Newspaper Page Text
Richmond ffiaptch, SUNDAY.DEtKIIBKR fi, taft. Twa rs?ww-rssswlscisst%l A>*p?isrtlonrwritt. ST)XnBB*-VSMAN *N?X TO INtSoliK K "s r.ii I. IOH VB* at*I*t*sileSSt)KMKNT -OF BkPKI**s);NT4 TlVBS l'NB*R TER KKW rBNSl*. I ST lebsrepb io (tv Tr i minc, t Wars-MMBTOB. Deetember a.?Tis* Hon**. ***** Cox, Rb*** arnveel in Wsahinvtow torlsr, a-W to a ttiwune e-cs-rs-s-.poneli-ti' that tv t-hsiwltl ?btintr ftiiwsrda Lill e-trty ta-ar**. be ?***-*. alon tot T-he- *>*i.t>cirt**>iaisi)a it1 ot i'rtir*r-s?r?*i tl*?*er*s untie* -the new ceiuiis. Ho tl-nV, that t*bc I'css-stHntl'vr, ?>f ihe l!n*b*rd i*\*em r^ntee*-* Uiai such ? mt-aMine shalt lie *pa***(t-d" cat tts* eai*t>Kt praet Wattle Rune titer s *fit**si)nisl *r**,iinii rattssi of flu s^et_tsa}i,i|<<a, los-, mtom ?sande. As tl ls nt. i e. ty* tiiiikAfiiiiiii-s! qvi-nliui to tn > i .m W-i* iso moe: ri eel. Br! t ("ox tSMMBU lintier, atari*! -s-s****/ nb-v ttodv -*l?>nlil net* to it-flliy lt an |isr*T?saii "Bt-ouncts. He says* ;<.;.-;( any |*snN?-stel\i?)!a4f:e ts Ro tte ii a ts* tl Itvs re apj-ss neuime**! thi* sum thc R.-piddi- an. ?Mil Tse*ttert*?de(l, lWeai*c tbev ?>'.rer; the "Li-ft-tabtdrt-ftan s niMjvKvts ol tuotutt-** -.mi wilL-s*l*a?i?f(H**, control thc leda'-th-tii'sr ol fkiise- SliSc*. Mr. 1 ok shs- that .-pei-'osallv he wecmui i*ti*_>r to M-erj, ? vt, hole timitl, < ul ltV*s^e *tsi-taiives reel* c-sj to *_A0. btu ho 4i.-n* mo btupe thu that can tx- dons, aod ks .uv ?Clkicad bo 1liit_k Sn.) svill het.*s-!?v.,.| ** iHMntM>r (hat scan po-ss'ilv lu* flae*tj, while tte idti-iLitdws art* Urti Hf ss I- -he ?thf sw miter adopt.***. sMr. Lox -sys tbat moot* the K.tKsia* bi. i re s are evdiiplele IbBf ?rtj Show a imfi.111 atiin some*, hat in ri*- - 41 Wfgttm, Mr.-C.)* |? ti-iiriitan tf the ( .urn. stn *\vtf\_a Atl.tks. aisTctt as ot thc ?!>?>.*_. ?ObBBR_Ubsl He**vxprisvea un intention te kittroiuoe -ss 11.0 noa t Monday a rtsso kitiun ie*a_ toiinir ihe Trmjent Li cotuavu ?neate, so f_r aa .|? coin psi b_le wi'h p-jbiie Illicit st, oti inforspaiinn in his pos.t*NK|?4 relnHAc ia eactut ncK*iti?tlours between lb* t ni wm I ejttiKs- nnd tidna. Si. t?l> .Mun,r. TBt*. ?stASKAT **|l. BM'le Ks KV l KI) AS Ht H.I rUB BI.sHhVe*? 7IIK .N(iNI)|'S(*_l|'T 1NVKV T()?*>aBPAR|.?) 70 1>V.'/.LK TIIKetTTf KIIOI.H kbh -wi lb wuLLUvr provis) s? thi fc*aMMRB co.NSnjox ttFTIlK UBRERATOB. (H*sB(i*il.-l 1,1ns Cns..1 .lust arr tr lhi*.lin)c ef tN-ycar Keely Ix? cf ittfoioter itul vvein't novo, of rathei *fli*)Vts ea-Uroly loo much anel too .?teen. tis_*.iliv ? is lien raj from. In De ce miser Hit anntuil niewtns: -ol Ute-?.t.tsSiiiolileT* of (be company is Leld. ano Ja**, pn vino- to thai occasion tuc *_r?sl _ii*e-esvertr of the tie* mend-stie. |.owei |_u-,_i Hi co WI wan r Ken crrally linns m. sith mxi.c mw? sf-lietui-, or Improved ort one, cateiilat.d t_ confirm the in li-**-", faith ia IS Qi illili hi* weeti;, muli,, tluat BiiionR soul perfect heenins. A Pre** rei*)ii>r, In vvlioni Hip iden of dottf all liiin.-. iu j-cason ls ttraily rooled, knenAnnr; fi'-it i.n btock_*->4_ers meet in two wu*?.. vis. Istftfaf paid s visit to the motoi ?BR to ene what he- had to *m for hiuisdf 1MB lime. Ile -ams not d!*uppoi.>t,l>eL'..i neds mri -fsj up us .milino atui ast-einlid. ? ns of yore gerty's .simp, l?t-oratorv. s"e ot wini not, mx-ordina.' to sviiether Ids 1'i.itoi- in 1 cut dod ;.<* a iniieini.e. ebei fl pi.rn ai ea*., woifc of art, or BRsBboa, is * uled on TaAentWlli sirret attov*- Hide* AMT)lie. hie a -*4bb-i1I tsvo.^'nrv brick afl'aii, with a IsrsiedooroB th* frat floor. There h. no siitnor-liiii-.-leaa-uoinicii?_*? the nc-ciiiidi ev of Ibo ,,lsce by Hie /nan who bolds water in hi* MfebtjrfrMp, Td do. r was |. eked ami tl.ercwas n*? cuVlciue of ynsliods bel Inir within. At one (.ide of ihe bulldiOR is a nuireisc soilsy. Hi*- j-uie to tvliich sv:.s ?,,7.0, son thioiioii this ibo iicwsnap.r m.,,, pa-iU limil be rearmi * door at Hie fear. M Wt)tefl wai a si-n -^ivin*- noliee ln !?Inn Ba.Hsb tbat ilr. Keely ?*;?? busllj en-ztiiMd and could not Le disturbed A few vi.oroiis knocks at ihe-d.or biedi?ht n head ont of a wintlow t,l,oVe-a tiead that is Ktneral.y re cuifiilzed hv tho-e who knenv hm. to heion-.' to the fail.'ei" of U.e honue . paitilc sTs-ein of wu!e,".povver. Mi. Kids nooned wini WBS ?. d. and n,,on l? i?.r '.'^'""?J'^'H' uibatl^ Motor tooipany Vsaae. . .I.exclaimed* '? lllS!>Siioi Vi . "tl snell afnol JshlL.tUor-MblHir , ,. .?l)--,h.W_cin*m,r -*? Ctrl er conditloQ," v\*IM) ,-j^ (h> ^ scended sud opened the door, ann invited thc vUitor iu. "Yis, slr," -M Mr. Kosl*/, *'llicc()iii*f*(n,yisln *i"leiidid eondllloo. Wv bnd a ineeiingot the eliie-cois li.t niirht? an elegant ime'iou 1 'rhccoiDtianv has j;ot len over ad its tjnanei .1 d'tti, nines, and bas all ihe monty it wants, p was OraRsnlldatCd a year sgn, and n,e rapHal I nereus ed fioin one million tlollais to tive nulliuiis, tnd every share i* token. Come up stairs." Vp nialls a varieiy of lion tblQRS werescat Icied about, .md Iberia abra was (he Ge ne ruioi 1 Mr. Keelv looked at it with priel. andfmlied lute-old suifaee, and handled its h vers and valves lovnn.iv. Tbef*a bc lu san lotilk; ana bow he did t:.!k! He spoke like a man llMMtKtablj cntidciit in bim-eif. una to whom thousands of pounds ol pre.tture lo 'be square incl) wcie as puffa of w ind. ?? Tins gc nu alor," he ?*aid, '? n only ol quait capacitv, bm all I've -.ot to do i's to nun thi. level kOjRad elisliulj |fle ,q?,. lihnimi and 1 have foHy or tiffs thousand' prosure." Mr. K.elv turned tut- ivn, und iba reporter watched fur results, i,ul ,,e riucr,vt>n.r c,)n(.,U(ld 44? ll were set." lt w,.s r,ot ?e? anti na thin-, hap. med. Mr Kn iv then brancbeej (iffand talked about ***a)4wat|eO_S and pulse lions, and nroisof vvaer anti prevure, anil a varb-tv of omer tbiii_*<. The rc po rt er n mai ked that heconld noi imdei-.taiid lt. Inn ti s.Tumleil uland. ** Tl.!*_-ie.iit-si sdrBilsti In the world cau'i un, stratas**, it." reptleej Air, KiH-ly. Thc -sporter felt tn*iails te lieved at ihi*, and it-**, enuc thal T>n one point there was a boad of tel* lirt ween btsaaad tbs rrreal ptnenl tsty. Mr. Keely picked una violin bots auc; edtew it over a wnc atm lobed OB ? met'. frriHre amil it vibniled loudly. *?If ihfS Wire Wire set." saol lu,, -J \.mM ,?,?,. dvt-rv window in (his buddins.'." The te f*e*rter did not BBB n,e exaei v tine of a ssin. dow breakltHf aoparalv.-, but Mr Keels tr\ck*kxly ufy^ui lt a hi* .Moa, fifg ltes.1 tiled bU Uiw e*^ | larar tuninji-fork ?.d tenn. 1 ked liiuin-diaiHIy, *?] couK Risssjc eiwery winrtsw wi'n Mn*. ,0(1 ? I*re>4.plnR tbe rooi_entc*us *uhject of break tag ?la*s. Mr. KeeK ?eouditcied his vlsllo lule) anttber i*oe*i*. w herc a man ss :,s eoitsvi I at -work on a vildatoiv engine, on svhicl W-i.-beelv cottmenteelihif it ssas of tsv?i.ts ti')l?i*>4)owei aodtbi'i-e droi.sof svutcr Wettsjh riMi h lortbirty hemrs. *?" continue i ?t* mmtttft noun ii)- u. tKidtoi-r ap|)aratus "wm, an exiwraaeoinl enaine, lint I ,,u ifc?miri-*tti(Iiiforere-|i and snake lia pufe-c *mtmty*t tnirtv-hors,. power. I am ids, liaildtior a iwotssius.ndheuse.iiosver -en HUM' tnt* will tw cotupfeied soon. Tin work (BlM-lBtf dewe in ekrt", reid maebfene J-llIt-.T Tr TTn'"V """ :,rr ;" I?'**->?> nTtmtttTn' W.i" m^Zl?"*** r<i!ri.r .. ___? bi,ve 'WBipletel bc I ^i_r? ?_[? ^'ul ^D0tct ?* **i,h * **** W?__alsit.te_T<____ ,Tb,H roa<,,"?" isere, ^?a.r. Kr#tj, potntinj. to a hu-g< *>rs?* boRov. gtolM ?***_ on aa axis, "is ?_. other vfbrtskav engirt*. Loiau-ct th's ins* ?ie.-?irli)|rto ra* otber enaim and draw * ^oVZ**S^<*?o***< ??* bunuaaa a )R forty-oofl off she joe., , ,,-in bundi-**, r veSuitonsBsiaouic." In ?hl* room west mntZ ?*; K?<:V:,Jmrk ?Urt^ ?v"'* "ER ? tyhies he sated ito had tfoven *n inc bal <brou*.i moe Aaehes of solid limber anc fXSJTf *?**"'<* "*- The Hole wa tint n^aiti1 "U>K' 'UH ,f ??? ??? |?utB little ?ot4i vapor in live sus 2L*_i.T_S_! !Mrt"j^ tbniSb'b! ?!_. ?# <*?"h?ps {Bil locb.?Ktlr. ,n ? num. Vj ti ^tunabi9 fE'-tR-os k*ins- sass ol rweotleth sn eel. Ur. Keely r*r_art?d lt tt1*,uj,><*r,?l '???*???-? -Rtfltsrv ajflcers whe wert-lure sa(_ u,eluca was w .rib more lu fiSir? "ten(" ik?? *U iUt' "W^Mb-* Keel Molor C^impouy has n it." A* liv vMto. ?*a?de,m,tinKb<fW!(1: --Ko, Bir; Uw'com P*ov 1. 00, guintf to olsbfn,. ,Vhv iZ ?*o.?ro ?loo^oo lo twcn..*.;,ur Uro |? a ?*#w,orjo,ago?? Wbeo Ibe raoarie,>__ tmVVJ* hrtUtb *> ****"?trWx *M?h" roplWtl Mrf Kealy^ wbospoki ol tho atnoiiBi. as If lt wst-e a Mt** "One machine we had down-stalrs cost ff^.OOO. iib.l after I wno through cxiwrtmenilng on |? I sold It fer -crail-ifoi.. ll brought SHOO. The generator ls nil right, nnd I sm ged mr lo perfect Uh- i nvibe if tl tikes snot bet* year ve!, hut about tHiMnss I will BTBrl Hie tweniy-tioi*e*it?#wer our nt sawing wood. 1* has not Item decided," Mr, Keselv ?ald, ?whether n yvutdle exhibition -af Hie ma? chine wilt t?e git cn." ?FWraotlrn 4'ltlsss. INVKBIW1TN0 IBaCOVBRIBS IN IBB (Ol NTRY TBAVSBSKt) fit 1MB BIOaRBAVliK?AIBiBES MBER (HT *r" TBF. BOMB RiTCt. f<*l*|csBoTuaes.| Tbe Issi (*wigre*s appropristed n mm ot nioaev lo tie expended In si et a*o|ogical re ^eareb*.s aniotii* the ancient Indian ruins of thc .southwe-rS. Thc work an* M he arose cn*rd under the auspices of thc8mi(h?niiis? iJn*Rti!?ion. -aid under thc immediate dirt-e Hon of I'roRlafsRff I* AV. ff nwell, In char*** of tiie Utiret.ii of Kthnobitfy. Um) fOM ll.isalnd of exploration was prosecuted ttl tbe ?wort'hwest portion of %ew Mexico aod contiguous parts of Arnrons, among itt* Tanti, Mnqiii, and Nnvsko Indians, l.irae colts-ciionsof pottery, alone, bone, and wood? en latplement-**, as well as alt articles of food and clothing illustrative o?f ihe daily life and pursuits of the natue tribe*, were garnered and forwarded lo the Smithsonian Institution. I Mi ri nc ihe present .season lhoe researches snd inquiries have been carried on ohiefly alony lite Rio (tranel* riser and its liihufarics. lt is on this st;cam aod Hs tilhtilaries that tbe greater nuuiber of thc furious Indian* known ns _*_8bRsS have their dweli'ing-|>lace. MK. SEWN KTKVK.NSIN, who hud charge of the party, and who ha* had larye expeiience in scientific explora? tion in the Hocks Mountain*, arrived herr on Sutuiclity CTtlriSBT. and was "at home" to tin- Brr Ci sile mist on yesterday. Mr. ?etJifvenson -.fated that the party Mamet for a*a*e_eld the latiei part Of Aw. mt. He wa ?aevcetnipanled Rf Mr.*!. mt. Hiller* us pholo _Tiipher, Wi*. J?'. ('. ('ulbniith, ethnologist. ;t.i-i Mr. r\ Vt'. Morai.cs". The pany visited a-ll Ihedrtferciit ililies from Taos, in t*"onli? e-in ?w Mc.ico, IO lisletti south, oil the I. is* et, ramie. A large collection was s-w-ured, in winch Bf comprised stone weapons,;such M-SftSjar* licit!-, knive*. faabahct*. arrow-head-', sltaig sliofs, mmWg*t*, tho. ; S_d also mali) steane ui*n?il-* ol bii*Landrv, such Ba Bt04M soup bowl-, ladles, awl*, scraned*, eon gen, pc_t* Iles ai;d mortal*, laAitRf'-StABRS, gitihIcts. and (he like. limden*-nts of wooden -tine* I lire and dc sit-ned for dOBaSSellS uses were : set und, Including plows, svlneh are vt ry cthtoiis, ticing eoiistraeted entirely of wood, except in rare iRstaBBtr-i, w bera br Iron or rude stone point is attached bf bein;, lied to the Jomt of Ile bfBfll suth ISR Iud.. The denni of Hie plow- eOBSlsUof a pole about six niches in diameter and twenty fe-el long, the handle?there bering but one?standing uptight at an BOgle of feKty-lve dcgicc-s, ii-ining toward /? THK I'LeiSVSt.SV, with a Ttuved tip. The plowshare is a piece of wood aliotu four feel long, and lies horizontal, into which lhc handle BRd pole, Of tongue, is fastened. Vyoodcn shovel*, ?in-planlcis, spoon*, i tc, were colleeried. Mr. Stevenson slided that after visiting ? northern tribe-, the patty descended the ,o Grand* io the i'm lila of Bania Clara, lids Indian town i* Situated on Hie ss. al bank of thc Kio (nando, about fifteen miles above the lower cnn >n of lhat stream. While tbe*/ were at work in thc vicinity of Bania Clara they sv, rc Informed by tbe In? dians iLat not far io Hie westward sst ic many very old cities that had been oecupli d l*y ti peo|ilc maota like fheinsi Ives, but who were now sll gone, and of ss 'bom the olde st cf Hu living Tibcs ki OA-nothing. A (-mull part**, said Mr. Stevenson, in company w iib thc old chief of Santa Clara, made a nip lo Hie locality indicated. On arriving at Ibe foot of lbs nic*a, or high tableland, row after row of square bole* in the binti" could be seen, eaeii ono cf which, upon clo-e inspection, proved to bf tbs door c.r entrance to a house, wbleb 'iud been chiselled out of the face of thc solid slooc wall With stone hatchets or gong. s. These homes stand in tie:-, one above sb* ??Hi' r, ilene 'Rt IMS Vi STC mesa. Rods ramses of fuiimals, ide sun. and other o! j;-etr, wete found here and lhere on the smooiti face of the reel.. In litany of Hies.' clill-hoiisc* the ends nf poles vveie found t-till remaining stuck In ihe hole* in the stony side- of the rooms. THK HOlSKs are generally of oval sha ne. and in each can lie scan little f-quare recetne* and oval cavil les* winch were BO doubt used liv the occupants aa cupboards and places in wbleb were stored lillie household warts and trinkets. These curious stone dwellings, continued Mr. Stevenson, occtipv an area twenty miles in length by from three to live milos in width, and the entire area could be dis? tinctly seen from an elevate d lookout. The (toots, widen from a distance looked like hlack snots on thc front of the white vs all*. could be counted by thc thousands. On tiie sumiiiiis of snme ol the larger im-.-as. and gcncrallv above the Cliff houses are ex ien*ive ruins, constructed of square blicks abe.ut ibo sizoof adobes?-beingaboul twen* ?y linties long Mid len inch' a ss ide ; idid thc-e, too, were manufactured svith alone implements. TtMSC old linus ..n Hie mesas linet ibelr Marts or pl isss, estates or place. of worst.ip, anil oilier outbuildings. Mr. Stevenson and hi* parts L'atliered from ihe nins hundreds ot fragments of handsoim ly decorated patterns, differing from any made in these (lav*; also mani fragmentary mid some still perfect stone _' inges and scrap* is. ihe finnier having, :?s Mi. Stevenson Ik Levis, lieen Us.d lo carve oui Ibfir eave dwellings. Thc pails law from one point mans miles ot these INlKItLSTINCi HtlNs, and were informed by the Indian snides that they extended a great (iistam-e beyond Ibo inonntains. Photographs wt-rc taken of iii div of the mos; strikios ?*Rd instructive portions of tbs ruins. Large views were also taken of tho ptrem nt Pueblos, bergin tiing with Tao. :ii)il including all thc Indian tribe, (ding the Kio Granite and the Hi Jilin z ns fal* son!!) as Islets. Thee-c |.holographic IHUstI*atlORS* a* wt rt as thc- iM.pcts In the collection-', will tte uHlizrd hv Professor Powell to elucidate the wcrk of Ninth Atnerican cthnol.v.'y, eon ce; nins* ss bicli bc- bas ah cady given more uifoimidiiui to the world than any oilier scie nln-l. The man-rial (bu* obtained, as well as llieiufctrmaiion derived fi om astudv of lt, both in toe ottice and in Hie Held, will be transmitted to the country tlirou_"h the reports published by t'ongres*. Tin: stu? dent*, of science aie-ej apis interested Ju lhc re*uiis of these explur .lions, and the work will probably bc continued under the auspices of the (?.ovcroment. Mr. btevenscn, accsomimaicd hy Mis. Sn vt ns.,ii, left thc eily yesiessday artcrnouii ?lor Wusliin-don. sjiilbooly bad bought a barrel of apples f?TOi De Smftli's gn-eer.-i, which did not ifBS sH'sfictlon. "What's 'Hie reason," said ttnbooly indigoiutty, ?' t-kat thc fur? ther down I go Imo the nppt*-. Hu* worse they get ?*?'' ?* I'he teison for that is that you didn't oik-ii Hie barrel ut the. other ced. If you iiiiel onlv done that the apples would be Betting better all the lime."?tja Iveston Mews. She .-va* a big, buxom tass, and when ber small hean eatl.d evening she said, a Hood evening. Lily." ?? I'm no Jtl.s,*' lie replied, sui prised ut He idea; ?? you're tbe lily ; nie-n are never tillea." " Ve**, sotuc imn- they aie; und you es|-ecialii/ are a Idy." "How's that H " *? l.illipuiiau.*** He Itien looked a* if he svished he were au ele? phant.?Ke*s.tucky State. Journal. *'Pte bad my eve on dat chap fur nonie lillie time," said l'restdeut (rarduet, of ibe lilOieKiln Clul*, '-an' I kni-sv from de way in- sol his fcet dow n dal wc shouldn't carry ??hiai md us werty long. A man who bad raytRrr dit?g his Roofs frew de mud dan go to de I nubble of iH-uuiti" bli knees doun' Ib?* bing arter ye In gm t>) watch bim." Attli'iiigh very early this seaton, lt bas al'afsdy lieen discovered lhat during tbe p A"***iii winier iee will, as u?ual, freeze wlib iV BHpiiery licje* \in..-Phila(letvhla lASronicte- Herald. * The faaalon Piny. fNew Vork Time*. | The dramatic monstrosity ol Pr. Morse's PaMlon Plas ls redeemed by no trace of literary merit. Where lt departs fmm the verv words ot thc Gospel it 1* pure, un? adulterated drivel, and where lt adapts lhc IfiiiKUSgeot -scripMiie lt 1* only ta tr.iv**!y tho siinplierttv snd the StsRliOSSjes Bf the text, f^letuy night aliont a hsendred ix-r sons fertn to have sil patiently throuitb what miM bave been ts sny interllloent rm* dltsn* a grievous iiiflietlsin. Apart BHnsflhof from ike painful burli'sqiic ol tarred my* ?fa?r:ea willoh coach a rcprcsentition wohHI bave rnvolvr-d, li ls Inc-oncekstile that aoy aeijnmsxs of hcciiIc effect or tjraniaHc Inter prilarsm would bave redeemed tbe play from Hie stigma of it-stalerahlc duri ne--. The munager who " bosved to pubis- opinion " in withdrawing it frota ?he"i-lJigeiindoubledlv saved himself froia a distrsiroiis and dis-.rnceful failure. ?Prsave snxielv is felt for Hie ?afetv of the schoo'ier Corrclor, Capt un Hiibbard. winch k-ft here rT'ippabsnnock] In tbs Ititler dui M Otto ber loaded with lumber and gram for "RToshingion and llaltlmore. A biter incelsed here from llaltlmore stans that vs hes. last heard from Hie -ehooner wu's *ois_dtr.i down Hie Potomac er. route for Bal? limore, anil ii ll supposed *he been de talnesri in the river by B-EBBSS winds.? Ttdrotatcr lndct. Senator J. K* Bousb is out ifl a letter to tbe E?*vrfolk papers saying the Uepitblicans "wiE sabots- thew manhood, their activity, and lieu- indomliabfe eneray bj a thorough and compi-de BUESBIlSllOB prepftraiory. IO entering tbe tie-Id -ot) Hie debt Of BM} ot lier i|ii*?tio_)?. involving the ii iciest, t*bC honor, the ereelii. and the good name of Ute Com? monwealth of Old Yir.inia. A friend of mine has now a cook. On neing asked whether thc was a good one, he replied petulentlv ,* ??('nod* Liood? Why, if she bsd lo prepare nells for an osirich,she'd boll them haiti."'? Eoem?y's Progrttt. _ IIIK III.."*.!. _ l?OR RENT, TUA I (TlMKORT A~fp I lil.K IIKSIIIKVCK No. 801 susi Frank-Ka lui-tit et eon illili UK * lor ti t roeiin-. lulli-remiii. fte. Klti hen with fe ur tooms ami lofft .trihi-. All lu 1.101 tier. Apply to II.SKI DONTAVLhR. Krai btate Alfi ld, .!. .V'U_Lieu adi) ami Hans -tr. el*. *CH)B RENT. THAI DESIRABLES JC PIBST-CLAXB BRBIDRNCI1. Ne. 0 ari {Li (dace BtrrSt, Coolatai DI al) .ul ten room-, le-mcs kl i ri). I) . n I -il s 'lil-' ie." a -. si itli .ri I ii.oileril lui? pi >s inn lils and lu iHiT'ee' order. A r> | ? I v In ll. BELDON TAVLOB. Ked i slot-* A.* ni. tie 6-3t _f lerentn sae) Rank s'l-ccrts. 1?0R RENT, THAT _*\V0-sfl7ll Y _*) BUICK DWELLING No, 7 e.ii'li *, mod Kl ?urset, ooutalBlng nine moss ? m rood renalr. e ness ni NO '. r.ei.K. Real Estate Atr?-iit*t. .le S-fTI No. 6 north 1 eiiih rdre-e t. 17 < ll t RENT, TH AT Ii Es IB AB I. I! cr V niVH.LINc; N.e 4U7 I- ev.mis .tree . t_l i 'ii'iU.iiii!' ni.eeni ten room-, svidi sll modern Im lir.'veini'itt.; kilerteii Witb i'l'iu room---:ill lit gnni urder. Rcstloatoaax*<)dii*s*nt. Annivt. IL BELDON TAYLOR. Real Estate AaesL d.(fl Bl_ KfevecUi and Hoik-tr. ? -. "LMHt RENT, l?WELLING No. 101 sps X. (Tsdr place? **e* uiii'i r fwOOt Imii.c?willi___. IsroosM. liiil HI*.* a WILLIAMS. ile 4 Hi_ 1~M) B BEN r. 1B E F A RM KNOWN A As ---F.VKN OAK*." In CTi.-.ieitiel.l HLi re.nuts. t'oiit.lmiiK 120 :.'(?-, sud i * ar chilla demit, willi illunie BUILDINGS, tte. We will lt mti ihe place for ? ti rm i f v> ;.r.. II. L. STAPLES A in. Be :d Batata Afcata, l io.t Main r-oaet eic 1 eod.'Tf fi'OU KENT. THAT VEBY DESIBA-ffS. ai ILK ST'i.UK AM) DVVTLL'Mi a Los (ita \n. 4 10 <*st Broad .'reit. iMtwern fouiib aud Ki"III .neets. Will relit .!.<? unper part r-cp.r.ttt s ll 'iii cl i eel. A|ipls t,o ll. L. sTAI'l.t-s A CtL, Estate Age ats, 11 I ,'i Maui Mn et. tie 1-t (ITt f'OBBEN l OH LEasE. Till VERY rn HANDseiMK STORE AND TiM-M" NT-Li Na I--17 etisi Mainiti-rst,Iii Bail '8c]naK,a*iloliilnK M...].. ruimv .v Wa*"a It trill be n lu .felled ami i.i r.tiut 'i lei salt an aeee-cmsblca tenant. Ai ptv to i.IllTil-.. .t WILLIAMS. e!e 'T-ttl Heal K-tau AKeiHS. R ;>JBTi'S.f? li.tMI. lt., i .'.'EDIES iou- 0U.QHS.I 0LD8**c. FOUG ERA'S I'ATK PECTORAL LOEESQE9, HANCOCK'S LOERNGE8 (Dr. MeEi asia's Bm ninia), BROWN*. RRONCHIAL TROCHES, CARBOLIC-ACID LOEENQEB, I'ASTILLK'S DI PABIS, 8ACCH iBATEDFOWDEBOl < "nD-LIVl-'K OIL WISTAB-S BALSAM WILD CHEERY, MRS.(IAUDINKit's RiLBAM, HALL'S LUNG BALSAM, \VI\( HKs'lKU's urrorHot-PHrrEB, HABTINS *' W1MP0UW0 BYRUP NAPTHA, EMULSION COD-LIVKH nil, AM) HVl'OI'IlnsrillTKs, ANI) ALL THK POPULAR REMEDIES ros COUGHS AND COLD.*, ion BALB rv T. KIHI! Hrs RAEEB, 1'ii.sitM se iVr, itMeessorto MEADE .*.? BAKES, 1)19 east Main Mia.-t. foe SH pHLOBAL-THYlfOL FBOPHYLAC I1C AM) IHslNKKCTAN'T ?-liiiiii.i ba ti--cd in all sick roooBsta etaaasc Iha astin BM nt and prevent the p|ie_)l e.l* contaxlons dlstiu-e; 1(5 o(letr 1* pleasant, ami its poster in ili'.ti..$ii'K iioxlou- d'triii-. reiiuiliidile. Sprlnklial on a hoi diovil, lt IsaebeM every ipot tn '.lie- rooni. Pre'liiirtd hy J. HLA1R. IirteriiM. an 21 rorni r of ltrond aitd Mntli stret-ta. e[M?IJiKTJIKI>Llt*4. _ [i.vr.tet ticer e.J "IN TBE CIRCUIT COURT OF BAN J. eiVKK e UUNTY. OCTOBER SB. lH8(i: ?- Isaac liiivenioii. .lr.. Ti lilli- A Marri-. (.rilli.i li |> ts. npiri, ..iel Joba M- VI...ri .di r'iinds and p*i-torrs mule r iii?? bi 'i Sibb-bsbisor Daven peat st Morrl., srho isa db d* half of tbtm-eivta anil al! ("her creen'"!. . (' e.rn-ti* HiBSlaonn, .ti*. t iBHtf*. SBO Sill iii nmt moke h. ni- ls. s pal ne* stud conn inuit* to Ina coals nf itu. sun, " l*t.niniUT-, in (Tione 'r... ?? urslml ??( hu:*- c. HbrRinooa. I>. GraarHle .lone-, in*. Mus K. .lol in net HlnriBtOS lil. wlft . VVlHlain ,N. .! aek.on and (TtiliKU .lark-eji .... HlBBlOton bli ss tie. Timi* osN. Paste, i astcs; .1 dm Petr, K. W. Morris, ii-ii-i*--; .lan.*-. M WiekhsBa .1 .Iii IL Wi'kiiHiii. Jr., NV. L. Wickham, .vii-*; Li/..Ih.-1i ITi-.t-ai t?. aiel H. L. Jon*-, H'iiiitiii<'rilof of l.a tlus lili'iv' iisi'ii. (I*rea e*),1' * S *. 'Tin ssheit-of the omit dodi ml. imh'!-. order, and i (a r( e I Ital Ibu CBBse be referred IO nil" of lbs (??muni..lon. rs ol' dd* eoart, svho will lunl." tba lb lossli)- !ii'|iiiri; . am) .lalo du* l'.illowiiig a conni?si_.: " Klr.t. An aeenin! of Hie 11 aiisnrlons rf fi. |,. Jone. BS adinlutsiial.'i- Ol die pcrsoaBl calala Sf Lu. lu- HJaglBOOB, ttiei.rrtl. ? s. n.ii.I. An nc 'lint of ihr rial an I ptraosBlCO tate ol' which Lutiiis HtaxtasoB (Bed setrit>4 int im.s"?t-ed?IfM I*-*- sin nh' rtml annual value ol' Mai? led e. alt. "Tliiril. Au aeiontit of th*- liens ira the ?*, ;,i ,.s. ttt*e ot ute han Mlgilinai sitb Ibetrlr rospeeOsrS prlonti. -. '? Vmirih. An account thosvi nu ss hit' loriito hrl*iB8' lue to lbs f-l.ile ot Lins VV. sh. itnir.i. ilec-B'nJ. eainf liitu UM hunts of IBS nt'c Lie lu* HlafiBtOB, (|rc'js,d. und abai sn- Hie rlnhtsof K lr_!* li A. \l. I ?saan BB sir du-' tba enia'.c- of th ! -aid I ii In* lliiv kIii.oii. de -cased, hy rea-on of Hie* aeeeplan. r i.y tald lllBKtnson ol He proietts m the codlels io Hie will of Lucy VV. sh. li.urn. '?Kiiah. What auteuil , if ans lilttsr. ls due Trum thc-tate of Lucv VV. *helh"m lo H. K- Gibtoa, ami nal laasTSBCStattfl Bf Silt, shtlttum, and wht iher thet'Staieof Lurln- Hiupinson Isll.hle tor told tlslni or any psn ih-rtof.** Tin- partle ? Int. r?-ste.! in this decree will take no? lle** It.if I have tia*-* ipos WKIiSKsD.w THK i.'.iia day ok JiMTtiv, 1881. am) llanover Sa...rilii.n-t*. as (he* niue Otoo* fur t xreuilm/ Ibis (BMroi, when sm) where (bey art- rtBBlHill to stu nd. ta I ven nuder ins hand nu* _T!!tT Say of \oveiu bi)cl880. ts. i:. KKIH), CoiuuiU*l.incr llanover circuit (...url. **>*.St1s*-i?-ti4w_ POIKBRIOGE-ALUM WATER. PRICKS-|;KDL*( tl). ?5.80 l'KK CASK. Bortale hs I'l'Bl ILL, LADDS 00s W'ho'eale l)ru-p|sn. te 4 rod A.ints for ibo Water. BOOK ANO JOB WORK iVEATLY EX , a0TJ)_^:W, **T ?PHK^IbPA'l'Cb'sfP.lNTIRS _JtVfjFlfJM RAI.S.W-- ?le)M4lnjr. Hy (T.x A Smith, (.irtenti Amiinn** r*. 1888 Main street. fl_KK*rlRlB8t FKUrVs, Etc, AT AUO f THIN, .-.'iiiiiii-n. in MdndaY, Drir.MiirK 8th, *l 10 (*tl"ck A. M..cnn*l*llii| Hi patt nf bo i.._-- < Hi I -) -.limrvii' ire - ; S'? ham-la pt ARL HiMINV: 78 -litti-ii AssoHTKl) HlfiieiMS; ftl) raw* CANNED (.(MlitS; IO Barrels PURE elMMt VIN KG AR; VJ* Itsrre-1- APPLEM; 10 tv._e. L) M'iss; 1 fair FAIRBANKS PLATFORM t-CALl>: sic; Alf. HACeiN, (e-l/FFEB, vniLAS*-r***. A**. Atrto, H.*- sim k eiF A LL Milln HM VII. (?Rm." EH. .ssh- p-rnnitit nnd v> nive. (Vtrtsli/ntiieois mUrPed aad r. i.|* tn li.inr <>r .*l*. t^iiiek isle* sixl r)-i**?ini)l rcuirii.. ( "X * SMITH-. te 4 21_13_"B Ma'aslret-l. Ily Jim. K. Lsnf.ton.Jr.. A ml inn.. r. No. IS08 Mainstreet. BRUSSELS CAR~P~ETS ANT) IKON lleill.KR-irBKs AT Ad THIN-Uv ellice', tie'ii ol lb.- r* pre i* a(aHr*'<r?f tilt* I'ni ntl sula. 0or? erinm-iit. I *li ill sell si my ul e'en h..i.e. No. l.i'i". Maori fina !. mi HOBDAY I HR ESR instant, st IO!-} o'clock. Ses.rat exeeliviit iseBBBfoSsS KMil.isil RRUB SRLB CARPET*, revs-ii'ly ri-iimvid Irom the custom ll'.ll-e (>ni'-e-. AL.**d. sf 12 o'rtock. in IBS) oti-iorn-lion-** vsrd. HVOILER-TUHKS, IS f-eM l..n_.:i Irenesdiann-. Ur; believe el io I** in rotvl niel r. JNO. E. LAUGHTOE Jr., ?_?4_ AinTlonc-er. Hy Au.-i: line Royall. Attrill Mid Am U"ir. t r. fSBSSSSMf to Moody A lloyatl.) ofllei' tonier Ninth and tl*. 11 streets, Maischeder, Va. ILL SELL ATPUBLIC AUCTION. W MONDATtPBCBMBBB **.. 11-80. at ll'i" oVwt.-k A.M.. Bl (iweii* A Hr .iher'i s she>*. Hu I ..(rift t" is*ccu j wellih :ii,d Thli t* andi streets. MamheMcr. Va.: % FINK. WKLL-lilieiKF.MULES; SCARTS, i CARRIAeURfone-borse), 1 DflURLK-WAGOK, And tinny ortleltS leno BUB *'r.etis io mn.i eal. T r.Knt,: Alcaic. ADUUBTIHa icVALL. de fi Airent. afftl Alic lone* r. HUiU.iOXSTAHLE'S SALE OF LI ()(*)i:s. LIQUOR- AM) in.isiin-l.l' l I -N-K. li Alt-e Ol' N"I -K If. USlf-K XTUREi**. MILLI \RO-T ?HLK. BURN IT! BE. .le .. Ac:-I svill s,.]| at | ut.lic -mi ino, on MUNDAY I li kc", j 11 DAV OB DBCBMBKB, 1880, at lu ." A.M. at Nu.USO ea-' llio.d stner. Ibe toll, wti.i.' |)io|ieriv. tOSkllSft a'll-tn-.--wamint in ni) teat*, in "f Th. Fii'k ra. JaasefliT. Fry : l isar-efosaki satl.f*isiun-. 1 Orsier-t'onmer, Ltqoors, Liipi' r* ami Ti lit'i'o-l.liiii e, ] I: i 11: t: < I - '1 ('.le. I llr..l!ll---Siov>. 2 C.l-li'.' nr.l IM*".in*. 1 s-'l.-t, Ite.lsaiul lied.lni'.. Hint an.. VV oh lands, Pie uti*--. StJ.. Ac Ti hms: e.-t Ii. E. BOt-ZINGKR. II. C. C R. fe. F _, MT tl-BM (?t --'? I 'OK NEW VOKls'.?i lie Old, _ Do ni In I on Sit am-Wi C t*m{>ari v's-_ .u ini-nin < il.l) DOMINKiN. I'anuin Wilkin, will (..-ill J I K*1>AY. Ilireinl'ii 7llt. ,! B tt'ClOCI A. M. FreT-'li* received luiiii .I o'.Tcek vi.lai erentnf. Throuph lillis of latBBa siem-.l .um gt-oat Vlf war-h-d with dispatch to all poi Uti north, south, int-'.' lad sails sis.), tn for*Tiru ports. rsearnsrr *< r.>miu"'iati .n. unsurpa ? (allin far-te. New y.irk, 118: tiri-raxe, kd enc ML For frelrrht or posroBe, apply to e.. VS". ALLEN t CO., A.'ents, de B-81_e i uipaiis-v Whait. L-i.ei":-a i A NEW LINE. FOI! SMITHFIELD, HAMPTON, ANT) LANDINGS ON JAMES RIVER. 1 ho t levant Ste mer TIGER LILY. I sri sin.I. F RotraBD, least. I.'i.-Iiiii..h. I eve rs 'l|TS|i.VV. ITllT.'sDA V. a nd -SATURDAY, ott) o'clock te.r b ? akora place-., ton.Illili' Bl lain In.- on the .Lune, ns tr. ste ls a fast, safe, ami rotDBtcMinai iitrann*r. far id him.' liisi-ela-s accoiiiin .dalton, for posernaen alni l'lel-ll'. Kn uni be ita-eiM,] dilly ,*?t ol.! Powhatan iviuii, i:,.e etta. if- lilia.un:. Un- si. ?ainer svill !. ai ? limn rmi * v* rv MON DAV, WEDNESDAY, int] FRIDAY, at 6 ri' A M.. isaebina Rle lim inti in ibe al i al flic same il tv. GRIFFITH * M'l: VI Ll V . \_-- ir -. de 4_ni 17(sr* ? ? re.'. rou _?* o it k o L k , l>Kl<'r*-i??fiUj_, MOSE, THK NORTH*AND REGULAR Land INGs ON JAMES RIVER. GREATLY REDUCED RATES. THK BPAC10UB AND Kl.!< \\ . -Tl. VMM: Alilr.L. (cmrvliiK I'nRad Slate*! indi ) Z. C. GIFFORD, c ' leaves Rlctmondeverv MOVDAT, 'iVKI>\K*DAY. ami FRIDAY ai 8*4 A. M. fear sbore-naiat-d plat-so. coii.i*-e..iu'a' I'oiT.Kiieii n willi thc Hts Hine .amt alTeriioon. which ailis. - in RalllBBCBf in Itali Min, IO conni if wiih r A. M. 'fain f',.i [tnl.-ulelnhl-i. N'.y "torn, iti.ii Basd/rn. Rvtsmiiif du ARIKL h aril Norfolk TUKsDAY, 1 III . anec v\ I - !"i:i).VY :d 8 X. M. arrisni. lu rt aboul 4 P. M. Kai', fe. Ni.iL Ik oidv.* 1 Bli hare iriiml rle* only. _> ftp fata io Ballimore. -i ... Kare- to I'l.i sd.lphla. 7 or. Kare P. Xi sv York. 1) nb Vin- lo H i.ton.IS 04 T'hroiiKli Retell OB -i'i'- on Meaner Ariel ami al (iaits r's Agency, HvJtj Mainvireei, li.- .'?..?.*?? beckei ?Iiion-Ti. ER EIGHT. Krclirlit receive e! ,iai I? Norfolk. Porr-meiiitf Wosliinrton, n. c., Sewbtrne. Wasbinsnon. aoi Tarbaro', N c.. ami ail points In Eiuiern Noni Ca re.l ina: also, lol East! in sh ,.?.(.i' Vliirima. Hani too,tdd Point, ami ali rrsrulsi laudliiB* ? n .lain.-' user at l.dWl'.s'i RATES, ann ibmueli bllB 1* taed l. I*. Ts ii si. BC 1 1 s||M | ll,!,-|;,"tn!. Ll Hr* TO OR HMM EUROPE. "_-?_ ALLAN LINK ItoV VI. MAIL BTFAMEEM will p. rf.rm tit*- follnsrioa -.rii.e inn lie hi. -...-mi lf*i*|i-'>-l : Brntti BALTlM*'1tK on ll KS DAV* "sos i uni Kit ldiii. anet EV*-. HI ALTER \ s ll TU I-Ml IA Y, for LIVKRPeMlL rt'aUci I SS dan; lisa BtMTtlN EVERY THURSOAY en it vt.iii'n. IL rta i .isi.i.m.i nus lins lin. 'ipili) ri ??'?*' iii l:i .dallon . alni inikc , . P_ie 1 SIT V a. lo kind ii iii in* nt IO '?'I .-?? oil-."ii ii ... Rales for itt-rroge ann Interns dtateo low-x l.s iiiiv Brst-etaM dm-. Keir oat wt rd sad ur. i. 11 ?! r irk.:- i-p.'iv u. A. W. e, , RBI!.'. s ., , i i ii ,ii *f..i.jti;e-iii:i! iHehiiioii-i. or io I kv- a *.. Uencrol Pa-sennr saenls, B07 Rrctadiray. New V'.rk : tf)8.di Elita .ires'. I'I,Had labia: .r) -tatt sure I, li.i.e.ii._DOSI ? eUifii K.ll-le^.sD, vT)lih ni*. v.\(r^j^o~ ANDI - - s * ??.'-. s u r ?i!ii...ii. i*4r &%*> MKIti.tVSls AND MINER-) IT*'*-.-!-. .|; ?* ria*N e OMPANY, Tit fi.Ti-ii. i-dit renie ? Dannel (V. tn ii's-.on, |-ri.viilt-iiee. and all Sc ) Bvlaiidcitlo steamers* has. Vs ! *T l'ii\T Vs. ??? ? ts IT.VI SHAY ami H VTIRDAY at lu Doon loot, .ii., wu*, trains t'.'.i.i pirn vi* IND. -.e_i:ii-r? .trust* at SSK--I POINT oaoaebTUEts )AV and FRIDAY. I'li-d ibl|ttsea*J from Boen on rin Ii m-ioc si. ?r ts/td'Bfiee Railroad i ta '.'.'. .- Point. Va. xi. T. loll'..las, -1, rink t V. I), fl non BB. Grttc-ral Vrvnt. tp ?* Iii i u A k) ft.L, r ti k A Kit n- * '^"v MOND. AN!) NORFOLK .-T i<:AM?*_*?_____ IO!" LINK.-FOU P1!ILAIHT.:'?I!A, FAM RIV KB ASH THK LAST VIA BALL RIVE! ?r.r i -. TIMES A V. REE.-llr-U! i**bi*-MI uc a.ers of tbb ' Brill - -..?? ? *, ri-satkl trlist, Itsrlna Phila.telplds ever- TlIKHIlA. THI!R*I1AY. and UATl'RDAY, snd Riir,iv.,-_. evci-y TUESDAY. FRIDAY, aad 81 RDAY, coi a. in.'ai I*.id ipili- with ("vd*; -? Ne * Knjrlaa Mut for Ka!' River. QUICK riMR-FREUUENT IiKPARTl'IiC-s. t (TWK-?T RAT KS. Freight re-cdv-t-'d dally ?? un C. O'clork P M. JA -.Lr. V,. Ml e ARR ( ^ RsasralBos1 rnAgunx WI .i.lAM P. CL V DI*. * en.. Ucner.i .Vim .uer-.. sovs t-. i-_ Konifi ss >;*-,. - ?? ? ,* rt I , 0L_>OOMINlii.*- si t AMSU1P_(__n Vi O'-V kw. MHH BOB NKW YOBS TbJib csmsaav ?trill dispatch one ot tnt:,* spietdit Itcrun rs-OLD DOMINION, Vt YANoKK, MAN RATTAN. ISAAC B-ti-L, and BiCHMOND <verj TUESDAY, FiMDAY, ai.d SUNDAY a niel' water. I These ablra are entirely new. and *arer*a btUlt ex pre-siy fer this rout*-. They k sae spienetld saloons, suu*--rix;His, aad bec; The fare, as?commo*1a*.lona, tu*,.' aiton tint.b ar* ur nnaassati. Shins i-oiuK norm laud st Pier T7, Ne.nh rtvei lex ? of iieite-li fc1r?i-L Mllps crmnii.' '..lit!, -all fron I'i- r 4-V N"or:h riser, foot of Chr1sto;> street. sabin Kn- to New lora. Sit', ."-'.?.ers.-t *>? OB? IS. Breiritta for points beyond Ni>nr York torwtrati art Hi dispatch, and ao cLnrgt made t-i'd't actasl ts peases I nam rod. rr.*i_T:i r*s .-ived until ft o'clock p. M. dally. Pot I'irtDirr fhiorm? uo_, appiy to ',<?? ':?.) W. ALLKN * CO.. AnentS. . * 0 -ii?,,, (-,,? . - ?v*? *t ... r? ?s. MrwVetl* nV.Rt ll ANT I All (IKIM. NE TAILORINO AT sn dd I: AT) I-11ICK8. F 1 I have now In nock A VERY COMPLETE A W*OltTMKNT OF FALL (idnDs, which I BsrasastS make up In lbs ID>T M'VLK OF L*UT. TRIMVIRGS, AND WOKKMANHHIP, at 0 small undoriii pr?ll(. NO FANCY PRICES. KaiifafBOtlon fusj-anloervj. 1 JOHN LATOt'CHK, lt l^od No. 4 Tenth stree-t. Alt l ION s* I.Est- Kn I nra PH.*** Ily Sattoa t i .... Heal Estaio Aren** snd AucUotteers, 1108 Main .neets, AUCTION SALEOF VALIAHIiK ANO IMPBt?VEd BAHM IN TDK COUNTY Dj c'AROI INK. SITUATED *)N NORTH f>NNA RIV EH. TWO MILI-s HtdVt UANdVEH JL Ni rinN. ADJOIN I NH Till L.VNIiSOF D. 0. HIHH AND ALS?At ihe nipio.f ol the (.wiser, vt ho re? titles la the eily. s?e will oller for sile st public auc? tion, on Hie premises, on TlirttsOAY, lite i siiiki! 9, 10<*)O. _, at 18 o'clock M..Hie a '.os,, -e r* crl'ied FARM- S0f> talolti. .T47 ACRES, of which ahont 1H0 are cits-red; th' hslam-e !n ss,,.nt. snd ooiitalnlns a lame qitaiitltv of Bne luniie.r. There are about SO seres of Bond tsiweroiind-. The fiiiproreinentf eoosln of s lidtiD DWkLLINU svlib -bibi nMinr. kliehe-e, insn.i.rt'* house. Iisrn. alati'e. canliae xi,(I Uehtcco-hoii-esi. el In ?jrood i-eoslr. There ls also on ho pl t?-e a vsHeev or frnif. lt ls convenient. tn-thoo!*, -hinch** . am! m-t-mlll. and In s gnat n*'i/li'?>rho ??). Ileinir locnied lust to the fork* ol" the Chesapeake and nillo and Ph luiioml. FlSde rlekdHirie uni I'*) r.mac railroad makes lt meer* nc slrsiile. aa nertie** can ship or travel hy either rom!. Mr. T. T. e bsne.ler. who lives on the pl ce. win take pleasur- in uh',win-.' lt lo any ss ho may wt-li B) iee H. Tr.itMS: Made known at sale, and will be made verv Tix-rid. Paries wldiHiif lo St'ead the -ale can BBS* on C!ie-*peake tend C)hio railroad sf 8 A.M.. a n't ic tuiii .an.eevrtiin-t*. SI'TinV* CO* dc 6-'_t Aucilone-c-r*. Hy <i?*cT*rrc H. Pe Indexlcr. Real Esisle Aaeiil, Aueiluneer, and I.r-".ti, undi r Plane r- Nadonal Hank. An hon BAL-for that desira? ble tebemkbt v*. 181 WE*T CAEY ST RI ET. CORN BU OF JI KKi i;Si)V?P.y resjoeisi of Ihe owner I will -efl ;,y amii,m. on * WEDNESDAY al 4 nYlot k P. M., Itel DE8IRARLR nmi Tv DWELLING d-wmbrd altos e. co n'al ni ru etvlu rtrMOSBtld kitchen? tsv . uri.-* .in,, t.a-. m. nt. lt |* very de I ra tile ai a lione or Invesiiu.-iii. ; Reasonable. GEORGE ll* POIKDEXTEB, de 5 Auc Hone" r. Bf ?!. Til" III!'-e.I! He.WM. leal ninir AB"idaiid Auctioneer. 111 :i ea-t Nala itrceL Cf ALE OF VACANT PROPERTY, O-PuBT MAYO" WILLIAMSBURG AVE? NUE?By ni|iie-i of 'ssrtrs, I still sell, on (lu pre miser-, al |eti elle auction, oj FRIDAY, Hit ishim; LO. IMO, Bt 4 o'clock P M.-a HKSIRARLE lol on tte*oath Noe of William bur. arras b-tween Loaislaaa and Denni* trot., frontingi benon GO h.t.anduunnine *;4 t* et to Bighill Drtyt. Tri: si-: One thu .i rash; .-alane e :.? -t\ anet r*** ive in.n.!'-, lulen -t il't'lc. 'i'i *.rirr.| ni .Lia! i.| iras*. -I. 1IIOMPSON BROWN, ne 4_ Au. M.e;.ter. OUKRIFF'S SALE.?Bf vii itu- ol .ineTr n uer ol'lin- (Tienit (our: ol' ile Cl tT Ol I'i. 'li? lli, .rn I. emile.i in me ca-e i I I s ru- Rot leo a DI. .Lui*. Johnston, I hil' tell et the yard (.i i.r, VAT linn ilC >.. *_c'.*-*7 I* .ck surer.,,n TUESDAY, Di < BMBBB 7. 1880, Ht 1 1 ,,'.-'irk A. M.. ? ne ,'".. lt TONE, COUSMIllS of VS*! Mid SS-sills, ac. JOHN W. WRIGHT. .te S xiirrlff a'uv Rich rn md. Hs VV . e..i.i',in viiriioiirtr, ie i .cr Bank snd Elm nita *t i i-i-i -. T-JRUSTEES' PALK"OF VA LIT A RLE 1 Ri vi. isl si c in un: CITY oe rh ii MOND EXTENDING EROe Hil. t-nl ri! BIDE OE w vi ? ic snncr to un ship-lock ami T*> -I sVll s uiVlli. AND NEARLY AD* .iiHMNi. HIE vs ii \ i;\ i?* ..) i m: OLD Do VllMe.N .ic SMMlll- C l)MPA-N*t.?BS sir rr ni n deed of tru-! executed tn n- bv Colonel ll c. '.?I nm wife, dal eu .Tm a mi i.i \ i 662 da s i< ??.I tu l; rime.mi Chancer) c uri.and mae cor* ene* witn ??? c ce "i Lie bmond ii i'"i:r ci. . ir.i ni lhc 6th M'-.?!). 1880,snd IS n V.vemb r. Im-.. . , i,.. ,j.,.,-.,. ,,rderiiie Hie sale "i ii.nrop ns for Ihe lu.h* *r bid nutt ls ira > ih, i-1"i'"'- In die c i-r .-r e'. \'. i \ put r rs*. Cahell, .\e.. si. -ii .ii proaed i?.msII roi ca-ii,ai public . uc li'.n. on tba pi. nu r . I. WEDNESDAY, DKCSMBBB 18.1880, et 12o'clock v>.. in i ur: ir no , tte Br-1 falrdas I bereen ti. | ibe rnlle.s?ltui v v I ABLE PROPiVR 'IV?v/.f A LOT h..ntlii.- ."."i ii*.t in M.. tull -I'i. ie' SS lt. i- .'ii ... i ill.- lu:.' 1. irk "el \sr. ri p ii elle-1 lim- SOO fee (er or or k-i i io .lane* river, aod lee .line , J .III lilt VS Cs' I.Y III' I.Kill ol' Alirill.l VS ll I WlCK inn! ni du- e.ts. iv sir. At.n Dade. Al-o. another I.C)T "ll 'he SOUth dde of ts ate |- -M. . t. (*< HM lilt 111*11, ir ot thc intersection "i IBe **t -t line ol sun Dacie'a land with Wa'er irt-trt. and ru- nie a back ? a.t aloof Water tree t 53 f'?? (m*>r ? or lc - , i ? ai ci nili celie!, nial'I; tneitcea alcana tne Western t-lde nf roi -iie.f int feet, lb-nee eastwardls nlous SS ll eil ar rt 4*> let., fl " BC* I Bl .lien's nrrr.on ahtcn it li ? n ironl ?>: 100 feel, ?l"l "ll tbe e l-l I'S Sir-. |'.t . *- l.t. li" tl ot -:.l lol- are -u' J. rr Ki lin- e almi I I the Jun** River atm Kamann Com oohs to tb*1 wharf pris it. g.-- acquired f.s -.un com pan] l*j toudemna tion sn ii-.i-iuii' n Piats wi.-xhltiltcd at thc sale. Tbe feel hal dil. pro nert v i- t ? *. -.- * *?. - ...i in-1 nek, u< in c ",*p" u<' io the "demit of ihe York Rivt-r Kal mud Compauv (which commins i- ? ol na in I in m. i -?? irsdel, should i.' ro" lin- , Heels! sttt-Ulloll ..I cap.i:ri i- ami tithe rs to Hi; -ate. ?I'd!**. HOWARD, ALI \s\ni i: ll. SANDS, de l-rt.l.i; s Bll.13.14.iri_TTu-'fi. Ls I. Th mi ra Iii- sm. Red l nie Ajteul and Ancttouter, 1113 >!.fii tie.'t. *|*sRU*-1 KI. > sai.K <)K FRAME HOUSE 1 AND Lol 'in GOODIN i**TREKT.-Bt-lr ure or a .Ie*, el of trier from Harv Walkin it tte uiiil. rsi. m -.1 i mi ... a'r, I7di Noveinner, ls;7. 0B reea.l'l-r |q RlcblBOUd I hill c. rs.I O.B. Ill Ai H. il 7. tel -eenie C I'-rUu ir tr ie T|,' nay 111*1)1 ol ss Inri) ?|.-l'r* ha. made, anti bri nj.' li ni, li ct -.. to U". I ss il -( tl. on Hie | ni mi-i , at 4 O'Clock, "il 1 DESDAYt DEI i mihi: 7 ni. 1880, tte LOT and HOUSE elescrlbe*! m laid d-cl, front nil eas side of Goeidln -ii,et Mun feet end nm' in-r hack io e Bl om . re*L T'lisf.-. iii eui*.ut. one third rash; balance In six snel twelve m.iiiibs, lu crest widpd. and - i>i i-.-,| i.i ... i.! "i iru ii. L.?-. lidless ,s. Tm. ie. .1 'I llilMI'-os BBOWS. Alic nu._t'" 2 Hs Rle bard on ,s e .... Ri a! Estate Aa*e ii ? an > Auctlone t rs, ll IT Vlani stn-t. POM MIS-ION ER'-J SALE OF VALU ? ' AIH.K Hill hiv.. LOTS IV THE TOWN Ol FULTON Ht M C T leeN.-IJi s,i-u.*. t a ."?<? e of tilt* I I rr ni' I'oUrl nf Ile-, "lr. i I . ll v ri ll :. >l . ll III 1st day ol N.tier. ls~u. in tte sun ??( Parter, a. in I ni ira 11 \. '.'. Mu ri'I.s. I liol, .e- U rial cont lld-.I... er npi "ii t- .1 ns .- lld dc !'? '', -Tl I)) RUC koo, in, the preilll-e*1. oil monday, di < i sim r. s, i - ? -, .-,.'. p. vi., di. i:t si, ' s i \|| .,f ;!,.? itel, n ?.?inf, Paul M rplis. In Ihe ir reedi"ii meuii.tnera, Hiuaced lu ti:* '"111111 of I len rico near he nu nf Blehi.1 i'i .li tuan ,.i Eui nu, roanna un Hie north Hue "i Nichol on .'Mri 819 feel 4 Inches.oud ruueina 1. upon Its eastern line ni-j, ferei aud t,n Hs wts-trn line lub 7- Xi te I-1, u.'.'i. ihe lolle wins IT i;si* : on.' tl 1 i-i <a-.1; Hie lielercc In IWr lr ll "lilli-. I. 'I'Tia-rr- i" CIS-*l:,l.l.- note - wm. i-i .1 ? m'e 1 . rs r.-r H.. ueferred pavni*Tn*. ssith Inti T' s roll. 1'. ar.T Iii. title i" he r.Tin e| kbi j ia-, irri.' a 1 fin ber reiirl'V. sieid real estate wid hedivldid n up tte van's ol purcha-en*. W. W. HENRI. -i.i'ii.t 1 e mei --..m r. Itu u ski.-' \ .*-? c.*. knctlon* 1 rs, n ? 7- vi .1 'VIA *l l.l>' *s.\l.i; <iF TWO I'HOIT I s ANi* ABD N1NETV-ONI -" TM ?'** DELAND is I'in s* 1 I vi! 11 COUNTY, Vs.? a tr,-. .1 "i tm.! from 1. T. T r. .ut as and wife, wc will, ou v WEDNESDAY, DaCBHBKB 15. 1880, .? 11 vi . il", r for iale si Buetioii, npoo ihe nrerotetsV. li ... nu ? ti.-;-, P .. |.. ?' .|i ihi . AH .ni'*-. llis-is-ii. ni arii ol.)., rall oe?i. I wolfe iii I lett from Karim Ibe, rori IS,' lilli's I 11 . Ill | iel* ll -sol ||r V -till | DIOU 11,, dos teat s. niiiiarv, me lodos i- . Ls Ml* : LOT 1. eoe '.u ima I81. ve :i - . feral s .? mi '?. ?? "t om ri"i iii "i" ai.1. e ni I' li? ll i.v*:*>- BUICK V vv*l*iN Ai.Ti iw.itr rooms. .: ml-. .'.1 el.ri. .S ' I ned 1. t I If. . r.n.l arti pi y lUnplli l vs i. i> Wood Bl 'I ssa', r. lui -j. couainieB 1*:. VC lt Et*, on which ls ? il ssl tact i msc;- AND SAW-MlLL on sa i.iiini'i.i.' itre m. sub nv\ u.i.ive, el tte ni:.. Ibe land is mosiit lowan i I.en S, cool-Int ne 840 Ai RES? part In cob I va? lli il ifi'l part 111 st" "i. HIT 1- <? tann.,I. Ti'-. Ki I EH part ara j.-iri in st .? I, Lui .">, rm i .inuit, '.ci'.! ,v< RE8 pert arable sud part In ss....'. l.e it (t. e.ei.'.d'iin. 106 .iRES->part arable and ptri lu wood, I.')T 7. email.luis' 500 Ac-ID"-*- p-trtar.' par' (n ssl .1 Ttl. ssl...!- ila tu ? rn I* Ts. Mach of HI first class, ami I- tte be?l brttryof IB ibe countv,and ihe resld .ne-of du- i-r-r ena in a n(-i-iiiii.ri)"*iit i.n- cultivation .url r. lim? ul, r. Tl KHI : en. fourth ci s'i: ledan. .- In throe equal .lunn ii i.av nun s manoa in '? r>- : from I te da) t -iii. Purcbasersof Lots lani B lo at ve itood per ional seem bs for dei*erred pa m nt . ..r io Insure lin- i.siri'i:-. fut "lie 'i n il "l til- tru.fte--. Tit!. ss I. hie ld .in'il a' pis in mi a ar*' in.adi. Apply Icr handbills svmi full- r ri.rtpHon to .1. P. IT IV.*. I l.', .1. II. ROTTLEY, Truvtr. . oe lll-'J'awtdg EarmsTl'-e. Va. _PROt'EHNIONAI.. DH. lt 1". STYLI. Han KKMOVRU Ult* OEEiCB to un: (idtsKR ol sK.isn AND CL AV si |{ KIT*. M.- a.'. s leifl at c . s. ii. r rlan*, dm..'ort-, e-oriler of **-s*-nt. * nth ;iml Maui -ina ll, ss Ul h.; p.i.uipHy el lo, _nt) '.fi eoel:tI? *iyiLLIAM Is. UOVAI.L, ATIORNKY ANO I <)L'N*KLI.di; AT law, Nos. M am* eil Liui.ilrv STBBRT, no7 6m MEW YORK (TTY. It OUK RT T. IMP. \HI?. ATTORREV Al LAW, RH HMdND, VA. (JrriiK; M*itu -tn.', over Virirlnla Home.' Ih sursnee e ..sii|.r.ri -.c. iel fJ.Kir). Adi-reas t'lM.iittlce Look-Box 2'H. <e '2lT-Hina? I'HINTIUH. TIIKODOHK A. JOHNS. | J..ILS C i.'-H-i-l. JOHNS & CUOLSltY. ^EAM PRINTER-, bo. m e;os khsmk '-rni:t.i, Richmond, Va. Your petrotiBfe sollcUed. Satisfaction Bileran tftel. uolii-lm ? KAI. KMTATK AT PHI VATE RAI.E BEAUTIFUL Stilt KHAN ltKH|._R PI-Nr.K KciR 8AI.E P IVATELY-Hr die own, r I off. r f..r ssle prlv iiusii"! on thc New inrnpHtf roa re*|ue | Of Isa owner I off. r f..r *sle piivsieSr di it properly. Minali??! on the N. tv tnrr.pl1 . road, known ea "OLENBI RNIE.** ai.o.u on- and a half nilli* north Sf Hm etty, silk 111 ACHES of Mably Im? proved land. The house 1* (wo.storles. In tboroiii/h repair, Sith kl1 ellen, kilbie, and ni.-ilififfer't hon * ; land eneio-ed hy s <iii*-t?un.n oek-Teitce, ami irooaefrs handsomely (It'eornied. TKRM/t: i.'.-.t...... im.* GEORGE ILPolNIDXTKR. BS I-f Od jl Rc si I slate Are nt. M REAL I NTS IT". A OE NTS. Ar. ON KY LOAN KI) II'o.N REAL E.sTATE "l*e "ll s I i If si . AT LOW RAI KS. .*>perl*ll attention pfild lo thc* ' KENTING-OUT OE REAL E* I ATE and Ihecollect Imi ol' rents. I|OU*m*-*i|.li. BUILT. ANDRKPAIRED ON MONTHLY l\s| al.VIKN I-. ALL KINDS OE CITY AND COUNTRY KIAL estate Edit salk. Apply for thc Virginia Land Outdo. QetOBOR K. e lt WVKdRD. Anctlone'tT. Ar., se 8-eod.Tm N'e. 100-8 ll ink street. JOHN P. HAMPSOM A BROTHER, ll (si < e.Kssui:* io fRABB i, s REAL IC8TATR SO RMI * AND ALT TToNKKRs. llri.I. .*T ur. KT IIKTVSKKN ElCJIiril ABB NiMH IIBBBTB. M.VNC HKSIKR, VA. Stw.i.l attention idsen lo Hie BELLINA! SS li RENTING ciF REAL KS| sTKai.d the ( tiLl.Ke - THIN OE RE.NT's. 1'i-omp n turn. nude. A tam i|ilnnt|tv of MainTies'cr anel e h.. urti, ld r-.U t -tale, vacant ami Im;.rose.I. tot - ie. Ponies parohaslm farms and rill properly would do svcil loexnmtaa our LA 'RN v H. iio-JO lui .IdllN P. SAMPSON A HROTHKK. CPECIAL ATTENTION (J I VEN TO k? RENTING OUT REAL ESTAfE and H.. cnl.I.KTKiN eiK in-'NTs in id*) <uy and coun lr>. PROMPT LET lit .8 MADE. MONEY LOAMED ON Real ESTATE, A ten "ia-univ of CITY vsn COUNTRY RI AL fcHTATE KdRSALE- vactm ind luipi-..vd. Wi liiki-ireiMiri- ni .lu.atn_r preeperty .iud riv leg all 1. foSBMIton t" '.usi i*. Write tor ilse Virginia Rtal-Kttali J.urn.ii. lt. H. e HAEEIN ,t CO., Estate s.'nu-. No I north Temi, re i f. R, n. * ii sit is late of * , sup-es a Co.: Ronni a ll. GILLIAM, Bile ol Prank D. Hill A C< ll" .-.Til NE WI.Nf'-III Kl. tl). Till; PEOPLE APPRECIATE MERIT. RAG LR AND Pin NIX H A I. L SK VV ING-TIIR IA D l au s;.,i ., l\ *,. SMde.TIll si, SI RuN*.l.s |, BEST. / SdLI) HV ALL JOBBERS. 1*78. 1879. 'RODUCTION DOUnLED. I AGAIN DOURLEO Ita iii-"..,n mi ?Vt.-IIII t"tH 0 ll Vt JIMMI!!: UI.M Ks FOI. ALL *I/Ks ol J ss l HS U'l I E. el sud KL SM*. sPLlN I Ld V !? R HILL. NI ll ALLI Rn, end (*OE1 .Kr, ITS*- ni"! (.AK WOOD. Call .ind heron Inci-'l: ye.'i rin "lo bcl'ei than elsewtere, Orders I ii:. iiii.'ie ,j- otherwise prompter Ulled from liber ofllce?708 Broad nnpostte Tb* atr*;. oi 1903 ai s mi \ I-i- le;; c. H. I'AGK. j s^ II. HAWK.-., ] ElUH i ti*, hi ssn ('.suv ITBKI.TS, ? j Dealt r in all Kimi-, of ? 'ISL. WT KID?1."iii', -..lived, and spill. [oe tft-Sn i : |?l"l!< ll \*l.l.?- U ANTED KO lt BKS'1 I SPLINT * DAL, BEST ANT HR \* I I ECOAL ;!.s| I . .RI .'f ('(SI. ai il OAK WOO ? '??' ? I'MP.I:Kl,AN*D( "AL, ld.*! V'.Ksl VII.e.lsiA i, ss- < eivi .. P. LATHROP, l. |l- seetrtnt. + lttli striewt *t .If.M.-' I eilMTMs ft \V. .KINK'S, I)KN T1ST--IH -ff -.*? i I ? l ii C. Se. 807 EB AK BLI *4 s i i: i i. i,^!*r"iTi9 .i i -,s bi s I u; urn sm. Si*-ni sTHEEl *?bev? is-every convenience and stipliarce lor Hie rom "i: ? .f in- pa-lo. e., ivrii. r is. ie \-ii ?*>? yeal*1 rxpe* nmr itsei PRICE*. REDIH ED, ls prepared t" I'l'oiui Bi'iiilv ami carefully all operation* for iel, is mas desire In- Drol'esslooel services, ?f>28-3m HAM.DOSI) I INLS. .'!( li.Mosi". YOBS BlVFB IND CUBBA PEAKS-**) st) ) i.sir s > s . ; <)l ni r si l-l.l in I l.Mil.s 1. ,' Ru itvioM). V s.. Noveinbc r St), 188 ?? IH) TUE PUBLIC'.?DurlBii tte tempo >*?ry suspension ria West Pola1 Arrla ht sill ta e-n-i\t.i at Powhatan ehatf, Twenty-tnlrd .ci b-ck sin.* Bil t-uoif and iteWeri.uplnfi ?. vi. dallv. P .clue;- trains have Biehinmide? i ml a* tc P. SI. (tailV.C* merl,ii. ni SS' il I'-iiit ii lt steemer for Hal luton amt tteNonbob Toss fas . I . Ul- av. Bl'd s.i'il.ef I- . ? I l-lss H.T. Pol T. LA*, sn;* LBKOISP. t'il_D'(* A I'OTdMAi il. V l Ti., I BlCBMO-sD. Va.. Nos mtier'23,1880. 1 piIANOK ol SCHEDULE. comm* iicr.' -INHW. 28th In tai ' ti ? bl i"..?'. ssi,i r .1, ,i. follows: NORTH BOt Nd. 5:1 .". A.M.. ''ces,- !t,r.,-Mi-.. -udm lally: du* a* Wa hltieioii self A M : Ba'dmor. . lt':."U V '*'.: Ph ? .le Ipili*. 1: <" I" -' i Ht-w '? ork. a -u p vi. i"?nnt els wl'h s. .i V" r* Limited I % r* -? T> it tral-i -?'"';?.? '*ii'u ut Milford ai ii Fri I. ro kttli i'/. S: -* *v. 1|? . - ? 61 SttUOu ue.iy (ea* cepi fundayi); due -it Weah! uk mr. 1:20 V. M.: i si timor . T ?_ ? P. si. ; p.uiedeli "ia 7 08 P.M.: Ne** Ve.-). K :f. I" si ?1:38 p. il.. ..iiia ir.-. r.M.'-s'r.. ? dallond-iily; due al VV ii..n.t. ii, !):'.'." P. VI. Rall - mi-... I I :?_'.', V VI : I'nii.i. ihi t, 1~> v. SL; Se ss Vork. 8:40 A. M. idation r m a 11 f? ? on. leav. s Broad t*utt.t **_?'.i-r lei.m .? ..VJ. soc rn l".ot st. , .?. tur'i-s'.r*-'. StatlOl .lally, i Ni s v, _, in p, vi.: pin' I ;t ;? s. H.! H o'i. ore - 411 A.** f WBShlBBV>B,7 A. M. 238 P.M., si Byrd-Slm*! Malton ilnlls. i . is. - VS' I,In."- n. I 1 S. SI ; "f h. tl more. 0:30 a. M.; Plill?*t?lphla. 7:Ufi A.M.; N*ss V*.rS |*|:tu \. ,.. Till trm ii iiiuk. fi BO 9 I8P.M-) ernvi - ? ??? Ball) (cv *-pt ts"uuday). Lea bi *-v ishtar. u.r. .'. P. vi .- HaRlmore, i; IQ P. M : Phlladelphls 11.4% .s M. ; Nea V-.r) s:l.^ a. VI. 8:41 A. M.. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN iri-,r*-? et ' sutii.i 'lallv (exe-apt at*ir?|*vl Trelas ***svlu RlrhlBoad -t 5*08 V. M rn I ar rlvinsf et 8:*.8 P. M. d uot slop ot Ellis. . C. A. ! AV LOR. csiceeral TleWe>i Ats rd CT. lt. HYIfiN. tei-nsrsl Sm_.r1i*U"_deiiL _ KlCHMOTIO. YOUB HIV KR AND' ll I.r- ck ? s B I 1U::.K ??*'. I QiJBKDlTLM OF TRAINS, O TVKINi. EPPIeCT Allil ST IH, 1^80 PARBRvea Td viNs. S:00 P. M. lets. Ifichiuoml elailv (.-X<*< tl I i ? .Tail r-oonectlBB a< Went I'oint ..t Tl Ks ll VV. I I! LR* DAY. mu i * V l URDAV willi * tea mers for al! lau!* laas ou th? York river an.l for lisiitl ? THUdli.H KRKIi.PT TRAINS. *;(") A. VI. | L.ase Kl.hinom! daily leia pt Sun? lit; lo A. M.l das i, roniiis lim. at West Point atti steamers for Halli mon-mt MONDA! Tl ESIIAY. W K D N I * P V V Till RsOAV, sm' BATI RDA1 ?anh sieamfia for N't-n Vork ot! ?deiN pa V. WEDNEKDAY. auc! ERIDaY; **ith st-fsiueri n.r Prov I dene-* ami Korflou ou Tl K.?P\\ ayr ER I PAY. PASSKNCKR TRAINS. 10*00 A. M. Arrive st LliTinmud .Uds (exeepi counecllni .**t Wist nam 11 EWDAY.THUR8DAT. aiH BAT IT!DAV with steamers from HatU inort. THROUOH EREHDIT TRAINS. '2bCt P. M.I Anise tl t' lads (eicepi 0:36 P. M.l suii.isyi. c.ineci: ur at Weat Point s*. nit .i. jinns from H-Ttiiui'ir, Nev* Years. Rasters, NoBBRflBBf of nevill el Itlchmoud lt) or trott eoathern rKitutti. Cars ruu thrimah WetweeB Atlantl and WestPtliii. , Careful heiidllaf aad dlipatAVh, with loweai raiea fMBaaaaal, Throiuth ultu or ledlnff, with ?-sr*ut**,ni reias, iBSutvl to ell iiortlisru and westrrii potnto. Eur H formation, npply at ('rrlce of the constant, Twentv-Utlrd ami Dork streets. -ml Vs. bu 18 tl. T. DOLULA8. huDBrtnUodtiiL KA 11, lilt *,? |,|*t|ts IR1 (;;ttAM, WiVTaZ r.^<;t.,rnis,s~?i..lV!;';:':. EOLLdVVs ; Cm and a't*>r lt. r*^?, i?r ;i,| ,.,,., - **X?'R)** THAIS No. 8. l.,.o,,V ?'? M .*-l?. '.? .11 Hsntir-i. ? steam.r, lor sll points we*f. ' " "? Htaunton. Winiam so*.*s.. WT,iee-ulnhill. Hinton. * harlesion. I lo o tl ri irr.ut Pommou 1.1. -| May sd.e(,iT ( im ii.i.all (-fr; lUBARRTBTOWa,! BXiaOTtlB I Ia ase. Huu'iii'.'te.ii... I nm) a. s; pue-e-.-id. tiso'sr. Ks i. ii.-, i*. se Ashland, Ks. l_:t;, p. v _I_ Rs. i Mall raai fla - - . ;'.,.| I" SS itu....,....,".; rtallv from SS Out.Otoo, c ones-el.*. ? ,, LvmTi'ini/. Cou neets el Hnniins ..n with t beihiowm Lexington i Ashlsnd. hs. N". :t ExMsrsi fun** dills. Coe nert, nu ton s?)dt EMiahethloWH, Le (lu rion s railroad fe.r Ashland, Ky. <. itouivllk f..r, .? i ,?,,?,, Vluli ii vh.iuu.i tum i* irina s s *. VS uhlnatos. No. ft A' cnn -no tal toe ? . ? a a. '?.pt *uii.)i> if :>:;o p. sn. , donerllli s' 7 '_?' P. vi. No. _-i >11 x ?. I ie.ii. , e inri.-' 4-85 P. vi ,oa lind mall fr--ii. danville and i . ilse* ,r staunton el fl P Vf. No.88 Mixed leaves! loneltna ' ri ts h. I A. M.. .hit an s, . el Hal -' , i PI8C-CABI on N... i f ? Williamson's, Oa No. i from ali*, lri_:tou. r sst vi vi.i). ? LeaveCI nels nat I |..faint l' V! e. .,| . |-| I'.er . Itu (Sit .-lille | .. Hun fl O.I Due * 'bai icu-'.. Hlii'i ii. Wit. e *n uhn . ss i lion . | - i . ? . i lia. otte s nie., nordon ul e_ Richmond.? <; a.' iv M.I ld: - ? M I I . l.s; s ' I'. SI 4 lo P. SI ." I l ? ' 1 : ? ... li 1-. " 'an. I' sr i Kit/ iBBTHToa n,Lexis . -i Le as( Ashland. lau p, vi Cal eth in nu, iiuiiuti.- a. .. ia C. SI I s _ si ii runs deih fi in I ; ,1 ul. . v< ? ? ? -io .1 is ir ni SS ;.. Rd liraond. I lints ri. own, Lexi ? * >:..i\ i re lui from s ti end, ls s . N .2. \"i; _ini * Mi.I'.uni mell from Di i hura e-onne e* ? closel) ut. l.-i.i.ii.I. s... 4 Expret ? (1 .h.s. a.. i p .? i TuclniiBll ai i P. vi. i ,i i..ii |.. re nu c: ssi'i. S . i !.. I i K"in sui His *.iii"i linn- fr im V md, Ivs. s... I, No, ii Ac fommodeiion ext-*'pi *'iu ia> si ?">:_ i v. vi., nm in,I al *.) A. VI. Nee. -."_' VJl\eel lt dav, if 7:1* A. ns ri vii'e by ii sn,ii.. .I I..,.n Wash ami ail is' ? il Rlchmoii Iel 7 I "? I". M S... -.?.', Mi. .1 '? lt ? ,. i Stand is si i III P. M., and ams it I a DIP. M. *? i I i ; '. , ' i , lt N Al'l* re.n" . (lu N?. 4 ll in SS -il..m. ? mond. Kui rates, it. II. H*||! lt. I Iel s i a sv. li sl.-i-.i !: I si lin ;...:. Rle isiie i .1. v .. ss si - |>i hi./m. .a || le.MVst I". HOW ABD. I". ? s ICHJIOND AND DANVILLE BAIL ROAD COMBA Kl i (IN'DEN'sl n -i hi Ll t i - IN" KUI e I Mi Vi Mid ?: ::~ R la-' Mall. i S ..Mi. I I1 .11.1 si Iii ll *. . Hos. Dai s. ll 1. VI. ? C '-1 Arris Hm kn lt'. Sllthe rilli*-.).... ... ' 1:4b 8 A. vt. r '?; . ' s si. -a .in. IP ' 11:1.'. V M. l ," i'. si. 10:17 p. M. ll is M Als- Lin* Im,cn m. li: ' \. M IB ?'" M. I ? I'. M. : ! a. M Lsin li ?ni)' Paste i'i ri. t in >nd. Vdu. Our.., si le. Il' T ral Ni Tl ? "i m els il Burl v i lr. vii i ? Ippi and dido ral . t i , it * 11 Wt 1 . I rain- N..-. 48 -itt-: li . ..,",. VC t. ii bi : sum, i lui Narro* . ? T t ni S 1 - ..ii ul ?? s in Wc* tru Nerib ( '.? Iib i. Train- N,-. -"?" 48 and li eon n ? il Sn-I Junction sm li S'i..!,? . v?iv f. r ..ll p IM South Slid -"'"! ? lutrloite tali li e hal. lt* * n umida iud V i:uii. ad i'i .'l i"t ?'- South, -? a . ? . w. r. lian, N... .',li -I... rm | il le I i Danville ? i 'S. T rall from 'I"' shot ? Richmond 1:88 P.M.. 4 RA.B.i i dib P. M. 1 i un , n s. s i. i .? ? ? ? I,, io' delis at B**Hl t. '?' boro'.e.wctInt ai (i ' ' VV i.uii. . ld i i Weld ?!. iu i vv Ubi Pl LIM vs* vi- -i : S I. I : On Train No. 48 s- s I Denvi is. I Dam em Tl lill N.e. vi- W ?-!>,:,." I. lunn!:. . ..i'i |i.muli. ... ! ii-kets -?"?( lo ? sthet null we t. . -i-li No lrt> -? v t ' '.e rai KlveM "it i"i u ti' * ?' * s i . i' ? T. M. K. 1 va DTT. <?*!'? RlCIIMOBb isn ll.lii.iltsi Csu icu. l.l.sHMl Ilise i. . ' ff LT i 11 si . si ?. V \ . N . I.I--. !>\-.*i \?'i.i.-! kain-*"'* nu* i:??-\ii 1 lean Bte I.Ida ? s ? . sr,inns', ie iri' 1 fool ol e.ari,t.t.'- ll ''. V|. Tnii- will ettlve| ?; A. M. e I.,-, c ni.lon in cl* with , M"ND vv s. ss ) ii**.; -DAV*, ti - For lurtbe i laforui di* i . ? C Tir. . I. nib .. T i..i i - ? ,' . Il AM ' nod M.ii ? -?_ KU HW SO am- PBTl :? KAU K"St> I OMI ' poMxnrciNti si spay, j " ' Bl ll 1-. 1--'a'r.lus on ibis ros I folios. : LBAVB BICHMOND sol I!'. 'j:..-, I' H. lld vi s ll ' lin*, le.eli Iii 00 M., THROI UH MAU f..; , e.... .Sf- ... ' - (si.t ( bal , f, .... ? ? ? '*""' ? '?tu I, r erl I ? ?' .. S("1 ? HuII-? Pulliti Sew Vork end *_B?s 4 2*3 ?'. M. Aa , i'*IV.'.iif A il [ Sou*)!?). O.t- liata -del dteke sa* ?? _r ???"?'? f* ' r * . 7:00 A. M.. THROI i'.H KID HiHTTHAIM (? \ ? '' * '."'LS r. vt . i nmd i.n Mvil dairy f. ? VST i hst ? ? u ( be Lr. H. fWst.S ry's Bluff cu slrnal. I" ...i this rrt'n '- l**ten s\ LBAVB riTIK-HIRv *-r.)BTH. 4:0.-, V. VI . IV* I' MAIL delly. *'."l" ' 7:10 A. M..TitlttiijoH M vic delly. WlUl K'et.l'-- -I I rotoB I** ? Bad vs. t. - ?,d e lieder, jud elli I.n * Blufl ?" ?sui ? -lc, |.i* ... 1 s.e al '-ol' M _.._*6A l_.,ATt.".'i\|1iol.sil"N rRA ** tescapi SBisday). Btota ai 8.40 P. BL THBoUtill MAM. itaUv. ?* with Rkbmotu'. PmWr Ptjtxseaae rel-roricl for M'lW.sL Also.eriaklni Hon wllh th.- e In *_t?--t-i? * raKre-adrorlheVi.,.':'-.^.' alliauuU North snd V..-T. Tb mi vi.,. .-:?..- ? ivum-tii itarprfi I wet. savaBBah in i n. ?*? 1140 A.M.. H.Hi.ltl ls s ? sn.,... s'i Mai toa*.. All train-lens tue t*S *r -huts svill .sis Apl-Oiur.lte.l 'ttl"'. ?._,?*_l_l .?>* '' '* 51 SI.'.) _ I '^'V.-'l VI ? _o,?. ii .) v sc ??- :v;'',.'J... A. I'orB.O. P. endJT. Ascii . I> ECCTEU AT THE DIBPATtU IR'*" HOUaE.