Newspaper Page Text
DAILY DISPATCH. V<>I" 1-V"1-_BR'HMOXD. VA.. SATCRDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4. 1880. NO. 185. THE DISPATCH. ?Y THE IrlsrATCH (X)MPANY. . i-H iSVAOlABtl IN AUVAXCS. The Ds H.Y Disi ST! ll I* dt-Hvered to sitr-serl. hers si rirrSBN ? inti per week, tayaNe to ihe sartler weeklv. Railed st ?? per annum : ***? f-r (Ts -.ont!.*; ll *?!' art Raai momba; ISOr. ft-r one ?"Trn-'SEMI MEEKLY DISPATCH at 92 per on* uta. *?! ?M fa*-r *1* m?'nth? The IS ) I K ' 1 I >|s|'S a* 'i -it ?I pe* s-nnm. UH. ll IC' ?'Ill's. ti rr- I'si-i **. IS OF A TORPID Ll VEE. f.mtof ApaoalW Nausea, Bowels Costive, Tain In tbe Hi sd. wlihadullaenaa.lon lu the hack part; Tain Under Ihe Shoulder-HUde; rNilliicSU After V.atinr* saith a dlsituHnsiha to exer.ion of l-ody or mind*. Irritsiiittty of Temi-tr; Low snit I ls; Lotta ,.f M. morv, taltli s feelirn; >t ha vina* ne*.*eote*J some 4ntx is* aiines*. Dirrl-ie*-. Emtierlttg al Hie Heart, Itot* I"* fur* Hie Eve**, Ya I ow skin, Headache, Heal* et-sur-sst nlsT.t, lli-l. s-c .b-red Urine. lr BJM ISAKNlNi.S ARE CNHEEDED *E 1-1.! - Ids! Asl| SI II.I. -(ION RE DEVEl.oPi D Tl'lT** PILL*-are esr-rclall) ada ttl ed to ireh . nu dot-r afsTeaSj sue ti a chaicte of feeling aa ;.i*h the ant*. A RUTED DIVINE SAY* Jir. T-lt Dear v I rn years I have Iveeu a msityrto r,,v|. .ttioii. and Idles. Last aprlux i-its were r.-*-,?mm? ii''?d: I u-ol th-iu. I am nc- n well man; li.ive rood Miintltc. election -xer (.".rie. ind have pained er;* peaBoR Bf td Ii. This ar. via,rth lit* ir vx.-ltil.t Ingold. R'v. R. L. simi-s,,v. L"i.i-x)!!e. Kv. Tb'i lii-res*** Ibe M!M.<*tl-e. and csu** the "-"dy to ?ake.-n flt-x!i: tba* Ile-.i.tciti l? u?-.iirl.!i? d. Bad !>v _,\, ?.. -live organ* regular StoiCi* sr-- t-rod-aCcd. Pr,,.. Il - * it.. Bl MURRAY STREET, ras/tfMa*au?aa _Nts York. rpi ri - mah: DI B.?Obat Hair or I ssti.'ski is. i.aa.'t'i io ,i i,-.'is.-, Black by a l,vf!i- a|iiilieaH*.ii 'I 'lii-l'Y! . ll hapsrua Nain rai i "'or. sets Inataalawi emily. -old ny drsggltta or ?** -it ii . ? ipi ot kl. OEEle T, C. Ml RR AV -TL'EEL NEW YORK. Issi '-''.!-?> f le J0| II HOM DAV ?.?H>I>\. ^_ ,ll?.\Y (.eon-, HOLIDAY (?" IDS. 1". B. fifi **** I A SON, $?(>! Main mhih. ll e. I. I D V Y e; ei ODs. ..Vi IHOATS. ? ?VITH *>\T*. ? ?VI.Re ('Si-, OVER4 OATS, 0VEBC0AT8, C'YEIH .AI-. OVER! OATS, OVER! OATS. DRESS BUITS, DR|H HHS. nm .*- -rn-. DB ESS M ITS. ?UBINI ? -ITT -TT-N HOLLAR-, HC-INE ? SUITS-TEN DOLLARS. r*tUSlKESS SUITS ii \ dollars." I " ll li s( ,, ,*.* Dui.I.AR . E. H. BPI v-i I -N". E. It. SPENT I A SON. r. rn, -it n< i i .ox, E. B S"EN( E a SON. PUH'.ROKE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, PI MBRORI Willi I DRI s- -HIRTS. i'i MHRedii: WHITE In. I -S SHIRT-, i'HIRKoKE WHITE DRI-Ss SHIRTS, K'De.l.oVl ld ' h l Ld I -. eT.oTII e.Lovr.-. IUbVTOF CLOVIS. SEAL r-KIN CLOVE-. DKIYlNCi- ANO WALKIN!. (,Lo\l>. K. IL -I'! Ni I I SON, E. H. sPENC -E A SON, E. H. -REN* I a -ON". 1 . H. -IT M I. a --ON. ide STET) SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Ml OH ATI I) Hill: I > AND DRAWER-. Mrlde Alli* BHIRTI AND DRAWERS. Ml Die All D s!m:T> AND DRAWIERR. -l's| ? Mill.-. si .-Pl NIH BB, si >PENI?! i:-. -I BPI HD1 I:-. Ml BIRO I Md BBB1RT8 ORB DOLLAR, mi BIKO I ndi i.-siiii T- ,,\:; DOLLAR, RI in ni 11. nih-Hid l ll: is ORR DOLLAR, il El; I No i'm hr. n 11;tl- i )N! DOLLAR. I A ni Y HALI BOSF, P.RoW N ll W.E-lio-.] , white hale-hose, II! RINO HALS Hose, KAILI T*H.\i.E llo>E. IAN! V SILK NICKWEAR, TAN! V SILK v. EUR WEAR. EA.NT V r-ILK NEl KW) AR, PARCY SILK NI.eKWEAR. E. B SPENCE A r-ON, E. H. HPERUB 4 BOH, E.B. si'ENC I* Jt -ON, l . n. BPEMCRa SON. FANCY SILK 1IANDKI'.RCHIEPs, PANCV SILK HANDKERCHIEF, VANT Y SILK HANDKERCHIEF, EANCV SILK HANDKKRe HIEPS. CLOVES. (ed.LARs. NEC KW EAR. si si'KNDERS, i mih:ei.i.\.. WALKINli-l ANI -. SHIRTS AND DRAWI BB, HO-D.RV, CNDER-HIRTS. MERINO SHIR I -, SCARLET WOVE STURT-. MEDICATED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, OVER. OATS* DBlfBJ ( OATS, HE I NE? COATS. < Hil OREN'S AND HOY-' ('LO'] HIND, CHILDREN'S AND liol".' OVERCOATS, E. II. SPEN( E A SON*. de fi 903 Malu street. (i KAMI Ol'KNINti DAY BP ( 1IRI-IM \s ROOM AND WEDDIN!. PU SENT:| AT E. ll. TAYLOR'-, IOU KAir Main stkeitt. MONDAY, NOVEMBER St, 1880. Adare Dimed. no 1.0 (, LKiiANT GOODH FOH <'lillis ??.mas 4 (.HT >.? We are- Bow icc. ivIdk; ? lar/e teiec Hon of choice Pooh*-, iu * btrtnit bi tn'I ng.; pretty lie J I RE*. PORTABLE SS REI INTi-Dr-KS, PoRTI-oLIO-. CARD-CASES, Po! KET-Ho >Ks ?ni wald is. ladies* we.rk-u* xi-.h. rsi k CAMMON BOA EDD. ( ID.e KM:-. < 'HEsS-MEN, OoMINO-. I'HOTOl.l-APH- -nd Al'HX'RAPH Ms; < URI T Mas ( ARD-I, em 1.kt. vane i) ;c lin.OK kv.- Hook--an Immensee .ifo- lou; .".wi'lev, lu JSK-iANIi- OOH) PENCIL-. l*E**s. and i AM.*. Ia-hion sULE si AITON ERV a KiMCiaii). TB* ino t c _t. ti hf and die uio-t i--amiiuistiA-k of BIBLES, pi:.,*, ER-RooKs, and i!*iMNALs vu* hate ever (tried. Jmi.-.i*' t ead las'e t xerciitcd iu UldM. ?>> dei* Wool'Hot s. A PARHAM. /'IIKISTMAS < AN DY-BOX EH, SATIN AND P..AIN. Some very ban J.-ome CORNUCOPIAS. BAMKlLPH A KNOLIBH. L. lH0_i-4 Main sireel. tie 1 MaauLm.lurer* of all myka t'sptr-^xe*. $,ond .Dispatch. SATURDAY.DECEMBER 1. ISM. SW THE CIRCULATION or TH?. 1'Irsl'ATCE 13 LAROEB THAN THE COMBIN LATION Or ALI. TH1? OTHRR HAIL-' N EV*S PAPBBB OP THE CITV_ lEntered at th*.- I'osl.otlice tl Rb tm mid. Vs.. si M-c omi-class matt* r.l WEATHER REPORT. Inihi'atkins edit Hie Middle Atlantic Mat* *. losver I ci mme" cr, wc?li-i Iv xluftIn/jr lo easterly or westerly winds, peil? is clomly weather, and tiiiHii r le nipcraiure, TllF. IVEATIII.Il VEsTl.IHiAY Wa- clear ;ltl(l pa isiiiii. THKRaOVKTKR YESTERDAY ! (i ***. Bj ll; | \. M., .HS; noon, 4*(; 8 P. M., .Vt; (J 1\ M. 4a; midniirht. .ti. Mt ai) tempera! ure, ll 1 (*>. THOSE TAX-RFXEIPTS. I'urf ii.-r I nq nt r.v imo the il muli* -Or (naen. (oNTTNl E!> INVESTIGATION RtPORR (OM* Ml--!..NH. ATKIN**-.||T*\,E CLOPTON* ili'INT.tN AS IO THR YALIIdTY Off MILO. W. DI E-Bl BRI s RlTEil'Ts Edi: POLL TAX.AC-THE AR('I'.\1E.NT-THE .ILDOES Off ELKTloN sent on TO THR GRAND TORY AND HAILED. B. It. Fo-lcr, J.'ines Galloway,' and Simuel LogBB, thc ]i:(|o..^ charged with v!t> latlBS l-C eic.'tHdi lui I.y refusing Io Silo* eertala colored inri) to vote at Third-Waiel precinct, Manel.e stir, npo'i tax it rei pt- i*. -uecl from the Auditor'fl oftic-, sse rc again I'nile d States ('oninjissioner Atkins yesterday. The lir-t vvitnc-s examined ssa* C. F. Lipscomb. He te' tili d ihat he bad brea clerk of elect toa in tbe Third Ward, aad linn all three e f thc jjid_rt-** bad coacurrrd in thc rejection of the receipts alerted bj iMicshe ns. Th ? Jude* - -a cincd lo B*el aloin. scry plea-anily, aad witness did not hear any discussion between then). c. L. Page, C'ln-ii vativc challenger, te'-. tilled tbat he ssas nt (he Thiel W itt! all day. ll*' bsd board a few daji befcWe ibe election ai ont thc-e tax-11 ceip's and he went lo the polls willi Hie (hie rmina'ioti lo eh alienee thc holder* of I beta. The tii-t aaa thal came np. he thought, ssas (rump, and wit ins- cballeoged his vote on tba -round th it Um re c-e-ipt sstis md evldeooe ibal bia capita. tiondiix bad Iniii paid. Vs' In--, bad got ten JudfC ( loptoo'fl hiter fioin Ihe Koort li Wind aad brought il to the Third. None of Hie von is insisted em voting when they ??sen- e'lalltTU'iTl, In.t one caine back in the afternoon bringing A DIPPBBBKT RECEIPT from Ihe one he hui in tba IDOIBlnf. His name ssa- Nhl Dean. Missis, Poster aad Galloway, tsvoeif tbe Judgi *, were Un n asked if ibm s!in ad ben rJ la dc ir -tad me nts tbat LcBgan, tbe other j nd i'i', di ?! ned object is inn inc tai -ia ?< elpts ss en throsvnoiil. DotbSRfl end tba! th' v sven- posit Ire that there bad beea no objec* lion from Logiti, Logan thoa asked to bs allowed to pro. dnee tsvo wltoaaaea. Iii*: fjr?t WltBCSS ss "is Hoi.) rt .Meillon (colored*. He asld ba wm fl ticket-he.I h r nt the Tniid Ward on elco tion-day. I.o^an did not aglcPC with thc cl her (syd judircs?Fo?ter and (iallosv av. He -;iid diirini: the day they (.be Judges) got so warm that Harri?. the lOpcrrtaor, in trying to keep order came mar being snatched from ibe roora. Harris disagreed with ibe Judges and wrote down tba namis ofthose who svere not allowed to vote on Hie tax-necip'-s at the same time tclllag them lo eoine bark agata later in tbs day, BB he would in ihe meanwhile sea about tbe mattt r. Wit Bess (pd mit bear Usn is say tb it Ur. I "s't r was riirht in objecting tn thc* tax. billa. Tba controveraj between tbe Judges occurred early In tbe morning. ?? Brudder " Harri- told me IO -cc the BM D ?s ho had I.* en turned away and tell them t<> come hack again. I stayed In tbe room and belped ta. 'couti! tbe ballot*, and tbcj ware c.Tinted as fair as any ballots ever hast- been counted. It sstis an bom -t count, aad Mr. Foaler OOUnled the- hallo*- a. fair B9 poBfllble, bot I dui nut like-.Mr. Foster's, turning the holden of tax-reci-ip:* away during Hie day. .Lime- Blackwell (colored). Logan's other witness, ssa- called next. He Bald be a is at tba polls when the tirst tax-receipt wai preacnied, t'ii<i beard "in* ol ibe Judges -ay ih;d Ibe man whoprcacoied ll was nol en* ;it u .1 io vie on thal paper. Logan con? tended against refusing Cl rtaln men, ano ?aid that persons sviih ibesctsz-receipts h id a righi to vote. The eoairoversy between the Judges at?se batweaa s and 9 o'clock. Thc Iii si vote eballeaged ssas tbat of Ed? mund Fields, WbO ssas told to COOM hack and wait until Borne Information could bc received from Blcbmond. M. A. Mani- ssas recalled. He did not assent to the rejection ol Ibe mer. woo had icci ipt-, and did not remember bavlBB told Mr. Foster that he acted narht. While on his way borne, in company witb Mr. Fos? ter, Mr. Foster said, HARRI.., HOW ABOUT THE CtTuNT ? I said lt was fair. Ile sva- loykini' aft* r the lateral of the United States, aad was not positively certain that he Baked thc Judge* to administei oaths to spoil cants. Mr. Fos? ter and Mr. Galloway rhissed thal Fields could uot vote, and Logaa said be could. Tbe JU'l^'es did uot take a rota together to decide, but Just confined. Mr. Mossie ssa present when Fields'*- vote was rejected. Witness iva* certain that Gallowayadmitted tbat Fields ould not vote. Itose Andersen, alias W. M. Anderson, atlas Aadarsoa Rhodes (colored), one ol Hie iccelpt-distribiilors, was also ree died. He stated that Harrie protested brbIbsi re lOBlnt tax-receipts to Hie end, and cited the opinion, or rather thejetter, written by l)i*trici-Attorney Le-ssi*. Mr. Galloway, ai this period, made i s'aictnent: He' sa.d tbat svhen the tirst receipt caixo he would have put it in thc box, bot some one on the outside chal? lenged it. Martin Marris said himself lint he did not think the lecipt wa* good Haiti- Bald he would look over Ibe thine and let Fields knosv later in tbe day if In ould vote. Logan, another one of the judges wei made a statement. He said he gave way ti Mr. Poster because Mr. Foster had said lbs be had pealed IiTnself as to thc law. If Mr Galloway was la favor of receiving tba Brs vote be did nol so "-pie? binm-lf." "cont indeed" for the tirst vote. .Iud1.' Clopton's opinion did not come before ll o'clock. Tbe following is n copy of the fetter ad iresead la Judge Oloaaoa by the juds-es o election of Ihe Fointh Ward, ami Judi Clopton's opinion: Mani hester. Va., > November 2, 18*80. $ To Hon. William 1. Clopton, Judge of th Corporation >or Hustings) Courl for th City of Mundie*Ur. Vu.: We, Ibe Judges of Ibe eleetion of th Fourth Ward d said city, i espie'fully W quilt vou to give us your opinion as ie-tire! the validity ol tbe receipts si.ned by ti. W I'uesberry. clerk; cleiks of courts, tn surer, or deputy treasuier, or sergeants o CitttOt. B. N* (-1TEUOKY, William St. 1\ I'it.lur, ll. CARTr-B, .lilllie- Ol 1 I. c' edi. TUB OI'INION*. Messrs. K. N. Gregory, W. UL P. Pullian and Joseph JL Carter, Judges of tl Pourtk Ward: At four request I will state tbat all e-|> laiton-tsxcc- may le i>_-_>|, nnl(- ,0l,|(. ( ?, Tn-a-urcr ar in* dc alf rn anytlroe befori ii,*s sra returaea i).!ii.?,?.nt. After the. have bren leturned eltliri.pient thevmav bi (uni te thc clerk of it,,* oaurt or lalo lac Mat.- Treasuiy. If vai\ lnlo ,,,<, S|.|(( Treasuiy, a warrant ansi bs obtained Iron tin Auditor directing tin* Trca-ujrer lo re ct is,- Ihe amount lo h* pu,|;. Ihe Treasure -ball, by his order upon the said svarrant re i|Ulre-1 he c??hier of om- of the sad tanks public depo-iiori.-s, ,., receive lbs sri Iii-rein men: Inned; snd upon receivlnc Uk -auc Ihe pieper e llieer of the hank -.hal nive a Ct ri'licde cn Ibe * nie warrant tha tin--dd sum baa been paid lau amid baal IO the- Credit Of (he Trna-nor. |*p rn Hu return of lbs wan.Mit, order, and certlfi cue. Hiv Trea-urer abell .ive a r. e-cmt foi Hf Mild so paid. S.e <'..e|eof Vinnuh e. IR7S, Chapter ..'I, ? 7, page 410-11. la my opinion aeitbertbe Auditor, Blat< Treasurer, nor any of ibetr clerks have am right to ne; isc any ii,.,ney. due (lie stat". except In tbe maaner above nreseribed. If thc Atidi'oi ap* fijut. ;, s|.i,| i-oli, ,-t,,: toe dh ci taxes |?| arrests he bn. -,.-, power tl acf until ii?* shall bave boca elim appolaled approved by tbe Governor, aad qos lied b. gtvlag b dui in ihe manner prrseHbad ii section* 34 and 3.*). chapter 00, Acts l**7-' Td page HR. He-pc. nutty. William I. i locton, c itv Judge-. Xovcti.ber 2, IPSO. tux Hislrict-Attornrv Letrla, ir, onenlnr. tin arguraeet, said: We haye aol arrived a Ibatstage of this proeecurjea for tin-cn sjderanoa ed' Ito question bb tn whether oi not lh?' nf it,,* ease Jn-tlfv Hie Inflic? tion of punishment npoa tbe defendant* and if -o. thc proper measure nf punish BMintlo be Imposed. Tin-sob* epics ion obs to he open by your Honor i- -*s betbei ile facts dRrioaed i.y the evidence abos probable mose to believe lite defendant! KUllty of Hie viola-ion of thc liss svid WblCb tiny are charired. If Hies do. Uni I submit the case, and it must Ire sent or for thc action of thc maud jury. The- defendants, as judi." ?? of eleclion, an charged ssith illegally reject ina tbe votes ol thirteen men who sseic qualiaed to s ne und WbO e tiered to vote, at the pieclnel al wbicb ihe (lection was be lng conducted bj tin- defendant*]. Their votes were njectei solely tucaii.c of their failure to prodoet satisfactory evidence of thc parmenl ol their cspltation-lax. Each, when lie off rei to vote, produced and tendered io tbe do fend nd. a receipt for their tax, signed bj a. W. Doesberrr, a clerk in ibeofltoeof Hu Auditor of Public AeeoUnlB. 'I he defend auls refused to recognize the validity ol these rce-cipls. asStgBiug, in Hie tirst ease, Bl their reason tbsl tbey did not know Due*. berry to bc a dills -appTinted clerk of Un Auditor, and in Hie most nf the' other c isei is.i_iniiLr ti- their reason for rejecting tin totes thal the Au.idol bad no tight to re ceive the isxe* in ejiit'.rjrin. All of Hu- re? ceipt! bear (ldc October 3d, 188 ?. Now, if, as I claim for tin- prosecution, tbe thirteen) linn svhose VOteS sse rc lei-ctod sst le qualt* li'-el vole I*,-I hc'ic can lie ni dolli), a- lo lin (jiitv ol your Booor to send on tbe case tc th" grand jury. The bc! of congress nnder ssii'.ch the ss-ir rant* h:,s,- Ikcd di issn provides that eyers officer of aa election ai sa bleb a represeot i live In ('"li.'iT*. ls voled for ss ho neglect! ed' refuse- tn pei foi m ans i.'idy ii: rc'ard || -uch election reqolred cit bim by any law ol tbe United States, or of thc State in wbicl Mic ch CtlOO I- licid, shall ' ? guilty of a i i demeanor, and punished in tbe mode pre .cubed. Ilenec. J submit thal thc rejec lion, ssillionl sutlii-ii-nt eiUSC, of Ibe o :i qmlifed suter leaden the defendant) smensble td the punishment prtat^ibed i?s tbe statute to wbicb 1 have referred, lt i' 'h.- (bdy of eleetion officers io receive tin vide-of all qualified roten si boofler to vote unit their failure to do so is a soi iou* offend iL'tidis! the laws both of the- Slate ami na Hon. Now, I lay down Ibis proposition rlgb bare: thal in a prosecution for Illegally aegli cling io perform their lilllie's as Judge* of election, it is not Incnmbent U|ton tin United States to abow fraud or corruption on tbe part of these defendants, or ever mala fides. If. then fore, thc n celpts pro? duced by the' rejected voters were genuine, ami sn n -iniicleat evident eof thc paymeni of theil c i|)i!.ition-tax (their right lo vote In other respecta bein2 fctne ded) Ibe fae that Un- defendants refu**ed to recelre tbeli voles establishes tbe etsi- for tbe pros cu timi. Then thc I'dction ai is. .. Si ere thc-1 receipts aenuine and spffleu nt evidi ncc o ii; paymenl cd thc tues in question . If I righi 1} underataed THE THKOKY Ol' THE Id EKNCK, tin'* Bctioa of thc defendants in re-sppct n t lies,- receipts is jiisiiiicd on three around? 1. It is claimed ihtu tin- defendant*; '.sen righi tn saying ibaj Un y iiiii nt.' know Dui i heirs, ss ho signed ll.ein, to be a ell I k "'. I h. Auditor. 1. That thc taxi* in question sst tc no paid by the voters to whom thc receipti sven- given, but by other persons for ihcm and tbat they wen' then Tore invalid ; and 3. That if this bc not so, tbe monej sic not paid Into thc Tria-urs in the Btodeprc scribed by law, and that therefore there cciiils are not valid. With rCspecl to Hie Bra! '-'round, it is lui ticiciit to say that a credible and lateHlgeai svitness (Mr. Howie] tesiilics that he itl.ree to swear ss ben the list vote sva* rejeetet ihd Doeaherry ssas a duly-appolated clerl or ihe Auditor (a*, indeed, the law pre sunnd him to he,a* liewa* acting in a pot bc capacity), but tlnit thc defendants refuse! to hear evidence cn Hie subject, ll is als. proven tbat in an ollicial communicitioi from tin- uflk'e of Hie Auditor on the day o election these very (Iff- nilant* sure in formed that Doeaherry ssas authorized ti tonie the receipts In rjueatioa* With re:-|)cct to thc second ground of dc fence, I siihuiit thai as the slat ute of Vlrvlnl does not require Um* delinquent tar-payer t' pay bis capitation-tax in, person, it may b Lawfully paid for bin by sa ageot, evei Ihrotigh the agency of a sclf-appointei ?agent. Sueh laws should receive tue BRM I.Petal construction possible; and tbel ii.n.Iiceid object (name It, Ihe rcstoratlot of u citizen's rit-ht to vote) sbooM not b defeated by applying to Un rn thc si ric c itistiu.dion applicable to criminal statute In BBSWer to Ihe third ground, it is lld Bcienl to say tba! the testimony of the Sud officials who bave been exaoateed in lb case SboWS that thc taxes in epiesMon wei paid into the Treas******/ la strid aeoardaae with the re (?uireinents of the -tutnfsH up I the Subject of pavmenis into the Traaaurj Mr. Lewi* al*o argued that the optatoi of Judge (lopton referred n* In the evi dence was cxtia judicial; was, ni deove! In the feel li of the plain Statute Of the Com moowealtb, ami was e milled to no weigh In thc c.i?e. Ile concluded by saying that the ease be foie thc court wa* one affecting the richi of e vcrs cltlsea of Hie land, and upon th evidence ought to be sent on for trial in iiuii of competent jurisdiction, that Hi Important que*tioiis involved may be se tied by Judicial determination. MR. WINK'S AROUBBXT. ? Mr. Lewis wa* followed by Mon. Genni I>. Wise, one of tbe counsel for thc perta accused. Mr. Wise spoke as*Tollows : In the-clause of Ihe statute lind r svhle Hiis prosecution ls aeSBBBSBeed it N pn vided Hid every othcer of au eleeUog I which anv representative or delegate i (,'ongre.- is voted far, whether -.neb offlci of election be appointed or cleated hy < under any lr* or authority ot ibo Dalli Slates, or by or under uni Mate, terrllorh district, or nuintcipol iasv or authorlt who neglecls or refuse* to perform at duty in regard ti such election required ? bim by any law of thc Unju-d Stans, or any Slate or Territory thereof, shall bc pu (abed as prescribed in scciion 5510. Tbe District Attorney holds, iru'.y, tb it ls the duty ol your Honor, *-Uii. g commissioner, simply to iiicpiir** if there I* probable causa to stupeet .dat the statute lion ha* been violated, and not to de. termini' as to the svcight of evidence'. I! tl I I*"? h ive icprcifully fo differ wiib bim In the ststeBMml Hut it ls not Incumbent upon the Govirumenl lo malt fides , on the part of th*- accused judges OT tb it they neted with a fraudulent tmrpo-e. I These Bceaeed parties are Judges of elec? tion, and a* such they h.ive not only tbe righi, hut n h their duty, ti cb ddeali (jue*. , Hons arising during' ihe progress of an eli e. lion under thc-sfatuieof the stale providing f ?r Hie mode and mumer of eondueling it, and to elete rititnc ns to the ace- ptince or re J'etion af ballot*: in eotdrnverii'd c.-sses. It will hardly bc serloualy contended that a jiid.e who dl?clrirgc? his linns boeestly and wi.bout fnnidiilfnt pur pose can be piini-hed for a mi*:.kc of ?Judgment. Th- "overnment i? hound in a crimintfl proeSCBtloa f) ?how some? thing Bjorethaa fi aagleel af duty on the pail of the lodges pccu**ed. The ol j ct ainu il at in all these s'atute* i, lo secure a fdr election, and r.ot to lmpo*c penalno upon citizens for mistake* ia tho construc? tion or tatra. To punish a man for an trror of Judgment svoiilc] he a crime regains! |i:> cily ; to vex and annoy bim with a prosecu? tion anti to Impose upon him the burden of it- coal is a crime Bgafaet beataalty as ss eli. All Ihe- iviini'.ic. concur In Ile stitt, morai thtit the question as to Whether thc receipts exhibi'ed heie arc such ss to entitle the par? ties boldniL' them to vote, they being oiher wise qUallied, WBS ivisid and di-cus.e d. THK TKSTIMONV IS CONFLKTIN!} ;.s to the condun nee ol tbe thrctv judges in the of ihe ha'lots of those who held Ibese re ctr pis. Hut it ls agreed that thc mat? te r ssas fan ly di-cinse-d, all parlies pirlicipa ting who fe li an inn-re-l in lhc subject. It appeals al*o thal lhc JodgOS (lid nol fully conclude lo njict thc balle,!, hi fore healing thc opinion of ihe corporation judge, to wboas, nader tbe stsiute af tba state-, it | was their right and duty la apply in eases of doubt a- to construction of lavs'. Tiny seat for and ncheel his written opinion, I Which i- herc lu fore us. It is apparent, then, that the aeeu.ed parlies act? ed upon deliberation, and after con* ' suiting the Judge Of their corporation. This ; ssa** all done openly and svithout conceal? ment, which i- Hie u-tial badge of fraud. I j will nol at lin- time pau-e to consider the question whether their determlaattoa was right orwroog. I hold thal they aressvorn Judges, aod that they were hound to decide upon the validity of the rc c, ipts svhen the ; question sva* raised, and that if In the dis charge ??r 'hi- duty tiny acted bona fide, i they arc not amenahle lo punishment. Tins ; i-iKie ncc ihowa beyond doobt that they did act With an honest, poi i?)se. mr nosv stands it svhen sse read Ibe H-timony Of tsvo of thc ! chief ss Uni -*( 's ag ain-t them. When Mr, [ Howie ssa- -..keel to tell Wbal be knew of ! the i ecei'i's in ipi - loo, be elect im d lo an* I airer, and ptyt as bis reason for tbe decli? nation that hi- answers would li nd to crimi . nate himself, w. II. Anderson declini d lo | answer the sana question for tbe same rea* son. They i-ome to gather wool, and are ? afraid Ibal thev might be -horn. There is more dancer to an Invasion of tbe right of suffrage from permitting nersoastogo to : iii*' office ol the .\ odltorof Public Aeeounts and lhere receive and lake into their keep* i lng, without any show of authority, a- ss u loin-hy Howie and Beattie lo tbe case ol these i?e-*i[?:-. ihsa can possibly come from their rejection. These receipts wire de? by Mowle ind H. .un,1, and th y TOOK T11KM IN T1IKIK KTKi'lNO WITHOUT ANY snow or a ci in uh rv, and thc prior voters could not thereafter r.v erelse the sacred righi ed suffrage except Ls their pi rmi.sion. Wi h their receipts in their pockets, nobodj believes tbat the per? son- named in ibem would ever base re* c.-ived them before it waa aseertalaed how I bey would vote. Bowl* and Beattie wera HM supreme master** trt the situ non. 1 am respect!illly of opinion that these p ii tic? ought to be dlsebsrfcd* DJBCBABOl Of Tin: rnOBORBBS aBRBB Kort. fdr. Kelley reviewed lbs grouad Mr. Wi*.- svent user and ci!ed thc law governing toe eases, and also concluded by asking his Honor to discharge tbe pirti* i accused. Tin- commissioner s,i(] _e ssas of tbe opinion that those men who held the tax. receipts sn ic entitled to vote, and the es violated Ibe Ins?to ss hat extent will be tor the grand Jury lo decide. We have a sci.s good ir rand jun. and [will leave Ihe matter witta them. Thc parties svere accordingly sent on, Snd wen- ad* milted lo ball in tbe sum of |300 e icb. Foster and ("til.ssas were Democratic Judges ol election, and Bimuel Logan (col? on (I) ssa* ti Republican judge. .-TT'IH.MK ( otTM Or ATTBALS, Yr'-li.i'l'.sv. [Graeme's exeenmrs vs. Mumal Assurance v. and Vial's executor BS. same. IV titi i;i for i eheartng Bli d. Si nail ft rainier vs. Thornton, Ac. Ar? ni ii by Judge William J. Robertson for appellants, aod Ueneral Kppa Hunton for appellee, and submitted, ('itt (Tit it r Conn*.?Tin- ease of Stew? art r.s'. Joshua Boper and ot bets ssas called iu tbe City Circuit Coori yesterday and contlnm d until Ihe next tenn. The sud of Beai li BB. Itiehmond City Ballway ss ill he tried lo-dsy. .Mr. Baseh Mic- fir I&000 damages suataloed by his -on, who ssa*, injured by belBg run over bv a street-ear._ Polh K Conn.?Tin- fnllosving efNCS svere disposed ol rt* the- Police Court ye?teri_iy by Police--Justice 1). C. Itichard-on : Beverly Bryant and Ambrose Carter (both soured] were charged svith rteaaag $15 from S. C. (irate*. Bryant was dis? charged. The evidence wa- nut -iilflcti-rit to convict Carter, hui be was committed foi .-ix month- in dcfaillt of sundy. D. C. Willis and .Mars Johnson {both colored) uer.-found guilt*, of unlawful co? habitation, and svere fined 100each. They took aa appeal from the Police Justice's de IT-dotl. William .1 ick-on, tba colored SBateb* thicf, svho ssas -hot by Pol-CCmSO Mulched a fesv days ago .sidle reslstleg arrest, ssa. tried, iii'-', for -'ealing s pair of boot* from c. W. Creen; afterwards, for resisting and BltemptiagtO COI Policeman lluk-ier while In the discharge Of his Os-Clsl dillie-. Foi the tirst offeaes he ares lent*1 need lo receive twenty-five lashes* Oa the second rdMrrgi he was sent on to the grand jury. TRBTHBATB8 This A*-*r_RXoox ano To Niidir.? This afternoon n:id to-night Mi? Host- Bytlnge and Mi. Cyril Beerie anil ai. pear In Charl-?* Kcader's great dramatization from Zola's ?? I/A-ouioir'' sailed "Drink.' Thc play beds svith it I m ira! svhieh ipeald br mote forcibly thai the nv rage temper' alic ? lecture, and i-. poeseased of an impres? siveness that cannot fall IO engage the iu terestof tbe BudlCBae* Mi-s Bytlnge ssm Mr. Searle tire tine Hrlists, and sse may ex licet frone Hiern a strong and dffaasatfp et fort._ Tar*. Wi now-Bk witt Company.?-Haver ley's Wi'loss-Ucdoll Company will appia at Ihe Theatre on Monday, Tuuiday. am , Wednesday ol next week, wita. Mr. c. B Bishop us Hie Widow. Tue comedy i 11 brimful if lUOs -"Jd winn interpreted b' mh!i an artist -** Mr. Bishop it cannot fui of producing merrimcat. _r. Bisho| h;is been fl great Uvorita Uire In year- past and wc a**' t*?hj In- BJ even more lunn, r than ever. When I isl in BiahBSQBd he dt j! lighted bi* Auditors in ?? ll mid and Qrlore.' i In fact, bs always aRJ been a favorite here TUK r.'lUKBI.VX (iLAS-rlll.OWKRS.?I'h?S wonderful workers iu gljss are about t if viiit Bicbmoads sad Will ou Monday uer I-1 at No. 3<>3 east Broad street, Rive our cit 'zenian opportunity of witnessing the mani it fact ire nf mmy ingenious and novel art icb is of -?Tf-sssare. They alao exhibit a mod. ie of US i.'-'"1 Corll-s engine, made ol glai a snd uiuuy other wonders la |Usi. A BK! FAILUKF. Kn%peu?lon of thc Pis>*imnnt nmt Ar IlliatOll Idle Instit titree < otiliirttty. AV AsslC.NMKNT RAM Bf TUB COMPAXY Of >I.I. CK MS put PF.ifT Y Of KVERY KIMI?MK. AM,t's H. IH.AKKY, OF (il Mt L?)ITK>VH.LP;, VA.. Till". fBtfBTBl --a 'MK VAI.l'Allf.KI'fiOPIRTYro.NVt-YKniV VTI (.INTA AND (iTHKR STaTKS-I'KRMIS-H ,\ T()RF.oR(;a\izi. thi: < ciucAs If ORARI BO IV TH kt DCKD-W UV THK DRRD WAS MADK, AC, AC. When it was announced early yesterday morning-thu the Piedmont and Arlington Life-In-uiance Company of thi* cits* had r etT-H, and had made,an a.adjnment ol all its | property, no veiy 'great surpii--e was ex pre?cd hy our |teopl*-, it h irfog been gene i rally known that for r-sase time the com? pany had been embanas-ed and unable ! promptly to meet claim* against it a-(lies 'matured; in fut. had to ask from iho*e having claims for death los,.-*. In most cases lime wa* givm the com i pany to pay in in-ialm ni- these cl dins j out of its current receipts, lhere were some claimants, however, who resorted to {the courts, and we re pre?ing their -nits to Judgment*. The tiumher of lin- class had i ? recently brady increased, awfai to Ihe1 i great mortality among policy-holders du- I ( Hag this) year* Intimations had been jfrfveB, ! ! too,**of a porpOSS em Ihe pail nf some p?T- J sous to apply to tbe courts for tbe appoint-1 ! meal af B receiver nf ti.e company. Indi i Bil these circumstance.) the cimpani de-, I elded that Justice to elaimaaifl ss ho bad ea i fended ii.dulg.Tice lo it and a prober re-i ' ..'ard for lix- ii,|< re-ts of all its policy- j j holder* reepiired that fl (lei el should] be made of all BSsatS In Iru-t for the le nctit of all its creditors. Accordingly such a deed sva- executed on the .'loth of November, and ssas reeofrded ve*-tcrdav morning at 0 o'clock In the clerk's ollice cf the Chancery Const of this e-iiv. It svill bc noticed ihst there are no preferred creditors, BXeeept a fesv person- ssim are suretlei for the eoospany on spprakboeds in peadiag suit*, ;m<l their interest in the cha d i- Bontlogenl aa bavlug la pas a* aneb suretlei. Angus R. Blakey, of Cbsrlettrs ville, Bi the trustee named in the deed. It recites that '* whereas it w obvious tbat tbe said compaoy cannot sueeessfully carry on it* operations as an insurance eompaay un leas reOrgaataed ss berelaafier mcalloned, and that a longer continuance of taking risk* and receiving nesv premiums, and in receiving prefflluBts on policies already t?kea out hv Hie poliefj-lio'dci's, mii.t rc suit in loss to the policy-holders, the income ol the -:? iii eompaay aol bi lng enough lo pas off the policlea maturing by death, or In ibe e iee "f * ndowment pollcli i I maturing by the expiration of thc pei lodi for wbicb incb endowment policies v\ c-r.* to run, ami to ptv bIbo the running ex , pensei ol the company; and wbe ress il was I resolved oa the.Tdth day of November, th**ci, by toe proper authorities of said e impsnt, that the com pan** ibould < v-ciite a deed "f mist sv|th all (be provision! bereiuafter contained; nosv, therefore, fin* deed wit? ii'.s.tii j Tbat the said The Piedmont and Arltogton Life-insurance Company, tbe pans nf tbe first part, in considers!ion of thc premises sad ol tbe -um of |o\ do .rant ;iiid convey, eel over, transfer, and assian unto thc -niii AngUfl ll. Blakey, the -tod parts nf the second part, thc following pro* perts ?to wit: *' The deed then proceeds to act forth ia detail the property of the C mipiiiy, locbai all the bond*, note-, open accounts rents, cho-e-s in action, and evidences nf debt al every hied mid deseripltoB; till tbeaflee* furniture In it- aflleea in the etty of Rich* tm.i.el, inoiT_ragc?, deeds of tru-t, -erin die*, and all other Hen*; an lands, mis, trnd i. ... - meats, and parcels ol real properti la Vir? ginia, Wc-t VI lg i 11 i :>. i'ennes-et'. ArkanSBS south Carotins, Texas, and Florida. Among these are earned lands snd ln> piov. inei t in Staunton' also, tbe land In Ambers! live mile* from Lynchburg, BOB* taming lol acres; al-o, the land and improvements In Charlottesville, Bith county (MO acres), aad Orange coun? ty (.".Tl acre**); the landa and Im? provement! in Richmond, corni r of N and Tweaty-etabtb streets, 8*0x18*1 ? iii (n ic ? bel ac en Twenl viii B and iv, i nts --I cone! slut ls, 00x1*35 frefit; on Thirtieth street, 179x134; noitb side ol Main ami Ninlh streets, now occupied ti paitaa principal office of the company; In Tennessee. ."? yere- in Shelby county; kn Wot Virginia, B*ds9 acres in P.tcahon'as c nuts-, f.iitm-i-lv brid bj W. c. Carrington, and ..."ill seres additional In said county; i.i.'A acres ia the county of EdeetJetd, >s. . .. tad ali land* aunt improvements in Barnwell couwy, S, C., and at summerhill, in Aiken c mitts, *?*. ( .; 170sen i in Texas; h:df of a lot ol land in the town of (i.iin ti!Ic, Fia., and Hie Aundando tract in the same Stale; also, tbe leads ::nd improve? ments in Cross eaunty, -Mk. Thc irust deed provides for tbe sale of all the.ahove propelly, lo pas ott and discharge all the jii-i and reasonable expenaes aiteu i mg tbe suits* A-e.; to pay officers aod em* ploys'< salarira up lo the l-t ot Jaauery. 18M, win n salaries arc to ccjse; to pay off all demand- on account of suretyship*, to Beean all the policy-holders of --aid com? pany and be ne Bciai ic-s uiiibr jiolicic- baaed hy said company, the Value of the Interest. of policy holders or beoeficiaslei to bs as* rertalaed by Edward B. smith, af oUaav* ni md, aciuary, and to be paid) pPO-pah* d not enough to pay thc whole. Thc tru-lre is authorized, in-lcad of sell in_r Bl oner, to let and rent the pref erty con reyed. From artel after the date ol the (ked all premium.**cn policies already i.<-iu-d or for ssardi d for ness policit* arc to be placed Bl once in one of the bani*.-of KiehHtviid and kept repel ately from thc ether tumis of the aasapaay. if s new soeapaaj leora giniz'ii belara the exeeutloa of the him, the tru-lee is lo turn over to tbe nesv ooas I'tuis Bil ul the* by this deed, it is expressly presided, however, that the pic-em Pie dinon! and ArBogton Company shall not hadsSSOlvad by Ibe ex eculiea Of thin deed. Authority i- conferred upon tbotrustre lo Un row BMUey io pay taxes now due or to become due. Thc d'ed i- signed by B. c. Bartsook, president; L.s. BSssarda. searetery for the com pan y ; and Angus li. Mia key, trus? tee. Cpon incpiirv we learned thal the trustee svill issue In a fesv duys a circular to policy? holders giving tbeas full sad accurate in? formation US IO Dm Condition of the c '111 pBOfi and will -ooh tbtrcalter convene ibeni to dee-ide whether tbey Will proceed io ntlraanlae tl* anasaoRj or lake Heps la ii Insure their rl-k- out al Ibe net BSeeM windi may bs realiaad under the deed, We learned, also, that Hie company 0*Jt* very Itt Ut borrowed saneey, the whole aol exeeedlng -fr.** uno, whorah ts covered by doI lateral socuii'.ies. To our inquiries a-? to Ibeestimated assets and liabilities of tbe e?mpany il sva- galed thal ovsiais' la Hie peculiar nature, of n.i life-insurance business BB exact d?(Hna:? could he made of the lia'dldics of nit pany anni Ihe actuary bad caret illly ext.* ii. a e.tcii policy and reported i.n'.n it, br. thai as to th?- Besets; estfaaates ss ero noss heine tn ad e. hut woatd not be co^ieUK for neveral div. Mr. Smith's Clair.*?Tba o>uc<il Com ralttees on Finatnc ?n t C.lulms aad feaules to vi hom was referred the patlgloa al Mr J. c. Sunt.1 to be t'ii?bi!r>-ei_ Inr lo-* >u* tallied by the late lb ont his tv_rehcu*e,coi nej- Ninth ??d Cary sirei-tit, alleged to OBI In eu burned bv ?[-iiks from Hie eily -lei Bre-enitines envaged in pumping water, mi yesterday and aj.ri-e*_ unanimously lo rt commend io the COMBCil tbat Mr. biUltU b paid ro.o.Ht, I Bmn* I n/Bs.~Messrs. K. B. Chaffin A j Co., real a-dateagents, -old on yes*ern ey ti, Mr. T. If. farrand, of Australia, fhe f'irai known as ?? Montri)*-*-," owned by Mr. .1. A. Richardson, contsinlng 1*J0 acres and ahoiit hfilf a mlle ea-n of the city, for the sum of *10,000. .Mi.. Cavniilt-ib played Camille toa bril Mint audience lt*t eveniog, and concluded ber engagement here. PhRstixiL-Rev. John E. Edward*, I). D., left the ci*>- on vc*?ter<lny afternoon to take charge of Markel-Sfrot t church in Pe fcisburg, io svhieh be svas appointed at the late Virginia Conference. Dr. "-'dwarda's many frii'nds here svill rpgret rxeeedingly hi- removal Hom our eily, where h*> wis greatly beloved, anti Whare hi* usefulness is so highly valued. ?A*M*aSsaV~a*J_ AXO Yiri.**? rr Y. Roll of Honor at the Public Sche>ol?.? Tht* following pupils were on ihe roll of honor at the public schools this week : High School?E. Marrlssetie principe? Id i Allsup. Annie Brodrsax. Hattie Brigg., Agnes Liv, Mind (lisbon*, Maud Howlett, Lena Lithgosv, Xemmie Morris?elte, lltnnie Monteiro, Kinma Turi,er. Il cry mv inn. Nannie Smad, Breads Walker, Hattie Well*, A. Brodie Mcculloch, August Ul Smith. School No. |?.Mi-s Bettie L. Irvine teach? er? Minni-Tony, Annie.lone . Kill. Owens, Kile (iibbS'-S.illie McCrune, Lillie Overby, ida Brander, doini K -he rt?eni. School No. S?_d(as lt. Lyon teacher? Boss liomin, Cora DickcHoi), .Nellie Leon? ard, lt )se Mcculloch. school N i. 3?Mi.- Nanni*: Il llehCT teach? er? Bits Adatn*, Harrie tUwheasblp, Addie i. >it:ii tl. Minta BpehB. School No. 4?Mi*-* F. French teacher? Bettie f.arhtr, Kosa Burton, I'c-.ii Faun, Maggie Bailey, Henry Boett, Waller Free mail, oiiic Bider, Willie Lock-it, Daisy Aa* deleon, Mamie Knurr, Willie Burton, 0cor? gi e Mcculloch, Charles Swann, Fannie Sharp. Arthur Waugh. Piitnery School*?Mrs. flail teacher?Myr? tle Lithgow, Kate KU a Power-, Crace Was mack, Birdie Farrer, ll* tin Oool-bv, Claude Farmer, Chastain Biggada, Walter Adam-, Fred. Heall ie. Willie Hollar, (hillie Bourne, Bobbie Topham. Ta get on the roll of honor it nepiires perfect reeltatloee, go.ul deportment, end regular attendance. Colored High School.? The following pu? pils wen ea the roll of honor tit. thc Colored High *-(-!)0(>i dui toa the sst a k ending yes? terday: .Iis-ic C. Binga, Julia Bunds, lill M. Binga, M. B. Kinoit, Amandi Johnson, Ada Johnson, Lillie Moon, Lucy Walker, Thomas Johnson, David Moon. no.tsioKi>*s Aein I'tiosi'ii.srK IB IN:. Oils I KIN AND Ci f. NK ll .SI. t) I.I.I IT rV. I have ii ton Hi" A'i'l PiKi-phVe l:i mr own fam? ily Iii cae'T lt (iii:. .;|.)ii and jo m-ial dr Illly sviili (i.tlreiy s.iH.fiC'oi-v result-. [ii'lioni'iiolit. fut. S. ll. MOOSB, M. !?. Ol c. -roi'), rn t- i |*OVl LAB ' ? rOI-l'I.AR TS- I i . ( ntl_)BBB*fl C)VKU( .il-. *i io, 2 00, I 00, 4 00, ." 00. A. Sa ks A CO., DIBBS, (Till caa Im ve (he QootSl to pit a a I all. [ - Ode Pries 1 O.ns. j lois j Malu i Uri -f. VVILBOB'N rOD-LtVBR cot. ano Limk.?The -.?rea' i opularltyof rbis saffeaad etiic n-i'm- pre para tn.ii l< alane onrtbatabli ls Bs lairisatc -rortb. in iii- raia of c''iis, ev.i,is, ,.\.duna. Braaebttli Wrt i.|cnj{ I nindi, ScrofuioiH Hum,irs, ainl ail < "ii laosBttra lyinptooti li has no lassrior, ir equi'. Let bu on" BSfllecl tbceaiis -> >*. i*'*>iii-, ?,f discs e, ?st, -ian uri nt ls Si baatl ttbkt. Will cure ali eul? of tbs Ci.i.r, linn*-, or Mundi*, tuieil inly dy A. H. ?IXBOn, Chemist, Boston >...'! sj all dras ? IVs Ne v GOODS?i Tin.tim* Hr v Hr i/.t.KH BBOTHI Ns nov si. i issn (T.Ksiti.v iHTisi.i). Tba salt* of ATB1BS0B*8 WBITI BOB I iXCCetU thal Of SliJ oilier iierl'u.1.1-. sud. on tautly luci, a-.* iii.-, en inr-iiv fail iboit of s eair'-sr of a mi lien - illy. Lon*; int>ii,<;knc i; Is saae<eattns ur ?liliikinir ).ro?iu'c* a div r/ai)lxi<l Liver and .ali IBSSTBI St* '. teImit ii|M.n -ii Ti Ti r iinjiSSSSl ? ?- I. pr,--.i ni nf .lilli'*, li.'iiiinial BeMllaaTSesSi ne-rvo'is t _ lui)si I. a, niiiii/e-ti.iii; i>.t,s in the baaS, abb saiss; fsltecsi of stomach alice meal-, dil BBC ST, HSI ral dt-lillltv, aiel languor. BtsB relief f.i/in blSatOSS KKC'l'LATOB. 1 " lt ls a very ratsabtS wrae-ly f..r ely.p'-pda, tink headache, torpid liyer. ait<*, sch like Stiei < . - IT. s. Hoi t. ?' .'resilient (,f S* W. K. R.e., .of ('euiK'-." wt aovnatiaa r?r Bbs isla sarssss of laun*. the atitntloii ed eur pul rons lo go..*.-! that s.?.>tir cliattel linell r value Tito e folio *mg our advtuhe iiii-nt*) can alvvass rely on not only ls*otlaf Ihe pooeSl at die prices , _.*.rd-e.l, tiut to lienc dir full s'sinlnril v-li'eas re|.re?snli'il. Wc mil) r.s'olHist ipOCe 'I'""- BSA pea lint a- to give a full* i mot suire a.-male Hat of thu tuauy l/strgslti-. wectlur at Hill tun . ( outs lin r.t-aits. aaOTBBBS intw sl,(,sv a, spleailid a.?ortnient of 1 n:t -I* i,oons. CBaBABSt IT.sri.K**. PBISBBWBIBi BbABtBTS, it ssvi'.s. e ,ui-i i >. s*aa*-?UI*saB, lim: ?. I i.t ? .UlS-.VKl.MTf, aol torry sriluJi! In their linc ot the nry bes lindi's, and at die IrtWKKT CASU ''Kl' I - Db. W. C. a as-K.s.-.i.ii. -tiMiTii*. tknn., watraa: Yot Kfk OogSSttom, cnn HmipUn .. general dr ?Ult/. an* oraatof aaasBHi'i i taeesfslh tktom mead CoMse*i LibbioM lilith kxtksi i o Uti 1. fc e.;_|,i) Kt'.jKWELS'r:. aarraii'ed not lo ts [nrf-%. v HaoatiBO BTBBatMBjB"*. -It DIBAOhfBBI ss.ut Sf." A cotaiiioi; / warfe, if >"'* fafee 11 n'*,iTii.s sou caf **?t u* iliin. you lae sinl feel mt l*u I * IT c -. lli?\ j ?tncitictiiiy mi tua iiv*r, iA*)SBach, tut'i ncsail cuuilna il,/r**c fl .sr -)f ?fsttrte jul'*-. *?* B*J i-- ? -' liol to grvvl li TS Mi toe and r gTliT*-** !'?** **>**' ?alun as) o'.lier ti?*lrclo?r fat's. -ave mos.;. Dy lianna- your pr.Mili)*; Ai.ieal' Di ssl a ku I'liiMLSci-llDtsK^ lio>tt work, ls uia-(<a,aii*l*.tl?iai.'llt>u icuaraivircil. 14 LABT OAT.*B rssissst ag Nea nrlraus * l_a arc ..Her. .1 for sale By W. U Hlaut A ro. at ? v, low i Wee to i-lve oui HivTot, T"?J ah' Kaold ipisuHUcs ta) Cult. M. l-'U.YsON I t ck, sd?rritsliiiiiia*sf0.s.l-isrrti SBsllsswrBlt tu ail mt Ute u-wspsurr. or Hi* Cutt tstatasat puhll.-her.' raia*, Orclstis Wit al lbs V match '^-judu-i-fsiW WtU res.-el sr pCi-i'ii. HU lUsQt T'HE DISPATCH, TERM8 OF ADVERTISING. !* ASn?ltS'AltlAnLY IN AliVSJle s, , ()a? sqaare, oa** lasertlno. Bo 80 due ?(?uart*. !*vn Interdnn*-. I i*M? |)cr*>*onau. ihrer In ertl.itts. I flo orv ..|iiar*\ .ir Insert le.n*. ft Oflt I 'ie*- 'l')*r*, lw, Ive ItiH-rdon*. A ft( i c*n?.- 'ins re. one* mon tl.. IO 00 Clic .lUirv. rwu ti "ii h?..... IH 00 ..... -'..(.*r?*. Mid-e irrni*!,. -2fi 00 A TEM" tlirrsrgMU.e timm, st ? corns itKOTMSB*,1 : t>nr t;rv>n? r.STA*u?n?i?!fT. corner Fourth sod nrei_*l, ar lids, larfit?tar teavoB, rannot fall te ha r ..-lu tivs nf msiiy i*-i.?ti'? t? those abo are out -M >i't,lnjr. Their .tori a. a* Jtt I i>.u increased Vf insnv ih(r?saa<1s of *! il'ar-' ?*irth. ^trjtrrseingsnods >f er?cry d**rr\pil<tn In tkt? oat oooDSitot'.as well sssudtvb'e iroods tor holt tart* s-rrstrnt*. As silver ll****) inanotBrrednam, itsrtr prices sr** 1*7 tartha inewd attrac lv?> ot h." -essoa. The )-in> - r ll tun we hs?;**ven 1 ,r a lonst yass ire s. W, I). UL-sia A ( o's I tn!>'>*?.(a ittrrt. At < TlOrti MAI.S.N THIS OAT. aVtl-On all sales or Heal F-lai<* s*-***** ttfis*-?-, the 1st ? 1 Jarman ?lt*1 lust of .Lit,.* tlw I..-*,* for HS*) "i.i nt sear have to ba pafsl b| IBS rfMBsaar. Os id sale* BWSS BStstsas liss In nf 4nt\ SSSl !i*t ot ihi* y?-ar Hie t x*- har* ?,?>,-? not*! hv ifc.- Mara iTblSSSM oin SMS id..1.K.l shout Ofvt-.11 i-*>*rtsaa >i uti tba i*.-i e.-sae ssN-tsta ki Kiciiittoaq, sui sp? ain-, to Kicliiie ',1*1 Mini vicinity.] Rte TIMeiNO HA/VAR. ly A. M. u.-:M?f. horses, (iain mule*, Ac. ASS rsi Hill**. f> lt HM* 1 NU iHhAIKK. L"j - Mit. *!. V. IUVr.lTI.KYrC I 11MKDY >l I* K-... faOBDAV. Tl'KSHAV. AND Wt-DSFSDAV, lu* r.trrie ('.rn. 7Til, and sun, HAVKr**-RVS WI lit i\ ITT (OMKMY Ct SI I'S NV in Pt ir'leuiii V. N's-io*. ci R, | ,_??. ) oi,,.r !.*i,|di shle ol elraii.stissiona j. ss r nu Vf 11 1 irciT T, ^**^ preseuiirts AirierC r* pon*i!ar cnn -d's'i ?*?? s e. e ilsi.T I * 11. BIBI d' T?*'l Irv sit (fxccil* nf cut ot wt-ll-kn*)***! sr loss* . KIN UV THK~VtTKH.KsALR. "I.UT.H I MIL Yul' 1 RY.'-TOu . x.: !(*. r...i-ii'if OH* 1 at Bassos d Maces*! au*t i*'\? sSraof Tn.-dre. PMUSIOV: _, .j, ."o. a ni "oe 'le I '.I_ puk suprkmi-: NOVELTY. Kora llinl(*-(l nert "1 st ?un EAST BROAD. n> di rutki> ?ti:kkt, rn, edina M'.NT)*.*). I))* KMlim BTU. THK BOH RMI AN i.i..\?*?-in.ov. Hf*. r*aornssens WuoPBorrK, CARL IBU ,t i *>., willi 1 li-- lr 150al0()(oi.I.KC TlDNor SVe)\|)Kirs|\T,L\-s, ni' u 'i'i-' Hie e RKTRNR1AL * e,RLI**S KM.I sf. nilli Of 8,000 pl* its .if al:'.-, ami ld lull "|.> rstlo*. CajSATf sTsltor wilt he pre-ente.l v.nh sn . ecant ipssftatca i.f ala.--wort, .XUratTlOBtt aMKRV-on \Mi RVBBtBO* .\.|inl-s..|i, ii.cttiili t.' >|Ht-|iiicti, lft?. B. H. W 'ALMS, M.iisrer. IL V. Mit -. Amii._<le 4-:t'? Rb IIMOND'I IIKAII.T? l.*s>-eiSiMolK. SATITDAY kVKNING. ks-, inn 4 m. \1 S I INKS; AMI RVI MMl. Th*' .|l.tluziii.lii'li*cti-i ta, Re 1MB IT 1 I NOR. SByJ Br. Ct Ull.eE .RLK, In kestt'es steal ptar. Dinsiv. Hu- most rxeliluir 1 iel lu 11 in-'Tnlr iSASr-rcr | ro luce 1*. Itatlaa IbS "O'* len I: r /. 'I 'fl Uliai',/.lion of st. /ila'- extraordinary liol 1 I. 1' SOI Unlit, ss ilia yu lu Ports, l..ini|..ii. Ile ?? in, a <?., SUB the-a oaf ? ? ne.-. -. Mils Rosa ?* T rise;i: i.eii is a'.*,, s l*ars*sa I. IBS* li'. ; Slr* siril BBABLBOI Coup, au, a p'uuil<er, t.'*rcl|?.| VI I'll a llio.l 1 x -eli in 1 i-'. Ililli*, fi in-Ill ? ri BTSBl les oil. DI)'! lt .-eciti- to ll. that it ..ti .-ii' i" -ave in mv i ons I'mm a draskard's .'I ni-. IkW t : ' Ul in/'1 tai tacts a.lim. l< ll ? t H. Iie-'r I uni cir lc. BOn - : n ? -i 1 ci:ai. ? d -? ail; ? a> sa H els* g!5c, Kveuuis prtess nrrben'ra and crtress, 7Bcb. ; ores 'i ? -. .*. ??.-.: ti.edy circle*, ?.'.')-.: sscsrctl *****ts,fl, B.S-sbeel I f Tin a' re and Hain ?>-,* Mo ?-'-. _ ?.F'lTATM^B. i \\ \Ki. OF THE COMMON WEALTH VJ BRMRftT. MciZXItT HALL. UOWOAT RIG HT, IlKCSiUIIK.K (lill. WILLOI e.HI'.V ItCSIIK, IV HI*" GRKA1 Tit. I.I.AMMK ol* RS") ITA TletS** AND BTJMORiH B PRRaOBATlUBa, TWO Hollis IIKSHIV I.AUOHTRI AM) lt IRK Lsj -V .n.s 1. sKI.KCT'ION'c 1*1011 MARR 1 SS Alt. BUR. llr.TTK. AMtTTil.l.dKAi 1 I SI'MtlSlls. A new pio^ramtnt-? l*OR*S L'S VIA hy ipcclul rupiest. KUIt Rev. HI l)"|' sle ,. 11 . e.f I'eiiii.ylvsnls ; Bar. Hisin,|) Utera, ol Tesas; Gcsrrsl ai I lieus lt td. r, aii'l cllii-r un.-if oi.i'ois. en,|.,,M* Pro. fe.sor RKAOS SI ' I BK IH * I III 'Morin I A**T> RH a, in- R HI* KoRK TTIKfSSIHIIt SN I'K'il'I.K.'' TlrksU, ."id cen!?al "OMBSTOB'S mille .tor-. So extra charco for ra erreedoMto. del-gt I.I.I 11 lt S.N. K(.\. S. ( Al'TlK, B. W. C. ( (H'N e lided:, il SI 1 h. .i.r. Ii'itliii'l. wi', hv , , il rtel'ie '. ? el \e Sis I. K< HIM-, eui "MIMi V .1 :'s Kl -ilKKM*11 iii I'.)' li c.ur. -n . "i 'h.- Y.iii .' Men1* Christian iou ID-'I'.M 15!. lt 4 ni .-'i 1* o'. I". . A'i't.i- lou file, de 41'* R (If Ki'.l'IIH.l'-Al.i. M WATK:t. PRICKS RKIH.t H>. 1AM ; ITK.Sd. Ker .a'c I.y PUR4 1.LL.LAI)!)* e e... SS Si.f.-.afc. Dnvfjl.tti. de 4 ci'l Aleuts for tho Water. 301) i?ur <.t><?ns. ^ EA(W int().\i>: te *. ka-.r BfMesVO ! S. HLTZLkU A niS*. lu ?('. k a:_atte. clyti *c from Sitl lisu.l* a tSM aait tohuylite iii:,- ki' IHIKS-i UOttI)*.. tsMladUafl *ST).HIK I I pBRMk I'/.AHt**, satins MAT kl. A !*-**+.'. IIR(dJAI?K?t. Kl.ANNS*?; sITT |\e,S, VM.VKTs. siul WeU'RslXii St *tUBM ?. Al ... BO snii.ii.dlv*- cf WHICK Ht jolt**) Mtxl Bl s.!"l-K>. i-'i **s IKIM.i-.-s* * l.aiABS, SH A \V I.s. III.A.Nla>.rs. ami IMKll ILAN. ML*. ? I.-nlie--" M-TKWKA3, I adie*.'.-uni ta*. "itiVaiafi'a I NDKRITKAR ami fH)*-Hi RV. Ne.Hons sikfJ incsrUO-s tai T RI ? M I Mi S ? KIM; IN l.s, mut IN-Sl.U I I se,-,-,-??.( i. IS--SMrkVrKKiK TBIUMIM"-). Kt "TTOXS. .jell l?AK-0?NAvtlKN IS in great .aHeijr. bc -_4_ I MP-tUa-TA^T "v\ SOU nc li 10U9T. gL A. I. MMaXB, W ATI ^JstAKI I.'. i i.MH.isitrtu raiATV I .i.irr \ kvb*. TO BVRMI HKArtKRiir A WAT<!| \|\V UTHT-fO.'aRI.ATHK _^t s!!'iel|)?e.:*4'. last ,, .,..i Sra .. r lei liiouiviii. Hv H. -ol all tsorh ?ui iur aivstay facllttai***). aad 'lnu*" ?H!s h>.,t? accuracy-. utt*a hv lis.-d. Irti a - i -I' ii *??**-< ly li _,*dilli*i I-* *?*'" 1" M" .VBiervaa wale|??fte ors*-*. ! Heir*Till- Ilia! ms ililru-i t< r s*sefti.>n<, ,t.i . aiii 'h.-.*.i pt-#e*?as_ io**-!- Jiud ?*'/?*? eio*i?> ii k .r. Voe in iii*-I ti 'ita. t'>a7"l*IBUB "rl|''"t a- I lO-i'-H" -?*-? t Te* ???*.(' f-mtj ?tt- rrlpttfli al BSJS? Sta* prtftcK, frSau u<> r.-k - *>r o.-om?* i*"t'. w-'ri i**4usiii|i Tu" sab and i*-ai ?st rm* t?t*?fcs**^??U)? el * *A tl. I*. Or-J. i* ei.ASv mall *-r ta,*t*< -- ?Sf r? cvl*?t> MSSSfa ?UtSHtsSI. h.P. <*_"'?--_. * X. lari M its --???-???: ,:,-:e.ji ? _Bl* hts ital, VB. m RKWIR^SfaAfaTtlXHS. __ *v*?t *rix*iio8s BJ-.Ut u* *)lr.*T for iianWular-. fsj -or "AUTO* 'etAII* . SisStfedB v nh sa* of pu*>lm,ivg. or ca** sUior.lii,r "olel.aiy |f," i* for let>alis. THK Al T*?V Alli IS1IH.OM.V ? NO-TKN* sJ.iS"' sIWiNT.-MAC HINK IN THK. WOKLU. lt li... *._3.1*jtifiil a*tsstd!_??? over all othaffrs. Ka tirol, t***?? *i_cU?i;t>-?l lea tm*. V? adJa*loM*itt hf tmt.-m*e ??' ?.tlirh and :, u*lcu. No LADY ("ARK I lt ' y IlKALTH CAN AI'ltlBUTi) l**)K ANV (JTHEK. Kuli en?roitiiuliy tot Ulai io t.urotUKrs, uion.r t/eltlt{ i * i-'el? 1 ii.! v. tura oi ui n nit*-, If Us.*, raluc-* ly ntl-factory. Write fur Illus;raud fii.-e-l.i t. WltLi un B i.IMUS -. M. <?'-, ssa l?r*is!|s'ST, K?w V?***fea ?-c24?al?l