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FARMEKS’ R FPOS1TORV. r,i~ ^ - < HAIU.rviouv, JECTEWfOJ* COl’NTV, WEDWENDAl, JWV UIY e, in:m>. ... the tmutet ] .... . '^r—•*» Ma» ff., ' • J%^‘ but nor f*.r^,f-rn . >. but, „ , ,,:rn, ifmt J__ \. rcom«r.g„«,j .ltll|f||. p C a'cn * ffCorJetl Jc», P S® ail(. ;r?c. ' * Krc) Lol\ |..;r> • l'1' * A* iovk u rs i • * 41 v.rine * " »*W| ... , . . X.°®r,U,nir!avc.;„U 1^° A rt«v al. tl.« *piri|*, . „ ' n ,f fr««n sun or t w f . ■• II II. !>. !!.£,»* i[ t.% s ! I ' Mr. .... Ofnortalit) ; ° - • art's Jeep l«r.- .... , , y I *'ut .< . . -Tlivr, • . b It **<l r t'ir .1. -p>, ,t,.i ■: •••.. - L.. Hr**r„! r»t» i -C,. ... r,'“ru* *4^.e.r tca-.k 1 fi«*rnM eilliuoc ln,|,|^. 'I'cn.u, «u:Ur A;:£tne> T\>r‘vt?u‘ ’* "1* 'rep. tlrV|»: ,nffe,eat ll»»e co.tnar ,d skirt f.], lr CuarmrJ t b;j ,ljiflc ff ' ft.iicu | I "ff h»‘>on..xr(!fJl<li<,rr J • M,,,,fn! r*'° bit! Iit-r , L , g *rrP# ?‘Ut ncvel .It thou 1 liv bor-b A.;, t r rf.„rn 1 I ‘ *•> i.uh:L;, * 8::l;bL,.,.. nut | • b* s»'i«r »r •!,<:,f „c m> THEtf MH.or>|3 sp::rcfc, li imjtrtf I I, I. cf a Inpt Mrt; ^ tvn.uul c "*"'ir * C‘\ r Mr. (jor *-|at !•<• f!f liinllf uTM '.f, lso.| a f>f ,.|v M‘ ron,r-ti'#tl.r II..,.^e. fur ,rrn «M p.f.e ur.U‘|, .N , a| ultjett l;: v y , tun. I re!\ j, . ,„r ii,Je„re on u .inur.cjts UfMjHc. ami |»|,,,;| , tui t , ,Ptr | s, nr** . ,II( he .VM<* it I* O’ t«f ft*!' ft. t , f>uf ln< ( v\ til !.«• .» 1, .... . ion if **»• H uj . nr t |)o«i >/ \ \ Without ’■ * . and " ' I ' • i imirti *• ,.tn • irto :umI /r iln-i* * . h *v br«‘nf an un || If lid of | f fill 171, I 41! f •on.*, all at tin* tin.< * j* iiImt* iif t ,» honnrab'i 1 to fh*» ton {rflllcnin 7” '*»••« «irfj. H-.vrf and Mr r: ' cl‘ i *», m t'ic month of Kr r u • (%, I, a»e i!ir fii*t decided 1 •• 1 i f (•!««• i,f rona'itolioiM f ****** •!<, ,of \\ rafci '1 f<*** 'Mr neriml j»nf »»i**»,*ii*ti 'r*<o (ircuUr Hotter in V 'Z1**' S< uluiifti 1; \ ru in* [*.t ft ,,|H f % **1 Mf H 1* 1 40 r irji * !iC 1 *ifv,K» 1 1.otitaif’i'il in ' ‘4* - * !- • d.r n’linlirr of ;rn ' w* ^ in f!>»' mon**, i f M sv 7,1 *«. •! i..»nf WiiiJ.r.fer Hi/.' 7*'* ,dn* ul " ’ 1 wi tern Virginia, and il.» 7 *M,t 1 ^ana of nbtamiti' ir f \W** tHl ,df»™ anil I r. *ulir l in an •■•niMi '*' fi 1 fi.l* of rcfoi n., through ,nn> it itfaliii* urging thru* tc n **wr rctpeitiie eiutniici **f Jilf foltii^ing, fur flu ' *• / tlfbjialri m a I ’«n "f t in Maunton, in 1 lu ll follow *flg I _, t,urr‘" as»en.hlin*' jtet.cral convention of |lie hierujs aa* »o .fexise means for of * * \ 11 ! ft **«■ <''».»* emion of people of \ ii^inic, for the reform * r "islHution* ; *1 convention wl.irh * *.rt' • ^7 a new *»i amemleil'.ii'mn, thf rjUttt rights uf nil the uj I trirviu,: a contention which ’ K‘vi* practical effect tot!,* »ree i »i pr;ncij»teg atioaon cm |h \\A ' - >*e» . |‘ d.-i pertain to 1 1 ' **J •'* I® the c ' r.s.,: *« • <1 »*t i \ n| f •! f » • ... . • / ' ' ee on ti- a • lu/un'u ot he .. «• • <* til t. ,, 1 .7' ' ^JtnJIydia oa h: 1 "no,'l' ... r?7 “ m the actual ‘ * ’ 1 ;>ftu nd< of re r "* '«lnton in ennse oriva* h-lil a. ,1 ri . ... . f | - 8.. I In* iesuit is jjf^i | i Hoi w ear \ von ox i t o* In.torv ut t!..»; •nt w hi* h at length re -*■ i-'itib!:ti" ot this ( .invm* • trill «ay. and I fav it proud/*/, . Ii .1) the time ot that first move «•* th- tlav on which I aiMre** '"'• ^ 1 lVl* l*< * n a lit in, an umlexta -• ■ ! •' »v e» »ir. un U nt : . . of the ri /ltt* uf tin f„ /dr. Thf I""1' 'he enforcement. of those In constitutional reform, has < '.*» s or» been, ni»'! still u> an object ntnr un 1 dear to toy fit art. Xot\s tf l» S' III e V IT Mi) s pt Mil j p! .* ot I epre -eniaiiou under winch iln* ln.tlv was elected — uni %« diiding |to\i* mil nt ii- oig't* ir law which gi'ts to litieen t «n in,uni (ii»/ n>. • car to the ',n" "I North t ai .iii.M , the same ro pi seidatioi. With sixty tlunis.u:i| who dwell in h I ran* Mlcehnnv district, I did not “despair ,»| the Uepubl: ’*—1 did not abandon the h"pe, to which 1 hud clung mi Ion/, that a constitution would he linined. by which the equal • epi esi'iity* ion ol//tc of tiiieiiiiu, m both of the Iui.i*lat»y e llodie*. would be earned into full ctleet. To tliat liope I clung till my reason told me to drspaii ol its accniiiplishinent. M'fcr ■i piotrailed, uu obstinate, nod I nmv almost say, a fierce, ion test in this A*-' kcmblr, of several weeks* duration, ii wa* but too hpp.Ment that victiny had deserted the banner of the fiieritU ol tvlonn —that they had not numeiirul s*m »:'v mi tois \ssritiM> to i tri» into fvH i ;lect the pnui * of liien poiiti cal creed—that the rlloi t to ohtnin ao ciju.tI representation of the of ' isgrnia mi ;he ti„vnnu.nj of N irginia, niiift l»e abandoned a* Impcle**. Hot -sti!!, mufli had been gained.— I lie i.itnpaits ol the c;d CoiiMiiution had been drlemli»!, it is tiu.. with a /cal. an ability. and a gallantry, must extolt praise even from an me in', t tin tanks had been thinned, and many of our utiuv k» had bet ii icprlled, Hu: we w*■ ie neither tuutcd not dis mayed. I hi.s mm b, «* least, we had Htiaitied. 11 v. i* /n en up on all hands, that •! -• actual distribution ol political power thi oi Ter i itm y. iind among ’.hr* people i.t % ir.itiia, undei the exist* :ng constitution, wa* ton j»i **.lv U: <• • I u a I Tii t>«- longer *i 1 !. a > in- re ♦quit ■ Y kls • * ; In'..'nl Ijtuui • , i | ,, ( J*it % i \ * ct»im*i», i* a ii. - * '▼**' " . . .. In» r u ,,(1 • *» In stall freehold i<vmi»tiiii» am! remaindermen, i I i >-jrv, and hot! ir k» eprr» I |‘ll»4 'aXf*. vhon’d IjC ;nlinflinl io a | tel inaiti.n tit the »Ov«mcitflitV til the • " P v. If !m«J al«o In fit a*vei tallied fn e ' osen»e of a tnajofffv of Imiv ho* . tl».| i (mi in vrirltllv lloilic of |l|c ' r-' I 'tumid be rid iced in ituiit»<*i, if, I*,* exj-rji, « fiie (iovetf’fvt rst i t)«i.4li*ii#d. Other u,< ltd und econ*» f*»f i ref'-rit -, if known, w-<ild fi’iro.’ ife earn ft on. If »hi filter'a iii ««»* I’t* -Off. Ijt.ti ll'.itlljh f!’0 C'r]*<ml It* j»rr»**|a*i'iti ill f , • rni h> rn . hi nor be tairN1', | iffeH j**»| ,\.u t'.ioii lonuiiU tt « ft-si tamable. * ♦: f!,e«e c t*. •: asf m* t! *• ai frrnaisr tvav ptrsenfed *tlm ii.vird* ri f.<4>, nn i i • ti t- I id, o| abort dotting lie in *(r- f, ei d die», !iiog ' *t* A ,«i mJL , tviifmii* |n<i mj» an if t ■ r .-11 ICitinf., «f, on the olfiei, » f t dea« it/ to i flit t %,'nef f. I-/ lik ■ a fair cirj » m»«r # r, grr it and *r*cd i ;e*’i >n ol fin Itt-i ..| rrpt e«« i taficn. I cmite%pi*l<-d, a* iv.iv mr dot'. Hitn » steal * eye, the alfrmsiite tUua prevented. 1 vau on the i»i»c hand the continuant «t fer an indefinite pr■» <«', of that {'iiovmn ovlit* id rrprr.ents • ion winch hs k pt Virginia, for tfoj ter n years if a via'e of t-jrmod ai l <-ntlnvuiri | Ha |hi* lii>| *v tit my dir fianihivi-d fdluS-rit^evS blasted. and it r parr trap* ir»ri*'-d and '•uib'f, I *n**u *hnt n^p majority of the peo I'1*’ ' ma considered nieiiif, hold io n slate of political |*»»nd.. \ knew that threat* had hem f.-d. uif|V»„ »|u. U>t eighteen Mu’ - "‘'f I'itid and \>rawlin" iiictu f ^ h tlietfv which, by the manner yf -*o.j|, -'em, deep‘it^cd, uianilV-’ Jf'“ t!. it il ||„. no'fpi.oed ",,f obtain justice, in the <. v.’Ktiuti then anticipated, they fw(,.(i.| no longer submit to the l.iu\ f onstitved authoritirs : that ' 1 » J* -hi rpf«M f-' |«bt -ii on t' e • * 1 **'h &:.d pal;»«!»ie vriev* * that I.ipy w«*:i\! ie.rii-c t..r>a\ I***'* *"‘l «ate—and to per 0 "i md,t,^dnty ; that. Cof!,ti tut. ,I a ithoFitipN attempted t.» etdWee jibe payment of tl.o taxed, levies, lines • nd j unities, they Would le-isf force V !Ms !>•»ce.*’ | knew, by the result of 1 private Onsus, that in the county ..f I-.rd. iick alone, there wcie no le* 5 -an fir,, thountW't tiro'huiulrr,l of these disfi.inchistd citizens—men of foil *■?**~~**nd that they bore to the free ?•;!«!* rs the piopm tion of nearly nine t« h\e. I -I,odd rod at the probable rc-tdt of ’• hp^un bv .n stubborn , I. •o obey the constituted author (ties— I»:ocpod»ii4 next to an attempt, bv .-e authorities, f,, enl no oh Jim. c uy '’u‘ py^i ro mfofn*— Mien a ttunul;. and <..irrp»«ful re-.stance, ripen inr { into oi ;al>t/si| irisiinection—a iiiilii.siy ai ray fur it- suppie-sion—tbc p i r.:»ms of the oppres-ed and di-fran - d « .t--e* m length aiou-cd to • * ‘ t, / % -—-a n. I l hen —, ml „ • i 1 ^ i ftnroiiiiUfit hurror9*—hou^t*^9 \iila 2* s .if,-I tow it- reduced to ash, >, ntul :: aii’. a stricken field •Itcuerl with the i •^lcd corpses of i.iir citi/.rn-, drenched with the best blood ut Vir gin:*. Helieve me, sjr. this is no rlietoriral! war, mi fancy picture. 1 tell I<n I know u, that «o sm •t; ,j ' I leaven, the Reparation of t'.rs \s-r,„ h!v, without tedrts*:ii(, in -« . »• nua s’Me .!t ie.’i-*, the gt lev ..u« e. i t ’tu»jton fre« hol lers, w ffi be the sigi .d f.,r ■ 1 ■ p# ' 1 tit fix t, t•• the consTi tjfed an*1 or,tie-. Alai he has r. din vain the hisforv of pas' age- ,tmj „ her tinier—and t|iv h *torv f.f our w n re vtdotionarv strngpl.* ii .n* e-pc'idlv, w ho i!oe# uf,? «ee Uiat evt i, passive »’e-l sisTance must and will produce . ti at tempt, r»n the | ir r 0J’ j|,y (,o» r : rnofllt, b» cnl c de nt c—that that av will arou-e the pa^kiohs of the oppressed, ur:d that civil war will he the result. - I hi-. Mi. P. e.sident, v aR one of till* alternatives, t.tri'erl c:r to its lesult*. pr i -enter! hv the- ref :-al r I u majority | ol Miis Assembly to rrcngnr/.e tfutom]/ e iff hit of I hi' y • jje lo iv j ' r - eli f.l I lti»i if, I the I.egi-lative IkhIm-s. The other is f have -.»id, was the t > I'liloiiment ol lung cherished hope*—t •, •• »,» a great prim iple—a prim iple Coeval v. it i t o- republic it»eil, and endear ed to !i» hv its nssoiiafion with all »!io-r 1 *atly feeling- of enthusiasm inspired by the story of the revolution. lint in fthttnderrng those hopes, we hit how to the supreme law of necessity — ' H ii : _ print iple Weiifirred • it d t| .• p it,In- sale!» . I . ’ u rt cJ I III ctrlt. * i r fTi • * 1 - \ .. r rri. *!■ ■> i ft.i«t <1 !• u» it ' ... .4 i .. . »*u»l 1 wi r• "iifa'i r». lie t.l-t ii'lr lti|>t Ilf till* mnt V .1%' . <>m I••.«* I • ii| ul Not ember, t>\ •'» • oi ’ i. ’ (4,1 :ii I ••man (• > i< I'Infill t> >4 . I'|*K. .1 . '. I ..1... ..I Ii ., 1,1. rill, ..f rPtui nt, mill it i nf eili.i'inii («.<», he |tr«ji'i4fi|, I' i ill* f, mem fTiP;; the mill tepf • «l »:ie fien|iii, tn II.e iii nt T ii i .|i» hi Mm i «i| |f,p ] ,r nf *fmr. w* n «*w 1 (1 i ,fi ml the tiurti i* * I tl%»* •*» h,.t* to thirty *.*, in ije - m in * > ill* e »: *f e«m‘tl v* i •lie« >1 o Jr ■ </:»*« if • * < {., ii.<( iliNtiihntp the t ej rem fi* itt« i. Jfi '• .It, thiuVffh ' 1 the t viiiit*• i."i ntii. tit* the h.44(i ul Ifiieia* t*.jtHb'r«. \ nut rub «t »mj.r«’pe-i me lit in liie t pm p* i ii1 the b.nlt ur* >*r'*•.ticeil liv tilt? j*t**p niiitii r« ,f, b»if m**i '(»pi (i.i!lv by tl.* mnPt er lit v »«_» t V .IN .. i.wufirni. 4!hI Iiv (t.l1 |i|tllft!K Is • '.’i^'» fijr %n fi .t tUi rliikiitU *11r - :.*?■ it t • at j.i fpo*iti'!f» v *% ttifl «>n the t.i . u:.*J «p*.«P*i nl, unt il, ou the i «t I* N ♦•■Ifljtf, A •* * «. 'I | ' til 1,1 J 1 oil* prov 14v IihinvI i•• (i. •• • 11.titfi*;tt wi/i «*f liirfl f'* Ii*.f .If..i*i 0 ol the IlniiN. In ' !•* j.' ft i it i.t.tfi tl • *si* \ll*rf.*lM if 11».! • :.ri.i! bitrifdii. lie mm/pp»I .( !*• tie 4,14 ijU '*i * t*i itmte b« ill |*ntti -. ' n f»*N »f •< t nl »>’ ' altogether, l r ir|fi| tji'* ‘fivlii t«ftiri r.ntg the bit*, ofirp i‘»ciil,''».fi, t*l*«th ! ->l l^itttn!. t.*r Mi'tkt, c*ut o:il> 11*it A••pMii*. v. but it*« \»lt«*it! people «i( \ tejpttia, »r*U wht» h h«t| ini tv nn ipnuI*. ‘.pp the »b oi-i e »' rt. o.1 *, f ! . , • it* *1 Ihi ImhI v could tiot h<* brought to undo in any one prinrij./c of rvpr.-* ion wlct't should Ik? the rommnn basis of both of tl>** T.egislalix *• cm Ilrre CHinttifod«'i' at.arbitrary apportionment of rej rr«t ufal! *M, in which no express should bo had, cither to the principle cl tiie equal representation of the while people, or to tin- punt iple of **:'■,*.•—oreiei>t.»tion of !«■.!••»ul number*. ii«» th»* compound rn» to anv otloVrT.V ‘V“.n a, *i vatt .n. nr iiebitrii, tui'.ietl the harmony « f the WJ?,4* appot Itoutnem. in which th<« sole ntr >7t ' on hi !«• an vquitahl* . .>»?*• •. .u. *.. tar a* any roupt».o>.«e -'mho cquita blr, °| the cnllirtin^ protrusion* „f r >•* '‘a-t and the west, Wi?b f*, ,t >./. 1,1 lhe principle! on v. ■». i» rh. se pretension* weje founded, ami .1 post ponement of their dim uision till future period nioie ansjocictts to their uarmunio i> adjustment. , I he actual d’-t • but ion of power by hi* proposition. , 14 *>l‘ Oele^ates of one hundred and twn tv membi ••twin t r six should he elect, d from tl. .t p :r* * ' irginia lyiifW west tl : ■ \ i, . I, v mountains; twenty (.■..« from the ^ alley* between if.c \,|r;lianv ut;.l the lilue Uul^e; seven from tlu II, u- th.lgc »«. die head of t!d’»*~ut*r ; Hid from the « ountrx be t #• f d.s «•{ if,,, i it e.a;** An.) that, in nw tmte of twenty four, there »h<*uUI .-■e f(*n Senators ft.on t!:c country west "f the lh'ue Rtd^e of tn ui.fains, nnd fourteen from flu* country oast of tlo **• mountains. tic ha* since muddied |»js proposition by changing: «l<e number of members :?i both bodies, without i haug mg materially the distribution ol pmv **'• IDs proposition now under corisj. deration, is. that •* the House of Dele gates shall consist (.1 one hundred a? d twenty-seven members, whom tueii ty-uilie shad be elected liotn the dis tint v r*s? u| the Ailcghanr mountains: tuent* f.-ur f:.,in the Valley he?wren ,',t* * : 1 ‘' V anti lt'ue Bulge; tri m e Blue Bulge to the head of tide r. and thi* ty-fi.ur thence below.” ^ ! -d tl.o derate s'.-iM consist pf 11 ■w° meiidKi s, of whom *• there «h.d be thirteen west of the Blue H. igeof moun*«in#, and nineteen east ol the«e mountains ” I ha\0 s.lul. Kir. |I,C l«*so!mlo|J id tin* gentleman (com Mbcnnrde was ' ui i' d to the I!i on lliy'^fhuf No vcn.her. I pd^musK examined, in cur: rrt wftb tnd^frieod fiom |,„„ dotiM, NIr. II- fulcrum, that ol ilic jjetilicii n from (»oo( Maud, bv com paring ifs results \\ iih those < I the to lute ruj ulaliiin basis, wlmti we ron-ideicd die true -•nnilnul when bv to measure, by the extent of their ub-i ration lion, it. tlie feasibility of all plans ol com preinis.-w hatevi-i, \\ c now iiditited a rnttrs! a it. I ! 11. 'I’ious e vain mm ion of the compromise !>.-.* proposed by th. genilnnan from llbeni.ule. \\7* took o. \ r a relative or com par a* i ve view . | butlr <>t these plans, in nil their bt ar m md aspects — m tln-i* . perntion mi roh section id the J*bjie. and on the 'vinde State—in then pmiciples, f,, as any pnmiple was involved, ai d in fneu pra< tie..| i.-suit•—■in their j roba* b'e r flerls . r, the various nnd appal t nt* ly lourticiii.g iiiteiests .d the dillcicnl puts id the (.Mi.iuunw.-aiih at pi cm fit, ind in the snme intcirsts. when the i-r *i.-n kiiiK.i ... i.r it.. . . ..i . 1. ■«l. a* jf pro.hililv \vf• •:lit " i • * j * »o *•! tin? iiiCicute J It. f Mu 11 .,f tins '*x411111 ■ v 4- .« i! ‘it. raf, -«fr|| t on mIi i* ■! j ‘r' . fm j (tf if *• "rutIciiiufi l - i t n ^tirtl fo f/tt urtunl > f* n of f i/’ifm/ j ,!>•• r. , * <1 i?, tiovM t<■>, a pirnt <!* !«• pi in. < f»«* t »t j*.,* ol.-.t no ruir I -, r I . •W •iti »fitne|»f4 m r.» f*» 4 f.ipf if. fr«ltlt till «• to tilin', to fin' \ 4| i; • p, p*.!4ii*ui o| tlir tl.lf r. lit »rrtum« ■ i 11,• < oinmofiu mltli ; tin* *uti inf f fo liau.r • tt*h it i**lr havifij l*rrn riLinti'ii'**" , < i ntier r.e*er uniUr tiv it* aottit r, »*•• ca i*.e lie c«'i»n|.i r,| iu if * xirt.i* tempt w. 'il*f t»*iot; intoimfant c - r t tjjr rfi«ror«|jfif | t ('f rtMtoti* ol tt*C m m teinjii *i pirtn**, • Ii ,1, if . c r*l*i**cf lit 1 ii pt«f» | > I rp .n m nijt, i,f <| iir»irni r. IPi*. im n i t ‘ n iPiutrf. h* t t*n%iilvrr»f hi« j hi * n •■to a* ct mj» L • rwinj r «*•••«t t lit f ni p it tin ^r'ii|fin»'i ft n (i mt.l.i’il. ! mine v.r M i’innl .t t in'ki**lat t! t il % i • '» . >f t .• t uf.i ni.wit ih ti. ' ait’ ** /» i-t * -•' it <;! .j it* ,*j.* oi itonm*T.t nMirr .tj »ifi}lr, v hfcti, in oft / t.t f < !#<•»,/ / ttntkt *r f f t i ft! ■ t t t i / tit tiji t to /,*;i" If, „I in ft, lit I ■ t thr vr 'uuiiuiim* •/ f**e •t I ■ hf im oftt,l r'-iy'i j *t, t, tv tu~a?ti t f rt) l/t ' *t* b fhttt r| y ,F •,, . ,v ft\. Il‘u*e of ti I* '«/»», /„ « -nr rr*nf in iinpotftmrt fo ift, ^ «# *n 17a * . »*•«. Ii piffj* I v»f*h f^r*** Tirwi t4 tie • • ( chatuctei ol tlie tw n plant «.r niU).iro mi*r, and deeply impressed, too. the critical, it not dungerou*, state to "hid* the drssentiuns ol thi* \t*ru, l»l, had bi ought the best interest* ol our country, we resolved to make an effort, at least, to fuller t/usf spirit vf toncUi ntiun then jo recently inunifeatrj \\ c • • solved tu rnt/inirmi with an attempt to unite the Ineuff' ol iclorm in aotne «t heme of compromise to b** nlterwaid* tendered, to tellovv-ctti/en* from ; the 1! tud the South. W c aooid mgl v . dieted a meeting, on the Vtli *.d November, » t the lot tv-nine mem h.;d v,7frfl J»rr*t poition ol them, who I... l*" hi at i evolution of the • <i.sUtiv\. v,., • i , ~r«*iuinending r< pi e*i ntalu»u in lip i,w... I >eh_ i 'e* *hou . J be apportioned with tega' I to white population eiiluaite ^ he discussions which took place at that inci ting, disi U.n-d the f*i t'ti ..t n f»n*i,hr<ih/r number, at l.uat, of the trcn'rrn member*, felt a derided pre ference lor the si heme of the gentle-' U,*M f*u,'t fiooclilund. The meeting ie*u!ted in the appointment of a font nr.'ter, loriMstnig u| j g<-t.t I. >,.#<■• iron. ’ io Iran*- \ !Ujjii«ny |) «t»ict at il iot* to confer, on the following da'v,‘ w ttJi those members of the fun y ni/u . .r’m icpresented the Districts' Ivii.g 'f‘w °l l‘'f If itlge—to ascei tain w hr" • on thi y could unite in any at heme of compromise which w.ut.1 be arcepta I hi- to the w ituber*, and t . t... ' poit the tcsult to a *« « mid inerting of the lot • V-lime tnembci* to h h-hf'on the lolh.witig evening. The Commit ** e vv hit h I hav e mentioned ilnl accord t llllli'l III fi ll #>...IS. .. - I .» A I lowing day. with all tin* member* lip ! f«*re alluded to, ea*t of the It dge. ev - ' < ept tin* venerable; !\x Pn *-d. nt of tl.i* body, vvbo had nn» att.vdtd the' meeting of the evening before. The result was that the members of the! f«»|-ty-ninc residing east of the Ilidge, i out tirred hi rceonnneudirg to their political friend* of the west, a eompro mi>e scheme of repretn illation evai tlv according in the actual distribution u p ivv ci, w il!i that of the gentl«man front A'beinarle. i he scheme proposed bv thoy gentlemen way, a House of he legates of one hundred and twenlv member*. and a Senate iif thirty *,x. ' I'he inembei» of the House uf l)cJt.. 1 gates to be th-di ihuted.' fifty n> the wear mil seventy to the m-it j those of tlie Senate, fifteen to the nra/and twen ty-one to the en 'f **thia apportion* ment n| representation to iPie^m un changed lid ihe year I -ii, wired, and at the expiration ol every ten >*.*!*' thei raflei, a te apportionment ol ie preserifation may be made bv Ijw- in i-*gard to the House of l)i legates.’*— I ..e gentlemen in <|ur-*!inix alsl> de*.r i d tlie ('omtnii lee t • »epur t that •• thrv vr.-re to.I to tie i oli*lderrd a* per empto uiy pledged, in any and ail event*, to vote fm the find adoption of the *« heme i ccominended, nut inerciv a. ifh-firig a plan, whirh, a* then advised, ihev were determined to *upp *i t, should n pmve acceptable to their political friends ol the went.*’ I l.e r> |m.i t w a * made to a second meeting ol the forty-nine, or a consid erable part id them, held on the even mg of the ' th. At that meeting tlie gent I < mail lion Aibematle attended, tvud explained his schema of rrprescfi tatnm. Hut a ■••ill HiMo dei.ded pre ference was by tl.i. time loanifestrd for tlie scheme otiginallv r.n laied t>» t!*<? ^riitluniMii I. " i» Sl id IrtT.ii, ti> nii, tin* tnhitt f-u*is, .•»- it c.oUtl, m ti». ot !?r! •, .»(r», niid f’e.Urttt n* •» in it in tlie .'•chat cl : ,* tit tiled 4 *>ji» Irrrtlcc, tl.jf, *•. tmi too opinion* ut *ti t • dr /"uili in* 1 u • i«- n. 11aifieil • t <• n ■ • 1 ' »* •» I* *' 11 tl t t' ♦* ■»< I;ri ! • J,p *'• in ’1 t •*• \t’.l Il.1l S l*ll f I 411 *•’ it-niai f, tny frn*n«i frnr> »• J Sat '< iilit'iiitn r tt<i>4.i)( tJi.l., tf ',0 ■ < t<5 d | Irt |,tc t't U* > ■ t < • rt .tlc.iiari fioui .\K> •»•!• : ' * v ! •* I'v *ff,f»i| to | #» • 1 • . at *i.p /iirtf t • ■ ' ■**¥* ■’ ;■• •• ■< *• *, iiiOiiinto co • t ' i t*j<. ill >1 t <• fii«-iiiit ot r« (01 m t • * < '• <>p * i.i-# in onli r t 1 t •*% , o ft 1 a< ihf, 4ti, act i 1.10 * 1 r ! .< tui • i* ntliuf' \»lii*h I < t il le.lti* 1 f»/t*i t iu |j^ ' ifivnit. r. f offi I** !.4jtt ami thi i ;o we In I mi infnj/trabtr v 1 t • > 1 l! '- t '.*»i m ¥ liuii t',rt li*t| 1W t'.fi *'«l« ,• v • • 1 »|, ti «*rt»i e to tl»¥ir • O o»r»*, *• if f»i(a omn'r tjir frrat i • ’ ft u. .;l rrfm m, ttinr * op >r» , • 1 1 .wk ir « *»!» tlirni m if ,>■ . »•.« 1 {. o-inie til l*?, to thi • i ut ot i t • 'it, mill itivi' g it a la 1 Ifil .r» tit L i> rii'iou. M ’i*t fr<v-i A K-o#t V dot pot join «r* * * piui, ,i’—j j’-rar m* ttiinli we I »«l *1 « nti 1 c* 4 *t> 1 •• j^t4 f. l-or, ba tl»i f.«:uitou* proiiii»<, i<i>ilc n t),e • it ot mnn'iMliofi. and mtW tHr%oU p j (Via** of |»roh»o»i».;* i'll pnl »4»jrt I ■ *f •oviiot tl at heart. * •• :, . >n«* »* r< r pUt'*g¥«f, vt Ml C«|t«l'i* *■*- 1 •.;» Ur*, to I i he fii *t inatauce at least, to u>>; »u:n»t the scheme wc prefeircd and in lauir "• that which we thought the worn' if the two, while it waft distimt’j under* sf<Hid that the uthei members weir not pledged to adhere to the opinion* then entertained and e*pte*»ed. It is pro per, Sir, that I should her* remark, tha* the meeting* in t|ue«timi weie held with open (Ionia, ami that there «.-i* kSfclatuni present at one or hoth of • him. 1 will add, that the gentleman fn»tu Albemarle, who hail laib d i:j ton attempt to make hik *,*..* n atcrpfablc’O t!.* meeting, wa* ui tier no mu t of pledge, express or iirnlird. to im'iid the tact that the gentleman fi..m iloun and myself I referred Ink phut to that pti posed bv tl.c grtiilett an tom *"*■ *‘ Und. I have had not the sit i doubt li.«t V,. oi'cntiorrd the lai t, • -e had a tight to «!o, to #»t• with wh, m tic ronvrrsed on the subject. And irj lai f. >n, our opinion, liom the publu ». tv of the meetings, aid the orrutn *f.incc 1 have just met:to red. n.i* nt notorious iti thi* ImuIv. fiout ?1u it rv lime ifioso mei ting.*, in tin la-| week in November, as if ,t |.Ui| bicti publisher! iti the new-paper* of Uu|,. titvnd. Thia fact 1 state, without the hazard cd contradit ‘ion. And I siatQ it. Sir, wi'li reference to a trust extra* ordinary and rr.o*t grout die - opinion, whi«h some "f tie g. l.< rlt.rn i • t otic | ill tv have ventured to expires, li at ktienuntis t fb r ts to tarry dteir •ax out ite plan ot rej ri k. t ?atlon l ad Ireen frustrated bx our indrst ir lion m let ting it h understood bv t|»e p'nilp. Itieti of the nppiuirte party’ that u ough wr nit ant »o vote for plan, „nd grv e i a faT trial, x\ e would ex i tu ix xqtr tor that of the gentlcm..!. fi.nv V u Iii.ine. II UJI wr-teiti pinn .liui.l.l lie ilpfou'i i|. .<jr. fhe nleh il .,t ue !i.ui it hi i.ur poseur to twin i al t.ur nni« ••ion, after it • ail been *o i>pn>Uj i p [>rpsitd b« In*c tl.i* ailoj t . n 11•. t. .1. t my plan av a party ii t* * r,, i% u 1 i ly r idtc’dotts. htui fb» im. irutmn th (>’\u < n us t* gratuitous m ! uuj'tui.'h♦!. Moreover. >:r, l Kill tile nr to sax, that h><vv,-vti k «• arid profou’d if »chenie of attra tr ^ in , ” (n iiticai liii’J'Miv *i e mij j ,,f it« 1 »•«. iitiei*. vvbo are tin* o jw .* v. In tin . !> stii'ute adherer rt tn «t of n- ii- .*i,,l<*t won are t i * •* iin'. t it e —bt,v* t'\ 1 r justi* b jtilr it may »crn» t%; v» :.*i an p litu, <,* •o hold out a faf c and delusive nn pressiur , in a « nnfh't ' l,- tl,,-. wl.ii I. is nor a rnnj/irt oj j , . ij t,ut d ,| finn of pi cVi r’>, c letKi J! • . • 'urtx, linth o| (I'cin at war With iue j rimi* fdt s. tl. it they . .cat, to adhrre to t'> ejr ,u A favourite «■ 1 Ill 4 e v . 111 the pn 1.1 'f breaking up t •- < . in, to ",i 01 im» lierinc it u (willy a bn. t: 1 t — how 1 .. t .no nf.ab.r it Dl l) -* e»»i In |tn n, f, -pi;j t .'ill. t’ " patriott fer.r-i of their up’to rieiit*, and turn their v,ry virtu, ‘a * a; n s t then, — J, | 1 one. hav c to.t In en t< * list (lined to » ,1 *. ; 1.1. 1 t* afi«j j.i .1C - re«, hive had no put .n them, and tr//7 ha%r none. I w. ! no?, to l*r.». I»*e a^ain<t my count.y 11.-n ar.d frllow-eit:/.fn»f it tf.ev are mv pnh*i :al opponents, the and'dev. d hostile d ploir , y. A i| f i> i'| mid, ’it-foie I di' itit) this unplr fo'int »ub iec *. that t\« Jje.jtl, from (.nadouri vud ni) 4,.|| r„uU ,t% ,MrJJ ,j vr •e- n ifn 1 ifird. it * n the c r niiuiaiKe* •f f* f ‘ •”*<*. h tv,• aided in »» e pros-cti mn of »ur1 S'1. 1 j am] drvim. Hut to rrtutn to fh- promise-del* V that pcntlrn.aa and :. v .. It i^vote 1 *r 1 hi? r oriiprwtnv . basis | by tt»e member Iron, (> « * I 'r.». d adopt rd hr the* vvfs'rrti member* t;„ ti. of Novel ' 1. | off rr.J t.t- pi*;. >. V<J. Will'll UJ r«»r;« Jrrfttl‘J'1 t .• I or.ver iOfl a* a join V//Ay / ’» ,r‘ : ni'* »-*, in tfy f~> iril t<] ram fin n r, a >J . ", f. ,/ i • r ar.r-f.fuH, f , j, t n, t •’.at £oimJ J.r'Mo-. Mr frond fmoi liO’ulnun am] »-»\%4 ti < i.i).H<eie«l it* a. •ralri! on ,,, jj ./ {‘ ■' *, r‘ ' » 'ft*. Iu*t b* a XOtr of Ml to 1*1 ,)lt ot 0 r ^et t'.cmaii Jm.ia A t»< n.41,,, pr(l%| a jin <mr <tpj) \ ,ff, MldattoA ; Ihf u ritffifi uloii f> m \ "•r < thr t .id 7 f/v - .} *• (<•(1(1, AVmI Hi<(fi* iliiitiirlt, if | <.«i| r. b» a 30 lu -4.1, rrj; f|i ,» A » »l<Jt ion ' ftried f._* the grid Jm. a a from III' Vr (Mi ff.Mi’llrtifgr, bv *1,| h M »*a« nriitiiJm! »hv M|.i.%rr,i4t *» O'll.l h't'oflfr hr apportion'd I'D f].e 1 . ft.n f./ut! In v..l : |f, ih* |f„UM. ft| 11< !fr|*i * "it tJu- bun of « (idr f-*f u I .Own, ar A .n the Sri ei«. »,r, ij,r p#,,# f f'» ifnil litimbria. | hi* wiVd err*, fn ba*r b f'» ilo't ir rb, ^ Anu l»f vt.iii.^ a* *c itul, wli’i la* imin.f .1 f, nu f*o#!* frf l‘,r*c VUItlMII, llw p’, fleirun from t.'.iHJojn »r.<| m; *r|f, had fullr perfoimed. an.J J.«d *' r»#b» l* can eider ot'irlin rrl. *>r«| fi m oat pmr.ia# to five the wrv'im plait, w’iili tor (iiMpfirviri), a fajrUialia ih * Mi Mmieirr. af<ac th .»« » >>• it «ra*rd It# 4 plat of (bin. prop,:*., 4>,d at a pfiA w> cumpceewa* \