Newspaper Page Text
fitttmond gispatft. SATURDAY.1>RCF.MBT_R 4, 1880 The Texas Pf*aO.*_lc. We do not read now-* days much abou the Texas Pacific railroad, lt ls not a desi scheme, however, tty any means, but full a lite and vigor. We learn Irons our Nev York and Philadelphia exebaorcs that To1 sjecorr snd the directors ol the road recent I. went over the road on a lout*of ln?pcction the eastern end ot lt, we Bastin. The ros? ls thus spoken ot: ??Tbe*Tcxas and Pa-iio hos two eastern termini?one at Texsrhsna. In NwthrtiM ern Texa?, snd the other al Shr-evrport, l Nortbwtsttrn Louisuns. A urtmrn teni Mbrevepoit ts New tlTiVsn*, 3*20 mites, wtl noon* tn- ei-tsapieted. Prom Shrtvcpcwt t Kl Pssat the cii.tKcr '*.?? eight hundred artie* of wbicb f)5?>-? miles sf the road ts at read coronlrtrag aad ruwltig. At Kl Paso, Hi western tensions, t close connexion 1 made with ihe Sornheni Pa?*to>, nn#er cor strucHon to Tums, ihcncc t-o Los Angele* and os to -Ssa, s t Mance of 1,20 mile**. Prom K Paso to New Orleans I abani MW miles, aad the Tttttxn Pacific wlih Its branchs**, will inver nearly l.W roile*.. From Ll P-asa, wlileh is situal pearls- on Hie b-sundary hoc* ol Tcxa?. Sri Mexico, ssid M* x.,-.., a Moe wIB speedily Ii constrHried direct t > tire ('uv SJ| MeRteo.' The branch from Shrr-vepnrUo New Oi lews hts *\*en coaifilidaiod, wc beheve ?arith tbe main line. It ls?SBssI thal Dir roi Wilt he completed within a year ttwoog from New Orleans (ind also eveifWBei ehtewis!') to Baa l*waae*Vee--8aaklBg a tinr roasl bet Saar B Ihe Atlantic and Par-Hie, we costa t Hit* Northern sFscitic as a -reine as it f-oems it ls nilli lcd lo Ix* tOtSooAeroi i view esl Hie- ielmottt certain prospect ol !t speedy -completion. If ibe weather prophets do not prove t< h ? im reliable, the present svintor will shos thst a souiliern rattrosd to Hie Pacific i* neece-tsity, snd will thus lienelilfir. Scott' grand scheme. The long lintsj of finns ebeda and other works of defence agaln> snow and he nee deo we lake it for greased, on Hie new mac Tl* new rend MBjBM miles long from Sn Francisco to Kew Oilcan**., svhieh, thant* . to the Kan*. Jollies, is now one- of thc mei shipping ports iu Hie United Slates. 1 runs through a much better country ilia tbe Union and Oaatrel Paclfffl mails. Texa itaelf is as has been well remaikcd in thi connection, an empire in Itself. In lift, years she will bc the tmpiic Btata ai lb Union. Tbe T(_ is-Pi*citjc Company w ill eonside S!. Loni* al-o an eajflern leru.inus of tbei road, ibotHjb timi city is I ions* way fron thc ocean and tLe Gulf. This road wil sl?o lases a connecting line, or branch crossing the ItssetealpiB riser st Memphis With bolh the St. Louis and Me-SBpfStS linc: it is supposed our chesapeake and Ohh ("onilisny is aaMts*aRli*istllf_ a conn* ction; m that Richmond will bc on one of the linc between thc AHanlic sud the Pacific. Nor folk will bc at ihe end of thc Memphis linc through the Atlantic, Mi-si-sippi and Oiiir road. Hence California, which wa- once, they tell ns, a part of Virginia, svill once more be bound io her by iron band**. Baby-Boncls. Tbe Lynchburg Utter sshich we printed u few days ago, pointiog out a new plan for ieitel!u-tmg thc Slate debt, recommended the issue of a certain number of svhat the Georgia people call -baby-bond*.'' That i* to say, bonds for five or ten dollars; or twenty, we take it, cr fifty, or a bundled. The purpose Is to interest all the people, if po**ibk% in the payment of thc public debt, and afford to thc propertj -holder who has the smal'cst som to Invest in such fl manner an op|ioriunity to put his money into bond* bearing in lei eat. which interest he can al? ways collect by paying his; taxe-s svith them. Honda of ihi*. sott circulate as currency in Gtortfin; yet bave not, so far as we bave beard, caused any un? due inti dion of the currency, but, without doing no, have served a useful purpose. They always puss at par, or par and interest??eneral'y, we nipp >-e, at par simply. Hut whether people -sh-ill choose to ute ttahy-bnieds .is cuiT'civey cr not, it would be wisc to endeavor lo give more of our voters aa interest in tho payment of tbe State debt hy issuing bond* small enough to be bought by all classes ol the people. The fact th,,t be owned such bf-nd*-* would exerc.*e a wholesome Ii fluence upon every holder ol them. He would de able lo know repudiation trom rekd.ustuicnl where,el? be saw tbe two in company. Thc Washington correspondent of the Alexandria QueeHe writes: ?? lt is unibistood here that General Ma hone has Issued a ciicular to his etptalns in all tbe counties, towns, and cities in Vir glnia, du celina, them to assemble, in Rich? mond on tbe 22d instant for consultation with reference to the reorganization of bis defeated forces for the next campaign.1" If the**"*, -oe ral will summon the real peo? ple arnon-.' his forces, and not Stosali., RiDDLttctMCR, Fra-xikr, and the rest of the worthies who Issi! fall deceived him nod in? duced btara to refuse tocomprotnise with the regular { s ana unite with them on one ek-eioral ticket, he will learn something aa to thc wishers of the masse*-.. But it he intends to -summon oniv those who are leaders ***** would-be leadeis, he will of course bear nottnng except the most rove. colored iicc.iiHit.-i ol the determination of tbe voters io htand by lU-^DLhBKi.o.cR'* re? pudiation riyinurole/. Auram wc advise ' you, (Jenerul, to drop KiOf**14BjaaaMHAB scheme and take up your own. It is y? ur onlv chasee for eltbrr Mieee.88 or inereat-sd reputation._ We can tad um*t come together and t-etttc this miner among ourselves. The creditors can and me-t be .liberal wuk-eur poor old imitoverisbed mothar S'atc. Let us take Ibis miner caa* of polities and settle it upon ijusincrts pritsciplKa. j-ije simpk*'act of the S-itailon of n*e-question i* doing tne Sluie socl ber citizen* intjnit, harm. Let ns net lise broifieri. i?i mg mmfsU tbU Teaed ques? tion forever and at onac. Let our wine heads of boih parties come together anti devise soabc plan. Wc muust do this, or?itirk it, honest R'Adjusters and bs?nest Fuajeis? IBS repudiators will settle* for us.-. West Powltjtar. Tree as prent bin.;. Whee you beac Re? publicans talking aa Hwy now'^o, af seeing tbat oeJther the creditors *jgmP the Stoic" aball be akunaged by a new soMiement, ><u aajr know thal the Kepu_iie-.u.? are readg to ge witb General MiHoxe M be will offer theta aottioteot induoemsnis. Tie repeBtl ot tbe eapltatlou-tax requirement sad a lair abare of eleetion and otUcr ofleers alli be a autfloletit indueeuient to tbe ailUi*??t>, we fear. kv AsChrlstmes ls now near at hand, the Norfolk Landmark bas gone to dlseoursiug oa Mtheeeondilltn of Turkey." nj** *ckDOw,?dgc* the receipt of a copy of tba annual re| of the Secretary ?I tbe 'Barter. **Man Bnaaa bsa our thanks. ruLi*^?"^'"' w<x>w?oibb & ***** **? V*"*"' Ko, or (be London quarterly Review. Tbli ls s review which we eau em above all Ihe other foreign q-iar tcrlles that come to thia office. Nsw Book** Powerina. An Iialisn Story. New York: D. Apn.r.TON * Co. 1881. This Ii one of Appleton*' New llmdy Volume Series. For sale bv Carlton Mc* CartbT, 819 Broad street. Price, ftO cent*. Prom Death into Life-; or, Tirenfy Years of Ms Ministry. Bf Rev. W. _-??*?) author ot "The Threefold G-ft ol God. *tc. New York: D. Arn.KTOX * Co. 18?(0. The author describes "not so much a history of bis own life rta the Lord's deal? ings sith him." For sale by C. McCarthy. -4 Brief Synopsis of the Collection Laws of 1hr itnlid states and Canada. Compiled ender tbe direction of Do cot. a sw* Mrx fOB, Attorneys of the Lew-and-Collcctinn liepartmcnt of lhc Mercantile Agency of Dix. Wiban stOo. New York: D. Ar? ri. KTON eft On. 188)), The title tells all it is mvessary for the reader to Know, lt will Ve found use? ful lo bu sines'*-men rm well a? professional. For sale by Cfc McCartht. Untie Remus: His Songs -and Batt*** The i-olk-J/trevflht Old Plantation, liv ?loKL chamu.k'-r"Harris. New York: I'. APPi.rrox *V Co. 12 mo, pp. Ml Mr. flARiuts, Hie au tao r, is thc well known editor of a leading southern journal. Hie Atlanta ((ia.) Constitution, iii.- legends of ??r%(T.K Rkmis" have attracted much attention. We cannot say, hossi-ver, that we BBVS enjoyed H'c-m aa much as wc have the. wise SB] ings of " Oin Si," as given by another writer on thc ?ears Journal. The nook before rs BBS BK*4 witb Immense f.uor. 'Hie Nation gists it a loni; and comtnendatorv notice?a real critieisto, lo fact. Il jfl Well and liberally illustrated. For sale bv C. McCarthy, as above. Tbe Si,hu* Debi *Vo. 2. To the Editors of the Dispatch : In ms comiiititiicannn of lhc |fltinstant I ?tated that a n adjustment sad linal settle* mentotthe State debt was a political and liliane: ti nifessbv, and that thc good peo? ple of the Stan- have re -solved lo devise and execute, during Hie presort se'rand within tin ir pany oiT-anizafion, a just Settlement of th'* vexed <_'iestiori. 1 underorik to show that the Harbour bill of 1S78, as inc initial step towards BO hoi oruba- readjustment, was B wi-e and comprehensive mea.tire; to be followed. however, in order to secure equality and unification bbboor the sev*nl classes of State creditors by a proper readjustment or refunding bill. In Ibis communication 1 I r0|tOSe to outline such a retidjiistmcnl bill a*, in mv opinion, svoiild bc honorable' to the State and |usl n* the creditois. and sviiic-o, I believe, would, as it Bhonld, re eeivtiic popular approval of the firs! and thc* cheerful acceptance of lhc last; Hms removing forever thc State debt from the political arena, and remittlag il 'o the' lin all? er.I ;iinl stn k board.-, where it piopcrly be? longs. Nosv, Hun, a* to the bill. lt flbonld recognize thc tvbole debt of Ihe Stale, excluding the one third set apart, or to be eel apart, ta Wes' Virginia. It should iniike fiindabic nader i's provi? sion* ihe present priaelpsl of the debt, as ie-eogalRad lime and again by the legisla? tive dcpailmcnt of lhc present blate gov? ernment. lt should provide Ibal tioti-inle rest-hear lng ceri (goatee should be given for all in? terest iii arrear; these certificates to be re* el-1 iii ihie ul the pleasure of the state, ami payable pro rata out of any rooney lu the Treasnrj not Maerwfee spproprlaied* ll should provide for coupon bonds, tax l. (?( is aliti- except us lo BO mtic'i of the- poblie ic-vi mic .as thc Leghlatore shall declare is io d'd for Stale expenses, aad sci mueta as the Constitution has dedicated to poblle* school piHpo?c*, the bonds and coupons to be iiidi-taxiililc by counties aod eorpora lions, and only by the Btate at the rale aad in lhc mode prescribed for taxing leal and personal estele in the S'alc. Thc rate of interest should be not less Iban 3 nor more than 4 percent., parable semi-annually at thc Troi-uiy af thc stale, in Richmond. Individually, I piefer that thi' rate cf iweresi should be H percent, for the Ural half of the tim.' the bonds .snail run, and 4 per cent, tot thc residue. This would make an average rate of Interest bl 8i per cent. Thc bonds should run for thirty or forty years, redeemable at the pleasure of the Slate- after fifteen tears. The bill to ba Hubmined to Hie people for their approval and ratification. When ratified, to become the law of the Btate, sviih Ibe faith of ihe people pledged by Ihe act ol ratification |>> the prompt dls* ebargeof all its obligations. This is the skeldon of the bill, and, as r. skeleton, ii may to sonic minds bare fright? ful features. But you will remember tiiat in ms first counnunlcation I stated that, in . order lo .secure a proper, just, and abiding | set)leiden!, ciinces.iem* would bare io be made by both debtor and creditor. This bill call? for (bore concession*. Nosv. tit-t for thc cone- ssioiis on the part of the- State. Isl. Thc tiieseut principal of the debt, recognized time and again by our present Slate government, must be treated a* lhc true princfp:i. No repudiation or elimina? tion ot one third, or of any other part of said pnncipal, Bj practicable, even if it svere , just. The portion sought to be eliminated ( ia claimed to bc **svar interest." Suppose < it to ba so; arc are not bound to recognize \ the principles of international law, by svhieh ? and under Which States and nations alis ays v pay svar interest on I heir debts! At one j lime the payment of such interest, as to Cit* izt-ns or subjects of the hostile States or nations, was suspended during hostilities. Rut in tho present uay civilization bas SO far advanced as not to permit hostile Slates , or nations to su*|>end, even inter arma, the # payment of interest on their public debi. If J England and the United States were now at ', war, each svould see to it tbat interest duo ,, on their public debt to citizens or subjects Q of ihe other was promptly paid. The lea- n so.i for this ii tbat the credit ol thc sovc- ( reign is so valuable and necessary I hat hi* * pledge or promise mu*t be so sacred a* to |, ".ie beyond Ibe vicissitudes of peace or war. *, Virginia as a Stale contracted thoilebt, Vir- ,( ginia as a Stale made war, und > fl-ftau a* a ,| Slate*, after mo war was over, reccg- |, nized this svar Inteicst; and What she did ? not pay of it she capitalized, tberan*/ giriag (* Inr .consent lo the above principle, recog- (? nlzed by all publicists and practiced bs all .j uations. Rut even if this letti -rest ssas' not ... properly payable by the State, vet its elim!"- n nation is now impracticable, because it is f now Ir thc shape of coupon bond*, tax-re- ? tunable, and in thc hands of bor.a-fide ., Solders for value, who will not consent to _ .be so-called diminution. _d. Thc cmi|>on Ihhh1, -tas-rcctvablc, ?HM also be conceded bf Ihe Stale. To-do h to will not cost the Sf_.- one additional c( ?col. The (.ame nu rn her of dollar*) und ?, WastsssTtftt.Mg tbe interest on -the coupon ? ??.-j-uoelvable bond aa upon the ordinary {t egi-doivd bond without coupon*. Jl the m letti it, S^WUKX', then, at & per cent., l0 ?!M)0,<Ut Avill naf tbe lalaraat. no twitter ,t vbat imv in: the^.haracter of the hood or ? OUpOtt. Jl the State |)as- tile-lula-'e-t u( III" *. 'reasury according to tbe tenor ol Gie-band, ta o *s.upun will ever Intervene betwettn the i e isun S*mi its rev ?mies. Not tO r.illo-Jc he n eetasBBBlIf of th? bonds and eoupout, tu s the eirditor* now bald such, would he to '" rouse some IMsnleleaas to tbe good faith **' f tbe S'tiie umi prompt payment of the 1*' Halest. If a rcUjusliaa'Ul te effected, Ihe **** lids means to ned will pay the interest. te* 'herc/ore every atauranoeehe gives of Hhs ?**?' ill enhance the market v .*!**)? of ber bonds "ir nd enure greatly to her benefit by re- f01 MaMteaaRg ker credit. The concession w JOUld Ix* made bee.use thereby the* ere el- . or In greatly benetiied by the eubanced ter Hue of tbe security, and (bc Stale ls uer- vic lily not Injured. It will not do to Bli ty now that iou pons deprive tbe Stale hal tbat just coat roi which she should al* Mi ?Jd have over ber taxes, and should not I Bu ; allowed. Rut they have nlrtady Ixeu Du kmi-d. sod ste otitstsodliig. a? au oriji*' eil, nsl t-c/hcstlon, we would all agree ihat a*_( coupon*, should nol be Issued. The objei of this bill will be to modify nnd W*eeR ? existing evil. These are ihe p.meipil cot cession* lo be made bv the>',,sie. Thc cot cessions to bc mode b'j, the creditors ai more numerous, and **riih your permia-sk I will reseive their enumeration fm alioth) article, ns Uris j?, <j,*|ready loo long. .IcsTicr*. lieotjlm'm lilts ni* in lits lice Hon ol issn. A ?"jBNBATlOX IS CRRATM) AT THK CAPITOL I TBK DISCdVKRY 1U4T TIIROt'UH A I.ICU. t)!f-.(T;H,AM'T THE STATIC BAH t.dsr HI WORT TO VOTB TOR PRKSIDKNT. (Allsata ( (,iisiltull(n.'_d.| A great sensation was created ov* r I eliy >?)s'erdsy afternoon by the report th Georgia had lost her electoral vote In t presldcnttst contest. Wtiile (?' erlielcl's sn cess I* as*ered wlihoiit the aid af any stn acideot, vet ihe announcement cieitcd i little surprise. lt n-r/spears that lhere is ? BtraOflRl il erepanc.v between tbe Sfati- Co.le- and l IT-.Ped Stales S'aiun | on flt.- std ju! of ll manser in which ihe electoral vote shall east. Tbe United S'ales salute is as lt leant, seetioa VAL, page .ii i ?* The elector* for eae;ii Stale shad nie aad airs their votes upon Hie Bret Wedne diy in December in the scar IB Wbtel tin are uppoinie cl. at siicti ula*'" in etich Sta irs Ihe: Legislature of such State shall i j. et.*' passed in March, 1792. But herc! comes the Code of (Jeorgiaar sass: "fleet I di lill. On the t went iet h div af! said election Shall have l:.kcn place ll Hie- (lids af the Goeei nor tn consolidate tl Meerai i< lores sad immedi itetf notify ibo prisons of |heir e lectictl ss Im dave recciST ? voteBBaonatlag to s rae] rds, sad la t quire their BtteRdBROC tit IBS Capitol on tl tn-t .Mond iv in December thereafter to CS tue- vote of the State on Ihe Wi BB ead IJ fi lowiag si II M."' It svill lu- icadilv peiceived Ilia! no co flint could ever occur between thc?e ts* IflWSexcept svhen ti Wcelne-dav in Didi ber caine before ti Monday. Ibis year rVe needaj ta the tirst day of tbe-moot b, bi ys lille thc oilier Sta'c luise c I-' their ede t"n il veli-, (iieii.ia i* a blank In the conn and without any fault cm tbe part of be Executive, became be ha* followed tl plain laacoaga of thc law af Ibe btate. Veter;.av at ci noon fl reporter of tl ctmsUiuiitiu called on tneUoreraoi sa iii'crviewed bun on the subject. Report! i : What do you think BboOt Hi rassor Ibal Georgta has loci ber e le-vtor vote t Qroveraor Coiquiti: Well, I knosv ssh tbe asseiiion j. Brade, bul I do bot belles the vole is losi. In calling the electors t in? et I acted in accord svilh the plain prov .ions of ibe 1 nv, .and I am sun- tbe rote I Georgia svill set ba counted. I leam Ifs) there wa* i bili Introdooed ii) Ibe Beaal lo-diy to auteuil cur ("ode so as lo make conform to the (Jetted state. Statutes n the sobjeet of preaidenllsl electtooB, bi of e duse it cannot apply to this '_ stance, a* you see bv tbe law I .ic ed in perfect obedience to tbs dlrett'o of me Code. [TbeOoveroor herc read iii Ins cf the stan- on the subject ] Hos should I ned P Should I follow such .1 plaii dictation of Ibe Code of tbe state or -hon!, I. i sen if I had kOOWB the Statute ol ni United States, bave obey ed that! Irseeths pia ('.-deni has made thc mle by svhlifh acted m thi* case, io lsTd the elector sst re called to wt* t lintier ex icily tbe san. lass-, and in thal critical ye ir lhere was di difficulty, bec msc tbe drat rVedaesda* cain after the liisi Monday. Hut the ('ode, am not ihe Governor, isn sponsible for tin* dis crepoBcy. As the matter stands, it make BO practical difl'erenev; bul if it did, hoi' should I btise acted! Repoi ter: Do you think Georgia svill lo-i her (ii'coral vole? dover nor Ce. iq'ii it: No; I do not iblol sa. l do not think any question svill ta in nie on it. i'he (lectors svill meei here next sst ck. and on Wednesday they ss il casi Heir voles for President and Vue Presider I of tbe United state*. Tbost votes svill be sent em io vTaabiogtoo, tun they s\ili be cononci, I think. Repotn-i : Was lhere not a eJilliclllty ol this kind in 18001 Governor Coiquitt: So, sir: tbe Codi Hinside* that in a case where ihe e.leeton OB any ticket fail to receive a majority, the l.i'.i.sFniiiieshall elect hrotatheai tboee per sons who shall east the vote of tin- Stat*. lu 18b'0 lhere svere Bell, Brcckinrid.e, and Douglas tickets fa Qeorgta* None of them li ni a majority of Ibevo'es at the election, and the L* gp lal ure chose 1 lie Breckin ridge electors. The present case is aol ai all parallel or similar io that. I tn sun that the Vole of I'corgia ssonlel BBV! de-en counted for Hiiiicock if it had eic-te-.I lum, even I hough an error BOCh a* ibis hail occurred through a deficiency In lae Btate (.'ode. Tiiis would lurely bave hun tbe rqnltvof tbe case, aad with such s majun iy, l dd md believe the State*! son- would have b-e n thrown out. Of eonree Ibe law should be altcr.d to be in perfect e-nnform Ity to the Tinted Slates 'taiute, bot as il tiovs stands I acted after Hie piac'tlent cf mv pied' eessors and in plain pursuance i f Ibe lasv, and I am sure I acted right.*' The inst keel optaioas seem to coolna he (.oveinoi's action in tba premises, nd t ia generally agreed that it would bewroBg mel feiolish lo holcl him account ible for a nu ia! ion ol the calen lar tsiiied) pots the Boorala code- in an embemsBlng posiitoo. As the matte r stands the cleetois of (ieor Ijia will surely meei next Monday, and next rVedaeediy will east ibelr vote- for Hancock and Baglisb, and that ile- vote of leorgis will be coutiied in ike Bleetoral oll'-ge seems lo be the opinion of macs, gaile others think the errors in the Code las rebind Ihe State of a privilege sshiih vould have been honorable in its ex. hough futile in its result. _ es A I uiitl KalKcd for <"e n? rul Urant. [S|mdal lo du- llalilmore American.J Philadi-lphia, December 2.?lt bas Jint raiispired that a number of Warm, personal neilds e.f (ieneral (.rant in this city have ubsenbed a fund of one hundred thou.and lullars, svhieh will snorilv be preeeated io he ex-Preside nt as a substantial (< *iimoiiial f Ibelr regard and esteem for him. The lovement svas originated bs George W. -bilds. A. J. Drexel, and Colonel Thomas i. Scot!, and contributions in sums of not >m thea fire thousand dollars were made s m. mtiers of both political parties. The ?stirnonial has nothing whalen r to do ss ith ie proposed fund in N, ss Vork for Hie eneflt of the oldest llvrng ea Preetdeul inn- order of bia retirement. Thc Phi!;. th'hia siiiiscripnon is intended solely for feeeral (irani, and will shantis be pre* 'Bled to him. The projectors of the durne are now wailing to see if tl,ev (-all? ot induce the-subs,-iii), ri to the if cw York rad to combine willi ih-m and present the bole -amount, which, it is said, will reach pwards of four hundred thousand dollars, t ('eneral Grant. -?*_** Some Hmeslnce sve noticed in the I! ilc^h <idex an uceount cf a boy in rV>omlng )unty fourteen years old that weighed 300 mads. We immedtstely Marted our re? arer out to lind a Sinnmcrs-eountv boy tat would lay over the Wyoming speci ien. On Kiiday last Im; broOfbt into Hin .n (J. W. Lilly, a boy sixteen years old, lat ls six feet seven inches high and eighed 290 pound-*, and we eall him a chunk of a boy " in Summers.?Moun Cn Herald, ( W. Va.) afr. Aithur A. Spitzer, tbe secietarv of e Rei-ublican Stale Kxteuiiyc Com itteo of Virginia, bas not. it seems, ken any part lu the quarrel of tvrtain Re iblicsna of Alexandria and vieioilv, and hough he was present yesterday in the in ?View sad with the President by the Vir? ata Republicans and others, he waa here nply as a spectator, waiting his own turn * an lefetvifw with the Presldeat ? ashington kiter-Ballimore Sun. Mrs .Annie Parker ii appointed postmau tit Bn-ckviile, Spotsyiv_ni-) count,, Va . e James W. Triga. resigned. B. (i ihe ls appointed POt-tuiHu'er ut Rappa inex-k Academv, Caroline county, lice I s. M. s. Buckuor, resigned. Joseph B. I e-jiugham is appointed l>o*tmnner at a ?>"n, fsTttrgHJl couniy, vtc<? ?.""les ii. Ce- I '.'sigurd, . rd I onffr-Mlitlaltsse Marfield. THR nilli) KLBOtOBI VISIT BKNTOR? A SPRECII OT THK |*RR0MPtV*BllOr., ()., December 2.?Ohlo'-* tsvenls-two electors, Accompanied bv dov ernor Foster, Secrelsry-of-st.i'.e r.nrnes, State-Treasurer Turvey, and edher ollici il-, s isiied Mentor this thorning to pay a form il ca'l ii|xtn tteaerel (J'.rfleld. I>tit tnt? the visit, ami in raspoRM io an address by d*-n eral drn*vcnor In t..elr behalf, (ieneral (latfield addressed them, a*, reported, in Ihe lellowlni: hu guage: I am deeply grateful to you for this call, and for these nef*s>OfMl and public congrat? ulations. If I wt^e le look upon the late campiign and its results merely in the light of a presidential struggle ami B personal succcsh. ti would probably be as gratifying bs anything could be in tba history of poli? ties. I' ms own conduct during the cam? paign has been in anyway a be In and a strength to our cau-e, I am glad. If is not always an ea?*y Ihimr to behave well. If, under tri lng circumstances, my behavior a- | candidate has met your approval, I am gi eal ly undi tied. Rut the larger subject-?your congratula? tions lo the country on the irnimph of the Hepublican parts?opens a theme too vast f ir me- to cnn r upon nosv. I se?nture, how cver, to mention i re lb ellon ss died ha* in? clined to me hi tefe-re nee to Hie election of a/eiterday. I Sfjpposc thal no political event it .s bappeai il in ill the eoorae of tue c<>n iisi Bincetbeeerly sprlag which sauted no lull*- e-.xefiteiiicnt, and, indee el. -o littl*- pub lie ebsei s dion, a. (ne prealdentlal eleetion Wbleb ssa* held yesterday at midday. The Ame! ic in tn opie paid but little bi tent lon to lbs details of tbe presides* Hid de,'.ion, arel for a very sl.niti cant rea-on. ARboUgfa fOB and all the mc'ininis ut lbs Kiii'td.ii College bad BB absolute constitutional right to vote fm" aoybodvyonebof-e,andaltbouab bo wrtt t * ti btw directed or ebrgested four choice, yet everv BHBRicaa knew thal tbal sor? c-r* ign of the republic?ibe alas million of voters?on an earls day la November had pronounced the omoipoteol lal af cholee, ?nd tint soverHgB, flssoinlof. sa done- thal ss bleb be had ordered lo be done, cnn ruined no doubt Hi-if Ins svill would be Implicitly obeyed bjf Bil'ibe colleges la all tbe States. ina* !? ibe d;i.'ni is hy lin people were io ?crenel! quirt v-t rdsy. Tbey bad aever tel foOBd ;iii A'liiTiian ss ho failed io k>-cp bis iiii-st tis a elector. Prom ibis ii.ought I draw tbe Iresontbsl svhen lh d I'liinipoien! sovereign, Ibe Arle? ne in pc opie, speaks i<. ans nae in in sod 11 - ilii * lum io do ti lint s, tb :t in:in i- under inc iii"-1 solemn Obligation*Of obedience svhieh eui be conceive il?-, xe* -pf I bat ssbich the (.eui of the' ntiiv*r-f BHffbl impose upon him. Yesterday, tn:<u ;ti yoor VOtCI Sod Ihe votes of oi hers in the vinous Slate? of Hie Union, it is probable (the i et urns ssill sinus) tba! our gretal political aoverelen bed i.lid his command upon me. If he had done so 1 am a* bound by bis svill and his great Inspiration and purpose as I i-.dild be bound bs anv con? sideration tbat tins ci, th eui Impose upon any human being. In tint presence I stand, -md am asved i.y the majesty and Bufbority of such command. lu sofsr ss I cm int,-! put tbe best aspirations and pur* poses of our august sos. reigo, I >.'..*ll seek IO realize them. Voil Bl el I, and those who have tic ea I ss ii ii us in ihe yeats pist, believe lhal our inverell.n lose* liberty, and de? sires f*tr all ibe Inhabitants nf tbe rt public i.e and prosperity under tbe swaj ed' ju*! and i ?| i il laws. Gentlemen, I thank von for tl is visit, for this welcome* for tbe suggest lom thal yoor presence snd your words bring, and for the bope th d sou have expressed ili it In the arduous and areal work before us sse may maintain ihe ataadard of nationality and promote all tbal ?* good and worthy in Ibis country* and durlna toe coining four yeera we may raise ji-; as large ? chm) of peace, prosperity, inst Ice, liberty, sud cul* tinea* lt ls possible for forty-nine million of people to r;)i?e. (love-rnor Foster presented the visitors to General Garfield. After sn interchange of greetlna -tx boors were passed in in? formal social intercourse, ss inn ibe com? pany retorned here ;-nd dis] er.ed. Gog* ?t nor Foster remained ;it Mentor. ?. un* a!in_ Two Mute 1'it'tt-rsc. Wa8Ri*BOTOR,*2.?William Hen? ry Smith, collector of customs at Chicago. aod general manager of the Western Assn. elated Press, arrived hue today fer tbe special purpose of laking charge of the printed copies of the President a annual message and the annual report of the **tTic t:iiy ol tbe Treasury, aad making such ar rang'minis as svill preclude the possibility of ibe premature publication of those two Btate papers la sdraneebf their reception byConcreteoa Monda] m-xi. Mr. Smith BO doubt of his ability success,fully to pei form Un- Importna! serries for which be ha. been brought lo Wasblntton by the President. Under Mr. smith's direction ev rs aewspaper correapondenl la rVaih. iagton sviii be under stncl surveillance for the m xi three day-, and ever] avenue through wbleb tlie State papers Ibal an- the ea Use of BO much un.xuty to the Pl e-lil'Tit ead Si cn i ns sherm ni pas-ss iii be closely ts'ii tided. A .ililli ol Nerve. PiTistuTtedi, P.i , December 2.-A thrii! Ing sceident occurred at toe American Iron Wm k- ihi* afiei noon. \\ bile tt< bert Moore ssas ;d work al his rolls bis eiteher failed lo letSS svith his toni,'* i bar of White-hot iron svhieh h ul bees placed b<*twcen tba rolls. Th'- iron issisttd Itself thrice around Ihe roll, forming a "collar." Tbe catcher st ruck the iron, ssh' n there lew i tl' a piece in the shape of a rina.*, with a stem twenty inches long running nfl' ll right annies to the cir? cle. The band lew back and fell around Moore's bead, resttag on his shoulders. Quick as thoiiLiit be grabbed the long stem Witta his toner*" and the White-hot ring svilh his hand, and ssith steads nerte and gentle movement lilted the fiery Ibfax from Iii* shoulders. His face ssas badly burned find the flesh of his band sva* cul in to the botte. After the iron bad 'cooled he pot the ring over his head?it ssas but two inches larger in diameter than his head. A instr* sst,i- IH'Htll. | Dai ville Tin.'-.I Last Sn tulay und n;n_ while .Mrs de rtrtidc Neal ss a* kneeling before tbe Ire in ber room, up *,.,j|s, sadr1'.' bed' prayers, her clothing caught Ire. Bbe Irled to put tbe fiann's out sviih a rug, and f ailing, sin* ran ii'issii Hairs, Where her broiler ssas. He made every effort to-ase ber, throwing three bucket of water upon In r; bot it ssa* loo late?thc fatal svoik had been tl.n.e. iin- victim expired the rn xi day. Mis. Heel's ninden nsnewssHenderson. Her husband' lives in YflQOeyvllle, N. c, where ibe terrible tragedy occurred. They liad been married only fourteen months. Before sba ?ii*d shs seal for her sister, Mrs. "lal k, to place ju her care her infant, only live months of age. TRA r.AI.TIMOKK AM) OHIO TOBOOOR* PKticnir Hisinksk.? New York, December J.?lin* agt nt-of Ihe Hiit'iiioie and Ohio lia il road Company in this city were i.milled .0-day thal CC freight bdonuing to hal road WORM bs allowed to pas- over the .'cnn**, Kania railroad line. The Italiimore ind Ohio Railroad Company BOW announce bal ihey an* prepared lu icceivc merchan lise destined for lb it road aud various eon lections at Ihe fia* 6t (af me Central railroad ?f New Jersey, foot of Libel ty street, to bc "i ss .u-,1,-it over the new line cia the Central 1 New Jersey and Hound llrook route. ll: lu! Ti cu yo lt eoi "ii sn i", im Ibe D ie ii th kui .t. ?[Alexandria Gazette.] lipi.lhei ia ls leporteei as prevailing in the eighhorhood of Urandy i-tiliou, Culpeper ounty. Kev. James Mcdill, residing near lie station, hus lost one child willi tbe readful diieasc, aud three ot luis of his tmily are dangerously ill witb it. Mrs. IcUiil ia ti,,- daughter ol it .ben Beverly. *q., of F-tuquirr. Dr. Samuel Mcdill, of e ss hu is a brother of the Ber. Mr. cUill, passed ibrouvh here fTbBIB* i}] on bu svay to the lattir ^entic-uian's isidence. Pork ls selling at sitem and at lindi nan 15. At JKlncaitle some cash sal'.* ' ave en mad-* at $?*)' bm many fm mers rs'U** -Cl! Rt Hist ur\tX,<r-pinoihU< Herald. i.n Lil ni. ti na. ntC*Vatrnlt)ei?*rr Court In.ii- .on lhc Sd_h __ resi'.otr, 1880. Uoloncd POW A RD A. EBr.rM** ?.iidie'taiyserrnlh year cir |,|. sse ( oltinel Kieeman ssas bu nm CiiTirprr. ana rn di, rc .-ill lil* lire, where lie wm ifrradr e?ie*-ni' l.i.ii-.r* il. .-uni rrsprcic'il hy all who knew ulm. I He**, at tb" r**l*t*-iice of Ol* *on-]n law. ?*? Bowser, Nu. 1 OOH sev*-t, li -rr**, t. Decend'*-r .1*1. 4:in P. M., BBB Bl' D!X-*N*,lii UM ilfiy-flrstyt Ills funeral will take ii'-f**- fro n Hie Klrst Btpt cluiri-h {emmott*) BU BOAT MOHNINO at ? Waibliicron. I), fl , Hclllmr.r*. Ml . Plillsdellib Ps., sud New York city inners please coi.r. t_r MONUMENTAL CBUBCH (Kr j u. ARMSTBono.f). DuieuBuib' ?aaasytshn !i.Td A ff* Church?MornbiK service, ll A. ** cveobift service*-, 4 I'. M. UT FIRST P lt K S IIYTERI A CHL'K! H.-Rir. T. L PHKsrov, I'. D., pasl will preach ut 11 A. M B el H |?. M. ^SECOND PKKSHV rEBIAN -I Hook at ll A. M. Elfth lie;itr-eon -Trophic BA4P.IL UT OR Af "K-STREET PIIJWBYT tn,ss c iiiTtcH -itev. c. ii i*. n*. pass ? PreacliiiiK* at ll o'cIm-V. A. M. .tue* 7:30 I'. H. t-tTSEVENTII-STHEKT CHRISTI**1 CHURCH. Tttsmhlmo by BS rv. J. / Tvr.r.K nt A. M. and 7**M I'* sf. _ UT r'n.'-r ENdLisii u im:i..\ CHURCH (S.s. nth itreel bclwerB Brnael ti e.i-.,,',- .ir.( i-i. K(v. \v. C. s( n.xKKVF.H. paaioi I'rc-ieTiliiif at 1 1 A. M. amt I I". Xl. Al 4 O'clock de--si iilii;.' In- io.ter will ...i-nver hts .ecnnd tl c,iiir-c ea the .Sf")*i-)i'---. straBBeti and vlilte wi-lconi*-. s*-att fi Ur ni:oAi)-sTni:i-:r METHODn CHURCH?IMMY. De, i min r .""? h.-!Ti i chi n.' ll A. St sad 7:T(l H. M. livi.'ev..l. T. SVHIII.) ol' Hi- Wet Vuis'ii.i.i ('"liltai : CS. A tot* i.i lari linn to all. _ UT ('EM ENABY M E T II O i> I ?*' e IllTtrH.-l'i'.-iKTiii'is' af ll A. M BBS 7: id V. V.i v. P, A. I'I 1 BBBOB, lb* ll*-wlv-splaili,Itel lii-t ?Aili loki ehante ana cond?iei the se rs lees, ; NICHOL**ON-STREET ME MU ld-I CIIUBCH?*i'M*Si lt. e- mil. r htb I'ri-i.Til'il. hy ll*-v. SS' Ci. ri snit, I), I). Btraoflc v.. I-',lie ii. Brats terr. UT-LAVVAA.-l BEET METHODTS ( 111 l.'ii; (wr.Iiitmiii.' Iii Oisgnn-Htll (bur* li) Th*- pastor, it tv. ss iii i sm r ss non r.wuipn i ,-ir 1 I ,.-,-|. el A ML Sad dev. Dr. "LSD***, presldti elder, Bl 7 . "'.'!( i k P. H. I yTRlNIT, METHODIST CUE RC ii- nu. r Broad snd Tw fs'teib sirreti).?Ser\ice?' sr. i>\ v a' Il A. SI. lc. Ber. ll. v. m.; dd, and 7 ,!'. .M. hy Ber. *,i OBOS H. W'RlOH r. Vonni' fm n'- prsrer-mc stine fi''" 8 t" 1 P* M. FIRST BAPTIST CHDRt ll oer Twelfth and Broad sirrets) ?Brr. a. B, Hat I IK If SI . ll. D.. Wi I | pi.C-ll OB si nosy al ll M ?.nt.J.'.-t. ?? T li, < r\ di thc ll'tiit.--"*; and al ' P. S! '-i:..i.i\ to Preach the Gospel l.'"tii.." .Sh -tran.-' rs ii-t-fci,inc. t\r SECOND HAITI*- r CBURC1 crner Mah' ind MXTB .'reel*).?II. v. Him McDonald. D.D..WH preach on mndsv tit l \. m. ind 7::m p. m. _ CHA CE-8TB i: KT HAITI* ??*?( RI ll (come r i.i-. and roasbce streets I rhepatior. Ber. William i- ii s k men, D.D.,al ?fi adi at 1 1 "". lock A. fd. OtTd at ll llf-ps ll ."c."-;, p, M.on -ind ? \. Mr* TIM "rs. ROYAL Ai.(AM M.?The members ( Ml ( s:: I HY COUNCIL. No. !*'? R, I..wi itt. ed a itated m. ? fiM- st Se biller li til a 11ll ?a url iv) I- VEMNt*. Di ci fi er I, I WfiO, al 7 .'clock. The* will beslrto cut. < itnlniat* ?? iti.--*.<i io be prompt. Membersot bterCouu ll. Inv,It .1 !., I.i- jr* hv e.r.l r ..I iii- Ile i- nt. de I I*._|{. S. HF ANY. St* rc-, rv. faTOTlCE.?Thp pleVenfii annual race-tin: Ls , t inc .lin kin**!.!-i ii- i i i ni: sn \\ HANTS NATIONAL BANK OK RHHMoNI i ll lu-ll.-l'l ai tic ii 'il'il-ni.'-licii . in* lL'!-.s|lAV atman ll. 1-' o'clors M. il- l-.tiv 'I_.1. H. MORTON. C-i-hit-r. iiiiiMi St i ir i i sits", uri k i..) 1114 M AIST STKEKT, Richmond. Vue. miters, 1880. ) rm: grand anni) il con L VOCA HON'OP Till e,i:s.\i> troy- A% T. .Site Tl e H AI "| IK "K YUK.'MA will - le .1 in *-t. Aluin- Hill in thi- ri: v tm fc*sRtRsTI HUBSDAY. 16 h -lav..! lii'i'i-ii?T, L880. lil 'Till- "I" .-AMI ll. M. lle.SVM t\. (,lilli Hlfll ?ter. \\ ll.1.1 ssl i;. n si B, de ii* td_tl ra nd se er* I tri. (iltANU si i i:i;i aim "- a-.) i n i ./ II ll Msin STB1 t i. l.'ieUMuND D' .lin ,. r 2. I f-,*-0. ) HUE GRAND ANNUAL COMMIT- fit I Me A 1 ION Ol 1 I K Cdt SST* l.e )| H . I". VY t A. Y. MASON** OP VIRGINIA will i.-^V^ >ld at ut. si-.m. Hui In titi** elis ..ii MONDAY. ..-, uiinr IS, I8B0. ai *; o'cloek I' M v itort win he*.-1 until alt. r thi (.rand ".!.?(? ba: f.e eu "r'-'mixed and one Hy oner ol PEI ion K. ( rn ) I i.ranri Mast! r. WILLIAM lt isl s. -. e'e 2 ul_ urand fSeereiary. I -1* iiMiisu. v.mbrr J c. issn. J(i I ICE.-A GENERAL MEETING 1 Of Till-: SUBSCK1BI RS TO T III sine K KT in; RM ll M " N I' AND WEST i*<d\ i KR MIS'*. I, RAILWAY SM. V. s i: I Th d - K iMPANY will l-r held ai ti.ill .-..f William W: ir-fini. "si r tin- I'i tai. r. National i'.mk. n the ly uf Rich mood, on ibe '.mu Its Yuh ni a i M it:. 1880,al I'*l M. .1 UIN B i> s\ ls. I. M. I.'.', SN. .lidIN P. ll!! SN* If. REUBEN POSTER. no -j-l-td ('ominissloi TOTiCK H HE BERY GIVEN TBAT " th- ANNUAL Mk.El INO OP THE STOCK .|.Di!;s ok Till' UK HSidm) and ALI K d S'-Y R sn L-l si) COMPANY ?i I be ht ld al e corni in)1 bfRoe. Rlchn.I, Va., on lbs I li:> i [jr SD AV I bri n? ibe 7(b dar) OP D KC EM Kt-R i .\'i. ni lt o'rlock M., rori lie purpose of i erl ? i Boar ol Dlrrclors, to bm for one year, aad .? ir iii-.ici .n <ii sny o'hei bu in*.- thal mav he . 11?_'ni i di* luetrtitifr. B. B. I.I-1. SND. crefari e,r me- Richmond ind Allesr-ban) i: il ""ini'Hiiy._BO 23-td ( HMO*. D snd l>\*. \ ll i.i I: ah i- , vue i,ste" V. I BK BMOBD, V s.. Kori tobe r 8, 1880. s IBE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE fl rOCKHOLDKRfl or Hil- RlCHTdOND -.I) liANSlll.K RAILROAD ('OMPANV will li.-iT af. tin- .'ITT*-!- of tbe ? -..m|.:ins. i "i nt r ..I" Hank .1 Tenth urr-tta. in the cit) "i Richmond, on KDNE8DAY, December Hih prnzlaso, al ta llnakU Thc I. (ik. fur die Iran ter..1 -luck will eiosed from the 18 iu IN8TAM I until afli r iii. s ..i tnee flin.'. j;, BROOKE, ie?7 gaw9wAdtd Secretary. si si si ons* muk iti:ta i.Aioit. > KAU mr: FOLLOWING TESTIMO? NIAL: IlKTIM'lVD. V S. lentil-men,? I latte tbs Bbertjr of I ii'..rm I ii;.' \"ii the (.'nat liii|iruvc-iii. nt ?will. y..ii may -av. I bl Ure n-.(oration lo health cawed bv u Ina SIM* i\> LIVEN l.'l (.1 I.ATiUL ass lindi r medical li-eattae al few .i tons Bom (be* ? fri i'cd for tis sj>e-|i I it, hm all ki rn ls cl iindl-fiie tm -.1 la ..'o me I in I ll tl. load. I .-nih ard lii'tii . Iv li lull Mc 'in mil. hca'l .chi, Bc OM 'Ly! ssas tl b> a iii-1-.dihi.r abo Bad takes tba BEOULA iR l1 wa- :t -un- cure for mv lrea.|.)lcs. I <!. ni to 'rs lt; not thinking lt w.,nf.| .1" nu-any >d. Thc tir.t dOSC I t'l'k rc.i-ViT me \ ri I BHsSb IU *-.) ilciiiled an lnti'i-'Scfiit-iit I berfStl r,, pm ill'ii ncc In what ms in iidit.'.r li ld Mild IO BM. In ?. i km ni laklna ihe fSEoULATOR I was aa mg and Bearii ai I ever was; my eonplexl rn [SB ts Clear Blt* IsraitSld hv all my aenniint ?. l wa* leMikitii' n inn. h better. I Hunk lt li hen ihiiiR I es.r loohfoe liv-p n-n. sfAboal , e-x.'t |.i|i,ii. Ii .li'l mt .-? liitich /(hkI I wa. d.-icr icl I w.inl,l (-i\r von i,iv t. .Tm .ny mi.In ut I,, in/ <d Cor it. Yoeara toipictlsBy, Hunky Q, CBBBBRAW, rlRliial and Kc-ntiliie inaiiiit'st" tired only hv J. EL /ElI.IN A < Ok, IMill.i'l.ll.lni. H.t. (II.O BV ALL l>ML'C;*-;lsis. Ino VS'i-ileieJA-stAillidl l.llHM/a* l\ii:t<i OK Nt:AT. IEB*ld COMPANY'S EXTRACT OE I MEAT. UNI'.sT AND ( heapest meat PLAVC1RINO STOCK POR SOLI'S, MADE DlsllES. AND SAUL*ES. MN COMPANY'S EXTRACT OE MEAT "ls a .ie cess and a boon for which nailous should feel ???teful."?|flfl ?? Mrdlc il pros,"' " Lancet,' "llrltl-ih Medical Journal," Ac. CAUTH i.N'.-nt-iiulue outr with the fae lim itt if Baron Llehix's denature lu blue Ink across the label. "Cousuniiittou In Eusland lucre im-.I tenfold o ten scars." BIO COMPANYS iCXTRAn* OP MEAT. Te) ?e had of all Si un-kc*!* ra, oroct rs, and ( hetu >U. s.|,.a..-iiis fort,.!* United SUtes j wholesale olyJ.C. DavhJ A CoH 4*> M-rk I-sne, Le.mJyri NlssaH mb la-sast NI'S*.! 1*1. RJOTl?'f**Bt. fr_rOVU NEW PURCMA-sE**. c ORIN P.ROlilEBS. : NEVER, tn the history c>f our esfabll-hmcnt. hare rednctlons In nearly all kinds of k ki Ts boen mon- ah-olu!e and sweepni): than this svrt.ori. MoNfiVV, DF.e T-.MH1-R fl rn, will beanolh rGRAND OPKNINO DAY with us, when we will exhibit lIssaantsBI of various new ko'.'Is throughout all our dep-irtments. The thoronith m**mS*mg*M lu MB nen', -ruicha-es win be lissa io our patreRn Coiioi't your Inter -I, an,] hcfon yon psrehBSS ill ll sh di t*otn;..ui- our price -. In addition, di or* ii a mw : HOLIDAY <? (ODS .Ii>l>arfen"llf, Ifl WblCh *(? ll ive-parid BOthlBg ill I r dar to atake ta most suraetlve 'ii play, not twlj of nrri-.-...-iil il hut a'.o Bf aaefBI ii.d . rvi-e ibl Anion.'th-many AT IV. Si 11 \ E E ARO A INS Bf* BROCADE BILK VELVETS at |1.70, foraier prtCC ol' which wa *:i.."n : BROCADE .Vrl/. I I - ? )6.86, Unmet plli-i- f." ; coi oi.-ni BROCADE VELVET al M.18* fomcr rstsa Ml fi I.BLACK f-ILK-VELVETS ll 75c, ompo. rlor to .pi Ult*/ gen n't\ sol I al il 60 : Al-. I plivei SILK-BAi K LYONKSl \ I LVET8 nt mo.t attiseetlra price -: Our pun base of orer foar esses of DRESS GOODS In d*(rk and mot dolt-able lhadas w. i sorted, and hall sell ii tbe low prise i of IO aad in*, a yard?the price of Ibe cheapest among tii'-iii hi h.. n li; .'?.: 1 lol i;t..\? K CASHMERE* rd 58c, the former price ot* abtcfa bat ??? eu 75c.: PAM y ind BROCADE PILKS al 18.60 i rer-i, f roser price of wbic h li i - bel lt over $4 a fort', BURAH SILKS ? 83c. s jard, f. nm r pi ic f i .To ; -l, id, se K fe ATI S ( llsbily damoasd Ly wa? fer; Bl "."('? a yard, vilncl al lieiin $1.20 h) 61 BO i y ii-.i; satin nt Mi:;.vi-.H.f.i.l \ al 11-40, foimer linc 68.76; COLORED BROCADE " ILKS ni 68c ii yiri, for* ni' r pri. i+l.-.'.O : Al ?? NOVELTY DRESS GOODS at om half Hst lr foi nu r i i'm : Also a lar.'e nock of HOSIERY. ''1111 ns sbleh alli i" 1 hui.i 1 '.ina, ,- !.. of 13(1 dose 11 full, re mil il? ma.!. M|ss|-;> HOSE SI tte, a pair, the rame ol wilvil |f I r < Mil -I.") I" S.">C ?! \ ? ul iisii UNDI RR EAB I .it descriptions al re due 1 1 prlci -: 1 GAI /!-. "ll Iv HANDKERCHIEI i ll I "ic. Di Dur 1 ur ce of wbleb lias ls en ''7 An i-x'i.i lan* 1 iu -tl ls HANDKEB* . inn I', ii 1-' 11 ii 1.1 111 to re .11-e price son nil thr v tri"i 'inafiiit -; :,(. d../ 11 I. SDI KS' .- I.I.I.INT'.N IIEMS1 ITT III D II smik 1 it in: i's B| >s,-.; Upwards of _) (1 d<*stm llANDKERCHIErS of all .:. ??,',': 1 it mostatir ciu- prl ?? *: A i.iivcpiu. in . of INDIA sha ss l.s at iboalone hair their > 1 ii'-; Al-" -j SEALSK1M RAI cd | s .,? |_gfl n , raine of wbicb li 183*. ? 0 9 al fr rs |66lo 6100?-thu r-'O",!-;,!!-, ' ll: i,'l , 11,, inhva Iiurill l'.artilli 1; Al . loci .. sreral PUR*LINED BILK I Hie I - LARS in ci 1; sst- sha I also offe 1 -i ! ir/e tote fe ntlre ne a . LACE I lit rAINS 2.? - BL ac K SILK 1 Bl SH LE PRINCE ,.t 4 7''. 1 j nd, former price 7."),'.: Abo CORD sand l".\*?Kl.-*- al reduced rate ls-. SKI,*; it ?_",?. i-i-iliic. .1 Mi,it. I.V.; PUB TRIMMINGS In ih 1 irtw d Ira*** s rare oppoitunlty lo purchase BEAL LACE GOODS ni HA Nidi. I-I.'* lill l's a,,,1 NM Ti SS BAB of vi rion s new des, ri pl lons; 1 lot ' 1 160 ? ten 186-BONE ADJUSTARL1 CORBETS a' 78c, m, rtreaeral price.,f which ls 11.25. 'I T-*,...iiHV TBE GREAT BUSH 8TILL t <>? TIM KS al THALHIMER BROTHRRS*. 501 BBOAO Bl BBBT, abe re thc > b ire j 111 opt ie T TTIi: LARGEST. IIANDSOIIEST, AND < III Al? ls 1 LINE OP PLAIN! and BROCADED SILKS, IATINS. BA! in DE LYON, Wind. NOVELTIES MOM li: c LOTH 8, < 18 H MI RI B, \ CL VE IS and VI LVI 11-1 SS. Tin food* -v, i* il! pur-, hi- d it tlc recent large auction sales, sod a d'ess of 1 lim. Read Hie line of ir.Itwerwlil display In oin wis* ii m 1 alni - ore ibe corni ne wk s: I lLOBI ?? -lids BROCADES, 50c. to *.'.'.n ; HO plccsi COLORED SATINS, all tbe nes shactos; S4 pi.. 1 se OLOREDDRKBS SILKS,76ctoHUM) 1.', pl..-.-. I'd. Se K8ATIB UV I.Y 'N. .ill pu,,-, ; 18 puc- BL ki K SATINS*76c. to68! :t ! pisces BL M K i.i.'"- e.l.'Ai.N BILKS, InctttslBa Hw he-i brandi mtwufactand, 00c. to68; 66 places BLACK BROCADE asst NOURED SILKS,61 iv 16 50s _??_ piec...-,-4 SOVEL1 IES,60c. t" 61.60; .ci pncr .1-4 ALL-WOOL OT.AIUS.6l ts I. ?lo? we air .Tit lin.:., Uh Bf. atc t bBHs?-Bl liithi''C marnte; Wi pit.i e GLOBED CASHMERES*86c t-? 61. ss. bare sa ? legani Hoe sf COLORED! ORDS ami . TASSELS* HIT l.<ns. RIBBONS and HMS! MIN'!.'- to ni.frii |be .'"? d . DLA I K i.e.'d's ni PARTMENT . 1 the be -t elected aod ebeapesl linc of I.Ult has ever boen oar pteanre to ooanr, BLACKCASHMI BES fi- in I8e. to*l 50; K ni;Af I* ET s lion 61-85 lo63-60; HI A(K T ssii-i-: 1 rc-m*5l-.-. lo61-88 : K81LK WAR fr* HENRI I ITA if-m tl to 68, R MOMIE 1 LOTH trim 60c lo61.86; K e R wv il.ol ll f. n, J.*, f. to 76c : BLACK MOHAIR ALPACA from Jj '..73c; BLACK SILK VELVETS from tl to 610 J BLACK (JJrUPES from |l t*. *.'? ; BLACK CBAPESIM REMNANT from tl to 68 Ihtfla ara eatra cheap and bcsiBooilsj BLACK silk I 1; l Ni, l s. PAS8AMEMTERIB, Kltoe.s, (I.e.AK-!.en H'S. TA6BRLB, BEADS, ol: NA Mi. vi**, .s. .. >> ry low. Wi lust? al'ii Ju-l ri t-itv il on 1 i.ns|/iimcnt 80J l.AIHK.s' ULSTBRS. il.OAK*, nm.MANS, ssh I s. ii11* r,?,? |6is680. Don't fall t ) vl-lt our p'.c I brion- iiuiiTia-ln-r as SS suarautt e lit and ..distal*.lou. ?20 piece* or Hms.* .pl,'l svi KIN'liS AND tl.*-. KU C l.eilTls fiora SI ?c> S5 Jut received, which we wi.I Ik- piece! m> -len*, io our friends and cii-tonics. Also, sn vlrjraitt Hue of BUT TORS to uulcli Hie gas ls. Remember the place. THAIIItSIKK HKoT IIKRV, 501 Broad street, coin r Pldb street. S BA Cn 1 A ' I a S I Ba i b 1 -111 ?Ki .?.i .1.11 tn. ii ET WI HAVE AN EI.EOANT LINK OP CAHPKTs from 2*ic. to ll t*\ which wRI pay lo look af. Also, BLANKETS, CALICO yi'll.'is. VTHTK cyt'ILTV, MlAWI.rT, SBIRTS, I.A( K CURTAINS. (T'ltTAIN-NKTS, UKI) AND 1*11. LONV LA< K, SHAMS, L NDCK WKAR, Ac. As we twrc a Isrge store, fli o*l Hitit, plenty of good uu! p.. rc atarhS andcliesp RfMSlli we are able to live our cusi 'mers every odvaiiiai-e. THALHIMER IH.'olHKRS. 601 ,*7reMt1slrttf, ctir.itri'f ns%#S t. uo aT-bB.WatSB I'S Of oil. rr li T ...I 1.1 ll ll ll tbe tn. am c. ii du N BBB bi* SA. CA ?l BM _,_*i*i'cic_i. roth I:*. UT "Cl/I.KU, HBO I Url!-. h'io BROAD STRRrtT. We have isdnered the prtce, or, rmt i.r,,, HANDsOSli' STOCK of 'no"r fcARefll a >,-, Id.Kss. ANDc |.e,sK TRIMMIXC'S from IO to l.l per r,?t. < ?r .?,,., h. oi vi ry h.w. sn,) ,,,.<-,.,)..,.,,,,,, . Bjieir* wKh'iui donni in,. ( m. .p....' tTTY. ' ,s THR ALI,-* fl K trRINGE from 21 ?' ,,,, ?, ,, kinds. The p??.?t -,.-,. -;,;,? ,-EL In Hedi-/. ,'"1 ''.* SATINS, VELTETI B| ,. HT. KIRBON. *l|.K TON". Ac., A* "OT* LEVY HBO I H Kits RAVI li -i BB) BIVBD BLACK *&BO?-GRAIN Ul K , , . A full lim-of RATIRB-fa I. I'd. Si K Bsd COLORED s I IN n i y,rS DRESS BRO! sid- ... ,. ,,.?.. ELEGANT BRODRRII Vi. L VET; D;:Kssi'CioDs?faii.,,-.1, | , . port rion.. CTFLA5NEL in ia i.i: , mi.,,,.. HI.: si HBO \Nli UNRI.EAI I PLANNI i . THU.1.1 I. _Sf_ s,llK. ;- i . K'.r r ? '">3?_LEVY H.OTIII : I.aDII-;**' MERINO \ l.-i-. While -ni sc ir'.??; I .DIES'MERINO I SDI HR i -.:: ? '.' lill* li" i i WEAR, iii !*.:h S\ , BS 80 I.O.MslNc. - IN ?.|-'.i , vAn,| rf na now be bad al LEVY I Thej si ttl to ii,.. Cells on if voa wish ti l ' LO AK 8, 1MI.M \\s, I J SC Ki T-. ASH * IRl ll An el'traill .i-s..i!i.w,,t of th) - Bad U . ne- SOJ ll - , BR il I AA. T UK < III. A!" EA NC 1 RIBBONS no ti Ll VI it,...un Rr 8PE1 !Al. I1ABCJ UN'S i ?* ii \MiKi B( mils ; - v, r\- j,: i . BO80 I.I \ \ RROTIII HI..WM. I - i AN BE BAD ' I I \ *l I.I!'.I ill tts t ii.inTi be los I. SIT,!. STtX K cl i iisf-V.ii |BO Sdi .1-11 KOB DBI (.( !>..'"' DORI l i'. .'? j:. RE SELL! Nt. un. RI i lin tn Y. .1 ll -I ITT S : e Sl.TT TS. HUG OIL-CLOTH i Ll 'Sh*, (KILN sn-, -n ? '. LIGHT einsM (J (T.oTH FOR ll BLANKI l - ' OMI ld. \i K andi ? | i rs; .sj Kt ATIMERI ii ?! -- I,' , ,|> sf j I > and ir (tris MUl*' < lilli''- \ --, . rsm KSIHR1 - ? .-tn S' All kin i . t iRSl . ?, ' ORSI I - .SSIMERE*, K' Nil. KY a, .XS, I uri l"W ; :i i c\ si it li ,l si XDHII n KIHI IS al il Ins., BLI ll III I) ii I BROU N INT,-., ;,:| ?,.| |, ., -.,-,,,,. ,. ; IM [OKING, < Iii VIOTS, e.lNt.ll \ M : rTIONS sod I v \. , .I.-- . rTTONS rOB CLOAKS SMi - Si Qi BBONS, I |< III ? -. I li -. BILE fl iNDKI if < lilli s. VEILING, s - . - ?Hearty tor BAKU sin-. tl s- i H. A I MIT! ISM 1 (.liOllS. tte. AVE MON Kl I'., e.e.,N< |o BROAD fSTRKKI li Bl yiN>. ."( i: I tNe \ AND lld Kl I Pl NI.'dis (,, - i i \ : \ -. ?re d nts opt i'll'. pt-! two wm ka an.I WIT PBAMI .'?') L'NPRAMI ll r- inn-. - -; . BRU fi 1811 -lt: IM e SHIM 1 PH TURI -. PROM I Si SDI , TURES of a - Iqsts .!?- Ism a SH. VCR tad I Xi CBYSTAL VASl . RD-STANDS, pteln ? r . rlaiyi - i < IRS the dun ' ? B 8*fa nie wU ? tn I I hjai i , I'll KLEe KR d SM s.**t RI .' ? I i- SI " -'"? BERRY-SI s\l's. m m R-Dlslll klBdlof TABLI *n VBBj lillli'lll 1 1 |\ I . Urn-, wi h wal l III, SI l 1 l ! i,tbe COMMON -ii: sk.iii i si: - \( r> l"? ; ).|- bm c ii si -S :.. | I lee de ? - - ? i ioma BANU st I * . : i. - . ii,- great st cn tts aod ta ? t thai east-am ISO -?'? I *\lV I.'n ll MON P ll ? BIS ni in i. RH i ni- Ol i. s 11 *. ? .: P M V OP DPI i Mid ccelvlna*from mri bail ottll of IBM eltj is I ii I lu- hull. , 1U pr centum will I rennin.IT' I. twherelhe rsrij - ? ?' ?' - "; lalnlBfhalf ?ltli ? ui ,,, essa int i Uionlti ol June* Ball ?>! Ihe ? Mich person, I iH fail .uni di. r.of mi -" '* "" ' " ,l ci.- shall ' . amount-f i... .R-Parties ? d Rna ih.i to* v raai i' Bolton* ? I NIH Kl SHIR'S- _ I KNlSlllNt- I MM I" I AM Kr^Z* I.. T CHRISTIAN , (Isle with an I I "" *'' Ne). 181*1 HsOSO si Kin. RH IISlt.M*. \ S. m si...1 a fall "-'".'..'mVi ' .... - sm* tflD AND MIT Al I l< RI BUL-' ' iKtls.sllKldl^ ??? . SnBjttl oidn. I-- ?? H? ? [i IL