Newspaper Page Text
RICHMOND, VA., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY M 187!). thTdjspatcr ? 5yc6wARPm*aH.Y80H. ~ /!V ?? A&VAtfO*. Tk? PAILT DI8FAT<rH $?4ettvew?rt to acbscrt* *tr*si rtFTKKN CKXTS per ??k, pvprt>l? to tt\e carrier w?*ly. Malfed at *6 per annum : *3 for Su Hiontbs: tl.&O for thre? month*; 60c. fer * 'tSTkMI-WKKKLY- DISPATCH tt *2 per**. nnm. or * I f??r #U mcntlij, ?tI1; WEEKLY DISl'ATCH *1*1 per annum. ~~ ff-ftTHIXti. ~ ' I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ^ ' ? ???: 1-S ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL STOCK . t Xut&XZ ?T'-W WE WILL OFFER -> ? FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTH f NT. AND FURNISHING C.OODS at greatly reduced prices FOR CASH. THIS is AN l'ITv?I*TUNITY SELDOM MET "WITH TO OBTAIN GOOD CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS AT SUCH UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. CALL EARLY AND OFTEN AT 1300 MAIN STREET. K.B. SPENCE A SON, Merchant Tailors asd Cxotiiikrs. !jy 7j srilMER RESORTS. "/tLEX MOUNTAIN HOUSE" IjT AXD AVATK1N> (5LKX, N. Y. The poyrlar summer re-ori. Price* irrvaiU reduced: $2.50 -f.^r <:ieia : 614 per ?vrtffc. special rate* ina<le for purtfle*. Music awl other amusement* furntthed. ji 4-gm A. J. MIL'HKNKK. M^nayer. SEASIDE HESOKT O O-VCii K ATLANTIC OCEAN. CURB'S HOTIsL. COiilTS ISLAND-, VA. t-l'R F- II AT m N G , 6' J SUING , SKJPE-S H OOTI NG . This well -known and^ort Is now oner for site rce?;?tion of vpltwrt. 'IinnrovernetiW law toeu ti.adc'iu Jlic accuutnodatlaRs generally, and' vo u> please -tir natrons lo every re-pect. 'J ; i ?? route isfl*osi Virf<?lfc orO'.'d Point l?v steamer-' N. f. Hsnk? tf( herrvMr neevervlfiON DAY, W tI>-; N i M ' \ V. ni:?i '!?'!? I [ ?AY McRMNtiS. Terms : i'ta- oay, T2 ; per woe*. * 12 ; per month, ? t5.*? . i luforajtticin, address SPADY & COBR. ,'*? v>-l in ' (J YjU's Island. Vu. ; jji KF ALO UTH I A SlUfcXGS, MECKLEN Rl'RG OOffNTY, VA. These Springs are now or?en for -guests. Rates oC I>r tis? ?. $2 : per wet-kitfIB; per aoutli of 5J!s oay*. <J4U. 'I >:>riiu? 5aia,?l(k*t may Ik- had of I'l'RCKLL. LaI>D A Co.. Kiehmond. Va.. or t>v udder-.-siUK the propria j t. l.lvvjtrsf i r.OO fee' aiH?v?i?^d -water. T HUM AS K. Proprietor, . inr Buffalo Lft3 a Springs, Va. , CTUIlJLLViJ SPK1XGS, ^ AUGUST ACCOUNT Y, VA., TIJUtTEXX MLLKS Ktt'lJMT- Vl'SION, art No\V OPil.N J OK THE KSCEPTION OF visrioRs. ?cr:iH to6ui; ?]|f times. W awt*-' Sulphur, AImhs < !i;>iWnp*. ati'fc'rret-Mom ? rill iu tbt lawn. Auaiy ?i- fuiniflt^l ob-.tppkeadon. , . CUESLEY KINXKY, }'?? I'-fcndlOt* i 'rot 'rlc lor. H?.\UN(r Sl'Kl.VOS, 0LV1H cons TV. VA..-A- f i: NOW OPEN. . Facilities for Hi* c. -in t.- rt an*) fiijovioeat of (ruts^ Iwvc b?*tt I'iiiiq :Vr J)k: jut tui jtvtsvxu is lu all r?5 fp' et?. A i."--v ht ;- of Sunt rcUic4C"? tfcr ji.i.srctiifcri naly.aii l rjemis fur baxzw.'- 1><"? lite i ^labllshed li 'iii OL.vln?t?m*tJy^>ot to the Stiring*. For paui I'! I'ti.i.pplv to i'fKCKLL. L Ai>r>.iX CO., liich u.Mt'l. v"4o ai v.-ulf v?i ihc springs. :?-< v.l.iftil-j'n M. w. WAKL A<^?. Agent. ? ( 'uLIt sULL'LfcJU x HOCK nitl UGB^'-'OUNTY, t?-> uiiIi-?vJroui fjO'U'n. Imvinv fvien v?-rv mncli )iu )-r tlie ia*-. winter, tin; accoiiU'iodxtioDf ur> vvery r<* - jicct. Kates. *.-f hoard: i'? r ?uy. ; i?erw*'k. *i> : per luoirtU ?25. f -iiv v riU' r ii ft. nu.-itloji .ipr-ly wi} r. \V. l?. On a. v. c-ir^. - J (.lay HruHs. I. S. CKAWt'ORD. _ 1 :n iX'rmtrletor. ' rut IfttttBIA jHOTEL, r, ' nA: ' ''OlNfT COM FOKT. \VA.. Ml' ATKU ttt>0 XAliiH Fit OX hOf^AEQttSOE. ? <*" ye*r. K'lual to any hoAc!>in the ^ < spring- *uiuiwr.*r ?uuuju re ? '>t. a*u<! for^.irvuitr. ,v ,n , h.^kisox pnowflue. 10-*?> *'roi>nleU>r. StfWNGg, BATH COLWY. i? ?**f- N'oW' *d?en. "Srie finest Wtsm-Saijuhur ' .ji Hn- worlt: teinpvmturfc of watfc.r?'.^?c'- A ii*V i ,lt 1 ?'?*??'<?** depot to ifce Sprues* -u nn.f/i^ ^H^r.ADp a <*>;. rt**'i JilUK L Ririt isMK. CI Ml.. IVC JMJN L. ElJISjfcNK. Proprietor. __ f'KJft V'OTiK'k TO THE l*diSsLlC.? l wtehitoj -** ir.fyau :nv nafrowc tl<at charge biuwelari. :ii. few UaM? -jf?r .tfcailiix ice-cre*us ?rtiwr* vvjui false, as ili? freezers .v* re my owiuMn ^ j-roviu u- the Poilcp Coujt.uud iuiued orerto Stfe**?1* IUTg?^HOMFHQK. \[ii. VmVAi FORttKSTEtt, rn,Ki K?PAIREft OF . ?(j[ Ask. a v'fk 1/ k Mirr^iji mra. f E ft' floub. 1.0 Ouirr"slsVu' Vv??w,,,'f &nd fo *rm?? .L-i fU , Xl hA "'CI KAMTLY VLOUSL "Ar .Ksi?K^.u5f,^s,awtJ;lrd brands <>r " V/HJ'J/ i r. v ?''^4?';g-"* SNOWKLAKE,?? ly ft Ml-Y,* and ? MOS< RO?K." A- r, feTOKEB A CO. Fcal*^1"!?' Ko* I CO* ANDresS ?" ?<* aSTh.I.'M' c" ** "" ji gtiritmond Jfeptdt. JSPT-TIIE CIKCIJLATION OF THE BISPATCH fS T-ARCER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCU LATION OF ALT, THE OTHER DAILY NEWS PAPERS OF THE CITY. TUESDAY JULY 8. 1370. WEATHER REPORT. v TxmcATioii# wk To-Dat.? For tbe' Jiid dle Atlantic flud Kew England States, Tall in? barometer, southerly winds, stationary temperature, cloudy weather, and occa sional rain?, possiMy followed by coolcr westerly winds and clearing weather. For the South Atlantic States, falling ha rometer, southerly winds, stationary tem perature, and partly cloudy weather. Tub weather testerdat was clear and warmer. Tkbj?mo?RTRR yesteiway: 6 A. M., (56; I A. It., 74; noon, 84; 2 P. M., 87; ? i\ M.. F6; midnight, 79. Mean temperature, 79$. ... LOCAL MATTERS. Cnuncn Notes.? At (he Monumental church on Sunday morning ibe pastor preached and administered the Jiolv com munion. In the afternoon Mr. Douglass Branch was burled from that church at 6 o'clock. r*., At Clay-Street Methodist church on Sun day iiigTfrTffi'e member wus received on pro fession, B:sbop Poggctt ba< returned from an ex tended visit to the Methodist churches in the West, and gave to the .Methodist preach ers' meetintr yesterday an interesting ac count of the Church work*. At the Fir>t Baptist ehurch the pastor preached, and received one person by let tor during the week. At ttie Leiyli-Strcet Baptist church the pastor preached in the morning, and at communion extended the right hand of fel lowship to three persons. The church elected to the oftice of deacon Mes?rs. J. M. Godsey, William A. Grcsbam, and Jackson Turpi 11. Election of Officers.? At. a meeting of A una won Tribe, No. 30, I. 0. R. M., the following officers were elected to serve iot the ensuing term? viz. : G. Woodall, sa chem ; George Shaw, senior sagamore; W. T. Priddy, junior sagamore*: R. W. Carter, chief i.f reoords: John Mann, keeper of wampum; I>. s. ilurdwicke. prophet. The above officers were installed last n is lit by Senior Past Sachem C. E. Hill. This Tribe i> now second best in the State, and, judg ing from the present animus of its mem bers, it will be no very great while before it heads the list. Installation or Officers.? At a regular meeting of Jefferson Lodge, No. +. I. O. O. F.. held .last night, District Deputy Grand Master John A. Collin*, assisted nv Past Grands R. C. Fletcher, J. W. Atkins, and Robert Weir, installed the following offi cers for the ensuing term: R. C.Parker, N. G. ; Not ley Morgan, V. G. ; and John j B. Vaughan secretary. The treasurer-elect (II. C. Adams) was unavoidably absent; will be installed at the next regular meet ing. It is expected that the Grand Master, ac companied by several ot the Grand offi cers of the Grand Lod^e of Virginia, will visit Richmond at an early day, and it is be lieved that their visit will be "productive of yreat good to the order. "Work of the Haxps and Cauts.? The following is a statement of the cost of the work done by the hands and carts in the several wards of the city from July, 1878, to ?June, 1S79: Marshall Ward. $2,ui0.o0; .Jef ferson Ward, ?1.078-53; Madison Ward, 351.16; Monroe Ward. *334.48; Clay Ward, ??$, 341. 27 ; Jackson Waixi, ?728 37. Total, $ 1 2,572. ,39. Moffett-Reuistek Tax.? The following is a statement of the Moffett-register tax realized in this city during the past month : 264 alcoholic registers registered 84.5S0 drinks? tax, ?1.268.70:; 219 malt resistors registered 114.731 drink* ? tax, $.373. 63. Aggregate lax, 81,535 33. Briefs.? The Flipper Guard, of Peters burg. were the guests of the Attticks Guard yesterday. Several hundred excursionists came along with them. Samuel 1Z. Gien. ?sq., for forty-two years a member of the^ew York Herald start', is j in the ciiy. Lamp Explosiok- ? The alarm of Ore .ft 8:45 hist night war. occasioned hy t lie ex | plo?ion of a lamp cu the premise?} of a co lored man living <311 Jackson street. Jfc damage. Mkktisg of tit Hustings Court To day.? The Hustings Court will meet te day, and at 11 o*cI<r:!c Judge Christian wit; ' call the civil riodket. I The following is ? list of the irrandjnr? drawn to serve lor Mhe terru : William Haxall. Orange .'Bennett. .Morris Nelson, . John C. Sharer, David Baker, Jr.. (rieorce Watt, Sr., Jame^ilj.^pperson, John J. Cic. ?:ord, and George A .'.Is <3 J ting. Pot. ics Counr, 'Ybtterdat? Police- Jtts i:ce Joseph J. > While presiding.? 3. ;J. fPhelp4? was charged with exhibiting a ^aaic ?pJaved with dice on Mayo's r.sland. Police man Lnnikin, tke principal witness said ?t! at he went otter to the island Sunday unfc; tfcund Pliclr? -seated at the board. Tip on nrliieh was spread a olofc:i with iuidiIws on it, commonly cuWcd wv?at-cloth, with 11k. box and dice wi his-ihaijd. The crowd 61 wi.ite and colored persons who were play iu;;, seeing hi in approaching; broke and run, 13c arrested Pbeipa-and U.">k him to the First. ? police-station. .Justice'' White seut the ca.-t; | ruiro tue arrana s&cy. JSincv -Robinson artdjj :ilm Moore (4>oU:; .colored), :issatiJt -.and ; .battery. Kotan&on ?*vh5? fned ?2.50 uUowe ?1 . Ivanny and Msry-Johntwi (both cotereil) weMi titled $1 eaeto ffor assault and ftatlery. Jov.i Standard (colored Juwas lined <>0 for passim: tlie. premises of VTclii-s Wiiv?iit.'Jd and create# a dktnrbance. Stat. -Campbell (eeiored), sTeloiiiousiy as saulting and cuttmt Tbofcia* Wootl^a. On aeaount of tbe absence <ff Wttodson tfite ea***?WtiW. continued ua<ti!to-dav. JlikcVft'oods wag ti*ed^S for assaulting and Le4sin?r Ilerzel Howard. Si*i?icjFii!mer. Emeli&e Taylor, James M. Taylor., :e?d Charles Harris ((*11 .colored^1 were $5 each for Wisot'derfv conduct. | George Harris and fcaiebatfd Allen (two j yourhfol^j^ak-tbieves) w-ere found {milty of stealing one pocket-boofc, cqnliiiiitiur ?iu, from 13. 1l\ jfcrcber. Allen* un old-ofleuder, was sent to|jail for sixty wisb twenty five strips; gfarris, fifteen *tri pes. Frank Perry and Wiiiiate !Lun#ford (an old offended w?re found cuifcy*# stealing ^ne lot of toygs f rom John S? 2?noj;. Ten ifcsbes eacb. ordered to leave the.etty. ^ItOCEEDIKGJB (OCT THE (jKAXD J*7RT 1C ES Wttiur.-- The grand jury of tbe Hustings Court met ye?terdMV-~ W. IJ. UaxaJI, foivtgjan? arid found true bills tot /elony ? Ibe ivlloivinp cu*ee ; Bwloy Thomas, attempting to rape Emma Evans, Henry W. Hey, for stealing harness, &c from KfAfJk Coxy. Johu J, Phejps wag indicted (misde meanor) for exhibiting- and keeping a gaming-table (jelled s\veat-?lofb. Peter Euker, H. Beek, i. D. Snelling, Loute Euker, and A. Bfc>nn#r were in dicted for. keeping Jheir bar- rooijjf open on Suufoy. DtnieJ N. Jami'8-wal Jndic!ed lor selling good* hf Mm pie. THE CITY COUNCIL. JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO BODIES YES TERDAY?ELECTION OF POLICE COMMIS SIONER AND CLERK TNTIIE TREASURER'S &FFIC&-STREBT COMMITTEE'S REPORT ER CD E R I CKSBC RQ FRtlGHT-DEPOT ANu RAILROAD-TRACK-MATTERS OF FI NANCE-PROPOSED RKI>rCT.*ON IN THE PRICE OF GAS? FRAMED BTJILDIKG*. |-i"' ' ? ?? ' ? Joint LT??tiue. A Joint meeting of the City Council was held yesterday afternoon to elect a Police Commissioner from Madison Ward In place of P. H. Mayo, Esq., whose term of office L had expired, and a clcrk to the Treasurer. The body was called to order by Mr. T. Wiley David, and on his motion Mr. Man son wan invited to preside, in the absence of President Meredith. Mr. P. II. Mayo was reelected a Police Commissioner from Madison Ward, his name having been aent up with Ihoae of Messrs. R. H. Maury and John Purcell. Mr. I). A. Card well was nominated as clerk to the Treasurer and unanimously re elected. 1 Adjourned. Tho Common Council. A meeting of the Common Council was held yesterday afternoon? President Man son in the chair. Present at roll-call : Messrs. Adams, Baker, Christian, Cren shaw. Curtis, Davis of Madison Ward, Davis of Marshall Ward, Eflett, Ellysou, Goddtn. Gunn, Hargrove, Hayes, Htegins, jlrvln, King, McDowell, Pierce, Phillips,, j Pollock, Rankin, Skinker, Talbott, and | Taylor. ' >'? ? TTTE FREE BRIDOE. A communication was received and laid i before the Council from Mr. W. M. Wood ! ward, secretary and treasurer of the ! James-River Bridge Company, enclosing a resolution declaring that it will take St, GOO to keep the Free bridge in repair until 1SS0, and asking Manchester, Richmond, and Chesterfield to contribute towards repairing said bridge. Referred to Committee on Finance, on motion of Mr. Taylor. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. . Mr. Elleti.from the Commit tec on Streets, | presented joint resolutions appropriating the following sums from the street fund lor the impiovoments named: ?4(i8..r)0 for curb ing on the south side of Yenable street from Eighteenth to Mosbv street; $25 to place! granite flagging across Seventeenth street | betweeu Broad and Marshall streets; *700 j to pave granite gutter and curb on tbe j side o! First street between Byrd street and ' Maiden lane; ?50 to place granite flagging on the east side of Seventeenth street across j ; Grace street: $140.07 (frum the sewer fund) ! for extension of the sewer in Bloody-Run i ravine crossing Broad street ; $208.90 (from ' the sewer fund) to trap two street inlets at 1 Twenty-tirst and Broad streets and one at ! Seventh and Byrd streets. The committee also presented a resolution ; rejecting the resolution from the Board of j Aldermen to macadamize Cary street from j Third to Fifth streets and improve gutters along said street. The report, and resolution were adopted. Mr. Curtu, from the Committee on Streets, presented joint resolutions reliev ing St. Patrick's church from the payment of a bill of ?0.08 for block-paving at liie side of Twenty-fifth street between Grace and Franklin streets ; relieving W. J. McXamara from conncclion with city sewer, and from the payment of sewer-tax, ?fce. ; appropriating: $35 from tne contingent fund to repair alley between Sixth and Seventh and Alain and Carv streets, to be charged to property-owners; granting permission to J. F. Alien & Co. to construct au area, &c., at Seventh and Cary streets, to {five light to their factory; rejecting application of Woiford & Shilberg to put up an awn ing, &c., from their second-story window. The report was adopted, except the last resolution, which, after a lon^ discussion, ; was rejected, on motion of Mr. Taylor. So the petitioners can build their awning. On motion of Mr. Christian, the Commit tee on Ordinances was requested to iuquire j into the expediency of amending the ordi nance concerning awning*, so as to limit j the height!) of awnings to the sill of the second-story window. tu? bijoad-street trace and the FREDE RICKSBURG KAILKOAD FREIGH r-DEPOT. Mr. Cuit id, from the Committee on Streets also presented an ordinance to al low the Richmond, Frcdericksburg and Po tomac Railroad Company to remove their ?freight-depot from Eighth and Broad streets to north side of Broad street west of Han cock street ; also, to allow the City Railway Company to acquire the right to use the track of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company from Eighth street west ward I v. The ordinance was adopted. FINANCE. Mr. Skinker, from the Committee on Fi 1 nance, presented a resolution abating the license-tax of Henry C. Adams in the sum I of ?25; refunding $L?.<;0 to J. W. & \Y. H. f Allison, erroneous tax, &c.; rejecting peti tions of R.J. Anderson & Co., Dr. J. B. Coaklev, J. J. Finnegan. The committee al>o presented a resolution appropriating S159 te buy 100 feet of hose for the First market and 200 feet of hose for the Second market. Tue committee also 'presented a resolution appropriating earned by the James river improvement, to:the credit of the said committee; &c.; and when the funds here tofore appropriated shall have been expend ed. the Committee on .Finance be thereafter authorized to burrow, from time to time, until the appropriation by the United States Government is available, a sum not exceed ing -$2,59U per month for the work upon the river. The resolutwvac were agreed to, on motion of Mr. Curtis. I.TGI1T ? KEDWEIOX IN THE PRICE OF CAS, The Committee on Light presented joint resolutions authorizing tlial committee t? contract with si. Fales for the sale of the ::immoni eal lienor produced at the gas work* i?i aceordiiuce with tbe propositiou o 1 -3. S. Fales; reteuding $3.0 to Superintend ent Knowles for.iiw expenses in visiticg b-Wasliineton, &e. The committee ;a!so presented an ordi tiif-nce reducing toae price a* g as to $2 j>ej ?Uiousand feet iiroic and afk r l*t of Fel> :raiui y, 1SS0, and a?resolulioa?io build a new ;bn?k office at tbeifsvver gas-^orks. (The amended srae-ordi nance also provide* tlwt no one sliail toe served Nktb gas at te?* ? $2. ;.Mt. II iggins iboxkhI to aruotd the ordi nance so us to provide tliat it t^all go iota .cU'e?t?October 1, 31iv6kinker moved to Jay the-, whole suf> Jjecton the table. 3fr.<Curtis spoke ?c? anv re diucUQn in the price gas until jFe.^ruary ?e\t'On it' he ground tket the city could not afford to <do so during fide present year. In FeftuiuaKy next, wheu -the revenues of the cllj aire'qp.portioued bj the Finance Com mitted. ?ifbk;t committee tean distribute the ref?*uies ;ftceordin;r to tie reduction tvui^n is proposed. The Chairoftn then proeeedetf to sp*?Jk geterally io advocacy of a educ tion la *be price of gas after l?t February, and to thfit if the priae is reduced ibe orotit to the ?&v, after Uplifting the lamps, will be SUMKHL 31r. Hig?ins4]*oke in favor ol liis motiao for the ordinance to no into effect io Octo ber. and thought that (he Finance Commit tee could easily make up the de&it. .The motion to lay on the tafcie received ontf two affirmative rote9. Mr. resolution to reduce tlie prfce ot gas from October was rejected by the Jolipwinff vote : AYK6.-~ilesarit. Adaio?,Hlfflo?. Pblillp?\ Police Ir, and Rank ... NOCS ? ijwrt. Wakrr, CbrUtlun. Crensbaw. Ctu* tie, Chart 9* T. ?*??*, T. Wl??f Dart*, KJtett. Elljr ?oo, Ctonlir. Goa/l!n. Gonn, H^grere. Rayet. Urrtn, Kloar". 'McDowell, JPlW*. NlBkCft Tulbolt, Tajlor, I ?Ad Mtu?uu-21? ' ( Mr--. ' .. ?; '? ' ,/ V ? * ?.\ r ' The ordinance as It came from the com ralttec was then adopted? ayes, 25; doc?, 1? Mr. Skinktr. The other resolutions were all adopted. F RAKED Btnr.DIXGS, ETC. . Mr. Taylor, from the Committee on Fixe Department, presented a report stating that the committee had paid the helper and substitute of Steamer Company No. 5, bnt adopted a rule requiring employes of the Department to pay out of their own wages their substitutes when they arc sick. This rale is not to apply, however, where a man id side or injured in the city's service. . They also reported' declaring it inexpe dient to require persons in building houses to roof the same with slate or metallic roofs. ? The committee also presented a resolution giving permission to the following persons to build framed houses : S. W; Farrar, kitchen on Twenty-liftb street between Leigh and 31 streets; John Rankin, to re move. bouse from-one portion of lot comer of Seventeenth and Carrington streets to, another part of said lot, and to add one room to said buildinp; Michael Roach, kitchen and stable at No. IOC Orleans street ; Ben. Johnson, wood- and coal-house at No. 715 Clarke street; Jacob Tinsley, dwelling on Coutts street between St. James and St. John's streets ;' William Barker, addition of passage to house on Broad street between Thirtv-second and Thirty-third street*; Jacob Bradleyr:.sued on Sixth street near ?ully ; Frank - Anthony, addition to house' on Fifteenth street between Mar shall and Clay streets ; T. A. Lacy^ dwelling on lot No. 6 Reservoir street, also to add one storv to wing of dwelling No. 1010 west Clay sfree*; J.><EcBryarit, addij* lion to No.'2103 Rrontf .-freer fX K.Nrstrnrn" and George II. Bright, to extend and repair shed in rear of premi?es No. S west Baker | street; W. J. Ward, dwelling, &c., on west side or St. John's between Duval and Baker streets, also to build bath-room in rear of Ins residence, No. 11 south Pine street; Frank Mann, dwelling on Buchanan street between Richards and Byrd streets ; Simon Eagan, dwelling corner Eighteenth and Marshall streets; John Bailey. dwelling on Thirtieth street between 0 and P streets; V. E. fc'hapin, stable covered with tin on alley between Eighth and Ninth and Leigh and Jackson streets; ToJer Hooper, stable and wood- and coal-house in rear of 'lot corner Cherry and Albemarle streets; Mrs. B. Bovle, wood-shed at 324 south Fifth street; E. Lohmann. dwelling with shed, Arc., on St. Paul street between Federal and Coutt.s street-? also, dwelling on St. Paul street between Federal and Coutts street?; John J. Kulni, dwelling with shed room corner Twenty-tifth and Yenable streets; David Smith, dwelling on lot No. 4 Reservoir street.; T. P. Campbell, porch, to j be divided into bath- and store-rooms, at , 015 west Clav street; W'ingtield Bowler, sta ble on Catherine street between Graham and Hancock streets ; Jane Keane, addition of two rooms to 5-0 Second street; William Tennant, dwelling, on lot No. 3 Tavlor street; James Grant, tive kitchens and live wood-houses at Destler's place, ! Rockerts; D. B. Danford, addition of wins to his house on Pine street. Oregon Hill; W. T. Bowles, wing to bis hou^c. earner Clay and Munford streets: Cyrus Bossieux, wagon-shed, corner Twenry-first and Cary streets; J. Poland Epps, for James Burke, bath-room on premises corner Twenty third and Broad streets; Polly Robinson, addition of one story to her building on N street between Thirtieth and Thirty-first; George L. Christian, cow-shed at No. 515 west Grace street; William King, paint shop on Second street between Leigh and Jackson streets ; W. LI. Ilaxall, kitchen at the keeper's house in Hollywood; Joliu CottrelK kitchen in rear of 821 Albmemarle stress ; W. C. Chapman, for Young, ad dition to residence on Clay street between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets; J. N. Hancock, store and dwelling on Twenty-fourth street between N and O street-*; also, to remove a small store now on hi- .lot. to roar of proposed new f-tore; J. F. Kcesee, coal- and wood-house at G30 north Seventh streets; J. C. Sharpe, dwelling with wing on Twenty-seventh ; street between Clay and Leigh streets; j T. D. Hall, kitchen on Buchanan street I near Washington street; Henry Boone, kitchen and eoa!- and wood-house on Clay s'reet between Graham and Gilmer streets; J. W. Stout, coal-shed in rear of his prem ises on Adams street between Canal and Carv streets; John T. Roger-, abed on lot No. till Grove avenue; Philip S. Reiley. addition to his house corner Seventeenth and Cary streets, and also on Twenty-ninth street between Leigh and M streets ; Linsy Fleming, dwelling on Moore street beyond Pine; James Maeltn, kitchen at premises on Seventh sireet near corporation line; J. A. Lewis, addition to shed at 420 Calhoun street; Charles Spencer, open shed on premises No. 311 Twenty-ninth street; T. E. Night ingale, addition of one story to house on Seventeenth street near Accommodation street; J. F. Bus. stable at No. Ill west Marshall street; M. S. Lawrence, shed '>n Wharf street near steamboat landing ; Y. K. Andrews, porch to dwelling on Lci_rh street I near Kcr.ney street; W. B. Fensoui, kitchen and coal-house, corner Cherry and Cumberland street: C. O'B. Cowardin. shed in rear of No. 310 Main street; John Jones, dwelling on Claiborne street between Ran dolph and Reservoir struts; J. W. James, dwellingon Taylor street between Randolph and Res prvoir streets; T. A. Lacv, dwell ing at No. 9 Reservoir street; Roberts & Davrs, addition to store corner Seventh and Main streets; Miss P. K". Lee, additional story to No. 810 west Mntn street; B. R. Lipscomb, shed on Cary street between Eighth and Ninth streets; Charles Koch, dwelling corner Ashland and Reservoir streets; R. F. Stubbs, shed on alley on ^Eighteenth street between Main and Franklin Greets; \V. J. Ward, dwellingon Cherrv street between Carv and Cumber land streets ; HeHry Cook, dwelling corner Thirtieth and streets; Thomas Hanni gan. open dancing pavilion at Goddin's Old Tavern, Baconrs Quarter branch; G. W. While, dwelling with wing on rear of lot :No. 2242 Verraole street; W. J. Ward, dwelling on Eighth street near Bates. Navy Hill; J. W. P. Cooper, two dwellings cor >ncr lieser voir and Chattin streets; R. A. Burroughs, sued at 1708 \ enable street; William A. Mnttox, room one>tory high on ,/j ?treet between Twenty-fifth and Twenty i*i\tlr Peter Roane, shed at No. G0i north Twentv-seeond -street; David Edwards, Kitchen in rear of house No.,220 south 1 Ine street* W. E. Granger, covered walKv\a> ih, rear of his home. No. 108 north Seven leenth sireet; Maria Furgueson, coal- and wood-house at No. 121)8 Second street A?uie< Wfflttiams, dwelling -on fct. Peter * 'JThc' committee also presented a resolu tiea rejecting the petitionsof E. A. Brown, ior dwelling on Stxtb street baiween ^anul ami Bvrd, and of Mrs. John Curberrv. for t&ree "dwelling* on First str-tet between Ja^ooi and Duval. resolutions \*ire agreed tVo and tne reiwiil adopted. aWLICElftN a ILL. Mr. Hipynns presented a comtKranicatnon from ?flbe Police Board, and a resolution al lowing ex^PoIieeman jfohn Gill&.-itim of money rfxjualitofwo nio*ths' pay. A DUflober of tbe metabers of tbe Coun cil rhoujrfit rbe:b?dy had <jo right or twilLor ity to make tbe appropriation. Rejected? ayes* 12; noe*, 13. Vote reconsidered, and subject referred to the City Attor#ey, on motion of Mr. Taylor. iXAIMS? GKOCXP3 AjKtt BUIL1HXGS ? HEALTH. | 3ir. Irvin, Irorn tbe Committee on Claims a zi Salaries, presented a resolution to pay tbe rlaims of Andrew L. Jackson, George K. Taylor, Dr. W. II. Taylor, and others, amounting to about $225. Agreed to. 3Ir. flt'yes presented a report from tbe Committees on Grounds and Building* em bo lying their action on varloua subjects, jvblcb was revived. Mr. Kluy p?fc?oted Iron tlie Cocunlttee on Health a resolution releasing Mr. E. Y. Cannon from connecting li is two houses on Grace between Third -and Fourth streets with the culvert for sit months. iAgreed to. QKMNANCES. Mr. EUyson, from the Committeo on Or dinances, presented the- following ordi nances: , ? .* 1. An ordinance to prevent fraud in the sale of merchandise by weight. Adopted. ?2. An ordinance to give police authority to all keepers of public grounds. Adopted. 3. An amendment to eection 1 of chapter 57, Imposing a tine upon any person who shall allow his animal or fowl to depredate upon tire property of others. Adopted. An amendment? to sections 3 and 4 of chapter 40, concerning the City Qauger. Adopted. j. . _ ' KETREXCHMENT. #r. King, from the Committee on Re trenchment and Reform, reported adversely upon the petition of John J. Trimmer, an officer of the chuin-gang, asking an increase of his salary. ?A long discussion ensued. Mr. Taylor moved to increase the pay of the officer ten percent. Adopted? aves, 12: noes, 10. !! '? ? - ' FIRE-ALARM TELEGRAPH. Mr. Phillips, from the Committee on Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, submitted a report that the battery has been removed to Washington flail, as directed by the Coun cil, and Inviting members to inform them selves as to the workings of the depart ment. ? The committee also returned a petition of Messrs. W. E. Tanner and others asking the erection #f g fiEerstatjon on Third street 'ioutb of **&?? with the recommendation that said boxlie erected as well as those heretofore recommended by the committee. The committee also presented a resolu tion for the payment of sundry bills for supplies and for fitting up the new battery room. The resolution was adopted and the re port received. The report and resolution were adopted. NEW BUSINESS. The grades of streets in Marshall Ward were taken up and the grades adopted. The crade- in the western end of the city were ;?!?o adopted. A report of the Committee on Light for extension of gas-main in the western pait ! of the city near Floyd street was adopted. Mr. Taylor presented a resolution allow i ing the City Clerk to absent himself from the j city during the summer recess a week at a | tune at such times as he mav elect. Agreed I to. | By Mr. Taylor : Resolution looking to the establishment of a purchasing agent. Re j ferred. ?y Mr. T. Wiley Davis: A resolution to I pay "the salary of the keeper of St. John's Cemeterv. Referred. By Mr. Gentry: An ordinance in refer ence to the inspection of steam-boilers. Re ferred. By Mr. Baker: A resolution for a gutter i on St. Paul street from Duval to Baker street. Referred. Mr. Iliggins presented the reports of the Board of Health and of the Engineer as 10 work done by hands and carts in the several wards. Received and tiled. The Chair announced the following Com mittee on the Improvement of James River : Messrs. J. A. Curtis, E. D. Christian, L. D. Crenshaw, Jr., and T. Wiley Davis. By Mr. Hargrove : Memorial of the Rich mond. Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail road Company asking the Council to author ize the City Attorney to have entered in the clerk's office of the Chancery Court an order that said judgment of the Circuit Court of June, 1874. is released or satisfied. Re ferred to Finance Committee with power to act. AFTER THE NOVO AS- CONSUMERS. Mr. Christian presented the following: HesoLved, Tliat the Committee on Light and the chairman of the Committee on Or dinances and tlio chairman ol tlio Commit tee on Finance be, and they are hereby, in structed to report to this body some plan, if in their judgment one is feasible, by which the large body of non-consumers of gas in the city shall "be jpade to contribute to the expense of lighting the streets and public buildings of the city. Referred. Adjourned at 10:30. A Long Term.? Deputy-Sheriff Wil liam Walsh, of rienrico county, deli vered at the State penitentiary yesterday John .Miles (colored), who is to serve out a term of twenty-tive years under three differ ent convictions? one of eighteen years, an other of five years, and a third of two years? alUor burglary and robbery. 3files is about ufty-seven years of aye, and has been a resident of the penitentiary three times before; so that these convictions, un der the law, makes his a life-sentence. . JlAXCIlESTEIi AND VICINITY. A Cow-Thief Sentenced.? Rufus Roane alias Ceonre tirahatri (colored) was arrested here yesterday morning by Chief-of-Police Lipscomb on suspicion of having stolen a valuable cow belonging to Mr. Charles I3!ankenship. II* was taken before Mayor Clarke for trial, and the evidence being conclusive he was ordered to receive thirty lashes. The negro sold the cow to a gen tleman of Itiehmond for ?y, who informed the owner of the fact, and afterwards i den titled the thief at the Mayor's Court. Church Notes.? There were services at the different churches in the city Sunday. At the Baptist church Rev. W. A. David, of Chesterliefd, a returned missionary from Africa, occupied the pulpit in the mornimr. At the Presbyterian church the Sunday school anniversary was held in the after noon, a large crowd being in attendance. Prizes were awarded to the scholars for punctual attendance, &c., for the past year. Mayor's Court. ? There were several par ties arrested Sunday for violation of city or dinances and summoned to appear before Mayor Clarke yesterday; but failing to be in attendance their cases were continued un til this morning. City Counc'L? There will be a called meet ing of the City Council Friday night at 8 o'clock in the. Council Chamber, at which time the newly-elected members are ex pected to be present. The Colored Jury.? The Judge of th? Chesterfield County Court having ordered negroes to be summoned on the venire list for next teroi of the court, to try George Lewis (colored), the colored people generally are highly delighted. Brief ileitis.? It is understood that work will be commenced to-dar on the walkway between the arch and the Manchester ter minus of tbe Free bridge, with the lumber which was donated to Manchester by the Bridge Commissioners. Tbe strange negro who died in the city jail here Saturda. was interred in Maury Cemetery ut the expense ?f the city. The eolored Baptist Sunday school of this place gave a pie-nic at Stratford Park yes terday. A large crowd from Richmond passed through thi# city enrcute to tbe Park to join the pie-nic party. Dr. Thomas Ingram, of Lunenburg, is in the city, the guest of his brother. Dr. S. L. Ingram, the coroner of the city. , Hot* RfTTKBS has restore* to sobriety and health perfect wrecks from Intemperance. I HAVE AXALYZED TUK WIIItiKJIY kttflWU under the braud of " D-belect," controlled by Me??r?. WaL.teh [>. .BLAIR ? CO.. Rielnaond, and dad It free /row fusil nil aud other impurities, and re commeivi its use for medicinal and family pur pose*. J. B. JHCCaw, M. I >., late Professor of Chemistry, ilctflo*! College of Virginia. January IS, 187?. - IMTOBTAST NOTICE. One that will Pat you to Read. levy Brothers' store wlil be closed until moxday Morning. July 7th, for the purpose of marking down the prices of their I who;c stock of Rood* preparatory to their rreat c'oslng-nut sale, which will commence on 3I0NDAY morning. July 7th, at 6 o'clock. They offer ibelr store for rent anil fixtures for sale. GOURACD'S OLYMPIAN CREAM. rOR THE COM PLEXION? White reduced to $1: pink, for bru nettes, to 50c. Purcell, Ladd & CO., Amenta. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to stop your Colds. Cough*, and Bronchial Affec'lons before they run into Consumption that you ? an not stop. Save Money oy having yotir pnntl?*do=e attlw Dispatch Printing-house. Good wcrk, Ion prices, and satisfaction ruaranteed. M. ELLYf><\s <t. * o.. air^eriiiHDir insert a& vertlsements la all of the newspapsrt of the Unite* St**s at publishera' rates. Orders left at the Lit patch count) nr-room mil receive prompt atteo tioiu ? ? ArCTIOS HAI,?N THIS DAY. M9" On all sales rf Real Ssratt made *ttw?4 1 the 1 at of January lust of Jttn*. the taxes fF. the present year have to bev+lti try the tmrchntei On all sales mode between the of July and laA of the yettr the t axes have to be paid by the teller [This ruptoHi was adopt#'*! at, out fifteen year& ag? bv all the real estate agrnla in Richmond, and aj? oilesto Richmond and v felnity.J JAS.MACDOUGALL, IOJ4 A. M.. household fur niture. cirn^ts- refrigerators, etc. ROBERT B. LYNE. 6 P. M.. two-Mory framed dwelling No. 1712 Vcnrble street. WAKTfi. w ANTED. A PURCHASER FOR \ . . LADY'S NICK RIDING-HORSE: perfectly gentle and rtliab has all tin; rait-*. and also drive* w?M in t-inv lo haniejs: irots quite fust. Can he seen dm ing the dav at Wal'or?'s 1 1 very, stable, on j Car? between i< nth and Eleventh street*. Apply to H. H. TALIAFERRO A CO.. or jyS-lt J. T. WRIGHT. at their oAke. Any person having a horse AND TOP-BUGGY, OR PlIXKToN, that they wi<h ?o lei out lor three or four months for bis board and attendance. will please communicate with GEORGE A. BARKSDALti. jy 7-3l* I'o-t-oEee Box 193. TTrANTED, PURCHASERS FOR FINK >Y EXTENSION -TOP FAMILY CARRIAGES and LADIES' PHAETONS. AUo 00 hand, several SECOND-HAND i:\RUL\GES. .IL'MI'-SEAT ROCKAWW-. OPEN- and ToP-BUGGIES, and GROCERS' WAGONS, at very low prices. W. C. SMITH, Je 25 31 4 north Fifth street. LOST. KTKAYttft. AMD FOUND. T OsT, A BUNCH OF KEYS, AT THE JLi post-office. There was a lei fr-box. night-latch, and desk-kev on the ring. Picase leave Ihem ai 1 he Dispatch ofli e. jy 8-1 1* Est r ay.? a small red hei-c^ FER was taken up by th* police on tlu?iL2L iiltfht of 'he 2d in*tati? going at large. The owner can gel her bv apolying at Second police-station, corner of Marshall and Sixth stree's. JOHN POE. Jr.. Jv 7-2t Chief of Police. FOR KKNT. For rent, that" large axd^ COMMODIOUS STORE-ROOM, with tel -fiiii lar ami sub-cellar. No. 903 east Main street, lately occupied by Wal:?r D. Blair A Co. This Is consid ered one of the most desirable stands In the city, and will be tented low to a good tenant. A only to ROBERT IL LYNE. Real Estate >igeiu ai <1 Auctioneer, jy g-5t 1212 Main street. ~~T AT E R-PO W E R AN D BUT LDI N G S. FOR RENT A J PETERSBURG, VA. fci We wi'.l rent for one or live vears the WATER POWER and BUILDING known as the 'APPO MATTOX PaI'KR-MILL." This properly rnu b-i used tor tk?i r, corn. Miu>a<\ or almost anv other ma chinery. The building Is large, and there is one new turbine whfe^l and shafting in position. The property Is titn it< d In the business jvirl of the ciiy. The reut will be made low. DAVIS, ROPER A CO.. jy 7 -4 1 Petersburg. Va. For rent, that most desi RABLY-LOl'A'l'ED DWELLING onMal 1 he corner of Cary and Sfcoud sireeu-. contaisliiff four rooms; besides kitcheu and servante' room: bnth arnnigeni^nts for hot and co'd water. This A^V, 1 y X ^ ^ - DTCIvlNSON & CHEWNING, Real Estate Agentu and AuetioaeerH. Jy ]-2w 1115 Mill n street. RKH.noXQ Tit s*S!'ER compaxy. ICHMOND TRANSFER COMPANY R,CI AND GENERAL RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE, 626 EAST MAIN STREET. In future the following charges will he adopted : Tramfering passengers to or from auv railroad depot or steamboat landlug, or any portion of the city? IS CARRIAGE. One passenger ? SO Two passenger* 75 Three passengers 1 00 Fwur passengers 125 IN OM>*!Dt'8FS. Each nassenger 25 Children between five and twelve years of age, half fare; under rive. free. Pleasure carriages. %1 per hour. Weddings aud funerals alteuiltd at short notice and at reasonable rates'. Baggage called for at hotels and private residences and checked at the door to destination. Trunk*, each 23 cents. Valises', cach 10 cents. rates lor four or more pieces. Railroad and steamship tickets for all parts of Ainc-rica and Kur-ipe at tame rate as at depots. Call and got Tourist Manual frte. A. W. OAR HER, jy 4-1 w ? Proprietor. M MAI\'WTKEirr (\n.MBI X MXK. .VlX-hfTRliET < )J1nTbCTS LINK. 'v.inir.r wins MONDa V. Jutv 7:h, at 7:30 A M. and <.vini imiiiiL- iini't 7:30 I'. M.. m v ou)nl'iu?e? will run in cacti dirc'ton I! !? 'I' VV fc V S NINETEENTH ?TR!\ET AN1> HOLLYWOOD every FIFTfcEN MINUTES, iu-'.eid ot every thirty minutes, as here tofore. FARE, 5 CENTS. I'euiemlv-r. tt:i- is thi* itilv line to Hollywood WITHOUT TKA NSFF.IC. A. W. GARRFR. v 7 I'ropiieicr. city ic tn.wAY? ??Mi:rs m:?k. OFFICE HtUIIMO.Nl> KAir.\VA\ COMPANY. ON AND A FT Kit JULY :J, 1S7J). A LINE < i F OMNMJUSF.K will lie run in connec tion with cur ears from the westrrn termit.u* t" Hollywood. wiU, i,o additional i barge to tl <? n?uai oar fare. H. L. WALKER. Jv2-lm Mi|*rfui?*n<1?nt. PRO FENNlOSiAI.. JQR. J. A. WHITE, LATE PROFESSOR OF EYE- A NI> EAR-DIS EASES IN THE WASHINGTON UNIVER SITY MEDICAL COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE, has located in Richmond. nud < ffen< his services lo the profession and public of Richmond and vicinity at 410 EAST GRACE STREET. Office hours : 8 A. M. to I I*. M. Practice limited to EYE. EAR. and THROAT. Iteterenee:'rurglcal Faculty of Mary land aud Medical profe-t ii'? of Richmond, jy 8-1 m* s W lUCORNi, *fu PEClALT IE6 FOR FyURTii JULY. CALIFORNIA CLARET? $1 per gallon. VIRGINIA CLARET-n per gallon. NORTON (VIRGINIA) WINK? *1.50 per gallon. SWEET CATAWBA? From tsl.25 to #1.50 per gallon. DRY CATAWBA-From *1.25 to *1.50 per t?I lon. HOCK WINE? ti per gallon. PORT WIN fc? $1.50 p*-r trallon. at Jy 1 CHRISTIAN & WHITER. /CALIFORNIA ZINFINEL WINE? A \J mo*t delicious table-wine. VIRGINIA MADE BLACKBERRY \\ I N E Tbree years old. CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE? Dellclon^nd ware Rt CHRISTIAN A WHITE'S. Jy 1 jp BENCH BRANDY? JAlIEi-HENNEbSY BRAND? in CASKS AND CA5X0. direct fir m Means. Hbnxwwt Jt t ognac France. for sale by OSCA R CRANZ, jte 29- lm Govtr?9f ?in?<? \ THJL DISPATCH. TERMS OF AD VEILTISIi1! G. CASH? IWVAMIAW.Y If ADVAJtCi. 'Jne aqaar*, oue Jn<**rio>u ???... ? r,Q One square, two I iwcrtlon*. ?... I CO One square, threo insertion# i <*H One square, six huertRws; ~ _ 3 < 0 One sqnare, twelve Insertion* s> so una ?qoare,oij* month. '.<) < o One'iqnare, two months--. I* ( 0 Onesqaare.thr** rooctfe*.,..... $?.*> ? 0 ? *? ' ? - , ? ?mmii WOOD ABB COAI.. THE LOWEST SUMMER PRICES- 1 be nnder*)fn#d now a.?ks for BEST EGO. ST' VP. and NUT ANTHRACITE COAL: SUPERIOR WEST VIRGINIA LUMP an?l SPLINT COAL; BHJGHTHOPE and MIDLOTHIAN LUMP COAL ; DOM ESTIC *nd C U M B E R LAND KXG! N E COALS; LUMP. HAIL, and GAS COOKING COKK: BEST SEASONED OAK aud PINK WoOD? Loue. Sawed, and Split. All promotly <1k llvered (coal weighed) at extremely low prim. Po not delay. Bar at ouct at Eighth ?nd Main (Sr-ots wood lot; Urteti. J. B. W ATKINS. Jy B-eodlm /"10AL AND WOOD.? On band and con \J stanflv arriving, a full atock of all kind; o FUEL. ANTHRACITE COAL, all LI MP SPLINT. CLOVER HILL, SOFT COKE, an i ail kinds of ENGINE COAL. OAK and PINE W? " >D lonjj or *aw?-d. Pine and Oak, lonjf. at 43.50 and %i per cord, delivered free. Orders oromr'ly filled at either yard? 19015 Carv street or 708 Broad stree'. 1 jc 21 1 C. 1L PA^E. QOAL ORDERED BY TELEPHONE, COAL ORDERED BY POSTAL-CARDS. COAL AND WOOD ordered in any way. will be promptly delivered. S.P. LATH HOP. my 24 Seventeenth street, at draw-bridge. g H. ilAWES.....18rHiND Cary.j ANTHRACITE COAL! COALBURG SPLINT* COAL! STEAM COALS! COK E ! WOOD, long and sawed ; FUEL OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. S. H. HA WES. Fifteenth and Cary street*. Orders by telephone or othervot*'] ?provivtly attnuled to. my 9 I An t h r a c I t e coal.? just re". CKIVED. 200 tons of the celebrated BEN. FRANKLIN RED ASH F.GG and STOVE COAL. Also, a fill' supply of \\"K>T VIRGINIA LUMP and GEORGE'S CRKEtv CUMBERLAND COAL. <>\K and PINE WOOD? all of which will be sold :ti the lowest market price. Office, corn?-r and Cm rv streets. WIRT ROBERT*. mil 28 ?)E MOVED NEXT TO THE EXPRESS Ll OFFICE. BEST SOFT COKE. BEST SOFT COKE. HEsT SOFT COKE GAS-HOUSE COKE- OAK AND PINE WooD. ALL KINDS OF < ?? \L. W. S. PILCHF.P. ap 20-eodTm S17 east Main stn 1 ) R.' CARRIXOTON. DKALKK IV F. AST-BANK SPLINT COAT., ANTHRAC ITE COAL-all slzei; STEAM- AND ENGINE-COAL, No. I OAK AND PINE WOOI), VKUV LOW. Corner Seventeonib and f'arv and .1 i*tT rs?n Broad sLn-cU. mi dividends. iv Bank ok 1:im .Jul 'PIIE DIRECTORS OF THIS RANK A have tin* day declared low of the net proip ??f he last six iiioiiili-) ii i.lvldeiid of THltl- K PE1 EN'l.(fr>?' of piyaolu to the stoclciio der hi and after July 1 0. 1879. Jv 4-1 w W. IL TRIGG. Ci-hVr, City Bank of> \k..\ Julv :i. IS79. OFFICE VIRGINIA HOMB iNSfUANCR CO.) duly g, 1879. \ 'T'lIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF L THE VIRGINIA HOME INSURANT'' COM PANY h ?v?r this declared n dividend of V? > i It PER CENT., payable on and aft?T the lOili In- iiii. IL C. WHERRY, .f it.. j y 4-1 w cretary . Merchants and Planters savings Baxk.i Richmond. V A., July 2, 1879. ) rpHE DIRECTORS OF THIS RANK 1 have declared a DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT, (tree of ail taxes). payable 10 the hlocfcbulu* ert. on and after the 6th of July. 1879. WILLIAM A. JENKINS, jj 3-td i ashler. Office of Richmond perfetcal bcilding.") LOAN. AND TKI ST COMPANY. No 6 Eleventh stui Richmond. \'a? July l. is KT. ^ S79. j "VTOTK'E.? The Roard ?t Directors of this i* Coinp-mv have decmred a DIVIDEND ??F FIVE PER CEN T, (free cf t;tx)ont of the <ar!iii!i^ for the past Ox months. p?y.ihie at the office of th>; company un aud after tli?: 1 (trl. lustmi'. WILLI A M I .O V E NST KIN. jy l-10r Cashier. office ViuniNiA Fire and Mahink/ INSL'KANCK COM I' ANY. .? RICHMOND, June 27. 1879. ) rpHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF JL 'I Mis COMPANY have <!e< lueil a fvinl-annml DIVIDEND ? ?F SEVEN PEL' CENT. (Tree of t?M. ' William ii.' McCarthy. 1c 28-1 Ot Secret .try. Office Virginia state Insckance Co..* Richmond, June 26, 1879. ( Dividend notice.? thc Dirrccorsof thi** coiiipanv hive d?!Cl:irt-d >i seiiil-jMinul DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. (fr-<- of aU out of the protlts < t lli<* la>i six months, p-tv ahle to tr?e stockholders on and after July 1. !S79. je 27-2w J. M. TATE, Secretary. FINAMItl. Davenport & co., STOCK BROKERS, offick. 1113 Main .stkkf.t. will buy ind S4-II on coutuilssloti VIRGINIA NEW I0-4D BONDS. VIRGIMA CONSOLS and " PEEI.F.RS," VIRGINIA TAX COUPON'S. RICHMOND 0 PER CENT, ami 8 PER CENT. BONDS, LYNCIII'.l l'.G, PETERSBURG, and other CITY BoN DS ; RAILROAD snd CANAL BONDS. BANK and INSURANCE STOCKS and other KoNDS and STO( KS. Special at fit ion jtlveti to the FUNDING or VIRGIMA Bo.NDs. Jy 7-lm _ T \r a n t i : i), v i r o i n i a a )Nsol TT BoND> 'o combine wirh a aonslderah'o amount of " r<?*f It?.'1 which 1 repreMmt. for liie pur[?<?e ?>?' fuudiu?. I will puy fmi'MiiK ?*xpei.??? and allow a liheial tu'vmium in n"W ts^ue to .i:i7 lioiwes ?>|' cotisi'li* uiiiiiia' I r I ? nn* for ? Ii I ?? |>'ir[>-?*'). Apply to RI( HARD L. MAI li V. Counc ilor a' ? Jel4-lm 101 .1 Naln #ire?-t. Rl'*bm'?nd. V^. HOLDERS OF CITY OF RICHMOND BOND* MATURING IN JULY AND AUGUST, 18S0. At a me<-tiuir of ?hi? Board of r.>mtc!s*l< f n of I lie ? inkliij.' Fund held May 1. J 870. ir Tuii r lie actio/pr> Md> lit of II;* li ?:i- 1 Five public uullee by advert i<eiu?n I that tiieo.' I'ntidinjr i .onds of flic* city of Richmond. ?>?< i:i I fiPo. wili on and after the 1 t cay of .Ju!v, be redeemed on pre>* n'atiwu at ilie of li. Auditor of tin- ci'V. in pursuance of fit" abov direction^. t ?:<-? id ve notice that the SIX PER CENT. It? >v! > - ' ?K TIIE CITY. !.n July. I 8S0. nmo'iiitltnr u r'57. 461,37. and .\ijku-i. IfcSU. amounting o ?:>7. 568.28? total. 1 0i*.0 1 ? *til lie w I* Alt AVO iVC'OIMIKI) INTKRtsT ill iir?*^*.'.'a ttou at tii*' cilice of the AinJlfor of the cit) on m l after the 1ST DAY ??F JL'I Y 1870. IlkXliY G. C\NM>\. Actin? I*r<? iitciit Comiut^ioJiers HsSiiut Kutid. in v 3 Bisiyr^M cwAxcm boH SALE, L A DAII.V NEWSPAPER IN VIRGINIA. The proprietors otTer for tale one-half or tb<.? \? b"i? of TDK PKTM.'SUIRG DAILY POST. one of tli?* M'M-kii'.wn at?l mo?r popnUr Conserva tive newspaper* nub'HIied in VirvititA. lu PRK8SKS. TYPE. AND FIXTURE of all kind* are eomtdete and hi ??xcelh lit condition, ami the p^trof.njfe of the piper ut> to tbc time*. Petersburg is one of He* best located and ll>"a)thle*t cities in ih* State. cljacly connected *ltli Noitii ( .troli na, *o?l there lore ofler? many Inducements to any on* deilrcun of cnxaadnir m the ue**s.m(M'r bu?fo?w#. TKKKK OF SALE will he uiodente. wltboue ha'f ca.?h. and the balaife in nix. and twelve leoi.ltis' time. Address It. II. GLASS & SON. I'dtrtlKirg. V:u If lb* above sat- is not effected privately by TUK8 D \ Y the Stii lniManr. w?- will nroe?ed fo wll at pub lie li! o'clock M.,on WEDNESDAY the Old. R. H. GLAS.> A S??N, jy 7.5ft Pet?-r?bunc. Va. r.DCCATKiSi.41. I'Gl'sl A KEM/-LE SEMINARY, STAUNTON, VA. MISS MAR V J. BALDWIN. PRINCIPAL. Tbetewlou of lfcTO-'HO will OPEN TIIK FIRST WEDNESDAY IN 15 KH and luc cr-frc poudi uit ; tin eln J I' N K folio win?. Terms (for ?e*?lou of iu?ty week., pay able one half oil entertnr an J ike Ual.nH'e In Fi-bruariJ ? Sc (??c'lon the Wmt ; Vor board, wadiiu*. f ml. lli.*ht*. i?hy?lcian*8 ft*. seat l*> eluiivb. ralivili^itcs >?nd full Fnffibh oiurH'. lucludJtu elocutt >u and ?.\>n!loxent fee? are For full particulars apply to the Pr >i? jp.'l for catalom ie*. >? 2 1 'Jm TTIR01XI A AGRICULTURAL AND Y .MECHAMltAL COLL EG K. Tbe eL'lith *???toi> brxhu the 18THOK At OUST. 1879. Tultlju and r^ow-ful and (.--aid In me??e?.i7: In ?amllle*. nowt.ere ?oo'.e ^10. In creased opport'-ultl?-? for cMralti?r? on i?cim ;?ud ia a loo*. For appointment* or eatalosuva. .rjilivm C. L. C. MINOR, Pre?i ?eut. BL(eksi>nt <. Va. )e 12-25.JT8.2??A?5.,22Se8.gO >OOK AJiD JOB WORK NBATLV JtX jLT TIIK DttPATCII.fWJiTWC* Book ajii JtCUTWJ novst