Newspaper Page Text
$khmand ^ispafrh Till K-l>\!.DECEMBEH 57. ISS*. NEWS AT HOME AND ABROAD. What ri? winga bmutq rs. tt*?tiliikl*n oas t\n sr ri nobb DissATisriBn. ? .-.-.rvrih t.. Rai Dispatch.) V! t-iii\t,Tt'N. l>. c., DftsMBfibat 2Ci ?Mr. sf Ni vt York, waa wsa ap jv, in nil , h.timian of tin House i '.untnitHv on (fa t il AtTiirs. Ima itiforiiii il rm ultimate f:i,r.,l I 'li'iiii-er 4f] thc House?that hft vt ii! Bea tine ht v rv i- on that committee winn Coamymm rarsaftTiisa. The r. .is,,:,- issifrjMBl for Mr. Obx** refusal arv thal Ihe Committee on Naval Affairs! vt ill have coopara! ivelv little Eeloie it daring t't present Cons-re**, anti that j itMiiiv-iw , fears' sirvt , in the Hons* I .nt. i> of the For ? I otuoiltUv. Mi* frientls BsjaftttoR lie contemplate,! Dtiaiaar "f ref..rnis in tia? \; Hie ntunlHT of foreiern j tntahsl ? - aaa ul* **. Uh diplomatic ; * - itj, and iinpiov iii_r the j - - :i- to make it .1 more ? ? 'or the ulvanernn f lin country. Mi.* B li" ile-i", ihc chairman ' :ntlliOee ? l Election*, I'll! I Bras 1 < h.drinan ? . Hie Committee " th* I?'TVh; tnieiit ,.f ? s de* Halal atwii il>!i s. .-iv in:; ;is hi. reason Kui nfs have berti from all ltn*>or " ha* mrs ti Wi 11 uni', r 'JR.?(ii n< ml I1. pAiiinent ? .tx Rh im Btal trouble, - . |.r.t-*ratioii. IL .?ointnantl tempcrarltj, and : - BOB ? N ? ? '. bj las Wat l>i part Hiei :*. nilli ai hoard to V- _ xSe. lt 1* . r* will oi irBjnry, kw! apprehea*lon to t\ ri :-.'!?! nt vv:is in? ion',. ...... ol i. oi ral M. K ..I thal i I . BR] lei tl ill ii; - ' ? li . ? ? ri I san Antonio. lied to the eota rnand of tlie : ? ' ? \ ta opon Ibe Sherman, ni -. .lenee of i .me. De waa :? UM 1 >' tol New Xi \n o. ' ls sar be baa k*ag nd ie rvoui a, which hav* been Bjrj**TaVal <1 ny , ice aa thc fronts rain' t't I.-- ode! In New Mexl Diving I* a Binded, W- I'Voll- trouble wlncli fa ;. . . ri ? : - i- line to in'ti I - . Bhould he r ft initital prostra | ? v. t- uni : in, I*. ( .. DseefftaWr fat.?Ab . ? i ? . ? kaowa a* the ?? Emt xt ni * - ? .- i" ? ii formed amoi . ea '.- uta of thia for the purpose, as sal lui-ih in the ootisti inti okart I [" opie from ? on:! - * ?; de and 'I h' are as f.,11,.vt.: Prest-1 W . I'. - it : Vi.-.-IT.-si,l. nt. M. i 5 un v. j. \v. \ -: i n s -'.:>. A. M- >. rs; W, Baum, of tin Db> ir ct ol ' sf. How; rd* of Mh> D W, - ". Of Ala!-tm.,: J, I). : A. M. -. ? arv. of ' *. W. Nile-, of Arkansas: .|. J*. ? 1 A. B. s't-vxnt. ol Flor! I ? onstitution prov ides tin*.' a pr"-, ? I I ? ??-.*.: - ri _r c ' - li ;i 11 bess] "f i faJllih entitled t'> I'K-ale OL one lilltldrt tl sada ? ? f (>ov. rnmeiit land shall, ins,,! paying 110 to the Association, re - pie a sad Bafa ar afterward-. QBRRRAL RIMS. W '-..'ii. I >.-, t tol., r Cu.?The ?;' ile Interior lia* ordered In .? ni Tufts, und Bpeeisl il once to Mus rerrtton ? to tboronehlj invevi I : troaMea srislna; from ..j i iiiei. sad nash* ?kin.- !" :i s, RicmenL ma w ill form a basia of En il..- dion Ly tlie In;, ii r I >. pat-inn-nt, I have been instructed to Inform tin- ( reeks ila! tlie if nea --irv, inf "ree tin ? ? .mitt' e "?) Appro) rial helli - | :!ii- morning. Il vv. - . if possible, the pen r. Mnl Military \ I ii bilbduiin*1 lae r*> mhrbi bi on -? oh il in the 11'' -? ?- :i'.i> s. Mr. ui of the committee, will ? row the nam,. of members hara* of tin i lils during ile I lion. Mi. slrtnaa of thc OouMnittoe oti I j -. sad ateatMirea, has : . ti wi'ii ? f the committee to know I ,.- aiibjectsto be eoaaMMnrcd dui ii tn ss. Ih him* If |< dollars Into standard of Ihe lath r >hniii,i i- ? ? pi u. Mr. Bland .i i. thal :i mia! ooah! io be established in Ibe Mlsststsippl Valley, aad ? Im adi intaajea ot red al st. I. thal -iiv .i* tbe pases i i ha ! Depai of BUde las -Maa b> * le.'lli.Ul'.n of tin* lv ,Liirin_' tbs! all vessels . m. - a bobbi must ha pro vi'h a with billi ' f health ecrtiacd f - ? i al fin- i*irt -if il'T'iiriuic, I WbhSh they WlfJ Bft -liujcctcd 1 . .. ,nd line. ItiisinoNB Failure. I. ? ? fas Dlspalch.l GRATTAI. i. liss., ll'- 'inlier ill,.?.1. ft H. Lambert, deal.-rs in dr] sa Huntsville. V i.. nave Lien elo-eil out Ev ? : irs. I.ial ilities, *h:),<mx); aaa t> not know n. lieux > I Ti 11 ii rc lu Prov lil, n? < . asa latta Bsasas I'L'.V !.?!.'- I, BL I . I)' Ct'Illt-KT 2G.?Tilt* i rm ol A. I). (Raith ft, Oo. have made an mm ol Tbe liabilities sr* said to ha ? to 1'rilV idelle, Lank- : rm OPafasaMI two cotton tl|s eily, two in (VohaatOWB, and ? ?---in ali *>7,000 ipfa ire Involrei tba suspension -team-Mill I ompanv, i. ot.,n Msaufaeturini OoaraMif, im ? ? 1 iiiikiin Mui)tifaeturii:K CoRi|siny. ll i- itali .I..! Br ul-tic!'- (lominervlal Agrarcy that taav hive tat. .1 sinitli ic Co. Ion liaoe lsTo. Tier.- i-. tl,, y suy. rftrRS hut most it lit j,but. and the linn Hal ?i a lar>:.' ladebtediM - ll -'il'iit icm sctivrj capital. '1'he assignees of the timi are itt tal C. Taft. T. \\ . (ai ??Titer. hf:d K. W. MaSOH. < i, i. ri I, i l< 11? r Sen I. ni < .(. i tv t Dftsraph to the Dii>patci,.j Ni vt Vokk, Daeambar M.?Val lt?Miase l-iir Al'laii:., Mi ditly lotitieted Of BMBfO fauBturiBR ci nit rfett trade dollars, v. day lu !!ji eriniiio-.l hr.unh of the I'nited htates < our! -i nt.-i.eeil to linprlsiiiiniiTit in KIbk* < "linty i*-nltcnthry for fJafke) years. J !?*? ;n di-'d is sixty years yid. TM* ratal 1 oj -I'l at ol. fBf tr legra i>ti U-> th* DUoatch.J Sr* Olleaks, Diet inlier 2?J.?Eddie lloUDiT, u;'ed **ftfbt years, wbih- standing on th* steiw of iii., father's residence to? day w*s shot lu th" head with a toy-pistol and mortally wounded. The larson who fired the shot ls unkoowo. ItBtlr-MM. -Rattail-. I By "?el-ar-ap*) to tit* Dispatch.) taUMtftU, Pa., Dumber Sfi.-Tbe ITidmi carn ines of the Norfolk and Western railroad for November wrre**-271.2**K snd net earning-* $1'2is.T'iS< Mn*- au incrraw* of mam a* compared with thc coir*w|)ondlng month ImI. joar. Thc n??t wiling** ol thc comimnT f?ir cloven month* of this year wno St. il 7.8tft, bain* spain ns compared with the corresponding period last year Bj 8*211.-234. The Board of Director* thi* j afternoon niithorircd thc Issue of a divl dmd of 80,50 pp,. %\lmt.v unon pwaggsram stock, j)ay**l>'e in scrip on and nfier Janu? ary i.'ith. The scrip ls convert!hie Into what i* calledeonvcrtihledehentun- bond*, maturing in ten yearn, or mavl.eexchange' la? stock* flt par nt ,-inv time within Hint |wrio,t. Th* -.mount 'of dividend mam* Kited from Ihe present outstanding stock 1* 1113,008, Tho director* also approved the ooatraete for thc eoustructlon af Ibe ('ripple-Crcok extension of the Ne vv-It I vcr division, um) for the improvement of 'ho terminal facilille* al Norfolk. Tho mrflas earnings of the Shenandoah V i!l.-s Hailp.aii Comjianv for Korember wera |7S*JBtami mi earning*9l8>T78, or 615,800 in exeeal of thc corresponding inourti l.i-t war. The net earning* for *-1* sen month* nf this yeal ante *?ls.'L117. Sh increase a- compared willi Uk- eorre t-pondlBR pertodef last fear ? f HM?iM, Rsa Teas, Doecnii>*-r ?jt;.?it wa- aa* noun.-i-1 lure ihi* sfteraooe ibel tbe 1 **?***-* ville and Nashville Railroad Compasy had obtalaed aa injunction from Judas Baxter, of tbeUalted statis Coori of T-**uneesee, rcairafnlug thc railway rommlMloBen "f TaaaeSRBI from ladBUBg thc rates -2.') jxr Kill. .cctUi-nta nn thc Rall. Illy tel.. caph 11 BBB DSpntch.l Eusabetr, N. J.. Deeessber M.?-A ! I'.iiKch freight train on Hie l'enn-sl v uiia i .ih'c-.iil. bound westward, ian off thc a' I.oti- r.r.incli Junction this Hiirnin'.'. Tnil.Tick I'inneo, thc en -rincer. Was ki i il. Tin train wa* thrown down a high baal* and totally wrecked. Cause: Snow .thi track--],reeding. All Long Branch train* vs cit- sent to x. vs "fork by thc- Philadelphia and Heading road to tin's Labcastrb, Pa.. Deeember Rt.?Tbe eMt-OOUUd Columbia accommodation and the BcwepefM r train ."iii'!, d near Midd ? - ton. "ii tbe P'Tirisvlvania railroad, this BMM-fllog, I'.'dli ("laffJlMB vviiv eomplr'rly tliTiioli-hi tl. and Hie tricks 1,Kicked for four hours. Thc "mgioeers eseaped bj lumping, Ni. mm sv;,s seriously injured. Thc accident was due to n dense fo_-. A Froit-Ditton fran. Illy uhvrar.h t., Un- IMSBBMh.] Nkvv HAVEN, ( i,ss.. Dimasher 2<>. -it urdas aft'TTioou I is-, the Kalk Mohawk ?called from New Y'.rk throufh Lona Island Sound for < alentts with s cargo of oil. she had OR hoard I cr* sv of twenty men, Captain Crossland ooHMBflndlag. The piercing cold weather tri Saturday night and Sunday morning had a terrible effi-ct oa tbe crew. Nine of them were ie badly iltfen that tbe barb bad to socbor ? -1 -11 r miles from New-Barren hehtbouse, ami th, Hell-Oat,- pilot rowed to tala city yesterday to report the case. To*da*j nine "f iii- crew were brought to this city mi a tux and placed in Hie heapital: all have tin ir hands :,nd t"*. hroien bellly. Tin ?s .- ihl| i" d from N -ss York sad are mostly Japanese. Two ol them will pr? babl} hare to han tin ir feet amputated. (mic of tbe cres, wh.i wa- aloft early Sun? day inorntng, tost hi* hold or sraastrnc by a sdi and fell t" tbe de*k. He died Bra hours aft-rsv aril*. He was s Japanese, :i yt ars ol age. la.Har Irniihlis. Bj t. lc-iaph |o Rm Disjeitch.l riTT-i.i i.-ti. r.s.. Deeember M.-?A ipe* ciai tUspatcbfrom Moshannon. 1'a.. nyi are priispeets <>f extenilr* trouble In tbe bituminous coal districts in West inorciaiid. Bbtlr, Huntingdon, Bedford, Oafs**** .mn < harli.jd ooanties. Produ iit-s ai estiTiiiilv reticent ns to their plan*, but it i* pretty generally known that a redncfion al wagss in aiidcpirt rmntsi.f labor will be exacted after De* c* mber sisL The miners, who ne said to be weil onrantzed aad i*stltnated to number from i.'i.i""to30,000mea, have expressed tin-ir wlltingm ss tO4*o0perate and assist m afleneral strOre laid down (or tbe 1-: ?>f January. Tbe mi ture between tbe anchesterand Pittsburgh H d.road Company and their malcontent mtiiers is not entirely sdlnstod, lmtss i;h-t lading the report io the eontrary, sad an undefined feeling ol inaeclirity pee* vail, in tin- striking di?irict?. The Vt orld * 1 vp,,*i sion. R-JBTB ? avlis v siostm; poa a <;i:int> DISPLAY. ?-.'.- Um Ii.) ntch.l Balbkib, N.C., Deeember IC? I omrols* sioacMai literal klo****bead, ol the World's mitton, "f New niTcans. "flopped st Durham yesterday to inspect tbetobaceo* facK-ri's of that town. President Carr, ol the Blackwell's Durham Tol~*ac>ro-Company, has appll* ?1 f"f live tbouaand struare feel ol ? at tbe 1- apostlon, proposing to Illus* Irate ? si rv department of a t'duc-o-manu ry. H i* t-tiinavd that this exhibit ; sviii i.'ist tbe company about 100*000. The \ factory of W, Duke, Som vV Co. vs iii Blake fldtspuiTj similar in magnitude,bul some? what different ii; character. (;< neral More? head arrlred al Raleigh yesterday, aad to? day in ld a confeeenee with tbe Mate olb? in regard to the exhibit of thc Btate ito ( irollaa, receirlBg tbe gn ab -i encouragement, The Btate Hoard has in:,* ch rge of tbe matter, passed ? reeolutkra la October last looking to this end. Another Fatal Snow-Nt Die. nu kit:;.s mks CABBBf ast> BIMBI KTLLRB Ol TRH.Ill. [Ky to the Dl-p.ilch.| Dektxb, Dee* mb* r M.?A dispatch from VeUuride cm lloRtrose Deeember 14th BOOB to-day I snow?Uda came down Marsha:I Basin. **errylB| off the ihaft-bottue of tbe Mendets mme, In which were fourteea mea, eight of whom irere Ulled outright ind twolnlwred. Four of tbe in n dna Uh smelrei ont No further particulars arc at present obtainable. A hu-'.- bodl of nen svill leave here in tho morninr for the scene of the disaster. The mall-carrier from Bilrertoa to Auks and Ouray, wva wai due hew Hal Friday, ha* not vi-t bees heard from. It i> supposed that le' has beea losl in eranlBg thc range. Tao Feet ut' Sum*. (Cv lelc-iaph lo the Df*|?atch.| N' Tobb, Deeember IB.?Kully issn fi-ct ni snow Ile oa tbe hwel or Lom; Island, but trarel is bul iltgbfly Btt-ar* rupted on tbe Loag Isbtad road. Tester day, when I Dci-'h: tram ran into Big Il ii l.or ('.'pct. tilde wa* so mucli ice on the track that the brakes would aol hold. and the eBglne weal crashing through thc bulkhead bumper, van! fence, and plat? form int.. the sti-.ct. Thc elli-1 ind depot! ly shaken up. No iht*.ni was: injurul._ S?m al I-Poa. I i-.v Mc-'i-ai h te lbs DBRSIeflvJ Whmisctos, Dkk., Deeouilx-r '24i.? Small-poi ha- broken out in tbe county jail at New Castle. Thelhst case was dla covTT'd abORl tefl days SRO. The victim. a colored prisoner, wa* ut once removed, tho other inmates vaccinated, lad the edi IRflrigated. To-dav two other 0:1*0* are re? ported. '1 li' IR 1* coiisidcraU* exoil, m. ni Miv.r the li'soovfiy of tho disease, and Vt 1 the ronni v ha* no "pest-house, the oflksil arc at a loss what to do with the victims. Illc-tl lu Church. IBv telt-irraiib to the Dikpat*-h.| Tiuiy, N. Y.. Dooeinhor SSL?Mrs. Mar? tha Slave-, of Essex county, died luddeal] Sumlav iiiurning, without u struggle, lr her chiiroh-p* w, in Mofiub, while thc cou gtegstloa w? ilBgsRg* Ar.Hlit.liop l's relic U.yl?)?. | Hy ta lisriiiph lo thc Dispel, h. 1 Nkw tiRi.KASs, Dw'cmt-er '_>?.?Arch' hlsbop PateM IBM fc*r Home weeks boen ir failliiK bealtb. and four days bro becanu unal.lo to lean his lied. Lu-*t night hh condition became so alarming th; t it wai deemed imperative to admiulitcr tbe Issi ?*aeram*n!. an*' * ?T*rcn*onT waa perform e I Rt a very uti 'tour. The Archbishop ai ffers more frc me than aiur sick ness, find ls gradually sinking His- death is ex? pected at any Norfolk'?. Bntlarot. StrrOCATED fr^-SffflU HBBRBJBlB AB n-i-.**Tr.D. [-.pedal tehirramto the Dispatch.| N'oKFOLK, Va.. Daassahw af Aiiiaw Neal, * colored man Mongin* in Rich? mond, fell in a lim-kiln, in Portsmouth, last nlK'ht. arid lost his life hv siitTn catlon. J A coUm (| ,nan 1)ythp rraSji |f fJifSI Potulas-, who murdered Richard Crockett (colored,, In this city, in June last, waa yesterday arrested on the Princess Anne road fo eultln-s' another colored man ah moat to pieces. Pira* In New York. (Ry telerniph to the Dl.risicJT.) N'v:ty Voiik. December 20.?A fire oe : curred to-nifht in the lite >t..rv t<m BBSnt bouse a! K Suflnlk street, occupied |,v ,, n families, eausllR a panie aaiaMMj thi- ir mutes. A of th. in !"? rj t,, t|?. roof, ami were hiprisom tl there hv the lin' I tvhlch waa hlazing through the loTMtle, un? til tiny vere rescue,! .min tin ir perilous {Misition by tbs police nod firemen. The fire (orlginu'eil in a mom on tb* thin! l]?,r. ld. oe.-upimt. of tvh'eli could fifa no explana? tion to thc police a. to how it broke out. I The safir* lo-, will not exceed ra;.Ono. Another lire oe-uri, ;1 to-ni-ht OB Front ?;: '!. inyolvin-' I los. nf sboul to&OOO. 1 hu in/,'thc ps*0gTCM of the tire two firemen . Who w-re at work la the interior of the I building were badly injured lo the riving (way of the door above. Their Injuries, [however, are not considered dan*rcrous. Tliey were removed lo the hosptl***, lt!*; Kn In nrooklju. Hiv taft saaab k* rs* i)i-p.-itd>. i New York. Dec-em her KI.?The lartrc om i.-!-.?(.re of Hardeabaarga c.., | ?'i.i. .V). airl .->7 Henry ?tnet, anil No. HT Fulton street, brooklyn, cain: ht fire thi. afternoon ana was entirely destroyed. P.irt of the bnUdlng waa used a* a atora** i w-urehotHe. and i on! tined a Isrge quantitv of furniture, none or which eouW he ?1. The entire lo., wi'! exeaed fjlOQ, u<?u; or thi, 160,000 i- ob tba building, which belonged to tbs estate of Jonathan I'., stewart. Harncnberg ft Oo.-a loss j. .-?tiniai'-ii at 940,000. snd tbe loss ob fur? niture atfj20,floo. Tbeflrastartftd la tbe cellar,and i. sapposad to haye beea csused bj rat* gaawtag matches aad igniting them. Shoe-Factory linnie,!. |B] *? -, ira] a :?, Rm B**par< a.1 Boeroa, December M.?A special tUs to the Journal -av-: One ol CM. sn's ahoo-factorie* a! Athol, Mess., wai barned .this Baoratag. Tho p>s. isf}60,000, insnr Isnoe 140,00a Two hundred mm] fifty | hands arc tl rovvn int of emplov men!. A t Lui ar of South < nrollnu Truce ?tics. Ii'.y !*k|i*rfti bj Rm lE.p-t.-h.j kr/OBSTA, (it.. December S6.?Al Bed illili. 8. c.. to-daf -lohn Agni ll wa* stab? bed to deatn by .lune. Hamilton, and Ag ; neil's father hud a eheckboac fractured landan arm broken. The trouble resulted : if' m a family fi od betwi i n Hanrllton and thi Agni;'.. In an afl'ray at VanctRse, *. c.. to-do] i man Barned Soot! ihol md killi il. A general Ogbl occurred to-dsy al Allen? dale, -. i .. u' rlag winch two forrng bb d oatned Strang aad another nanicd Hewitt! w ie killi .1 ami several otbi rs wounded. A ll, ? ;,, i Ie < IlllvlCt. Mtv |*lajta*M t.. the DE), tel.] Mai use. N. V.. Deo mbftf fal.- William Hatfield, an escaped convict front Micbi _';in. i - . rn Med V'-'' rdaf bj Sherill Stockwell. Hatfield drew a knife and stabbed tbe sberlff and al*o Allen Stack well :md hi- wife. He wi. finally cap tun d. after heil).; abo! through Ibe thigh. The aaeruf and Iii- -on wiro not dan-ir? on.Iv hun. A Family of Sine PerBSBBa Ilrowncil. | i'.v leBBjrSpil ' ? Rs D.-natch.) Mambos*, Isp., December fifi.?Infonna tion has jn-t ikih received hon- Of the drowning of a family nsnsed Bass, con? sisting of buaband, wife, ami seven * -1?11? ?lr ti. duriag a fresbel al Hardii creek Sunday night. i;i:m:MAI. roiti:i<;.\ Mina. A nt Minni*, o Riot ill Nett Inti ml laml. A M MITT: Of MEN KILLED ANO WOUKBBO jM'.vv;i:y, CATALBT, and POLK I -EST to IRS BO**l*R. (Hv Ml h to Hie Di-patch.1 Br. John's. N. P., December ?in.?A for midatiie not occurred al Harbor Grace thia evening. The llMRRftCBMsa of mm <? i t v tunted out in pi "?' -.ion witt their regalia and Bag*, when they were attacked Lythe oppo.ii ? faction and three men Inataatl* killed and several ni"il.illv or m vcr, ly wounded; Tbe ri"t at this bour(r] P. M. baa aot been quelled. Detachments af In? fantry and e iv airy and police arc DClOg dispatched I y train and itaanier la tho leane of disturbance. Thc Hu ml Sicunicr St. Augustin. LOBOOR, !)? e, lnli, r 86,? The hull of the steamship St. Augustin, which wssswept ba fire Buadsy, December 16th, In tbe Bay ? while the vessel wsi on her way from Manit-i to Liverpool, baa b en towed into the harbor "f Oorinna, Spain, A 4 oronor's, Siii'tD-n Dca tl). Toronto, December 86.-?Dr. B coroner ol Lampton, while holdin ,|Ui sf to-day on lin- dody ni Ml*, (tibbs, Who WSS iiiiil'di red OB .-'Hui day. died iud den!}. _ li LESSED BENEFACTOR! wi:, ii a board "f (ailacal rniyslclaai and etaem i-ts BBBnaaniil ft* ftl*e*?rery that byei maia a*B ft?aa raluaftle w Medan Hm aaosl ? ,! au 'ii' lae aaa araftBei !? vinvh bbs kl cine -i. I, i ala) nasa al aaa una Ital anna all o'.her IIBBUlBua could he *lS|BBSS-1 with, BUB] were itu \ IfcaM: bal me** of Ma Bastin bra Susi trill kasdtaaeB*d jII ihniht. an I to-do I .,?.,! r* Ol thi* BJ**! nie,lien,e. ll p Blltaw . an in,I.,,i laaft hie-.,d hy iii! .i- M te I? lora. Thea* I il ttl r- BIS emili ru nile.I tr ? Hop-. Of.-hu. Malt. M*Mj*aw(*a,aa*1 rata*)*n?a,an4 oaaer old.-;, bast, and ino-1 niedicite - Mi thc world, ami c katata sn the hal sad aura*. asiairaBBaaaaitlai ? T all ,il!:i r tiie'In itn-s, heil- DM i.Te.ate-1 B*sBjd Pu laar, Kiln, v- .md Lim BajTalator, aad Uta an.I l!e:i!l!.-L'i-l..r|..'- ASI t't "ii '-.-ir'. ,. Ra or lil hcaiih ea* !?i--:i,:vi,iii'i\:-i.:,o' Brttersara aaa***a tarn-i ju-i peemetamtaeat ,.[h i ;it ion-.. They (.-lie new life BU** vicar t" ft* ;v''"l Bad laSrm> 'I,, .oi ?!?, a aainlarf/aBBiU caaaa Irresa laniv ..f the howei.t-r urinary orif-ii).. M -xh" I* 'iiii.e an ftj-a* Bat r. i ?? le* amt aMM BMaualawti ttii-s,-' lavalaaWe,laMaghlftllyearaMve, .?I taJmalaMaff, ainaoal int iabbmIbs Ra maller vihal your BB ltii)fsor syinpt'iins .ire xxliai the disi-.'i-e or BUBB .il )>? "se BBBJ fttM ??? Don't wait ut.HI y.'ti nc sl-A, hut if von one. f, cl Lsd or liil-eral.le u-e Hie Hitlers si on'e. lt BBBf BB** v.iir life. Hundred, hive lu. ,i -ne.I ix so h'.inif. aflj r.'.." ' ?i * ul ba aald for a aaa* Hay will nut curt ,,i li Mp. Iloiiol siii'cr your-. If or lt yocrfrhn t.ui i.-e Bad ara* them aa aaa rles laaT Itcmeiiil. r. Hop Hiller- i., tbe |, Ti-t ind he-t me.heine cur made?Hu- ** Invalid' ET lt ml and ll"i?-." No iSTson nt family shoHld ls* without Hutu. "I was troubled for many tear* with serioiM Kiilnev-and Llver-Coiniililnt- (jravel, eic. Hf ||* ,! I.e..line thin: 1 wa,,tull and Inactive; cull hardlx craw! BsBBBV ara) was an old, worn-out BBBJ all, and tBBuTal BM BaM?MBg 1" la dp BM Ball 1 |f..t Hop Hitter., find now 1 am a B*| l iraln. Mv l.lood I- |nuc. '1, In, raj sre till right, sui I BM M actiu isa man ol itilrty.alibouirh I aaaaa*aat*? iwo. EAT)it:i:." ?? For ten years my wife xv** eon tined O. her bsd with such a i-ninpllcallon i-f ailment* that no Hoe tor could U-II alal *'*. thc malteror.cure her. am I used up a amall fortune tu hutu hui.' hVuIL sn inmiUiaaK) ? sa*a l'nlu-,1 Mates BBB. ?rift Ba*. Bitter* ou iLand I thouKlit I would he a BBB" SB-B more.aad 1 tries] IC kal my folly proved to ta wlwl'im, and two bottle* cured her. che ta dow bi well and atronr a* aa* man's wife, and il cost in, only IR. B.W?, Detroit, Mich." no 24-Ba,Tu,Thftwlm_ B~~OOK ASD JOB WORK NEATLY ttXKCVTMD st the D1SPATCM PRIA'TINO - UOUaVa* FINANCIAL* RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE. WKO-4BSDAT. H-'-ml-r 24. 1888. HALas.-riatrr Roard--10,0O0 Vlr-rtnla new S's alfie. ??kosh Roslin -1,000 I'etersbnnr Railroad. CtaasR, at 7t\. My Tele-rrnpb. NEW TORE. ' fl aw *i oh a, Ileccrnher 24.- .Voo-.-St.v-ka lower M.-n.-y easy at 3'* 24 per real. Lirhanre-Loiia. ssl*,, siioi-1. I*j4\. ,, o, ern-ne,, is sirona. su.le. ,|Ul"T. Er.tnlnrj-r.zcnine.r. 481V- Money. 2(V-2U per I"* J_*r__*,ar'r l-?l?n*-ek-*'uinmry, Ilie.ViK; rota. ISSIS. Hovi-nim-'ntaaimna: 4!*; tier rents i,14.V.; *J", '"nlt- 124}-: 8 net cents, 101 hld. State Kind* lower. Hminea* oi, ih* Stock Kxrharf-e was mit re-!' ?mned sntil 11 o'clock to-dav. Karlv trading was ?l Blower ranee of m-teaa. Union l'aclflr. {1-111! to*?a. ( entral rarlflc. Kenvsr and Uould Mures wrrs parlli-iilsrlr w.-ak. Tlie decline in prices rinsed from \ lo I';. Cnlon Paclfle aold down , * rut ral Pacific 1?., Manttol>a la. Texas Parin. 1*. while oiln-r n.-tlTr .hares ran OB If. Tb* si'-ali m -s sra* dn?- to tiear manlpnlarions and tn the fear the n.w C'onar-SftStoi al Railway Commit**?* areantiaoiil.tlc lo railroads. After Il:3o o'clo.\ stier illation t..ok for the heller on a d i*] of dividends hv the Lake Shore. Mlchl tan Central, and Canada Southern .'.Ire n r- t their mii-llnr* lo-dav. Thc -t-ifmciit ;f thcsci-no'ls ?how? Hitit Lat*- shore ctrn<>d K14 pur rent MlcblnnCi ntraDK4tt.aii<l(:i!i?das.,.itiH--w4.i>*. Der rent, on th* lr -liar- K'udsvllle amt Vishvllp. wa* the foalure of Hie it?, M*-H1iifr Dp 2s. The fiu-t tiiat the rom|iaiiv'* eumina* the tlnr" wi*-k nf December, repmrted to-d.*v. show* sn Increase ur over ??'.."lui. noiwltli-tandliie thar thc minor- earn tit l?-t wc-k that t, rate* uer, helnf'ciit in the ..ililli. I,.,1 loconrlaa l,v -li.,-u- " aad *oinc Isnm tuiylnir for "?bull" account. (?rviijrer* wen aimer on information ihattheCht <-ieo. lliirline!..n and ti-iliipvaern-d totx?.| ?? m liflltlveliasities*., KnrllnM"Um and IMiln.v Norihsv,-.:. l!.; Rt. i>_ul. 14,: Lack*. Manna, 1,; Denver, I; Lake shore. ; Vt'-?url nelle, 1 ; flew York (entral. 1 .; Erle. ' : Northern Kacie bretcm 1?; Oregon Trans eoiitlnent-il, 14f; Maali. Im. '1: 1 mnlia pn-.rrr'-T. 1',: Cnlon Paelle, I.1.; UV-t-rn Union. 1 . The market left nQ -tr,,,... :?,%l. Monday's elestn*. Western Kui ni and inion paclfle are ??'ive . s;i|c-. 848-000 -I. ? HVKTIMUKK. HviTfMotfT. "TeeeBther 2fi._vir.Tnta '"-. ?' ferrel, 0; isi-i due 1.(ft.n*. 4,',; a*r*r 10-4< 3.3\; ness l's,:,',-. Bid to-day. COMMERCIAL CiRAI.N 4I1I>OOTT01I EXCHANGE Ba Bteoaa. Tkmtmdm 26. lil UK'-'I I. l\,.s. I i.-Mis. ' TIT*-aflilill Ked. IJ ria, -''.|-.v._VV 'li't. . SO lii-ln ls. irTK.-i'' i. Hi ii ?l-l boah Mut -.i)r.s'..-7 ton*. SALE* Kt Kui* i ni tu BRCRRTART. Cons.?VV Lite, io bushel- Vcr\ _-..!.. tenn.-. KW.?18 lui-hi-:- verv K""d al 88c. nour. rinnr-We fj-j'.te: Kine. 48.80(918: superBnc, ? -Vi. t-xtra,44.76 ui.'in: ?.-"-.? %s* SS15; Patent family. 49*ae6.25. Mai dull. Ky I?,'i?_rujiti. ? flfCW TUBB Baw TQBB* Psesitwi BS. Cottee lan; bubb it.* bato*; upland*. D ... .?i;.-.n.-. loy*.; toled net reci in'.s (twodar*). 57.712 hate.,: -to Great Rr'i ; Praace, 4,183 bates; eoutinenL 9487 ia:-. Southern ? ?? lu fair extra, i i.ii.'i i 44.88; a.i i . <Ti..i.s'n. il So VV'he it-sj ? t . ? -m.- dull and weak; D7c ritSl.lS: on-rrad. d white, 11-01(411.07; Bo, 9 i. :. Dc smiler, a mina]; January. 41.12;, . ?*? 1.1 i. Corn?Spot 1 miKradod, 4V . tl*-.e.; wlifu soul hem, ('..'. e.: v.. ??,December, nomlually ci c.; Jana* arv. .;??? t dutl So. lo v. li ;?? lull and un.Tnini?d. <'..tfi ???.pot fair: Kin stronger and in mon lemand il ^.-^'.\ \. . 7 I . -not. 4 \. .:,". H . - - ,: .! iniiarv. ingar d ill ad 1 , .01,linn!. r : re? in d dull: ' . '? ?.: ? -.': 1 (*, tl ' .e.; ?*? 1111. extra c. c.. .. ,, . . :, :, .c.; mould A. Tv ?' ? ?' \. ?? . "'..: ' nd nd v. 71 ? 7 ... : . mfi iii..,.. ' s. 7 ??., , ?i;-\- il I ;??-?'??? 1. f ? -', ?.; L'mnulnti-il. ? ls. vs i III llffht tradltia. Rice Brm and moderately active. I otloti-s.. d o-.l. 41; . 4'.?e. I; Ti, dull at "1.47 ? ll.9B. Turi* ntinc dull and weak at 14 iv neuve and -te ely; wet salted Rew Or? leans sci. ' '.' '.1 Oe,: Texas ed, H . ? ldc. VS"."d qui! land c.eadvfor 1 domestic fleece, S2'44Sc.; "exa*, 14',i.27c. Pork Tull and rtecllnlna: * : 115. Midd:.- dud and nominal; lona ck ar. V ? L ? I opened ::?' 2'2c. lower; latei recovejaJ * tr.rt,-, di-lng- bara*/ -t. i.'.y and teal dani:. Eretj ' KVKTTM'.KK. BALTIBtmiB. D.c. int..-r -jii.-IV ur ,pilet and i I ,.sard-si ri el md sm -lcm superlne. S.4 at I1.5ti: extra, |3.7fi*<al4.7S : family, IO ? < i's Mill* loperflne, s.T". *-:i.7": extra. *4 ,t *?;.-".: Rio brand*,W.75i Itt. ss heal-ntliern ? pie- and -1-ads ; via lower; SOUtbCrn r.-'l. 11.13; ami er.11.12 :?:.:': Ru. 1 Msry liici. *i.1 -' ? H. 12 .. So.-j -si-'eni winter rea, spol, |1.07 -1.07 Corn-south. 1:1 finn: ?11 sleadv, cloting caa;; wutbtru 1 l '.-? 6I1 . Dat! dull: - .utii ; .. ss. -t. rn white, \ l2e,: mixed. Pi in.-v !v ... - 4 .? . ProvDInni -tea,iv and piic. Mc- pork, HSJiO, Bnlk meats?shouldci ? and de uri;, sides, packed, 7 sal ?-..?. i;.eon->:>..iii.Tcr-. "'.? ; riear-rlb shies, l -. olfic. i ni -Ri ni" T. 10c ? els : Kio car. * s, ordinary tn fair, in kt II e. tMwar Heady; - s" 10ft, Bc, aTilakei -tecs and ellie-, at ? 1 1 - |l.lg.'?. I? .. < IMTN.NATK < t-soiNNATI. De cm'., r 26.? ,?? ? - ll). SSTi-aldull and nominal; Bo. 2 red.?] ? V 1 n dull: So. :i inly..!, i- .;- .... oats quia t al :i H c. Pork dull at Ul.'.". Kurd anil an 1 lower I-., ll.-ii ,.,;-,pd, t: iioiii.l. r-.-I'.: cl |7._5. lUicondull; h--ni ...?-. *7 ;? ?? 18.50; eleir. . vs 11 kev steady at 41.13. Suirai quiet; balda, S <?'., ? .: Ness ur ? ,i fi . Ilnfi rirni: common and lurid. ?K2.'. --?..'. : j i.kl.r and ! iiliTui - ? 18.90. K<HT>V1I.K1'. koo is v 11.i. k. Decembet 6.?Flour quiet Wheat?Dcm md mosUj for con*uAnfli a : (so 2 r d wini, r. Bl.09 j ' ?iii doll: \ . . .-,4c Data quiet; mixed western, .4c Provl .lon.?Demand llsht; holden tiru, vi.-- pork. ? ir.. Hnlk-mi il -?...'?: ? har rib. 47.87 ' "boulder* ? -- - ivd hams, J12.7.'.. Lara a. Ure bm 1 I ?1. I nils. ST. LOOM, D'-ceinli-r 2'*..- V. ! ,ss, 1 ?: \... o ,,.,, t..:, 11.011 vi.0 2', ci-;,. SI.1 2 December,81.02 Jauiary; Ro. S red 1 til, '.'1 ,' :??""?? ' '"rn open* d -ti ??,..';, ci !,:.T. ? ,t |7 c. cash, 4**c. Ilecemher. (inti dull and lower si .? ? ci 1 ? 31 ,<\ Jannarv. s\ .ks une ??"..? d. Provl Pork?111 leroi.1. Bulk-meats li uer: -7.T1 : 1,, ri rib, 17 ' .-: I": -bon 17.011. Bacon dnll .,,,,i 1 11. . . Kai.; dn.i and CHU Mill. ( H1CAOO. Deeember 2d.?K ? ss beal sick and lon, r: D. January, '. rn unsettled il-IT.-Ul.';! ? D r. (ll and hl/thi ' I at tnald .;; c ; ls '' nib. r, . v-i Porks ..,.?14 : u I i '..-,:,. Kant in fal and lower: ? ? h. le 75 --?- ?: Januarv. - : , - ? In fair demand : 16.24; sb. ri 1 ~ 17.63. ss .1 k,v unclianced. hujrai anchanacd. it 11, WA 1 ft *.?. MiiwvrrrK. December 26.-Flou- ? ai,d nominal, vv > ? 1 * - So. 9 MUwaukes . and |i, .: Janu . 1 oin dull. Oats dall; V . 3. ? l- : ., -. lie**pork,Sll c 11I1 sud January. Lard-l"rlme steam, 48.78 caih and .1 niuo v. Han 1 HO '?? 110.75. Hoc. li 11, r al 14.00 45.U 1. SI A ll IN* I**il'?:LM?K*4i< ???__ MIN. VII IV Al.MSV.SC Di' . 27. " ' . ????' Mornli. 310 v ? vi- I-venlw. rOBT DB R?( HM..v'-s. lu. 88. WHS. Minis 1 ;. DI ? ' BBBB 24TB. ? r l.aur. 1 . SS. Ul. Itltsoii, Kl.i!. 1. su'li.hur. Vlllaonfl Addi ? u. . i- .1. ll. 1.ail' pther, Lynch, Phil id. I| lila, cul. \S . H.(nrt!-. .iiret.l. SBBITT-B DP l-insit 2' nv lia Kcllcla. Kli/rari. ITilladelphla., ai ( iie-ilic.c BUO "hi" - ,1.1 ''"elioeii. r -I .::?? - Di I ? i.v.'la*:..". I Mi 1 Ki .'eli-Ma. c .al,* hui.- H.'.'ase . Ui 1 1. pa* '? BB! c. 26TH. ' > *:"!?- '."'??'?.,S,*tw mvll, uer. ? andtse. sn 1 p B. 1 aaa* *Usc'li<>'i IKlLIn-nrabaas. Mull".. Pio-qHIbbbb, Ids-iron. . ,,e*.,pe.ikc -lid Ohio iai'.v...s; ve?|, ' se'iaM*!,-!'SV'' K. Klkiiu. Kmm'ie:-. \- 1 I | blckory.J. R. (Henn: vi rl.< nrti I Parker. Hotooimtr -I !'..<? nm r. shiv,. ( Iil-kim inlnv. to load lamber for Baltimore; se--!, * ur.t-* 1 ar k"I. POUT OF NF.VVKOltTsNK.VV-. Dm . SS, 1883. I Ky Tele-rritih.l AflHTflB. Kteamer Lnr^s. !*chernierhorn, Norfolk, mer bandlM and I'' enirer*. Cbesa|*.-ikc and Ohio Railway Company (a'"t salted ob n turn), steamer Acc.iu.i.-. D lk. m.rcliamllsc and pas ?enrers,smlUiftelfl.Cliempeakeand ubloRallwaj to,iipa;iyia!"l*.'n'd.'nreiiirtil. ______ su-aintr Northampton, lUCa-Ttek. N^oO,!.. veneers ( licsajM-ake and Ohio I{.,llsvay?oiii|wi'* is-id lalled on ntmrnt. Steamer Ir-amllco, Blakeman, iRallbfleld, m.-r Chandtae and i>aa-*-uire_s, Chsiapsake und Ubi* Raliway Company land -ailed on return;. >U* Manhattan, -sieve,,- **?***' Y***. *??-*-* ehnndtee (and sailed foi *Wi>t Point), old Do? minion Steam-hip O uu?ny. lUiimer TK.I'?kst.ue, Vooltl, Krv.vldcnce (and h Vte-imer' Itnnldan. iJtover, New Vork. mi rchan dls. land-all. I forN<-rtolk),Old Domini. ^k^X^ubisn (Rr.).,HS,,l rili * 1 Hermie!j. iin-ri-handlae snd pasM-net-rs, I mon -' I Mteaunablp Comp my (limited) ..... j hSmmsblti Aiifllle-i (Br.), Hallie, for Condon, ,l'llM,,fo,C"*1- SAttao. Hteamiblp Hercule*, Llverp*>)l, from OtUveaton, . I kaaassS Ann L. Lockwooil,Ht, John, Bollon, > coal, Ches*peake and Oblo Rallwsy Compaay. QOODS FOB NEW-YEAR GIFTS IN, GUEAT ABI.'MTAXCK AXD ELF.GANCE-vli.: BOOK* of all turu and In every style of hlndlrur : \vi!irixt;-riK5-Ks, work-box em. t-jilet QaVaaaa In I'lo-h, Alligator, ami Wood; PICTl'RES ?nd INKSTANDS. ?nOTOIiU.VPH-VLH!'Ms. Ac. J-c. rorsalehy BECKWITH A PARHAM. j-toafl-M_ COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE OLD ?V * LI .Cults. WHISKEVs?AMEkVas-: !Vy?,r. f lorrimer, liunijrardner.iilhson. Viuru-ta Couniv, Mountain. Md llanimnv. (aidnet. and Monticello. These ire ad old and tine roods. Weals., have other trades at clieaprr price*. BRANDIES-IMPORTED; In wood or el,-* M75 vlnt*fe ot 1-7"; Hennessy, vlntafe of HIIANDIES-AMEI:!. AS; Old ralifonila.vln Baa of 1*77: old I', eli. made lu 1-78; Old lltple. msde in ISHo; OM BlackherrT. Wini s-impoRTED: ?.?'avurlta,a tine Mierrv. it *2 par Ballon; osi?irn (Jcmbajre-od rtt*arrv,si 11.60 pe*' 1.1,.r,, (j* /|. the must Im ioi ',?<!. .n St ; port and Madeira. VVI.SEs-HiiVfi -|TC: Catawba. I',,rr. Maret, ind a tine W in,.- made af hi ickberrtea bj Mrs.,1. .1 I r..e. -,r Reherrtn. This Wine took il,,- pretolua it ttl. -file lair. IMPORTED SINDHI ES: Sentch Whiskey, I' I iud i.ln. I reach ir ruit-. Sardines, etc. VIRGINIA UV! US |,,r:.. .k of old Vir rinla ll un*. Shoulder., and Middlings. The Hams in- the beal In the etty. Al! Un-u-iial ( IIRISTMA9 GOODS. D. AHTELOTTL 1ft ll cast Erankllii sins*. , , . Oracttr and Ll,ne?r-Di..-i|i!. dc 14-t.Iil asatabllahed In 1?40. (' nuns im a - ii ii k VT TH* IP-TOWN COVE- ANTI WOOD-YARD. riirni r -.-conti mid -Et. V-m.ii ?trwcU. Aden rancan find a f ii' 1 -tock of all kinda and tiara) of COAL. -"ET i OKK -,t sr, md |*,.50pert- ti: ? VE aad i'E\E wood-lonu aa weft, and *nUt >.f ihc treat quality. ? ital tol: by we-jrBi and ai lowi ,t market rate* Order* by postal ur otra rwu* mllelted. . ._ V. E. LlTir"!:Il,t BROTHER. il" I'.I-co'IJm ( lllBHTMAB doo])-. -\ coolee lol of KJ PUDDING- aad CAKE-MOULDS, both I reach an! American; .IEL I.V-CAR E. MOI'N TAIR-CAKE, md KT.I Si II-ROLL l'AXS; BAT TEE-I'vlE- fr buckwheat-cake*. Mil.:,, n! PARIN v-.-. "ll.h:-. , i . rtment of TINWARE, foi -ile to , , , ' Aro. s-rskll,s1Bh 8*18-101_7'JH Main street. BBOAD STREET. THOMAS .inii-iiN. i BIRA. CRfJCKERT. QLASSWARR, E axcv i.'mids, .v, : DINNER-. TEA-, roiLKT-SETS, fte. ts rest prices. no c.- U il 303 Hin BAG8 ALMONDS," WAL MTS. l'"'i Ul ? rta, E ? ;. i Palm Ruts: SOOboxei ii.I i -London Layera, Valencia, D eaaki ? arrant*, too boxes Citron, Ta ot pounds Tarklah Prunes: BU Lox,- Lemons. So barrell Mahon Gi 8.00 . boxes, .*, ponni each. French ( andy : SOO i h. ( rystal Mixture : ll*. SO pounds each, -.hellRock ^tlxtnn-: too .-.i-i - Salmon. Lobst, ... d Mackerel; lui)ca Det Heil and ll irdCi tba; .". Oca** :-i, .ic,-I i caa - 8-pound bea; ? ( .rn. loo ra-e Blaekbenil -: too casi' Pineapple, Lima Beans, sn* t raab; I ? per.. Olive oil. and naiad tarcosina; ! Cham Milk: lOO i wes Lea 4 Perri n's VI lt. Pl er, and Mush. room , ai ip: ? I - !' ? ? I V! ,.-: len | . I *] ll.ii,i: . ? mel. 2-1 oiniL l-pouad, 6 sud 14-ooond l'"-< t: inn c net imt orted ant Amerleaa Sardines; 6 0 palls 8-and 10-ponnd pall* Pref ? - -J-,,"incl Un I'r.'-ei-i.s. ] | John vi,,,s ^ Sons' Imported Jama. ..#* pine? apple i h--. te. 10 casca 1 tmenca Cheese: SC > b< x - ls it Ital! ti Maecaronl; 1 stract?. Sptcet,Gelatine. Preserved Oat Mea I Irita, H mlny. -? ip. Honey, ???..l-l:. Pickles, "i lei-. ' re kl ?! W bl lt. Barb a. Ta Pake*. I iel era, ind i ^'-ni i .e ? nt "I" Cigar . ' 1'iK and < 'ewin* Tobacco to which tr* reapectfUBy Int in Ueatt ntl.,ii uf the tr ide. GODDEN 8 T BIBB1 I . Thirteenth street hit .icu Mun mit ny. ? l -? ?? 12m MIMI IB Ml (U.S. Kc. L'ni: THE B0LI0A1 -. i.i nt LEMEV- ITJIBROIDEltED SLIPPERS, i.entt itu s-. ALLIG VTOR snd BEAL BLIP PEL'-. LADIES* n vie SLIPPERS, E.Villi - BE VDEI) -I ll'I'Ei:-. LADIES1 TOILR1 SLIPP! BB; BMOPPOtO-B vi,-, i.i I*!,isl,. Hair, B Baal, viii.'.iior.aiiT Turk.-y ktoroee*, alta -md xvlt'i -nt .trip.; ENOLi.-ll ? UT'.- u,,|i.!:H's vi'Ksi. .1. A. i.EU.i. Pace I'.h.rUi. ronier M.iin and EiiMnli BATE FD It SA M.. Foll SALK, o.Vi: l..-,)o-p()l ND Mos. I.l.i: BAHMEfi .V ' 0. -VI ! . :'??'! a- new: ? omblualloa lock, vv in . :i.,., lona-credit ?I. II. GRIFFITH ft CO.. ? !?? SS-lar 18171 ? ? -tr. ,t. ll pow Av. IZARD POW DEB AMS' !. . EUEE POW DEB. all ni v- ; [Ro PO STD ER. sll I i -E- Doable-and -m. - poi rs. si FIBMTIRl:. I'l !.*? I I ! BE, ! I UM ii BE-?A 1 BEDDING.-In walnut, ssh. aad po VL lar.etc. I elarae-tMock ol n est i l Li fW !u the etty ,t all de criptl a-. Sra cia) term-' 1 ? era. Parties I* waul xvii -indy tin ir own ? : i slvlns m.-1 call hefor ? pun i, WILL! WI DAPFROX, 1 IBU. 1 138, lill' ?' Main, n ? I- In Er rn, - ? Broad -tm t. ITS VN4TAI.. C'A-II TO INVEST.?AS ENEBGET |< . I"; vi I It VI. HI -IM -V| VN. ii ll, CASH CAIN tl.. DES RRmToIN! - ? ' -I'li-t.ed aad reliable firm in Blclimond, Lvnchburr.or ll . Va..i r in I of i.fer, i. red. Ad ,,. -.v. T.,Charlottesville. Va. ?le l____J ? BG1XIA DEFEBBED I . i: 1 ll I' vi i -. W,s hie. PAlMERf* LOA1 1X0 1 BOTT I 0n? PART,of Nciv York, will ps-elv,. ,.n d. Bad '-sn.- it- iiafwIlahM raevlpti BMrafar, wRboai r.-i. ii mi fEBlUAlI Kr, Ha earl fte* taa M a 1* par I, ipa'.,' Iii BM mot' BMBt BB adjust the .!' I't i t?s. R. I.. B0LST0M, de 12-dlm.lwlm Pn-il. ut. I.I ML. 4 TM I. .IT. A e. ROCKLAND AM> \ IIP.IMA LIME; IM-I.ND.VI 1. I WI! s-IMVi R. t I V1IT R. I VM'. ind I'i'Kl LAND "iii:., it "I i 1 VI, VI r vi ' I m. ii I'l v. 11- c. mi v .t -ian I a I. v ..ii PL V-I El:. V I RE-BRU K-. LA III-. PL v-ll I: EL-' HAIR, ft! ..AC. ir ile lots by vv vi-si-1: MOORE. I Cement, Lump aud or aind PloaU r. fSev, no- nth -:.??? t. -ell: Ld ll Dock. w I N Hilt I Ali IMS. F. ( M.WDI.I.!:. t?~z: *H EM-HI-HIV.. EMU "RI VKI.I.'. 7Ei rvst M viv -i BBBT, hrt?is n Sevenlh md ! i-.-i.tli - tivitii J.J. -, mott.) Vu,. ri en ri af twenty-flve year -nableahin lol I K.NTsll ",i levi.- In tue best n ia ' M - Rn uxt'tsi.. v v.. Oi toM-r ll. 1899, WO MV FRIENDS: I am -till, I INTER! sTED IN nu: 1 SDRB TAKl.NTi lU'-tN.--. md all rn lera (efl -T u resldeure. *j:to5 ea>t Urn.I airer!, ur at int plan ..t bnalnr - 7-1 ea*! Main street, will tx- prompt!: atu-tid.-i ?.. Ibm ___,_?__., ,,,. ij. .!. I. LT. i Illll-IIAN'. * El KM-iilM. EN DI RT VKEE. Bo 1-213 i v.. Bkoau -niaKT, Kl! HVI'lNII. VA.. haa alarie assortment of WooDaad METAL!. U CV-E-, C v-KIT-. .-Hliol Hi, ' Loll! I Al '. !? ? - i 'I ?' -? , Countrv am! Ulca-raph orders pi-otptl_attend* todavornlirU_?.?>).,.,? J~0*?KI'il W. IM BE, g_____| H i:M-HINT, I NI)ERTAKFE>**-,P COBMkB 1'IRST vs ii Eliott' silt* HTS, RI umoxh.Va. wood aND metallic hchial-casks, I-,,.,.-. HEvP aad all Ut ni re , - '?; stu atm. Teles-rale';, o. '-uflirv ortIi.-is..o!,.elieii. ap 2'i-sNiii W1 'ILLIAM ll. SI?TllEBLANDs . jt sos-, H lt.NIslUNT. UNDER-* TAKERS. 7-4 ea*t Main strtet. between Seven1 arid Elaiilti. Hi- binonil. Va., keep coii.tantl) i haili alf k'tldo.f Wi m Hi and ME IA I.L1C CAHl aud C V--KT T'*?. Order* from the touutry orono ly attended io holb day aad uijht. oe 13-cod3 HOLIDAY UOOIM. a*-*- TTTT BRR V Y n. " T R V V "HS, T RR V V ?J ? BRR V n3?, ? J*L r8***** U RR R oar, OOL O O S fl II NK I fl a ?, - J- 9 2 88n II ** N R o "3L5? k? -* ? rh ii I rr o oo oou lux oo brhS ii n an ooo 4 hnndred time* a dav wc ar- rn ked: " Airy, u REALLY-oma away ?*' Once r?r all let me answer: Vt I AUK; skin la aw.iy a? *oon after Janua-v 1st aa 'tis 11., slid,, m SRbSSI if th.- .mil, -l.. k M win have leC-| roba; ly uv the 15th. Re-remhcr. we v ili SKLL EVERY DOLL V'.** WORTH. Kveiy day ciuto-acrs fro awiv ilisiprniuM be? cause sonic-ling they saw Uk day batt ? l,>-. lay. KV KUY DAV KKKAKs TIIK IBBDBIBIil MCCOMB KVIILY, A* NOTION*. WILL BR DCPI.1C VTKD EXCEPT vrvictLt X X MM MM A utlrU X X VI VI VI M AA 3 ? X M MM Vi A A **88u X X M M M AAA , i* X ?. ?! VI SI x A ?'Sis8 ?;c;o OO OO HDD rSSu *; c. oo o o i) i) I s 0 OOO O I) ii -"ss,. *; oo o o o o D d r 2 e,*.c, OO OO DOD "tsS"* ... II OLID A. (!VFI*( oats. Holiday ovejitoats, K. B. UPI Bl I .'. s,,\. K. H. SIT All .V s,,v Hi'l.lDVY -ITl's. HOLIDAY sins. It'H.IDAS at IRES, HOLIDA1 8CAREB, 80S MAIN STKTT, 'T03 MAIN -ITDK! K. K. BPEXCS I -UN. K. B, si-i- \, ;? ,t min. lim.ID vv GLOVES, ll 'KiDvV QLOYE8, I. 8. t m :. | Mi\, K. K. -Nv sos. Il 'KIDVV KNIH KWIVK. Ilo'.lDW i vi ht: sst vi:. k. h. BPRK1 i t voa, K. lt. sp, s, ; v Mi\ HOLIDA1 R s- !>:. I -mu, : i -. Il' k*| H sNVKi Ri BIRTS, K. r. |FI mt .s -n\. K. B. BPI B4 I .s -i's. ii ii.:dw ittitiiim.. HiiKIDVV . I "I MINT,. K. K. s|-; \i ;., ,v mis. K. It. sI'l.M l | s, ,\. sin?: j-, HOLIDAY BHIBT8, (jot vi vi*- BTBI I l. R I M viv ITREET. HOLIDAY ..'"H's. HOLIDAY (..nuts. K. li. 8PERGB .v s..n fl, h. -ia \< : | -..\. I le 1 | -.-...ll / 'HIM- |'.M A- I'f'IMiVI -. V. Ll'. ' veil I i| :'..| 'ec I III 1-tlU I . troll I HM ll IRD80ME 111 \l B-HEADED I AN. I sil.K UMBBELLABj BILE HARDEER4 IHETO; Ks*-1 v BORDERI l> ll VNHKiKiii: I ?,-? V Ksdtmidi Bl D s| SPEND1 RS; rCR-TOPPI l> GLOVES: LA ri Bf -l VII s . ir .1 ? KM i 'vl? si IRE-PINS |B , ..,;;, , , ti, t* : i :. ni ? l' -HUM -s ; I'.HINI -si'.NI BLI I VK- IK'TT'iNs-tlic ? . H. ;. SILLER .t < ?'.. eon cr n .it. und v .!.-2 *.-- i-K'.V Mi_ 'HIM I'MAS ( HI BRI .il.l> Vim NT VIN KS I- ItOHRRIt s i | | ' . , ih ,11 I . Illi,i.IN - s l-l m - si -... s. 11. i v. - ss I I , l SS I'l-i.i j - ..Tl. d ss;t i.i. vn UR sniii, IMPOl! I ' " nd i.'isn - i | ,,i si - i'm' ?, Sll K UKI . I - '. I S SS |( S SS INr - Sdi I ll IMPTON \ ITT.!. HR SNl.) ; N..VS ! Ni,I. SNU Kl kl: I CHALMERS** GELATIN! 1,111 i n I RI tl . liv. ... ??. .Hoi ?*! pei LAGCA1 li v and RIO COPI ? \ VIII V H.'il I' I N sin !. 1 . I." S I Ml s| i, si:- ? ,- -I de, Pl Kl spit I vin! ., si: 1 Kl.-H ii s i -mk si.. .',?? per pound: -i , \>-i i KED I! vi "V and (foods at I Le "Old K. liable" -t ind nf ,I"UN IL ill....IN-. 1010 Prankllii -ir . t, !... r- sbov* ul! M ? .. lill t UIBI8TMAH PKESEXT8.-WE8T, V JOHNSTON fl ' I di .I rs ' Hit* city, emt) elna R**ukalii every il. part meal ..f ! nu, blndln/s: Pin ..... d ? ss rc ->I> VS oik ll v. ? i ? : i bea"Toll* !--? I .... (.love-and Handkerchief-Seta. I ,, ..- Work-Ii i-keU, Pl '?? Bi ' tuloarapb ? ' i'.'.-k- c. .. C mi'ISTM v- AND EIOLTDA1 **l'K CLALTIES. i IIKIsTIAN A WHITE haw now iii ...... i d i ?:.- -t impori . v . ttntnt "i I Kl I I*-. ITD's-i |;s. (. -. I'll \l I -. ,V. . ; Hil- dis. RAISIN*. , int..N. . I RPART8 an . !, ai ???? cop snd fr* -h. Tht'V has nu! of . uni: and ISINTU I - COtiKlN*.- in ; 1 sitV'--id.kkii a. VI, V 14RAPES SM' H.nIMDV ORANGES. NI I'? ll! un at varlet) n'l n**s - HOME-MADE MIN. I -s.i ,|. iv.ll. ?ut an . .jual. KNT.KMI ITT MIT I >l T Ni,*. .*.< . |l . Pries ucl. mt. and - .H.ficllon -mu inti" <l al ( lllo-ltSN A WHIT Ks. i ' lilli -TM V- l'i:l>lA ls.- Parties* A V 1.?..- foi . URI**! VI V-....-.I.*-',. >''dt^ not fal' t" ex indi i ? ur I i. t 'dfmm PANCY CHAD:-, lui N'.l s. I'sIT.hK'1 ' , v jd ii-1: -ll rr*, vsi -. -nu BOARDS. Il VT RA* K-. In nttic froid useful article* iiUalil.- for bolldav pi .tn-, ss ?, ni.l dc pb i ll' have ail |*-t-, ie* d.-*lrni| r*?Hl* lu otu ' ' u ,(,. ii K .. Vi'ifH.HT S - N II OLID AY (.(Hll).S SNIl c iii:>tma--(iABJDS, SS I -1. luHXSTON A C:> off i foraaV Hie I i*xrc>l sleek af I'.onKs, 1 VN* Y Doole*, and CHR1STMAI CARDS rver offered for sale In Kichniotid ktBM teJBS prices. ord*.-r? ?uliclu.-il and promptly Bl***"***" C -?? tt holiday Maana. RRR RN rt -aa, *** ss s !j*? ? KR K"? M._4 B N NW ? fc RRR N Nfl "sa** OO IT U TTTT a?. O O V V T "J/"" AA 1. 8 5 B I 1 ?**--*_ AA L ?-_sP -LJP I B_J ***** I OO UU T *-\-flr1 A A LIJA **-?? AA B BB Tl alstoe'v will b-kept as full h u-le*rrs|*h'**-d ixj res* eva make lt. * oMK I IKEY OK YOI TWILL REURET IT WK WT!.!. BOT ALLOW ANV ORR TO ? 1 ND'KSKKK US If VV | KNOW IT J"?*" ALI. THE 4.II.Tt.*ED-I.I.\E POET* at 65c. *. ?;enttn BRQUH chvttkkiiox .-h.50c. We has e ti. oeewoRn ovoootM TO SKIT. nus wmttm vndn. xt. TIIK IT.TIT KKK K WUK DO IT tn iv VND IEE I" WE DONT I.IVK VoKIII VT PRICK. VT dc ll Of - r.'VKNs-. .-or, ltr,,a.l .tps-t ll | 00 I. II J HDD A Y T I H O 0 I. II -I) I) AA YT HUH o (i |, ti ii n A A vY H ll 0 O 1, ll li 1) AAA Y H ll 00 lill. Il_ DUD AAY il.C 00 00 DUD .SS,, .; (i u o ii ii 8?S O ll O O II I) 8S.HU *. et. ii ii n u ii i) I OOO 00 oo DUD ^aa** ll H OO T, ll HUD AYE ll Ho <>!. Ill) I) VA Y Y H " HO iii. || ii n a a YY ll Ko "I III) DAVA Y ll ll 00 l.I.KLlIDDD A A T PPP KKR FRE ss.V KKK NN N TTTT v? V I' t' BR _/" I I fl I T S ITT* KKK IV. ' -s ?K N V N T "ti V I Kl' ., H k iii f I P R lt KKK *mr BBB fl RR T 'As PH s VM* . ni !*? found In ENDLESS V.VKII i v :.i VY REXTER***, 7 BflOAB BTBI ir. LEATHBB IBM PLUSH - v n HIT.- from .Vic up: SHELL BOXES fro*a Ute. np: i.i UV I - i'll I! SNHM L-l BIEP-ROXBS| SVT'KK-l'.i'NI s. v. ;| | ING-DESXS, and In.iK I III ?ls: ITT -H TDK, I i ISBSaal Wisp VI III M- BOC np: ? lor ..f l-l. Yin tl.Hy DIM S|s,.,l Ns. |ii,| [.sj |? yi ... H. I-11-KV. BAROKA! Bil I'-. and l.l.uVI S and 1, I af ll, r IV MY (.HOD-. (mr -'.ck of llol.lDW BOOM 8) SBl ' "VI i-l.K 11 . I. 8SSn,TBflTbtOsBS 4 111111- IMA- AND HOLIDAY* PBESERTS rofl RMI IRD illili-. fW si ' ll l KSIIVN VND Woo!) CHAIR-. Ko. KERB vsi> I IBLES ? -i " ind -li .|? . I h se -onie ol' tin :, ii -? ss RITIN(i-DI *|vs ,..,? ,?, , I in tue elly.and abo** an eulin nev, ,t - k ,,t K ilfl ok, ' ll SSHT ;: ii DINING-ROOM I I KMII'RB. Tia KIT. Hi N mit 'iinrotn a. i ll VKIV s (,. .ii ROENH, No. 117. ia! Ucl l.I, e. li, ix ar ? orin I lr ul! ll. -Inst. / * ll 1:1 - I viv- ami KEW *i KAIL skit : vi. i*i:I* i - ? tn dll'Tloli III IU8QI i snd n::i -iii n i ki b. .111.-1 ri celled. too um isa KIT s|| |-| \(()| | . ?.. I nine and -.'?? I la T i ?!?-. i . B. i wk ur. i"! i Mi naas. ' v ?_ I 1 W. M"l -I V. I I ! ISM S| SIN -1 o thal Le baa a iir !- ? tia.: * vni ftbe P ir- i |*ORI !? ' '? 1941 - I ll ITT I.'-. I Mv, ? . ;i.i' .;. ? . ; ? ll li IT. S I N od "l.'S'.l S 1 SK; rni'iT-c i an- ? rte 12 i il / IHR1STMA- (."(H?-. i ink* v , ; -i .. sr-, i RED ham-, :????. , *. s': ni : -sn AT. RAISINS, i ll HOV. ll Kl: VNI- . C SNI'.I KIMI -. II I.I.V PIM- -I UV I.-. ,,i .III . SI SI. SI. S lill vii s . \l|| .i'.'NI i H'l I r. PIN! SKIT I I D- 1- ad ( I 1 HM i HIT -I - sirs .....A i uri's, nt t ;.vuii s r, II SKI i' -1 IT I' IT DRID S "l.-.SN.,: - i.Ki -ii n i . I Rons. i ri .; || md i ? i KWH I'i.T . I -? and ill ' IHTH1 . !' ss ni - - I,. |-i ? J ? ? Iii i -ti.*-i. ii ol.lD.W NI a Tv SS . si: I NH! RIV I til I R. -IT Vi K ,t -IN. ;r-.u J883. "MI?|?"V, 1884 ? S ISl-.N. H0LIDA1 I" M n i-. . BRI." i T v-- vnii n; ,s-v i ?... - ? ' i - l, :. *t fl, : BR A ROI BI'S, . T IN I'l M VN-II sit: I LA01 - BAIR-DREB81 K. OK'- BflflAfl - RM I 11.. i. tl a-iii af ail Kil.; .rivvs IMPORTED OOODS .u-table,-..nts r.irl.u%-. BBS*! ti" it.aud i'iiITi i, ? anl 4RI -D VS Kl.UV Hem ' I :ni ikv 'RB TIM k-< ORRS: CK!.Kl I."ll- "1 Ul Kl IN- tVORl HVllt BBI si.* - HAIR-ORN tl PKRA-I SN*. WORK] D '.l DVr.s Jl -vt-l Kt-. pat'lTMB RI . .st.-I DBI ?.Ni -LoXKS; witrriN'.-:-! is. fl ?: . ;:kn. i . idl v ! .1 ll PERRI VIKKI : riNT ? , 11; s. 1 -. i : ?? n: -. ? 11 - vv o\h .. . -..i a* ase* af L******* ? aa ,,d f iiiuii... I taite, whlcll br i B I..WI V!' kind* ol ll flt HOODS i-sass, ii laud, aud iisl,; JEWELRY uinJ- ? **efla**--aBaR a*'1-.KuiS' la i-Ut us*. I Tu*, an I* h-rm*. A cali '- M'-iM-rtfuHj -.Helled asifore pursL*.lu* else ?herr. ?**? *? -**