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$irhmonrj S'wpttk ., N1)VY.DEI 'KM NEB V MHsi KKSBl'KG. ?sss i vt)' l.K.isvMNei r.vsfe in i -JOT moth I: ro.HsSlil.oSTT.fel ."SIN),. CilNMNH At ,-,?ii.XHHiil I* IRTBBRAI. KKV. J\rM '? xl fee -ilcc-ss SNI* l.dcs.CUlMMKTS IM' SKITS-*I"N .il.VEKN* , rtniitsdM'. ' : Hm Ki.-ry^tntl Di?i?Hcli I ?''" Di. . BRRR ?. IRS* ...f th- isvocolooci ii), n named l,,,j.~li*h* i-iiiiJ s-o rdr.sssn.d '. -iMflcieekieiv-'it Defcvtcl.s' ss Idle el. ., ibal rsa ol Mi ;:.(..iisiti*. . bad I** ??"'. ? ?*''??' BhllCkir-R.' *?*** le'Ca.S.leel Vt-tCieliV" iiftl-i ,,.,, inilt.'ke:i ta Hied hue ** BM mai I... So ii'u"c*l sva* el*'* in<*l nec**s..iv. Later nf I neel ion r* pr* st-i-ts tl) at *\ men l',)i lo .? .^s the sm*.m, .-uni IBS utile crail MB* Mulei theil com | ! fsso Lt ss.*,- vv<tc thc r,?n 0O**ot\wt linty when* HUI not **,,,,. . , I SS ltd lit) I al<se IO till Ul "I, eliBersidd. l! ssas sn dark ihat m.--ur , , - el* i them DO as.isi,,,,*,.. >]r. Iii,li Revs*, S sse ll ku,isv ll citizen. Sith avert painful aeriell ul Hus morn ul.l't *.flt bttttUBf s**!"' I fl'I.IICl 111 , Hillls. Till- tSVO _-rti!!| . iv III llt.SVfl BtlSUt I*" ""'a- 'l'"lll tl,,*. ii a I .-lit ss e.-,.ti. OR armin:* al their ?troll Mr. Itei-cati.tiii't-ell" clrtisv his * :n from Use >s a'.oi) inti//' f ?*' aROSt, anil |l *,taus i aii-ecl HM eli I .' , ri. I he load let >k e lied i, n dm i ear the rlbow, attsinjt a ?Hid. .incl, d is f. alt il, sli.m,-| nI.? DurtRftlM *S'i k .'?iilit.e 1o-el.iV Vii lillis fun ss( t? xi te isi d in ll 1* cds OVl r i'titi-1*on railroad aavd fons-iis-. . : ' . . I !u- (edeicci) Tll-pt t ???.. ss- k tfllr'.lllleel to si\!S-?i\ ho.* ' 1*. I .. du, od anil Ai !in. lOfl l.*f? -li.-m ic*'*- ! 'li. | lins, :i ti ii ntl Dei il in ,.? j.. . ( ni. no ruing, cm-, (i a . .,, ii r i-urpi lae aud ie _*r* t In th*-* , irnmuii tr, \ n umbel "I Hu- pollcy-b* I .' :; Hill s,cT,,|t. SS lin v. is ii Ru* . -t in tin- matter, i ,s.> b ???.. '.'li' -i" -Hvi Iv aboul . . ? n S'.n -. ss be rciui -> ol i 10 till' mils nu- inoi i,io_. Hy un ? (Ton ,.{ ne M .s"r. :*ii)l ordered to leave Itu c ts I "i irn si if ibe] sbould re* lura. i even re rec* ipts io tbe Pe ? I ibe tri c k < nding lo d is 1*17.480. Tbe e \| otta <>f man uf ad tired ' the same pei lod we re . Dr. JobB V.. K'lss Kl- will t;,kc ?xl!-' Epls , in 'hs cl s. lo-tnoi msv. i. . . dum I-* I as a Dumber ol pen* - . bis io l .'Liee.: hood, mostly lo Ibe - na ol is iti.i-.s. f . ? n is vs im f.u'.dd a s of tbe ( uni ry, .M'>-; t >f Mn se -. sri .,, H.,. cr>unit ul ( besiei ii. ld J : Pl '< i-lfii_: fnititsli a fair pi.. ? ? 11 i and In tn edy eli cum -* pei niuniii tin-s ie eive is sse leann, (liliane ? io td m. Dr. li' ?-? ss hi !. >s. a Hoe audience to beni his lecture on ?? Tent-Life in inc List,"" lo ibe Aeui'T.'s ol Music In - City oil Ilia I t ll lllslalit. -;ei? ni K* H*y, e.f tie- Belli f Bociety, ye-lerd ij re ? s. 11 pi i - t.i ol one luimln el i ss ...i fur distribution ntnons tbe f '.fr;, city. Robin abaib. LLXINCiTON. II.!. COI MY .HTI.K STITT, - lui: i.\ im bi a.). eu sti.sftv i"snI-ii Tin; act Of I-.krui.V .SM) i t-n-1 s id issn; ROT PAILS Q iel. I II. ?!'.iu'"f He-iT'ciiiii'itoi Dlapaieh.] Dbcbrbbb :;. issn. ll..n. .! ito- - I". Patton, vv li ' ss as eler-led l.v iiic issi <>? n'i il \s?i tunis of Vinrinla Judge ..f ttfe <i.linly Coan of Roekbridge, tiled : - ipplieERtion vv it li th*- lt arel ol -lipers i - rs at a reeeal -BcetiRg for bb increased , o.s'!i_ tuan increased populBliOB ol svn l>y th- Itile- c*nsiis relui ns. I io .ind.''' baaed lu* application cm thc j i isisioi) in nie nets ol lf-TT "Ts, approved Mni'ti IJ. I87e9*aeellon IO, pret-erlbing tbe fsa "T e nuts c..mis. The additional compensation claimed by Hu JudfP sv ni tl am -nut lu al.Diu f_f). There ss is rtOBM diilciciu-e eef opinion among toe Hoard as to tbe propirfatty of al* lowing th** demand. Tbe 1 ommon weall b's attorney, Captain D. E. Moore, sva- nf opinion ih n tin' Board onr-rbl aol to incn-ise (be, bul bj cut).(ni lin- ipi' st hm svas referred n* the- AH roey-Oeneral for hi* Opiuion. The eleci.i di nf |ti;i! official ssas mailed lo ibe ( nmmonwealth's attorney a len das s ugo, Mull i* as follows : * * bi itti "f lin* i ii.iiy of thc county court Indue putiiiis .ii nt to ti;*- eounty, d is a n itu r aa to wbtab I have bo right lo express au official opinion. Bul bi tbe B t'f Sui ?? i v is,.i -se, tin* Attorney for tbe 1 ..ilSVl a I* ll. Ililli lhc .ll'el-Cof the ( t'Ull : I kidu'i-e bave nil united la leeplestlt)-' all ( X ul C?-lu|l (d' ilpili ion, 1 Sslll .t'l'iii from n.s iisti.ii in,Hit und |ivean ' ! inlOB. If I aili e-.ilTeiTlS H.fol du ll illC l,.(is of |RJQ bal i,ot ai set leeeii pro ? i i iii- noi yet been pnb* lf Hil. j- io, tlicii tin Board *>f Buiervisoii cannot pro in ke ti tin- Lasl. of Ri ictioo. lin -alttiv uf the |udfe is au non nt I sd iv, e >n no Deina i.n ibe lal *,';ev ol Jan* I .ti ihe ;;i.t of December, . i Ij if lhere la money in ibe I'ouoij treasury. Thc eensui ol Ins.) waa ?hiiHfj the pie-.eui year, after tbe ,l v c.einmetie c_j t<* I'cci He, ;uul ?' yei bee n i rUciallj r>romu!*?**te I. 1 i'm I beret-.n ol opinion tbal ibeaalary of - ti 'I bc :i-ct-il:iine-(l illtel fixed for ibi teal 1880 upon Ibe eenaua of |s""* jami-s ii. rn.i.i*. ?? Ad rney-Oi ru i .; foi \ ii iRla."*' II i- undeistood that applications bave made In otbei eountlei by eooniy foradditl Dal Raj on tbe same gri (cul Indee r nt m based iii- claim. Jiui KRB1BOB. e.ILLS COUNTY. Ki sou 1.1.tun, November 29, i EditortoJ thi RichmooM LHspolchi l bave lonf been a lauier of your ralua iikI bave ed).ei veil that '(. ,-,,!. iimii- nave .it.s.iss ii,-,-,, devoted to Ibe true tts i?l nu' fri :d Btate ol Virginia, i isi-ii io speak "i tin natural undo Velopeil I'i s.,i||e? ? ,,f (Jiles aluj *?t' l * ? I* !*()U!ll ? ii1 u *- :i|),| lue l? st ssas to ictuli II), se le-..ure's. Ill I I .te lit Issue ol Hie [eh l nail a tetter relative lo tbe pro? bable Ie>l.a.- Ol !_? lXt*TI?!tl!l Of 'lu- l.lcll iii tuI .uki Mi'.'ii.ins railroad. I bave fol* lowed tbs e .m.,as., inoif ..r i.-s ii, Uiis and adjoinios **oun?ls? lor inure- lhan fons .. US, arid i I;.im la knoiv |Of_t)eibi0B Ol ItM 1 ?! ?'._.-r i j.r? \ .. areli aa the minerakiRteal out crone aRd dcEvetopRieeta of urnancl nie ad JOinlOf CeUlt.-le.. I BS runic* ri ferreci to in the- le Uer sv:is dp I')', .r.. k ,i:nl down Unking ere-, k to N'sv river. On tate route jon would br* eun'ei t ?*, i btitfe mouRtalns, io tunnel wbicb ss..'dd i,e entirely inipracticyliie. ? I. luni to Polia clea k, svliuli |? lhc lilli; praeijc dde ion e-, and fM-tlBUiRg lue " ?''.- line dost n Bt_c Stoiiv creek lo il* luoiiti), ts idell isalmosi ;( siraight line-fi om Ibi liiiuitli of r,.|ts cre-i k, rURBlBg B?Utk a1.oin til s s\, si, ni ic line- ss ill pass thrmiali Hwlai*f.Blmn*po*\ti of non oic*. capeelally ?. Beteany creek, to b*- found in .-"' Virginia, i.'?)th of red und blown hetnuiiie :,nd ni-iinetic: eires. .?ts.ays of then* ores ca cte lOlTlilly made hy ?oi ' .?r if li. of I'tiilad* Iphia, abOWlRg v-1\tv-ti_.t,r pei c'-nt. of nicialhc Iron, umt of remarkable nmn>. if itu-.c faerts an-dis? puted hy [i n iii-s" liiteie-sied in this ciinr I'' l-?', I will invite- the di to inc al Kim* I*dlton, on His .Stony cree k, ami I will pro o ni if y my stiiii-ii.i-nts hy ar. :itt*o lite-i Miilillion of thc faito that ls in nie. Al Ihe; ujeiiiili ot Bijr sn,us creek *#\*t- sTrike Hew river, riinnint: tit-trly on tbe teiine line willi Potts creek aud Hi? -Stuny, v. Idell WC f'dlOW to lld Ill'dlth Of Wolf ?!?*c-k. Following this creek in the same diiex-iitin ?ooutit tilioiii Ufty eiiii?wt pa*s mer (her sall- iiUd pia?ttT-baiias (Hld through lattre deposits of Iron orr* and coal to round Oap. At the mmi'li of Wolf creek the Nesv riveneuta tbrougb Pe in's mountain twelve miles nefen the month of ttiur Rony, and the miles fiiiiiei lirina* ti* to the mouth ul Kail river. Followini? up tin* river at ti v* rv i a.s ?.?melc. and crossing to lhc mouth of Laurel cice k, on thc Hliiestniie r:ve r, wc *tnkcilio lamest depo'dt* of e-ial ?i Weal \ irglnla?a reui of eleven feet in Ihickness?nnd over ihsf, aa you rl-etlie* iiioitnirtin. another of liv feet" is .\,,<..,.I, incl ed!it*s atill hl.hcr, till soil leaeli the lop of Kid Top mun nt ay), vs li. re ta I \ po-.ed IR .net of OOJtt iineosiTeU and e tdy for n-e. lu followlnir Nesv liver and cros-dni. ;t I1".vc Hinton we reaek I'm* v creek, and ?lon-.' ii to UorI river BRd over its mino BM ?oal region to the Ohio, (MRRlRR another iv*nu> from Virginia'- liilc-vvaleis IO HM M' .' bj e.t, tin T.ii.'ii a rettoe rleberin min. 'i;i| sse-ilfii than -my -ilhcr of lhc RUM dis ance in thc knoisu world, A branch up .Volt ero. k tollies ,!;.;,nd plaster-lie.!*, ind i luaiicti nu Bast river to tin- coai-tieM- of RR BlUe**toiu\ SS |IL tic intl.sp. tlsaltlc SV heil Iii. -road ls c.minified. i.i *p?c-fi:iiy yoma, JorxS. Pbci, ?* **1> *-t.?rltui** F.R|iloMloii. SST) 1.1V Kl I UV I Hr 1 Nfe MT. SIN 1 ll lil I;-',". fNtl cir an c I.n RRTRI VT Tin: RCRKTlfAL ens-wui ks. iNfts Tess. H.-i ii.]. \eT< |__J | A targe meter iii Hm old works ol ti,** Ifnaleipal Gaslight Company, Port] - - tir-t I'lect between Te nih ind Etaven*h ave mts. i \ ploded ve?t" ol iv a ftcr noe) n, killin;** ha.les Bania, ? gas-fliter, t*Mrty*etgbt iii* cid. a resMentof Wllltamiburv* and lobO Koli!, a lal) der, Huity-I.Ve Veal- old, *f l-'oitv-iii?)? iireet BRd Eleventh ttve )iic. I lie explosion ssas loud, and iv thc concussion |_e stniclure in ivirc'i it oe-i-urnil wm a .Mt ter ed and tbe is lintots * of ibe adjoining bondings broken, lt-s ot i/in is a mystery wbleb neilin r < oro ner Iliads nor ans of ibe experts in the em* |)i<ey of ihe gas company were able io eluci? date I..*! evening, li is, however,attributed loescsptn*. ir.*, but those in lutboriiy posi i is t's a... ri tbal there was tu. i.m. in tbe building td tbe time of tbe explosion, ex* cepting*ibal obtaiue 'i from nie street-piites ami ii..ii f.,r illuminating purposes. Prom tbe surtoaadiug* Ibis theory is rdroaitly h i; e cu', and ii is probable thal Ihe mat? ter Bflll UeVei Le plo.xlTS explained. Td). .1 I.Nfe Ol lill: Ai< HU- NT. i?;i tbe l-l ol February, lsTT, tbe Muni? cipal Gaslight Company ceased manufac? turing gai in their svoiks in Forty-first -iieei, and on tim des opened Ibelr new work**, fool o! Potty-fourth s'reel, North riv. r. .-luce nen tin-, utahiiahmeni hai re? mained Idle, inn in ibe j)')-.e..ion nf th.. ompany. During last summeril sstis dc* (ermined by tbe B ard of Directors to ut il* ? ?lil ss "i k- md open tin in to their engineers and chemists f->i exneiirnentnl purpose1., ?soine alterations anil repairs were required, sad Mi. Thomas I". How? land, ol lite Continental Iron-Works, Greenpotnt, was given Ibe qontrac(. Gangs of meu have for the past lb ree months been . ii-n.?. il tn ibe building, ami ibe work ss i? Btm ll ' tm!* I- (I J ( -teialay. '1 he- purity in? room stands al.uni ! Henty feel apait fr mi Ihe ii, ji u .ti ne un . ss li u-li h a. a froii'a ire on Kiev* enifa avenue, lt i* bulli ol brick,one story and basement, 80x33 feet. Tnete an* isvo' pm ititi s ii) ibe p.jc . An extenaion len fcc I rquare opens into Ibe pui ifs Ing-room. In thia apartment waa placed len dava seo a meier. Tbe mi te r ssas iee md-band, hav? ing Leen used some time ago In Pbiladel ptu.-i. lt was purchased Irom tbe American Meter (' impany, Ti nib avenue and Twen* ts. ( c... d Bil e. t. anti ssa- sin .pus. tl to be in .und order. The meter is forty-eight inches long, three feel In diameter, eitcular In fi.un. and made of Iron an indi in thick nets, lt ssa- placed on horses* and ssa. connected witb loll i and outlet pipes. Tbe former leads to a receiver and tbe other to the gatotueter. Both toe ieee iver and tbe gasometer were empty, and their lids bave ii a ii open for days. 'i*ii,. receiver connect! sviiii tbe retorts. Bight men, under tbe charge of Foreman -James Mccormack, bave been working in tuc building*, daring the nacl sst rk, "1 UK KMT.ei-do.V. After dinner yesterday tbe foreman In? structed Burna to sweep out tbe meter, room. Between I aird 1 o'clock la the af? ternoon Ford sva* aeeB lo euler tin* purify ii n buildiag, and afess mlBUtesaftei Burna ss i? noticed by a fellow-laborer, named Willi hu Grabam, crc-salog tbe yard with a llgbted -? pe'ticoai " lamp In bte band. Ile entered the purifying department and c*rcs(Md Into tue meter-room. A second oi .ii tater :i loud explosion ss,i* heard?i'la**, bricks, iron, ;.uei timber being thrown blg-ti iiito tbe air. One cod e>f tbe meter w:* blown across the yard over tbe gssbmeter, lind sva* lound lif'y feet away. The otner struck an eight-Inch partlHoii of brick .mci abattered it. After thi ? mint had . lucssint abated Mccor? mack entered the purlfyiog-room aod look lng nd", tbe adj tining apartment ssas norri Bed at tbe sigbt ss tuen ss as presented to bit RRse. lu Hu- Dortbwestcomer tay tbe dead Luis .f Bares, and i few feel away, to ii ni the- rear part c.f ibe meter, wai stretched tbe life le* i eorpse of Ford. Thi remaining men were Immediately set lt work, and af'cr removing tbe dtoris tbi bodies were placed in thc purifying-room lo await tbe ariival <>f O-ioner Brady and bbl deputy. Dr. Katie. Tbe meter, whick svTis tested iiiul cspat-leof let arin', a pressure tef iso pounds to ibe septate loeb, was ; t- implete sv reck. Till, P088I8LB CAUSR. What brought Ford lalo the meter*roor_ and ss li tl li id cui-eil the explosion M thi time could no' be conjecinred. The tami ssas -uL-e(pu n*ly discoveresd nen" the apo! rt be re Burns'i body lay. < li owds .'f pi opl< residing in ibe neighborhood were attracted by tbe report and eofagregaied around tin ..'ate*. Coroner Brad] Visited (li? i-Cene ol the accident Uta evening and questioned Ibe conti.ic'' r, Mi. Tbomac P. Howland; William ll* Bradley, cb!**-! engineer, lo tbe employ nf tbe Municipal Uasltgbi Company; .innes Mccormack, ibe foreman; William ('?.limn, and si sci .1 other ol inc- workmen, au Hie connections with tbe meter wen found intact, .uni, ssiii ii closely followed, dui not lead lo any cbamber or tank in winch gas*or any eombuatlble liquid wai tiered. Bxperienced engineer*!* who ex ;inii!,ed tue place, wereof ibe opinion, hs ss.-ie also s..inr ol tbe officials In charge, thai probably a small quantity ol gas had ie iu niicd iii one of Hie inner chambers ot ibe meter from tbe time ii svas in use itt Philadelphia, and tbal one of tbe men svas handling ibe water-drop eock, wheo tin t ie ipiu.' _ ii Ignited from ibe tamp, and iii* i X plosion I' ll ss cd. Tue purpose for svliicii Burns brought Ibe Hg bi ed lamp Into tnt meit rioani remain! unexplained. I1 BR ss. ll li;.!.Pd Itv a ssindosv on Ihe SOU tl sui*' o', the building and directly In fi nt od the regtesterlng end el in* meter* Bmoklng ls proulbiied wttbin tbe works, fred bsd i pipe of cigat lu-*ti found in Ibe room u WOUid Bat** scitlid one portion of itu mystery* AeeordlBg la the state incuts ol tiio.c engaged la searebiag the apartment, np liIdcco or pipes were dUcovered lime. A pi nm! sv:** issued for (lie removal of the remain* of tn* Qofortunate workmen tc iiicu iieiii.c*. The tl hm tor tbe Inquest baj nest yet tx eu !i.\<el. Cm om r Itiatly loot Charge e.f scveial pieces of Hie brokct linter, w Int li were dtscoYcied Bgalnsl the ss all mi Fm iv -til -t street. Thc pm if vin'-' liiiiliUna.' ssas erected du ring the se-ai" UM Bf USS bf HM Nesv Yoi! Oxygen G*?ltgntaOempany, who then ownei the works. 1 hey faijed, and afterward tin MimiiTpal ("asli?lit Company pm chased Un premises anti t neild thc lin ler-lemin. \\ | say to the Whig I Fir-I. But for tin Mahuiicitcs tlicte would have bren n<> cou test over the- e lc(-iorul ticket in Virginia Si * oik}. Thai hui for your faction wc wouli li tv. e-ltctcd e-ixhl out of nine tuc in ber-. 6 CoDgrt-s. Third. That Paul cot fully Hue thousand Republican voles, whilst he- Ina Allen hy on ls six hundred. That you tlecloiul ticket i/olslliiriy linois uni. vvhil jo*n- con.i) s.ional ticket gil tilly thmi-anil that your increased uunyrcssional voleeaiu from inc negroes; and remeuibcr, too, ibu you did not run a candidate iu Jor>.cii*-oii' lindi lei.?Manissas Uattttt, At* Karaalona Fr st ntl. Tin: vvaansVT ma -,?,, *,,t|TIS1, ?WK, PI.KKdV 111 WAV Hilts, IITH-HKIIIM! nriHiTioxH-e,,?,*,-, >H,m-HSKH. ri)|!. Mfe:iu.r.)rRHi.MoM,,1Ml,ul)Ar?f.|(vriWkl Aimer ei.iNniN AM, Bti u,n. TO MOND. Vo' ll r.i,!.y??.Mg.._| "entries Pettne_ ?i,,,,,,,,,- ,hc ^^ scion nf b noi.l*- British funds, iras .,_-.?? : a rial, ned m Hie .1. ir.-ison-M n kel Police Court vcslerdas. Tbe ,?*??.?... j^,,,, . ! 'tx.k haa'.aril and anxious. ,\l lirst be *.cm.ti; . neild hi* lin!,, rinanoifil iraRSRe | tina tbrntigh thc braneb bouse of Moron Billi ck Co. si not of a su_6ekRtly icrlone j ciiatficter ie eui.,' tdm :?,v pertieular an? noyance. In f:ic'. lc .vp:, bira l.elnf , lint Hie Sall Lake- edlin,>!s WORld !itul it too e\|.e;istve y luxury to meddle with. |L-i ? nosv, hi'ssev.r. cf.iivTtua d or mr\ mistake winn Bew66raa*ntgRedyestertJa] Detect Ive ; Pus, nldii v pioduc. ii i tekfgrapbl. dispatch, which wai addressed t? Superintendent ! Walline, and i?-;*<! u-. follows: ?? Wini mr bas i.ti-ii is-n.,i and is on tbs way. p. r. van / in., District Altorner. BSN l/ike City." Ml. I. P. .Neal, of No. lifi wen -,?,,,??. teentb street, wai in csort, and wss culled j upi'i) l.s futile* StinUi toieil svli.i! be kn. sv aboul Ibe prisoner. He s;,;,i t_iat In 1875be I met bim la Portland, Me., wbeie be went I by tbe name'cf Lieutenant DennisoR, and j ia pr.'scnte-d himself as being atlaclicel lottie I Beyal atty. Iii* eardi ss.:e primed Ar? thur Conyngbame Dennhon, and otbera ICooynRhsme Dennis'to. Hw svas living in great style at Jiu PslRMUtti Hotel, and ssa* received in thc beal society, Mr. Keel met bim first al i fair nbicfa iva. held tocoliecl ninds for iii.' Centennial. Turning to Hm prisoner Mr. Neal saki, "Tim's ti,,, -n-ni* ni,.,,, j. oo mistaking him; l _ucs* bc remember! me well enough; sve had ibe boxlng-giovei on lo gether in ms r-oom.*' "Wicit it I do remember you. snd wbal if 1 ssent by tbal name t I don't owe you anything, do I? 1 guess] paid ms ssas, didn't I?" Tbe Judge Hopped the discussion by say* hil; tha' Mr. Neal's n it I moo j ss as immate? rial. He {Justice Smith) wai trying to dod. ont who tbe prisoner r*.ally was. If be wai all Hu' be ie>.I* ?-?? ited blmseif to betbeo lu- abonld not be bi ld, bul if bc wai ;i fraud thea it was tbe Judgt's duty lo admlaiiter Hie law sccordlaglj. ROBB ABOI I " B19 I.OKIiSIIII'." Mr. Neal sven! on In an informal manner to furnish other particulara. He said tbal tin- prisoner travelled vniiii another Kn.-* Ii?bman named Park, and thai ibe latter I wore tbe uniform of ibe British militia. j Both ss. ri! i ;.i:ui .leal Into society together, j and sse ie- inseparable companions, Park ' n*asapparently aa educated gentleman; he I arras taciturn, bul bright lu dispvsition, aod wai immensely tbe Intellectual iiiperioi of ' ibe so-. ai,e.i Lib utenant. The pi l?oni i re j malned In Portland during tbe summer ol j 1875, and saul he ssa- preparing to go bunt* lng in the far West. From Portland bc went | to Boston, a bi re be also pl iyi 'I bis fomill ii [inti. In r. s'.ui he niiiie ibe acquaintance I of isvo gentlemen, wbo, upon his represen* t-iiloos of i)i in. a nobleman in temporary , distress, advance <l hun sunn e>f money, ooe irving iiitn over 9500. He elsi med, as usual, lint bu remittances fj-i*ni England were overdue, and thai be ssas -i,,,ii (lf funds to di fray bis current expenses, it mas observed that bc avoided meelina tbe I representatives of ni* own Government. j i in- Brittan Consul at Portland, Henry John j Murray, bad Bot leen bim during bis three months' sojourn in ibal city, and he pro doced no credent] ils other than bis visiting ; cardi to prove be ssas tbe person be reine. s. un d himself to be. Mi. Neal saul thal be sasr tile prisoner in lids edy oa electloo-day, but dui nol leeosl bim, n ?! holding bim In high esta m, Ile described tbe man Parkas being slim snd tall; be weighed aboul one hundred and forty-five pounds; bad dark,cliise-eropped hair, a florid complexion, and very sve u shiped hands mid feet. He thought thal P;iik ssas the master spirit of tbe tsvo. CATTAI*' ASUItlKXr.i.'S ld. n hi:. The folkiwlBg communication, recelvedi yesterday, ww addressed to'* Tbe < bicton Police, .ie iVt-s di-.M iiRet Poll CC Conn " ? NkWPOBT, IL I., December *_. 1880, Sir,? From tbe definition ol tba nan calling ulm*) if Pelham-Chriton in tbe tier aid, be i- doubtlesi tu*- same person svho lihou! Hus nine- lasf sear svas in HiCbmond, Va., under tbe name' cf Hubert Baymnod Arundel* He has laen under various aliases, mch fi* Cnsrles Claude Montague Bertie, under which name you may get hi* photograph io Hi*' oaiformol thc Fourth Dragoon Guards from thc Cbief of Police of Galveston, Texas; he bas paajsed under Ibe acme of Deaisoa Courtney, ind some score'of others. Find i gefbtlcman in N ss York (Mr. Trace sj ss iio ssa. superintendi nt of tbe telegraph company In Richmond, H.- can, if it is the man I*itiiills. at once re? cognize and Identify Arundel and c. c. M. Uri tl.'. 1 believe be is wanted much in Montreal, ss bi re I 'Innis there i? gi,(MX) offered for bim. -four*, faithfully, C. E. Asiiiu rtXKB. The prisoner wai remanded tn assn' I ie arrival ol tbe requisition fruin galt Lake City. _ Mictitt tulon tl a?ir*lr**i. |SV..e.l-te e-k Vllatllelail J The supervisors concluded their Novem? ber dulles siter three days' work. They nosv have tin- county entirely from debt, with a srosll surplus in the treasury. The levy of next year svill likely be reduced io fifteen cents. Tins year I he J assessed tbe railroads il ?t.fOOd per mile, together wi ii Hun- depots ami other real -rt-tale, and levi* 'i tbe same counts- and school tax upon tbem thal is levied upon oiber property. From this sse realize nearly : 800. i in- dog-tax fund dill nol bold ont thi* year to cover sheep losses, ll is becoming siuness a practice lo appraise al fanes prices, and *o: t p have Ic.n claimed f"i in lome instances at three to lour times tbe villis which He owners returned th* rn at for taxation. The Board scaled some ol the claims, and passed a resolution ibat Hies svoii'd baVC re-pect ti) the tsX a-s, s.?ucni |q pay lug i"ss.--. This is itu first vear Hhs fund bai been .hort. Hitherto ll lu* been ample and left from 1300 1" 1706 for schools. Afi-omiu' Pe apia. d Kuanni,*," a e ?: re *|,o.nield of tbC Sa leh. Conservative, writes as follows aboul tbe Accomac people : I nave not io an in the county for some eight seats, inp at tba) lime lhere ssas liv? ing there ti family of s sa-n brm hers, nona ol ss hom were under th feel in height or weighed under tao hMndrtd pounds* and I myself have littna mere i eousia whoal tbal nm*- weighed 280, snd iii* oldest son, called " Little William," n> distinguish lum from ll is f;il hi-l*. vs ? igbl d 208 I B.SO have still aii'dti.i caii-iu wno-.- Wright wai al that time218,and I could mention ti consi? derable Itsi ol still Hiller large-sia d mea, bul inffiCC il IO *:is that ssdliii) IbC BtSl f>sv ss eeks I Live read ill 111*' Kicluiioiiel Dis? patch, I (uink it sva*, an leeOUntOf ss hat svas called lite " Aecmac ("ian!,"' I JTOUBg mau Ia thc name Of Drummond, who hail sttalaed to lhc svci_-ht of jive hundred pounds. lllel tii-si-s Nt-til<Ml. [I'lit.vlvaiiia Tritium-.] Two towt* which li ive hetfl on our docket for some titi.e were sdi led this nun ol Hie 0OUrt, one <>f which was thc c__-t id ll. W. Widen', administrator SgalOSt tut Piedmont and Arlington Life-Insurance Company, This was eoapromtsed hi thi ciiniiany Bgt*eeleg IO pav W.elcn 114,600, willi Interest from date. Thc other was tin .?,., of George T. Bewr agata* crider'i admii.islraior. Beirger Wac IBlag for dani' ages to land OR account ol injuries to | CHised bf mlll-d-sin. The jury decided a.aiiist Berger, and the Court sustulnei lin tn in th* ir decision. A nu in her of divers and wreckers while operaliiiL' In Town creek recently brough to the surface two cannons which had * vi denny beea used in tha ttevolutiOBary war 'I hey are 1*J fiat in length and U-uiih hon and htfve beea brought lo.thc ttiFi and mit proliably \ni exhibited at thc Intlu-triul K.\ li Un I um, which coiiiiucnoe* next week. Churleston (#. C.) Newe and Courier, THE LATEST NEWS. * HT M ll e, ii uni TU THR ?im>tnil. inthikstim; indian htt DgCtDM DkbTtl!'live mn: in portsmhi th. n. IL-Hl?s|K|{V RH.I. Bl KN) I) IN I'HII.A l?e S.I'IIIA-TIIK PKITKHILL MANOA*' TITtlX; COMPANY'S I.e.S- ,v\ Aitvr..-i: MCfhtOR to irk am EU le* av DRIOR TM KCilnvl'll (OMPANY-A DELAW \ i:r "'V'.lds-MAVS SKAT to in CURTIRT Hl-I.AII.hOAI) I Xl-m.s- riivilHN.VTIoN RtJSReJ WINS T.K. .* 11.1,1',*. liA* g VKsTHt IUV-IN KNeil.VMl-THKniKl VIAN I' K NH.eiTt.VTIeiNs- M ANI I'KsTO OK THE ? H.'AV.'-'.MLN- l-DsTls.NK.RRNT Ot THK e V-K Of FARRELL AND HIS KI.'IKNIi*. l.'KH -Kl.-V.Vinid ** HdlHiiN tTRKS, Ai. i 11:1 itu ont). l.*)r-_t- iel! ll tint rd U st-tr I.ile l.t-iftt. I'e'iii-storni, N. Il , 4.?Slie.rf )s in i t; o'eie ck tins morning a Ire broke out in the lift ti story of tbe Kearaarge Mid-, apd in I.** than sn hour the main* moth brick struetore **as in ruin*. The lire is reported tu have eaRgbt from a pseee i-f waste in tin- bands of aa aoptoydtg niiini; at a L'a-i't. The: Fire Depart iiunt failing lo cluck the tire, thc Mayor tel. grepUed to New bury poi l foi assisi ance. At Hie- present moment tbe Pice-will Hiptist eburen, apposite lo ibe milli and la dangerous proximity to a fraRMdwelling, is on lire. It ls reported tbat a man Ramed Ureen ss") i, in empwye*, ssa* burned lodeetta la tbe mill, while sevetal weera badly scorched and cannot recover. In the present confusion it li impossible- te fisceitaiii th.- los. on tin- mill, but it ks fully insured. Tin* loss by tbe buming of K< srsagc .**Mis mated at n..t far from hall a million dodds, besides tbrowlag emt ot employ ma-nt nearly linn- hundred and lifts opera? tives, BOOB it BM] ins of ssh un must fail much angering mis stiller, nnlem *tO_ae tliiiv_r bc done for their i <-ii* f. Tim tire s|.r.-:ul .(. rapidly Ilia! the OCCUpantl of thc s part me nt barely >sscaped ti* the il imei rushed towart] the lUlrrese k*adiRg to tbe io du, tbey being obliged 'a. hap over tbe blaze in order to ntake their exit. Several were t-evereh burned, lt is not known tbsl more linn one pei -on ss .* hui ned lo death, inn had the' lire bural out twenty minutes later tin- destruction of lue must baye been great, ss the mill would have been in full operation. Hosiery HUI Hunte el. , Pqilaoei iTii.s. I?. ci in'" r i.---A iii.- broke ?ul -'.-ii \ in Hie northern building cf Mar? lin A: Landin ag* r*i bosh ry mill. Tbe tami * spread rapidly, bul were soon under con I roi, Tbe building waa destroyed. Ii ssas quipped svuli valuable machinerj ind good li is thought tic lo*i will reach ssuf'iiu. ai...ut tsso hundred persona tuc ii .un of i mploytneoL I os** bV lire-. BiODaroBO, Mb., December-a.?-Tbe loss os ibe burping "'f Hie Peppered Manufac? turing ('uiiipaiit**. cotton*bouse last nlgbl svill reach 600,000. Instill (I. A Ilcilstoii Advsrss lo Hie- A merle nu Inion Tel ci. rup ll crump tn*/. Mbmphi-s, December 4.?In Ibe circuit Conn for .helby county Judge James o. Pierce* to-day decided tbe cise ol the Ameri? can Union Telegraph Company Bgainst tbe .Mem|lid-andCbai leaton Railroad < om pan v, winch was an application by the telegraph company, a corporation of tbe .tate of New Yoi !*., i'i oondemn loi its nc-.*, line thc tIgbt ("f ssas over the Memphis and Cbariesion ra ii rii;u I between Memphis anil Grand Juno non, Tenn. Thc points decided were tis follows; Isl. A .rant of privilege to ba VC property condemned for thc purpose nf | nhill*, im? provement nats wholly in nu* discretion of -*aie '. gislation. Sd. Tl)*' Itisv's of |be Mate of Teline-srC do not confer tin- right t > any telegraph Corporation, except chartered under me st at Ot 4! of tbe Stat*-, to ask for or lo have eniuletiiualion pl pr..pcm- e>f any kind foi I he erection of telegraph lim-.. :!i. Thc -leis ,.f I'onfnesa d', not confer tiny poWCffl upon foreign corporations in nu- 'c_4i__t_. .*s.__lt_a 5_iu; ed tin' Un ii ed states statutes only gives fed- i;ii |*erntinton io telegraph companies io build their lines along railroads, hut they must acquire Ibe righi of way Ly purchas-* oreontracl winn Hie ?stale lasv?, a. in I bil <? i-i*. do nut allosv condemnation. Accordingly Hie privilege of condemning Hie right of way in thia WSJ was denied to tbe American Uulon Telearaph Company. I . '"ti Un Imllrtiis. AN LNTBBBBTIXa ll li DKCIOBD. Orara* December t.?fudge Dundv, in the United States Circuit Court, yesterday decided in tin- Pooca Indian case to recovi i Hie old reservation ami establish the nile thereto; mai the Pooca tribe of Indiam t.aso.t legal e-iiite in flo ? i and are entitled t" possession I hereto. Tin *? um i- thc Hrs! on iceord ss In re one Indiau trihi brought sultagniosl another Inthi-eourti .,f th" United Slates, and has ..mi.-ed i is nie.pread feeling on accounl of Ibe ss mai done Hie Pone is. Ni\ Per (flit. llfUisifr-i'tllloiiU**. Vs s-iiiMiroN'. i?. C., December -1 -Secre (arv Sin i man lo-dts i--ii, ?! lin followiOfZ ??Notice ls hereby elven lo tbe holden o United States 8 pc r cent, ri .i-i t. <i bond issued under sci "i I-vin ii d ?? s. 1801, com mooly known as ?Slxesol issn.* mal In K k -t on raid bonds due Deci mtier 81, lsS|) will he paid willi tbe bonds upon presents ti.rn of Hie I...mis for, icth m pl lon. No in teict on lhat loan ssili bc paid upon k Ih (lilies." _ ititilroitti Exprcaa ? omi>iiiniiou. i. Itu ts. December 4.?Ail tbe railrosi i o'- eenteriog lure, la^udiai th.- Pacific, svhi.ti covers all tbe Goub roads?tbe Iron Mouotain, Dhlo and Mil si..i|ipi, ami Louisville and Nashville?bsvi made ft i"Cii combination,and will bereaf ter occupy one general office. Tbeeombl nation i* lo save thc expense ed seperati ollie s._ A xi) Iii Congress t ?> ht- t'outt-slttL Dovbr, Dbl., Deeember 4.?Judgt Hom ton, the- Republican candidate for Congre*". Of Hie late eleclion, loll, is served no'iee o his purpose to contesl thc .ca: of Bdarin I.. .Martin in tbe Forty-seventh C mgrt rn, Vati'vi* ki k li ii.\ m:ws. KuaiMiiti. noss wins Tin-:; vi a rm. LoN'tioN, Herein!)!! I.?Tbe seTllll.T match between Edward Trickett, af Ss.i nev. snd Wallace lt's*-, .if st. .lunn, N. B. for xL'U ove i the Tbanie*s CRbmpion Course fiiiiii ibe aunt-duct to Shs'., at Mortlake four and a quarter mlle*, which wac node elded when tbey rowed last Monday, na nth ultimo (Ibe umpire having allowee Rosa's claim of I dil SI IL.totiie I smith), wa i.|,.':i(ed Io-day, -anil resolted la ;i victor* for Hos*, ssh.! won thc x see bf three iti??(ii It win bc remembered thal m Ho- tu? ll .s's eoiite-t, al tin- liuisii Trickett 'vis fou lengths in advance of Boss. Theweatbe ssa- misty bot lae, and the ie- a tali sprinkling ol i|Mrtatoi. alefawtbehepkae ihe river. The ss aler sva* calm and !lx-i wm a good tide. Boa rowed \m ;* Jerse] but Trickett ssa* Itfipped tai ll)*- bull'. Tlie inna- of race wu* l'.i minnies and 4' seconds. ? Ir* I uni-** Troubles. Hrr.i.iN, Dei?* mi., i- 4.-111 the Qoeen1 Bench Division to-day tbe applieaiion b; Parnell, wlggor, T. I). sullivan, Bextoa and Dillon for B peainORCBMBt eBf lin-Mal Mais nulli .lune, on thc BTOOBd thut lb date already fixed Will iRterferay wm Ihel euu-tiildional ri?ht to ba pus nt win Parham* o' ni'ct-, waa appnaRJ Lythe Al torntv-a.-ciiei.Tl. und refused hy thc: Cour1 will) '?-?-?? The ChiifJu-iicc in grtifl ludgmeoi SlrORgff deROUROOd thc state ( auuii'in exlstlRg in the country. The application for attachment Btalasi I geygajiug Journal for artl'-le-* prejudicing tl trial* ul 'bc Traver*ervwai heard in lt Bench Divlsiou tu dayr Loi BhWOO'l VmUtt Jostles May said bc did mil think the articles were cileulite'd to Interfrre with Ihe trial*. Ile* referred lo |?1 If If (hil of PainHI nnd Dillon, and s-Jd (heir taBBUsgC was such ns to Incite the iieople to i_ssmP nile lan.Hurd*. Ile asked whether it at* not Ihe- dntv of ibe pr**sstot?k?- er*>.ni*iiH-p of such a sf afc of ihir.g*. Th** Court graiil cd sn order Tniended to detfajr fro* stellar puNicaiiona In tbe short interval previous to thr trial*, bm rnled that the aft.-u hme nt applied fir should not Rene,and thal there ha Be rota. Juain ? O'llrien, fd-ru.-ialil, and Barty concurred in tba cniel-Jtisttce's opinion. The* effect of tbi-t wdll he to prevent similar publications pc-iidim. the nial**. 4iMire Kifz_r* rai'l mys bc would he inH.ned io Make no ord**- a( all. The position of thc Travelers vvoirki huve bectn different if rhey themselves bed n fr lined from ?ndeaiorinr-- to (brow evlititn aw Hie pie,-, em.ri* ,,f ihe Land Leafrjre, if tm .Vieirne ye-'cn'-r-Tl baa moved for an St Ut-bment kw feared the court would beta Iud to iittach Ho se s-mir* Traveiser->. TbeCbtcf Joitdare^taiisfastng the **pplt e-iil'in for the porNffsoneeaent, said thal for sircsral moid!), thc cnn!ry had heeii'ir. i state cf anare-.ry. A large portion of thc lentil", iBStigateBd bf th.' Land IsCfigUe, Ind pncUeed a svsr,-m (,i dtetoRestr. Owing IO Ibe titiauilioiTZi el consplracv Hie people sven- so fernbed thtif they were afraid to as-cil their rights. If Mt". I* it nell had t<* complain of anything, il was of himself ont, hi- ass ti itt--*. He hail emit av.ired tn pro? cure alterations nf ihe law hy vlolrnl ?ap-. .h.* and men ices, and he bad md-oelj but himself p, thank if he was in an awk? ward position in r* tr ntl to bte parlian.eot aiy chilies. siaitiresttn of tho Orniiaemcit. London, He cetnher I. ?Tilt- manifesto to the Orangemen of County Down, enforcing the eourse reeomrReno*)ed in the remotion of the (irani! Orange I*odgeof Ireland to organise a rooRter-devon*-tration on tbe s .ni. day- 'md at the -ame pl o*es which are appointed for the _*end-Leaguc nseetlogs, bal r* ?*. iv* ii id.ooii sig natures, collected in I .SO (I |J -. The r* i nt inn Rsa?alfssSf*s*a)_* Psn sst s, Rovemher -Jl. -Tbe hist steamer from nie routh bringa a full report from Peruvian .<>.nee. <>f t>to proceedings of tbe I" I'.' (??ilif.T. lice al Ali';!. Three SeSSlOBS Wile held iu till on hodel of Ibe United St de* si,, r Lae k .wanna, or, th, JJd, *_.Vh, nil '_; ll of October, the ffrsl ssa, oeci pi.-d in nie of organlaation, exchang? ing credentials, arranging ibe method of pr< cediire, and also in ri ceivlng the fm in il - ateilielia of I >.(. def!) I'uC. adv Ulla .I li', I ij,* ? I Qnv* rnmeni ;i- neeesvary c ihdiiioi a Ito! Olds for Hie re-UOratlon of peace hir f. r ii i' intinoanee <.f the conference. rio- ii c .nd ind third sesaioni were taken np in discussing those conditions, which being rejected by tim represent at h sol Peru and It div ta lin conference > lid. .1 without satisfactory re suit. Hon. Thoina. A. Osborne, United 8tatea .Mun.", j-1,, null, presided throughout. He midi' t'ti addresa Imploring tbe represei live* nf nu- belligerent Pow< rs t.. laboi earnestly tu bring about pesc ?, and hopi na in lin- nauie of hi. Government tbal then " fl Hts -.soul.I he .neel s-fnl. The Aim rican Mini.leis to Peru Tfid I'.o. livia sve." .als;, present. The members ol tbe Conference svck Messrs. Allamb mo Lill'* atiil \". i gara, mi tin- pert of < .bill; Ha pt esta and Carillo, Bolivian representa ns .; Garcia Y. Garda and Arenas, repre? sentatives ol Pel li, :? lu I lillee MinisT is of the United Stales on the eoast, Osborne's ad? dress was followed hv i. speech from Alta, in svhieh he acknowledged on be? half of tue Governmem and people ol i bill tbetr gratitude lor dielotertMed effottsof th.- United States io pul tm end to tin- ss u. e; T o L t TIM.I . Hoe K AM) I'VK. I TltADK-MAIlK >K I lilli | 'HIL GREAT A IT I ItEER. THK SURE ri'KK K.,1! COI 0118, i OLDS, BRUN! IP 11.. ASTHMA. a i>N's| SUM ION, Al.:. DISEASES "1 THE 1 IIROAT AND I.IM.s. leil.l I"..I l"i.i Tedd TeiLI T()LI HIL I! I<d l Tm i mi i Hil.I TOLL'. HU I . I'd.I ? Lill . lol 1. lol.I . lol.I Toll ? I'd.r. loi.r. lt.! I Toi.r. i'd.l". Tedi. i'd.r. H.! i . Told". I'll.I". IOU TOLl ? loll . lol I. I* 'l.l. Told. '..IT . IOU . roi r. I'd.| . Told . TOLL'. roi.i. Ku.i . Hill'. TOM'. lol.I . lot r. I'.1.1 . Till.I . I"?VI . I."I.I . TOLL'. lol.! . TOLL'. TOLU. T'.tl I . TOLL'. T li ii "si acceptable prep mi i >.i kn. aa for Hl'.li'-lil ll. Pr.?!..ral. U-l I ITl'lro.liars' AWtelloot, An EXCELLENT 1PPE11 i r NM for ce "er-! ami fara tl | a e. 'I hr iii.i.n 'i ? incl Increasing, ile * .ul I*-tiiii"i'i .1- rm Ind ..'roly ar. lix beit evidences "t' .'. rlrtoes incl pipit larlty. IT I (I- IV QC Sit 1-1/1. SOI I I ls, e.IV isa noaa roa un. 't"M;i ra ss wv tum i.) i.n fin: KABKBT. CAUTION. DON'T ld-: DEI EIVED hy aaprlarl plod deslen ssie. try topalasdReromraoo Roch and Uv- in Blocs *>f *>ur Ti Ll ROCK AND RYE, ssl i. ll 1, tile- eedy MEDICATED . , ina Te. di- QEMUINE n ? v lue . PRO PR1ETART QOTERNMENT STAMP ..a . a.Ti !> Tile. I.VVVKIiNT g .4 VI.VKTTN, Proprtate rs, Cfelrsas, lunn.I.. Urn iii-N... Ci I! in-lay ItraSt, New V. ik. Po MB j iliseiBli. g nulli, sn.! Beaten e itrjwnttt. ?I ', e'Jtll*; l-l 'RI il.!., I mu* A en, Whole ale Aire-i.t-. ?? ll KM I I KIC Fl RH IT URE I ll RN III IRE! vi s I I BE8BE8, PK VI IH-.U-. lr ti .-Pitr n-. ut svrtni cmii d> aaasajl mun lbs! -I st,**. Al.VVWs ,*.-*; HsvTi. BerfoiV iinribasiits: rall sud I.*- <?<*vltt-r-t**)- V"ii ssl), ins* motto-* ssa t-.Vr-.lll AK I'll tK. Til. l.XIKSf Ol MY TRADR PROVES IT. PA BLI di- un li HAM r.) i:- TITS' all pricer* et*,) stvltr.s; eAl.lNKI Viv M-ll"*** sn.! CPUtif*>TBRIN? MATERIALS I.imiKINO-OLASS Pl.mks, et.*., Prsat-ts ji.d Uermaa.a Row YeM*tri***, WILLIAM I IA ri Itt i.V, HUN Malu street. roar, 16,* *'* ssaBB Kifu.-t.ail). ??'"ii-.t-? _____ rn XT KW FALL STY IK il Of I'l'BMTL'ltE. Kew snel eleeraut strtSI . _ - I UVMliHI Kl KNUT HK. !? lit IT tit ?un s, lu, IlslrClolh, Kriw. Kaw CM, Satin Dvlsluess, l'lii-h, sud .niter *l*K"'t __*? FilNlNoVooli CURNITCBE. MATT Bl ont -. Ai. Klitulue a.) ^??'.?/''il^'VHAHWOs^ l" lull Buy -on. riAMLEl. Vt HAKINtM^l . k ai-evd. Ons eruvr juted liKlmivuil, 1RAIN AND COTTON EXCHWOE. BB usu.m.. Den raber 4. ikho. SA I. KS. VS To s I.- White, lia *..t 1.-1-. at Al.23 fe '?I . rt ti.* t- . r. dbi I.iilnl. at ll.IB, fl.-t-t LI'S. 11.28, iii."I |1-SO t'.r...|..'i. -food, v.rv ... .1. I lillie . ai.el'Ti'.ie-e. Mimi l.flll hu liri. a[ I.gfi I'irii'ii i. Kalla l.-.Tl h.. ti. ls at 11.15. 1 20. 11.22, sad |L25 for common, i.i, very .ind (rime. t ..UN. li c '< JLOBell bushell ai :,t. .v_\ m.I 58c. ir koo-1, s.rv ir.. <i. and prime, Mixed.96 t-tuh s al B I ''D') :.le for BOCK! and _" ' I, VI) Si Itu Iii I- sn J :.I ai 80c. KV I - ld OH I." i sri y |OOd at '.'-r. IToiir. Kl"iu* liol si'\ brllk. Kill*'. *>:!?'. *>:i.-|<i! e-\tr.i, 5.50; *ii.iriln..-tl-".it ?? ?; 1 7.'.; con.ii fatnilv, -*i; r.? or paieni famliv, |7..*>l)tvt)*)8; taunton ii, |e?'?? iou, i wi, 15.75 ? RICHMOND TOBACCO MAHKET. tt.e i"ti os!, ir'-ut. in pared Sj Mr. Kiiuih-i h. .1, ii i.. rt. i k of ibu I" tero I ichartjte, retail te .. ii.i r. dace ? ni irkrt. axpl das ll eu . Bl< U.V1"M', Vs.. l*.r. lui i 1,1880. Oar aa tri el hl..ex-uciob*-f 1st, while spparentlt lull, hts, ii, i. .-i-iiieh -*-. ii.-, ii ut'..ii ruin., active, and .lr- mn ai . ti,--1, il. ii. til '.''ir pie , i..ii . I ,. ;r.'.-t li" 1. . iii.' Of <Sbl< ll IM ihe ?t es Ol tn ; .' - -.t ' 'll" ( a i.r'11 lal I ? i. *i tn i c is-, prices. In .? .mi.' iir.i'iiuii ur (link it KC I 1" nu ntl m il)' t.o" Ill ll ih -? sreie rna'."' ;.. t.e . r ? out ol tbe .Stater, i ? r. (e. \ re ik on-' Hi*' inarfce i..; ru, ippr. clunie i ortit.n of III* i, in int. .r Cia - "I . "i's. I" -.ty e.* li h.' ..| lissa r ne ttl i uli j.- i,on. tbe rel * ? o 160.000 "I ii' in' rai ital ibal bssbetrn locked up la in s,' i. ii r pg ? i,n-. ...... ss. I""' 'Villi illirie- I lite .ll. "I" .1 rilli. <|. I il. >? '|.l tn. |. *, ,,t ?i. i k . ki ... ? m. tl] ofa.I medium Bud i rs ? al). the iiio-i. ir no) al', eu srblCU waa pul np li) i ii ....lin-, wlih i.r sr ?-. .a'iii. ir belita taken b) e ).??;.cit (earl) lu tbe tt-ason); bul the ll ores ar nhl Tl Ile > sscn- hrld whet) Url ...rii|. ? ?! '" Inf 0 a me reach of ilui order,Hwy were in roi rqurn. . r. ..iel sn-po* : loss. The. n Ce ipi ? "i n< ?*? ii arc lui < small?ned - * < tts ?!? ut toju ins quota ie ii i be i.ceipi orb i" w), ? bne ut ill, wi t ..; ll '? orr pt-rtod 'tts* tr. St ire i-oafl .. ii dini ? .elasH r ri de 'Shin, ur s, |..|il' Well. SI ..<|.e,fe lum . io .3.75' I ? f "i" tl lo tel- t few pile - his.-1,.. ?i.i. .- |7. Soiwiih t millaa tin r\.. i,., of loo ??? ??' ii* sr. I heit . pre (Bc . de - ?hie.I Minti.' *>fl in l.'o. '? *?--. We tr- s. ry much ..I r u 'ii il ihe rcctlptt of inls cls-s will uni xvi i d io 0,000 i" un ? ? i nearly I J. r.r, md over ,'1,000,! till.mparwlwlth tf.< ie e. |U|{ -*, ,,., ml |.| so, 1878. "''? ? -(' 1 tr. Iel a S l\ -li..ol ri. I".1 .lo* (-Sport. \-:?.".? hri.TU Crop. mi nt. le of ii ha* made Iii ippeartnce, the receipt* ll tillie li. Hie tl." r of IbS '1 ei? . ? ll.' I .?I-.-1" j'is'liv .''i..t.iii.. .. li <?!?.. fo !>?? 'ic ;r i ral lainr.<ii "i iit"-e* to .-Ty tut* r-tee) m Ibis pal icu tar lasue ls. >t ibe trstks lb ti ibe t.ri.iu er.'p win ie .in av* r?|fe . ue i i aja in i's, but so inferior. i- H.,ja ..its. ibe ie- being -im** s?i rsc! of loa leaf ui't luir- in ibe . i"p* i .nu s comps receipt-, iii | cl -s " *?'?? '* ?*" IllTl'C i.i'-ir eer. fid pi io,. : Kectlt lt -Vir.-h.'.-t : ii".in C'.".,l"i I to |)..-a.* i,. r i. i-7!' - StUbo**.?: ''" ?? iv.., l toilet- iiber 1, 1**0. i B97 hog I 7,,i ,. rec*. VV. ? I to i"'-' i ?? '..r 1 1879. io' t."-' I' ? * ? Krona iTcitiber l t.. Iittrrr.t.-i :.J7t..v-i:?ii'l ". 7 Hester*. tn . ,--, i eioh* r I io I'" e*i inbei I. 1 B7y _ '..iT 'Ali He ro -. Protll I ... . i to h." ? . ? ?? 1, 1880* 2,831 a; SSS Balee.- Viral ? ' Bobe r I t*. IV ? i robe r 1 ls;*) ?? ..aK || li 'n-roU; TJ-eli lleretl iri" l,er 1 io D* etuliei 1- Issn. T.i I*; lita SS.. ei n * )..ii. . ' obe r 1 tn li* ??? uit-r |. 1879. 88 ' "' ? "' *?"'' i.'nu., r I. Ir-f-el. I Xl be sTshaadl. . ? * .)' l te" lt*,] iii'ei 1. tbtt. -171 7 ir itslieads: UStlcrci . )?.fis r I I,. D.r inner I, 18J ' ' '' li'-.--!?*sd- .".?' 11*-*/*.- jr* rn bru direct: Prom ",-?. to De .mi..i I. l?-7y. L'ir.'.lee'i-'.ii a.i-; MiO I Prom <?',.i..r l ?. de . usu* r i. 1880. 1,883 h-u-S i ., m.- : l a "'? oort 1 io n..di ter t, iB3B*aSTBbiarsbt-ads;l_er)l hom. t'.-loirt i I I., Dor , I, r 1, 1?>H.* l.-i'-Cl li?*V 's:i I ti* tars. ,,l UniU. -St'-rlt- ot !iruil iVreutlx-t I. Ih7d: liii?K'"i -??'.'.. 0.74S h*srtkeqaa*jj 477 ll,,,, j ..,,'u |h r..l -liK-k. l-ll'-l't tl, fr-total -Juli,. l.Jl'l BS .- !?? \ ? 550 '-'*?> . Mock- ou li-in-l 11 , rm *? r I. HBO: li stock, to.?..'<*) l.--i**-fi-'. 4r-o ti'ati**; oalrst-Kied ItlM-S T...*") il < t_* .'..I.-. .Tl*) t|e.t*fC-.-l*it_l StiA'k, ii-.* itogatumttx 115 ti T<_a _svRaarrla\f^wtba -inounooa: PdkRR maida .) ron, txrouT. LH'JO.?I OlOIUnil le>-eieHl.?l-e*l*f)<8. /.tnt.-t ?M_t_**>_, ttttat*'. tnt-.num. ?ei-*)0---S.; Mod, ti*'.*???; tuc, Sini'4-kit; extra flu**. titiii ?If* UkUV. T-1BAC l 0->*Vi*<n KACTIKINtt. Luci -Piliarr.-i i.-iiino*. %a.50?_4l; mvdlum. %4.:,o<mA-',: r?xi. ..ia, Leai I it/tr*.-i ou.iw.o, ?.?-.?5 50; -_.tl4uu_ ?rt-.aia50;ao??lt*7'' *S\ nu^.|??*-tilU. !l'ruiiii?r*.-e oromsHi. tT.bMmtH.bO; uw.liunt tft.50.a-Vt); tf.-.d., flic, ?in^-tll exint taat-*ia_rasLflass4lS. iiHKiiiT ion.** ec>--*?i\*vri* ,Vr.l?|.r?,-l elli,moil, ?HltSSllI; IIHd.ttlU, flOlf ll-J:.I. ?! 2tet* lei; r>.t*-.|l?ien,*>-.'.it. Filler*.-! ouoiiieii, Self^lS: mvdsaut, |7.a|U .n.Ml,*t|li!..t*})i_* tint*, tu-t-in-l. ll'r.ii'i'i.'s.-c.ii..?.|le'*si'lir,; mt-tllcro. SlSd ISO! *>n?'iO^i'.V.; hue. I10-4I50*. laacy, w*< 14 ie crt dc* ts. Jf?Aui/uav.-l a.mmoii, _S/t4JtAi r_istu?.|15ea??cN0; ifs>.i. ?-.'_*|S3; i?'_e,s3(). -riv,'. vk'.rt.M'-iitVrOOl FINANCIAL. KICHMOND HT(KTK EXCHANGE. S4rt'nr>/VY. OtrrrmlM-r el. 1S8U. SAi.i-s.-l.c'Odtliiri-s of C. ('.and A. If. B. sec Dd Ti st BS-.-; ly * hs res of ft. P. ami I'. U. ir, -wt-noii nt id; 4 ibarrs of C.. t. and A. B. K, ork at 411s. Sd do. st 41',. Td do. ,vt41f: lt) last-* td C. shu |). P.. R. _Kck at tfi\. lo do. si R 10 i.t... ..t s?. io oe,, at 88T.; LAOO Vlnriom >n el* st 7.1V; ?t.OC**' B.ait'l I), li. B. (1885) tn t. ?narr: "ra x %ni*i\ fr,/, Ato)t*% lrr!iiial()-40's,.l.and 4>. 47 \r\ irtuiu cori-ol., .. sud.). 7-T?, 74 rixlwla pe.l'r.. X. sud *). u* -, TO OOSb < 4'R..Asiid.*l. >,?_, v;, e.iST aSRSM. IcrMnnini.-iit V*. J. and d.? ISBR i, lrsBir>i,.?.-Uv *,'*. * and ,t._,. n-_., . ictssawHl ni).*.*.. km, un, ?"?r.hi.r.- my g's, n**-iT ux, J. A 4.. Ill o.or**rWv*iiri'.Ttv 7'-. M, an* N.... _ 1(8 lt Sl'.unui M'.VIe,. .'lil*! \V. lt's, lSOrt. I..%4. 7*. Ul'l?Sl_SS li. ITr-Us). I. Sd. gt t. I . -.K. ,: (.. ;,.,., . ,| . .1. m .i..,. l0_ t. ami f. K. K. -_.i matt. B's, A * .1. Iet4 i.siwl t. B. li. :t.i inert, st's, .t.i J. Itt -nli-. lt.*): isn h...ri. pr**r. h"s.4.4i J. Hu' mn >. s?. K. ?_ i n.-.rl. i.n . ti???. J.. A .1. lou udis. |:. K.:t.i!i,..rr.pft'l.ei".,.|. ? .). mo ir.niui I*.R.E. 1st ii ??'. - -.4.* .r. 104 ?ler-lnii- le. K. 1.-.1 riKu-t. 8 s. I. A J., lid ITO U'l-shiir. lt. H. ?(| iimrt. *-.. ,|. _? j., hi . K. ano V. fl. lt. ni..ri. si's. ,|,_J. jj/o hihI A. ?tt.K.,1.1 morl, sf-, M. AV. Sta! * IK li. _?..,,?,,, i ,. .. l -,*,;,. 1,,*2 10SB ,v LLB. R. roil-., *;?-. vj. ,t \". nu t X\'4\ cliiDoiiu-tu.i Hants ila* K'llilS's. 100 101 reimoiii K. K. 1 l mod. Ss. A.A O. ill, . . i..i)U,-ii_d ( linn.ut.* 7 -. LAT. inn lui lama nun i luat?i*e ti*.. db ein . e .sun v lt. K. Ll u.tirt. 7'.. J. * .1. no-, 109 .1 '.sm I A. H. lt. -??? ui'iri. 7".. \. Ae?. SB*, lejo ?rtat*sra*Bis Railrosd tn. M loo .-ina N. e. |{. if. 7*-. s*. g \. IO*.", K|(4 and A. K.l.. Li nun. 7*.. PS RAnjMXkB -I'.- Ks. p,ir. sad c?. Baiissi ??eeiiinio-.i. loo tl j.t . Vl.sii't ti. lt. it. ino . eliui*H..l aad Alie, tiauy lt. R... ino 19% i-liin.I ami IVlt-r-lutru lt. lt.. loo p., ^5*, . K. Ul I I', lt lt. ii.uiUKit. loo ol-, 8*1 sn.I lt. lt. lt. IU0 UH*, 81) . v.. K. ami i tu-. Kaili-.-_.i. lim ell .(J.and A. Railroad. lui) 4l4 41', ami! har. Air-In.- l.-adsv.-ty... 1(J0 '.id* IB Till CaU'llll.I lt.lillirie!. ST'j 84', IIASk -TlKKS. ri Nj'.on,il. 100 IBO 'tan* "t Virginia. 100 98 ai.fer. \ai"llil. IUD ISO ?uTi.-inis National. ino 111' ll).', iu Hank..1 Virginia. . UH) lliVf, ineiia Bank. BS IS, SO i.Bank of Richmond. BO .'>4 Bank. ?!'< 14 ?_.") '.'i.eii-' savin.- ,v Ins. (Jo. SO Is l'.'S issrit s\. l i DMi'isii s. risln.a Km* .uni Marun-. 28 34_ ... .-?in . -ttais.*. ib :e| r?ln(. Home. lb SS -7 IS Kile. _.i gi ercbaotaand Refclionics. LOO 104 IO? MISC CU, ivhii *, I loo 100 lol d li minimi I. ami N. SV. Co.... HM) itu. BV I ?? liri, ri*|ih. NK.'.v TOBE. N?w VOl K i'' ??' n.'.' I 1 - "?' -.n. - .?in s ?? i call. 8 per real, )xchsn_t? l-ung -17^',; eil'' |s|l . Stitt bond !i'i. I .??'. ruin i r-. Hil. /-..-? nu,'./.? Sion. ,. (','?'_ |*l r.iu. r\ tl*rt, *8*r*. it rons: new 5*s. cospou. ? I i: ic ss 4'-"-. coupou, ll' ; new r-. ? ou| on. I r?. Man .linn. ss \i.r. s i BRI i s Bi. i i.ttusv. N I SS Vi.Mi. I), r, mhi r 4. I * i ii ? mom v in irkei I -dis is .!? ride .iii rda*/, an i st.- have ls onl "t i coin mi rr - at. i"i 83 ol 1 pei-pent, per thr. uk 6 per cent, per annum sod a stood mauj oats ive been malle to thc .tock brokers al ptain il per m. 'Il.l - l nu ire... d e.n.Tr nm of Ihe ni .ms mar '. i .? ',?,;,, I, . purchases "?(' -*?...-k-. fl!, ll I. -ll 'I ir. III. Ill r ll! 1 e . rti ll 'll.'ll til ' ttllCk ;.ikr. r-oniina - vrs feverish and ai timi ik, Tlicmarket wa .ironies!nt iheopenlna ie'ji-i (..I'leie'nw an ru ia i nkatatemtni. ' i.irli rilli' i ll i- <>-! ;. pul of thea mle between ll and ls ' Vl tck. the -"..-k y siro ito loyui-e Inili. tr., n i i/ui s. t ii i <' ti tClflc, SSr-r.n I nilli I ?'? .'i.'.r.h. Ism IB and ? * i . \..r i ." ?? t. Mil * inker a eel Kt. Pani, ind na? rlo ann \v? uri a i he . "? k- trnieh at lime - bare ,-.. it.-:..- (?-. weak sis Re-adioi:. and ihe other coal nm. I tilted stu.-* ee'ii'is are '. biiber fortis. i and 5*s. and ra io*td Sondt ire un ir alar. The re a-mv ht. obtained 9. OOO1* ol 181-8 a Brokers sr* tddduia lol lor (he bond* to in. int*. Ibe Tr t rn y ai ! 0 The toliowlna nuoialton wt-ri* rurrt nt lo-dav ; i niir.i m.ii.. , percenli, ill. bid. til1,.! ked: mle.i states 1 . I-' cents, m. tdd. ' lo', isked; . a li ? v ('tun it. 7- it Ohio and MiuUsippl. ik,: Erle. 46*s.l M'ebtiraii it n rai. 11'_',; llu.i'i .1 aii-l *i. ,| ... ph. 4J,. I.ak*- Shore, ISO.-V ; Nttrdi i*-t. 119!.; N' preftrreti, lt.r,: irs [ourdaln. 48'.; Bock Mai u. I_:i; St PmuU X'T.: .. I 'it it i prete rre-.i. li:*',; ss.ii,a-it. Hf, I., ni* and irifir |.n i.-ir. <!. 77.. and Trial. 4( ,; i c.inn reif-arapb, 9*2 ; * . < . and LC, d' : I'm nie niall, 47 . BALTIMORE, Uti liM(lll), llse.allhrr 4. ? Vllr-'ilUil S'S "'I. -7: .Tciii.i i;i: consols, 74; secoad ..ri.-.S9t| . nen (i-4i'" , 47',. Bid t.>-.liv. COMMKiKUAL. '.SS wiitrmn tort ac c o.l _ rin? ?*ein*n*"l fir Hil. e It-sTTiTTrrTtT??-TnTtiaS I,rti:rtnalt*- to redd old h*M?7.h-,oTe,l |_?-i sml Ken? tucky Uiver u-nf, VV-e,uote: elli hsa-s, *4ttk*b; Kciiinckr Hirer lust, ?)()<_ I1SI Keotuesy ?i,.fl..i S|/r?J^. ' ***** WW Saiesaraaua. RRW TOE*. st*-..*" Vo*?b. I'lt-ciii'Mr 4 -('??Hon firm; *al-?*. 2Tf??airs: ,ipisu.i?. lae: ? Tts-.t, . I Sic.: eon*oi ie*ta,*d -tel !*? i-uie.. S0.S40 fsa*-***: *?,. rt.~e;rcat ftrliad-*. *-_ S4i*1ImiI*<; I r i ,rs . ?_OOO; conti? nent, ans.i ir...... jin! ?.,, ,,?,? fstsr; cm **.fair i airs. |.l.25.i |*i.7*,; r??d in iSsloa. ?n.eo' lai'ic. lower, rio-la* r.*rf lt*aw. usb* t-ii-ort st.d m* ?p? miall vt irs.tlnjr: a?t*/r:i*d r. .1. 0)1.1 (i--,*St | ?_?*?? Corn bette '.^h>stt*r: maw*-**) 57-vBlr. e.f-??| li? sa! Imiioi-aiutehaaae ll? ? aoe-)_nf<*ed sud ni.dr* rsl*, roi . I eTfr*-.*.e. c. ?uf.,r uiiPt snd inf liane. .1 _S?4-_.-*?s-r*.r? lan -mo New et, I. ,?. 'siii-f astlre; i.tss emu. ?s*r*'-i.*iiv. Kl*-*--ft-tnis ?n*l nut. t*r**e I, ni,...- Hr-.,,, qt-ia-t ant nm hanrt-d. ?Wi-rs-nluir <hiB: 45e. **k-.i. W.*)l Hnn and in ar iimnirs : domtMio *J,..?-... B7i|5Se.; pniu-i. 21 ?4'ia>.; iinw-MVvyl. I4v; I *._*.. 1 I'e-ib. 15 2<'C. law. r l-irdhvavi, lower, sud tali ly let ive st 18.77 ***. rrs-isht ? sjakH. KVLTIMCIRV.. lin. r-.MrtttK. *..-,- ?mr ,i?t _l)(1 ,,?. ?hitnjr"). VV beat?so'ide rn out); wt**i?-rit Iipsu ? )? .tel lower. r*,?*tnr aoennt-in it*.*. -1.1 .-.*-?. *>l _tt* - i.n. r rStlCSM for fane*, ; ?rn x-r, 41 .oraai Stp-i.tti.i i a'ri-ir- ?Ist ft" cy; v.., I vltrvl.aii'l m. i ol ni, I : No, 2 wesicrn *?lo er rt*4, snot aid t**erm*mr. fLlp ?>?.,-?i ip**.; lest tia-v. ?t._\T(u?!._?") *, ; p.-'erir-try, ll Ud;i4 1120'*; March. ILS8<e?|!.2S't. (Din-**..u li,an eui. aini .pile! : "sressl ni inisrr. rinsine siet.iv ; ? anthem svhi e. .",I a.M..: ytsliow. .">;*>. osi* Ann; "iitlii-rii. ld ,...( 4 "r : sshue. _5'.*4'!c.; v. tau roi-Pd WeiiSSc. Kve quie- at fl O'iiti I LOS, Haviuichanif". l*r.'ti-loi*.s quiet and weak ni' iiiuTi.inirttl. Kniter i. i-tittr'. emin- kp cno*c? tv.U-ru |.et,.l. 1 **?-_>.?,c ; r'.'t, 20 "Abe. Ktrrs i'1'ii.r: U*ar:\av : nm..). _T) ,i __r. IVro i-iim .pile : rt-Woe, . ?j'.'aS'-c. t ..fft-r dun: Kl*> ?*ar >. ? r.linsrs ni latir. 1 I ,, J.V. ?ieaili ; **A.*' I ? il . B ..-. WIS ikea*. Hem si ki.'iO. Frets hts un hsiuf.i. Keeilpis- Ih'ir 2 MU barrels; wfcwst, >**>.! ???> hu.liei-: (ears. SB.SSS karsSsHa : esta 2.(K)0 ?itsii.-i.; i ye. 5*iO hu.*. I.. - liliimviu*? Wheal, H)a>.7->0 l.'l-li- I-: com', 9 hiisli. |,. -i,\e*r B*ai st* 488,888 SaaBils; tmtm, __*v:u>ei on-uu-t . CINdflNAYI. HscISviTi. Ile.. mi.r 4.-H<m- dy.I and low. r Bill s. ll 'in ., *>iS _u: taiwy. |i ftll.,, ?? ?..-,. lort! ii-l- r : !> 04a n, I oed, in-, imo, m lunn item* ml: ...i.'et . tSi-.ii ?? T7e. ia,ns dall smi 1 omlit .1; uaw ill's. Lard dali nial .lr*..., ii _ st *.- To itu k i.cai-idull andu-tosiasl; bowed. r?. 4', .: iib. 7',c . lacon -cans and tit m : ?'.,lt-s. s\c. vvTn.k.-s esster el * 1. 1 _? Mis'.i .fi-iol* std unrhani/cel Meir* wi: om mon *5 7:. .(1*4.15: Hair. S4-90MI4S5; ..?Mi..-, fl 4e".i f .v.d.i; iiuteher*.-, H.eio ,r 44.7o. KOIISVILLE. l.oiTsvn.i k, late* rn her 4-Floor lu fair de? tr* n 1: et-.*. t_e._tOa.fS50; iTioi.-i- e.. rmicv, l's tUAktltb. "univ ami lu lair dnnrt-el 1 Si ufi. < .ern tietlct Bl I8".4l-r. dat. in fair eb land at :i7,-. i-rrk Ban mel bitstrai ?i.T.'O. Arti to ?* ? 1 -ti ?*.**--*??-- Hn'.-i. a ?('. t 1 lt r; .li.til en, *t:.o: tt-frt, 17 I2r*j ?7.T7-. Wblskat oe rSSJ 'the) linn al 4 1.1 - ll, IT ' I TS ST. Len ls |i. lei ff 1- Kirn-- >!u!l r'li.l lirt iian-'.T. vst,e.ii kure e aad dee'inlas; No. 2nd III. #1. Ol1..- tl H4 -,? ?i-n-lr. 1 ss or I. ..vr * 1.11*1 r close; ->i.i?**iS".-n.*'- a 'ionis, 4i.iTi, '4i.i 1*4 '(???1 n irv. C (.rn his 1.* r i"ii'i-ii: nttitou ??< iTIitnl ; ? ll anti |> ? ' li i" .42 I.i 1_V .lin "s. ('i.i- dnnir Mini -''??; T * ... ITV. c**sh, .".-*. lld K? nruirs Whi .. s .,.,). i rn *l.i:i.* lo-att-r ni I1SSU. Lard dall ai 18 SS. nutk ivrer; diualsTatsBH St Sea, 40.70. H-.1-..11 .Inti ami " d. MII.WAI KKE. Viii ss si KKK, I8re*i>her 4 -K'ncr 1T1H stu! nt .?1.el. ss m. t odell*, w.ak, advance*! t_c.. anti .1 1,-s; Sa 1 VT si.,,),,,-. bord. tl.ll*,; ott ll. 1; : v.. _ sp ,, ,?...,?. ,.?.|| ,(,.. De emh. r. 11.05 1 -lo. uai 1 *l ni'.'*, Be Lt'.-uv ; Re, :i titwaakee, SO!,.-.; No 4 mu * auk.. | .- nject .| n.'tnuiii C".ii lower: 40ke, lor No. 2. in', inner; :i?.v. rm n ?. ?_. ProvLituts h.str.r. vi.sS ? ?'-.i.i. IIB; 11 is. *ia <? 1 it aad Jsassr*/, .0 I?Prime neani, -s ,;, . , , Deer miter, and moms. HoKt 1 '.s. i - ; VI cu. CH1CARO. * 'll t? S<i'?. I'"' ml r I. Bl mt ipil.t .uni linn. ,\'|. it BC is. . * fi s is. ul. . niel .1 rh IU 'I j N.. 2 red Slut. e. HOS! N -.. 2 i lllrr.L'e. | I l)..'.u 11.05*1 crn-b, 11.08* .in.iitis. I1.071 Kebroarr, ate* .t |i.( i'.\ ei*i 08>, .I., nus; N.. S Ctiieaas pr I mr. ss '.iur. ci ... seilve and weak: lu,e. Ire -I O'il T*. I ?"' ?*, SI . , . |)__ ,J?i| ;,,1(| vi ak! SSC ei-!.. Ti'1;.' Mts. I'ork ut.-. Hied, 1. rssb'S active ai til 70. Lord . . .. r ,t 4s.;i5. tulb-nte-ais dnM sa*i *" as : sin 1 ? ei . ? LBS ; .ima ?Uar. 17. vsTsi-kis iii id] aud anebaaacsd, ni-ss TORN ei)ii,iN BUTIIRSB, Nr.W V OltK. IKcC'llllier -L-l olt"t)-N*t reeclpts l-l hale- : -i". , li.* 1)7 dil .*??": I ut I. la - eli... .1 st en.; r.i.s. eel.uou lille'.; |*, e. in I* r, *l-j; .lansctry, t\2 14 ; Kei.iu.uv. |l2.Sl ; sin, it. ? |-_ 47; Anni. 112.6(1: vin. I1S.7S; .lum-, IIB-84: .imv, ii ?-"?'-??_ NAMER I.N I l.l.l.MJI.M l.. MIMMlllK. AI.MAN Vi lu a KM BBB S. 1880. ?"un ri-t*s. 7:05 Hiuu Tiuk. ajua oatt. 4 T7 Moruiii'/. 7:10 Vloosi ?<?)...... ss ,-,7 | i venuur. 7:16 I'oKl OK RICHMOND. Die kmiikk 4, 1880. AHIIIS Kl,. si..on.|iip Break watt r, UtMis, n>.? V">rk. mri <1iiii I., aud |.i- 'lurer- fj. SV Allen A Co.. sit* ut.. stc'iiuer Aini, uiRord, soi lois, Hailed s mad, ine-ii liamil-.. , un.I i..i.scn.tas, I,. II. Tit ts in, _mat. S Al I. r I? KltOM ((Sll')UN K"s I. SS DINO. Se-ii.eeint r K. Rttrrla Perot, Baadolpa. Nets V..ik w.oii, T. J. VVo.'I'trltfife. e 1. K* lt in. Ate'ili.ui i*ri*r .l"iiuie* M.erteui. Orsaarr. IMota-, Brasi 1,9.280 i.Jirrtis H.,ur. in ii I ny. .15. ? BBTABBO-. Sui arrflan l.rlit, Irm-iii, Liverpool Silt, n.neni .Tl A Sion I-. Il *V4 *V< IA I.. 'rill: RICBMUMD AM) ALI.Ki.llA.NY RAILBOAU (XlMFAEl fi its r mo kt e; Ai. K 7'a, DUI 1920, COLT'ON OR RMISTEBEI**, We.'Oer for sale a Boa Bod ?*f tk* mmtttprnt* eerl'ed lit.Mis at pur ami inlen-st, H.. M_bpaaf laaattlnsiba rfafesf0ad*/aaeMibs ptkot trow time tn tluxf wdtioiit noll. >. W's u .om un ml ttM '"'ii'l a * i*f..**'l j n 'I *"*ft* se curlly. The may" ObM 00 Intel fr>>m sny ol' th" ollie it<..'k-ljriikera In Usc city af BtStMSS04 DAVKM'iiKT A c o.. da 1 ? *.t.--k-i:i.Aei_ lOri'E, RLI|eHll*. Ar. Wi; hank an i:x< lllink oi i-k, in ale nt New Vork ?not injureil ti) u.e-iiossr in Ililli ail repair, svlil.-l) sy|l| I,,.. SOLO LOW. Vl.-o, sI.Kie.ji*. tu.I SLEIGU-EI BREI - ?pm ssti.ii hu. ti h- stiaaaoa. < kERI ve,i>si,i;ti. nu risaaaiasi rafa. BEOEdl v -INRI I' l **"**<*. t vUI'l:!***. oil -?LOTUS,. Ar. ll r. i:i< UABDRUN sV i (?., *ss ni i . Ita svn RBTAIC l>) si.) i e iRpETIROS, on i i.ol ll*, e i ll SIN S| VIKKI VI.*, VV INlaiSV *n sin--. ? \ *.S s| ATTI NT. s **.|> I, I NT d. Kl'H N.?. '.io I, . ? i; ni ir Ria ill ssu HARBORS* IC P. KU HARDSOR.i i H'.VlAst BtPiKrR. ( *e* i'l-'H" B IHIIII.S. i."( KiNi*ii\*4 norn.. Litfiii avnisaa .tsfj nt narai .siHur-T (oppnslls e ihxhal), \1lW toll li. a ki 11.kc, raoraii roi ? n-T-iitfiiiiy-itrtai*'! ti h.- en ra asa tao af toa Boast f flu '.ti., i.te resu'i u* >"?. .*_".rh. .. scbottS, ??'.: Bjaaa . .., uni e cutial i ilit-sad de i-.i. sviisin -lu*-*- omsm . | "f IbS Kiev K*droad "'"I Vlvlt^u-avs-uua |'?i'tr? "1/ed bf IBS lee-t faiiu'.ie * >t Kuropt: and \H" : I 'el. .... ..?t..| *.n me lERtlPKAN l*l\N* idiiivr v sst Ki'A*s*r.n. i iniiuKs I N A KI V._OCB-**S)StSI* ?jiME HYGKI.)) HOI Kl., Ol.I) i'i.-NT e i.MI'iL'l, YA stTVATUD oas RRBSSBBB yasps mo*, poas M SUDS. Off_B ALI. THK VBAI Ke|..a".e.n'*:M.iviiu Hie oaRBiBtasasaisssaaa* .rt oe s-.l_.wcaiher -jusiuriuui. Isor ?ir? , ,4 brifaa'.c aTsj>_,'^-i.s. i*tiui?. Ac . raai' .?i taltfripli K? ui I* ll. Idle il*. HI *-. Protrl*-lor. t*|*s*Hl*s I nxti TA Erst. Off le t. ot e ti v e et.i.K* ian.) Rll list.M>. If. ii.l't 1. I ts*-1' I sit- rn *-; *A ILL n>: t>l**>bl> : i-AILV i' "*?*.* 'I'* l|,'*,.,;,'*L*t'''c'0_f*.. *'*! Uta '. -Vturitl'. M from dir 15X8,TO I HI. UR DVV t)k DKC cMKKI*. iii.Tu.evr f*.ril.? -?"i#vH?e Ol |S*_BS*JM frOOS Sot !a**r-u ?BO Ua.aUvadv paid ?mc lissi emly of lbs rbi *?**?*? tiara.d lu Stu* the ' rlV't-V .emull) v.^i i, oSSStl t" dst AUH'SStt of -.iS i-iB.linus" Inti.*i di- isv ''U.*r *d lu eveiv coos wlwrs tSo nartt aioaoor-i t?aU !a?tS*?sS?> *-''? ii-sasiuniK liall' *'**ain Hi*- UV*)- -" I'isUScil. Ral ni **a?*< suv p. rs...i. .v*a-iei*f f*H t ?? pav In naem.miit of duos ..... baS ol Hu BRf la sn due -uch pvr.oii ?l-?'l sad !*? fa* ???? *h._" tisie..i : lUrt-e/ou cr im4.iT>' D.u SI let-iyiil liv t .-uni. r. ti*! * -bali be adds d 80 ?*,r s*?uiaui ui-ai ii, tiniiiiiiinf n,* lax st.*rt-maiiiiii*i -Af*. \.K VVe\|i?*se*S.e'.lleciof. R. l!-l?*ril*? ti*.)-wa *s.tal Win wtdi pata** i mm* ii.ta ibst iht v usoi i> amita s-asHu-r. R <al'OHTasS?1c|*Rey_sR E M OVA L.--NBW HOUM-NKW -loi K.-T W. TM.VOW ?*??*>*? lu4vl**l??;;5',r^:, ? Isis* t..r.t.*.iii No. ts 12 RAIN ?ffl,l\_ Kirhmond. Vs.. oBers ? Mtitc ?l***-_ ?*f ???****? ItlKI I'S. l*l**TOLN l.'|sHlN(i-l Al*. lt Kl'A !K IBU-Aumin thc Itesl-ivie. 4