Newspaper Page Text
Jichmijd_|[8*J^. THURSDAY.DECEMBER 87. IMS. Tho Committees, lt wa? not to he expected that Mr. Car UNJ tn making up the committees of the House ot Repr-'acntaUres could gtve aatls fsction to all th*- memh<*rs of that lw*-dv. Mr. SraiNTiKB. *>f Illinois i*. however, tin on Iv Tnemher we have -seen charged witli unbe.-snmlng conduct ixvause Mr. Carlislk failed to assign him to n position commen? surate who hi* own estimate of hts descrta. W * are not sure that Virginia has not a b. t ter tVjfm to complain limn ha* Mr. Si-rim; i.r; but we are not going to do lt in her !** hell A* only one Virginia member voted for .Mr.CARLls-i.K. it wa* not expected lhat Virginia would figure largely on thc li*t of ihairman*h1|-*. Mr. Ttckk;; is Ihe one VI:-.'ininti vs ho cast that vote, and he baa certainly Iktti highly honored in Ining ch-drmaii of the .ludiciaiy Commit I*-*?i pl iee. liv the way. for which lie i -wlmfrablv quaiiiied. and in which he will have an ?pporlunity as well to make for himself a national reputation a* to retied his r<- ti|*on his Stat- . The New York World i* disposed to credit Mr. C.iKi.iS! k svith having consulted thc VVm inti rests of the D* nmcralic party lt. making up Hie most important comniil t. - -that of Ways and*. Thnl |*p?r isjys ??rrsrik Hurd, of Ohio. *tand* alone a* Hie npresciitative of those principles of foe trade which Republicans and llisap point4-d Randall Democrats have so per sisMttiy attributed lo S-nr-ker Carlisle. The proportion of the representation on th'".inmi!ti ( i-"lie in thirteen, ll could ?Ot I*-- lest. Ai Hie MBM time il is a concession to B lnttmrity which iu thc l?. ini'cratic party *lo*s noi number one in tliirtei n huinjlcil." Thc World wa* and is an nntl-RAXOAi.L 1 per, M is iv iden-i il Vf Hm slur Bpofl thc lt anthill uko which it throws out in the ve jtaragraph, hui it has sense enough tn knew that frce-tnide nonsense would mir the prospects of the Democrrtti,- party for -ii"cc** m the national election.* of ne\t vt ur. :,nd so it "sits; down on " Mr. BSRB a- dc only Five-Trader on that committee who hold.- the views wiiich hfld been erro? neously charged upon Mr. CflBUKB* Wc nu as well pleased as the Wmltm can possi h\\ Ix- to have any sorl of BMRMRM that the Democrats in the BoUMOt Reprcscnta tisc* are md going le be guilty of destroy im I hr-hopes the country now has of the ea: ly expulsion of tin- IWpBbtkflBS from pow. I. 1??? New York Ereniwj Post, a free trail: journal of the Republican MpeilU*V Bk Vp* appeal* to agree in epinion with thc li...... It-av-: ??Mr. Morrison ls chairman of the Was* and Mean*, and hi* colleagues are divided hi such manner, politically and otherwise, that th* country need take BA alarm OB the st''''cd of the turill'. Apparently Mr. A bi am s. llci.vilt will have the easting vote on the committee as between Ihe < \ fjeflstatfl on *ith* t sile, aud it may be added that thi* responsible position C mid not be held Ky one better Ulled, in thc pWMBl coadinoa ?>! things, to till it." Mr. Hi:vrrn- ls helter fitted than an> oller man in thc House of Representatives to hold Hie balance of power on that com* Britten* if he doe* hold it, the committee nun be relied upon to recommend no un ss, tampering with the existing turill'. Il* i* a man of large experience both ns a statesman and ns a manufacturer. He takes no *toek tn Mr. Kki.i v's extreme piolcc tionist theories, nor in Mr. Hino's ex? treme free-trade theories. Then let us all try to vt satisfied with thc ecmmltlccs, The people of the Eastern-Shore comi? ties (AflSOSSM and Noiihamplon) are the bul and truest of Virginians. The state n, v i-i- BBBSmbfld a dollar to build a rail? road M macadimii/.c n turnpike in either of those coontie-, yet the Democrats lhere ?were ?.'.hnoftt unanimously in favor of the 31t (T i.i.o<i; attlcineiit. ( ontriis!, too. the spirit ot thc following paragraph from the Accoinac BMRBR I*"i**f4afflfl with th" spirit m.tliifisted in sonii' other sections. Wi ip:.ite from thai paper: ?? Wini*-sve should have preferred to have H 11 mr own wm Hiv count vina: ? J.D.I'rant, bfl., elected te thi* position? believing, as wc <lo, that no better man for thc plae, eanld te lound in the CoinmotivvTTilth, and ul thc s-iuie time thinking lhat Aeeo mac ha* strong and peculiar claims upon the j?ar'.y for recognition in ihe distribu? tion of State patroling*?yet we sn not ni dined to BBtl fault with the action ol th* majority el tbe DeaKXeats In tbe Leajbda tere, svho. in giving Mr. Wtagfj ld Ibe nf five, showed bul I iligot sir*precl>tloa <: the valuable terrie* i be rendered tit**-eau* ot liberty and order in V'ii'inin when Un black cloud of Maboncism hung over th Comrnon wealth." V Did any oilier paper propOM bcfSM th Wspamn did thal Chicago should be th scut ol tba aasl Democratic National Cor vention . Anyhow, a tilt grain in Hi "W'.:( ding Itrjistrr duled at Chicago on th MdaafStM the picsencc in Chicago | Ol flem!Of l'.S!:\i si. of Connecticut, dui loan al the National Deniocr.itic CoflMB* tte. hus r.iused a great deal ot talk as to tl probability of the next Democratic N Donal Convention being held in the Lal Cily. Bul M the must successful inle viewer only siii-cc-di din eliciting from hi the opinion tl. i Chicago wa* the most c gible pohit in He i-ountry for Hu- OoBTt Hon, we will r?T"?. In atpieaoBl fruin suv ii anything more on the subject, except tl it ls claimed that s lares rns]rarity of t vvistevn merni *r-oi the comuiitfee ufo said rtgvec vvith Mr. BABRCR lu thatopink fire tn rn 4 atliulle (.'burch. A l'SMf 4IBB1BB ash PKoi-i:i;iY l4tBB 1IIK HHAVl.:.V OKA nOR, , A Sew Kerk special ol Tuesday sro BC. Peal's ('athol-*- cbureh aaa dlsoovn t*i Kc *.D lin this lum liing (luring the ce brat ion of BMSS, Tun tbOQMBd pto] wTtekne* ling, when sinldciKv agrent fa shot up from the left side of the attar, i In a mtv shan time lin church wa* 'lill with smoke. The people seem paralyzed at first, and then tiros, in botiy, with ? very indication of a paule MBBS. Father Mcl.ucik trailed upon tin to remain (piici, while J-Tither McCal who weigh* two hundred and fifty poum and who I* as brave a* h.- is Mg, ?_?,,, ?. ?Ji ' tl""n"''t0 ?*?*?*a,u*r* '???'I, after 1 hand* ami fae* had la-en severely scorch and hi-ve-tiiient, almost bumed off si ct-eded in pulling down thc was i'ow< mmdtHRMalioBa, BU iMmi, when willi band* east them tbrough the windows lt the snow. The great ??ngre.*-atlon iK'eame qui anil Father McCabe resinned his mass ll nothing Iud happen* d. During service* In th*- Pennsylvania-/ enuc J'olisli cbureh lu Pittsburgh, 1' Christmas night, a r ?flection in the chin from a small lire iu Bfesek liiatherafoi dry, on tbe opjaiaite aide of the sire caused a panic*, and ie their haste to get < h Humber of 'X'raons were <|uite seriou' Injured. . it U Imprudent to be without Ht. Jaco VU, for pail) ? everywhere. KILLED HIMSELF FOR LOVE. TR Ad 14! t*ATK Of THE BOM OF A BA BUB**, A Yanna Herman, After Recelvla* a Paaaloa atelr BorratarfBl Letter fr-ara His sweet? heart Breasts* Their Eaauaeraeat, Eb** Mia Hf.- Will) Marr-Ma. A Now York .elcgr-im says; Richard Von Sicrnlierir, a young Ocrnian. who was a dru*- clerk employed at KM Kl BCOORd avc nue. New York, and whose Irionda allege thai lie wan Hie son of a ("ernian baron and a gradna Ie of Hie Iniverslty of llcldcl lieri*, died Tuesday nt thc Presbyterian from the effeets of morphine which BS had swallowed to kill himself. He left upon S table iii his room this letter in Oat Rail, addressed to Mr. John Nieder steln : My liana* air. KDdersteln.?Please rectre Hie Iv-t wish of one Heil loved von very inucli. All mt (Muan ar* loora ead imIour i" von. .vii other sicisi i i,t\, ? Ims-ii Ukea My dear Mr. Vc icrstelit. my i heal than-iK. I love and honor von milo (Raf*. May you petaaasar I* life. Think of Sternhenf. who I I hived tot) w> much In life. lUm't ron fnrpct my Intended oce?-never, Bevrr did I commit ant r.-nii atratiist her. My heart's areetlns 1" yon. fears, VobBtbbbbbb_*. Mv heart's ajt***Mltur. Don't foran BM <1<-tr 1 |W**UuaSll Ian vert innrh dl.tuDK.I. Youmr. Yon Sternberg occupied nnsrt ments willi hts employer, Adolph Hesse, in the re?r of Mr. Iles.e'. drugstore. He was twenty-five years old. mid of pood nd tlres-. Be boarded vvith the family of Mr. Niodeistein, across the avenue. II-' was known in the neighborhood a* I light? hearted young fellow. DIM AltlH.!) uy ins SWEET in: AIM. Kielli days a^o he received a letter from a vouti!' lady in (..-runny, vv noni lie RJSft engsged to marry. breaking offthecngage meiif. Neiderstein, who is a Batfre of I Boan, says Hie young vvoinail WSS thc ! daughter of one Baron Marx, of Boaa. ?? Young Yon Btaraharft earn' ti) tlii* coun? try about a year ago," Mr. Hesse said. *? He told mc once that be WSB Obliged to I leave Germany because of a duel at lift |l'niveisity al'init Miss M;.r\. in wlue'i he j killed his opponent. I believed his state | iiii-nt. Ha tirst found emplnyiiient, I think. : tn ? restaurant in Brooklyn, ami a few I months SIM came tl me as an apprentice in tin drilS busim**-. tri tiing I dollar a week and his expense*. Ile never was in j toxieatcd, rind attended eloselr to bwlaaas. i On Monday <?veninir he attended ii Christ I mas entertainment in Mr. Neiderstein's 1 family, tatai'Blag to the i-toi ** at about !>:..'' o'clock. I went to Led at ahont 10 o'eloek. j having him to close the store at alntut ll. Ba can,e to bed at Vi o'clock, having asl up, I Hroiiine, to write the letter to Mr. Nicilcrstcin vvhicli I found in the 'om this mareto*?! When I awoke I found he Was breathing very heavily. 1 tried to waken him and could not. Then I saw our poison-box in the room and the note." THE SUN Or A HUH BftSSTft*, -?Thc yinni:.' RSM* was attracted bf my name," Mr. Ni'-'lerstoin said to-do', ??and calli don me to learn If I was one of the Nit'der-stein'- of Ii mi ii. Winn he found thal I was lie made himself known to BBB. Yon Sternliero's father, a baron, died a few v.iis aaa, having Richard aa income of .T.'i.lM'O li-aiu - a year, but lie could not I,mcli Hie principal, and his Lruardian. who is iii- uncle, and is a professor in n (J i ini'.n univt'i'silv. was glvea more than Usual anthoiity in tba matu r of the pro? perty. Kieii.ird Iud I mther wild life at the i'nivcrsiiy, and on the strt-n*rt!i of his expectations contracted cn innot I* debts. I i::;ve heard about a dud he was BDfBgad in. but iH-ver that bo killed anybodv. Ile lcd been laoaJflRg 1T.*> franc, a month siuee he Ind been in Ibis country, bt*ga*u> dian devoting the other 8,716 francs ;i month to tba p-ivim-nt of bis debts. ?? A few weeks BR* Yon Steinberg wrote to Miss Marx, telling her just what ba was ra living in the drugstore and what his prospects were, and tellin1: her that it would be iilxuit six years before he could marry her ina mumer 'eliding her sta? tion. Three weeks airo tu mailed in r bis photograph, and a friend, who is an artist, put his coat-of-nins underneath very beau? tifully. When he ree, it cd the answer H his Hist letter, eight days aL'o. he brought it io rms and it is still in my possession. Tin: maiden's sad lette!:. "The leller WB*BddrSBBed upon tin- out? side to K. Kieliard Von Sternberg. Il was written in ? hand as perfect as copper-plate, mi paper apparently stained vvith tears, and translated was: Mt Ever mnl Oaf! Hcloved.?Thc la-t time l 0*1* 10 cab yo* saeb.Becaaae I never ibouxht it po*al il ? Ih il ciieiiiii-liiiices shu.dd Ik' :\s liny are. The mer i lei i.-enou/n ii drive rae mad. One thin* lin. h.-eoiiic ;i erl tinlv?we ure limn! lo part, in,iv i have HiourIii aad thoa*-*1 in the last weelu ai '1 li led to L'el I la-t anchor "I bop*. Hut?hope le-s. BoboQ-ystood halpin* me aa) prayed,aad. on tin-oilier i, -.tni. ev erv ho.; v waa uj-mL ti me. and I a-kiii).' lin tn to leave off Um Blealna me Bu*, thc threat, ot otbera Bares ms lo writ* this leater. !', ur lettes c itii'". and "Uh that letter inv l.a-.t hope was Bone, six yean?a* eadltat loagtime T t . v will sjv in mv thlecs. I fall* believe thal voa hoi me. bal Bun loin: I nat: arny kin v,,.u- love. Wbe* ..ii < ora* back thea you alli be Jint- la Ute prime of your rear*, hut Lou the other snle, will i,.i, lui'iln- ii.iii "f yotitii. i un i woman. !'? ii. however, beta* hound bf Tour word. troBld i,"' li '.ilile it moment lo keep it. ei,n If ny iiuini.' it vu wei,- mad ? vi iv unhappy. Rather pal you t? thst onhappinci?I wi li not bold yoolo yiar jil, dire suv nor*. I love you too lunch t.iilrui- mu imo onuapptneaa. li laqultgeaoagrj if one is made miaoabu*. COEKt ed Bl BRR rARatRtl. My parnta aad Malan raf*** ihcir eoasaal Baft never win (.'ive it to ia*. I am entirely in their power. If you could come inieU within one or two 11 li-. ;,-. you li'omiM'll win |> yo* hfl nie. I Weill,I witnaaano i'll tin lr laraata lo inelaat. Hut with t',. I loosely liol'.l. 1 sec tho i n 1 oulv loo idiilnlv. Richard, Ricliard, why "'iii yo* leach me tbe bleu e-t fcliclly lu On- world, only ie nv to let me hink i it, mi ,iyy lt- y,'ii hud ix-i'ti frank before von weal bw*j perUapeeverythlns would now baratta f.iiiory l'.ul ti"*- it i's I"" late. I foraiVC von with all my la-art, and liej.' you to forslTe me li) , iee thi- arVeves yon. Hod ls nyarttn -* hon t sinii-r inulcr .t. Later OB von wilt tim! laval lam moy trv!in? IO .seek yottt own happiness. 1 will ilaiiy von. ami arbenevei anvtblna rood h i|i|'.i.ii.s i,> vt.u'think thai I hav*asked God tor lt. Bow Inliiiitt-ly have I lovel you. ri t: in-s-1 and om.v urra. I ilc.uvlit (h.t I could overcome eraryiblas Von were mv lirsi youn* and only love.and evri will US ". I. 'cause 1 leioict" Ihote ii-iti'rr-Illili can hoc ont! mice, lu whatever circam t inc - I univ bo, do m.) fonrel that my love belongl lo von e.,-eii-i- and tn eternity, anti whenever yoe ate lu vi ant of s true friend enuc to ice. Eromlsc thal tome, fbattstb*least 1 caa asl f. . One otho r,-.|iii'*t 1 have to make: Le ive m. your photo i-^.i:.ii and .our letter* and the betrotl al rina tb) cicniorv'saa**. All Un other pretty preseall au Bl voiir dlMiostil. Please -,'iv ivhat v, ii want in, to do with Hi'in. My letters and Ihi few Ullin.', v ni hive of ni ? I pr iv you to keep in BMtnory ol bm: bal if tin y should ts- unpleasant to von plea-, ?BUB them. And now this dream cone-s io ai eod.showell ll w is ... joyful, i ? arawan mani v.-m ish. xvticthir lu a ctsid or sorrow I ul uwakluir. n Rod plea***. As io inc. evcrvih'.ni: ts Immaterial whatever may onme. Lil* aaa lost Ile charm. 1 mil v l were ile ni. Farcwill. n.v Richard! Ma >..u 1k>happy ! HtTovid of mv lieut, farewell I Mvni.v. ?'He was the gajeat of the fray at ou Cbristmsa bys party hui evening," Iii Nieilersleiuhaid, "andsatur 'Hie Wacht ai Khein * Kplotulidly. Be esme over lateaftc I pitcher of water, their pipes befog Hozet and one of us said: * Ah, what a drinke bs is beeondii''.' fjft responded mtrril and went off." A lid plomanlue in Her Sleep. 11>. trolt l*ost sm! Trlhune. | A Wmnmn iu faefcUB, the mother of Rta children, i. afflicted willi.: curious sort o kleptomaota. B**s^aahig some time slao to mri Rp small sums of tnoiiev from be husband's iariiini:s she found after awhil. that lier little store was bein.' pilftiti from, but ro (ncc of lbj thief could b. found. Il at last turn, out that she ha ?"en in the habit herself of takin-r th, money in hat sleep, as sh" ha- BarBS eBBSjh it it. la*) has no knowledge of thc mat ter, and now the mizzle ls to know wini becomes of thc money, as no trace of I can be found. The storv is entirely uti thentic. A Million Trune* |n ? Burloo* Bob. | Dc* Moliky Resister.) Dubu,pi, is the envy of her sisters eitic Who have no buried fortunes and C'aptai Kidd stories to tell about. Contracto Morpm, of Dubuque, has a letter from a oftlcial In Madrid, rTpaiu, to the effect thu a resident of that city, while stopping 1 Dubuque wimc time ugo, buried his foi tune, amounting to ooe million franc*, in me bo* in a lonely spot In tho outskirt of that eily. A diagram of the hurli place wa* sent with thc letter. If you nave * sore throat, a cough, or ?ly cold, try & H. Douglass & Sons' Capslcm Cough Drops; they arc piessuit to tl taste, psifftftalP haradess, nnd will sure! bs cure your cold. D. s, and Trade 3Iark o I every drop. PETERSBURG. A QC1RT AKD OBBBRLT CTISIKTBAS-PBATH ON TITS 4RR1TRRSAIIT or BM V**+J> oiaiarBAC. rina, wmi W_S?^2T^ B*KCK?rKltaONAK ANO ?)TMKn MATTKR8. (ijo-rwonOeacH-oi tue Klcnmond MMMbB.! DRCRRi'i-n 20, IW* Ye*terdnv wa* thc *|uiete*t and "-or*! or? derly Chri-tma-wbiy witnessed In 1 etrrs hurg for many veal*. Thc eltv *uggesU(l tlc tiuietS thc Sabbath. The peop e were compare! .Te* deserted. To tl* lr luiusranee is doubtle** due the ft*eTthat no ?mi hlents or dl*ordcrs ol anv kind arc to vi, And yet every Pfnoa o**?* tt\oomTaaT& Vsft *** l? *&* * ^fljSSl B. Slevens.anohl anet bORBMjl died yesterday nt 12 o * iock. r hm _h le bad bees stek for about tea IJSll usdeath was sudden and altogether uaeRDeeted. Thc immediate cause of his li.'.'nh'w.sncunilgla of Hie henri. It .nay be mentioned as a singular MlMJdeBM t!,,t Mr. Stevens died on the sixty-fourth anniversary of Ul birthday. As a bu*i ?,**.!.ian he had no superior. Formal* mus h.- hal been at the head of a large inS,.i*>f which hecon?lt:dcd with tbe strictest |0* tcgntvandaetTH-aey. Iv all Hm relations of life he ssas an upright and r?SMCMB4teiM '".Mr John J. Stroud, of whose illness from'the ell'cds of a stroke of |* mention ha* been made in this correspond? ence, died Blgbl before hst. aged\*f??P two year-. Mi- ra*fwa* pronoun.1 hope? less from the firs*. Ile wa* buried Ms morning fimn the W:.*l.ington-str.-d Me? thodist Episcopal church. A lice broke out ve.tcrday even ng Bl o'clock ob the tirst floor of Ww brick build? ing on lower Sycamore stied occupied A* a store and dwelling by Mr. J. W . I'e.k, windi did considerable damage. Mr. Reek's furniture, -tock, and ItMRB.WBW dMBflflRd Ul the extent of about |8O0 or B] OOO. His insurance is s*K7). in the WM!' che-ter ( i.mjiany, al N?w York Ihe building i* owned by Mr. Danni Ra uh. .,,?! mm tutored to UM value of about si OOO. Mr. Rahils's insurance' Btes IfcOOlJ in thc Virginia ?Mutual, of Btehmondj 11,000 in the llnti-h American: and |1,000 iu tin- ri'.ienix. of Brooklyn. Ber. rather Thomas .1. Wilson has liccn quite indisposed for Mvenl (lavs, from th. effectl of a congestive chill. Roms An.snt. BURKEVILLE. RRRCB OF A KRKiuiiT train?a DOBRR BABS l VTRACKKD?C.VTTKK KH.I.KH?TR S l\-!!.SMi SI.IKIITLY IXJl'KKH-THK WK ATI IK1:. |('..rr.-si>..n'l(Ti'-ciif BM BMUBSal tMSMtetS.] Dbcbrrbb 2\. 1888. \bout 1 o'clock this morning the fmirth section of freight Dam No. 10 on the Bleb* mond and Danville railroad ran efl UM track al Jennings*.* Ordinary, three mil. - north ol this place, vvreeking eleeefl box* i ar-, loaded 'Tiietlv with OOttOR fflf W*"*R Point. One car loaded with rattleWMBlM wrecked, half of the cattle being kflled. The cause of the aecideiit wa* I brokefl t.oit In ? switdi-frog. The uflssflBgertontM from the South and from Richmond tran ferrel their pas-engcr* ll the wreck about io o'clock thi- morning. The track WM rep .rt,-,1 .?'< ar about 2 o'clock to-dav. No mm was lerioUSKf hurt, but one '"' <*? train-hand* received Might bnil|M bj lumping from a falling MT. Towt ears were thrown down an einbankinent about lix feet. ., . .. Snow fell here this morning to the depth of a foot. _ *?? HAMPTON. AKFRAT SSAS IBWrOflT*! BBWS?A V'H'NV HAS WOT is TIIK BTB. ((T-irri-pnii'lciice Bf tl"' KTiTnif'tid Dl.-intcli.) DRCRRSRS BS, l*"*:l An alttreatior betwein - Parsons.; young ni tn fl*OM liOWVOrVt News, and I humber of negroes, ;,i Ivs**, mai Newport's NeWS, on yesterday afternoon, resulted in ParsonsrecetYtng :> PlstoWiall in the eve. H wa* reported here at I o'clock to-dav that he ssas dead. Il SVIl-TON. Krtvf >MM Item**. P. T. namul.) on S iturdav executed I codicil loins will. To meet a possible f0> tun claim al laesatty directed acfllasl bb will, he called in his family jiliy*iciati am I ss., other well-known Bridgeport docton one b bonni"! didst ami the other ara a*k> pathist, all of ss hom irltRMMd Ml signatun and malle oath tba. they bettered the teats tor to be of sound and lUipefllBg BHBd ant memory. fi. "terrible explosion* snppoaed tobsn i.e. n caused by an infernal machine, oe curred at Birkenhead rm-day. ffobod' ssa-killed. Atanp-ttghter Barned Butler observed two naen watching a eaalstei burning opposite a dwellIog*bouM. GoiflJ up to Hie lauister, BC kicked it a fess J aids ss hen siiddi nh- a terrible explosion occur ia il. breaking the wiadoWl "f all lin hollies ia Uta vicinity. Tb! tun nu n \vh' had been watching tin- burning eanlsb escaped, and there i- BO 'lue to Hid: Identity. A fuse S fool and I half lon; was found near bv. together willi a loathe ui:itch-e:i*e. Krupp, the great BBB MIBIlfSffIIMfi BS ju-' taken mit a patent for I tlat-headei lirnje'.tiic. This nore! lorn has bees altai to it svith a view of presenting its gtanclfl efl on .triking lac arnwivplstc ol i eran at a great angle of inclination. The {on ba* further bees adopted svith the objed i penetrating s ship's armor below the wats I [ lim?an operation hitherto attended vs it but little siicee-s owing to the poi.ile bead of the shot. In order not to eflRM h.f velocity a puint of wood or thi iron plate is attached, which OB striking i immediately Blattered, and a- UM NH time, being tilled with oil. vs hidi i- t greasi-the lirnjetTile, is .-aid to iBCTCeflC i' jMisvi-r of peat t rat ion. "?'luther particular- of tin- terrible ace dent at. the Virginia mine, mar Oura) Colordo, on Friday last, have just been n Mired. Immediately upon the red Ipi i the news of the disaster a piety C-onslslU of thirty-one po-on* left Ouray to bria in the dead. The journey to the mine vv: mad" in the faee of great peril*, a* a terr bte storm was ragtag, filter hartog can for the wounded and improvised lied* fi the bodies of those who ss ere killed, ll party started on their return. When tl Cumberland basin ssa* readied amooi snow-slide occurred, but the party *u cceded in reaching the edge of the fl! lundie before it struck them, and thi escaped without death. The -led-, po taining four deud bodies, however, wv curried two thousand fed down the ni"ii tain-side to fl precipice five hundred fe high, over which they wive hurled, u there they mus? las until spring. Tl party finally readied Ouray marls fa from cxhuU'tion. _ l^nU'TKLYPCRE. KKK OOO If Y A L lt lt O D Y Y AA I. KKK 0 Ol Y A. AA L RUO il ff A AL U B OOO YA A LLL RKB A K K ll VV N HOC. ll B AA I Iv ll HM V (, U BBB AAA KK ll N N N ii lt BA A K K II W RR fi OR R?B A A K K II N NS OOO ppp oo w w w dod eeee krr P PO Q WWWW I) I) K fi il PPP O O WWWW I) I) KKK KKK P O O WW WW I) I) I I ll r OO W W ODD KERR R ? bo '_l-ly| ClKMCXOABt>rYOBB,VlNTHfiTBI1 4 belv>i-i-ii ll road and * iruce. Juat re--. I v .-.I, n-ct frail! Hie luiiwii-ti r*. u MifM-rb slock of sMC EUS1 ARTICLES, all of newest uuftlsna. We please an if taste with mir varied aud complete * .itiuent. ftip.*-l.-il Inducement* to Hie tn WALKIN*; sTTCKs nil kinda. Me-ant slot-1 IMPORTED ARD DOMESTIC (KiAll's ( and examine. 210 uortb Muili, b-twisn Pr and (j race streets. da 4-1) I A dlspoti-h from Sherman. Texn*. ?sva. ?? A band of de?i)eradoes are terrorizing thc northwest portion of thia (Grayson) cotintv. Whcti raided they a?'k their fastnc***** In the Ited-Klver bottom. I hoy killed an unoftv-ndinf- colored man nt I 0IU1 villi- on Saturday, and hnvesine*- murdered a white mau nt Dexter, in Cooke county, where they also burned a ehurcb and a achool-house. Deputy ?her!0* May and Kelley, with a vossc ol citizen*, left last evening to scout* thc brush." IIOBSPOBD'a ACin l*IIOHr!!ATB-VALt.AIIKK .MuH.iNK.-Dr. W.H. Parmclee. Toledo. Ohio.says: "I have prescribed the'acid In a large variety of disease*, and havo been amply satisfied 'hat It is a valuable addition to our list of medicinal agents. MA RM Af* E*. Married, al lt. Stephen'** church, c-s-ll county, MT nu Di?reinher to. Kv Kev. L******* 7 *_?*_ LOl ISA ATKINS..X. dantrltter of ihe^ffl-Jating to EDWIN B. SNEAD. Mo -ard, The Norfolk papers will cops. DEATH*. Died. goth. Ifl tte2WR3tVf&.?!'uf of'.ii-aac. OH.MV** VI.NWOIIIM M AN. ills funeral will Like di"' Bil V. VI. TO-DAA. Decei,iiM-r S7th. from the n-aldence of his sliter, Mr- * ll. Chappell. N"- ?I2 Borlh Fourth sire I. Vi'aslmia-tnii paper- will phase copy. Il.ed.s.iddenlv.nii December KS, I SSS. IOHN NETTLE!*, in thc eight y-*-ccond year ol ilsa-***. Illafimeral will tak* place at Trinity M'Tho Dt l-pU.-npal ehun-li. corner Twentieth mid stie-ls. IT!-D.VV.Di-ceinl?-f 37th, Bl 10o'clool A Vt |'rleii'ls..rtl)c ure ii--|ieeff'i"> Hinted t.iattrud. Th* thc BandarachosH aro re,|itcslcd to attend. * Die.i. oil Klld.iV lil'Tlillir. Deri'niber '2\. 1883. al li ..'clock, of consumption of the bowels, COB DELIA KEBRGOOD, -T,i?-' danaliter of Kd siard Ma-"ii an!'snail M. BOBflb * a****J IMBI year ten month- and thc dav-. ?? ffssaaasR sams areBBtloBf dsreHlaa sun Ink- BOB***nf heavenly glee. vs hlspeiituj softly io mr-nra**** COKDIB, coine alnnir sillb u- : Viii Miall see ymir Beatle til'llicr Iii b si loner dcllrht; Vk.ii will lever round lier pillow In Hie -till, c , of thc nl.-lit." Lenehan | Va.i paper* pk aaa copy. * OIUTVAKY. At n ic.i'i-'.ini' nf the ve-try "f (t. -1 'lin'- Pro? testant Episcopal chinch, lu thc eltj of Klch tll'MI'l. tli-ld at thc ,.f Vlr. II. !?. \s .s. nth* ern mi Thursday, Di -ember ?;. 188 I. t" take ac? tion in ri ti-i.-in e i i tlie devili of their rector, lo v. ALI BANDER ss. ssl ODELL. D. D.. a eot-* lii 11 lee w.i? a p| ii dc. t -I to dru ft re-ol nt Pms -ni table to Ute '"a i-i. a, who -ul.muted Un following : -The generation* of wen succeed cm- another like Hu-v.iis sof the sea. i hey have no perma? nence. Tlav are lure for a lille Hine and linn gillie forev el ." Truly Dili lite ls bill a sos aire?v voyage an.ld -tor-ins ami hard-hip-, throng- shoals of mflerlng sadrrvera ?. a sos igt fran tine i" Uni broad, i.i.undlc.- ocean ot eternity, whither nil are hoi md. aad Into which tba -battered barks nf .-.ll aro launched tliroogh the narrow itrslWof tin- erase. Rone understood thi. voyage better Utan c. ei ni, n.-d subject of these line-. He regarded tin* world hut * plac* ni probation and preparation fol that blaber -iiliM' to Which cscty human be? lair !-.le-tin. ,1. The most one " ^ciieiati.ui can do fer another nui-t lune r. fen ncc Io lhat at* i tilts tllllt Iles hesolill. T ?? Hu- nm p.. e Dr, WBDDBU -"ive h's life and dcToted hi* uneoiiiiiioii talent-, ile followed i britt thioinrh faith unwavering?snfferli g* great, labors iKdcfattgabl*-. cenrnge undaunted. He had ? large philanthropy ana buming seal lolwork foi-i hn-laiid those for ll. died. Tn thc crees be clung,and t<> tin- be pertaaded mauv others, a- tin oaly rae ms "i nlvaiion. To one's bnmanken,which cannot pt that dod ihoaltl cut down mu- rector In Ute prime idhi* life, iii ih. merl (Ran of lil- uscfiilnc?s, wonidseem strange and inexo'lealile bul for the (act thai i..-r-way. sra ucl narwa-**. Bcd tin we gal t" Beaven Stall we snow watt nenaeUi na., lt only remains for us to bow in sabmtsslon to the v. ill of om lleisenls lather, sile, ,,r,;. r, tn all 1' rtla- Iel. Did thia life end la aaalbllatloa, wa -let ld be Inconsolable. But when otu work ls done and oar hodlea mingle with the mother earth, we believe linn our son!-, di an.-a ired from their C MB brows dust, shall fl ai ri li .md idol, m in. n rna) das through C'iin who ll ve th for ever and ever, aad lawboai we shiill linet io par! no more. /.'? .??,'??./.TV.i' i sincere.- friend. :i tni'-mud no? bler mm. a inon- loving pas*! r. na church ever bad His Intellectual power,hi* morai worth, hi* sptrltaal excellence, rn- BaHriBg efforts, we miss b si.-id svord-<ju .ie io expre a Tine may eil on. but lil* name -hall i ser lu fresh In our memory and dear to our hearts. lit-,bain ls oar Impala* bb- loss, bm io- ineffable cain. Besoln (. That a copy of Ute foregoing papal ba presented to the ramify of our deceased rector, to whom we te**-4eroar flBcpest aynpath* in ibeb I- mi lit. Resolved. thc same be pu'di.-'i. <i tn the .ti ',iii/i? .uni in Ibe Richmond pa V. M. lu it'll. / ,v rutkern 0 pen, E. V. sst MUT.-. ' i oininlltei ll. V. VV. s,,| rilEBX.) M I. RTIRI-R. Masonic ROTIt IE.?THE a MEMRERil OF METROPOL1TAN_J__, LODGE. No. 11. A. E. and A. Ms-,,,,., ru X_*T e,| I., -if fen In -1 . tc I con i ni u: il ra'int ar x lr Lodge *t -t. Allsin* Hall Tills i linus dayl K.VKMN*.. Deeamher 2711 (Bl. Jobn tbe Evan -ei-f- dav) at 7 o'clock, Members of slater lodges and transient brethren invited to attend. Ks order of the VV. M. dBi Ml_S. B. .1A CPUS. Sec ret arv. I'i.l'.A BENEFICIAL AND SOCIAL Ij s.?( D TY.-l.noTlU.l:-.-The rikfil ir meat* Int' .1 this So-lclv will he he'd THIS (Thin divi kvkmm.. December 87. 188S, al 7, ol'), ck It I- i snu-t!' n ipi. -tel il,if . s. rv mem? ber will be pr.- nt for th- election nf officer*. Kc fre-hmi ut- will lie served Bl lo H. M. By order nf thc Kn .-blent. de 27-lt? M. s. BLOtTRTi Secretary. tim: a nm ai. mi:i;tin(. of THE 1 sTilC'KllnKDK.Ifs Of Till KM ?'. I'.SNTs Ol' Kl. HM'iND win h.- held in the Pres! dent's nfflec on THURSDAY, J sn na nt 1". Is-i. ;i( |_ : vi. .i s'.ii > VIII.I.Kir. _?;? ??vt.i.io_C'sshler. i':i!-T MAI IOS si .ti ci, i-i- K'UTiM'iMi, V s..f BlCUBOBD, Vs., DecemlHi'JJ. 1888. S Till: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 (STOCKHOLDERS OF THI* BA***** will be h. ld il their banking-house on Ibe STU DAY OS ism skv l8<-4. alis ..'cloe!., for toe election ,.f du* eton for toe ? n 11011.' ye 11 ami Ute traaeai - lion of such ot lar lui-li e?*a* nias a pp- ar. de ?_:: -1 -1 18 ll. < ? Kl KS Kl f, Cashier. ITiTlMOMi, VS., Dei-einh r S. lsv-:l. 'I*lli: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I -TOCK HOLDERS OR THE PLAXTERfl NATIONAL HANK will tn- held al the office of the bonk on TUESDAY, dannary R. l-l. ai l-l o'clock M. fl sv-. -. Qi ski 1 RH. de - tl Ca-hlcr. SMl'REHKRTM. I)H HMOND THEATBE?SPECIAL. M'ill|s(i\--s(it VKKK TTIKVTK!: will preaSBl tin OeaaSdri Drama "ll.V/.KK KIKKI. ? iii H.I- city .KVNC VKV KTll AND UTlt. 0R10IR VI. ioMK.VNV. ?I'.'.-. _ ELEGANT SOUVENIRS. HIIMOSDMOZ.U'T AS>'>(|ATION\ R1 The ri /ular Weekll "tte ssl!' take pine al M../.. ri Hall Till* (Thnradayl EVENING at 8 o'clock. A d o'I ss lon only l,y niiTllber-lilp- or 111 vit itloii-'-iird-. which inu-t be piisenti-l a* the door, "ileuiti-r- cn obtain Invitation****-*-] ou application lo C. 1. HIBQBL.491 -treet: c. r. Johbbtox. ois Main street.orRaboh I Mos):*, ii 14 Viii n street. 4e 87*11 lt ICIIMOXI) THEATRE THREE NIGHTS VND MVTTNKK. commencing THURSDAT. DBCBMBBB '-*7. lfl?1, BROAGEMEBTOf Mas. LARGTRT. ipri-ir h. her departure for Au-trallat. sapporte*: hy her '.sin Bonpaaj ? Mr.c. m.Mk*.nev.Vdinp vc,aager When -he svlii appear lu the ebarming cninedv THI KsD.VV EVENING VXD s.VITKD.W Vt ATI M I Mil STOOPS IO < ONQUEB. KKTDVV EVENING-THEHURfJHBACK. s\ll KTi.W EVENING.I-ERIL a in ss piece, hy IK C. stephenson and ( Icincut Scott. GORGEOUS COSTUMES AND 8TAGE-8ET TINGS. Knurs: mi..-ii),Kl. Sale lie-ins THURSDAY December ?Juih. at 8o'clock, al thc box-office 0 Its ii iti c._de 2a-3i ? am 1 ect 11 a ll. ?x TIIK WEST-END KKNKKH'KVK A\'iM| SOCIAL s.KTKTV RtBB WICK RIVE A BALL NKW-VEAK"- KV K. monday, de* em ctn :u. i AT M'KVnCKI.I.O HALL. I'RIEES IR GOLD COIN aid be dre wa f-r I. Hie llcket-hohb 1 . Hratni Man h at SH o'clock. Th Int- of 7*n-., .-iilmlt'iinr a rciith man and ladles, to be had of thc Mian'* r- or 1 Uiedoor. de 38-61 CIUSOWI NOTICE.?TO E. M. NEWBESI* TRI'STKK, A* .: You are heis-by m.titi, that whcicns \iuiare Ihe trustie luan-rtaln di*i ?ir trust dited June 24, mil, cxecim-d hv un si If and olht-rst to .iscure thc puynu-iit sf cenai negotiable nunn tn said deed mentioned and em veylng fur purpose a certain lol and let 1 mei na Kniirth ktTceU In tbi- cltv of Richmond, au Which dei .1 ls recorded 111 the office of Ile 1 liam ry Court of unlit ruy. in ll. ll. No. 0(1, atna; 112. and whereat, since tbe execution of -al di* tl you have removed ont o' this State, 1 -b ? apply lo tin* Chancery I'ourt of *.n.| city on tl 24th dav nf 'niiuiu y, 1884. Bl tit* curt-room, fi an riler suhstltuiliiK a new trustee in Uie place 1 yo rael! in ?aid teen. ANDREW Mc CORT and all.. hy Edward).Y Cannyu, their attonn-v. DCCEMBXB US, 1883. dc 27-TMiw JBJfftJ*_^?^^ - t_f-A OUSAT CTIANC-C! BITTERN TER CENT. DISCOUNT ON AM. lOODB IV OUR HOLIDAY DEPARTMENT. SET ONI) FLOOR. This sive* you an npporlunlty to make your pur ftSBSJ Sf ***** for New-Year'. Precut, at a (treat ?eduction. Our prices were the lowest hcfore, and Baw, willi Hie di.count of 15 cents on the dollar, t will elvc you an opportiuil'y to huy elegant RBBftj at BBB prices. Eva ry uiticle in ocr Ilolld-iy Departme'it I- marked In plain tirttres, and yo* viii have 15 rent, taken Bl of every dollar", ?vortll of ;:oods you huy. Tho-e willing n, hay jrooil, for siuiday-'cliool 'hi I?t ma.-I ices and New-Year's pre-cut. will timi hat thev can .ave money hy hiiyliiF Hi,Tr (roods of LEV! . I) WIS it DKAKK, 1017 ano 1019 Main BTBBBt, Elf IIMOM'. V v fda 171 XX MM MM A H8?q XX M M M M AA 2 3 X M M M M A A "HS,, X X M M M AAA o 2 ?. X X M ll M AA ,*88a ,. CHRISTMAS, i IIRIBTMAS! TH VEHIMEI! BRI fl 1 EBB1, ON MONDA! VM) IH'HlNi; THE ENTIRE WEEK. !V e iiivL'c all -.ur friends to our i,PAM) DISPLAY or i sr.Kn, PPP RRR EEK mMUm KKK NV N ("ITT SSSS P P R R E ___? 1 BMM T ___? PPP KRR EK BSRa. KK B B X T '\SSS P R B V rn 5 K B NX T - I o nu wo "sn-* virw v vv t -Htn-I POI THE HOLIDAYS. Our store is lar?e. and force laeNBaQd lor ?fOHDftl. on which dav vv, will k-et) our ROU OPEN I ni H. ll P. BL ff*Wll -Hall EVM Y VHTHI.E.s REi.ARDI.E->- ul ( DST WI kaye so ti: .wi. HI i RICI -vii BER! ICBARTJ* i.imiDs. I'ot.l I I V ITEMI'iN Til ALE ism i: vhhm. COME EALEY I >N M01DAY, as Ihe rtisli I-^reat Ihe middle off BB ft* al TIIAI.HIMEI* RIP 11 HEI!--. 501 Broad Mia*** caraar of Eu'th. ft* -."--Sii.TuATh, j. : ?CHAMPAGNE. Receiving dlred from the bemm off Boacli eu- v Co . Marrull, -Air., rrauee EXTRA DRY VEI./EN.VV. VIN IMPERIAI MAXIM! M. and PREMIERE HERR E. vi-", constantly on hand, fl, ll. VII vivi & io., PIPER IIElDsll liv. LOUIS RODI RIK (Russian), in I the URBANA WINE COMPANY'S GOLD BEA1 B very silts rior wine, made in thi- country, BBtVftW l). (lt AN/. N i:XI?llI..SN COM IM MLS. KW EXPRESS lim: op ex ed" HTACNTON. Il A HI! ISDN lil itu. NV IM MEr-TER, HARPER'S EEKI.'V. \\ ABIIIXOTON. I! ILTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. SEW YORK. WHEELING. Pl IT-IH Loll. COLUMBI'*-, CINC1NS vii. CHICAGO, bT. LOUI8 ANO ALI. POINTS NORTH AND WEST. v. tl ALL i.ul AL STATIONS ON THE HALI MOLE AM) ullin RAILROAD AND IT-s ( iiNNEiTluNs: MONEY. FREIGHT. AND VALUABLES I EVERY DEBCRIl'TION BKi'KIVl l? AND EOK WARDED WIT ll DISPATCH! I'liI.I.l.r'TlDNS MADE on CO. D. isti-Wages, bills holing, note., dre ft*. A BK HMOND AND ALLKiillANY EX PRE COMPANY. In connection with IT." Rainmore and Ohio V. lire-*, rm I.i-xlnatou, Va. s. ll. HOWMAN. Agent. Richmond. Vi .1. B. M VIMtltl'O, i ??ni ru! Express Ajreni. Rlelimnnd, Va. Ide 13-Th,*luATii.Tw| ..-.-.-.-.-^??-!l-?^r-c.l^yfrA?>.l!**5'.* NK NY OOO I) 8 .-KTeb Silver-Plat Ware, French Hilvue am] Marble. Kigui Dri'.tl, n I'hlna. llrruw (io.ids, Parlor-Lamp-,; D orated Dinner-, Te*-, and Ch-auther-s-et*; Cc Vases, lu bow and lieaullful design*, kuitahlu WEDDING and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, lowprlet'S. HARROLD'**, de 1 817 Broad stree B 00K AX I) JOB WOHK NEATLY EXECUTED AT TUE DISPATCH PRlNTlNti-UOLSE, BPFATAli ffftfTICTOa RRR R ? II KRR -BS_ A L li MK LT ? AA L HRH RR "MgAAL KM T H HK ? S AAA L R * ll HtCKB ?sa?A AUJiLBBB A AA A A AAA A A OOO OO II H KRR NN R O (J O O II H K NB* N O O O H II H KR KNN i' i: o o ll li K NBN GOO OG II li KKK N BR That I--I I.Iv*1 have been wiling badly lilla Beaton ls n fact beyond dispute. Wrap, and worsted tna lerlals have taken their place to a gnat degree. Thi-N true not only with regard to thi. country, biitwlt'i alt fastidious communities all Oft* BM world. THE I,HEAT BREAK IN PRICES ls NOW EVIDENT. Pl SBf ******* SB MONDA! live thousand doll.-.r." worlh of P.LA( I AND rol.oRIED -IL'v puri'liascil at 00c. on the dollar. As usual, wc WARRANT EVERY YARD, inver offering SBf silk mah rial, iui!-u of the be-t slati'l-rd mik, -. i mr now wlde-pre ul reputation t. (he RRR KKK .-SS. TTTT _asf_ (IL K K HUE ? ? I D ? Il I, K K RRR KP, "TM- I ****?*_ UL' KK ii u D M .n ?* ll 1. W V II BK s I I III KKK 'ger 1 UL K K BS" II LLLL K K BasiB II ll OO JJ I' R8Su EEK II ll O I) If i: 5 B I Il ll li o o I' I 0SSj Bl li ii o o c t o 5 I ll II OD CV 8888 KKK -"ii'hof New Y.tV. will M all times lu carnuliy sustain, d. Arnon/ :liea!ii)ve p;irch;is,s will he Ennui? BLACK -I'RAII BILI al 7.1c. BWBBW Bries at iLlft; QTJTNBTB black Bo. 1 iii:ii?i.E' \IN silk Bl 7'.>c, former price Tl.:!.* ; OlTNET'- No. 9 Bl fl.H', P'K-lar price *1.75 ; i,t !SET\- No. 1 al *'..T". inner price fj..-., j ALEXANDRE lilEAED- 'Jl-IVII III Vi V iil'.o--i;i: VIN al*l.-.i. t'.nner price |l.;in: ALEXANDRE ii IR VI I)-- 84-INCB VIE!' HEAVY -ATTN EIM-II at 114ft, former pt lee 12.80: i-..t. BONNETS NO 7 0RO8-ORAT1 at ftfte* farmer prioe Bfte-1 c..E BONNET'S No. B a*, -l.l". oar foraaar price ? ii 13.40. C. ?!. RiiNNE!'- Bo, 9 Bl 11.70*i*-?itu. r pries f.Vui; c. .j. BONNETS Bo, 1 si *?!.'?". Irotass price IS; Ibo. ft va ptacei -vi in rad/imire M ftOca yard BalOW foraMV pri. ? : COLOBED I.'AD/.IMIRE. al 11.1ft, forau r 11 ? ? Ul COLORED .-ILK-, at 6ft*. 1* BB the vart'.u-.h-, rahle -Ici'I' . JBJ. Y Y OOO L EEK 9 ? Y Y i- 0 L I "ML YY fl L RB s I Y fl Q L K '\s.Sh Y OCU LLLL EEK 3BH 1RR OO TTTTH I." EEK RRR cSS. 1 Bl RO O T ll l( I. H R2 b IBB IRK O fl T H H ll RR ERK "TM i B t RO O T li II | R Rr 9 ,., 3RB A R OO THU KEE R K^SS*.. ;lll RRii.VD BTBEET, -.?nd hoiniiy Br**tu*Bj to their sall***aad Ba* pu it* iaasaeraLaad beg ba aaaeaaca that their IMMENSE -li.i K -. VEE! VM) . VNi Y ItOLIDAj GOODS will bs nady RB* iBSperliOB TO-MOBBOM iVI'ind.vv . Will, ih-...' arlU I" found especially ...liable f.r HOLIDAY PRESENTS.ui'K 1IRI-I Vi V . .. 1 E I s t!i> v are comiiicnde I t-> la* attention off ladle. even iv! re Bl l,cl:i|.' SITTiMi.R TO all TillNl. oEEEUTNt, IN hie vi.vRKi.i' vi BlaULAB price-. eil l-s. aa ajl. for al I ? | i-o.iiprlsi : DIM .-1Ni,-CA-E- ta *1.?_?.->: DRESSING- v-E-, tu P!u-ii. uta!,:, Ba tra vt II. ra, l'r Ml DEM --IN',-' V-l S. lu Phis!,. . vv ORR-BOXE8 al 19 e.; WOBK-10XE8 al D' WORK-BOXEI il VV-RITINI.-IH -!v-; l-.VNC! BOXES Of PAPER fr 19 . :io. 10,80,aad 7S*.; MlhRtiR-at .*,. In. 9 '..Ioctl, and s; -,,; P"\YDER-P,oXES Bl i l.Al'Pl I:-; BING1NG-CANA1IE8 ll ll MOTHEB GOOSE (lllu-tr.-itt li for | BTOB1 -Ri OBJ i,,r li .-.: -i rap- vlei vis ai nv.; scrap-aliii'Ms al lae.; -i BAP-ALB! V- ii 30*.; PUOTOOBAPB-ALBUBb at .'c.-.: raOTOOBAPH- Vi.Itl v;-- al -1; PlloT'lUiR VI'il-.VEEt V|s ut |i.7S; PHOTOGB VPll-.VLRl MS, In l'lu-h, BM ?'..Vi; raOTOOR M'll-Al.Rl'M-, iii Plush, f,,r ll: XVII Ul.-ELI -ll Elli ?lo,, RA EH-VI. Ul Vis VV VEL-PlK'KEI s; !\TsP-RRooVl HOLDER-; POCKETS Eur i OMI and 1RU1H' CHILDREN'S -ET- of KNEE-. EoRUs and SPOONS, ?( IO*.; DOMINOES; PLUSH WORK-BOXB8 ai * 11 p vint'-roxe- tar boj al ll ROXE- for .chool-ciill'lrniai ELI TE BARMON1CANB ut 88 .! T ROMBONE8 M Sta*.; IIARMoNirans at ; RATTLES si 86*,; RATTLES al l'c: DONKEYS ai BA*.; CA1D-1E4 'EIVERS at 3ftc; CAKE-ILW'KT:- it io*,', TEA-sET'S ai 'Joe; TEA-SETS at Tn,-: Kant viii'- AMD -vi CERI tl 96T -: BISQUE at iee.: BISQUE al 88c. j BUQUB ai lOe.i BISQUE Bl ftl| WAK ll-VEE-: ITi.AEI I I E-( ASES at -JO.-.; CIGA1 CARES u 80*.; Al "foi.I! VPll-.VLRl "MS Bl ?Mc: VI TOUR VPH-AI.Rl Vis at .'toe; V 1 I'U.RAI'II VI.REMS st fto*.; AUTOGRAPH-ALBUM! at 76c: SILK HANDKERl ll IKES at lift, .10. 7.1c. *-' aad ILK) silk HUffLERS: ol NTLEME.Vs, TTE*.; i iKNTLKMRVs ll A MIK and Colored li inter; LADIES* HANDKEROHIEES-Whlte an i oloicd Ruder; LEA i HER ami PLlsu SATCHELS; ITI LE BROTHERS. >? w ,. ....... . 811 Uroad. reet. Branch Hon,*: 1588Malu *trect. da Id-co, HAVANA CH JAILS. A large Invoice of VERY VINE HAVAN rltiARH, *ff my own iiunortottoo, jtut hi.idti and for tale. Ide H-Swj 08CAR CRANZ. NPICIAI. !f R-TIf TR. r?fT Qijf IkfQ OO V 'W il LKIJ.K K BH8H n*rr K.BB RRR OO uSfl*. RBR ROO"}"* HBB KRR O O "Sfla BBRROOp"}... BBB R R OO ?H?!% .. Vmong tin- lot are also a a. md many -\| NS and other ULI RffRCIl la** ind fancy. Wc ihall offer OVI kvukk ULI BRM K icre.ift'r .1 a NflaSHSB that will aSBBfBr . ^ biy witti tim sSsbspeefla I. A DUD II KER-SSo I. AA D DDK i, m" I. AA D DD KK .SH,. L AAA I) DDK . ! LLLL4 ADDD Ii KK1*.*\H8** WWW RRR A riT' ^SSW VV VV VV VV R R AA K V **"*"**B W W' W W RRR A A KKK ' SirsV WWWW R R AAA I" K "J VV VV R R A A V 'ss"1 nott: Oil: THtS-WEEE-fl PBIt ES. I.SIlII's AU.-Wool. *V(T,il KS. In mell, colors, ut ?_.'!?? -I'..rin? r peta ll I.ADIK-'BLACK AKK-Wdol. DIAGORAL tal .JKK-KYHKVVKK -P QI KS BM " le-* than one half former pi ic -: LAOUEV HATMA1KI I ITL8TE1 in b-Mtb- 4LL-WOOL DIAGONAL CIAITH, at ?<."i.7'. fernel NEW MA l: Isl I I I.-i KIU 17,81 - :.-> -ad ?! a r. dacilon of in r-r ? Bl. a BEIN 'HUN AT LEAST 80 I'll.' i ! | ns I vi.KV GASMEN I IN 'UK ll": KKK <)?) r o <? K K Yt *) *) KKK K *) *i R R V DO K R II ll lin I, II DDI> A V T ,1 noni. Il D I) AA V Y ll ll ll o o I, II I) I) A A V Y li Hi) ul. II I) D AAA V ll li (Ml LLLL ll HDD A A Y PPP KKK KKK ssSN KKK NN RT*I K P R R K 5 ' N N N I v ** KU* KKK Iii ' ss. IK N N N I P BER u 2 I R N? 1' s s P II I KKK "ar KKK | NN I vv, shat: mam si-! i i vi. . irrERING Oaring iiii- sa i tu si wssa. * OMER BR-**l*tH .].- Di-sii.T ii A Th corner K-.tirlh at, ; LONDON DOCK -'AM \1? A Ki st, -i. i i:..;\ RI M. -i ?!? ii \s ti: AKiT.l.atid Kl. vt ll BRANDI -a I Kt-il- bj O. CR v\/. KK'I'.N.TI Kl: W DY.? Direct Importatl n ol .1 VM. s Iiivvi.-IT ind DI llOIs KID RI s IIRANDV . in w... I and gi i -. li ?,lebv .-iw I.-, vi: ? i: iv/ * . ' HltlSTMAS GOODS. \...v i* un: TIME i" Bin. TRI PL \< I l" BUV, LEVY, DAVIS a ? tva ? ii c.-. i' NlaU* aa is-. M TOY8, POTS, l "Vs. .--. i,,is. ? tit. i l.o.Vivs. , | ,, -Ks. , | ,, v '.-. bow in Mora Bm iir^. -t aad j sorted -floeS af <TIIKDI-KV- ' LOAMS iii u, i it* i: -V si - f..r .-ni ass ? tren I -!\i. ns, H , AJ '? I B ' I ' I.eil. - cs. rs day. Si , - petals foe Blind We areal.8k-.Bg I MT i 1 vi I LADIES', 'V < i iv. si; \ - ,,,i i Hil DBI ITS i.i "VK-. GLOVES al 91 ii ft. in Mc, GLOVE! u ll c. v. ll lol 111 Silk. Ck Bk BBd ?' l-htiii : finish, d. svitii fir ? lt VNDIv! Ki lill. -, ll INDKI B< H ll VNDM'K* 111! !? kims. BILK. rABCY, tal Ki- vis ss Ha in : | -I t'l.-ll-llld- et incut -I. Doa*l '? Ms fas Ihe i ,-i da] ? Cobs. Stock li l.'i'ini lub. rib DORMER MMH vnd vt vis de SO LB VT. DAVIS fl CO. *,- vv iiisKi:y-. 1'he iai, iissort llleal ol' KIM SS HIS*-E. - to Im - .-late i f V IrgUiM. frmn one lo U-n sear* ? I- vi: . k vs/. BUBER) ano M sin- ur v. v large b.t af i mil RRIES in I., tlc w. l|.h.Down I.t s\ ,,!..,, I Harm,my. Cadia, of nv own I mt mri Hon vi v DE1R4 from six looser forts vcr- ld. j in-- nfl i.Un ir l.ii-po.. s i has, i" i very I superior wine* and moderatsi lu i .1. -.i-:*ss ,,s, vi: ll s\/ ru KM. orri* _ i nv cm 11. i RKTIM.iNli. S..s. ni'., r - "imus oFflCfl will hi: OPES haili Ulwecu Hie lelir-ol' I o'ch-Cs V. VI. alli | !'. M. from the IBfR Ttl THE ftls; nw Of UKI I Vi;; I; in* i : sis | f.r the purpose ol' u-.cisln- frmn all l*r ni tanks DUI ni nu. * irv Off ku HViosD Any i-tsui who sia|| full to j..,) v. I \ ssilhLi Hu tTin- ... ITnlte.1 all SS I aaMSBBS* ,1. - Uii<|tuiH, and islll Ih- charged .-, pcuall) of 5 p. ccnt. and luier.-t at Hu- rate of 43 p. r cent, i- i annum. A. it. WooDsoN,* u> Collect... All Balli oiler* pliMftC copy. flj l-UH-Tl NUM.TH Kl tl). \\rK AUK NOW KKOKIY-, ll im. v Largs t*ri**?LY( Ol' SEINE-THREAD nf mn mm direct I tu pi rta tb?ii.c.iiis|snnj(,if nil iiuiiil".-!* mid nu. ililli-., SS would Invite ihe attention of all In aced of lit* ?e ^ood? to lin- *U|*-tlir ipi illly .md lin.?ev*- near, offering, our Uireaca are made of Uk- tn ki tu*. that l*im>ssit,;;_d warrntitrd lo-,'lve-aU*lacll..u. Knwent price*, giiarauteeit. SEINE-TWIN 1 - I.INKs, hr.. at "act-ry price*. VV m-.'iufaclure Nc. I >.iud -vKlMSnl . s a s di-acrf piton. L. l.tCHTKNMKiN A Si Ss. Sole importer-, of Uie celebrated Lion llran I -H-lnc-Tbisiid aud I iii poi tera >.f other brand-, curlier **vsc).:?.*inh .md ITaukllu sim u. del-dm