Newspaper Page Text
DAILY DISPATCH. VOI>- TV!!I*_KiCHMONDs VA.. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER a' l*S8(>. NO. 184. THB DISPATCH. HV 1 HE DISPATCH COMPANY. I ASB-IBVAB1ABIV lt AI'VS*? B. The DAILY DISI'aTITI I* rtcllvrrrd lo ?iil**rrt. *JTu TirVTBBB e ?BTS I*") neck, i-srsbleio tba ***^. V JcJ-kiv Malted si ?? per sinn.m : BS r<vr ?"?..*.?ki** for ihrrr momba; -Ot*, for one *%TVBs_W1 EKLV DISPATCH at BS per an* B v'^.'roe'Hs.ti^s.".'.^ .! HIM I.IMIDN. i *1 IN TIMK. ? vRD"/'?. Al.s.'l*. V- *>*Y .? ? <>.. 1005 bact Maa stbbkt, >.H hV|lBEA\, RM TrMPLE A 00*, 4S.9 BAST P.ROAD *.TBI"BT, sir J isl In riecR-tof iKI\i(M.,.i. "_.s(.RiMiNf e*r durran m all i-hades '*f sTrBBl* nitdluin, snd *lsrk. liulu din* Msc*'-- rinslt b la co?t from |7 lo ?*_?*>", CLOAK*, *A'V-"K- **"* ? 'L-TIR ( LOTUS, iMglM I" <*"M r,a>n' '-?"c ,0 ** r*cT yard: TIMM- goad*. 1-stusr*it Isle In thc* icaa*m. are-Hinch VI..- n?u'a. Wt iel have un hs a l a hind cine Conslmmenl of _.EAL-K1\ f*Ai *)1 I* i?.?t im.-t ba st^'at. Rsrcvtiiic* mtv !?<? found in Ita*-*** wrspiilnc*. - i?.lar tssti* es. ar*- now nfftilnft for tin I. VDI) * : M Pm -Toe I OF Vl-T* AND DR A XV I BS in na tin ? and stool. co.t1i,|t bOc. lo |.'.. Eur e.) NT I E XII N sn liv now ia st oe ?*. : .** eiTC ll Vt'.Ol.. AI-IRAI.l AN Wt)**!., e \*II Viii:). M 'ARLET. and MEDICATED I"N dh:\\ i vk. ? i-'inK Sue.last; e ..tnp'c.cllnc,*.. ?AsT*').'. KID. DOO-KIN. BBB I IN, snd ElK-Tiil" CLOVIS. :.t very low..! tali.. In cINTLFMEVS CL'.IH*. c \**slMERr.S DOESKIN-. W(*R*T I D*. ( REl'ES, WI have s complete ind ? rt.1,) Cit lon. To thc* K-r-od. wc call epic-ul aili-ml MB We t. ni'' i?t .n Moak ;h- lataaM ilacft of ..1 N 11.1 VD N- AND 1.ADIK** NEC KW EAR FOB IPd H'S) I'i I ll R I - : .i g the latter we sihtI'v Lauftue*!' c. Iimlu-o, i in*. s,.,?i(,. Mal, sud Point d'Elanou Euhurs. of this ilepsrlme-nt we make a-|>t chilly, .-..g many detdicti* contlnrd to our liouser*.. . I.Al.Os fl.MN and ) vf.-.iN ilDERED IIAMI KEReHDF*. sll.K ll V SDKEK! THEES, i ('I:*! I*, -e vite*; ai ". PKBEUMBBT and seiAf* VI ILL) R's i i D<?N IN, for chipped kkta.Bl 'Abc. |*0(J?Q1'RIBAB, PRICE, TEMPLE A C<'., e BBDOBG, Al BOP. MosBV A co. _tno2P-eoJj_ 'M)ii KASl HIIOAD! 808 EAST BBOAD ! A. Ill TZLKR 8 sc,NS. la stock aad laeatrlsir froto Bril tai ls a foll and I line or DRF.s*. (HiOD's,. InnudliiB MOMIE ilei'llis. PLAIDS. SATIN-*. MvTEI.a."?E. IHt i VD)* FLANNEL MIT 1N<.*, VM.VKTS. n,?| MOURNING PA I) HI CM. Also. ai. tiiiUsti.illv luigi st,?T. . I" VV III I E. (ieioDS and -TAP 1. E s , .neb rt- HO NOES. Cl.CV Ks. Ml AW Ls, BLANK KT-e, and ENDER EL an NEL?. l.aehr." vu Kunu, I adit-h'and Gentlemen1! ", NI iLR XV EAR.tu 1 llDSli R *i . Nol lons slid i,ovules tn TRIM MI Ne; s, I i'x.Int.s. sn. INSERTING**! i ipectaltv. Ev ?AMEN l ERIE. TRIM vhs,;*, BUTTONS, cl * I.OAK-OKSAMKN' variety. oe -_4 SKtXVINO-lllltK \l>. ?PHI PEOPLE APPRECIATE MEI..T.< ra EAGLE AND PUENIX ?HJll.L BB WIM O-T H ll/AD i ..i i NB! -. <? x. ?SMOOTHES I, 8TBUKGE8T, BBBT. BOLD BY ALL JuRBERS. 1878. 1879. VII "DICTION DiilBLED. | AGAIN DOUBLED _Ila 16-eodl2rol ( /1'tASD OPKMM. DAY 08 s*. CHRISTMAS GOODS AMU WEDDING PRESENTS AT E. II. TAYLOR**, 1011 bast Main, MONDAY, NOVEMBER !_0, 1880. Allsrt- Invited. no 26 /I I ll S O N la. OPENING THIS WEBB ALL TUE FOREIGN NOVELTIES.. IL L UBI V E CLASS. h-x 11.1 a liszt look wlih indi -ccni hues. OPTICAL GLASS n. TA-t.h,i.niii.Ki>. Ac BrmCBM ihe appearance ? ortviuy ti hd stlth wat r. BACCARAT GI.AS* (titco.ii'e*) aud crvs-all. Alr-o, (ULVA ANDC.I.Ass pin ls n-R RRIDAL ne. 14 PKF.-st- NTs. -""*?? ? - -.? - ? ?-? B ll ot els._ UCKlMiHAM HOTEL, Kn in av BBI i- and EirriKTB muk i.r (oppo.He I aliedral), N t.v. VOKK. JOSLIN A FILLER. Pkopriktobs. Dt-ilfbtfull) -Ituatt-d li His very centre of thc most f sstii' m. bli*', p. sa, 'Tiirchi-is. .chiKils, 4c ; near ibi- e.rand (Vutia! rsfroad depot, within Hirer tutu uie* wslk of iht* Eic tr. te a road ami Madison-avenue ?far*. Pslr?.*,l?e(l i,w Hie best fainllit. of Europe and Amerirs. * o??i?, ,M. ,,? .*.,? KUBOPI \n PLAN. Ri *i vii:-* vi I kBLBPAfMEO. CHARGES REAseiNAHLE._ex-8 cod Sui ?*2*HE UYUK1A UOIEL, OLD PCt.NT COMPORT, VA. S1TCATBB 0KB HlMiKt.p YAHU8 f?OM EOBt ?aaraoa OPrN ALL THE I EAR. lei'ial tosii) boit-l lu the lintel KUlcs sa a Sum ttt-r Ra-jiiri or c'd-w. iihcr sauitsalum. for i lr **u'*r -tarss-riMus tiytrleu'.c advsiusjrt-s, terms, Ac taorimhy mai ot ttU-irvpb an so ls H. PHOEBES. Prourtetor. _8MH?8ifa. BTATIO.**/ K M1_i*j_*_5_^ol_ I^LKUANT O-UOt)-* Kilt CHRIHTMAS 4 Gill's.-We art- n >w ree* irina s Isrse irlw Hon of elaaitv UiHigH. in ?It-paut blsc'lnifs; prrliy 'lc I CRE*?, FOR 1 Aid E SARniNC.-Dt-.hS, PuR'lFuLlo-. CARD e AsEs. poe KKT-llo .Ks and W ALI.) ..*-. LADIES* W'(.RK-HoX>-M. Hil K 'iAM*de,N ReiARDs. e uk* Ki Rs. e TIE-f-M IN. Domino-, flloTocicAPH sud Al'loTiRAPH ALIUMS. 1 IIKIsTMAH ( ARDSlo riieiliisvsrte o;c HtLDRkN*>Be'OKf ni immrin* ?? -lice loo; c.o.eitirs lu INKSTAND!*. G4tLI) PKN< H.s. PENH, aad (Aff-J.. FASHIONABLE WI ATloN r-Rx/ s Mudall). Th*- m.. t mm* Dr sud flit- mot ?*?u Hui ?t?i*-B of BIBLES. PRaVER-KOoK*!, sud ? fl Mr* AL-, we barr ever (Bi rel. JiuIkiiicuI aud ias*e?>i-r.iM?d itt (H.Isa order*, ?ss 4 WOOt'lUjlit. A I'ABHAM. _~ l.ltlll A VI TA I MIMI M.. IIOLIHAY <.i.(i|)s. HOLIDAY GO >DS. I. ll. SPENCE. A SON. BO.-t Maib mr rt kt. HOLIDAY GOODS. OVERCOAT"*. OVrttCOAT.*, OVERT OAT*. OVERCtATS, eiVERCOATS.s OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. dress spits, DRIBS SUITS, Miff SUITS, DRESS SPITS. MJHMB8B SPITS-TEN DOLLAR*. RIMNls*. sui* TEN* DOLLARS, ltl"MNE*S StTTs-TEN DOLLARS.' RlslNIs* -I ns-TEN DOLLARS. E. lt. SPENI ? A SON, E. ll. SPENCE ft SON, E. R. IPI N< | ft SON, E. lt. SI*ENC E A SON. fi MRROKE WHITE DR'S* BHIBTB, PEMBROKE Will IE DRESS SHIRTS, PI MRROKE WHITE DKE-S SHIRTS, PEVIHROKK WHITE DB EBB MURTS. KIDCI.OVF*. Hil K e.I.e.VI-S. CT.OT ll CLOVES, lUfaVTOF GLOTI *-. SEALSKIN CLOVIS, DRIVINC- AND WALKING GLOVES. E. H. SPENT K ft SON, E. H. SPENCE ft SON, E. R. BPKBCB ft SON. E. li. BPBKCI A son. MEDICATED MURTS AM) DRAWERS, MEDIC ATED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Millie ATED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. MEDICATED SHIRTS AND DRAW ER*. SUSPENDERS. SI "SPENDHts, SUSPENDERS. Bl SPENDERS. MERINO undershirts ONE DOLLAR, Ml RINOUNDERMURTS ONE DOLLAR, MERINO U.NDERMHRTS UBI DOLLAR, MERINO UNDI RsHIRTS ONE DOLLAR. FAN! V HALE n* )*:?". BROWN HALE-HosE. WHITE HaLF-Hose, MERINO HAI.FIIOSF, sc ABLIT H.YLF-liosc. PAM V silk BECBWBAB* FANCY sll.K vec KVVEAR, FAN! Y sll.K NEC KW EAR, FANCY SILK NKiKWEAR. E. B BPBBCBA sos, E. ll. SPENT Eft SON, E. lt. SPENCE.* SON, E. li. Sf ENC EA SON. FANCY SILK RANDKEBCHII I - FAN! Y sll.K HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY silk HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. COLLARS. NE( KW EAR. suspenders, UMBRELLAS, WALKING-CANES. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HO*IERV. UNDERSHIRTS, .MERINO MURTS, SCARLET WOVE SHIRTS. MEDICATED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, OVERe OATS. DRESS-COATS, BVS1BBBS-COATS. CHILDRENS AND ROYS' CLOTHING, CHILDREN'S AND ROY*' OVERCOATS r. Et, Sf I.NC I" A SON, de 3 903 Main sired. 1 p-INE TAILORING AT MODERATE PB IC ES, I have now in stock A VERY COMPLETE IBSOBTMEMT op I ILL co..!)*. which l purpose io maka up in Hi** HIsT" STYLI OE CUT. TRIMMINGS, AND WORKMANSHIP, at a Mil'!! uniform profit. NO FANCY PRICES. Sati.-lnc'ion ?.uarantei-l. JoHN LATOUCHE, ue l-ooel No. 4 Tc-nih street, _ FAHCT ?.OOD**"i, A<". BAYE MONEY HY GOING TO 605 ERO AD STREET, AND RUY1NG YOUR FANCY AND liol si". KEEPING GOODS e?E STEVEN.**. We sre dally openlntr ban-tela* I ought during: thc psst two weeks, and now offer 200 PANNELS FRAMEDor UNFRAMED, from 6c. up; some Li unties st 26, 60, and 87c. EASELS and EASEL-FRAMES for card pict mes GAB1BBT FUTURES, PROMENADE PIC? TURE'S of all grade, am! styles; DalaaB designs la SILVER and ENGRAVED CRYSTAL VASES; CARD-STANDS, plalu or engraved, lu great va? riety ; (A sit IRS from thc durable .Vb* .ttie Brit auia oi 8-lxtlle wlrs lo the elegantly-chased and en? graved 6-bottle ("astors of the choicest patlerus mw 8aa1fBSla PICKLE CASTORS; CAKE-STANDS, SYEUP-CUPS.SUGAR-DISIIES BERRY-STANDS, HUTTER-DIsHE-, and a) windsor table .silver; A large aJsorlnieiit of TIN SETS, all the choice pat? terns, willi wall protector, or covered jurs?ll patrerus Ins CTBUBAf fi'LL-size set; Also, the COMMON STRAIGHT JAR SETS all very low price; Handotiine COAL-VASES and cheap HODS of al size* al bottom price.; Choice decoration* In CHAMBER SET*, hand lome BAND SETS, and PREN I ED SET*, a prices thal def)- competition. The greatest csrc has i?*cn taiten during ihe pre sent purchase as to the ?fi.tldy sud diiiaUIHty oj ?ggt , snel Hie itrlctt-st atteutlon paid to the kuow. wants and t_v?le? of our pa'r.ns, and wc* fi*.'1 con! deni our cujiomirs will have Hie udvaiiliigco the greate-it variety and low, st prices at 1,0 30 STEVENV. <) LD KENTUCKY WHISKEY, FOUR YEARS OLD, 82.60 Bbb gallon. MOUNTAIN WHISKEYS OF ALL AGES. DUFF GORDON MlERRIES?our owu Import* tallon; FINEST VIRGINIA. CALIFORNIA, and MIS SOURI clarets; FRENCH IHlANDIES-ttiiest Imported; FOREIGN sud AMERICAN CHAMPAGNES; KIMMEL, UHARTnEUSC, ANNLM.ITK (OR DIALS; OLDFAbHlONED e ..'HERBY BOUNCE; ? EI.ERRATED BELMONT LITHE*, snd CHLO BINE STRONT1A WATERS; APOLLINARIS. HATHORN, aud oilier MINE KAL WATERS. For tale low hy ,.ojKMj!w_CHRISTIAN ft WHITE DOOK AND JOB WOftK NEATLY El " C :U rSsO AT TUB D18FATVUJPKISTIU.Q aou!_!ir Jichmoiul ?psptdt. FKIDAY.DKUEMHER 1 IMO. -BB*THE CIRCULATION OP THB HlflPATCH ll LARGER THAN Till. COMBINED CXBCD* LATION OF ALL THKoTHBR DA1LV NKWB PAPERS OF THE CITY. f Entered at the Pitt OBai at Richmond, Va., as s*-?ond-<Ta*g matu_r.l WEATHER REPORT. iNT.itnioNs inn T.i-Dat.-For Hip Jliilellfi Atlantic .Mate*, hgher baromelcr and clear ?I pail ly cloudy weather. The weather VEsTr.itiuv was clear and I'ic i*;ilit. TUERBOMETKR Yf.STKRiUT I IJ A. M. M* 9 A. .M., 41 ; roon, f,0; I J', m.. ;,.*" ; | p. M. ,"t0; niHlni'.'hf. .'iii. Alt an (cm pera! ti re, *.(;_. LOCAL MATTERS. Si PBBMB ( oi ur of Appeals, Thirsday.? Addison and mit, VO, Lewis anel als. Pat on pilvilcge doe-ket. Ill?..(?! sk nt, Lewi* and als , and Hly?|ie? and git vs. sanic. Appeals all.,wed io a decree pronounced l?y the Ciicni! Court of Hie* city of Richmond on Hie* '_?.",d of April, 1880, and caBBI put on thc privilege doeke t. TBaaaaai of Adaaaa, Ha?oer .v. Co. vs. l.eivi* and als., anil ol Bald, re <?? iver. tv. Le xvi* and als , also pal on Hie privilege doe-ket. Whitworth r.s. (.arv and oil* Appaal al? lowed and lapel sedeas awarded to a decree i ronoaooad bi the Uoatlaai or cotporution Couit of ||,?-eilv Bf Manchcsler on October ?1. 1880. Jennine-- vs. Vaidt-ii and alfi. From Hie Circuit Court of the i-itititv of New Ke-nt. Bevaraad. Jada** Mooeora dalivartag tin oplotoa and Judge. Christian, Anderson. Staple*, and Burks eooeorrlag iii the result of the opinion. Mtle'liell ni The Commonwealth. From Hie circuit Court of Campbell county. At? tn med. Judas Chrwii.ui delivering Um Oploloo. Tin* wai the celebrated Campbell County ease of Je-se E. Mitchell, arba BfBB convicted ant! sentenced to Hie penile nti-ny for live jraars for extorting.' money by* of li j tn y to the character e.f Lizzie .May Ko!,in*'.ii. The fact-* of Hie east- have al? ready l.e.-n pablhbad in lbs Dispatch. Kider'* exe e-ulor vs. Mani* el nts From the Circuit Court of Laoeobarg county. Appeal disT i**ed. Judge Aodersoa deliver in_r the e.|.lui).,). 0111% :icli)iii.i*tr:itor vs. Ne-wman. From lhc (Trouit Court of lim-kingham county. Reversed. Jadga sta..le- delivering thc opinion. Wei's. & Hardinsr vs. Smith, & ?., Iroiti as. From thc Circuit Court of Noithuiiibei I and county. Judge Barks delivered tbeoplo Iob. revel aloa the decree- beaaoas the Cir* eall Couri sreal fun in r ibao to dlamfas tbe plaintiff* * hill and adjodieited the right* of the panic*; it ougbt alnapljr lo have dis* Dtlsaed tbs bill, i.c-e tu*e sen ber ol tbe plato tiffs had Ihe rigl*! on in half ol themselves tO maintain the' SO lt, Stuart eft Palmer vs, Tboroloo. Argued by Judge William J. Roi.en. op. for thc ap? pellants and continued until toil... Police Coitit.-?The foMowni. ca.. * were ?11?*!>os.-ei of yesterday at Um Pollee Court by Police-Justice D. C. Richard*on : John Harp, a blind tiddler, charged with lu ni-.' di unk and disorderly on the stn-et and violently residing the police in the dis? charge ot their duly, was sent to jail for three mon!hs in default ol r-ure-ty. John McDonougb, for assaulting and striking his lister. Maa*a*ic McDoooasb, with an ii on fender, wa* tined *?.) und j .iic-d for r-ix months with labor. An appeal was taken. The witnesses were recognized to appear at the Hustings Court next Tue.dav. Betty. Jackson (colored) for r-tiralin.,' 18 15 from tbe person of Norman Set I, wa* c.iin luitted to await ibeaattofl of tbegraod |ary. Joba Basle*), James Caven.uigh, and James (_ orde ry were ebaraed tvllh assault ing and beat inf'Janie* Foster. The police reported tba! llaz!e-p had not bren lound. Thc Ulai was pr..('(-il d with. . Th" evi ilti.e i-failed t* show t hat (' ivi nangu anil Cold) rv *ttuck any blows, but the Police Jostles *ta'e el th it Uley were tn the partv. aad wara trinity ol disorderly eoodoct In tba street, and he would therefore them li cii'ii. Etnanuel Carter (colored) was fined _?-! forIfcspaiBiog upon tue property of and threatening to beat Joba stephenson. Two Wedpincjsat Trinity ( I. _-r Niuht.?Thc matrimOOlsl fever .seems lo be raglogstill. Last night at Tiinitv church two happy pan* were unilcd in Itoly wed? lock by tue Kev. W. F. JodklBB, pastor of tbfl church. Tba tirst weddin? look place at i*::'i) and was that ol Mr. Jame* M. Schwalmeyer and Miss Faunie J. Winston (niece of our we'l known townsman Mr. C. I'. Hack). The ushers were Mesars* W. W? Grssswitt, Mo-es II. Carter, lt. T. Pemberton, Thomas Cunningham, J. Roaeoa Parker, and Oeorvre Newell. To BB* tbat there was an immense congregation present xvotild not fairly de?cribe lhc vast n um lier of people who tl rouged the church to sec these two young friends made happy. Aft er I he cere? mony there was an entertainment at thc residence of tbe bride, to which the ushers and a few friends were invited. The bride was beautifully attired in white and looked her sweetest, while ihe tn norn, as all grooms appear, seemed prcud of Ins coneiuest, and looked his best. The second wedding ut Trinity last niuht took place at fh) o'clock, and the happy young participants were Mr. Alexander M. Tomlinson, a well-known member of the police force, and Miss Annie M. Au*Hn. The usheis were Messr*. Edi-ar H. Fergu? son, John S. Purch, John E. Rose, and John Austin. At ll P. M. tba newly-mar? ried pair left by the Chesapeake and Ohio express train for a norlbern tour. The Fi io:-Alarm Tklkurapii Link Re paikkd. ? Thc failtue of Station 2iJ te> record properly on the night of the tire at (.arv's .hop iv-i** cati*ed by one or two accidents, which have now be cn fully corrected. .Su? perintendent ll. M. J. Paynter, of the city ti rou I ann telegraph, sCii led out yesterday as early as 6 o'clock to a*ceitnin wbat was the mattel'. He found the police and til. Biara xx j.*-* ere *-ed bet wee* tbe Razall and Gait-ego mills, near Station (Jl, a heavy wagon bavins: run again-t P. aaoalag tin* wires to become crossed. This wa* of couisc corrected. Mr. Paynter then went on lound the city, aud found a lek phone wire lastiBSJ upon the thc-almii win- on Seventeenth street between Marshall and Clav streets. Tbe telephone wire was cut and the tiie-alanu lineal tbis point restored. Mr. Pavnte r then turned In Station If, and it recorded conectly all over tbe city. He then went over alter Chief-Engine er Tay? lor, of the Fire DepartiBent, aod the two officials determined to make a still further Inspection of thr hoe. Tbis was done, and Stations 8 S, 2-5, 4-3. and 8-3 turned in. H.vliiaa* completed their round*, tbe line was found to bc In perfect order, as it gen erally ls._ State Aksessbent.? Judge christian, al the Hustings Court, liss extended, a* pro vided for by law, the time ior the n turn cf the Looks of the State a**c**?>r* for this city to the 1st day of January, 1881, they nm being able to complete Ibelr work within the time prm-rlbf-d bf statute? I ieee ai ber 1, 1880._ Car bJUREh.?The sieeping-cTr of t6c Chesapeake and Ohio raliway wa- nm into by a fre-tirht traiu ol Waynesboro* i.n Wed? nesday morning, and thc cur arid one per* loo injured. El.r.tT.O.N BBCBBTI TOLD. Mn hon e's -Bit niter of JtVttnnslna **flnn eti eater. BOW THE TA**JeOLLF( TORS WERE AP 1'OINTE!) ANI) PISITIARfiKia-THKIR DI TV IN TIIE ERIE 'S-TATK-F. L tCTl o N Jt HOES HIP, CG HT TO CONDIGN-HOW THK AM- RAC,| VOTER OVER THE RIVKR SK CHED HIS T AX-KKI KIPT WITHoiT PATON FOR IT-KIND NUBBIN Wilt) PCT IP THK *PONI)l"LIX. Ar. Ac. The ("i-i- *.f I., p. boater, James (Jallo . xv ax, auri Sjiniiel Logan, st ihe late . cl> e*t ion in tbe Thiid Watti, Manchester. ctiarge*d wnh " ut,lawfully refusing* ;tin.' te, re e-e ive, conni, certify, rc gl?ter, re J port, or give effect to the votes of Edmund | Fi, ld, Jihn Hiirlcin, (Jeorge Jl Ibi BOB, June* ThOaipSea* .limes T. Thompson, Jr.. c. W. Jonis, Ni bon Cruinp. Melvin Hill, (J. C. Washington, W. ll. Babb, Moses Dennis, s. K. Wooo?on, Rich ml Crump, anel \V. H. Ariilennn. upon ibelr offer to v ile, they then ard there ticing quallfed voters in Hie Third Ward pie". cmcr, Mane hester''?or, in other wold**, charged with refusing to allow them lo v le nt the li.'e clendon upon tax rfc-ip'* i**ned from the C'llice e?f Ihe Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia? crt me ii|) before; I'ni'ed Mates ("omniissliitie r Aikiii* ye*. : leielay menning. Ootle a Bamber of pcr-ons were present fit the examination, nio*t ol whom were , summon* d as wit ne.-e*. Several hours xv ere "lieut In healing th*-testimony, aad ! some in' crest i rig fads, abOBrlBg how Hie elidion baelltaai was cai ried on in the ?? fre-e- State " bv Ihe " faithful allie-*- " were brought our. Thc panie* BeBBSSd WITB n pre-ented by Hon. ('eorge I). Wise find A. M. Kelley, Esq . aud the pi execution wa* innillieteil hy Cotted Stales I)i*Tiict-Attor ney L. L. Lewie. irXAMINATHIN OK WTTNKSS1-. Richard Crump, thc tir*t irltaeSI exam? ined, said he irled io vote in the Third Ward, but hi* vote wu* not received. He did not know why. Nothing was said; Hov only handed him buck bis receipt and told him to stand aside. Mr. Redford and Page' told iiim he could not vote. They [laid he eoold not vote srltbool his receipt. He Hid not know whether they challenge!] In* vote or not. J mies T. Thompson, another colored vvi'tnes-, said In* tried to vole in Hie Third Ward, bur could Bett*, ll*' handed In bis re ceipt, and it was handed back to him. Siinii.T Logan, and another gentleman were thc fudges. Sonic of tbe judges challenged his vote: he did not know wbo. Ile hean! ?oma one- *:iv, ?? l chillenge Ibal vote.** Hs didn't know on what ground* tbey refused th" vol*'. Mr. Kelley: IHdn't you Impure. Witiiis,* I asked some ol tbe bynaoderi lei tell mc, bot they did not. 1 said DOtblog to the I think tho challenger was i.i.nie Tba I ax-re.rei pt wa* prose d back to M. A. Harris and he handed it to me. SCPSBVI "lt'*- TK.sll.MONV. M. A. Harris 'also coloied) was the next xvitiic?s- examined. He had acted a* super visor on the day of election. He wa* nt the* poll, all dav. Thc witne-s read a list of voter-; ir hose rotes were rejected. Qa said RI haiti CrumpcaUM to tue poll! and i.ire red to vote, and area rejected on tbegTOttadtbat he had pud his faxes lo one of thc clerks of thc Auditor. In tba beginning lhere bad beea a coaierat, the- witness said, as to who w, rc ibe authorised parties io collect dr. Iinc'iienf taxi's, .-some contended that Mr. Uaorge W. Dueaberry bad no authority to receipt lor Ibe taxe*. Witoess said be id* tl ie?-i tl a note lo Auditor Massey making thc Inquiry a* lo the matter, sine, received the following in reply : ?? COMMONWEALTH Of VlBQIXIA, 1 ?-Okkh'K OF TBB ?' Alumni ok Public Arcot nts, a* itu nxieiMi, November ft issi), j "G. W. I)u. sherry, William R. Smitn, R. A. Noel, John B. Miller, James A. Si il don, aud W. W. Maaiey are authorized to receipt for all payne n'*- with tbs State Treasury, including delioqueol aad losol* vt nt eipitatioti-l'ixe??. '* W.ft. Ni.xcxi.v. " Clerk Ol Ace 'lillis." The fudges, botvever, held tbal tbal lo? per did aol eatltle them ti) vote* THK I.t-.TTI'K. t^-n <ti ni : did Ihe judges ?.iy when rou > lowed Ibal letter from tba Auditor's offlee I Aossrer: Thev said tbal did not amount fe any tiling. I chimed that this man did have a right to vote Mr. Logia ,x;is romesrbBi in lympatbf Witb tbem. and be ciuimid tbal the partial oagbl to vote. bul the other I ix 0 judge 1 decided ct her arise. Jam: - Iii'inp*)!', Jr., al*o piodtlevd hi* reeelpt ??There was ?, va.f crowd around tba i?*'Hs. -ind 1 the.tiLrht Mr. Page and Mr. Redford were acting very disorderly. It was quire difflOUlt for any one lo get up lo the poll* !? vol.." il. Ho cv many voters were nj-cted on that day on the ground that the*,- tax ri? ce ipts xviii'not proper? A. Thirteen. Q, Wa* that thc only ground upon which they were rejected? A. Yes, sir. I insist? ed upon the right of nil those present to vote. I sc nt over to Auditor Ma*sey, and bis chief clerk sent me that communication, stating that they were authorized. [Ihe witness went on to say that the Judges in the Fourth Nf nrd had addres*e,l a eommu ulcation to Judge Clopton as to what they sbould do, and they were acting under the it-lter they received in reply.] REAPJl'STI-B CHAIRMAN*. Mr*CB. HowHe (white) was the next xvitne*s. He said: 1 was chairman of the K*adjuster club, and was nt the Third Ward a dezf-n times during the day. I ?aw votes ref used there on the grounds lhat the tax-receipts were not valid. A man showed Ml office-receipt, signed by (Jeorge W. Ducsbcrry, nnd Mr. Fos'er re-fused to let him vote. I a*ked him by wbal authoritv, and ht said he did nol know whether Mr. Duesbet ry was a clerk under Massey qr nol. I said I Waa willingto swearthat Iiue-ibcrrv was e'erk in that office. I saw several voles re jetted. I was offered the place of tax collector for Manchester by tbe Auditor, but would not ri eei vc it. 1 expected there would be trouble of this kind, and would have nothing to do with it. uowle ?BrirffTff. Q. How did you know tbo*e receipts were paid did you have an j thing to do with paying Ideal A. I kuow they were all paid. I am willing lo * tbat they were all pnid Friday, Saturday, or Monday belora the eleclion. a-id 1 refuse to answer if I had anything le do with paving for ibem. 1 refuse to Boaaref tbal queelloa. Mr. Wis.*: We will put tha; down. Maybe we'll lind sun. ...her things. Mr. Kelley : Why ede you refuse to un-twer that quest nm. Mr. How le - Mr. II xvii-: I answered that I refused to answer tbal ejuc?tie>n. Mr. Kailey in-lsted that th* quest IBB should be answered, and ihe vm:bc*'- ai> pealed to tba C'j|innirt*ioner. who -aid: " You must s?ate the grounds ..f your ob? jection to iui*xveVing that question." Ur, Howies BaaausB l may criminate un *< if. _. , . , Mr. Kelle] I Von xv, re ottered ihe puce of eolketor tsA refused it. Mr. lb, a lc ?: I was recomtiiendeej, for lt, but fOUud the PBS was iii*utt_*'U'Bt. S)iue bodv in Jt^aOrrJCtCf-l xtfiv-e lemarked thai it was ?*) pal satis #ioiuiai-sioi>. 1 thou "ht I-??**? was loo small. Mr. Kelley I ls tbst tbe only communica? tion IOU |04 off.liug you the place? jg!. ilo-Ale: I muck* appila!ion tbrougb (jen. ral Mihoue for tbat i-ositioa. Mr. Kelley : How did you apply through Genera- Msiiooe f RKC0BB1CK0BD BY MAHONE. jit, Howie: I Baked bim to recommead mc to Auditor Maisey. I never bc..rd ,n.? more about it. General .Maleme said hi xv nu,] ree-ommend me. Judge S. I'.i*** m French told me to make applicttion in tba' way. Mr. Kc Hey : Did you tnnke it in writing i Mr. Howie: Yes, slr j 1 never a*ked any more about p. Mr. Kelley j How did you come to go to Judge French about lt ? Mr. Bowie: Itec-iuse be was a friend of mine aod ('rilera! Mafcnnt's. I suppose. [At till-* point ,,f the examination, by re epie-t of the counsel for the defence, the witnesses were all separated.] Richard Ci ump was recalled and asked to pro.iuee his t ix-ff-ceipi, which he did. Q Wbere did you get this receipt? A. Andemon Rod' s gave it to rae. The Distriel Aiiornev a*k* d why Hil* lin* of c.v. imiuation was pursued, "ind in replv Mr. Wise *Hel: '"I have two objects. 1 wtmf io exhibit to you -ind to the world the true inwardness of this busine-s. I want the moving spirit behind ibis prosecution to rise and be developed.*" Mr. Lewis said he had no oojeciton to the examination. Q Who I* Anderson Rodes? A. Ile is a coleiiedman. Q. When wa* it handed you? A. ll fore thc election. I don't remember exactly wbat dav it wa*;. I j ,,,'t think it wa* more lhan one or two days before the election. He handed it to mc ia Manchester on Hull sireet. Q. What i* Anderson Rode**-- tni*in. -* I A. He lives in Manchcsler. 1 don't know xv hat he docs. Q. Did you pay bim anv mone-y for that paper! A. No, sir. I ain't paid nobody yet. (L Did you piy anyboclv any monev for that jiaper ? A. (hesitating) I ain't paid no boelv yet. I have got lo pay vet. <). How do yon know you have got to pav vet;' A. I told Anderson Rodes 1 would pay him. raoMlSSB TO Pit his taxes bit has not HONK IT. t1 You have never patd these laxe-i? A. I got him to pay i! for me and I will pay him. <J. Did von tell Aridcr*on Rode s io get von the receipt first:*' A. I told hun I wanted to pay my laxf, s? I could vole. I did not have any Blooey, an.l he got the receipt. I told him I would pay him after? ward-. il Ha- Rodes a*ki el you for any money ilaeef A. No, sn*. Q, Who tir*t came and told you tint your capltatlazhtax was not paid? A. Nobody. I knew it wa* not paid. J. T. Robinson, another witnc**, wa* Baked similar questions. He said be gol W. H. Aniler*)ii to atfend lo it for him. (.. Did you pay him tin* si.Oj mai ked on it? A. I got him to attend to it for me. ii Did you pav him for Hf A. I got him to attend to it for n.e. No, sir: I did not. (J. Have' you ever paid for i; ? A. No, sir. Q. Ha* anybody within your knowledge g'ven Anderson monev for you;*' A. No, *ir. I never seat soy body to tbe Auditor's offlee will, money to pay it fur nie. I askl (J Anderson lo attend to it f..r mc, and he sii.l he would. 1 mulei stand Ilia! Ihe names were sent over in a list io ttie Auditor's Offlee and could be paid there. how the n Maa i waa kabaobo. (Jeorge W. Dueiberry, clerk in the Auditens cffleOj was the next xxifie* examined, lie- testified that he is ibe .rsl clerk in the fourth class in thc Auditor's Offlee, aod all but oner of the n e-cipts which wen1 given to Hie panics who allege that they were not allowed to vote were written by him. The one wo in the handwriting of (Jeorge W. Williams, an ni her clerk. Ile said Robert Beattie ami E. I!. Howl came over fruin Manchester Witb a bitch of names on lluffldeliiiqiient list. Witnc*. dill o tt i ute^-toatW' nv money fjom th* iii, and did uot sc *? filly persons for whom the. receipt*1 were made oin. He gave the receipts to Bowie aod Beattie* aad sol w. H. Anderson or any coloi ed man. I signed Un le riccnils (nu-anlng those given to YA mund Fii-ld-i^fohn Burton, An.) without teeing ijjiy rc^ipt fioin the Treasurer, or any money. **n?t LIKE THE HAIN KAU.ISO." Melvin Hill WM tu-xl called. Be -aid he? lix) d In tin- Third Ward, Manehi ste r. Bad a transfer. Hi* vole wm rejeeted un ac. conni ol ihe name to tbe lax*rcct Ipi. When I asked tor my nam.' they (the lodge*} tinned lo it on thc-book. [ then showed Ibem my receipt and ihcv it f ti-.,-c| my vote. I went there tii-t BbOUt 9o'clock, Tbey told BM to come hack and they would let mc know if tiny would receive my vote. I leol In W. ll. Andi ison by Alexander Brooki lo io) my t i\-n ? ipi, I did not tend anv monet io pay for lt, but expected to do so if he (Andersen,) demanded it. He wa* asked xvhy he *ent word lo An denon l<> RSI his tax-receipt, and he an -wt red: "I sent, lo Andi rion out of mv own head. Noiiody told me. '1 lit y all pitched OB him (Anderson) ju-,1 so like the raia filling.'' taxes paid wrraoui boxxt. tdmund Field *aid men fri ejuenilv p-nil bis poll-taxes, anil that '*a man bad paid his tax-bill it* the Newman election, but slid not know who -it was, and bas not seen tba man -ince." John Burton said: "All Ibe Judaea IgfBed in refusing his vote on BCCOUOt of bis tax-receipt. Said Anderson came io him ai.d Rave him a receipt. Did not direct him to get it or pay for lt. Did not ask any body to get it. THE MAN* WHO LOOKS AFTEK TIIE TICKET BBSI* NESS. W. II. Anderson, the man who took loeb delight in di*tribiiting the tax-receipts among his c tlored brethren was next called. Anderson has several aliases. He is some? time- called Rose Anderson and Anderson Rodes. He stated that he was I Republi? can eSBTBSser appointed to look after Re? publicans wbo had not paid tbalr taxes, and to attend to th it business "guii'ially." Mr. Wise: Where did you get ttiose re eeiptlF-pointiug to some lying on thc lahle. Anderson: I decline to answer, on ihe ground lhat I might criminate myself. Mr. Kelley: Did you pay any tax** foi* those delinquents ? AndetsoD: 1 decline to answer, for feel I might criminate mv*elf. I did not go to tue Auditor's ollie, wilh Bowll and H. ame I.K01TIMATE ANI) I.AWFIL rtC-TNES-i. If any of HMM who have te*titied say I paid for them tm y are mi*taki ti. Mr. Kciiey: Wbal i* vour oecopatloat Ander-on : I clo anything that xviii *.oimr lo hand for a legitimate or lawful buslaaaa. Ahout two xe ats aga I was engaged wi the tob-ttSCO businee*. I ha* been a repwr-ar for a nt-w*p'per called The Laborer's Satitmrion (criterion). I di?renieuioer bow long ago n 'ia* le en since I war. a reporter. I kOOH Blt the persoaa WB088 namer* ure- on tia? re ceipts-incaifiri.-,' thc- icoeipts gi wo tu the Thud Ward. ANOTHEIl SAN WHO UASN't IfAltU. S. L. Wooilsi.n ri slitted thal be wc-ut tl the [Kills at !? o'clock on election-da v anet odored loToie; iraaquallf_t4t?4aw**-bBl hi* vole wa* refused beaauaa bis tax*re c. ipi wa* not Ugh'. Il mill ll his balle. I lo I low tv. and h.- M.all-mat), gave lt ba*k. I got some one la pay r_,J "-- * wWtt riot paid Rh.'d*'-. AndenOBk Ba* My one erua, for roy t?\-ieetipt. Andrrson brouj-b. my tax-receipt and pul il i*> ?V ""*?*?*? I ?? AnUeiooO auout tlr-tatX busineis be. .uv I knew he was I " BBa-BJ-l mail." 1 thin*-* t?- mm me the rw-ipl on the Saturday be lure the election. __ After be c ,?r?uJe*l Mr. Foster a-ked ( lie allowed ".nuuk" a *t it, ment. Ile salt that Ms A. Ililli*- the suj-eivisor, and al three ot lhejul)-'*c"neur,cdiii decid.o, tbal tbe papen exhibited wee kut bon* "?? T'*?,*, Cmrn under tbe laws ol Virginia. Hs beard tba j Judge Clopton haelitlvn on opin.?j to the Judges of the Fourth Ward relaflve lo the j i-j^-recr-ipt-.", aid ?enr down fo the Foortb W nd precinct for the opinion, and got il. Siintiel Logia (colored), torre of the par tie* ae-eilsfd, said Mr. Y ll* r wa* mi-'ikeri tn *3iini_- that he (Logan) concurred in the opinion of Judge Clopton, trnt did no! contradict the same statement which was made by Burton. COMPLIED WITH THE J Cr GB*."* OPINION* OF TnK LAW. Mr. Callow ay abo made a statement. He said all the Judges and the supervisor con? curred to complying wilb Judge Clopton'* opinion. Ile remembered a voter who of? fered an open ballot anel declared his ln!en lion to vote for llaricoci-", Kngh-di, and George D. WI ie, and that voier-wa* re? jected beeause he had one of the Auditor'* receipts. The whole matter was thea continued until fins motninr, when pro ba]) fy more testimony will he heard. The Theatre Last Night?Miss Cavkn dish as Mercy Merrick? While it needed n it a second evidence of her ability to stamp M ** <'avendi?h as a charming and tinistie d actress, *tbl her beautiful impersonation of tbe rattier impuMve role of Mercy Merrick in "Ihe Mess Magdalene" last evening, won our uncpialirjeel admiration. Mic poa. -esses to 8 bigti de*tee Ihe Tri of being Balarat and forcible at thc same time; to be ihorotiyhly intense without ''tearing a pas. sion to tatters," ni as thc occasiein ic quiree, passive vvithoui tifconnng tame. In Mercy Merrick, as in Josephine Clarion the night before, s.hc won inc confidence and admiration of her audience, and af thc enn ciiion of almost every act wa* ent.iii*ia*ti Bally oiled before the curtain. In justice lo Mr. Boniface it mu*t be *aiil Hut tn his excellent put myal of Julian (.ray ba limo*! shared honers willi the ctar of the eompaay. His acting is slwayi good, but in this rote lie WM *o ca?y and natural that liiste.iif of a fiction he seemed to be giving a reality. Tbe ("race Roseberry of Miss Sara Ste? vens wa* acceptab'e, while Mr*,. K. A. Eberle gave an intelligent rendering of Janet Gray. Mr. J. H. Miller's Ilor ace Holmcrnff was a pleasing rendition, and thc curtain e*!osed upon a beautifully prc SCI led play and a more than grail tied audi? ence. To-ni_ht Miss Cavendish will conclude her engagement here in "Camille." The MosiBff Opera-Night.?Owing to th" enforce?ni'Tit of the ri"w rule Mozart Hall wa* eeimplete ly. but not iiiie-iinfoira. lily, tilled la*t Blab! by an appreciative anti sympathetic audience. We have already spoken of ??Tbe Dui'he**," and wc have boot l>uf, te, -av of I i*e night it wa* good mu? sic well rendered. Thc duet in the ros: and the quartette la the second act were rape e-iallt tin". The members of tbe A**oeiati(in bave reason lo thank both the manage rs and the peifornn-ra*'. *tlt*s Thoma* was perfectly satisfactory, bOtb as lo acting and vocali/.j tion. Her rendition of the pirt assigned to berwaaevea beyond rhat of tbe ordinary amateur, aad delighted herr beare ra. Mr* Bernard's actieg and singing wart both good, tbouab, as Hie batter wa* a little out of hi* register, lbs (ii*t was Un b.'*t. Mr*. Bernard, corn er a* to the iniisi* and precise as to the stage business, wa* warmly re. eeived and Pilly appreciated, while Mr, .""..'. delicious notes .hu rt**-*, in our irs* ?'Drink" .vr the Theatre.?Oa Satur? day afternoon and night Charles Reade's great drama, "Drink" will be performed by Mr. cyril Beerie*.* company, arith tba tine act res* R tea Ly tinge aa e'eivai-e, and Mr. Searle In hi* own character?Jem Cou peau, a plumber. The play bus been mo*! hi'.'hly comment? ed upon by thc pre**, and B religious paper axs of lt, that "it will prove a warning and bltaslng to tlini,-i,n<l* ",- und furthermore, that "it ls cant to sty lt is wrong lo see thi* treal nen"ii kasoa .because it happens to be pu,ached in a theatre, and not in a lamper* ance hall." MtSB Bhown's Recitations To*.Nh;ht.? This talented elocutionist will nuki' ber teeond appearance at Mcsirt Ball to-night in a new and attractive programme. Tbll is another in the star e nir-e of ? nteitaln merits, uhic!) bave tba*, far mut with great favor tn Richill.mel. Thee-ominitfee having them In charge seem to unilers'aiil what ibelr pat roos desire, sod use then* best en* deavors lo eater to their ta*tc. Tln-i. <-.-p Uni ol Mi-* P.rown last Monday i vening ararranta ther predlslioB Ibal lbs will b( cordially received tc-iiiglH. ESTIBBLT New PbOOBABBB.-? The Bap li.t Sll II el iv -School As.oe-i atioll al RidlllK n;| bave arranged witb Willoughby Reade to ?i\\o one Ol his delightful e-ntertainments at the (.racc-Stnet Baptist e-nuich next Tuesday nigh! for tbe benetftof Ibe .\s-.i. elation. Every number ol tbs programme wiii be new la this city, and it is dealjcBed to make if *o attractive as to pack Hie house 00 that occasion. St. John's To-Night.?Prefeetor Wil? loughby Reade will bcture to-night at St. .lohn's ctiuich for the benetit e,f ll,,- ?? Little (.bailers' Society." These little workers will most probably Ind that in the selectiou of thi* gentleman to aid them they have made a wise choice. - Ladies' Sale.?Tbe ladles of Hie Grace Street Presbyterian church are ofT-ring for sale in their lecture-room many useful and ornamental articles suitabl ? for Christinas presents. Their refie-hment fables, too, are loaded with good things, (Jive them a call._ Pardons RBMBBB bv the Guvekn*oil? The Governor yesterday refused ta pardon the following: Arno-* Boling, of Wl*e coun? ty, who was convicted of perjury and sen? tenced to twelve ni-mt hs It tail; Margaret Morton, of this citv, who was c mvicted for Beeping a hou-e of ill-fame- and scntenered to four months ia Jill. Dn.iNi.iENT Taxes kor 1879?The clerk (d tba Baatlnga Court Ins paid into the Stats Treasury f ;.)959, less *) |>er c*-ut. coinmi*?iou, tue amount of delinquent taxes lor the year MTS collected by i:im up to Novembei ld la*t?election-day. Boats on tai: Ohio.?Ihe .teamer- B - tona and Fleetwood, of tbe Chesapeake and Otitei line, nosr connect at lliintingtoii willi, tbe ex pr e*?> train which (caves herc ut. li, P. M. Hit* Se-r(onr*t' t*t le-cTiiri-*. p om 111111.1. i*' "I J The gentb-uit-n wbo have llfBrad tho c .iir*e of entertainments, so we ll wtgn hf* Hie lectures ol Messrs. Parsous and Bur deite, and the rrcitat!e>ii* of Mi-* tfiown om Monela*, evening las', arc ticking s langr am-'iiB.* <?f BBasiey f1'!' a beoevoleai "'jjj *, wit!) no ilivnight of profit to IbBSBBBlaflB* ?addeaarsa therefor, ?s w-li -w-tor tahal ihtv give, lii^best commend 1'.-au anil en aoaaBBSBJaaB* For Ihi* r*-a*oa tloner Mo. /.ut Hall ought to be croviuUd tonghi. Ult, discarding that ??on-ui. ration. 1.Sh- nm -I. ,.1.-atnie of ih*- pi(f.-: (sir>'-* announced in thc Dispatch, eonibtloaaf ?? Vi l-e Mag. u ?," to be sung by Madam**- Bernard ; ? Ino Little Fat (ifay tan," b# Mr. Ber? nard; *' rbesingiag lj^isou," ny the iso. and ?* Non K'ver," Ivs, Mr. 11*41, ts woithy of one ol Richmond-N lar_?e?! and ni"*i c.rltkol audience*, fut the grand feature, of thc enfertsiomeot 1* Hu- ;*.?'?* ar rn-- ? ;i:UJ nt Mi*s N.llt F. Mown, of Boston. In itt ??'-ct-ne frost >*Bir, Stuari," by Sctillkr. WP\- power Will. Oe *ee n and fell. The MB* of ber own > .*$ have i kened her to Hui lotte ( u*hnvi?*, In thc e.'iiii' of her glory, anil tuvtj iiiiTicilifiv spoken of Bal ?? Monr_y Mu,k" and'*r'> 1 Lite for the Tia!.-."?the latter by Burdeiie. IB-Mi'it to bight's|irogramioe~ashiv. mg ?' awakeo 'jd the wildest laughter and bi plame." li I* 1 ow ow* city, ou Monday uIkUi, ocr reodi -U3^JrMEA.ll__3. TERMS OF ADVERTI8ING. ia?ii-isv*humi,yi"c AitraacB. < ims ftpisiv, aaaipaafajaa. ao so "in-?qnan*, two I .mer mn*..?' | oo i itu*-noars-. ihr**e tn-rrtloa. ) <.n One st|uarr. ?lx loser ion*. a nm ,; "rn- '*|(i*rr, twelre ln-rr.ioos. ft ft, i'rn- 'iiisri-. oi.s moimi. 10 (V) in. uit-tr*-, two rt i.n h?.'.. jl no "n* T'-tf. ? I, rs*? rri-tii'lis. " fl an lion ol "Good N ghi. Papa," n.e Ito I tuen and w^rocn?youan, mlddle-jgrd. aad old?tn lre.r aiidienev to lear*. Shebas re pea*'dlr rejected offer* to begin a profee siom! stage iirce r. To Ibis yoong stranger, arrla*, lady, "whose private walk is aa lively and pur*** as she i* t.i|ti.i |n public," Richmond ought '.et prove lt" gallantry. Let the hill he rrowde'l. M. **>. M All ll DST MC AA I* VII I fir V. RttUrood Accident.?Mr.*. John Burk", resiumg in Swansooro' imf above .stanches ter, rart wiib an ac-cbJest veste'Vdar whldr nm probably prove fatal. She wa* attempt? ing to rross the Petersburg railroad Oeur llirlt aatrert, and waa s'rin-k by a pjt**lng i rain and f-n fully Iujiiieel. She we* r eVr* rt to her home near by and surgiuwl aid *hio*v tiioned. Brief Rems.? Th ,rrc?i of tbe jud_res of eleetion for the Third Ward b, a lint. ,1 stales depiry inar*hil on ihe charge of re? fusing lo alloxv een.iiii persons to vote on tfiB-ieeeipl* is*md;.t the* Auditor's ofbe-e ha* BBBBBd *ome excitement here, and Hie mutter was muru talke-d about oo thc.r. its ye Nerong. As yet nothing of interest ls to Cobbs* before the (itv ("outed to-night. Tb*- sac?it)Cie*i in the City School Hoard may probably be tilled. The new mail arriingemertt, by wtTW-h three niall* sre received in this city daily (except .Sundays), is a gieat convenience to our cifi?r>*. Itt v. G. C. Vander?lice. who his bOBB vis? iting herc since t he Coiifei ??nee-, hts returned to MtBbewaaouaiy. HOBBS very fine' tobaeea bas been grown in thc upjier p-irf of Chisfi-iTi ld county this season. .S'leral wagoji* lo-tdrd with ?? the* wit-d" pa--^**tl through this city ye?terday foe the !_iitu!,..iii| market. The Alert Fire Coni|)iiny will elect olli c ra for tbasaaaaag year nexr week. This company has done vjliiihle service lowards *-iving properlv in Hus eily. Ir. ls not S. E. Wooiltin who wss stim BBBBed as a wittie** in the ca-es *t_;;.in*t the judges of elt'ctlon, tint s. E. Wood-on (col* Brad). _____________ For Till. Hw (HtLY ! Killi.*!, Diet Tl . HkS eTIll.lMtKr-t'S OVICRCOAT-", ll.10. 100 hoys' ovbrcoats. *l.-*8. !'? ni-iiiU", thai wk BU nor skit, hum ?*>* A IV" DAV ncr TUB ONIC NAVIKI-. TBOea sor HI SI-OS SD Ol* Otr THAT OXV BT1U BK S *LO Al XMIOl BSAB8, A * I ml Li r lot was <.:ii a i ora WAsiii-urt)**-ino .i: at maaa meas I tl Kit T II K STOBKol'B.VKe, /. .KS | ? '(,., || he-."Tee (I'.isl,) ( liltlllt-r*. 1018 All-in -tree". Ll V | linen li_.l-s noW hliOW a iptaaSM a?*i>r ment of Hit)..* iiiioi", e i.eivKs. IT si ni., DBBBBWBABa BaABkOVB, Kl. IBBBM, CAUI'lTS, DIL CLOTH, lil VII'-, r KINI.K-, SVIINS, VKLVKIti, Hil et. ry srtitT** lu Hu lr Hm*, of IB*- very ls-*), (?iislliy, and al the ? low kit BABB rttie t>. I-('K Hier lip there I* co brianti., l-e?r thc teeth there I. no whiteness. WtMn **'>ZO HOIST liss aol ii" plfici- -, Hut ti ho u-t lt Wilow full v* ttl 11"*.- irlahl fniei !<* uuitr.ii it,.- .1*11 lt thr.iws o'er man*. ..r BON-BB*. face 1 Ml*. KM lill. VV. I . CW KS*, till. an Bama, nw, wmtk*: I,.r moak digi Ai..a, .-111*11 milln,,!, amoral to* lula./, ami n.tiit ..f shim tu.. I cheerfully tpmoWk* moot (,'okfca'i LlBBVO'a LMJVIB Kiibv* r <o 'Ir DIBAOBBBI willi .Ml." A n.imnn. Pf mark. If foo taite T r n's Pills ten, ra i sal auy Ihln- yeti like -ixl (Bal rn. leiiiifrc'.t. Thi v set aptclBeaBy e.n the Urta, sIcsbbmb, snel iiow?is, eaBsiai a fr*.' flow af saoife lalee, wtcei* i*,- *en tisl to laai sVasBIBBSa a.ul r iruiatc-s the dowels win ii all mil. r aieilleTne hills, *f. i BOBBI '.> Iiavliur your pi ml n; 'l"ue it ilia Insi'Miii Pail ri Nf .-tl**i SB. (io-*) work. low Kile-, -. aiul sall.ta. Il'.u mi tret n te. ?!. " LaiiV C..VY." a n-iifiiant of New in-lean*, ("ilsrs are oife rt-d fur tall If W. I?. Ula iaA li), s' a very low i rice t".T..*.??(,ut Ilia lor. TTit ) will bi In qiiantlllestO lilli._ * The nnaee ll vms we have seen fir a lon--time sre si XV. I>. Hf tin A I o.'h. 1 I OB-Mala street. M RS. WINSLOW'S sod I UINtiSYRI'P. Kev. svajiVANrs Conn thu. write* in the I*, mon r rn'i'ie, Freeman: We seoulel hy un tarsus ?*? ciiuiinei.-any' nirdlcttie willett we (lol not know to be food?particularly fnr Hut ot Mk*. WI N> Lo Vi'ts BOifTBIM r-VKUI* we ian s|M'ak ic au knowl. I*/'-; ii. '.ir own I*.-., > lt has Droved a tile.*! ns Indeed, l/f an Wt sui t nut hled *,H.i e-e.iti- piiiti* '(mit slsaoaad les i*sr?ius uu hroketi rest at iilxht. M..,t ..trellis vuii aper*-* tata tin '*ci**?sIiiks. Here la an article whit-it ?.,..- to perfe-atosi. sud -sliich ls iiannl<*?: for the ?l?ep whl'-Ji lt affords Ute tufaaA U im-iTVciI* Ktisral.and iii-. ll-tUcherub s-askes aa "tmaht as ? liuin.ii.'* BalOailBB IBs insrass sftffstfslaa i'* **i** i* in ct If, atnie. Wa !ia?.- f, heani nsoHmt* -nf the.y wenlel not ??? will out lt the hirth of ilia i lillei till lt lia*! Soi.lied sith tim leuXMnt tltgr om BBji .jtst-lfS-rainui wtijt)-v*r. .**t.l?l by all 'litwrlats. T-iw-air tit*'inil-s l.seiit. *< B-s-.e.llw Alt ri ON SII.IS lMHSBll. JBU-*MACfHNIOAtilt 18 A. M. tw.-,?it, ear,lieut >ir.e*. wlihuut rr?irv.-. ut Si. e..*.?.?? Moeiat caniu'-i ?t_iii**i. on e nj Ur???-??? .-.Isitt sml Seventh al,eels. ,.v-. VIA!rDOUOALL. 10. A* M.-hmiteleBJ for ut'iire. inatir<-s*cv *t iv. -, .ttow^-uea. Bc. FM Pc (RT ANT ANN-MriCEXKNT. ik A. K. lAtlNKK.BIATeni-lAKr.B. BBTABLIBBtll l wa*- TV-S->.iti *!'*?**??. 1*0 BYBBY WK vT7.u..? 8 **VAie ll. si xv wiiii'siviie mi HB aod alla ibraissiiar rec. it."1 t'tr*. ttrt t, B-e-tsnee-i ?. Bl Bs aol all mott * ii Bi Bit-atai rae.eiia'e--. saS Saasi witta nor.- sc.-.i-s-Jer Utan Bf 1.1.0- Till.f "a < i-ily ... nie ic- I- t.-e(l 1 i Ut \u_* rte iu vm'fli-l *?* '?? i*-*?. I ?u*r*-i. Ont v?i cS-H-rc* tor ? ?tf- BlBBMIH Bl . Aili Ur -OVer-a**'. t????-r *Ot * -r* 'I'tot '? I it r. Ne., ac faa.,-.** ,- ssl n-rih lo ay >id bl h i*t1****S ?-l uta1* mw rea-., ?f ev.ry te fi!|>u?.ii Bl Yin bert'mWot. Ha* n? nsksof laieoaiasissii w-rk ..tu ti ,- hat cal sttllaru bi rait i.s I. rote Buln* el evil om, Dr>>*.-ebt.liy uisllireitin*** *U'rt celts aaiasBfB r n *,.., . v V .1 vi'Nh**. .?.. . l.l'l *xt ni-l-eel* *!*>*!rrJtc? Ri. hm ?mt. Vs. ? - ? ?- .--r ?-??-* * Il Ht 111 M A * ( ASHY-BDXK'*. SVTIN WI) PLAIN*. * ie, ven i>ai.' ??? > ?* COBNUIOPIA*1. i KAMK'l.l'H A BXBLI8H. Maia . inf ?le I J!saufaclar*rsi.'* s I *mr? I'snrr-lir-Ae*. BBBBTirarss /t W. .li*NK*-. Esl \ix>\-i>r.gg4*m_ \Mt in a, \n tso7 litxiiiifi ??MBsr.^-BrTHI BaiWBBB l.iiiilfll ASH MMII *.iB?.i.r*-B*r? uiBtrery rti*tveiii*ii.festiil antilisi e*. itt ?it'' t-oiB fcil'. ??( III. tel te.,I*. With twt-H> tte ).ai.' exp*. rttutja. sui PBIC'tM Billie Kn. ls prepnrra tar i> Ttorm rettUt arni ?arrrallj all e-aerall.*as f.r ? sk'B ba way ctout bu arriftasteaat swakas, i?4S-iia nS\