Newspaper Page Text
9 jRirlimnnd ?Biaga*... srSDAY. J-.,,..*-,,,..,,-.,, .DKrEMHRB I, l?s<iO. PoiBeBontion of Southern Men. If dur conieui|t(si;uit s of thc northern pres* aili take Ihe*- trouble io rc.ul what ap? peared in thc Dispatch of >c*tiT*l:iy tad thc tiri 1-ofote concerning thc pi use cut inn of several Vir.tnu clcciiuii ntm-ec*, ibi] ss ill tte able to iinderManil why there- ii a ?*? solid South." Three election uHRtm were- ar r.i^'iffi oratora a United ttabM cotunii-i aloutr becni*c thev refused lu allow per? son* to vote upon Hie bogu* (ax-ecriiHciic* which are do>crihc<l in .Mt. C. enm. l's article in a ti ot lier column nf this dav's brRjN of tho Dispatch. There is no pi et euee that llic-i oftisi r? dui not act io good Mt*, and accord? ing to thctr best Judgment. Not only did Hut do Iii.-. Mit they hail before thc lu a viri't-tr opinion from (he judge of tba -ju*.. V?ng* 'oiin of Manchester Informing (hem that it was their duty lo re Jut all such vote* aa those which they did reject. In nt* country In tbe world except t!ie*c t*nlte?d States would sueh a prosecution be tt.lcra'.eo; and in no other part of thc Unite d Stale* lhan in one of (bc southern tl Even the (Tsar of Russia would not tolerate . siii-b t* prosecution for one moment. I'?. noithcro papcis will read thus far with absolute tiicwedtillty, (supposing of couts- that ihcy should condescend io rcael what we have said at ali.) They will tm* m th tit these st-.tem cr, is are mere ?? rebel*' cx-iggerations. Wc beg them, therefore, to read on. We reproduce hero what tba I nile d r*r at ca disiiict attorney said on the Miii't-c:, pn m NI nc, however, that they . inii.t n*>t lake (bat ofllcial to he a monster, but must rcau what he says -is tin- utter? ance of a highly rcs;>eet!aoic Virginia law? yer who has boen blinded by tba virus of Republicanism. District-Attorm-v L<BWU sn iel : ?' Now, I igy dusvu this proposition right here: that, in a prosecution for illegally Regie-ring to perform their duties as judges of election it ts soi Incumbent upon tb* Lolled Slates to show fraud or Mrropttoo on th* patt *?f ib*aaa defend.nt*, or even mala Mot, ir, then foi e. lU, ?.;.t ,pls ,,,.?. uiicd by the rejected rotors were gumin'. and -s ei,. sufficient evidence of the pi) un nt Of tbalr c:i|)i!a:i'in*la.v (their tight |0 vote in ot'ier re.peen bein;- conceded', Hie fad tbat tbs defendants refused to iee* ive (hen I voles establMics Itu- Barr for the pro-cou 11'*n. Whoever will Like thc Hoi,hie to read - What Mr. 1'ot.nii.i., a la.vyer f .i* Mipt-nur lo Mr. LRRTM, says on this BRbjrel iti an arti clc which sve print lO-4-jy, will liam th it these .'Icctiun-t.lticei.s (Ara pro.ecuie-d for lot receiv.:.-. iIjc.mI tax-rec\ftk. Rut .his h. not th* point we alt- nosv BBBRiag. Wv d. . sire to call atlnition herc only to tba dis. triet attorney's distinct and Raeqoivocal BfOWal thal lie demanded tl o punishment of three of Yii.iniu's 6lc*r?Hl'M*ofloers for fin error of judgment, ile claimed thal it Miis not necessary toaboweven tiiid they had acted in Had faith, milch lose, to Aiow Iraml ar corruption on their part. They liny I.ave done Iheir duty aa they iintl.r stood it, and tbey certainly did do it Bl ii WM exi'laincd to them I.y the jtid.e of the court to which ihcy owed then* appoint* inc tn Bj elccticm-oth'ctis: vd bo demanded their prR_tiabR?(BBt. I* M any wonder thal thc whin- people ol Virginia hale the very name of tba Repub? lican party*- Would it be si runge if tiny were -rome what lacking in devuiion lo a (Government which authoiizes such ont* rages and piss for their-commission with money collected from the poor people thu* hara-sed'( P. ***'. Another set of election otl'uvrs have been arrested and held ta bail. Who says this ls uot ihe best Government 'bc world ever saw j* .THE CHANG*** IN THK CMS NKRSIiir OF THK LOXA IfHtABB Bailkoads.?A good deni of aii*\ie!y has been occasioned iu Long bland by the news that the railroads have chan red hands. Colonel Thomas R. .Sharpe, the receiver in whose hands tba roads have been foi some time past, has don., more for the lui piovcinent and development of Loin; is. land, and tbe consequent InrrOBBIl Of Hie business of the i-ads, than all his peedee s rois taken together. If the wishes of tbe people of the Island are regarded Cul.ti. I Sha!, pe will be retained in BRargo. Tire men bf whom ( olonel Sharpe has surrounded himself in the rMBBgetoent arc B credit to their several depailmonts. Alto? gether Hie load* kt** mon can ted on upon a liberal, comprehensive, popular lyatem, in Blriblag contra-l to that which hail lons*: previously prevailed. Mr: Austin Coi bm, the new purchaser, tuk.s rank aaa first-class bualaaaB*inaB. li ls said he will make many iinprovcmcuis; but the fewer of persons h.- makes tba better will be he liked.-.Veto Topic **"''c, nd. We are ?lad to-read these c .mpliuients to Mlts8_URra and his mist competent lieu tenant Mr. Jamks l. Morrow, both of whom hilve frier,ds innumerable m this city, wfrere one of them waa boin, and where Ibe oilier resided for a long lime. The more such nun Mr. < okbin has about him, tbe tuorf successful will his road be. Arovi: thk Raw.-The Republican parly is in some respects the worst (hal aver B country was cursed with, lt bean it c visfencc uy proclaiming through the _n*eat (*t of it- carly leaders Hie doctrine of a law higher than Ihe Constitution-" the hight i law doctrine,'' sm R was called. True to its oiij-io and history, it now proposes in Ohio to trent with Indignity the national law pro vitim- for the election ot United Stat. senators, to elect a.senator in contempt of tbat U-v, and trust to the S;ut*-*'-i ights principles of a Democratic Catted Mates .**enatc lo admit to a(seat Ihe mun of tbalr choice. The yood Deacon S-iith's paper argues that inasmuch tin the Federal Con stitution provides tbat the Rcgislatuie may Bllvac.ncies happening while Bb IR faa* sion, thc Ohio I.c.islature may at once elect Mr. Tiiii-uuN'r- successor in spue of all the Isws on the statute-book. Unfortunate Iv for.tha; argument, the vacancy will not oe cur until thelth of March next. Never? theless, wc do not doubt tbat the Republi? cans of tbe Ohio Legislature will follow th. Deacon's advice. U.N. Arsktt, Esq.,of Marion countv, W. Va., wai found dead a few days ago lo or Bear tbti road over which he bad been trave l Hog. Befoie tbe late war betweea tbe States Mr. AaNBiT was for many yearn u member of the Virginia UgMtfnra. After thc war he repeatedly served In the We-,1 Vir? ginia l>fi*lature. He was a nephew ot ex Senator Willey, and of State Senator willbv, formerly well known in Rich? mond. He was also tbe father of Colonel W. W. Absjktt, who served in the Con federate arm? throughout the war, and after warda reprosetited Clarke county In tbe Vlr gloU House of liefcifst-w. Ur. Abnbtt (?supposed to have die* of apoplexy - *ut I^rt-ui-seske may have been ,Kj_. ?? was. true mao,as be proved in man* du^mtZ^TT1" *"<*?>?? could In. Betraying: the Party. One ot the coolest things we ever heard of is the talk ot thc Maboneites ab mt a tie trayal of ihe Democratic parly bf the rc_-u lar Democrats themselves! To think lhat there ts danger of the party bf trayinc Itself ls enough to ''Rive us pause." But, ih? B, lo think, again, lhat ibis dinger isfe-aied by the Mahoneites linden Hie mystery eom pleie. The Democratic party ls to bc pro teelcd by the tad lon which list Willied a ni cussed willi negro Republicans, elected a Republican Sce*r.nd Auditor, put net:roes int) Capitol offices, and turned out all or thc old and faithful Democrats ! The P-in.. eralic party lo bc saved by Hie nun vv ht etsi tin ir vole* fora second 'Hancock elrc IBral licket i-ihcr ItaBB desert their ?'faith? ful allii s," tho ucgroc*! Rki-iihaih) Si Ali: ReiNDs. ?To-elas an allot ney for elaina amounting to os er Hine- millions for ('eoririt repudiate el tiunds arrived, and stated to vourcorre sH'inde nt that they meant to push Ihe mal? ler early In tbe MbbIrr, They propose lo have | 'bill p.-sed giving poiver to sue a State Ir Ilsa Boorte, *oom stales aaaaoj Im sued, and claimants have oo Bray IO ttJgim [Coree duii-s fur rcove-ry rf inoucy lost tiii'di.h rcpi-diation of liabilities by some of the sonihcii' States.? Washington Corre? spondent Rainmore Sun. The above ls a dangerous experiment, supposing it to bc true, as wc do not sup l>ose ii to bi". However, we aie confident such a bill will never pass a Democratic GtJaRgn s*. How it would fare at the bands of a Congress largely Republican, wc can? not say. _ The W-ishinglon, Baltimore, mid ol uer papers which have published telegram* stating that 1 Ince Manchester election olli eers were on Friday sent on to the grind jins of the I'liilcd'States District Court ot this district, Will leam something inter* st? ing concernin. that ease ff they will freed an arliele on the subject to bc found in anclbei" column. R. A. C6RRILL, Ksq., is universally re? cognized a- ore of Hie best lawyers in Vir? ginia. Read what he BB] I as to the appoint? ments of collectors made bs Audi? tor Mabbrt, Wt pnblisli lo-day anoihcr thougblful article from ?*Justice*' on the subject of nu Btate dciti. We- have received i pampblel whose con* tenisaie told in Hie beadin.-, "What Ibf Southern Fertilizing .Company bas been able to Ak . uipiisii for the Prosperity of toe Floe Yellow Tobaeoo Beaton, both In Enl irginf the Demand for its Product and in PorfeetluR thc Quality of tbat Product.*' We rejoice id tba soet**eai of all snob enie-i j)i"i.o*?. _ Th tioulhern t'lantcr and Farmer for December seems ii? bc a good No. B, s. Sal NOBBS. Richmond, editor. ?kew Kooks. Marston llnli: A Stoty Illustrative ed Bout bern Life. By Rkhyi.Cakr. Kan Vork : a. W. Carlton & Vo. 1880. For sale by J. A. Yanchy. Price St.."id. Scribner's Monthly. An Illustrated Mas-a /Hu' for the People. Conducted bv J, U. HOLLAND. Volume XX, May, issn, io October, lftSO, inclusive. New York : SCRTORXB & Co. Tbe volume before u* i* beautifully bound and handsomely illustrated. What shall wa say of D*CRIRBRRfB success, or lather what shall we net say of it t Scrib ni r's Monthly bas -.rosvn'in popularity until ns circulation bas reached tbe incredi? ble number of over one hundred thou? sand. The merits of thi* magazine have commended il to popular favor. We re? ceive it regular!*1 every month, but there la such a demand fair it that WO always tum it over to somebody connected with this office. We arc, therefore, peculiarly please,I io receive a wlfble volume of Ibis excellent periodical, bound in a Style tbat make, it worthy a place in a library. And here, too, is .Sf. Micholus: ScrUmer's Illustrated Magazine for Roys-and (iris, and which i* so ebartolngl* conducted by Mari Maru lumen-;. This is thc best childi en's periodical in tbe world, sse )ndge. Ii bu** un iiiniiciisc circulation in England. Ic.docd, so speaking ara it* illus? trations that sve don't know any reason Why even Fiance or Germany should not order fl large nuRBser of copic*. Certainly ibe ebtldren could read the Illustrations, This also is B bock fit fora parlor-table. Bot ll Hu se books fire foi sale by Messrs. Woo nil oust: *. Pa KU*. M. P. S. Spiritual Songs, ireiitioiied on tba outside of the svrappei', did not come lo land. _________________ tliis?.f\ ??, 'I'HX.'t'ertilleute-s. NOVBRRBB 17s WO, Editors Dispatch : Enclosed find an _?*_. Ilona] from tiie Amherst Enterprise, wriiten by Hon. Bobeii A. Coghill, winch presents the delleiquent tat set ion of the Auditor in ii* true cuioi.; aod I beg its publication In your paper, so Ibal it may go all over the sine. Mott <'f your correspondents bare, like our pails rathol lile*. gotten ibo wrong View of thi-* trick: 1 am Hie BUtbor Of that pan .et tbe i-iw aiKborlslog tbe Auditor t > place the delinquent (isis in the hands Of the "ullicei-v" cited "in the act, anil Auditor Taylor oin gt d it, bein** incapable of dodg? ing or doing wrong knowingly, C. T. Ssh i h. Publish tbis along Witta the enclosed oil iiorid. Nelson county is propMlac to in diei Mi-s, y's collector in score* or c is. * in plain violation of the law, even undu Mas? se j's plew ol it. C. T. Smith. f/iom the Arnhem Ku,ni i.e.| TRA BaRVBBBBBpRORRBfStAB Auditor.? There is fl provisitir in tbe BOta of 187(S-'7!' for XUe oe lb dion of unpaid dclanepi- ni pt rsonal (BR after it has S.-cn so returnid bv thc treasurers, lt is not a xv sv lass, but In MUM form has been on the statute-book linc ISTo-'Tb'. It was amended in ls77-'78, and still further amended in 187S-*7!'; but so hrBfl ibe powers of the Aud tor arc con cerned the two last act* are alike. The act [?cottons Sf and 85J provides tbat the Au? ditor mav ai.poinl a collector of ?' ana ais of laxes," and may allow lo him a leasonalilt conipi'tisdion. to be agreed on before the service is commenced, and approved by thc Executive, and authorized tm- Auditor to take bond vs ilh sureties for tee discharge of !be duties of the office by the officer so ap pointed. Now, this section applies on Rs race only to "arivais of laxes,'5 which is a ilitb rent class from ??delinquent taxes," lo winch we shall presently paiticularly refer. ?? Arrears of taxes" meaDs the land-tax. which may be paid into the Treasury through tbe Auditor, and it means also ar due for preceding veais, and un? doubtedly as to this class of taxes the Audi? tor could appoint individuals as colhcois and lake from tbem bonds for tbe discharge of their functions. The 29'h sec'ion, however, provides for (be collection of delinquent personal lax for tilts fiscal year Just lermluated, and au tlioiizfs, the Auditor within sixty da>s af? ter sue*, list ts re tm ned (which was on Hie 15lh of June) to place such Int iu Un? hands of BBV "rli'difj, aciueant, const a-, ble, or collector" for collection. 8aid p ??officer" to have tho mine power to dis? tress as treasurers, and shall account for Hie os treasurer*, and the u sure? ties" to bc similarly liable. Here tbe "collector" is disciibrd us an officer, and one who bas executed un official bond prior la ibe appointment; and nonunion iv li Rivtn to thc Auditor by (hst section . to take a bond from him with sureties; t iud under that scctiou hu bas uo authority to appoint an Individual, but must art point a sberlfl, serxcanf, constable, or ?? col? lector" already an officer, became under ihnt section he has no-au?hoiRv to make him such by taklin. lionel Iron him. Thc word collector there applies tu ?c collectors of arrears of laxes " already appointed, and a* tu svhoiii the Auditor ls empowcrol !?> mike appoinimcnta. nnd lake bonds and require- sureties. If such colb'ciors a- these sse a ? appointed, With the approval ot the K.vecutive, Ihe appointment* svere valid; but If indivtelml* svere Hms appointed. Without bavin**; eXeculee! bonds BU ihoii/ed hy law lo bc taken by the Auditor, then tbe appointment* aie void, ss well a* Ibi DS*B_> so taken. Now. why did not this fall hit ss official appoint s'letit.-, *cr?_eants, or consialiles to dis chat ire ibis cinty . and why did he appoint, as he did in Hus c dints, uiier?v incompe? tent men. There* was no ncci-.-*iiy lo ap? point any one, iinsmiich a* the cipitaiion lax was in process of pivnienl tbroogb the e'erks of couris at no rRpeRSB nut a par tint, lei tue Stute, and by ibis at? tempted ap;-..inline (Rt he entailed 13 Ott ccnl. toort cost. Thc anssver is ob? vious. This sven- not appeiintiel brtOBROfl they were respectable ann rSBpOBSlbtC men ? men who could no! be u*ce| as tools to ftVB -receipts irittiout payment of the las tn negroes and not call upon sv hue men., rbi*, and lhi-** only, ssas Ihe rca*on; and sse- an in formed that in ibis count v receipt* Wet* given without date in some in*t.inei I la par* sins svho Ind already paid their lax and had a receipt, and in other tote* ta BMfl svho were not assessed in this couniv, Inn sv hose tax ss a* due in Nd.on. Such a pi-OS* titution of the powers of an ollb-itil (losilion lo such ba-e ti-cs i? db paralleled IB Um hi? tt*. V Of the St .al e. The si.iti- Hetti Vo, R* To the Editors of the Dispatch : Will Hie creditors of the State, in order to secure a fair and final settled.en! of tbe debt, make reasonable concessions*' I am sure tbey will. To the exieut that Hie .Mcculloch bill was accepted, lhere Wits a concession of an BVOnRB Of thirty '-three md one-third par cen!, la thc nte of loterest. When the -"o-c.illcel Ro.s-Hamilton bill WBS introdiict-d into tbe House of Delegates lasl winter it was stated upon the authoritj of those elalmloR io knosv that tbe creditors WOUtd accept tba piovi-ioiis of that lull. If so, a further reduction in the rate of in lerc't would be conceded. I think, there? fore, I am warranted In tbe belief thal tbe creditors ssid in ihe future make, wbal tbey bave Indicated In the past, reasonable c in* cessions for tbe purpose- of makins iii n snd stable the basis upon Wbleb their seem i'n s rest, Theil what concessions should they make f Nt. Th ere should be conceded PB Ihoir p:u t a lower rate ed Inten st on all ehr-sacs of the debi. The holders of (he peder bonds snd all unfunded certificates "f debt will aol hesitate to maka tbe concession. Bot the holders* of tbe funded coupon bondi should also make it. Moues in the public stocks is nd nosv worth more lhan :! t" I per cent. If the credit of tbe State ssas fully rfSitablisbad lbs ould pul upon thc market fl 4 per cen!, bond, and vcrv l ion retire every lionel now outstanding. Tins is one of Hit* nott poteol lessons not only why the creditor should coocedo tbe ie tlut't tl ian-of Interest, bul wbj tbe btate ami thc people should secure a satisfsctorv icu lenient. Wltbaeredil rre^tabli*?bc*_ and -tate bdids at par, it svill he svifhin Hie power of lin-stale in fl few years lo retire its present indebtedness bl fl new luau for nie pin pose, I hereby letting rid forever i i the com plications of tax-receivablecoupoos. This cone salon sbould also be mule hy tbe coupon bondholder, heeauie hi* bond reprcseats capitalised Interest lo the extent of about one ibirtl of tbe bond, thereby in* creasing thc lotcreft-ttoarioft fund io ibal extenti BRd wblle virally Ibe creditor i* en titled to tba intere*! upon ibe enlarged amount* yet winn ? proposUion for Ooal adjiisiment is Bade the fad that bis iii'ti est was capital;/ d is a strom: equitable c lOSlderation for B reduced rate, it sbould bo granted for tbe fort ber eoosld talion that when Hie ti ti a I settlement is made the vallie of the- bond is greatly entranced, and its ready convertibility into moms at about par svill be secured. As a basis also foi* -.ituititi, temporals loans the hood* sveuild become much more valuable, *u lint thc amount tbe creditor abates in the rm- of Interest will be mora Hun m ide up lo bim in tba locressed value ol tbe buuel. _d. There should be conceded on tbe part of thc errtllt'd" the righi of the' Slue- io ex? empt from the operation of the coupons %n much of the Slate revenue as is mer.-, nv (and declared by the Legislature So jo be) to defray tbs expenses of ihe stan- .'ni'in* me-nt economically administered, and so mud of the Slide revenue a- ha* been bs tbe Conatltution set apart for public schools. This concession should be made because ii is right in itself. Governor BolNdsy, In vetoiog tbe Barbour bill, *ai.i the ?*? ngbt of the State to so much of its revenues as ara needed for state expense* is a truism,** or ?.voids to ihis i tl'ect. A* to the public-school fund, the gRaraBtees of the Uoostltotlon are throwo around it. Bot tbe conceislon should be mule bee.dl-e lhc public -etili menl of Hie stale demands ii, and, until made, agitation and discussion in the politl* cal arena, unfavorable n> tbe st-curttv* will be kept up. lt should ano be in nie beCSOse ibo revenue* of tbe Stale, after tbe afore Said amounts arc exempted, Will hive an amount more than BOfflclent to satisfy tbe coupons noon the retidjosted debt Tbii is manifested at followi: c..up..n iel* rest al .1 (h-i cent. 000,000 Btate cxperMei. 900.000 Patti c mTum.Is. 600,000 Total Slate r. stun-. -J.Cud.olin leavins annually for tbe redemption of the lion-inteicst-beaniV-" eei tilicBtes .-:;oii,uiiii. 1 think I have staled the State e.vnin.i-ac? count and tbs publie-sabt*)ol fund ratber hil.'!.er than thev really should bc Thc businesj af the State is noss Improviogand Its population increasing, so tbsl sse uris reasonably hope in a very few sen- for an Increase In lbs revenue of the Mite if the preaeni rate of taxation ls maintained. .'bl. The righi of the Slate io tux Hie bonds held in the Slide, for Stale patpoori, at the same rate and in tbs same mode as oilier property is taxxi, sjiouid ba eon* ceded. The tax thus imposed svonM be very small. At tbs present value of Ibe bOBffa i; svoiild amount lei about twenty-five ceatl in the one hundred dollars. I.e** tbaa one third of the deb! is held in Virginia, and of tbs amount lu ld in Virginia more dian one ball is of the peder or unfunded class. ?,,, tbal this cone.s.jon ,,n ihe pan of the bond? holders would be really small in amount, while the BdrantJge lo thea cunts, by atop pius? Bgitation and reiieviog it or wbal is LMlled an BtMtt-OUfl exempiiun, will be vety UM' at. Of course the State lix will be the rudy one imposed upon tbe t-onda* ABOtbar eoiiees.iiTi lo de mule ?I do liol knosv that it pert-tins narticnl.rh to the hondholdeis~i> the rigid of tue people at tbs polls to nitify or reject the plan of te adjustment propi | -il. Tba people areai to demand Ibi***. Ba inuch has laen Bald to them about thc im positions preetieed upon ibass by tba Dills heretofore adopted, that in older to make he* settlement salisfactory and Iii,al, and ?any svith R the popular sanction and pledge, let Hie vote be taken upon ihe bin. The people, in my opinion, can be trusted, md will do justice. It is charged lhat Ihey ure ripe for repu? tation. The chaine is worse than au in? justice?lt is a slander. Poid icbms and place-bunleis may pleach repudiation, Iud their followers will be few, compared ss Uh he treat multitude of honest yeomanry who desire to know their dilly in order .bat they may do it. Then I say to State, people, and creditor, Jonie, let us "reason together "?let us ad lust and settle tbe debt, and thereby pro note .-really the interest (rf all. The 8tafe, because she has no credit in be money centres ol the world, is now in neHt danger of losing all her interest in a me of railway tvorib one third of the whole lebt ol tbe Slate. Were she In coodition to negotiate a tem warv loan of la.WW.iOOO she mi.-ht save to ?crself and to her people ihe Atlantic, Mls ilsstppl and Ohio railroad, destined to be tome one of the most valuable lines of ransportatlon within thc limits ol the State. If space permitted 1 would enlarge ujioa thc mutual and greit Iwneflls of a prompt and Jii*? settlement; but my article ls now loo lona for a "dally." Perhaps st aime future day I may recur to this branch of the subject. Jmwnom. -_a_B*_ fProtn Hu. e XOcig., Trli.iu.t-. Dei cm I mt '!?] The Hun. John 8. Wi?e, who was a can. did.le #or Cungifss in Virginia on lbs He? nel.lister-' lick-l, and wa* defcnted, ss i lilli* tu a friend In Chicairo, fakes a philosophic;,! and sensible view of IRS situtiiion. Hen i* s\li il he ww."- three weeks afte-r tl.lee lion : IIuhmomi. N's.. November 21.-De-ar Sir: I fully Bgres wnh you iu what yon siy ?iliutit thc fotili-hness Iif |ORK of our stump iprekera In Ibe Soutb, I believe Bamptoa and tbal. Ilk did U)"ii- t" solidify the North ami defeat lluue.ek (han did Uta whole anas of northern speakii*. I! i* a pits fluab nun wera not fcilwd ir tba war, a* long BA ive Ul ike a solid > ililli 3 *olld Nott tl will oppose ii*, and as long ns ii dues. is,, are whipped. I was in a -Ulall svav a Con f.fl.-iale Midler, and while I would not st ult itv my ric ard for the wealth of Ind. I am v\ i111n_r to tool leeward sod Rot back-* ss,ud in politic* and -erk Using Issues, aee-eplHig and ignoring the |iast. 1 think Hampton svas fl when be sail ac ss* rc " lightinir f?ir Hu- BSBM prit uv jiiew lorwbtobwe fooghi under Lea and .laekson." It is not irue in tens .cii.i'. We foii'.'ht for som lu rn ind.-p* ndenee, Bud f-.r *'isers Hilder H. I would not tight for either again, and would regard either tts a gnat calamity lo our people. This" I am sure is the sentiment ol nine Is-nine BUR* clit-drhs of our people. Yd tin* foolish speech wsa banload all through ibe North, and nthfr* like it, and roused the* old pas? sions of the North io Ihe pom! of solidify* ing it and ddeafin:. Hancock. Hod help Hie suuihelT) pertplc! Tiiev don't .utii t" hiv rense enooBti io tat ip tbemselves, snd have nobody i Ne to help them. John s. Wis*. ?clAKItl At'FI. Worrie*, lu RastirlBe, Tess.. Novmtier BB. ry Rei -r. I,..I.,i?-. I). IL. Mr. A. 1. OWEN, ot '. V.... aiel Miss NKI.I.IK III e;e.!\s. ol' l,\.ognw. Kv. * 1)1. k 111*4. Dil el. ill lill- (itv. ni SM o'.-'oct- OD tl I morai tig Of UM lill eif lirn-iii'**-r. sirs. VHP.IMA BROWN, r* lie-l llf ||,r |i|. IAL_ Hr'.M.i. ||. i i'm h. r .1 ivill*BWr place tr an thr < .r.ire-*TH-ft Uei.ti-I i linet li '.il .V|it\|l s V. lire nil>-i- lilli. Il 1 I O'ClOt-k A. M. Ile 1' I'rie'.'els :uii| Ilii.-e ..I ll' t. rs. Mr-. Mn Itofl aii*l Mr.. HBtCtJC ORt arr nivdc.! teeilite-llll. Ultil. OH UR)' e.f *!ir Ti IT Vol lil'ri . 1 a-su. al ni ? rc -ut' ncr, bi A< comae e oanhonsr, ( r. l-l.i*-ll B. BROWS, lui.'rot Mr. Rot. Thoms* \ ll all, "f I.* xiiwf.'ii. Ks . in 'I Mr . !.? s'?,"i Kit iiinmiti; oget serreuij reai . Hie ii. iii dil- elly, it, ce nt' * r 2 i. srn-ra llnsjerlDB Hine -s. Slr. Il fe ORO*. VV. W IIB fe: LEV, in Hie tit'v lir.t se-iir of bis .arc * Di- el. al ASP.Idea il) III' r.'lll-Tl e.r C ' -| I', it I I li*. "!l tia ,,i November, after i iirotracted lilac - h. tr. ROREHT H. l-KATIfdss, ut ibe seveu'y -Ixllt "!' Iii..-ur. ' I tie ( I) inTi ii".I .- .iniimiiiI'\ .h.'aili a fri kl lo liv Um .Ii a li of 111-)." 'I 111:111. MONUMES I.M. < HUB( ll (Kev. .1 I,. , SUM. . 11. _**_, pr'.ri.?-UH.las -el,... I, ir " v vi. e lim-. tb?M .ruin. Ki rice, ll A. V!.: even I na j<rs iee. 9 , P, M. tlKe I INt'S. 'PUK MEMBKRS OF ST. Al.-"-?/ 'jt I i:s\s ROYAL ARCH eilvl'TTi:. A No :v.V :.r re 'jue :"1 lord ei.T ;. i it. <f ? ? ... II e.f Ul. ir < ll (lite fl Si, \|| a,,. Hall.*- ''-TV-*-* c.nice Thin and Maui *tr"t-. MONO AY l \i - KING, ein 7 o'clock. S'i Royal Arch Ma "iis in _.''.?>') - r 111.n11?_? ir.- nu neil to tit. tod. Hs oi I- r.,r tba M. fe. H".li Culed. dc .VI I*_ S. H. .(ACOHS. Se-e-re-tatv. MASONIC NOTICE.?-The stated _ft ...iiiiDiini.-stle.ii of IIKMIll e, UV ION yCjrf r-eni.t. v. ISO* will lake plot* Tiiis'sr** (Monday) EV KN I VG al M.i> Halt, oo Tsvrotr illili I o'clock. Merinbrrsof lister J.<? iirt-s ansi ii:iti Kilt oretiu*ii ia ??..; itaodlDf arrfratrr i ails Invites. Hs e.-d'a of ss. vi. VS 11.IT AM SS I t\. .,, r. tars. liKe-RMi'.FR fi. A. L.6880..A. 11.1886 -I- ."? 1 > OOCtETE FRANCAISE DE 8ECOURS sj! MIITU.s || ni; RIKNBAlSANCE DE RICHMOND VIE.?La r* onion mensnel e eJo eulie s. ti. it- uni lien ? M"iidi-.ilo Hall, ce mir :i 2 beana 01 e'einir. T on- le. itiiin H|-.'rr> ...nt pm- d' e r> pr**t-*t-ata. Car e.relre dc V. A. Hr.-I.I nt. I), e ol.l'VliH?<. tlc *t-U Secrttiiiii . Nation si. Hwk or VIBOIRIA.) Rtl IIMDM". V S.. Ile ea inf.. | I. I 680. I 'PHI. v.NM I. MEETING or THE I s,-|-in I'Hnl.liKI.S Ol' Tills: CASK sslll ba britta' Uk- oa ii H. ii .bouse i i'i- 'SD ss. .11 ii n:i ry 11, I rsM 1. Rt X2 ..Tl... k M. J. Of. I.eic "K Wendi. e:c .j-^asstd_C a-l.t. r. VCEDICAL COLLEGE OT VIRGINIA. fe. Ll-CIT ON Of PKOPEt*80R OF BCROERT. A iiicrHiiit of ihe RoRrd ..r Vl-lor- of Hil. In-tit n ti .ii will be in-iil at tba e.;..i on WEDNESDAY, nee inlier IC* tb, Bl 1 o'el. .V, lo lill the Chair Ol siir?fiv. roasted hs ibe miana! ton of I'roft-s ot llii'iiiiK. Hs oreierol lion, tl AX I s I.SUSS. or. 1 '1(111 "I tn. Itoarei. I. II. Will I E. nu ..te.."lol s.tir.':irs'. NO I I< K ? The eleventh aluin al meelina ..I the <T(ie KIKH.IiH!. kV THE HEB i 1I\M- VATIONAL HANK cik l.'le il Vl<'S I. trill be ii'i'i ar ibelr i.-ii'tti.-iu.u :? oh t li-.-has. . .Human ll. i SM, ai l*i o'clock M. ile4-2 .ss i .1. |;. MORTON,('t-lii-r. URAMO sk ni l si:v'. mi nt:.) 1 I 14 M SIN -TUM I. '* nu hmoho. I).? ratter9. !..n. ) t*|**HE GRAND ANNI' \l. CON- , 1 VlM.'AltuN OE THR ("RAND HOV- /* Ai. MU ll (II Vii li: nV VIKetlMA m't I) he'll in M. Vl.aii. Il ill in tin. ens <,,i ?**?****? lill KSDAY. lllTl ''as i.i lle.a-hi,. r. |..o. Hv circler otf Baili ki. M. H'.ssman. UrandHlah 1*1 li. WILLI WI H. ISA Si -. .I.- - tel_Grand -, ,i. tarr. (illAM) f*H Bl t SHS '. I'll le I ) 1114 M st*, s i ni i-1. Rl( IIROBP I ???in. " r '-'- ism). ) 'I'lIK GRAND ANNUAL CO MM I'- f_ I Mi AllflV ul "|i iTtl.'WIl l*nl,<'l'^_y OH' A. V. VI S-"'\s .,|" VTI'IIMA sslll |../Sa1r*' I. i i ai SI. Allum- lltti In tinselly on MONDAY. !>. .? nd' r IT. Dst*'', bi ci ..Y!..ek |- M Bo vii lion win tie e.l mir el until aller Hi'- Grand I,>sl to li a- he cn e.r..n./ -.i and opened. Hy omero! Pkyton 8. * oils e. rand Master. WII.I.IAM li ls s Si s. de Z-td Brand -. rn lars BU IIMONU.' r ?_.!. 1880. TiJOTICE.?A GENERAL MEETING is or THE -ri-.-e i.-im-1.--, in un s|,,( k or THE nie ll mond AND ss i> r i-eu\i TERMINAL KAlLR'AY \M? \VAREH(?IT.-E COMPANY si ei in-ii* it ti i hr.,in ....I- ss ii im \\ G or loo.* over Ibe Planters National Bink, n Jin .-ns ..r Rlrhmooei,on ile- BTH IisVoK Ida K3I Bfe.R,188U,al IBM. .1 all's B Davis, T. M. LOGAN, .loll**, I*. UR>,N('H, lt Kl TON POSTER. in. fl l-(tl ('..nulli -.1 V''1 '"< '? I** HEREBY GIVEN I ll a I -.I th ANNUAL Ml I- lIM.'o! THK .'im K iioi.i)Ki:s or un me iisiom, and alli-:. t.ii a s. v ROAD COMPANY ssi i be held al the rollin ni)" Ofllce. I .Tell III 'iel. Va . on de ITR-Vl TUSHDAY (bein, be 7tbdayj of DRCKMBI ll NI X r :i: ls "'*?'<?* k M.. i .1 'the imri??-?? of >? rc - lui ii Board of tBreetor*. io lenrt* for "?*- j ? ar. and the ..I any other buslntsi ibal mai lie i)|-> llt'lit ra ?fm f 111- ll), rluij.'. fe:. II. I.I I. SMI. mit,."ju t of Um Rleliin<mei and Aili>*inii> Ral i"i'l e'e.iiu'aiiy. ii"*Jtt-t'l Kl i ii MOM) IMO 1) sss ii i I I ts 11 ii'iini le sn s * nu BMOsRO, v a.. Nos. Batter 8, 18B0. * 'PUK ANNI AL MEETING OE THE 1 s |ll( 'Kiln!.Di* Its ofe' Tin. RICHMOND ASH DANVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY wu! br bet. ri die i.mer i.i' ilc- c >iii|.:tii>. r'.; 11. r'a Bank and 'I'.- it'll s>r> ti., lu tin- ells ol dinon, ml. on Wfe.ll.MSDAV, iN-eeiiil..-! Stn proslflio, at 1J n'clocl M 'I be h oks i ir ihe Iran fer ni loch alli lerclo-e.l Hu* 18 TH !\sT.\\ I ll J li al i r 11,. ? las o. mo ilnr. I.'. BROOKE, ik. 7 2 tss-_w_tltil Steret.ry, _ P.Xt | KMION-4._ pXCURSlON TO Kl Keri: UNDER THK I'KRsoNAl. IHKKe TToN Of ( AITAIN W. N. l!l!A<di, I.ATK MT'nilMI SHIM nV HIV. RU H MONI). KRKHKRK KsRlTHi ANO I'eiTOMAe HAll.l.oAl). TO Lfe.AVK NEW VORK AllOlTJlNK 1ST. This trip svill tiiil.i'.'ii-r a to tin- fc41ov*/ts*j ein-' : Kunian'!, fe'rance. sytn/rrlaiel, Hals, tbe Kldn-, ,*r, sii*t tlifftrt-nt parts >>i e.. i mans. Leas mir New Yora ell) in a Ur-L class Meainshin nur nany svill i-unl al l.iincloii .ir i.ise r|"> >>. snit aili visit l'.*ri-. e.t neva, nu* Lake* or Birill riana, ("a-ile of ( lilllon. Turn. (.ema. Pisa. IU nie. Na ?ties. Mean, ?.lonni V.kusTn*. Pam pell, riote*_ee, V'tnlcr. lake- e ano. I.utt-i nt- llt-rne. ttale, HttDSS Linra. Heidi*cur., Mus. i.e., and will sail ISO dos* li vin In mn lu * Rlnii,- lo ('(.loflic, an.! will prtr i-rcd io Bru **T? am) eli** Batt*sa>l*l ol \s lierfsja, Anisvt-rp. Lille, Calais. t-p*>luK the I- ii|;:i*B chan nt:i io Hov. r. MsinTie- ur feel'i.h. r< ii.'!., ind 1.U. itiw. Thi rouiuT irln from Nea York ruy wHlt-ai tirae-e sh .ni iiineis tits -. ' I lull soon have* reads for delivery lo uti'"et Isa ? a i'uiii|.lili'i nlvinK Tull partlrulari -. to tarlee of irtp, tneeudnit sll t-xja'tise. sui the olijreta if .iiitr" i in tarli place to Ih* visited. I Iso na BIS* of he sieaiuers nu wliKu Hu- |t.riy tvl'l brare*aSsS t*> .uru. IVi-oui -vishiL-B lo loin lids party -III piesse rom i..ii.I. air willi (Jan SIM W.N. UK AI.e.? ? No. 10H llroid .ireet, BWhui? "> '? "B. I". S.-Cs plain Hu auc ia pre-naite) le. un-*" *hl? trip ci**clanv intere.ttiiK frouilvaviu. ttf ntl) ?"''ia ?vtr Hw; -shale- rome._ eic 0 BOOK AJiO JoFv^ORK NVATL ?*- M rt Ul'Sli si tba DIHPATCB VUlNTlN-* Rt*sT_ssfs ?*!?*?? ia*. ***'*t is ?** ftyorit new PL lt cn ASH* e e.HKV B8OTBBR6, n r. V | R . Iii Hie- lil'tory of Our i dViii.lim, nt. have rc-dncHon* In nearly all kimi* ed'frooefj BBSS more al)s**tole snit .ss. < | \,-,f Dian Hil -*ason. .MeiNDVV. HF.i KMltfeR ?TI?, will h-anoth i (.HANI) oiMNIMi DAY with us, winn ire alli exhibit ikon-aiid* e>f varloia* new .?e. ii- ibioRflbiRii sit ("tu- eh p i n meat*. Th. i!i.,roiii.di iiiv.iida.i. iii our rc cut BSIOBB" * I will he gerti le* om tinlroDs. Cou.nd ))iir Inter st, anil baS*SIS you pnteha -<? el.ewlur* i-(iiii|'.ik; cur prices. Ill Wt .hil*1 e.p' ll a _UfW : iioLiDAV e; ions Irpaifnidnt, lu sslileh we lias? .pared r.otldiiK in or? der |0 make' B Most illlni'tive- display, liol emly of oriif.ii.i-id il l)iit a'.-o ol' useful .uni serviceable ir<?? ll. Anion/the many AT III Al TI VI". KAI!!' A ' N*-.,,. BROS Viii: Sll.K VKI.Vfe.T* at kl.7*1. lorin* r lil ire of which ss.i- *.T.."U; BROCADI sll.K VELVETS at *}:VU>, I'.rinrr |lll'-e*.1 ; COI OBED BROCADI VII.VT! tl 68.12* fomif lirlc* *H: !) pb BM BL A! ff SILK-VELVETS at 7.*>.-.. Pmpm, llor tOSJRSllty (.'eil' rally s<>|,| at *V| r,o j au., g pie*u BILK-RACE LT0ME8I VELVETS .'tl lil'.st RttraC 'isa- ; ric .; our piirehae eT' r'...ur e-i wa of DRESS coo!)-. ladara sad niosl ?!? liable sbadei wa has. ia* ? 'I, and lull I ll a! tat |,,tv priers of lu and ile a rard?tbe pries of tbe ebeapesl latonfl lben mp h ? " "; c.: l l"t HI.A* K e A**HMERE*t al 58c, Un former prue e.f nhl. ii bau lr eal 75o.. I AM v aad BRIM IDE S-ILKS at 19.60 I saul, (.rater pr! eofwhl b bas teen over B4a yard; SUB VII sll.Ks bi (,;,,., u s.ti'l. I"., ninr icier h.TC : 1 puces i'd. se iv s.ATIN Nhthlly da_aa_ed by wa? ler) al Boc i 'n'i, rained af fion |1.80 (*> ? I SO a yu. : SATIN Di-. MER*s i.ll.!.! I \ rd 11.60, ronner pm-.- |2.75i COLORED BROCADE MLES ai BSc.a yard, for ni' i prii i *r I._'" : Al-o Nov Kl. I V DRESS GOODS al one half Ibelr fount r raine : si-', a lane nock of ItOSIXRV, arnon-* which s*. ni be found i sample lo of 180 .!? sen full, n ralu mode MlisSI ?*' HOi?E ;it 27c b pur. Ihi oi' which |. from -ir, to v*.'.e. .a pair; . 1.1. h. iv nock "f KNIT UNDERWEAR of .?oi descriptions ai n duce i prie-e s; .'.ii di / ii /I -ll Isl IIANDRERCHIEPS al 1.','?.. forme r price, f whlcb balbeen.17! ??: st* o'iri lau- purchase In sll.K KANDEER f;r\*BEFi* in . fed 'ni ii ? ti. reduce pr Ice son all the sn ri* ea iiuslllle-t; --,<) doa n LADIES1 ALL-LINEN HEMSTITCHED ll SNDKlT.e lill I . :,' Sr.; I'i'-s ct- "i 21 " I sen il I.NDKER< III!-:! i i-sptl. ii- af i c price A lanie pnrcbaie of I SDI A BU AWLS al shoot one hair their saine; Also 9 (SEALSKIN > se i>l RS at #185, the lo weal S due of st,;l. h la 1285' a!-.. T al fr. in ff I.". IO 1100?the - j..."'! BreconslRDedtons bra maun Int ur < ri Also, tn close, tereral rUR-LINED SILK ' [RI l - LA BS at co i; SST- shall idoi il'., i a'e I'd of I lifllr in si .. I. Vi eel RTAIN9 _n | |tces I'd. ve K sit.K CHENILLE FRINGE nt 4"c a yard), former price ".v. j Al " < edin- "iM T iSSELS al reduced rates?TAB -I ls iel 'i ' C. re ellie el Ile,in _5C.J Iii: TRIMMINGS in m. s ui.'is de liable ty lea; v ran omi..nullity t.. purchase RRAL LACE coons |n HANDKERCHIEF'S md NECK NV K VI." ni' s .'iT.?i. ins.- 'J. ..-i iiiiioiis ; 1 lot .1 180 down l-.-.-l'.oNI". ADJUSTABLE < oksKT's ai 7rs.-.. nie RRcral prte**? of which is #1.26. UT TIN. GREAT RUSH stn.I. I <>.v TiMT.s af THALHIMER BROTH I Rs 501 Broad sibbi r, ss li- re Hies bars j ? i - f ope tie T Ult. I. IRQESTrHANDSOMEST, ANDI HEAP i>i kim: ok plain;nil BRO( \ni.n silks, sA I INs. SATIN DI". I.Yon, WOOL NOVELTIES, MoM II. e LOTUS, < ASH M E R ES, VE1.VE18 and VELVETEENS. i .hi wei call pureba dal Ihe rt ccu! lam uietii'ii -aie . ami win I.,* -.ii.i n-asrdiess of Talus. lira.i tin inn- of tooti wo will display In oar ?in lows llld - "ir .ll'- COmlnfl ssa ,-K : 12 pieces < 0 LOR EU SILE BROCADI - 12*60 : IS piece) COLORED SATINS, all tbe newihades; -1 pieces COLORED DRESt! SILKS, 76c to 'l.."n ir, piece 1*1. se K s \ 11\ DB LYON,all prlcei: 19 I't'"- I'd. V< K -VI INs, 7.-, -. |, vi; 13 pieces BLACR GKOS-GB vin BILKS, Including ila- bes) bran la manufactured, 9th. in |3 : ll placet BLACK BROCADE sod PIGURED ?silks, -fi io ?/:! 60; li pieces5-4 NOVEL*] ll - ' BO i (1 | AI.I.-Wool. PLAIDS II t" : sse ait oil'.lin-- tbe - - ? tba*** fasds; e.- l.t.,-, - i OLORI D ( AHHMI m -. _?:,.-. *o il. (Ve hiv. ni ? legan! lier of COLORED CORDS .m.! T'AsSi-i.s, BUTTONS, RIBBON!, an.I I KIM MINT. - f.i mach lin :.. "I . HI.Ac K GOODS ld I-SIM mist ?un,in (- ii. ed a ni ebcapesl line 11* goodall baa ere* teen mir plessare to otter, -.; K' kUHMEBESfr ? IBe. "fl ."?('; ILACR ni: \i* i?i: i a from ti..:, i..T_.:, \ :i s. K l ssfi-i tum Bl '. i.. 61.25 : ;i se KHILK WARP HENRIETTA from fl Io#2; tl. ve k MOMIE e I.ol lt from 'ju.-, to#1.25 ; ii. se k ? B si-i: ei.o'i il f.- aa25cto 70s. i ILAOKMOUAIB ALPACA from _6c. D75c.| IL S( K BILI vi t.Vi I- ive.rn *i to610; tl. \i | . KA PEA ii".i "-I i" **:.; H.Acls CRAPES IN in KHAN! frstn .1 t" ??:{ ile ..? an- extra che ip sud i? ii g ?"i>; ILSCK sn.K rRINGEB. PAvSRAMRNTEBIR, I BOGS, .T.oAK-a.ooi-s. IABBELS, m.sits. OR NAM fe. VI'S Ar., seri lew, W? h ts. tl .. Ju.t r-.a Ive el on .v-ti.i-.'uni. ii! , sun .- I L8TBRB. * LOAK8. DOLM n.. AND I AC KKI's Hann lol'. 690, Don't lilli t i vt-11 our pi.ic U-toie p-.uaTi.i re jiuarnil., ti* and .?*a'>->l"u?*tititi. M pit..- Bf .pl. min! sACKINT.- SM' l.s-n.i; e I.oTlls timm #1 t*> 65 Jud i">i?el, tlikh we wi.I Ih.' plflBBI d VS %**** I" "ur frtumls ?iel cu l.iiie... A!.o. an iifkr^aii! Un..- of RI 1 roNt* to malt li RtSfOrsaaT* s*Sss*aSR*saf ihe- alan-. i ii si HB6RR uuoTTiurs", 501 Bi es< alf ass* ass ass ""Tull urssl. 1.9" WE RAVI A-V EI.EUAXT LINE >Y CAKPKTS from Bia, to ll 2b, wT_?n will psy olooksl. Also, lit ASK fe. l's, I SI.Ko eil ll.'s. ATIITK. QUILTS, stlAWI.*. sKiltls, LACK :CRTA1N?. e TCTAIN'-NI IS. RRO ASH I'lL .OW LA! K, SHAMS, tNDfeKVS fe Mt, 4c. Aa wt* lu vc 11-ii.a* store, gootl !l|lit, SSBbBI tl gund ludtiullie clerk* and cheap k tod*, wu ate shlf lo ttveour(RlBaBtiSavery ailvantace. TIIADHMKr. BIIOTIIER*). 5i.i iirtisiirjintt,cstrnrrof ru>h..tic-tt, UH 27!-u.WitStt ?sSasTssSSSJ-B-BflflB NHECIAIi SJ 1ST I IRS. ajs-TIIKSALKOFAssifiNKK'-sfifii)!)-! AT sycle BROTRfOR*4 WILL (-ONTINI.'E (NTH, AVTER THK holidays. W.- line a -e. HioiivuiH of ne? )*ar_-_lii* lo our already larre- Mock sulla*.!*-lor ILnl.lusi PIIL SfNTS. 800 CHILDREN'S c i.OAKs. huid-.o.ii. ls trim nm J wldi -in. ana plu>ti vrlsi-r, ra-ttTtng from 64 to 612; ll n I I.-Ti Hs for ladles tad ml--'-: '88(1 heiief onie L A Dlr >'< I,o\K-s aed I Xii, VI A N's. B50pi?-ee* in ac K RAAHMRRK-Lupln 0 . d ?lw.ii.lit _; a t-.r. ni i,s ,?,( ,,, i?* 11..-edi.ip at a .mid .olvan'-*-. Weare winnis io eompart- these um A- wub au? in lbs* eil*/ in rerssi-to arter*, amf tpiiiuv. Biwd) ijtttRrInter? est, .'.iel ' Oil -sill *riv>- neMirv. I.', nlee.-t IH.AI'K SAI'IN fr*.nt 7fc.ts61.66 l-er s niel ; 21 piece-; HI, MK I'.ROt A I ll-T I s || K and SATINS, Imml.e.rin* IIM-M-S, 'reeen *| ?>;, ,,, *yt 7;, ; io pie... BLACK Sf LK * A*-H__EKE MALAHNO sad SATIN in: LTt?N from 90r. ta *!.'_?>-_*> ncr cee :. '. -. than t-.rm- r prir*--: TURNER'.! li' s| RC*CK MOHAIR rsiRMBd flora ?")?) '" 26r,fj Handsome nm *.si,o*,i Bi-trdaced from IStstofc.; miii i.r.-.r at rroaa lu io 18***. 11 r" -raid; r*>ihice>dto l. ,.-.' In cur NOVELTY I'I'1 *- GOODS we li ive lau'e grun deduction*, lt.nt fe- persuaded to ih r (li ise s.nir IdlV e.) too*, before sssibsj SYCLK HI.'" ll ll HI*". Thev hat. toni ri ,,ir, -r'.<k*.! s-ld) ro el- al hOttOIR lr If... LYON'S IH.'e ie 'ADKDMf.p V) I.Vfe. I'at *-**? worth iii. si k sll.K PT.USHat62.A6 raslvslas66j 960 plc'-Did III.K ss ll.TII DRESS GOODB re elm- ? Holli T.I t., li'. ,.- per sm- i ; ? 600 ei../. n ALL-LINEN IOWEL8, (MM fort hims, I. ellie- el I p.Ill n'i f" I '.' ?'*. ! 1,000 MILE I! VN OK l If. HU fe's fr.,m -_OY. t.. ?tl 70?a s r-vclai irlic Ina for boHdas rn* ? rn-; rr, un rr* m. ve k sii.k BRlNGEfrom !(???. (*? -. i :,i) p. r yard; V'-'.. ml !.i KPtKESan ' TASRELS; In T v ld. fe:-1. in fe. n ai,.1 napkins ne has.' a cu la rac a.-.o.-niie ni at u-n I Is-n tim el | ) II-. -; A full line of i vi: Pi-ls. DRUGGETS. RUGS, MAI I INCL 1. vii: e I'RT At NS, and VSTNDoSS -s|lAnfe aRBOH l.a'i'l: A special sale for tb*- next I birt v da vi ol LADIES' ami e.l N I I fe BEN'S UNDERWEAR; l.ari-r taite s of KaN. Y ARTICLES Mutable for e briilmos presents, de .,(..el *V( LE inreiTIIKHs. LEVY BBOTHEBS HAT- tl'sr i-f.t || I.I. BLACK OROS-GRAIN SILK ai ?">"?. * yard; A fall lin ? f -Al In-- ;i (non t rle ba BL Al K sud COLORED A I IN ni I.Yon ; idrfe.-ss DRIK Viii > In pal * rn.: I..!.! .. \s i BRODI RIB VfcLVET; DRESS GOODS of all i|uallilesan I of lbs late t Im portatl no 80 FLANNEL IN -VEB1 I OLOB. '.' UK!) AND UNBLEA4 MED CAN KLAN Ml . I WILLED ANu -il .KER PL VVNKI.. I'.I tl no 30 LEVI ll OTHERS*. l..\I)li:.-' ME KINO VESTS, both ss lille snd scarlet: LADIES1 MEBINO ( Mii:i:\s , si: il i eon price Gentle men c in lin l i impl* c line i i I STIER - ss e.:. R, ia both White and Searle!, .* m. du I.i v", BKOrilERS*. LLOAKISG3 IN UREA I \ ARIE TY ? au n >w be bad al Ll VT BROTHER!*1. irani ? " l I "'I lt' ? '.I SSI ll ;.' - l| Hu- eh,,ie, -I rason. no SO ' LOAKB, DOLMANS, ULSTERS, .1 Vi Kl Ts. SN!) e ||;. | |. .BB. An ? '? Kaili :i.(nil I . nauru!- coi mos ll Ino aol LEVI BROTH! Ri*'. ?BE THE CHEAP fe V N ( \ I: I fl lt < ' N A 1 i e. io i.i vs, BROTHER***. SPECIAL BARGAINS I N HANDKEKI lill -'rs OP EVER*! DEsI lt I IT ION s I no Td LEVY BROl HERS1 BLANKETS CAN BE UAH \ I LEVY BROTHERS' at much i" r. |*ul ir pi Ices. Tbe . LARGE STOCR OB COMFORrABI luoSOj JULIUS MEYLB & SON, 001 * m. 803 BRO sn STBKl i bare just opened .un.dir lanre ks "f LADIES ULSTERS from auc:lou al extraordluar) !"*v prices. I FIFTEEN PIECES ALL-WOOL HI. s. K CASHMERE ...ns 35c, Bl ir. j.; .li ldl . mi YETI .'. SON*.--. * . JULIUS MEYER & sun ARE i.N'e.l.|s|| TWILLED < ISHMERE, sll lt tl--, al I- jc. no n\ THIRTY PIEI ES ..-? TAI BRO CADE DRI KS GOODS I Ulna al 16*iC. il no26 JUl-ll **- mi v.c I SON -- PLAIN AND IAN* \ < AMI L'S* ll sn; ULSTER el.oms in Immense sam'y ii rn 61.26 wp at m.-ii I VII V I I.- fl ? I. .DIES' LINED III: I"!' DOG? SKIN GLOVES : CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES.all ihacles, il lio.ti .1. VII SIT. | -? S *. ! ll TV DOZEN CO LO R 1. I) PREN! B-WOi I S ' OR. I- il 28 no 'id ?'. Mi v i i: \ i*0 IMMENSE BAROAINS IN BL *< ls andi <d Dill I) *v mn ni. Ll ONS snd Bl ki ls BRO! VDE SATINS ' .1. *.'? . S'S. NA VI BU K. I? Uth OREEN, ind ItRoNEK H. a.NNl i. -t l iv.- il no26 ?'? B Vit: s SO SPJ CIAL iNi'i CEMENT** OF* . .; sn i:IN', i nih ins l si.-. GENTI I Ml S S MERINO 1 S n I :: ss I. v ir i; S'S Ml RINO t nih l;\s I. NEVI R .*- SON'S, no '.'e'.-t' el e."l sud e." t Br ... i I it Mi (.oohs. Ar. *j.\\i. MONEY r.V <.(?iM, TO BROAD 8TRRI I. ANI. BUYING Vol Tl i \N( v AND li"i -i Kill I*-.ul'* Ol Si EV1 Ns. ?Jatlj openlni ber-eslas tauolii duri-** lbs i-vnni : s i l: lill !?? a l NM: \M Kl i.n-uh I'.allllrs.l ?_'.?. 80, I.r' fe.s-fe i.- aad i S.8EL-PB nu* :i. i i* RI NET PICTURES, PR-tMIRKADE I'll - 1 I | I - ??: a'l gi elr. and sis!*-.; tiiiuu IILVI R aad ENGB vv ( D i i:v-i si VA-K-; ( vi.-n-sT v n!?s, piala or tRf-raved, la rle: >; CAsTmR-s lim liiirrthlV 5 I*.'.tlc Bril u-.d. Ot IMkCttte 'sire lo Hit- t-i*-nutis-.-!ia-. .1 -mi ?m .. uni 6-i oti ie c a.tors ol ta** iTi'.ietii psttsaaa; U'?s SsiIf- ir: PK Kl.fe. s A8TOBB; ! AKfe-slANIs, sMtll'c- IT". ,81 i.AR.|Hr-MI>, HfeUKT-sl \\n>. 1'sV 1 llr.K-DlsllKs, isl Ul .nil., f I vr.l.fe. vii.Vt:u; A lara*-a--'*r.i.fin ed 11N SKI s. ..ll Um elasl teiSM. ssnli svall |vrotrcl..r, or IllSSISd Jan ll PRlHlRi In a c ii* ri ii -.i/i Bl t J Alic, fin- loMMHN slUVli.HT .1 VI! ItTB eta His '."ss pil.-e; Hai.<l* SM COA_*TAfs_l ami eh'*a|, BOM lire, a', tmlloni pile -; Choice Ott iain.I., ll eHAVIHtii Nfe.T -, lind* some RAVDaWrS, *nd I'ttlSl Kt* 0) lil,. | Hill ett-IS|> tlll.ill. Tlit?%rt'-ti si i*r< lu* hern laktju elurli.K tin- pre still purchas*- a^ to Hie d it-rillt y a uti dura hill ty of itooils, smWlln; ilrlvtt-ftt aUeuiton p*nl fra RR* la*-*rVVfj ssuul* aud tastviof our tia'ri.iis, ind sss fwl conti tkiet (hat our cud.iiuvr*. alli llave ihsi advauUgc ol thc* srcatcsi varlvly ap*| 'owv?t mjf*o*t n\ ts po 30 STEVEN ti", r. __.__, 55fi3f_ft Mrrirr.s. I '" N. *v K. MITTKLDi.ifi, ,, ton received a lai** motAmt Btw i ,,.? ' M'-.orih..hoi.*|,1i. A,,i? *,,?;.,,., '" tn. nrlv tf(. _._ _ _ .._ '.'"-V*,.- . i_rcloaks, holm, ; -LOARING al and ?* , ?, ' *%,i da6-8a.*f>ttBa p.j ,* ,,., , |_r CA_U?ET8I I _| ?!?/;, -? ,., AIM'KI - || 17 . -,,?ii, I.T-f I- SI 17''. vs tit) -. , ...... . 16. 110.67, 66.66,6( e. hi'lrf.Utisli, flic Ksy, ll I tat io.k-s woods, ? i _j K , MERER. ILA* Kc A >l Mil duntosi on" i , iLL-WooLIII. Ve Kt m , | | pries *??'?<-.; ?"I COLOKI n - .i,iv. re 'LANNRL& BK*.SK| ,. *,|xVl. . MIHI-?*..*. , , . ... .".--.. WAfkn lr . -..| i I . l HOLIDAY i.'Hilts, , iifj,;*! t:i si \ i -.',., . | . deD-sii.vv.r.-).! o. ?. , -,-., , It" UNWB-rTEAH |.,u i HILDBEN.i ... XTLI st: N . ? ? *|.*.-,.s-.VV S- I* A V. vin I I I108IRBY, i t.:*l.|., RIBBONS, lp HUES, I. ve I n NOTIONS. Rt ( ross,PRIS Sll K and LA! ). I ll -- sll.K HaNDKER! lilt-1. VEILING.RALfdOR vl.s. Ht) I'-sKliiTs. Rt s ?I- .'. 3u.W.r.Sa is. .* fe. mi i i ,- I MAI NN.'Ir.N SHIRTS ss on!. kl; Rt I ? '\M - ? I* ? ? dir.; lo Vi *. i; i.o'i i H ' .Mi STU -. PRIS I - life li-TH BIN in VltVff-S. I.INI.II VS; , i\ |,,\ l/l v ... ' sllfe'.feTTNT.s-Jff. si vin-- . .1 - vi *.u s. i .,, kim;, rail '.nts il ll. A E. Vi i I I I ?'.: 7 [Il i/l.l li IIBOI HERS, bub into.*, i it'|| VS . t ive it.'m ' ?' ' V Mt-. -VI) ST*'( Bot DRf**aj*H* AND t | iisfe. TRI ' "in 10 ta 1 . n v. r lim', ssa".. :' -1 ii'.' fi.. ? I I V. VII.-* UK felllNe, e I . hf Mt] itlRtiON. silk- . * | | |Ss. t, , , \ | , oNs. ?,,... v. We ll .s I 1*1 ? !' OLD Pl. .TED n ss KLItl i rulsb. '?'. i s i i : ? als amt .1 ', un i * t (.ut j""-, io ?i. COOTS*. Siln* ? ', \. i-l.'li.i.. IT \ I li * il m Ll) !. di!! .- \ \;,.,i io,, \ i i ? sn s - liol I V! I 1 '. I 'lt I I I."' ll - S NI) -ll !. vnn iv I! sni* s; vi s. noe I, <i||( ?! - i . lill ll . ?? SS VI I Ti I Nldl S- , dl"l * ?SLIPPERS, s VNll.SI - IT III NI,- *\|i 111 LS, lise.- . ( -tl! ail I if Ile el. I lu ladles kieos Ulai ? ? .IA. oi: MW. I S( ill si \s . (;<)7 Broad .ir., i, Mils Hie , ? "? '.sst' * lu ri is well a * lu - ? i : i /\ ? * *\\" ? l ., I > I". \ "I SS SN I le. ? STIOI . la Usa -*.si ir city. * * LABOR, ANO MON Kl ? nil N GO AT ON ? VMi i.i I s * PAIR "I l li"-) i l i ISR sll. SS \ * ts -1 * /.'. SNI* \s VI'KI Nl-ll S ? ; ? ', * 11 -11" t - ONLY I" it:, ll si' '? i j S< li M \'i. .All il. ? * -li. rliilor n * ii SS I ll ll ? s||il|. ? , ih< lr ? ? i * I SI oil VI VV - * ' -. ll s) sf. -II!! i i. ' _|r. i . .i i: i,... il) R| \ - ? s ld V IN*, sile il s s l C. L. SIEGEI Ul BROAD -l RI i I in ? 1st. Il i kite; : , * . i ? I. s i i - . ie i in ii h. ii : - i BK I' GOOD IN ? I ..1 I s [ORI . : s|| ,,| I ?A'ARRANT*-* ALI HOODS - C. L. -II e.l I.. 1.1 I' ?'? . I.lttlt I UH S \**%I? I.UH -?'?** ?ALT, - -LT. uss i ni?? . BBISt I ?,,.?_ min. LIVI RP* - vi.!. -i.i ? I Th's Ki, lil S- * ) . . EAKINS. WOB I HlN..ttlN M VvTsllVI I ? RUCKI I " HERBI RI i*. DI v ? .- . * s i nov-7-lui_ k-i.W Wi I RI -il HOOD**, , REAM e HRRBR ??>??/"'?'. ''" ' ROI llfefeo'.-l. I" DAM. I IN ' .... 1(0 lil TINKI) Mi.Ui*. DAVRNIH1RT t MORRIS. iMIsllillt, ?ttti lol .al. !?" tn '- ?' ,*..-* pl i;fe. int.Nt ti bUUAie ' ' ",Ar"' r?vM)LKfen. )UVNtl uH>, Wm AND VELI -'*-' *** ol sci ?'? *