Newspaper Page Text
JUNE ?? IT79, iflKDHES$K$ Tli? Jury-Law Debate. Tberc wa* a very interesting debate In tfce Senate last Friday on tbe bill to repeal tbc Infamous Federal law oxcludinj? Con federate soldiers and others from juries whenever a vile tool oiT tbe Administra tion chooses to exclnde fbetn. Would tbat we hod room for it. Vc have read it jn tbe official Record because the New York papers had represented that the Republi cans had sained a j?reat victory in tbat de bate, and had shown up the bill in such a manner as .to make tbe Democratic senators *lck of It. Well, as usual, these statements were Republican falsehoods. There was some plain talk. Hear the Senator from Kentucky^: Mr. BECK : I do not like to vote against the motion raude by tbe Judiciary Commit tee} but it seems to roe tbat when we have j before-Msa bill whose purpose is to annul 3 ? law that was fraudulently inserted into tbe Revised Statute* we can set on it directly. 3 use tbe word ** fraudulently " on purpose, because it was done fraudulently. The roan ?who put it there, whoever he was, knew when he inserted section 820 that It was a repealed law, and there was no possibility ?of his not knowing it, and any man who reads tbe statutes is obliged to sea- it. Mr. Beck does not seem to have been con scious that his party friends had come out at the little end of the horn. But let the Ohio Senator sound his bugle. Tin mi, CoxKuxG over the knuckles as follows: i< We are earnest men in this business, we kuuw tnatttie jury laws as they now exist are used for partisan purposes. We lenow that as they arc administered tbey are a disgrace to the so-called adminis tration of justice. We are in dead earnest that that evil shall be remedied, even ir it be necessary to sutler the mortification of the taunts of the Senator from New York. I hope we can survive plenty of that kind of medieine. Even if it be necessary to do that, we, as practical men, are willing to see that mere sophistry at this end of the avenue shall not be reechoed from the other end of the avenue. That is all there is of it. If the Senator from New York thinks that God has crowned him with such sur passing intellect, and that the study of the law has made him the very embodiment of the code of Justinian. Coke's Institutes, all the English statutes, and the American stat utes, too, that he has breakfasted 011 Black stone's Commentaries, taken lunch on Kent, dined ou Story, and taken as a slight re lection before he retired to bed John Mar shall's decisions, let him live in that happy atmosphere of self-esteem; 1 will not at tempt in the slightest degree to mar one single particle of his self-satisfaction. 1 even agree that he may loom over me, a much older lawyer than he is, like one of those genii in the Arabian Nights, who when the cork was taken out of the bottle rose out, away up ?o the clouds, to the utter amazement and astonishment of all behold ers. Let it be so as long as he pleases, but be shall not prevent me as a practical legis lator from attempting to remove the peb bles that he throws iu my path when I have a march to make." Of course these extracts do not touch the , merits of the question. We give them as a part of the by-plav. Mr. Edmwcds's speech is one of the sharp est, brightest, and most ingeniously diaboli cal that we ever read. Why, he is a very 31 EPiiisTOriiiLES. And, withal, he is the mildest-mannered man that ever cuta throat or scuttled a ship. Such demonstrations of respect for Democratic senators, such apol ogies, if anybody so much as imagined that he had uttered an unsenatorial word; such mock courtesy as was never before shown in the Senate chamber? these are the char acteristics of the Vermont Senator's speech? these, coupled with the most outrageous attempts to mislead the country n? to southern people and the southern laws. And this reminds us that Mr. Thcrman skinned the President. We qaote : " Mr. President, sometime ago, when the bill prohibiting military interference with elections was under consideration, the Sen ator from Vermont delivered an elaborate and carefully-prepared speech. For rea sons beyond my control I was compelled to be absent from the Semite while he was speaking, but I carefully read his speech as soon as it appeared in the Record , and ?when I read it, it did seem to me, to my poor comprehension, that his misinterpretation of that bill, his misinterpretation of what would be the effect of passing that bill which simply blotted out from the statutes v the power of the President to use the army to keep the peace at the polls, and did no thing more, was intended for nothing more, and upon no fair interpretation could be made to effect anything else? his misinterpretation of that bill, by which bo made it to appear, as it seemed to those who believe in everything he sav?, that if that bill passed the President could not even defend the public property in the city of New York, the custom-house or the post-office, on the day of election, that he could not proteet any public property any where, at any cross-roads iu the country on the day of electton? I say when 1 read that 1 did thiuk that the sophistry (if I may use that word without offence) of that speech was so transparefttthat it could impose upon nobody. But yet to my amazement I found that that was the substratum, the bed-rock, the everything, caput et pedes , and corpus too, of a certain document that we got from the other end of ttw> avenue in a few days. "Now, Mr. President, the Senator from Vermont is repeating* the same performance I fear. He is generating a new veto mes sage. That is the whole meaning of it. He is furnishing sophistries tor the people who are not smart enough to iuveut them them selves. in order that they may come back bere by a sort of gnm>3 of battledore and shuttlecock from the other end of the ave nue.' That is all there is of it, ifi my bumble judgment." Again : After being called to order, Mr. Thurman said : " 1 *aid that bills have been vetoed be cause in my opinion the President has been coerced. Coerced how? By duress, which 1 ueed not tell the Senator trom Vermont meaus personal violence? No, sir, nobody "understood me so. Coerced how ? Co ?ereed because, in my judgment, and I am willing to go to my death upon it, the Sen ator from Vermont and the representatives in this chamber on the Republican t?ide by the course they took on those bill.^ by leav ing the merits of the subject, by raising the flag of the revolution, by waving the bloody abirt, by talking about this being a question between Recession and the Union, and by the whole course Ihty pursued upou that .subject, made a man ? I will not say a weak anan, for I mean to be respectful to tbe Ex ecutive? veto the bin* which if left to his own judgment he would i*ot have vetoed at ail. And therefore I say tiiat your course did ccerce him. I say that si you had argued those bills ui>on their merlta, if you bad said nothing upon ti'em but what was tbeir merits, if you bad not made this whole session ring with an at tempt to arouse sectionalism U* the North against the people of tbe SoJtb.if ibis whole session on your side bad not been to a great extent an effort to perj?eti'iate bad blood between the sect ions, you never would bave had any veto of these bills. "If I was out of order before, perhaps I am more out or order now; but I will die in that belief." These are only a brick or two taken out of a large edifice. Head fie Ohio Democratic platform over -again. The Cincinnati Enquirer says it was written bj air. Thubiux himself, andt adopted by fbe Conveation without change Jo#* ward or it. 'i& ; ' - The SUv^&m--Smali Notes. : ^ The bill rec^pny pastel by Congress pro* ! siding for ffie exchange of subsidiary cob for lawful money, and Jo make such coins a legal tender in ail sums not exceed ing ten dollar*, was signed hy the Presi dent on Monday. It is a good law. It pats all the gilver coins on an equality. Silver cannot become troublesome hereafter, be cause anybody c*n get greenbacks for it from tbe Treasurer or any assistant treasu rer of the United States. Even the aboojl nable little three-cent silver cotns may be disposed of In the same way. Or any silver coius less than a dollar may be used, like the silver dollars, or like any other legal tender caoney, in paying any debt, public or private, which does not exceed ten dol lars. We trust rbat there will be hereafter no more complaints made concerning these coin?. Small notes arc said to be very scarce? so much so that editors lose a good many subscribers in consequence of the inability of country people to procure them. Mr. Skrrmax recently announced tbat he would give small notes in exchange for other mo ney at the Treasury in Washington. lioth these matters the banks will no doubt attend to for the public. Goon Times Comfno. ? The money article in the New York Herald of Monday says : u The palmy days are returning to New York real estate. If any one doubts it let him go to the Exchange ant/, use his ears, or traverse the upper portion of the island and use his eyes. In the former place he will find real-estate brokers overrun with business, and hear ot" vast r.?rofits reaped by shrewd and patient speculators. He will learn of Immense sales and larire improve ments, and hear men talk of ti>? time rrhon Manhattan Island, from end to end, shall bo one solid work of masonry." We hope soon to hear our real-estate men "crowing" in a similar strain. It is time tbat real estate had taken a turn. It has been dull long enough. But these spells of inactivity and shrinkage do not and cannot last many years. The reaction is sure to come; and come let us trust it soon will in .Richmond. " Larere s'reams from little fountains now," Tull oaks from little acorns prow." And the exodus of a few negroes to Kan sas?not half as many as there are now in this city? raised the price of cotton, pre vented a crash in the commercial circles of London, and consequently of all the world, and "enabled banks and speculators to escape in part from a perilous position." Let us have another exodus. * An Appeal.? Wc received yesterday the following note: Richmond, Va., June 9, 1379. For goodness sake spare your readeis the accounts of the college commencements. They arc only interesting to a very few, and they know the results without reading it in the JJLspatch. What will "the boys" think of tbat? And what's the use of commencement ex ercises if they arc not to be reported ? "They have made a desert and called it peacc." The northern papers all speak of Garrison as if bis so-called "life-work" bad benefited somebody. "We acknowledge the receipt of a ticlcct to the ball to be given July 3d at the Vir ginia Military Institute to the graduating class. PETERSBURG. SCTT AGATNST THE CITY OF MANCHESTER? EXAMINATION OF MR. Vlf'KKRS? -COLORED WOMAN DROWNED? A YOUNG MAN KILLED? TUE VISIT OF RICHMOND MILITARY AND KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ; COURTESIES SHOWN THEM, &C. |Corr<s>poudcucs ol the Richmond Disnntch.] Jioco 10. 1870. In the Circuit Court of Petersburg to-day the case of Edward Viekers vs. The City of Manchester (being a suit to recover ?8,000) was called. At the suggestion and by agreement of counsel the Court ordered a | special jury to try the issue, and then took a recess until 12 o'clock to give the ser geant time to summon the jurors. At 12 o'clock the jurors were sworn in, when, at the suggestion of counsel, a fur ther recess until 2 o'clock was taken in order to allow the Court, counsel, jurors, and witnesses to get lunch before going regularly into the trial. A very intelligent jury of luisiuess-men have the case in charge. Messrs. John E. Taylor, of Man chester, and James Neeson and A. M. Keiley, of Richmond, are counsel for the plaintiff, and Messrs. T. M. Loaan and George D. Wise, of Richmond, and Charles | S. Stringfellow, of Petersburg, arc counsel i for defendant. At 2 o'clock 51 r. Viekers was put on the witness-stand, and was kept there for four hours, after which the court adjourned until to-morrow morning. It is thought the trial of the ease will consume three or four days. The body of a colored woman named Jennie Bragg, aged twenty-five years, was found in the forebay at Williams's mill this afternoon. She left her home some time during Saturday night while laboring under mental deraovement. and, it is supposed, walked inlo the canal. Nothinsr was heard of her until her body was found floating in the water. She had been several times heard recently to say that she was going to be baptized, and the theory is that she went to the water under the delusion* that she was to receive the ordiuance, and there met her death. # A telegram was received by Mr. E. E. Hartley, of this city, this morning bringing the painful intelligence that his brother, Mr. W. G. Hartley, aged about twenty-four years, had been killed by an accident oc curring at the saw-mill of which he had charge, near Waverlv, in Sussex county. The deceased was a most worthy young man, and his death is much regretted. The Walker Light Guard and Uniform Division Knights of Pythias, of Richmond, attracted much attention during their visit to our city yesterday. The former were the guests of the Petersburg Grays, and the latter the guests of Uniform Division, No. 3, of Petersburg. This division numbers some thirty or forty members, with uni forms complete, but it has not yet been in stituted, and consequently could not pa rade yesterday ana as an organization take part in the memorial services. However, the visiting Knights' found warm and true friends in their bre thren here, aud were the recipients of eyery hospitality and courtesy. The Rich mond military were dined at Jarratt's Hotel. The parade in the afternoon was a' very fine one, and the scene a solemnly-in teresting one as the soldiery and Knights of Pytfaias marched through the cemetery and aroucd "Memorial Hill" with slow step and arras reversed. It is possible that our Memorial-day may be changed to au earlier date, so as to get the advantage of a greater number of flowers; and it is probable that hereafter we shall have a more formal pro gramme ol ceremonies. Robin Adair. DANVILLE f Corresjwideuce of the Richmond Dispatch.] June 10, 1879. The Crumptou estate, consisting of about eigbtv-tive acre# of land, on which there is one fine brick dwelling-house and nil the de sirable out-houses, was sold at nuction yes terday to Hoffman, Lee & Co., of Baltimore, for $13,100 cash. Tbis property lies Just be yond the corporate limits of the city, on the, Greensboro' road. It was sold by virtue: of two deeds of trust which were made to^ protect HotFiuan, Lee & Co., and in pursu ance of a decree of the Circuit. Court of; r>anville which bad been affirmed by the Supreme Court of Appeals. I am informed that ho appeal has yet been taken in the cane of Crew.*, Roderibizer & rJo. against the Danville Manufacturing Jomgany,7 but only a suspending order foi 8W<;di ftnd it fs bow tlio'jpriit tbat no appeal will be taken. ? Rev. J. E. L., Holme*, ol the Baptist church, prcach v<i /^|? fifn, annual sermon lost, vunaay. this discourse he stated thHbe had received into the church during his tmnl&cnj bere 240 i>ersons. of whom he had baptised 189, and that the net gain was 179. T^e contribution* of the church for misMo'iis for the year just closed amounted to ?400; for missions and all the ehiircii Work within the city, ?2.300 ; for missions and all church enterprises within the last | live years, ?16,500. Number of members at present, mwucauu. Engineer Derrick and (Colonel Spencer, I of the Danville and New- River Railroad | Company, are now engaged on a survey of the country between Danvtlle and Martins ville, and President Anderson and Major Morebcad are working up the Interests of (he Dan-Valley and Yadkin-River Railroad Company in the border country of ^orth Carolina. The officers of Roman Eagle Lodge of Masons elected fact nigbt for the ensuing year are: Robert lirydon, W. M.; J. T. Averett, S. W. ; J. C. Enrigbt, J. \Y\ ; n. A. Wiseman, T.; J. L. Tyack, Secretary. The Master-elect appointed A. T. Aber nethy senior deacon, John Martin junior deacon, R. C. Harvey tiler, J. J. Verser and J. E. Catlin steward*. The first part of the commencement ex ercises of the public school was presented at the Opera-House last night. A large crowd attended. Plays and charades were acted by tbc children, and the hits, some of which were well put in, called forth mucb laughter and applause. The conclu ding exorcises take place to-ni;rbt. Reports come to uh from all quarters of pic-nic.s, excursion parties, balls, lawn parties. People must be as happy as tho^e of ?? merry old England " are supposed to have been, _ Alpha. Thk General Baitist Association* of West Virginia.? The sixteenth annual meeting or thi< body litis just been held at Morgan town, W. Va. Hon. D. D. Johnson, president of the \Ve?t Vireinin Senate, was Moderator, and Frank Atkisson, Esq., clerk. Rev. Thomas Allen, secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, presented the claims of the Boston Board of Missions, and raised $50. Hev. A. E. Dickinson spoke for the Richmond Foreign Mission Board, and raised $52. On Sunday all the churches of the town united in a union-meeting held in the commencement ball of the West Vir ginia University, at which Rev. A. E. Dick inson preached, and clo-ed his sermon with nn appeal in behalf of the Baptist Mission Board of West Virginia, and raised seven hundred dollars. The Association adjourn ed to meet next year in Huntington, W. Va. Died ix Cdcrch.? Mr. N. W. Manning, formerly a well-known citizen of Jefferson county. West Virginia, died suddenly in the Kent-Street Presbyterian church, Winches ter, Virginia, Sunday evening last. Mr. Manning was an uncle of Colonel William P. Craig I) ill, of Baltimore. Emigrants to Liberia.? The bark Mon rovia, now lying at New York, will sail for Liberia during the latter part of this week with about sixty colored emigrants from the southern States, who are to be sent out at the expenses of the African Colonization Society. Mrs. Zelda Seguin, Mr. Castle. Mr. Peakes, and Miss Annis Montague produced ?? Pinafore" in Boston. Mi^s Montague was the Josephine , and Mrs. Seguin ibe LiHle Buttercup , Peake-s the Dic/c JJcadcye, and Messrs. Castle and Seguin the Ralph and the Admiral , respectively. John JCaupp, a watchman at. J ay no's building, in Philadelphia, fell down a batch way a distance of 75 feet on Saturday night, receiving fatal injuries. After his fall he tired off !:is revolver, in that way calling another watchman to his assistance. There is a scarcity of miners at the Wadesville, Pine Forest and East collieries in Schuyll.i l county, Penn , and rr.en rrc being imported from England and Wales to till the vacancies, some of whom have already arrived. General Buford, of Kentucky, has sold his famous stallion Enquirer to General Harding, of Tennessee, for $10,000. It is said that, fho Prinoo of Wales has remitted twenty per cent, of his Cornish rents. This means some ?70.000. DEATHS. Died. oi! June 10?h,nt 5 o'clock, of typhoid- fevr. L1LLIK BELL, daughter of B. KaudS. 1!. Jones; a*re<i nix year? and five mouths. " Tlic Lord glveth and i lit* Lord taketh away; blessed be the lwtnc of ihe Lord." The funeral will take place Iroin her father's rest deuce. No. 9nr> west Clav street TO- DA Y (Wednes day! at 5 o'clock P. AI. The friends and acquaint ances of tuc family are lespectfully invited to at tend. * Died, June 10th. ANDREW ROY. Infant son of I A. If. and R. L. Elletson: aged eleven months. Hl? funeral will take plt<'<' frnni In*rl?-sI?-J?-".*'* tlir residence of his faih'-r THIS W EDNESDAY at 5 P.M. The friends of the family are invited to at tend. * MKETJXt^. 0 FF ICE US AND MEMBERS OF JEFFERSON LODGE. NO. 23. ltMi OF I*.,? Attend a recu lar convention Til ISM (Wednesday) EVENING, June ltth. at Slw o'clock. Paprts and e-quires apphinpr for'1 ? ranks will 6e prompt in attendance at 8:30. Bv order of the C. C. J. R. LAMKIN, jell-It* K.ofR.andS. rpllE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X MEMBERS OF THE RICHMOND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE will he held on THURSDAY EVENING, June 12th, at 5)4 o'clock, in their rooms, corner of Governor and Ross streets. The President will present his annual report, and ,m election of officers for the ensuing year will be held. P. G. COG II LAN, Je 10-3t Secretary, j Annual meeting.? the eighth ANNUAL MEETING OFTIIESTOCKHOLD EKS OF THE RICHMOND PAPER-MANUFAC TCRING COMPANY will be held at ihe office of the Company, No. liJ02 Main street, on FRIDAY the 20. h day of Juna in?tant. at 5 o'clock P. M. JOHN II. MONTAGUE, President. II. AY . Lubbock, Secretary. je 9-e dtd S TOCKHOLDERS' meeting. The annual meetlnc of the STOCKHOLDERS of The VIRGINIA KIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY will be held at the company's office, No. 1015 Main street, on MONDAY. lUih instant, at 12 o'clock M. je 6-td W. 11. MCCARTHY, Secretary. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR FEED AND PROVENDER FOR THE lJORSES OF THE FIRE DEPART MENT. HEADQUARTERS FlItE DEPARTMENT,) No. 12 Tenth street. > RICHMOND. June 11, 1679. ) SEALED PROPOSALS for ftirnisbin? the horses of the Richmond Fire Department with DAY. OATS. BROWNSTUFF, CORN, SHIPS'J UFF, salt, &c., from Ju'y 1,-1879, to October 1, 1879, will be re ceived until FRIDAY, June 27. 1879, at 4M P. M., at headquarters Fire Department. No. 12 Tenth street, where forms of prooosals may be hud on ap pit-ation to the Chief Engineer. Address CHARLES F. TAYLOR. Chairman Committee on Fire Department, je ll,14.Stdid HORSES FOR SALE. ^nOROUGH BRED HORSES FOR One pair HAMBLETONIANS, rich bays, six and seven years old, sound and gentle to all harness ; can trot to pole lu three minutes. "LESTK.R," THOROUGHBRED SORREL GELDING, sixteen hands bljrh, tlx years old; by '?Curies:" tine roadster, gentle to all harness; can trot In 2:50. . . ,, . ?k HARRY," BA7 GELDING, sixteen haiidshljrfc. fonr years old : bv kvliiDK Lear well oroken to all Harness. "MILTON," CHESTNUT SORREL, Mx old, sixteen hands hlK*' ? 8t>UIul and gentle, fine roadster and saddle-horse. ? _e .. a ~ ? Pair THOROUGHBRED COLTS, three and four years oW. ,, .... , One BAY MARE, seven years old. suitable for family use: sound and senile; ca? trot in 8.?y. THOROUGH BRED MARK, "L:zzle Runt." by "Allie Hunt," five years old; work* geutle in all harness. one FINE THOROUGHBRED MARE, by " Curies," seven yeaz*s old ; fine taddlS-anadrivlQff horsc. THOROUGHBRED STALLION, three years old, by u Abdelknder." __ . One THOROUGHBRED SORREL HOK^C, by - Curie*." fi'ttr yats old; prentle to all haro^si good riding- aud driving hor>e. , The above horses wore all raised in Vitglnia, ano will be told on accommodating t?rms. An oppor tunity to sreure superior sad'- lc- and driving-hordes such as the above is seldom offered. Theyc%nbe sttuat my stables. Franklin street, Richmond, Va. Apply fc> E. T. Bass. Je i0-10t ?? * - JOHN B. DAVIS. , SPEMAt NOTICES. tST COHEN BSOTBEftS WILL OPES" THIS WEEK UPWABD3 OF $56;G0(TwORTH OF GOODS ' ; vu t u \ 3 PURCHASED AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. THE GREATEST CONCESSIONS IN PRICES YET EXPERIENCED. DOTTED MUSLINS at 12% and 10?<c. ; DOTTED MUSLINS at 22c. heretofore sold at 3 7Xc. * WHITE LINEN LAWN at 16?*c. heretofore sold hi 25c.; WHITE LINEN LAWN at 20 and 25c. marked down from 45 and 50c.; VICTORIA LAWNS at 8. 10, and 12'/jC.-, at 15c. reduced from 20c. ; at 20 and 25c. heretofore sold and 33 and 40c. ; Full stock of LINEN DE INDIA, BISHOP'S LAWNS, SWISS. FRENCH ORGANDIES, FRENCH NAINSOOKS, MULLS, STRIPED ORGANDIES, STRIPED VICTORIA LAWNS, and many oiber while goods that will be found attractive and much below market value; TARLATANS at a retraction of 35 percent.; FRENCH CORDED MARSEILLES at lG?ic. here tofore > old at 33c.; the best quality imported at . 30c. reduced from 50c.; 500 pieces of RIliBOXS at greatly-reduced prices; 32 seis or REAL LACE ^CURTAINS from *20 a sc: to *50 at fully one half their regular value; PARASOLS at 75c. reduced from $1.25; at 9Gc. reduced from $1.50; at $1.75 reduced from 52.75; at $3 reduced from *4.50. Jeff HOT" AT COHEN BROTI1E US IMPORTED BLACK LACE BUNTINGS at 17&!* i heretofore sold at 30c. : MCCOY'S ENGLISH LACE BUNTINGS at?20c hp'etof' re sold at 33e. ; DRESS GOODS reduced from 25 to 16?jC.? all Dress Goods reduced : BLACK HKRNANl (all silk and wool) at 35c. here tofore sold at 75c.; MEXICAN MESH (a'l silk and wool) at 50 per cent, under value ; BROCADE GRENADINES at a reduction ; 15 pieces GRENADINES at 9c. a yard heretofore sold ar. IG^c. ; LUPIN'S SATIN-STRIPE GRENADINE at 41.40 heretofore sold at $2.25 ; The larsrest and finest stock of MOURNING GOODS eter offered In this city at fully 25 per cent, reduction from former prices. Je 5 HOT AT COHEN BROTHERS' THIS WEEK NEW SILKS! NEW PRICES! THEIR STOCK IS THE LARGEST SOUTII OF NEW YORK. EVERY YARD WARRANTED IN PRICE AGAINST ANY HOUSE IN THE UNION. In BLACK they are si-lllug pood quality at 60 and 65c.; heavy at 85, 90c. and Si ; superior Sat lu ll nlsii at $1.15. They offer the finest S ATI N FINI-H SILK of Bonnet's, Guinea's, Pansoti's. Teilara'-", and others of the most noted French manufacturers. In COLORED SILKS they offer overv shade and quality? atnon? them a large stock of EVE NING TINTS. Also. Just received a full lino of tine SILK GAUZES ut a very great sacrifice. je 5 AST* AT COII EX BROTH EES'? 1.500 DOZEN LISLE-TIIREAD GLOVFS. GLOVES at 10 and 12'.c. fur two-buttou; 16 and 20c. for four-button ; The- ELASTIC-TOP GLOVE at 25 and 35c.; LACE-TOP in full variety; L ??idles' KID and BUCK DRIVING-GLOVES; Also, a large stock of KID GLOVES; 500 pieces of TORCHON LACES at a great reduc tion ; 150 pieces of CRETONNE LACES : 75 pieces of BLACK FRENCH LACKS; Also, a large stock of BE A L LACES ; Very extensive stock of FANS. See the great reductions. > 5 (t3T COIIEN BROTHERS HAVE PUR CHASED the entire slock of MATTING or a New York ommisflon house, and are ready to offer these goods in larae ordinal] quantities at entirely new prices. They comprise every variety of WHITE and FANCY. je 5 jjrgf NOW FOR CHEAP GOODS. A LAUnv STOCK. , , from which you can make your select ions, at EXTR EMELY-LO W PRICES. r TNEN BATIsTE at 12%c. worth IG'jC. per yard ; LAWNS at GJ4 . f-ii- 10. ant 12)40. per yaid; GINGHAMS at hfj, 10. and 12!$c. |*r yard; LINEN SUITINGS, yard wide, at 16*s, 20, and 25c. perviird : CO if 1)101 ? PIQUES a1 5. Fii, and lCc. per yard ; PRINTED LINES LA W.Nt at 16S- 20, and 25c. per vard: WHITE SO FT- FINISH ED CAMBRICS at Si*. 10, l'2'n. and 10c. a Yard ; SHIRKED VUsLIN at I GrsC.per yard worth .ioc.: GRASS ("LOTUS, in all shades at 8Jjc. per yard worth 12JgC.:' C AL1COE* In eroat variety at .r> and G'i'c. per vard : BLACK ALPACAS. CASllMEIih.S, I'.oMKA ZINhS. MOIIAIRS. BUNTINGS, GKENA 1)1 \ ES, and oilier DRI->S GOODS, at tno lowest prices : CR AMI? all pure linen? at $2.50 for a piece of 40 CURTAIN MUSLINS at $1.20 for a piece of 12 yards worth $2 ; FLANNELS in all qualities at old price?, though tliore Ims been iin advance of lift ecu per cent. ; BEDTM'K from 8-3 to 25c. ner yard ; CHEVIOT SillRTiNGS at 8;j, 10, 12 and 1G?,C. per yard : HAIVI MOCKS HSitf HAMMOCK-PILLOW S? just the 1 hint.'! needed now; LINEN DRILLINGS at 12J*. 1G^.20, and 25c. per yard ; LINEN SHEETING. 211 yards wide, at $1 pt r yard worth $1.25 : PILLOW-CASE LINEN, lif yard? wide, at 50c. worlh G5<\ a vard : PIQUE TRIMMINGS at 25c. a piece worth 75c.; CASH'S COLORED COVENTRY EDGE at 50c. a pi^-cc of lv? yards wonh $1 ; DAISY RUFFLING at 25c. for a piece of 12 yardw worlh 50c.; TORCHON EDGINGS and INSERTINGS in great variety from 4 to 35c. per yard : HAMBURG EDGINGS and INSERTINGS in great vainty. We show over 200 patterns, and sell them at very low prices. WORSTED and SILK FRINGES, PEARL, IVO RY, GILT. STEEL, SILVERED, and other styles of BUTTONS, at low nrices; ? PURE LINEN * H 1 RT- BOSOMS at 1 5c. worth 35c.; LAP-ROBES at 75c., $1, $1.25, and $1.50? a largo assortment to select from; WHITE and COLORED CORSETS from 19c. to $3 a pair: SHOULDER-BRACES of the best quality at $1 a pair; LACE POINTS and LACE SACQUES at less than half price. Now Is the lime to purchase a genu lue LLAMA POINT at half value. A large Job lot of STOCKINGS for ladies and chil dren at 10. 123$. and 15c. a pair, some of which are worth 25c. : Uargdns in TURKEY RED TABLE-DAMASK, BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED TABLE DA MASK, DOILIES, NAPKINS, and TOW ELS. Purlicular attention is called to our SPECIAL BARGAIN COUNTER. LEVY BROTHERS, jfc 3 1017 and 1019 Main street. 2ST SCHOOLS, SCHOOLS, SCHOOLS, ATTENTION 1 ATTENTION! ATTENTION! VICTORIA LAWNS at 8l4. 10, 12,'f. 15. and 16^c. Th LAWN at 11c. per jard Is 40 inches wide. It is worth 10c. a yard. ORGANDY AIU&LLNS very cheap: SWISS MUSLIN at 8%. 10, 12& 15. 16^, and up to 40c. a yard; PLAID S ASH-R 1 RBONS at 20 and 25c. a yard worth 30 and 40c. : PLAIN SASH-RIBBONS at 15, 20, 25, 40, and 50c. a yard ; GLOVES In great variety; STOCKINGS of every description; FANS from 2c. up to *4 . PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS at the lowest priccs, at [Je 3 J LEVY BROTHERS'. B2T NEW GOODS ! NEW STYLES ! Just received a very large assortment of SPRING GOODS, IMPORTED ESPECIALLY TOR MY TRADE. The goods are of SUPERIOR QUALITY", being from the very best English and French manufacto ries, and the PATTERNS ARE VERY HAND SOME. I beg to Inform my friends and the public generally that I shall offer these goods, made up In the latest styles and by the best workmen, at prices TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. SHIRTS. COLLARS, and CUFFS made to order at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN C. SHAFER, Merchant Tailor, xnh 13-3m No. 1004 Main street. CITY TAXES. OFFICK OF CITY COLLKCTOli,) Richmond, Va., May 31, 1879. j This office will be open daily from 9 o'clock A. 31. to 0 o'clock P. Sf, from thelSihdayof June?o the 30th Inclusive, for i he purpose of receiving from any person charged with CITY TAXES? REAL AND PERSONAL? fcr the vear 1879, the whole or one-half of tfce amount of lax char??nl, ."*nd that TEN PER CENT, will be added to the amount of tax cbarRftl in every case where ibe parly aasmcJ shall fail to payihe whole or one-half wiihln the time so limited. To avoid crowd and pressure on the last few days of the collection, the collector respectfully requasUt all pn."tiP? to rail early Jn the time specilied, and tho^e hanc* Hits and memorandums to Uavo will do ?o, ttatihctr Wis mart* Kl?,ed je 9-lm CoU??tor. "MJPfKI A li WOT1CES fPHS FIFTH SUPPLY ^ JL ?T< ?wlt ' -fi :JH '. *' ?*???' r- SEW GOODS rr*T " AT. SYCLE UR0T11EHS' FOR TflE SEASON. 150 pieces HUNTING. ranrlnjr from 12M to37&e. : 00 nieces LACE~STRLPED BUNTING at 1^ 16'j. and 25c.: 20 pieces LACK-STRIPED BUNTING at 12,'^c. reduced from 25c, ; 25 ^pieces WINK GRENADINES at lOc^-former pricc 25c. per rani : 20 pieces COLORED STRIPED at 9c. per yard : 100 nieces HANDSOME LACK BUNTINGS at 20. 30, 35, 40. 50. 75. and 92c tut ywr?l ; Ano:her lot of those COLORED MOHAIRS? re duced from 30c, to 1 6^c. per yard : "We liive just opened another lot of NEW SILKS ? Brocaded, Striped, thrured, and plain? lu all colors: BEAUTIFUL BLACK SILKS at 75c. 41. $1.25, $ 1.50, f 1.75. $2. *2. 25. an* 82.50 per yjrd : We lave a full line of BLACK and COLORED SATINS in INatu and Striped. Don't buv your TRIMMINC-SILKS and SATINS before you look at SYCLE BROTHERS1 : Special in' ucements arcoftVred in BLACK GOODS : We arc heanmiariers In' BLACK GOODS, such as C A S H M E R E- TA Ml* K, HENRI ET I A CLOTHS. BOMBAZINES, CRAPE, and DA MASSE CLOTHS. <ltc.: MOHAIR LUSTRES at 25r. worth 50c : in WHITE GOODS we otTcr special Inducements tins week in SWISS MUSLINS, VICTORIA L AWNS. STKIPEDaudCHECKEDand PLAIN ORGAN DIES: 500 pieces NEW HAMBURG EDGING from *1 ncryard; The larpeit *tock of LACE and BERLIN GLOVES In Richmond; 100 dozen LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GAUZE "VESTS iroin 25c. up to $1. MATTINGS! MATTINGS! MATTINGS 1 A larpe assortment of MATTINGS. OIL-CLOTHS, RUG-'. CARPET-', CURTAIN*. LACE SHADE?. MARSEILLES QUILTS. PAR AS< >L>. SU N-U MKRELLAS. LADIES' LINEN SUITS, and thousands of other article* too numerous to mention. SYCLE BROTHER-?. 311 Broad slra f. je 4-eod between Third and Fourth streets. aor summer opening at T1IALIIIMER BROTHERS'. GRANDEST DISPLAY OF TIIE SEASON. WILL OPEN MONDAY AND DURING THE WEEK : 100 places best LAWNS, solid and figured, with and without side* bands : 40 pieces beau;irul FRENCH ORGANDIE at 20 worih 33c. These goods are far below their value. We call special attention to our largo stock of WHITE GOODS. KlKnOXS, solnl and striped HOSIERY. GLOVES. &c., forschool commenc metits. Don't fail o look al our tine of WHITK GOODS purchased specially for these occasions DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS!? Imineme re duction in prices to reduce our stock. Call and examine our Hue before purchasing. BARGAIN'S IN SILKS ! BARGAIN'S IN SATIN'S BARGAINS IN' STRIPED ANIM'nKCKKD /SILKS !? Ilaviinr purchased a lajre .stock ??t' these zoods at f-s than their value w..- wi-li to give our customers the advantage. So look to your Interest ami give us a call. We wish to call particular attention to our -dock of IfLACK GOODS, which we make a ?p.riaPv. A full and cheap line of CLACK CAMIMERKS, TAMISE. BUNTING-. I.At'K-sT II I !' K D, SA'IIN-BKOCADED. AND FIGURED CUN'T INOS.n 25,..; l'LAIN. STRIPED. AND BRO CADKD GRENADINES. at all prices. 30 pieces FIGURED AND ST IMPED DRESS I. INKS at if) worth 20c. Tle-sr.* coods are sold at le-s than they co-t lo impor'. ANo. a full II tie of DRESS I.INK N'S, LIN K N T It I ,\1 MINGS, &e.. at Sow prices. PARASOLS! PAR \*?oLs !? A I irge stork? which must, he told. Now is ih?* ciiiuicc tw *ct a bar gain in one. Call and look at. our stocK. A larse variety of T(.RCH??N, CRETONE. ITAL IAN". v a i j:nci k n n ks, f i : e n c 1 1 and OTHER LACKS, at remarkably low prices. 200 dwn ?>e?t VALKNCI KNNKS LACKS, for trimming Lawn and White Dressts. at nO and 25c. a dozen. Thl- Is great bargain. Abo, * larsre line at 40. 50, 7oc.. and *1 a dozen. 42 dozen FRENCH-WOVE CORSETS at 85 worth t>0c. This Is another bargain we iifl'-r. We have also a laivc Hue at 50. 75e., ;ind ??!. SUMMER STYLES Pa)>*r Fo^bion.t in- 1 received. We have every number and pat tern that Is out. Catalogues free. Country or ders promptly attended to at Til A L n I M K II 15 II OT HERS', my 31-S.M&W GO 1 Broad street. HOT NOW FOR 1JARGAINS1 D. & E. MITTELOORFER, 527 BUOAD STKEET. We have just received our fourth supply of NEW GOi ?DS. bouirht at the r.-eent auction sales in New York for cash? among them a treat many WHI TE GOODS for school commencements ami exhibitions, con-iftintf of VICTORIA LaWN'S. ORGANDIES. SWISS MUSLINS. LINEN LAWN'S. TORCH' in ami BRETON LACKS. HAMBURG EDGINGS and JN'SERTINGS. L ACK-STIM I'ED and I'LAIN PIQUE, at such low prices as to astonMi all. LAWNS. LAWN'S, LAWNS. 250 m w pi>-ces just opened in SIDE-BAND, PLAIN, ami FIOURED ; LAWNS at 0',. S/d. 10. and 12^c : FRENCH BATISTE at ltic ?regular price. 25c. : DRESS LINENS at 12,'$. 14. 10. 18. 20. *2, and Uuc. The.-e goods are lower in price than they have ever been : FANS. FAN'S? A new supply just optued, from 2c. to the Hncsi : BUNTINGS. HUNTINGS, in PLAIN and LACE STRIPE? a fresh sunplj : BUNTINGS at 12!S, lG'j. IS. 20, and 22c.? the best ; BLACK CAPIIMERKS at 12,.>. 15. IS. 20. 25, 35, 40. 45, 50, 55, 60. 05. 70, 75. 85c., ami *1 ; BLA' K ALPACAS at 12.'j, 10 ;, 20, 25, 30, and 35c. lor the best ; BLACK TAMISE. for summer wear? silk and wool ; BLACK GRENADINES at very low prices; BLACK SILKS from 0*e. to 4.2.50 per yard? great inducements ottered In this line: A large stock of RICBONS In all colors; TRIMMlNG-SILKSand SA'I INSat reduced prices; LINEN SHEETING and PILLOW LINEN from auction ; I LINEN DRILLS for men and bo\V wear from 10c. to the Quest qualll y ? plain, at riped, and checked. MA'l TINGS ! MATTING? ! 250 pieces NEW MATTINGS Ju-t recclvwl from auction. In WHITE.CHE< KED.and FANCY, all width*? cheaper than ever. Now Is the time to buy. 4-4 White at 15c.. 4-4 Checked at 15c.. 4-4 Faucy at 25c.? regular price 50c.; 5-4 Checked Ht 25c. worth 40c.. G-4 White and Check at 30c.? regular pi ice 50c. Dou'i fail to look at. our stock before you purchase : OIL-CLOTHS, Floor and Table; COCOA MAT TINGS, HEMP and WOOL CARPETS and RUGS, to be sold at a sacrifice to close; CASSl MERES, TWr.EDS, CoTToNADIX BLUE FLANNEL, and KENTUCKY JlCANS in great variety from 10c. per yard to the fluest goods imported ; CORSETS. CORSETS.? Look at our SIOE-LACE and SIDE-STEEL COR-ETS at 50c.; CORSETS a I 25. .S.r>. 50.. 7.r?c . and *1 : ABDOMINAL CORSETS, for stout ladles, at *1 wort1 1 ?2 ; PARASOLS. PARASOLS.? The greatest bargains in tin* city ; HOSIERY in great variety from 5c. per pair to the best : UNDERWEAR for ladies, children, and genUe COTTON'S. CROWN COTTONS. SHEETINGS, and CALICOES retailed at wholesale prices; a lar-'e siick of ToWEL- from auction; FRINGES. BUTTONS, GLOVES, &C? Sec. Call and oe convinced. ' D. ? E. MITTELDORFER. je 7-S.MAW 027 street. BOOKS. NTATIO.VEKY. *f. KAN IK>LI*H & ENGLISH. [>? <J-d? w | Call at WOODHOUSE & TAMTAM'S Book ami Stationery More and get a supply of CHOICE KEAT ING. They have lately received? MY DESIRE. By the author of " The Wide, Wide World." $1.75. A MERE ADVENTURER. A Novel. By Elzey Hay. 75c. CLARE AND BEBE. A Novel. 60c. FLITTERS, TATTERS, AND THE COUNSEL LOR. A Story. 10c. THE GHOST OF RJJDBROOK. A Novel. By the author of "The Odd Trump." 75c. FAMOUS STORIES. First and Second Series. Each $1.50. A SOUTHERN WOMAN'S STORY. 75c. Also, the FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY and SEASIDE LIBRARY, reprints of popular work*, complete, from 10c. up. ELEGANT STATIONERY, MEDIUM-DUALI TY STATION KB Y, at low prlc?. WOODHOUSE & PARHAM. POWDER. hupont I I unfl MIV u and MINI E. Jo 4-8taw2w ISSCKAXt E STATEMENTS. [pOBLieDBD phnflCANT TO ACT OF ASSEMBLY APPROVED FKDKCAKY 22, 1878. J Annual statement for the FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 31ST ?>AV OF DECEMBER. 1*78. OF THE ACTUAL CON DITION OF THE NORTHERN FIRE-ASSU RANCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED UN OEli THE LAWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN, MADE TO THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC AC COUNT- FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OP VIR GINIA, PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE GEN ERAL ASSEMBLY REGULATING THE RE PORTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, AP PROVED FEBRUARY 22. 1878. Name of the company in fall, North ern A s sl-bance Company. Homo or principal i fflces of raid company, Arkr deen,"3 Klng street, ;in<l London,! Moor OATE STREET. Character of the company? whether fire, fire an'I marine, or marine insurance company? Fire. Cliatrmao, Sir William Milleb. Bart. Deputv ? lull-man, udxcan James Rat. General Manager, ALEXANDER P E A B S O N FLETCHER. United States Mannger. R. D. AI.LIGER. Organised and incorporated, 1836. Commer.cwl bus-mess. 1836. Name of the General Agent In Virginia, How ard SWINEFORD. Residence of the General Axent In Virginia, 1108 Main street, Richmond. I. CAPITAL. I. The amount of subscribed can Ital stuck cf ,>ncb corpora tion ..*15,000.000 00 II. The amount t f said capital stock paJu up In ca.-h ' 750.000 00 The amount still unpaid for.^l 4.250.000 00 II. ASSETS. IV. The assets of said company. and a detailed statement of how ?nn In what the same are invested; 1. Value of real estate owned by the company f 385,546 27 2. Loans noon first mortgage of real estate 2.768.848 27 8. ACCOUNT OF si OrKS. Bon DS and Tr eascry Nor t:s of the United states and OF ALL OTHER STOrk'S and Bonds owned akso LUTELY BY TH E < ,'OM J' A NY 6,135,168 36 10. amount of Stocks, Honds, AND ALL OTHER SECLUt TIES I EXCKPT MOKT G . V G E S ) HYPOTHECATED TO THE COMl'ANY AS COL LATERAL SECURITY FOR CASH ACTUALLY ISSUED BY HIE COMPANY... 1,957.670 31 12. Ca-li In t*c company's priuel pal office:- 1,775 21 13. Ca.-h belo'.'Kiog to* I he com pany deposited In banks.... 435,560 73 14. Interest fine and accrued on stoc-K- not Included in "mar ket value" 94.101 10 15. Iut?'r<-?t accrued on collaK.*ral loans 58.117 77 16. Gross pjvmltnns in cour?e of eoilictioii not more than throe months dtte 58.977 85 17. Bills reeeivable. not mntureil. 111.898 12 18. Ail other properly belonging to the company? viz.: Rents due and accrued, and due from other companies and agents 402 356 50 Aggregate amocnt of ALL THE ASSET.- of TIIE Company, stated at limit ACTf.lL V AI,f E. 1 2. 500.020 58 III. LI \im.ITIES. Gros- 'osses adjusted and In proce s of a"j(i>i in' nr. and iueiiidimr all reported and Mip;?-'Svd lo--es i; 201.118 67 11. Total iiu<:irned pK-miuins.... 676,148 75 13. Ail other ii itiiliiie-. except capital, un or flu* liiV-in.-u ruice or any ot'ier special ?le ? 7.104,640 65 14. Hills pa>abi< ? being drafts by di'tanr ascticic* not yet at maturity 6.125 00 17. Ca-li divloiMids to -lockbold ers remaiiiim: unpaid 6 405 39 18. Due and ncirrued for salarl* lent, aoverti-liig, and for agency and other iiit.-c lia i:iciiis t-xpi'it e 19. Oik* to otli*-r companies and agents 118.71*5 77 21. T-'-'nl it liirmut nf nil liribili ti's I'jrent xtuck (liirl nit ?tufplus * 8.238,522 79 22. Joint stock ca|iit:il actually paid no In cash 750,000 00 23. Sur:?:u? bevo d capital a no all otbir liabilities 3.511.497 79 25. Aggregate amocnt of ALL I.IAf.ILITir.S. INCLI - Dt NO PAID-; "P CAPI'I AL STO< K. AN D NET SUBPLUS.^12.500.< 20 58 35.378 56 IV. INCOME. VI. The Income of said company durhn: the ore- edlnit twe've months. ami from what sou re* ?*?rivt'U : 5. N?*i ci*A actually received for priu ? 2,817,531 63 7. It ? for In'i-P'-t "ii h mi aii'l mortjraire?, and divi itniiil- on sioek- :mi| hon<l>. and collateral It ?:? ti- 530.250 90 9. Income received I run <lloiher source- 15.407 88 12. AOfSF. KOATK AMOfNT OK INCOME ACTt'ALt.Y It K <;i:iVKr? n t* u i n <; r n K .j? 3.309.250 47 V. FVPKVDITlTl!Kf?. VII. The expenditure- of -a hi i\>in panv.itlvinfra detailed state ineiit of ihe sain? : 3. Xct amount paid during Hie year for ir-^is $ 1,309.^25 14 4. Dividends aclu.illv p;i til -toek holders 318,750 00 0. Paid for l Oinnis^ioiH or hro kerayeainl -urrendered pol itics 395.2:11 02 7. Paid lor .-alarles. fur*, and all of lit r eliari:' s of o Hirers, eh rks. avents, and all oilier nii|t|i.yee> 366,488 CD 8. Paid fur Slate, and local iaxes In UiU and oilier Stales 9. All other pivinents and < x pemliturc AOOKKOATK A MOI' XT OF a < i r a i. i : x i* K x i? rr i" it ks Ul'ItlNU THE YEAtt ^ 2.49'-'.300 C The furriroln;? Mat'-ment 1? sworn ami -iih^erlbrd to by Sir Wii.mam .M u.LK!t.( 'lainiiau.aiid At.i.\ AN UK It P. KI.KT'IIKK. l.' Ma najft-r. before ?Utiis r.ltllKJKS. N'oiarv Puhile. in L"tid?n. Eng land. IloWAKD sWINEFoRD. Ayent. jo 7 1 1 Ofe Main iireet. AWI> C'OA J.. ?10 A L OliDEIMJD L'? V TELEPHONE, < 'OA r. ordered isv postal-cards, < OAL AND WOOD ordered in any way, will he promptly delivered. S. I\ L ATH HOP, my 24 Seventeenth street, at draw-bridge. ^NTHKaCITE COAL ! COALBURG SPLINT COAL ! STEAM COALS ! COKE I WOOD, louj; and sawed ; FUEL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. S. II. HAWKS, Eighteenth and Cary .-treats. ! Orders by tfj or otherwise j prom lit I !/ to . "O 9 i_ piOAL AND WOOD.? AN 1'HKACITK, Vy all *izn". first inalltv: EA-T IJ\NK SPLINT. CLOVER 1 1 1 LI., and So FT < OK E. All kiuds of ENGINE COAL. OAK and PINE WOOD? lonjr. saw-ed. and >pli ? 'tt lowes'. ea-h price*. Orders at 1 eulier vard? Nineteenth and Cary. or Broao street opposite the 1 heatre? promptly attended to an - 1 C. 11. PAGE. A N T il I{ A C I T E COAL.? JUST RK j\ C* IVKD. 200 tons of the celebrated PEN. fcFRANKUN RKDAsTI LOG and VfoVK COAL, i Alio, a full siipplv of WI>T VIRGINIA LUMPanA GEORGE'S CREEK CUMBERLAND CmAL. OAK and PINK WOOD? all of which will he gold at the lowett market price. Office, corner Seventeenth and Carv olrtets. WIRT KuRERT*. mh 28 PH. CAIUUNOTON, ? DEALER IN* EAST. BANK SPLINT COAL, ANTHRACITE COAL-all bl/es; STE A M- AJfU ENGINE-COAL, No. 1 OAK AND PINK WOOD, V EM Y LOW. Corner Seventeenth and Cary and Jefferson and Broad streets. Ja 13 s UK<M KKICK. rte. A L T 10,000 SACKS ENGLISH FACTOR V-KILLED Kl N K. of the twit bra lids? DEAKIN'SJ WORTHINGTON. WASHINGTON. JJERBKRT. BUCKLKY'S. FALK'S. 2.000 SA^KS ENGLISH GROUND- ALUM, 5U0 TON'S AGRICULTURAL. |h .store. landiinrat the Chesapeake and Ohio liall wav wharf and Ihe Richmond dock, for sale bv je io-i4t davenport a morris. REASONABLE DELICACIES. O NORTH CAROLINA CUT HERRINGS. NORTH CAROLINA GROSS HER RINGS, NORTH CAROLINA ROE HERRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA CORNED SHAD, NORTH CAROLINA SHAD ROE (in half harrelsl, NORTH CAROLINA ROCK ROE (in hali'-barrek). For siale on couslpumrnt. . Je 7 A. Y. STOKES A CO. CftSFECTlO^EHlES, <tc. PUHE CANDIES.? I am mntiuf;icttirin? dally hiv ininiUatile |>ure crushed kUL'ar CLA R IFIKD FLINT CANDIES. 1 make bet?er CAN DIES for v*holesale purposes than any house la this conntry? warranted perfectly pure and no adulte rations. We don't u?e any trucog zrap^^ujfar. alba? nothing but pure suyars : It more bljrhly flavored, whiter, brighter, flruiw, ?ud is warranted to stand Arm In auy climate. LOUIS J. S0SS1EUX. Confectioner, ! Ja 30 1412 Main street, i IJflHlBAME RTATKMESTS. YPUBLISHED PURSUANT to act OF A PFKOVKD yttntcCAHY 2 \ 1S7-.1 Annual statement for thk FISCAL YEA II ENDING THK 31st |i\y OK OECEMBK1C. IP 7*. OK THE A*T L* \f, < <,$. DlTION OK THE IMl'EKlAl, KIKE-INM I'av r. COMPANY. OKGAN1J5KD UM?EIC THE I,\\\s OK F.N?iI.A\l? \ntik t<? ? LATINO THE HKI'ORTS OK fWl\v',\ WMPa N 1 1>, A l-I'KOVEO KEBlil a U Y - - 1878 Nameof Hip company In full, Imperial Firr INSURANCE ( OMJ'A.Vk . Ilollic cf ptliicloal office of sni'l COmpn;y, J in r, BUOAD STREET. I. ON DON. " Character of the company? whetter tlriv nr.- Jr, ? marine, or mmlm* Insurance coinjwny? Kirk Chairman. William Hawthorn. ICvj. Deputy Cnalrmuu. George Hamih ih. **"i s r :> Esq. General Manner and Secretary, Edward ( ?>. zensj'mith. Emi. United States Manager, If. I). ALLIGKE. Organized and Incorporated. lfcO.j. Commenced bu?lues?. 1803. Name of the General AK-.nt in Virginia. Ifo'.v. A RI> SWINEFORO. KeM?lence of tin- General Af-nt in Vlrgiula. 1 1 - Main street, Richmond. Va. I. CAPITAL. I. Tin; amount of Mi'>scrl!-M capital M-u-k of >neheorj?. tlon ^ 8.0(m<.ui .? o ) II. The amount of mi<I eapiui 0 slock paid up In c:t li..!..v, h ,, The amount slllt uupaiil Nr..* t. "M" : 11. A ? KTS IV. Tl-c awtJ of saM eomtv.tiv, ami a detailed s'ateiMu: of liow and til tt ll It till.' Villi"; an* Invested : 1. Value ot real estate owned l>v the com :<a n y ?t I i >. I : j 2. London doudaii I mortgage. i. : Total market valci: or ALL STOCKS. ISONDS. ASI) 'l rkascky Notes ok the 1'nitkd States and <>r T1IX8 STATE AND OK ALI. OTIIKltS r *TES AND < ?il %? TRIES. AND ALI. OTIM I{ STOCKS ANU Hosi S OWN ED AKS LUTKLV tlV I II K COM I* A N V * .*.'.>43.1 '.'I 12. Cadi iii t i :r* company's prin cipal fitllt:" 4 1.7".', 13. I'asli i ?"o:'^liiK to ilieiMiinpa. n v <!<?? ?i??J,e<! in liauk- 1 18. I.Irs 1G. Gm* premiums, in s?-of colhctlon nwi 1 1 1 * *j than three months itin* ; 17. Bills lint iHu Inrnl. taken for lire ma rl:. e. an?l i iilan I i f ~k s s; > ,i,> IS. All other property helonttliK t<> i lie com |>an v. c Acoiiki; *te a moi-nt ?>k AI.L I II i: A SSI.'l S OK THK COMPANY. S ! A I* K D A r Tilt IE AC 1 UAL VALUE....* 7.P7'?.1 I'O nr. i.i \ isu.iTtKs. Gross losses a<lj><?ti <1, in pro cess of adjustment. ami in c'uOiiiir ail reported ami supposed lo?>? s ? .r'7-t.i!''! "?* 7. Gro? premium* rec?- Tt ilaml p cei v a lili- upon nil iine.x plreOy/r'! ri*p i ? 17. Cash UiYi-xmis to sim klio -i er< ri maiiitnir inipai'l ?.? . I ? tM 18. One and n eruej li-r i-at.iri'-s. rent, ad ver: 'fillip. an?i f"r ai;* nev and odn*r ni>c? lla motis expenses ' i . "J u il 20. Tjs?'s of al! kind-. e.-inmi ? sioiis on all prt'tniiiiii" i"! i l. and r-turu-t r niiiitiis 120..' II i 21. Tola! iimi.vnf iif ntl liahi/i ? ties, fixer t>t lyl/iit'll ( in-!, mt xii r)il its.. f l.iVI 22. .IoiMl?s?>elv t;i | ? 1 1 :t 1 ui'lually ii.ii ' up in <m*ii :i ."i n, 23. Surplus Ih'Viii,*! < apital :? 1 1 ? I ill! other Jialildllts 2 7j i..V ? 25. aii; amount it AM. I.I A It II. t I U.S. IS' i.i - in n?; !? \it>-ri* <? a pi : \i. STOCK AND NK I M ICI'i.l - < 7.-7 ' ??!.> iv. i\? i'\|i:. VI. The lliri ln- of said e. in f >:i ii v i In i m-' the iiriM-oMim i .?.cjk,. in ? utii-. :iinl It o:n wiuiv Mllill'l' ? >U I ! V ??? I : Jift ci"-' It afdally c. -i ivi fxr preiiii'ti 2> 1 7. IJriM-l Ve" I'M" ill!. I' -I "II '??II >:? and inor^.n;' ?. ids mi ? tocfc- ill ? li'iii'l-. eel .ii - era I loan -.and I'lnnt ;H it?-r source;. ^.*2.7 ! s 12. A ? ; ? J i: i"i . \ i k Mini \r m I M liM !'. A I i i A l.{,\ r I - ri.i v i : i > i>i ii i m; i ! i i. YKAI: - '.l"! V. KXI'IN'IU I I 1M>. VII. 'I llCXJC 11'lilUle- "I :.?d in IKiliy.kiviii^a <l> ill '??? I Mai* - in' i?t of tin- ?aide : 3. yet :t iii> .ii >i I paid 'i Tin.' die y? ai for lo3?es aii'i oiiM md iii?' * I I J ? ' i 7 1 ?1. I>.\i;.- 'i- a ?iii.'iliy i**i )? I holifc I - iiu:ii,K ihe )<' ' " ii. I' iiii h r iij ii* I >ii*n - ?>r iii'i k-riifi* .'(.in,!-! 7. I'ftid I'T n.irx 1. I' J "'I all ??tlicr ili?r.'i'n id' I'lli'- r. c'vi U->. :i?r'Mit->. a in I isl' "Hi' r I - 1 1 . 1 ? ! > .> * 'fy 1 i*v S.*i - 8. 1'al'l fur Male, iiall.nal. amil I' ii'ii I i.i\<-? in i!ii ami "it ' r ! stall* Iyj.l2? U. All " Ii?t !?;. ? ii ?*n ? < : tid ? \- 1 peti'll' lire-' 1 Ai.'iit r ?; \ n; nnn s i or A I I I' A I. I \ I'l Nl?! II II I - M i:i.Nii tiii; vkaii ? 2.7<'7.r? Tli*1 l"r? L'"iiu 'l ?leu. i-iii I- ?\v. rn ni'l mi in ?i v Wii.i.i a.m II a \v 1 1 n, ? lulriii hi. ("/if - SMI I II. li'IU'l'l .Ma II a jl-r uild -? ? Im-ikii: s. i . Hakims No'urv I'nWie. In i Kny'riiid. llliWAICl) >\VIM.I-?ii:l?. \ j?- 7 I Ills \| iiii ? I IVAM I i I.. I <).\.\s.-s !?: V K I; A I, TIM -I AM' 1 J lnH.I. \i:s 'I II I.o.W < |\ I: I< | ! Ml. Ml. I i ) AM> >L"isi:i:r..\N i:kai. ki-t.vii: u i:ati-:<. Appiv i?> nit hai:i>mi\ i < J'- 7-41 1 II :i M i i ? ( IFI'ICK or I. A N' A- I I II A I.i ' k i:. f 8to< i, lii:i>;% .' i: I.'ii liii-iMt. V\. > a s Tin: fi ndim; a?im i a i n?.\s x\. are now i.c-; :: i-? ?! i" ?? VIRGINIA H')\l>- \M) I' v- I I \ I I I I - 1 mm: n'M'ivi., w?* ollVr our M:rvicf ? i<< ln.M. r- ..i' ?h in ' ' ? l'LNI> FOi: 'HI! M <>\ nil -AMI II l.*M> A i HaijgKD i:v illy, a .*>*??? iatimn-. SI-CI'IM'I IK- III- M.I KIM?< noL'fillT ami Md.h <|\ iiiMMi>s|:i\'. I.UA n - N l.? .<>H. M l.ii. iiiv23-l'u yiR(; INI A ST AT 15 DEHT. W- an* jir.'' >1 f<< Fl' Ml VI II' ? I N I A I'1 ami ( KirnncA 1 1> of in: i ; i* i nt ? ? i;i N'liW ISO.VIX nil tvr " l of Man Ii 2H. lhl\- ? likf tmim "ll't anil i( ions lit llfinr. //IN'/ '.*' thf/n nil tn J il ium- 1 nt ? mi *. I'arruti no: lioliilu^ tin* rr^utroiS pro| coriM)N iiii1! jii-i l? r<? fait |i:i v ?* i a'tjnMir ; ' . . throiicli u s upon lli?' ino-t (..vorabu* u-rin All I Solid.1-. A-*;., conll'icd t'( u5! . i.r '? personal at k-ii'ioii. Will 1'uriiivli prompllv auv ar.d ill i 1 1 ? r i ? . > ' ? needed. |{. ||. M m i: v a < <?. Sl"<-k and hjiiianp' llf' i.* ' iny 26-''0'"2iii 10 I.I Main ?? V IRIJLN1A 1JONDS. THK COUM'll* OF FOI: !? Ii. V |JoMM!?.>M?J I. O X I ) <> V . AM) THK FI'NTMM; ASSIK I M'|II\ I'MIHi STATKS <iF AMI l.'Ii l.tMII I I'. have, in invordanci' i ? .' * i t>-ru:-> ?.!' ii.-- ? r Marrli 28. Jfe7ii.arr:iit?' d ' f ? i v ? ? . :? ? ? m oiil.-lai:.!lnx? viileii' i- oi !i -M .-ti. nt .1 Vir* lulheeiiy of |;ii'h:ii"ii'l. at TIIK Kli:>T NA *')N M. I'.ANK a- ???! , THK I'f.ANTKKS N VTloVAl. i:\Mi: from whom full |K?rticul. i> ???>' "l.iai .? nn -J7- 1 wjfctv. i ? ' ? jLu;.vi>;.Mi \ itunxiA bom>s. Havlmr inadt! arraiiK' iiieiitH w;!h i!.*- ?' A--'.?'l 1 1 1< hi hi; sre pnpn d I.) r mir A I.I. i T, A>> Ks i iF V II!< < ! N I '? * ? ' '? : *. Fl'XDAHM: uiidi r ilie net of Mil -* : will rw-elpt for ?ain<: and deilv. r ' af the varli?M j>o.v>Mile tu"ii ? n'. I'artle? who do not hold ihc r-'.-ndo i '! ' Of CONSOLS *11(1 IT. .1.1 l.'S n ay 1?.1H a'ljusi iii'-iu iiiudeat our ? ill ??? "ti tin- m viit"U" torv teitus. Wk i'hoposk to ki*m> os i ii k mmi: r i it v * AND CONUI TIOXn Aj. i)M I it r I' l;V I i TION. WlTUOU'r an U adit ill Hi'.l t ? ?' ?? : holder. Al.l. IKiN'lls <(*ii t t>? ii > .-JiaJI Jia v e our r: 1 CAItK AM< A I IhMtO.V. Ally information iloir d will In- rh'^rfuliy r > - 1'AVKNl'oHT A f<>. SliieK Ifrok'T-. my 2 1 -1 m 1 1 13 .Main it r> TO iJULDEH.S OF CITY OF KK'HMUNO IWM? M ATI' KINO IN JULY A XL) AUGUST. l^Sv'. At a nuH'lluir of thf Hoard of t'oinroU^l >uc: of i be ^iiikiiik' Fund held May 1. 1S7D. it w u Resolved. That stir actiiu on-sideut ??f th? I f >rlve puhllc noMee l?y advertV-eu?- nt that t ! i?- ? ? Maudliw toud* of the eity of Kichnionil. 'lie 1880. will on and afl?r the 1 t ua> of Jn >. I' Im* r?-defiued on premutation at the otlicc'i ' -' AuJItor of the city. In pursuance or Hi- al>o>e dlrecMoix. I wive notice tlutlhe MX l'Ki? t EST. liOM|x THK CITY, due In July. 1880. aiuo'iutlii/C ?*? f'll ?151.37. and Auiiii-t. 1880. amounting i" 008.^8? total, ?10o.UlU H3-?ill l?? rede1"''" 1'Alt AND AOc'IM F.I) INTKUK8T on i"' * tlon at the office of the Audl'or or ihc clt? 'oi * afltr the 1ST DAY UF JUl Y 1879. HKNKY 0. CANV'n , AelJuff JProl'Jcut Cotuuiitiivuer; battue i -u '? my 3