. .T. Bosher, and Junior First Lieutenant G. P. Ilavves. THE FIELD OF ACTION was the same beautiful site, just above f he railroad and overlooking the broad meadow lands below, which has been selected in pre vious years. Mr. Walter S. EJmond, who resides at ?' Strawberry Ilill," received the invading army with a hearty welcome, and soon all was a scene of life and activity. THE TARGET was ten by twelve feet, with a black of two feet square, and was placed fourteen hun dred yards from t he battery. THE SHOOTING was very fine, and, taken altogether, was probably far better than on previous prac tices. The ground before and around the target was literally ploughed up by the deadly missiles. The firing of shell, too. was highly creditable, and displayed skill and judgment in the handling of the fuse. ,T11E IIEST SHOT was made by Mr. John E. Hutchinson, the next best by Mr. Alexander Woolfolk, and the next by Mr. F. M. Whittle. While each of these gentlemen struck the target, there were many other shots which would have been equally destructive in an action, but which could not be designated. A PAY OP PLEASURE was spent by all. Some played quoits, oth ets backirammon, others again talked over war reminiscences, while many engaged in the national game of base-ball. THE BANQUET was spread in the s pacious burn of the farm, and while all the surroundings bore a rude and rustic appearance, the spirit of comfort for the inner man spread out in abundance, and tbe self-sacrificing attentions of officers ??J m?n in mipyil v j i . ic. ? l>^ mint) of guests, madeira It: list to pinwimrstrwiiiCTi are often spread in more resplendent halls. There was, too, a happy absence of speech making. It is this virtue in the entertain ments of the Howitzers which make them barren fields for wily politicians. Til t: PR KS E XT AT 1 0 X of a war souvenir bv Mr. E. S. Cardozo to the company was an incident worthy of no tice. It was a complete Ii<t of the Third Company of Howitzers as it >urrendered at Appomattox Courthouse on the Orb of April, 18G3, beautifully written on parch ment by Professor Nieoll, and prettily framed.* The list was taken on the day of the surrender by 31 r. Peter A. Sublett, and contains ninety-live names. Amongst tho, 1XV1TED GUESTS present were Judge Clopton. General R. Lindsey Walker, Captain M. L. Spots wood, Captain John S. Wise, Captain Alex. Tom linson, Lieutenant James E. Phillips; Mr. J. Thompson Brown, of the o!d l'arker Battery; and Lieutenants John E. Lausrh ton and A. L. Bar gamin, of the regimental staff. There were a number of WAR VETERANS ? surviving members of fbe old Ilnwitzer batta'ion? present who delighted in hearing once more the bark of the war-dogs, secure from its death bearinsr results. They were, of the Old First Company, Messrs. D. O. Davis, Daniel S. McCarthy, T. L. Whiting, W. II. Blackadar, J. P. Lambert, William P. Smith, James T. Gray, Charles II. Poin dexter, James W. Gibson, Edwin F. Barnes, Charles L. Wingo, John C. Tat una, William E. Simons, John D. Baird, Charles W. Howard. Of the Second Company: Messrs. John S. Ellett, Wallace McRae, Judge George L. Christian, James A. Gri?g, Peter Jones, S. H. Ilawes, J. B. Foster, Jr.. Frank D. Hill, E. J. Bosher, Polk Miller, John T. Jones, Luther It. Barnes, Carlton -M. McCarthy, and William H. McCarthy. Of the Third Company : Messrs. E. A. Winn, Joseph M. Fourqurean, Peter A. Sublett, Samuel II. Liggon, E. 31. Crump, Dr. Theo. P. Mayo, George A. Smith, Robert T.Sydnor, Major II. C. Carter, Wil liam L. White, and Mr. G. Percy Hawes, who was a member of each. LETTERS WITH GOOD WI3UES were received from a Rumber of prominent men, regretting that they could not attend. A telegram from Mr. L. B. Tutum was also received expressing his regrets at not be ing able to be with the boys, and extending to them the use of the steamer Ariel for an excursion at such time as they might desire. The company and quests returned to the city last evening, well pleased with their day's sport, and resolving to have a repeti tion of it this time next year. Graxd Division Colored Sons of Tem perance.? The Grand Division Colored Sons of Temperance met Monday in Dan ville in semi-annual session. Preseut: E. U. Bland. G. W. P., City Point ; R. B. Evans, G. W. A., Woodville; W. H. L. Combs, G. S., Richmond ; S. L. Morton, G. T., Roll ing Mills; Rev. T. E. Lipscomb, Danville, G. C. Reports of the grand officers show the order to be in a most prosperous condition. Seven new divisions have been organized during the past six months. The following delegates were elected to the .National Division, which meet* in Wash ington, D. C., June 17th? viz.: W. II. L. Combs, W. H. Bfown, W. J. Johnson, Thomas Scott, George E. Prichett, E. D. Bland, Samuel Logan, and R. B. Evans. The next session of the Grand Divisiou will be held at Lyuchburg October 30cb. Feast of Weeks.? Theannual commemo ration of the giving of the law on "Mount Sinai" will be duly observed by our Jew ish citizens, and services will be held at i their houses of worship. The rite of con firmation wili be administered at the Eleventh-Street synagogue this morniojr at 10 o'clock under the auspices of their min ister, Bey. Abraham Harris. A Treat. ? A basket of the finest straw berries we have seen this season? large, sweet, and luscious? was laid on our counter yestsrday evening by Mr. D. R. Price, ol Chesterfield. They are of the new variety as Cumberland Triumph. Mortuary Report for the week ending May 24, 1879: Cause of JL)eaih : Anaemia. 1 white; anue rism, 1 white; bronchitis, 1 white; cerebro spinal meningitis, 1 colored; congestion of lungs, 1 colored ; convulsions (infantile), 1 colored; diarrhoea, 2 white; dropsy, 1 col ored; dysentery, 1 colored; fever (scarlet), 1 white; fever (typhoid;. 1 colored; fever (typho-malarial), i colored ; heart-disease, 1 , white; hip- joint disease. 1 colored; hydro thorax, 1 white; infantile lockjaw, 1 col ored; inflammation of bowels, 1 white; in flammation of brain, t white; meningitis, 1 white; paralysis, 1 colored; premature birth, 1 colored; spasm of glottis, 1 white; j tuberculosis, 1 white; unknown, 1 colored, j Whole number of deaths in the city, exclu-,; sive of still-births, 25. Age : One day to thirty, 2 colored ; one month to six, 2 white; j six months to twelve, 1 white, 3 colored? to- 1 tal, 4: one year to three, 3 white; three] years to five, 2 white; ten years to twenty, i 1 white; twenty years to thirty, 3 colored; j thirty years to forty, 1 white; forty years to ! fifty, l'white, 1 colored? total, 2; tiftv- years to sixty, 1 white, 1 colored? total, 2: sixty years to seventy, 1 white; seventy years to eighty, 1 white; unknown, 1 colored. Con dition : Single, 9 white, 6 colored? total, 15; married, 1 white, 2 colored ? total, 3; wid owers, 2 white ; widows, 1 white, 2 colored total, 8; unknown, 2 colored. Nativity ; Richmond, 13; other parts of the United States, 8 Germany, 1 ; Ireland, 2; Scotluud, 1; unknown, I. Locality: Marshall Ward, 1 white ; Jell'erson Ward, 4 white. 1 color ed? total. 5; Madison Ward. 3 white, 1 col ored?total, 4; Monroe Ward, 2 white, 4 colored? total, G;- day Ward, 2 white, 2 2 colored? total, 4; almshouse, 1 white, 2 colored? total, 3; penitentiary, 2 coloted. COMPARATIVE weekly mortality. , Week Enrlin'i . May 26. Mav 25, M:ivt7, 3I.iv 24 , 1877. 1878. 1879. l6lV. "\v. c. vr. c. w. v. w. t\ Total death?. . 0 17 12 25 22 10 13 12 Still-Jiorn 1 3 1 2 2 0 0 2 Mean temperature for the week ending May IT, 71.14?; mean temperature for the week ending May 24, 72.85?. Amount of rainfall for week ending May 17, 0.10 inches; amount of rainfall for week ending May 24, 1.40 inches. Population of city estimated at 70.000 ? white, 45,300; colored, 33,700. Kate of mortality of whole population was 10.45 per 1,000 per annum ; rate of mortality of white population was 14.92 per 1,000 per annum; rate of mortality of colored population was 18.51 per 1,000 per annum. The Railroad Up the James.? Vice-F re sident Blancbard, or the Erie railroad, was in the city yesterday in conference with the friends of the Richmond and Alleghany Railroad Company, Mr. Wilson, representing a Pennsylvania firm now constructing a railroad in Colo rado, was in Richmond yesfei day examin ing the protiles, &c., of the Richmond and Alleghany Railroad Company with a view of bidding for the work. Judge Williams and Mr. Thomas Bond, of the proposed railroad, were also in the city yesterday. The Haiir-Tuck Concert.? Professor F. C. Mahr, assisted by the charming vocalist i of Peti rsburg. Miss Tuck, will give a mat i nde-concert at Mozart Hall on Friday after noon next at a quarter past 1 o'clock. Pro fessor llabr is a devoted and conscientious student of music, and always delights our people. Miss Tuck has received unqualified praise from Mr. Stn.kosh and others as pos sessing a voice of wonderful qualities. The concert wi'I doubtless be well attended. Unci.aimeii.? Letters and postals address ed as follows remain unclaimrd in mniul c v . ii' ini icu -vuoluli, Miss a". i-j. juuey Diaeumore, .). \Y\ Cash, \V. ,J. Campbell, G. W. English, Miss Ktta Farris, S. D. Nines, Susan How ard, Mrs. A. F. Matthews, Rebecca Mat thews, A. C. Monroe, S. T. Pugrh, .S. W. Shannon, JI. Turner or Mary E. Welsh, J. II. Turner. Mrs. $. M. Hunter. MANCHESTER AXJ> VK JXilY. City Council.? A called meeting of the City Council will he held to-night, at 8 o'clock in Council Chamber Hall f* take ac tion relating to the quo t ion of annexation. The committee appointed by the [Manches ter Council to prepare the requisite state ments. as requested by the joint committees of both cities at the last meeting, have com pleted the work. The report is at present in the hands of the printer, who will have it printed as directed by the Manchester committee, and will be ready in a few days. The report comprises a detailed state ment of the tinancial condition of Manches ter, together with the amount of it< present debt and annua! expenses, besides giving an mtecsting description o! the city. One thousand copies will be published for dis tribution in both cities. Delegates Appointed.? The following delegates have been appointed by the 3I:in chester Baptist church lo represent t hat church in the General Association, which meets in Charlottesville: S. 10. Woodtin, George T. Blanton, liev. W. L. Fitchcr, and Decatur Edward?. iirlef Items.? Work has begun upon the Meade-Memonal church towards tis enlarge ment, and the improvements will be pushed forward with energy. The Free bridge will be closed every morning from 5 to 10 o'clock whilst it is undergoing repairs. Something should at once be done for the protection of the young trees on the Court house Square, so as to prevent cattle from injuring them. Rev. J. Julius Sams, formerly rector of Maude-Memorial church in this city, is re ported quite sick at Norfolk, lie was com pelled to stop at that city whilst on his way here to visit his okl congregation. Another Match, and the Winner of tiie Joe Jr.-Gladstone Match Challenged.? Tlit; follow) it? letter we have received from Mr. Henry Malcolm, of Billtmore, Md. As will be seen, Mr. Malcolm has aocep'cl Mr. Taylor's chal lenge. and challenges the winner iu the Joe Jr. Gladatone match. Malcolm is said by those who have seen him in the fl> Id to foe a rattler, lie Is a Gordon fetter, and was bred by Mr. James II. Tllley, of Locust Valley, L. I., and Is out of his Dream bv Muun's Duke or Gordon ; Dream is out of Tlllej ?e Mab by Copeland's Shot. A portrait of Malcolm appeared lnourls Eue oi March 15th : "Baltimore, Md. " Editors Chicago Field: Mr. Isaacs, Jr., of Richmond, Va., tent a challenge here from Mr. T. F. Taylor, of same place, to hunt the best dog In Ma ryland for 610U or $300. I Immediately sent him word I would hunt Malcolm for four days In Vir ginia ou November 5, 6. 7. and 8, 1879. He names his getter King. This win make a good hunt. 'k i will be obliged If you will alsostate that as soon a< Joe. Jr., and Gladstone flul?h their hunt and I finish mine with Mr. Tavlr-r. that I challcuKe the winner of the ?amc with Malcolm. The purse shall br made tc suit. All preliminaries for this last hunt chad be fixed through you, with your permis sion, as soon as the wlnnir Is aunouncsd. "II. Malcolm." Tlie above is from the Chicago Field of the 17th. Mr. Taylor states tlul jo far was he from dial :eugln* Mr. Malcolm that Mr. Malcolm sent an opeu challenge bete to Mr. Isaacs, who made one or two effjrts to get up a match with other dogs before Taylor Licked liim up. Tne match will probably come off, but Taylor don't want things " bottom up,,rllke a Dutch vignette. Why -has a white rose on a golden lyre be. n adopted as a irade-wiark by J. & K. Atkin son? Because their toilet preparations have be come so popular that they are extensively counter feited. __ Do.n't make a mistake, for imitations arevariout and numerous. When yon want a 5c. Key-Wept Cigar see that you get Whitlock's, with copy righted label r?prt*entluf tobacco-leaf on every box. _________________ Seek NO Further.? Yon win Dud no tetter The PlC-NlC Is the best 5c. Cioab on the market. Wholesale and retail at P. whitlock'b, XU6 Main itrow I MajiicABO Coffbe, equal to Jara, for sale by W. j D. Blair & Co. at ISc. per pound. Levy drothep.? fcavejnst received LARGE ADDITIONS to T1IEIR STOCK In EVERY DEPARTMENT. * They are now making their purchases under UK USUAL ADVANTAGE;, and show sotre ? EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN'S, : which they place before ibelr customers. You are i Invited to call. Proclamation to the lovt rs of the weed and to -ail whom It may concern: If you want a good Ci gar. eitiier 5c. or 10c.. Wade in t C. E.j at WHIT LOCK'S and have your wants supplied. Teas fr. nt 25c. per pouu.J to the finest grades. W. D. Blair & CO. THOSE who h ive tried the 1*IC-NIC CIGARS pro uounce tbeui superior. For sale at every place where good cigars are sold. P. Wiiitlock, Manufacturer. Save Money :?y having your prlcUn* done attbt Dispatch Prxntisg-Hoche. Good vork, Ion prices, and satisfiic^lo.i tftiaranUcd. Did you evf.r? Xo: never smoked a better Cc. Cigar thaa WniTLOCK'd Pic-Nic. roKTNER's Celebrated Lage^i, tne longing Beer, endorse 1 by all eminent physicians. Bottled fresh dully, and delivered to faml'le*. Christian & White, General Agent*. CHEWING TOB vneos AND CIGARS of all grades \V. i?. BLAIR A CO. M. ELLYSPX .t CO.. ?<ivriisTiif agents, in^rt ao* vtrMs^ments in ?!! of the u^wspapv:* of tne Unite* s: puM^ber^'ratej. Orders let": a" th?: Di? P'lt'-.i couDtiur-roora wdl revtive prompt alter t>ona U'CTIO.N ?A!,KS rsus 1?\Y. tysr" On all *a/*i ?r S*nl Esf tte made t-"t It' ?'! J 'ti'itrrj iutl of Ju.i' tht tnxtzf* th * , t/itir K>: - (? '<ry?Ci '"jtUr f.'-rcUiW". 0,i 'ill suit: rami*. bfiiP'f.7 th* 1 *t >.f July and las of tht j /fir t'n t#j*s hiivt. /.?> bt poiil t-y the iTiiii c ust vv.i- + bt>u? Jiife-.-ii }ear?a*? t?VHi!t: r?.\! in RJ< ksr.oud, and uv> uilfrs'.o Richmond and vi? iii!ty,l RICHMOND BAZA AH. 10 A. M., hordes, marcs, phaetons, buggies, &c. ?J. THOMPSON BROWN. 6 P. M.. peremptory sn'e of uvat l.ric* cv.tage No. 212 we t Marshall street. ROBERT 15. I. WE. 10!* A. M . adinini^ratrlx's sale of line household aud kitcit-n ftirnltmc at No. 1535 Mi In -tm t. ROBERT U. T.VVE, <? P. M . vt i v desirably located stoek-iiries Irnti-vcranda dwelling No. 412 west Franklin stmt. GRP'tBS Si W1LI.IAMS, 5)4 P. M.. elegant private residence No. 212 wt-t i< rauk'iu street. FlXANriU,. _ VH^INIA BONDS AND SECUBI T TIES 0>* EVERY CLASS will bt.? funded bi ll* OX THE TERMS OFFERED DY THE ASSOCIA TION. NO EXTRA ClUIiOK. iii?N f>S and STOl KS of ail kinds bought and f r'<l on con ml'-Mon. K KA ! . &STATE bouirht an ! ?uldr Loans and uk<m 'ND-i.'Kn is ncco'latcd. W!LLIAM> a CUB-ON. fetfCK ant! Iv< ;il E*ta:?* Broki ]??? my 2S'2'a? lm 1014 Malus'ri-ct. y IRC* IN I A BOND.1 THE COUNCIL OF FOREION BONDHOLDERS, L O N 11 O N , AND the funding association united STATES AMERICA. LIMITED. I'iivc. fn accordance with : Le terms of I ho act of Miitrl) 2$. 167!l.?rrris:pid to recivo. for funding, ou^tandlu.' tviiif ik-i <>i Iht- debt of Virginls?, lu the city of Richmond, nt . ?A'llE FIRST NATIONAL LANK and 1 H K PLANTERS, N ATIOY \ ' , |M vrr ? from whom fti!TpirliciH."rs tuny on obtained. my 27*l?*&tW&S3w y.i {GIN I A STATE DEBT. \V> a ye r-rtiiar*'! t'? KIND VIRMNIA BONDS \ND CI'IM IflC A I OF DKl'.T INT'i THE N" !',W COND- tiii 'fr ;? ? ? t of Mutch ?8. 1^79. ?w'i? likr t*rms and cuni/'tii.vt.t as shove ur<>/i'tnt<l l>j t lit fundi nij <ti-\s<n;iat'<n. a. i'artice not holding i In: r?-?jiil re.i proportion of c?.?>ols ;iim I iieeh-rs cat: have ih?- a>ijiiMliii:Ut made ilirnu.L'li ii- upon I lit* nif, it HsvoraVe terms. All Bonds. A-c.. conli-Ud to us thai I have our best ' personal altcn'ton. Will furnish prompt I v any and nil information needed. R. H. MaURY & ( O.. Sleek and Exchange Brokers, my 26-t*o<.'2m 1015 Main stree'. Office or Lancaster Lucre,) Stock Brokers. > Richmond. Va. ) AS THE FUNDING ASSOCIATIONS 1\. arc now nrei?ar? d to recHve VIRGINIA BONDS AND I' A ST I NT KK EST FOR FUNDING. ?v i ff'.-r our mtv in * to holders of l Ik* ?amc lo FUND F<il: TIIFM ON TDK SAM h. TERMS AS i HACOKDBY HIE ASSOCIATIONS. SFCl'RiTlE- or' A LL KIND BoO.flT ON COMMISSION. Loan." N!'.(?0 i'lA'i'ED. niv 23-1 m L-\XCA>TKR Ji I.U( KK. pUN'DINO VI BO IN I A BONDS. Havi'ii.' a tar turn's with the Fundlmr A-.f.c:a!ion-. wf an- i>r?*p.r il to n c ivc P>r fitnd in? ,\ I.I. C!.\?KsoF VIKI.IMA SECl'RITlhS FIN I 'A BLK nii'ii i In; art of Mure i 1 87l>. and will rvivip! f<*r >a'i '? and ? l?- ? i v ? r ll.t: N h \V BONDS at tin- ??arli"* I I?'?f - i ' tsi? >i? ?'iti. I?.irti?*? who >iti not li'dd ihe requisite proportion ? ?f i > >NM il.- at. I I'F.i- i.i.l.'S i?;iij* h:ue I lie proper tii- n* m.i'.t- ..t <>tir r flicc- ???? thv most sali.s!ac torv tern*. W E I'll' >l'0.cE 10 1 CM' ON IKE SAME TERMS AND CONt'l f |l ?N ~ A-(i: ; ! !M I> tiV il!E ASSOCIA TION. wi riiot r "iii/ txl'liti" it'll coit ( / f Uk bond iwldtr. ALL BONDS ??<?:>? to n, ^hali invv our rEHsrONAL CARE AND ATTENTION. Any ltilonn:t'.i"ti Oc-?r d will clwi-rfiiHy riven. DA V ENI'oRT A < ?).. Brokers. mv 2 ' -1 m 1 1 IS Main >frn:t. rj^0 iiOLDEKS UK CITY OF RIC HMOND Bu.NDS MATURING IN JL'I.Y ANIj AUGUST, I860. At a mod ins of tlv n>an! of fnir.rTijisloner* of rlie '?inkiutr Fund LeN! May I. 1&7'J. i' w ti Rtnolttd. Tint lire acliinr pr* *iii-nt ?>f tlie H >tr<i ;riv?; public notice l y :*?! vt-i t i ??m- in t!i;it lin-oui standinj.' toii<Is of tin; city ?f ltirhuivnd, nt? In 1680. will on and aft? r i li?- 1 t ?iay of July, 1871). be r?'l<eiiit<l <m prcKiila'.i -u a' ill.; otlke of th? Auditor of tlit- ci' y. In purMianc* of th- atw>ve I hercM i'ivo no!i';?* tint th? SIX I'KK < ' K NT. i;ONI>-<?F TIf I\ <TJ V. due in July, lf-60. amo-iiitin/ '?? 451.37. ami AuiHi-t. utuoiiiilitij.' i? i'17. 5H8.^8 ? total, %J05.0iy (I'j? Aiii l.e re-in nied at i'AK AN" I ? ACCKHKD INTKHK>T ?.ti |,r?~ent.? Moij at tlj? office of tin; Audl'-ir ?.i the city ou ami afier ti e 1st DaY uF Jl'l V 1*7;>. HENRY ii. CAN* NO V. Acinp President C'ommliaioucrs $)si>v!iu t urn!, my 3 ST. IX AIRE HOTEL PKOI?KKTY._ DON'T Fail to attend the sale of the ST. CLAIRE HOTEL PROPERTY on THURSDAY, 29ib Mav, 1879. at 12 o'clock, with alt the FURNITURE, FIXTURES. &c\, f v ROBERT P.. LVNE. my 28 Auctinaeer. IU)OK?BI.\DRItY, Ac. B OOK-BINDERY . / AND .BLANK-BOOK 31 A\U FACTORY. The undersigned, having a hlud<-ry connected with their estahlhhment, are prepared to BIND BOOKS, PERIODICALS, PAPERS, *c., in :bc various fc'yit*, *ud to manufacture BLANK- BOOKS to any dttired pattern. Thtlr PAPER-BOX FACTORY la in full opeia tion. Workfaitl-/al)r done and promptly excculod. my 20 WOOD HO USE & PAttFAJf, IN STORE AND FOR SALE, 500 bibtids CHOICE WHITE PKAC'B-BMJW POTATOES, on caws THREE POUNDS TOMATOES. It'O tica CHOICE PEANUTS, and 50 barter CHO'CE AP- I PL ES-Jint arrived. L. 1'oWLLE. J iDjJi 8-31 THE DISPATCH. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. CASH? LSYAKIA0LY IJf AD?AHcJ? ?me quarts of e in^noo $0 60 One square, two Insertions 1 00 >ne .?t|oare. three Insertion* 1 <50 ./n?:?|nare,;l* inwU'-JK 3 (0 One wptare. twelve In^rUcas 5 CO one sqnirj?nw month . 10 CO ?nc aquar*, two aion Ilia-.*. .? 18 CO On* -syrinre. three mo-irhs. ....... .....25 00 8PMKEB Rf^iORIS. "D AWLEY SPRINGS XL 2.000 FEET ABOVE TIDEWATER. NEAR HARRISONRURG.VA. Capacity. three large hotels, wit h accom m-vdatlona for 700 guests. Aonointments flrsic'iss. Open ?JUNE 15th. Rates $2-per day: $12.50 jxr week; $45 per mouth. For further particulars address C. A. SPRINK EL. Treasurer. mv26-eocU8f Harr'.-'ouburg, Va. WARM SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, AIIE NOW OPEN*. The flues' Warm-Sulphur Rath In the world; temperature of water, OS*5. A new (Imp of light v. hides from depot to the Springs, Baggaie In separate wagons. I AMPHLETS of Pvrceli., Ladd .? Co.. Rich mond. JOHN L. EUBANK, my 1 7-2m Proprietor. QREENBRLER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA, long dL-iinzuishcd for theli valuable ALTERATIVE WATERS A.VD FASHIONABLE PATRONAGE. WILL OPEN JUNE 1st. Board : Per day. *3; per week, $17.50; per mouth ot twenty-eight days, $65. THE "CAL We'll HOUSE," adjacent to the Springy, ? WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WATERS AND GROUNDS OF THE 8AMK, IS NOW OPEN. Board: $2 per day. $12 per week, $40 per muuih of lwcntj-ci*ht davs. Elevation 2.0<'0 feet above tidewater. Pamphlets lo be ha-! at the drugstore of Me&srg. Pl'RCKLL, LADD Jr CO. GEORGE L. PEYTON & CO.. my 12-lm Proprietors. tmIe hyTTeia hotel, X OLD POINT COMFORT. VA., SITFATE L> 100 YARDS FROM tOIlT MOKROJi. Open nil th? yeur. Equal to any hotel In the United States as a curing, summer, or aiiunuu re aoil. Send for circular. HARRISON' PHOVBU9. niylO-lin ? Proprietor. M OUN IAIN-TOP HOTEL. Thli deli eli 'fill SUMMER RESORT having un dergone comp'ete renovation t.s agalu open for the reception of KU'.-?ts and the travelling puohc geuc raily. For pir icular- address (iKORGE Bt JOKER, JR., Afton Depot, my ft-lm Chesapeake and Olilo Railroad. TEAS. rFEA, IE A. -SEVENTY CHESTS OF I GUNPOWDER AND OOLONO TEAS.- We arc to-day receiving a very choice line of TEA, which we can offer the trade at the verv lowest prlee?. We have some of tin; best "GUNPOW DER" imported, and a1 k iho o In want to given* a call. ray 27 A. Y. STOKES A CO. HPEAS, TEAS, TEAS. DAVENPORT A MORRIS offer for faie choice GUNPOWDER TEAS Imported direct from China via San Francisco, selected wph xruit eare as to quality for this market by Messrs. Russell A* Co.. of Shanghai. niv 14-14t ?H,' INMEY. \t E W GOO I> S It EC E I V E ! ) ? D \ILY? MILLINERY 00"l>> AT HALF-Pl! ICE. ? t treat bargain.'* t(? be ha In Straws, Lcghorut.and i hips. Flowers v< ry cheap. Trimmed flood-* lower than ever before." Crape Veils and Mourning Good* a specialty. Look i*t o ir Pir-Nle (triininedl llats at 25. .15. aod 4f?c. Extra bargain- In Straw Hals? new and stvl'-h shapes? at 15, 20. 25. and 40c. Large slock au ' '" .v nri<*e> at M US. F. HUTZLER'S. my '21 525 Rroa i street. IM.PARH i<t. itf ftTI-.AW f^(?U NEW YOIIK.-Thf Dominion Stv?am?!ilp f v?i?p'-i * ' - - steamshi|. WYANOKE. < apt:il;i < Ot'i It, v.ill sail FRIDAY. May 30tli. at 11 o'elork ,\. \?. Freight r^eM red until 10 o'c lock A. M. Through Irflls of lading signed and g.-.'?i|? for warded with dispatch N.all jN?ini? north, k :*.h. mid west ; also, to foreign |.oi :s. Paasenga'r aec'im inO'faJl.ins uu-.uri.x 'r !. Caldn fare to N-w York, f 12: tuiiu i-'.rlp tickeU, $li4. StH'ia^e. and tfc. t or freight or pascajre. apt'ly to G. W. ALLEN ft ('<)., Afientn. my 28-3'- < oinnanv's W tou^r. "SlTMIiM h.VDKVT'S OFFICE. S 1: icit.MON ti. May 2:1, 1879. ) C, P E C I A L NOTICE.?' THE Fj STEAMER ARIEL will inakeBM. ULAR (DAILY) LANDINCiS at OM I'olm ON' and AFTER TI KSDAV NEXT.27Hi I'ld inl. niv 24-1^' L. It. TATUM. Superlmcndent. Rich m ond, vok k i; i v e i j^j33)l f ?AND i H USA PEAK F Ml-Rl HANTS AND MINERS TRANsl'OlC'l \ TION COMPANY, Through-freight route hot ween Rlehirond (Va. and Ronton, I'rovfdmee. andall New t upland f|tle>. Stcainein have WEST Pol NT. V V.. on each WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 uoon ; con nect lug with trains from RICHMOND. Steamer- arrive at WEST POINT on eac'i TUES DAY and FRIDAY. Dir?*er. <blpntents from Boston via nostott an<l Pi'ovnlciicc Railroad via West Point, V?. II. T. DOC(;LAS, Superintendent. V. I"). 1 1 it on !? it. General Agent. ap 3 f Nil AN LINK 1 UNITED STATIN AND ROYAL MAIL S'lEAMEUS, NEW YORK To OI.EENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL FA' E R Y TIH'RSDAY OR SATURDAY. CITY OF HER LIN. 5.401 ton*; CITY OF KM TIM* iND. 4 tons; CITY OF CHESTER. 4,560 <"ii5; CIT> OF MONTREAL. 4.400 tons; CITY OF BRUSSELS, 3.775 tons; t iTY OF N K W YORK. 8.50H ton-. TIT ESE 51 AG NT F I C E N T ST E A >1 EKS ar 'amou* the bti'Oiigt'Sl. target. i?nd f.r-te-t on the Atlantic, and have e\'T\ modern lint roveni lit. Including hot and ci.ld wa'er and elcetiic bells In state rooms, revolving chairs in saloou.-, hath- au 1 snioi lirz-iooms. barber-shop . Ac. . For rales of passage and other Infonnnti ?!> at>,)!y to .JollN ii. DALE. A^'Cnt. 31 Proad'Vav. Ni v Y"rk; i>r to GEoRtiE \V'. ALLEN .< ' O., la 1-eodlv Richmond. yfRG I N 1 A STEAM no a; zg&tj COMPANY'S J A M E S-R I V E P. L I N E . Fon NORFOLK, P* ?ltT85I01'Th. A\r? ALL E F.O ULAIi f.AN'Iil KG S OS JAM r>: IV f 4 tONNtx n.vt; at NORFOLK WITH THE HAY-LINK. FOE IIAl.TlMOfUC. PlHI.AOKi.PinA. M'W YORK, AND BOSTON'. ? The fxH awl elMrani tr'atuer A If IF.}., < aoia'.c /.. (,'. fin 'KOJffi lc ii'rytncr tin* United Ki' lin X'.r abOVe-tiiifmrri ril:?r*>A f.viv TI'KSHA Y. TUL*i:-DAY, and tfATUKOAV, at C.:30 A. M. 10 Norfolk r-r I%rt -mouth r,Q !? are for roun?i ;nji. unlimited ' -j rw} Km to HalMmore t; 00 Kan* t<? i'hilM'l- ijihia.... ;? "."j furv to New Vorfc li 15 Kare to lt<?r ton lb Throutfti tl<rk?-ts ? >M a: Oa:lf?-rV. ?*r<*r:t Kxi'lia"^ af.'J ? ?n v?ar?> sU- H'-r, elite*':') llirotull. KX? ..TKSlOX -K\>OV OPKN'F.J). 1 lie siiNinn-r " Ari-I " l-> IIKW r?*-t?ly for cuftago for Div- ftii?l M'.oM;Je:il-Kx"!ir?:oij?, a I,< l?A I IvS than ha< t ever ? If r? *i tK'fons I'r.-ulii r?'i ??! V'-i| l ill \ II >r Norioi/t. i or.->u."Uiii : S(-v. lt. ru. Wu-liinctoii. ?n<! TaiU.?ro\ s. mti a!l liiii'lliiK^ oil Tar riv? r : Wastmsi'ton, l>. C.. Hjmti ion, ?ii<J Eafern Miorr of Virginia, and r> vjUr luii'liit}ra oil .Jaiiif? rivt.-r. ai low<-?: ra!? ?. Ttie steamer AltlEL ba? la ely litvu almost en tirely rebuilt and r< funii-lie<l lu an oicjjant a *1 ro>My manner, and is eoullden'ly rtc<>i?mc i'i^d u> tin- fastest and moot couiforu?l?5t: steamer tba.liA* ran on tlil? rjut^ f"r tnanv vtar>. L. R. TaTL'M. SmiMTitiietidt-nt. j U08 Main sli'vct u is*J ECockeiU. [ J. W. Mc'f-A RltlCK. Atft ui. N'-rfulk 4 p ii 1 L A D E L 1' fl I A. MONO. AND NORFOLK ST F A M ??Bniflfe ?Hfl' LI.VK.-FoH PHILADELPHIA, FALL RIVKK AND THE FAST VIA FALL RIVKJt I'UKKE TLMFS A WEEK.? Cntll Airthu no tl?c?: the lit^auuTS of tlii* !Ikc wlli laakv trt--v?,%Iy trirw, leavlnr Philadelphia every "1 UK 8 DAY. THURSDAY. an<J SATURDAY. an?l R!?;h?one everv TUESDAY, FRIDAY. *n?l SI N DAY. con nectm/at Pi?ila>lilj?hia with New Eui'laul Lint* for Fa!i River. QUICK Tl M K? FREQ U EXT DKPARTUR LIS? LOWEST KATES. f'rclKht received dally until C o'clock P. M. ?>AME!s W. M? CAICKICK. General Soafht'rn Aptrut, Kiciiuiotid, Vl WILLIAM P. CLYDfc A CO.. Geu?*ral Slam/cr*. no 23 Kg. la South Wh*rr~(. 1'rila fVJ> DOMINION STEAMSHIP ^ COMPANY. fOR NEW yoke:. Th!' eeaj itcjmeri- 0_? ^ _ faith v ON ii-'rvVry '11' * V ?? SUNDAY at htih water. pilfer MW' ^ Tbey k we fpiendid saloons, state-rwoais, aad NkCtf mpBp? curM?ed' *ccommo<lauoofl, aad itteaUoue *.*< iuh l5Fth?bLttto lw?(ted regularly a I river. company's covered pier, 37 Nor** JfreUbt re<civ*d ontl] 0 p. M. dlCr. ^^CnMa fart to J??w Y<w*,fl#. BUtngt, 16 u/ ft>r points beyond Kew York fcrwanM wltli dbpatcb, an* no euxrgt auuta axoet* act**; *? iti'UiMB Lntfarred* Vox fnrth#r io formation appJy to . exoack w. allSn a oa, awik, ?y If ?A? CanptaTi wanfrwi aoottifc MfflMD) Will fflapaicn one of lft?Sr *pl?" fljf fTS? OLD DOMINION". WYANOK K. 1* V AG