Newspaper Page Text
DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LXIV. RICHMOND, VA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBEB 28, 1888. No 15a IiJiLJiJLSi:^CJi BVTHE DISPATCH COMPANY. ?AS'B-l\VAlt!-im,V|*t mrtM'i, Thc DAILY DISPATCH i Slivered lo rob? len!.-cat ria*TB?B CBBIS ncr week. pavaMc i,> t*,r carrier wis-kiv. Malled al IP per annum ; 1:1 f.vr?i\ month*; ll..".,, for three mouth*; ftOcfoi ..lilli. _ The SEMI-WEEKLY DISPATCH alli per aa ? um. orel for ?\\ month,. ThcWFEM.Y lH?-Pt,TCH at St peraannat. \i coons. (XX1 ll lt RRR t| SS_ H H R R ll ! ? c HUH KRR ll **??_ 'H H R R ] ? J ll H R R I! sas8 OOO RRR RRRKFRTTTT G DR RR R T " RRR KR RR T c OOR RR R T *MM? R RRKRRKR T in 00 u UKRR ogo it URRR EKE I ? SB J LDKV Sr Kl ll rr o oi } kr*_Q gc urrr rr * ? ?1.-.-1 K i,3 SVSC CR KK e IH) CV R RlrVKl CU R It KKK ?TTTT EEK MM MM PPP I, T K MMMMP PL T EE M MM MIT'P L TR M M MP L T KKK M M M P ELLI, 4J9 T.VST I'.r.OAD AND 'JO t,i,l*f Inaupura'od BB Richmond the f.a . >??,. f-r -pedal vuluc- In I'.'.ACK -Il K*. iTi-E tncrs of our housa and the irencr.-,! I d w:Ui tin values offered du i in- BBM ?,?'-;. and the Ml.KS Ru-nti-rlvc-. have ? -TyUstcd by time, that we are : Bsa experiment. mort ample ? I than ever. For IT TT KER NN N UDP A T VKS8S B | \ D D AA ___T I " T KR B B I 1? I? A A YY *Ts.So I N N N I> D AAA Y c's. i ERRS NN DHU AAY "iiS/". Wi I'M DAT, DKIKM1IS.R 12TII. -we ah Il atna Ita aaa* la* i****4a*al ami m.-t mis' Ls In -TvNi'v::i) LT0M8 pi Bl Sk* f** ? ] IL K K u ii ?'SS5* II I KL K K ?'SS5' ralratrT a ks aa, kal Bury .ted ..tol BatST Wi: VH 1NG r-ILKSproftaesd ha Ra* world. Te.. Bill cOntlDtl ' TEN HW- "NEY. r ih* aaaaBt Tar relall vdu.. TAILORS AMI <T.OTHIIKS JOHN l.A'I'-ri UK A SON, '? ' Il STREl r 1 ? I ??? moil com. I .'..;-., EB CK ."D-. v, r : '-cd rh ET H ODO \ vs. :: IE" I M. vv rafM a ... raaoa or a flirnr aft x, rt ? it -u'.;. t. ! ' ii- ',r. i- tin -"ul sf wu xvi will n.t Ure our reader-. In every t>rcu|iatlon of II fr there are two wats ,,f ,l,,|nu llilnrs?ont the ? I I. BBS eBBB* t\i new way. In old keho'd aud Hie new; In re B0Oa*a*lBBTI Bu OM ' I,urdi and tia new: iii our City OoaaeU m Lav, thr oaf aaf af ' **ta*J our ired In darknc? with the so-called ' n-;-. wir-eandle ra- and th- mw way" of fftaaanaaj a Sis, l af Hsriit ' y electricity; salsa ir, hi ii !rcH? . f lliTijr. 1 c. u d mention Bf ??'iriijan BBB, Oak BBBJ l*B)jB*t 1 will speak of? THE i LOTI'INt. J .TAI 1 1 ..'-.l BB lal IS* I rm. The refor mers ? x.tuple, ta buy a ?'fully pa! 40 \*t cent,> ..n i''.?ds. sud th.-n mark them In plalu flfurea, **et*laf iBTleMl t)Li' I'm??-.and at RH cud of thc . ,.f ihe a-oods?those that did not BRI a reduction of'JU, or ."5 I* r cent., ? ivln* Hiern a sa*d ,,u ''' proflt. The aaaTaa ft*B plan wc have adopted ls to buy ourroo-i fully ano tuatk Hu in what tin y actually cost Us, ii.trudlnr our salesmen POSITIVELY lo -ell our ****** willi the s,MALLE.-T PROFIT and bl no-Ab jr., RaR WM jsiy OM -llj-TiU-st prouT. By that means you can ont from us early In tcaaoa the <boi,-< ot pattern* at (be sanir price that you pay foi th.'Ui at Uie end of Hie mssiu, we prefi-irlmr Baa iiiini,:? afaaaasaB aa bbs bbbs i-iiiiiinx What pf*** will oor Vtnd reader adopt f de _? 7-41 MISFIT STORE. Ill Main street. DlWJJtl of ile continued use of mercury and pota-h for ihetieatracnt of Blood-aud SMn-Dtaea-es-they never 'ure. and nearly alway, injure or totally ? ,ilii lin- Ki urra! health. ft WELL-KNOWN DR I (JOIST. 1 hat- BBSS ? srreal "nany ca*.-, cured with swifts n;m d*A?mtmlaaa ImbI n-Rd ?-ti sorta o laaSBBBBBVi In fad- I BBOS never known lt to fal when taken pr?js rly. I sell a UBrSS ''caiitliy of lt, aud for all nln-aae* that sic dependent SB bluod t>?l?on or skin-humor. It cure* ri st ii ts am> niarri nas ow thk *ki.* aud makes the complexion fair aud io*y. As for Mood-taint, there la ii" ?urh word aa fail. It core. .ates that have lon* withstood *ftaSf sorts of treat? ment, ind without an) of tliose ra-urrtiijr tron '!? that reuerally follow mercurial aud i Titer ao .-tiled cores T. L. MAHoENHl I-f. Macon, i.s. Oar troatlae on Blood- sud ?kln-Dlaeavaes malled 'ree to apjdl-siit-. THE SWIfT SPKClf IC COMPART. j^i/7-1 w Drawer S, Atlaota, Ga. ??OMMAT I.oohs. TTTT T T I T MM MM M MMM M MM M MMM MMM A A\ A A ML ^SSB JJ RN R OOO _ro NN N ll O 5 ^ R NN ll CO ^* ll N NN OOO 8S88 A NN N AA XN N A A i N N AAA N NN A AN RN. PPP RRR II OOO KKB P PR RHO OK PPP RRR II O KR P R RHO OK f R RH OOO kkk! RRR kk R A A RR AA A A A* rkk jua* OOO oo O OO O o o o o co o. ooo oo . (5 NORTH FIFTH STREET. BBS** wc,miine rate fully the spkcial nnd the i: tni i xii price wu DBBM SILKS: I. E.,r SJ*, nOROS-tiRAlN SILK worth 80c. M. For 90c. a (.|;i)--i,1!A1N SILK worth ? 1.15; UL For |1.10 a CASHMERE \ VI.ENTEV SIT.K xior'.l, |l.?>.-,; IV. For U4| * CASHMERE VALENTIA SILK worth 11*10) v. larl-Lftlai .v.hmi:ri:it;yp'.tansii.ix' worth ill.75; VE For 11.47., a CASHMERE El,YETI AN SILK xvortii I1JI; VII. F,.r 11.01) a CASHMERE El.TITIAN BILK worth *2; VUE Er?!.-;. , A-HMERE M'HLIME MILK worth 82.25; IX. l,,r 12.10 a I ASHMERE SUBLIME -ILE worth |2.;"tc: N. For*2.:'7s..-.CASHMERE -IT'.LIME |IL1 worth *:'. R. h. Last Barlas*,la our--pei eve-vee orders were melted after la* sale closed. !Vc aaa ?? Bb bi aa** (BBB**aalB?d to tn aayoi-dcf rraai antry at the-i- special, - witlili, ONE WEEK after the ekBS "f Hie sale. I 0URQUR1 vn.IT.I' B, TEMPLE ft co. tie 12-i "lH't A AA A A AAA A V MM MM BRR RRR RRR Y V Vt VI M .VI E E R K R V V VI VIM m KR RRR RRR VY M M M R R R lt lt f B ?*. vt i.: E R I K R Y -SS, \ \ MV! MM A _-.-.->.. \ \ M M M M AA v H X fi MM fi a a ?*aa*i N N M .VI M AAA | 5 X X M M M A \-.s TTTT T T T T OO O O O O n ii OO Y Y Y Y YY Y Y KER ? FE E EEK AND NN NEEKW W W Y YEER A RRR N N N K W W VV VV Y YE AA R B N R R RR VV W W Vf v Y FE AA RRR N RRR WW WW Y I AAA R It N RRRRB WW Y KKKA AR R OOO II EEE TTTT JBBa i. Q II I Ts fl II EF T "SS., 0 Ot; II F T _ I OOH II I T BH6H FOR SALE. BREEDEN, TALLEY ft co., TO'.) Hil')*..) -.THEKT. de25-Tu,FASn NH4ui:spt:AKi: 4 i.asn. PERSONS INTEBESTED IN THE roRMATION Of THE SHAKESPEARE I./,ss now ortta'ilzliia-will please meet on EHI ?Af al 707 east Franklin street at 1 o'clock. de27-2t WILLIAM TAYLOR THOM. DEMTINTSi. 1 W. JONES, DENTIST. ifkicb: No. H07 FnA*.Kti*r STRREf, BBfWBBM i i'. ii a ii ami Ria ia. Elegant rooms: use* best materials; rentle. ultk, and thoroiirh work; lon*- exBeiieae*, and .rlcvs retliiCsNd. Cal's Kan aud chloroform In ex* rat Dur teeth._ Bl JOHN MAHONY, DENTIST, (formerly Way t A Mahony,) Orrie*: 625 Main itreet, between Sixth and eveuth. Richmond. Va. ocl-eod rfTOOD ?t COWARDIN, JUD. B. WOOD. M. !)., D. D. 8., L. ll. COWARDIN, D. D. 0., DENTAL OFFICE, 010 MAIN STREET. Iinh 1-e. .'I I _ [1 ENHY C. JONES, D. D. S. DB-fTALOrrica: 118* Main STBBa:T<:eait). oran hoar* from 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. nrl8-eod :^?__L____^'L KRII>AY..I?E( EMHEIt *>S, 1883. e*rTHE(:iR4T;LATiiiN OK THE DISPATCH (8 LAR'.F.K THAN THB COMKINKD * IRC I.' LATIOS OP ALT, THF.OTHRR DAILY NEWS PAPERS OF THE CUT. lEnlered al tho Post-ofttce st Rlrhmcnd. Va..i *econd-*-la?a matter, i latta "tVenth'-r Report. [Special tidearain to the Dlapalrh. I Washi.ntjtcin-. I). OL, DbsSBMBB* 2S?1 A. M.?Fur the Middle AtKfnlic State*. Bolder fair wernher. dimlnishim,* northwesterly wind* hackln** to southwesterly, hiahe'r barometer. Fur tho South Atlantic Slate, colder fair weather, northwester^ wind*, blaker barometer. Tine WK.tTlitrt raSTRBBlAT wa* cloudy, damp, and rainy lu Hie forenoon, and clear and windy at nli-ht. Thkrmomkter Ykstkhhat : f! A. M., 40: 9 A. M., 43; noon, 48; | 1". |L If j ? I'. H.. -Ki; midnight, 40. "?lean temperature, 42. Nimsels of ITee. Mir. norman LOOETBB 88U8TBB IRBY RRRI GABBBB HY THK JAVA KAKTHQfAKK. In a l<*D^ contrilmlion to thc London 'linus Mr. Lockyer Magi the Hah] of *ci cni-i' to hear on thc atmospheric plii-nomc-ni which have lately been "srurprariag aad de? lighting Europe and America. The etbeieel pompa sra -reported to have derived their woadrons coinpVxion from s pleotifol diet of puinicc stones. Meteorologists have been enabled to track Krakatoa from Its original site la the Btrattiof tanda to the -'.vi. s above Jars* I" Madras and otic points in southern India, to the BeycbeUss BBd Mauritius, to the Cape and the Gold Coast, Io Krazil, V< ne/.tiela. and Trinidad. Aliout the period ll which, svith thc prevaluag current* of the upper air. and in the latteipated dtra-ttan, mat? ti r fioatiBg in the sttnoepliere would be doe in Europe. Europecn skies bivi been visited willi -i -lie. ssiuii o| -.?,,!?_.mona siin rha - and sun*i fs. Thc i xptoded frag? ments of Krskates ind it* roleaak i bflvenow bees dyeing European skies as they shrouded Java. A* it bas been said that the a.nicoli* rapOT in the air ll Hie chief .an*.- of the sunset Color nm malls, Mr* Kockv.T impure* if there i* sxeess ol ?iiTTieou* va|ior at [SIISlI, Nos,, on this t|iii *:ioii there i- no hlfj her authority than thc- A-ti-,ni,,m,r Royal lor scotland'. Pf?. fc**or Piazza Sin;. Ih, and the I vi.lenee which the spectroscope bsflah*brded him i* of thc most conclusive r*ha-aeter. Mr. Kockvcrcnnciude* by saying: "The iLi;-!'Tt,d, s band | rodined, i* I hold, by a special feral "f aqueous vapor in mir air, widely dlil'iT-cut from thal wtri**h, sbsorbi the blue, is now at tba minimum, while tbe dry a ir-icm 11 is at |R"*****flfloUI maximum. Pn lessor Smyth add-, a* a corolbuy, - Thc light, therefore, from lbs! rel base lia* pasted through sb extra length of i stn dry air.' Thi* puts IB IXtTI amount of ai|ueoiis raper n> the efluie of these sun? s' t* entirely ont of the question. Altll "Ugh ii j.rinri. it seems difficult to imagine thal s sunset in London In December should owe i - cii,,r itin n to a roleaaic emption which tonk pltci- manv thousand mir - nsvas last August. Inquiries slongseveral Hues b ia d upon the evidence BOW SVSflsbk na ly hud* "Treat pr"li diliiv to this ?-1 do not write as s partisan, bul even were I OBI I should still point out that there an- Important -.'air* iii the evidence and tbstthere an-som,- difficulties ia our seas, and it ls desirable tohnow whether they will be Increased or diminished br future information. Thus, to give one ol thee difficulties, Mr. Michie Smith pointed out quite clearly that similar pheaotneaa wen'oi.served in Europe end America in is.;i. when be Irnagtned th* re ssa- nothing vulcan!': to prodnc ? them. <m th'* tbe in teresting question srlset whether il i- \ ?<-? to a sm iatc with the ' !?? v:i! 1'<:i of Graba*n*i leland In the Mediterranean in that year, as sundry din portents seen hi tin- last iTiturs were referred to an eruption ol Hecla. Much trill depend upon thi*. and at pp sent I bare not n ableto get al the iv., rd-. Howevei tbe point ls ultimately settled, the beautiful phenomens which have sua-Rested tbli article will lose BOB! of their interest in thc iirtTiiori. - of tho-.- ssh., ban watched them, and If it ibould happen thal Un lennie origin is . ri ntuaHy lustlne i it i- p< rfectlj clear thal in the future tbe beauties ol the skies vv in have ? new la* i.-i i-t attached t" them, and thal they ss iii in-1ager*; studied by meteorologistsand utilized to acquire s knowledge "f the upp, ;? currents of thi atinospbcre, which, np to the present Mme, have ail but eluded tin ir-rasp." _ _ Au Adirondack Koiiianeo. a vm Ni; woman stksi.s a BOBBI ABB BAR* Hies BBB nOSOBBB ids ku. A (ilovrsville (N. Y.) telegramsaya: A rciUi'inec frmn away np in the Adirondacks wa* Kroii-ht to I'd- cifv SiimLiv bj a niau from Bagaville, Hamilton county. Ferd Koderiek, ? young man "f twenty-five or twenty-en sear*, of buriv fenn bul svith ? certain manner charming his rough ssas*. thc ion Of I popular old "filide on r an In? dian hike, has bo n ci..'.ned in the Hamil* t.iii-cotints jul il Bageville for the past four or live months swsltlnj trial on th. charge "f steallRg ? l?*iir ol horses from a larmer. liv. ry Sunday afternoon Rev. Arthur Chamber*, tal pastor of the S-sgevtlte Methodist efaurcb, in com? pany with a doses "r fifteen rnemben "f lu- congregation, bolds i piayei** nidsoBg tneeting in Jail. For two yean it bal been Ibe hahn of Mi-* a-U' - Austin, tbeyoung mid by n" nunns uncomely daughter of the viliacre apolhecars, to join thi- mi-ion arv band* mid her sered voice i* cn dib .1 with having inllucnced many a huiTv bearted pnaoBer t?> i sperienee conviction. The tirst Sundav after J'oderi.k'- artist lbs becssne aetpiainted arith bim during tlie BMUlinii :"i'l SB several siicceidiii!' sundas* it was noticed without exciting re-mark that sin-wa* oftener in a lilie cor? ridor doing individual work ss ith lT'i*oner Roderick, a* the chaplain and hi* hand hought, than al her customarv post in the ?bolr Lanoring for the general -uivation. After a mouth or so *he made special and ImgUlar week-day visits, and ahOHt a nonth ugo thc prisoner professed te ms i CEperteneed religion. Tin- g|ri*a ,-i*it* heeSSBS 80 frcnant that the j-oisipa Mian to talk. Mr. Austin vainly forbade da daughter from eoflttfluia** her visit* to he jail. Then In' called on tin -In ritf. and n this wav was moro successful, and her -tatt* at once ended. Two weeks a'.-o last ITiiirsdHV Aim** disappeared from her mme, and nothin?' wa* heard of her ?.?hereabout* until last Friday, when a lonatablecame rldlagtato BegevIIle. with \ 'ii,.* behind him. sae wu taken before In- jflBglsUlte and sent to jail on the ?barge of stealing one of thc very baraai or tlw theft of w lilsh her lover Was *u.lVr Dff i oiilliu hhtiK The constal.le said that he stol*- Hi'' bets! ls !,roil(* dsyligbL and rhea pursued made hut ? very feeble flt* empt at escape. Her story is that E? rd told her to ro to kia father's eaiup and await lils arrlvil, \hieh sst.uki h" BS -ooh h.* an opportunity OT escape presented Itself. After waitini or him ut the camp for more than o week lu- say* lb! bieune (kNNVBSS- and, re olvinir to join him in the jui\ slit- ran way from tia* camp with tbe deliberate .urpor-. of Joining her lover. Yesterday Ut* married bim in Jail. -?? BB Mme. Ge'stlnger 1* to sing In Suppt's ( mst operetta, " An Afrlcin Tour." 11 airier Monta Item*. Jolm Walton shot anil killed Henry Seelilcr on the street st Beardstown, 111., on Monday. John II. Dirrill, formerly a collector of ctM-tOflBBBi I'hiladi?Ipltia, was found dead In lils lied at Drlain-o, N*. .1., Monday. ?",,.,;. gas ? believed to have caused his death. (invernor Hoadley, of Ohio, has been pn-ented vvith a seal rintr tliat formerly lielonced to th* Democratic wheel-horse. Sam. Medarv. He Intends to wear lt on the day of bis inauguration, though, a. a rule, lie is strongly opposed to Jewelry. A St. Louis telegram of thc 26th says . Mrs. 0Mural sherman and lier daughter Rachel had a narrow escape from death this afternoon. While returning from -.-burch their horse, ran awav, and tftsMT eama-re collided with a lamp-post. The ladles were taken from thc wreck unin? jured, I,nt Huffer!ng badly from shock. Thc widow IlifT, whose Intended mar? riage to Bishop Warren, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has bafl briefly an? nounced by telegraph, owns the hand somcHt house in Denver nnd the largest linell in ( olorado. The wealth left her liv her eatt'i .kinir husliand six years ago is sathfisfsflatfftJasa 91.000,000 to^.ooo.tHin. IIl.liop Simpson, of Philadelphia, will |m r form the ceremony on the 27th in.lani. A pasaaBftii Halli sa thc Xewsimnokin. Sunbury ami LawtobQTR ruilro:id..i liraneli of the Heailinc road, was thrown SR tn I trestle-work Wednesday Ey I misplaced switch. The engine, tender, and bsggagc car ran oir tho end of the trestle, tint the tirst passenger ear stopped when half over. The train was crowded vv ith pssBrniTIS, but none of them were injured. Thc tire man wa- somewhat hurt, but imf seriously. Tba switch had bees left open Ev Ilia track men. W<-nesiiay Bight August .fuinird, col? lector for the Kir-it National Hank, Nash? ville, while autos! t" the [wist Oaf ea witt Un- mail RTH assaulted as he Bftaasd hi own gate and Neaten on Ihe Mad with a Bursa .tone, lila aaaallaiil sacniiBi tte bag with tba mail and dhttpfBBMiBR in Ih* daikncs. A son nf Mr. Jounard. walk running RI hi* father', assistance, had fl pistol knocked Iron bb* lISSp hy BB un -ei'H porsoR. Mr. .lonnard ia seriously burt. The mail, whieli was vilualile only to the ililli'., wa- afterward found in au al v Dtar bf, ,iart ly opened. A st. PstafsbiiTg cable dbnstci says; Tte aorinneu and officials of tte railway wot I,- :,t Lida, in tte QoTSrBBBMll of (Jrod doW| engaged In a riot on Cbrt*Jtniaa day. oaring to tte exaetlona ol tte contractors engaged in DUiMilg tin'works. One of li. ial was killed and taffftal tfarSBM i MSN injured bafor* Otdet was restored Tte ringleader of the rioter- was arr- -ted. It i-aiiiioitnei tl tte! 1H--1T1! i'lii lias arisen allum:; the Socialist |e nler. in BL Peters? burg teamrdmg tte prerentloB <>f tte ap? pa*] IOS of 1 ie- Nov em her No.. of tte StU iiiti;s* pspsr, the Cheatvo, snd tte Kihitul paper, tte Saradnojo Volja, A Wheeling' tele .'ram MfS: Passenger train No. I. from Chicago for Baltimore, winch left Hus etty :,t -;:).*, oYlm k Urti morning, composed "f tCten cars and two ??n-.'iiiis. left fte (nek ai Rellton while go* ii'.'_'at tin- rata of forty-***** mil, - aa boar. Tb* BBSlI CIT turned enmpl't'ly over, and all tbs otiiers?- except tin- ?fe..'.in.-e"i, which kepi the track? fell OB their -ides. One engine kept tte tra.-k, bul tte otter was completely wrecked. Ail tte esra vv ? r 'adit tlatnaged. Bxpms-MeMeng r -illinan vvas the only person .eriou*ly in? jured, although the irain WSS i,tii;-ua!lv crowded, BOhnaa was lardlycnl about tte bead and seriously bruised, airs. W. W, McN "r. of Minneapolis. Minn., Mal sli.'i tl* bruised. How .1 lira vc Mun Hail. JnllN t nsw ay's AWT tl. DRATS IN 1MB ST. I "ITS Kl ui: OR ' llltl-T vivs. John Coawsy sad Mlisbsei Keboe, tte s:ilv:iL'c-etir|,s ui'-n wlm met their deaths! iii Si. I.-?-ii- on i hristBMaa, B 1*8 <l Wedin silav. At the inqnesi on ' od;. Assistant chief I! -:? r li ? titled: ?? 1 kept a stream ol water playing around bin foi upwards of elghl hours, 1 wa* i"ft alone In tte room with him ser? 1 r 1! tin!' *. when Um bra aud ? bsd eut ma off from Um ?tar r 1 ? n. In ) iv las! alteniiit H. s v. liim j vv;:- in Witt IMBI BOme four 01 liv, minutes. The tire bar thi- time waa lg np around hi* legs from Ibo cellar in (hie:., heavy flame*. The smoke a di nse l nearly faint d. 1 asked bim If alf - b< n. w. 1 , . md be said ? So.' IL- ares ferr cool. Ba ipoke wtthou! 1 tremor. I -iiil tu bim, at butt: ?conway, l can't do any inor..' Tear- ailed mj eyes, I then shook hands aithbim, and be -aid: 'Good-trre, Mike: you mlsnt as we,I L'o DOW.1 The*** wire Ii*- la-t words I c.iu. I.- 1 iriimran* of his rae* several tiarra as tbe !lis|i"f tte Hui!'* fe th l.eneath lighted np th-room. Il lissa bard aighL He waa a gsme m-m. Be turned bis bead nfl, r m.- a- I W'ut eur >f tlie west front il,.or for the last time. 1 hfr bim calmly sitting vvitii his Lack mar tte partition of tte north wall. I fought naywsyoutstdi mil kept B sin am of water playing for hours afterwards." Di'cnt, rt or Kunian Villa. (Loii'loii Nanilartl.l Mr. .1 nile- piii-kcr, of Oxford* bascom i-,!, ted tte e\.-avaiio!i "t a Roi ian 11lla In 1 field ut Prilford, Bear Abln?, doo. and inc cecil, d in RiakiBg I pl tii Sf its formation. A- Dearly as can bs msde out, tbe viii, consists of eight or tau room-, tte btrgesl of which i- al nit 18 feet sqUSre* and tba whole series ls sboul 70 fe t In length and between IO and 80 feel In lircadtb. ai the -i.-ttii< -i-r? rn c irnerof tbe dwelling, where tin Jsrgerrooias are iltuated, wa. found 1 singular hypocaust or ul b rra* Dean rtore for beating tte budding. Al this point wa-al-" f"ii!ui b Isrge quantity nf tessa*. ,' of which were interest in_- from tin- fad tbs! tin y were of white marble, and therefor, inti.t b iv-t-onie from another district. Al I little distance to thc east are traces "f ona or twa "tln-r eaaTft hei-s. tut only restJg a of tba wail remain, tbe roaster portion baring erl iicntiv been tak' n away al sotaa lornier period. Par! ot Ibe '? it-.m of tbJi i-ham ber of chambers ls eomposed of emicn-te nude nf pounded tileabou! an mob thiel, apparently for holding water,while und. r neath tte lower wall were found B OOQple of draiii:i."-|.i"e. in the most perfect con? dition. <'ne of the-e appears 1" bare BOBB* muoloated betweea tte hath and wi n b r appal' ntlv :i poad, -? hundred feet off. Thc Skull or a I'Urotluclyl Toun,!. \ New Havn laaVlsrSBI 8?fl : While died ring far oysters in Sound ott' New Haven Ugh! Bsturdaf afternoon the dredges ol tte steamer Budina brough! tn Um surface the skull of some extinct anima] lt ls two feH in length, aad ter- ; ihinat. - in b long, pointed |aa or balk. 1 charles Jones, engineer of tte steamer. ? t?nk charge of Um timi aad brought it ajJMafft I! proves to be a very perfect specimen of tte aimil and upner jaw of thc nhTiiil:ii'tvl,orllviiig-lizaril. lt i* now ii, the possession of Henry IL Barnei, who will piohai'ly present it to tte Paabod-f Mii.euni. - Thia 1* tte Hr-t -mociiw n of tba remains rn' fOftBiM of extinct animal, which ha* ever been taken from tin- bottOSSOf Ihe s'liintl. Tii?' Mfftaf Maana* bat -kuli was found is about four fathom* deep. A si-arch will prohahly bc made for other portions of thc reptile._ _ li. ll. Douglas & Sons' Capsicum Cough DrmM ire manufactured bj themselves, ind an- the result of over forty years' -xperlence in compounding cough inedl- I 'ines. D. S. nnd Trade Mark on every I Irop. LUCA!, MATTERS. neath of Hov. Horace Stringfellow. Kev. Horace Stringfellow, a prominent minister of tbe Episcopal Chooa, died at hi* home, in Ashland, We(lne*dav Bight, Bl B|flJ retook, in hi* cig'.Ki-.tirtli year. He wa* a native of Culpeper county, and was trained for Hie lasv, (he practice of which he ibandoned to enter the ministry when about thirty rears of Bge. De was fora considerable iiuio rector of Trinity -"huies* in Washington mtv, mid wai widely known for hi* ItroRg faith and great piety, for hi* ahility a* a logician, and for Zeal in III* pHlfSBBluR In \Va*h Ington he made thc aopialnt-uice of many of thc foremost men of his day, and thc admiration and friendship of not a few he tiiaintain'd to thc end. Leaving >Va*liln:;ton, he became thc pas? tor of st. Paul'* church, in Pstersbara, in which elly he long r-shlett, and when- lil? as* thc Instrument of gnat good, both a* a minister and citizen. Ile iva* afterwirds engaged in various mi**ion Held*, and served thc churches in Hanover and GooCh* land. Hi* last charge vs a, a church in Tav loissille. \ good many year* tu-o. while drivinir Bdross a railroad track. In- ssas knocked out of the vehicle, and received injuries that came very near Meting him his life, and from thc eiTects of which he. indeed, never fully recovered. For a month past hi* health destined rely rapidly, and (hath came not unexpectedly on Wedaesdsy night, taktag from earth thc RUmoital part f'f .1 sincerely good man, an carnc-t iel* vant of God?fl very pillar of faith. Mr. Stiinudellow Incl lien married twice, and hi* second Wits survives bim. His Urine children arc Horace, uh., re. side* in Mont-i,m. rv: Cbarles 8., of Bleb moiid: Martin and Wollert, ssh., lise in Texas] Howard,wbo i- in illinois- Mrs. W. L. ".Yatkin* and Mr*. Thoma- !.. i.i! linn, of Petersburg, arni two unmarried daughters. Th.- remain* will be brought down from Ashland thi* BRHRlBg, and will reach Kiln Station at ll o'clock, and will be taken thence to Hollywood* Deaf li of a Veteran. Mr. Peter K. Morgan, a reteran of the war of ISIS, a well-known snd worth*/ ciii/'n and funner collector of tolls on .Mayo"* blidge, died at iii- residence, on LIndflB -treet, ni.lit before bul j -? I ninety-eight. Dewai probably tbe oldesl man herc, and had always enjoyed sirs -food health mentally and physically. Pa? ralysis came npon him ::t la-:.' uni he di, d in a fess hour*. The funeral senices ssill be hehl at Bollywood thU afternoon ar :; o'clock. Dinner for thc Pour. The Christmai dinner elven to th* poor of tin- city a? old Market hall mi yesterday os tile temperance ladies and tbe citj mis* -ion ssa* a decided rocc* IS. Thank- to the liberality ur mir citizens, who slways re spond ssh-n -neil a cali i- mule on them, there eras a plenty for the oin who were fed there on that occasion a* well a- a pre* -rut of cimly. rn- toy. or .omi- little article i'm- all the childi. D who .? um-. The Indi'- worked hard, and di 'isc ?ve it praise for their labon in this cause. Henr] losdi were lor s time lifted Irom ?sits hearts, and many little boeoma Ii lt a transient fleam of Jo* as it bugged it- little iii i-urc The weather was s rs- impropitious out* side, but in the ball all araa jos and **1 ni? ne** for tin- time. Tbe detail ol policemen had a sinecure m keeping order, but no doubt tlnir presenci had i salutary ef? fect vir. VyiltiflflM ami the others of ( .ptain Bigger*! fotce rendi red effi* lent and Tam? able aid. Tin ladii s d. -ire to return their rh ml.s tn ail ss im i,v tv ir _-ii'ts rendered possible tin- ( hri-Da .--ir. e and dimi' r ol jrest* rday. Clly School Baaed* \ ; ill il- ni"' til::- of tbi I lt) Board was beld st the High*Scbo>l build . ?.. -t -'dis atti rn Present: Messrs. Henry Iludnall (chair* . | h: rles P. il ids. w*. B. Bowie, v. A. Favier, R. A. Paul, and Superintendent E. M. Qa-nett Tbe Superint* orient's ra ? -li..s, s ? Total nrolm* ni I ? d..:.-. 7,0*81; tb, 7.1.'".: ttendance, 0,062; per* i atage ol at? tendance for thc month. 08. Since blt hal mi d sll ih" di ll.i :e|| f*rade, and the resull: ss. rc mar.- than ?-ratifying. One building mule an .,,' DO per cent, in sll t! e [trades, 'ric-1 on* Of bil lie -eh Oil U good, and the attendance ol white schools wss ?,| : c! .rd. 88, Ait, r the it ut sctlon "f the ttaual rou* tim- business thc Board adjourned. ITrt- Ycatcnlay. Tin ai inn of lire at VM A. M. yesterday f,-'.;.i Station .'il. coiner of Pourtecntfa and ami Main street*, ssas caused hy thc hurn in ,* nf a lot of rubbish, rarntsb, ml. etc, in the cellar "f Messrs. West ,v Brancb'i I luml lng, '.-::-and .-???:itn-titliriLr c-t.ibli-li innt, No. NIT Main itreet. Damage about [-.Too. I he lin'rn i-'in it'd from tbeexpiO liofl of a barn l ? t black tarnish, bm ssas promptly extinguished. An employe Bra* drawing some of the rarnlsh when it ex? ploded. Tbedamaget '-'oik by water rai hunt |0OO. Messrs. West fir Branch hase policies on their stock in th* Liverpool and London nd Globe, North Scottish and National, nd t Tc Plm-nix insiiratiec coiiipanii s. Tho .Morart Musicale. I. i-f bight quite I KOOd audience, con ilr*. rin_' the i''; ictioni elsewhere, sss* ra? iled at Mozart Hall. Mi-i Etti Madd ix, rd [{altimore, made her Irst sppearance, and iang two numbers, and res].ledi ii . moor s. much to tbe delight "f ber au* !i. ll e. Miss Maddox has a Voice of - "d pjalitf, and uses it t" -i. it advantage. -\\r ninga la Petersburg to-night, lt i oped thal ihe may -?. again appear at jfossrl Hall, ll.* Amateur orchestra lay* tl welt, ;""l prove I them*. !s a quite n adjunct to the regular orchestra. Pro* --,,1-s Jardell- and Kessnlch phyi d solo* i their usual Lise style. Altogether, the utile prograauae was w.ll reaosrod. Illtir. ri I le. tel. At I rc-'ular RM8wBBg of Marshall Lodge, Io. 1*2, Knight* of Pythias, held on Thurs* lay evening, -_ T i" * instant, Um toltowlog Tlii'lT* SSCI'C clecteiJ fOT the SBBUlOg t-TTll ! I... Lam-stern, pa-t chancellor; Pud La> oucha, i iiancllor eommeader; Bar. T. Yu'iip. vicc-ch.Tii'ciior: Nelson Powell, ,;-, i ite : W, IK H 'I', i" Rh t < icbequer; ;'. .1. M.l'osvcll. in istei- tmatice: Unfit-' Y. .leiikins, kcc|M'r of records and seal' lg. ll. Tslley, master Bl arm*: .1". Karn .?.'?in icire'-e'.itatise to tbe Onad Lodge. ['riistc -: W". T. Siz-r, IL N. Thomas. md John C. Teller. Dolli i ( mirt. Iii,- following 68844 were disposed of raaterdayi Maggie Scott (colored), trespassing on he prcini-es of Yirvrinia White and ere t*Og a di-turhanec In Eoiintain Siciety iiectin-'. Kincd *f-ju and co*t. Alphonso (iras (eotorid* wa* lined *10 md coat b?r disorderly conduct. John Hickey, drunk. Jailed for thirty lav s. J. Monro.- tiuarle* (colored), drunk, -hied t?2 and RR. William H..smith wa* fined **1j for car ?ying concealed -a capon*. "Cornelius Perkin*, charged with a*-:iult ngi'.nd healing Agnes Nichols, wa* com Sud for three month* In default rn urvty. .MTrn. langtry at Ihe 'I hint, c Last lat. nins:. Richmond has at last had I IBBBfMe ot the M Jersey Lily," and a vi.! ,1'iioiint of citrio.ifv ha. lui n satisfied. She appeared Bl the Theatre I i-f cvcnimras "Kale Hird ?a.tle" In the tine old English comedy "She SfiKvjw to Conipier," and lhere tv i.. Of course, a hug* atlllie*iee present. Those who had read them could hui admit Hu Justice of the general criticisms in the northern and western press respeftPBg the stau'' preiSSBM and Mtaaf of tips Knglishwntiian. who came to thi. coun? try with a pail reputation for lieautv and a notoriety for baring ateptuad down from a high aocial [Ki?lfinn in Ores! Hri taln to gain WeaRh and ptihlie applause ii|K)n the boards. As an actress abs i< raf* (?linly ii*,*Tcca'ile, very graceful, and at? tractive. Her every action I.e.peak, fl wo man of culture and n'tlnenient, yat thc Impression left afier antaeaatag bar i>cr formanee R rather that cnined frotnhavlna; seen au amateur of talent than an artist who bas given years of study to thc profes? sion. Mieennnot, therefore, he eeaslaeroda If BM lil ililli actress. Nor f r> our mimi doe., her lieautv entitle her to the applause she has received or Hie srreat audiences sin- ha* attracted. The solution of her success uiii-f lie eith?r in that morbid curiosity for seeing an acknowledged leader of Emrli.h fashion or the artful manner in which ter tnanaircment has had her advertised. It M in,i-t ptwbabry daa in past lo boah ****** asSSSS*, Aft l" her heaiify. Well, she has a line. BrsaMstul form, with an aifraeiivi' face, rel she cannot with truth b* considered beautiful. Indeed, there were many fair faces af tho-', who witnessed fur pi rform saec last ereatag much prettier. Tbs ae> dieti.c wen. not at all demonstrative j in fact,'ritn,' thaf it was ihc lir-' a|. pearance of on* so noted as .Mrs. Langtry, they vvre ratter cold. The support in geReral is unite goad, ret tbe oalf derided life gffcfl to Uss pl iy aaa through tte efforts of Mr. Fred. Bra rill in tte nffi ol "Tony Lunipkin," and OUT old favorite, Mrs. (iention. in tte cha? racter of --Mrs. ii -mle natte." afr. Bre rill'. "Tivnv" wa. a capital Impersonation. Ile looked and acted tte part delightfully. Mr. Arthur Elwood played youan Mar? low. He i. thoroughly English, but wa were not or erly pleased witt bis acting; bli i-eciiii ir tone and inti' '-rion of v..j,, ? ls any? thing but musical, and hi. carri ige atmiBed and BBBdural. Mi*. Houston is n pleasing ", end has features In character bo! unlike Mrs. Langtry. The "Mr. Hard .-i-:|.?" of afr. vfearer was an Intelligent ami natural Imperaaaatlon, while in the rite ot ?' ll latinga " Mr. larne viv- vii iec.|, tallie. To-nlgbt theta win ba BaotbtrT bug* au? dience at Ute Theatre t" see tte '?LU*/." ??The Hunchback" will be played. to morrow nigh! "-.hool for Scandal," and al the matinee '?Rb* MOODS to Conquer.''j It ri els .ami I'vr-ionalN. There will te a religious aervlce held Bl thc Bi treal for tte Bick to-day ai I P. M. to dedicate "The Bory Innocent's ct." All Meath of fin- Institution are invited to in- present. Thc sen i,. will be especially lor children. ') ?? edav at 1 P. M.. at -I. Patrick's church, .Miss Kninia (Jrillln wa- married io William caved". Esther Doherty of* bciatfntr. Messrs. Thofltaa w"e*ley, Wil? li.un MCirillo, John Kennedy, and Si 1. Iml 'i il sa usters. \ v. rv large mim? bi r "f friend- were it. -nf at tte eere lil"I)V. Lee Camp, Na. I, Canted**!*!* V.iteraas. Will light a eamp-tii,- al \,t,ian Ball thi evening, ind bare sn enjoyable tune. si-: r Mara Bone acknowledges Ibe re? ceipt, through Mayor 1 trriogton,of >?ii.i;."i. contriiiiiteil by rttiri na towards the (nrtst mas dinner for tte orphans al Bt. losepb'i A-vlnni. .Mr-. Langtry a ill sot iee tte I alon ile;?,t. Bar car stopped on wes! Broad .street near th.tal-yard. Mr. E. E. Myers, arebltect of tte plan nea City Ball adopted t". thc ' "lu? nion Council, will te ten on J unary Ttl. -, l to bia interests in tte Blatter. The Council Committee on G Buildings v.. iii meet this afternoon at .'. o'clock. Thi rc was a '.'rand, glowing pori tun* ' yesti rd ty. After darkw - ii id tsJIi rth long atti r the g is-l imp) bad been lighted- the wi Mi rn ?k* * - it.;! ctln ?i rt* fun bl -I. ' 4i? io |*a*Ta*Bi ? irj st,- , t. Gas 4 ok*, Q2.5 : An tbracite, .", 75 t' *j and 18.29; Lump Splint, >'>.",', and fS.A0; Hail Splint, -., i. -:. -: Aiitiottiicciiiciit. tlr. C. W. Cosby, .'iii north Shu nth street, ls tho fortunate person designated I,, receive tbi beautiful ]? wei c iblm i -'iv. n twa] by Lew, Davis ft co.. 00] eas! Main -:,-, ? . to the patron- of tte bolld iv d p ni nu nt. I Iirislntas ami Holiday faMBMBB* English i tiatterbox, 75c.j All Um OW Poets, 73c. Some hundred varieties of bonks nf hi.lin',' Buthora IO per ctn. cheaper than Bicbiaood regabu" i rices. ( ands, e and viv.- money. N. LCOBABD, U - Ma :: "? ??'. I'uini'-*, aamUaUUa, l.umes. Bedueed priers. Ehnasted-Up I*ocoai*> iiv... Mechanical Purri* for boys, Aasert ?rn Fire DepartmenL .-?-.ttoni I Baib*oad Puzzle, Old Maid improved, K\e!ir.|')ti to Cone] l-l iml. Authors, improved toy Money, Lfgomica, w*ord-Msking and Word-Taking, Parch-peaf, il \. Laos ti M ,jn itreet. lura*., I:,l'., n- . .; I _J*| I I I 'i'i- fti B If rice. Fringed i irda fi rn Bc, np al DM ? I.lill -tl-ei t. ,.- ,-. *ai ,t sw i s Baa hubs*. VM i LOT Ol Ni. vt V i m i viii.- l-i-i ? i? m.I t L.L1V.-S...1IJ m.iiii Brest. BaBanrBSW. I)..- 'I inaoBi le >-; al, I -vt i.i: BaOTBBBS'. H um abb aron t, ii lillll.'M.i'.Tv relli-vej Bf BBS "! ' " BOB*! PILLS, ff. 8, tUA MW*, .?-?:,. Hr-ail iel I'in, tret**. Di'i.v i. ,t (Isa ,,'ellil ? ii ? ?? ' ll. If 'I'-''- ii-le;.li.,tle .Tan. UryOc is aaa- l**ftaasaiaatf s*la**l atTiwa IBOTBI 4 xn-I. 1.' v.; c vim.s | -r.ta n.-.f ,t E. LBWIS*S,8I9 Main stn, l. .-..Tu | silk-.s.n.a-, aaal ? urfttJ -Braaal :. OTB BB**. A M. k |..roi llW-faUBI UUM ' :-t'.nciii'l , | . j., ,.i--. Ill vt,in 'rtr'. -.I. r Ra*. EMottv- Eli" UK ii ii! xe. Ii' i- tl" tie-1 ami ?ilx i, Haas* Lix, r Elli Wliiixtu- i" t.r tall BM* -M' ,-? ? .- BBB IV iel, '.ll,,' ??,.",1 ;,-t,'.s..l,iri'ile-.. no-rr BBB! "r unplca .inietf..?* . iBBaBjraaB avlI8n*n-?1S< "'-?? Call ateI I x.iiiitnc Bj I ? '- I V??'?' -I ircLa Bsoraaas*. raj, w ti bobM c,.:-i.iv. k int, ian Lian - n all'I-ne' I ti'I liner tina! lo tall i li it areal ipeeufc for ? twa* ai Baa vtiuin. a >?! BavaaMa* na- I ? bb**-( o'l-Livei Oil aad L-raar. laBSSa urx'TLv Hr VViHs.r lt '.- t 'I'l ?' I "' l ? " " I _*M* sn I itt* SB I "Ile-a |.rri>ar lita* Ba* L SfteS ttmkemt LIM rivlBS ia ar- lbs -cry a t SB IBB, Oft UM licalln/ .iBil'te*"! Um- ii'Liiol ',, rr-.-i, BU ll ?!.. M BBB - BBS v-l-.) 0. ll*l?.i 'orin- B rvm-irkjlile tonic .uni *;:l aBBM ??*) lint 'lt i,luuu-Jhi?r-ous to tat** Bl BM* US BBB] ra? koa*, H Banana tn; UCfl la tv-iv lim Iv Tor l.i-Unl *.cniitl?' ilr-ts 'K'ttanr ?"! eo**Tl - "r 'rriUllon ,f Hie lilli***- Manufacturt-it BSfl ftf A "? aTa> m ih, i Tteml.t, BB ST n. * old by ?H ilrufs'-sl*. Momy -at. ,1 by | urch * N by BBftBJ * al Sid* UKOTHC ?: ', vhf I) 1*i-mrr?**??>? TERMS OF ADVEKTISINU** ' t*lt I IVA Kl A Ut VI - A OVA VI R '**icKluan-. aeTBserttot. . "no wins.rt.' wu In-*>rt!?.;. . ' ni-. i'l'iare.Uir-e Insertions. "nesinsre.sli 1'inertlon-. S BO < m.-?<v.ais?, iweiveln?*ri1.ia*. B oO ?)n?" *i?ia-->. one month.10 IS >ac*i|iiar?.twrt month*. IB f O Ot . ?-i na re, th rr-mon Mrs. VS SB ha A KflBST ? BBTBTMai AND A Barn xew-yba-i To All t .1,1 laaaaa a so:-, 823 Main street. Rn flMSBB, Va. DiAMo-.:,*. Kimi Watciik* ami Jewblbt, (BjflBUBB SiLViiKWAai:. pi m. c)i*ira-(;i.v**?*. A !.aiid*oiiie t resent ia a Di IRRBR I" ilTlAL-Rl*?<i. (all and ace lt. Urr-at reducilou lo -very line at ST* LB Rro*? th a RS'. ? YOU 111 INVTT.D TO EXAMINE ? oi-RMiWLv-sai.KCTr.ijsris a ? oe Jewelry. SBtTaflU a a * nut * uris rn \ * * PflBSBBTSi ? l ? 4c. Ac. * ? 4c. * ?;oni>vRn .4 vt.isi> Jksstt i 11:-.. .c'll VI un siflSBI. Renetnbtf the ilauahl ?? ? li ii : Bbotr i n Tin: ha-.MBS1 IBU UABBBSI STOCB OB I'lusli 0*4 r-t a . ., I'.liul .IT Un*.-iu/-< Baa*, i Te? nant Work-Bosas, BaBflaaasa I'lu-ii v.i-et Win-k-Holder.. Mini Un fu'U-l .lui nj lu Mal .iud Chrtatt?aa ptattal serai sase hi Bm stet* bbb bb f lilli lt US.l.Ns ,? VI.'Mill'-. 0|l|H|s|fe |ft),l-,.*lll-C. fall earls- ard cure choice -.lection.. Art-no* BAUM nus day. IBO. :. LACGHTOR. in. 10 A vi., -t.?| af I od- a vi. i \.ii,-. houriii nud braal -net,. I'. IC 111(1,1. 10 V. VI,el|i.|.| furniture. A'-. HM ?TIT'- BALE of real Old I'd- nat ? *tati? SU<] -I" * ef^oo.l- III H.ltl<.>ei IOUllll, ttl IB M. ac I -J P. VI. f.'oi' s.\Li;. A HALF-SECTION IN I IKH,I .WV. ii H) ll VII CTEBY. .nilled willi granite. Annis tn JOtsRPU W. I.AITIE. .]r 'j;,-:i: ITr?t and Hioid slr. I V.iTl* K. po ursirv ii. BCIODY, ADMINISTRATOR, WITH Till M III. ASM XIII, uF Tilt EMTATK DY * Vi'H. l.uFFI'. DECK IBRD, SSH i ll VIM.,- M. ADAMSON, HIS HI RM V . IMI A. i . T lt li e If. lill-, sm |;i|. | | HT A VIKI.I V < .UNIV. AND V- s|T || SUSIIV ls, lt V lui: ul I UK 1-T.S I i: OF M SI I tu ( TREVELYAN. DECEASED. W lin VV VS .VI.--.I III* Ht'RETY :,- Hiller Hie aft** and c..||,|| of I uiwl I...itt, dei-eas.-.!. i poi Boa af Ute *el?l decedent'* e.late vlltnlll till- I ->(li tlli.ll vvt- ?l tl! to lilt, the IU of t. ii thou-uni d'.'I in .ind .a fin- ti?.u-aiiil !e,l ir, respectively, ns -. -I I ar) iud ber ?Hollier I I.i ii itali, sometime.-.di. ,J |.i II"'d. ?.r l.iif tnrd, subject to a tax or fl peret-ntnm lhere in, due ? , tin- i uiomonwetlih af Vlraliila ,,..f, re the said sams of niamey wert paid ar ?!? Its i ind whers-astin dd Hei ri ll. Ito xiv, .vie,, mi ihe 24th ?!>) of si_t n. I *;... timi lu thc ('..univ < ? in: of A.Ila rounty,i|iu,8S?-?1 aa the eliiiiui.l' |..i. ? tn tin-vvill aiiiu-x. 1 rilHf. O' il' ip* I I.??.II. I ?? ? iel. li I, failed io i, iv ? ,*, ni. the -ii I sum* ol iu n's aa rs* Milre .' riv I ia ki U d ? i.then roi*. i :,, r.iiv iris i n s-.'i thal "u Hie Sml d iv > t tie I'eb ruary terni. f-M. of th* *al<1 County four! of . |,||||tl -.. Hil ? ,, tl* '/Ul "las ol t.?> i .c\. I - -1. I -' , ll i. -? Ihe mlil court for Ju.!f* Iai i v.,,, i a Un ai , ol W.I fertile ,.i ,1,, laid ta* due ..... ,, ? ? Uti i ita ? i ra 'cv in ntl iu I il ??>., . . ? Tn- rate ol Io i,.i, eii'uni per annum from lin linn Un -'??! um* . poid ?! li liven I ? v. i antill tba paid. |1.1.1 t || ' th ?! y.lf I'e.-. II.' er. !?- I. . ,M",.iS'.S ; SI.Ul ur V ll-,IMA. Bl Ml SOI ll val-.-. .."I. .1 ?M.' ti* I. (H?K: IT.DVV I K'S. KLOWKKS, i HEAP, jhJo%\ V lit**! net, J, ac. |l I I' HS v( IMTIs arcR-rooti !. si.ovii.ii.-:i,..v. r lani-. I, -I .-??-. t:.c. each; Sil.50 ncr >!?/? u lu pola, 80*r. bbbS* BB /.:?. ii ni ssiiiii .:.vr:... .1 uvi.i: sm LILIES, . || root,... in lame puta: |S i> rd, aaa. IT HE ROSES, OL A DI* H. I'S. 4'AI'K JK-SV St IV h.-. i ssl HT I-. il ., ( Tun K FLOW - lUlM. ni LBS ind IT. sn ls. ! IM. ROSES, H c.eel . IL A. CATLIN*. t ss i -f v Johnston. Kl, hui..nd, Va. ds 18-1 ROOKH. STATIONERY,-S-B^^^ 18.34. "??""??" 1884* i: vvDDt.lTi * RROl IBIS*, IT'-' VI Ul -TIIEKT, Have [ll Si.Ti:s, -in ill- nu diuiii and Rlfll : PUYSlI lANs VTMITIRB 1.1-1*: ID*TIAHD-uV - Al.MAN ICM: Bl \ Vi-V ?l\s. i" / : CALENDARS, 1884. *l "*??**? IlvrKlKIMK** Al I" FBI V.oX, ami af n, lat'nie ?li.i'c BlISSI lYSBI '-ha* l<? I'M'! ' . ' V - ii' psi SSS) QOLDfl U '?"'?I' I ?' fl .TED IMA* il s 1-1.1*11 CAROM IS* I I- -i v : : v i iii ir Bl vi. i - a I !'t vun.s ?r all kind-. i rn I nd SSaSBBB ?' '??'? ' Bf*"***. EVERETT B ARMY, ,!. .,) lill Main BWBB*. ( 'Hl'lD If AKMANA* Bs J i vii NH.vitH. DIARIES, |'HV*HTARR VT-ITTNT.-U-TV V1ROIR14 4LRARACS Ur 1-^1 llHTiVVT'IH I I'AltliAM. .le Jit.I l.t.* 1 IS1 M*JU *'r" '? PINE BTOCI <>K IIAND-d.MKKY lilt -IT! VII li lluul.S Jl-r UK* llVTTl. CARLTOB M<* AKTHY A (*'?? ... ir - ''?' ?' ",l II>4WIU.. /1\.-!I TO IXVEBT.- AN KM'Ki.KT l I ll . l-l: V( TH VI. i: -INK s-SlxN. ntl, ( isili'Al'H .U,.I?I>IIH- TulNVI-l r,-i? lui'ic ""I ci'-if** ''"i" ?' "' ""'" ?lH.fac'.M..,' ?'..-" - -"III. . vol'-' ?> , in mond. i.v,.c.''.ik-."r lii?.|!>. V r ,, .?..? oilier larivl.ik rltv I' ,t of icfcn e.., k'liru in I n,|idn-d. Ad .li.?'-. *.- SV. 1.. i liar..,tlr.v:l!.. Va. .te 1 s-,H r,iwliu ;K-I MIK.IMA DKUKKKD CHU Tll'K ATE*. w* THK KAUMiiis- L,,vN .vi. mon OOM PART.Of >?" V'Hk. villi nsrelve on .l.-p.-U and '**ue Us se'otlaMe receipt- Umrtfor. wltli.>ol nu. uulll F.BUl'AKY lit. ftfl SSrlUlBBRSC tliois-sibo BBB ??* lartielpatr lu lae aiv,?eiu.ul lo adiu-t tie MU -*iir-*?--Lt.-1 hy k**id -sxurl ,i(., ' R. li. ?OLSi?>N. dc I'i-dlm4wlm I'r-ldm. Bl>4?K A>I> '*?B W4?KK NKATLY [XaXLTIDai tts DISTA'rCIl rRlMlRtt 110"*-.