Newspaper Page Text
you me i, Number JO UN" NELSON, tLfMI ftwd Bnt asockot 1 CEK S' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shops, NC HONS,. ETC.,! UTTl E MI8SOUfll, DAKOTA.' Priee* are Lower thai), the U!T SALOON. extive Sarkecp" LHTlE MISSOURI, OAK. rU 1 vi PYRAMID THE GENERAL (•roperies, leal «»f many year's expn •irud at lire* expert* id S mixulnf en«\ 1m KV( BV Tllixn FROB COW-BOY I ITTERSTD OUOESOQA MESH OX TAP. is Hotel SOOER Piuju I.iulc lissouri, Dnkuta. The Viom t*r Hotel of Little on sihtctit'fl close to 'he tlrftol. 11EADoUARTERS ATRLUNG VEX. Geo SERIES ILL KIN'DS, Furnishing Gocxls, Htc. ,/U.SEPJl CrSKEf.LEY TAJCI T1IS Ut.\0. jm«K SKWfh tt'RI. FI.OL*R SPECIALTY. KtSltt OK— CANNED GOODS, Saddles, Tubaco and Cigars, FELT SHOES, OVERSHOES, LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, FLOCK auil FEED. Hunters'Outfits a Specialty. In fact almost everything that onvonc need*. TW boftMw dear In Wb»lrmfa utj Br 1 tail, fad bracc pwdwuvn* bavt bfMfit ot iom prin. J. JL FREEZE, T. IL' -OF THE- I. P. R: C. CO., IEDORA, DAKOTA, HAS A COSIPLETK LDiB OF CAIA^?RfUaL' C. R. Ltos, CatOIer. UM| Vljt nntttiL I 0£ MAN DAN, DAKOTA. Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000. 1 Ulnwt mM«nTtmf Drpoaits. 1 Uwwril g*aMa| ad Kxtfamiw Bwtom ^oac. H.*LYLE, i- BARBER, Shop situated In The Elk, UTTLE MISSOURI, DAKOTA. fine Work Guaranteed^ bsLV MckEXZIE, 'urraNG. —AND— 1 READY-MADE'CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, 11UIUU LITTUE MISSOURI, BAK. Work done nefctly And promptly. MICHAEL tfNOTT* CCCPS ALL ERCDS OF IipFS anil IN UTTLC MISSOURI. 1 -XLU ALL ARK JiAOR WKWOUE. WESTERN HOUSE, PETER MALLOY. Prop., Little Mhfiortri, JUtk. Ttan»icnt Rates per d£v. $1.50. Regular Board per week, A FINE BAR connected IHi Uw bow. THE ELK. THE FINEST GOODS. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. THE PIONKF.R SALOON UTTLE MISSOURI. CnOICEHT BR-VXDS- LIQUOB8 & CIGARS. OILL. KKXyEDT. Prop. rSfp^r .nv BAD Contractor and Buildpr UTTLE MISSOURI, OAK. All Hods of Carpenter .Work -done with neatness and dispatch. RwUm* yt. Cinlnawm. -r- "f n* t:'' 'V tr:^ IJTTJLE MISSOURI, MEDORA-P. O., DAK.,' FEBRUARY 7, .1884/: Lkyris, Cow BOY, 1 BTiA.T. PAQK.UUJ. Titc Cov BoiiUaet'pabibMl (orlta, bat tn $*p»rj*tr. Admtlalac Rhmnad*kM««oaapfUotto^ RUailap AdfVrtldcnuta pajiMc qaartvrly. TnmtatAdrvfti*cia^aadaUJoiiraHc,tta» fytoiifht. Addrm all costtaa^batloot fo TMt to'tjuaii Oow tor,. XmoKl, pAKOTi. iNTRopncroiiY. ninety-nloe' b'tuidredths. of the rhlch| baT# lm stiurtccL En thf Cnitcd States ve 'do not come 'to fill .& long-felt vbnL T^i atilfrliasliipsi Uer», Uioagh already* d[?yguiitt6 prop^tloas, is 6UU In tt^ of:'uirifc Wedonotcnrncfo end. AnolherQe!d1^tai(t kaT^bee[l!mo^e, congenial. We do not come ni Ihc agent or tool of any mm'olr ket of motu "there ts.a wido Qeld for tin to cotpr, and we In tend to corer It: We do comc.'howerer, to make Rome almighty dnilars. There is ootiilo$.Hke hffDerty.and now that we bare come eat than plainly oar motircs cannot be impeached. Bat t& (alflll oar mtesloli. ^ve mast publish a good paper.* Y(*e ^rill not even bcsatis» ficd wiUt Uila. Only When crery ont Kill aebnoTvlcdge that oars la tbebestcattle paper In tjicj we be i^tl* Onr beginning rosy be small, bat' ifl&irearty Ai'mneli so as'that of many another paper which now stnnds at .the bead. TW*. then, next to onr priiicl pal mlielon, to pobllih'the best cattle pa per ia the JvorthTtrst and to prraeh' King Cattle to*all|mcu. £or the prcfent, ojir inritle pages Wu'farnhU snflBcient gen eral reading matter and our ontrtde pages will be deroted nlmottt exclnslrely to cat tie end Bad Lands iteriw.1 Cigi THE FINEST WtUSKIES In iwlltio! we are Bepnbllcan clear throoglv to the backbone, and will con tinue to be bo jkng at that party con tinues to-merit thrf esWenv of all ftUr-U^ thinKag men. bor allegianco'tp'tiie Republican partt' la 'notftuch, 'howerpr, astobUndnitD-ltsfanita In.^iUUc^aii In all elite, ire wtU'be ti T«i rearh a paytng bvL«, a newr*pap«r miuUnl 11 Lhiogrt, bo nmdneted oo liuil un« principle*. To wenre tl»e adip(toa ut thf^c principle psymenu nntM bo umK ai* pmuktitly in etvry irfhrr Uu4 urw, tliaJ e\*rry tliive wonllw nr winn er. Willi UiU In vii'w we luirnrt adopting A BKxUflcoUon «f (be "oUb la ad\*aaeeM »y*t»m. nalnrly. nwh In hand or be/ore theeodotOitti'iuuiitli* Er*ry mitaolp* tlno dial u.& paid np wttblu Uiat tinie vrtll piKUkvly l« Utkm (mm nnr U«c and what will W the *»ilncrUk«r*i« Inn will be rverladlue gal^. All will umlHvtnhd that 1h» Mllnr (a •iytW here (ur UU tumtth.a.* tt I* r*» partawj, ia» la say locolltj*, an! Uiat titViafT* an* not milllnnatre* In Al guU who it*mWr UiHr CTrlc** grnli* hn aectiunt «f their eonxtfsning lore for the editor. We might alMi add. In tbfo e«n nectiuu. tbat fHiernu* rflutlre* Imre pot mnteadrd with «*ach other t» wbn »h«»uM (umLlt i» ritr outfit "wUbotti money aixt 6.00' Uwmi |iflw" K»»iy thing ,o galley rack wax huoght si ll* licvt type («*cutdry fn iTA mtone llkr« to U« iiimmM. Wand nr tn Ibe t*nitvd We Krny»*«-U»-r can tlir ilHiyiiux I dnn raU'H* liy ctinihic t«« tliv atBre trlih tbe «jlKrtli«tl'tn prlf»»«w luuidtag tt ti u* anywher«. If a i«utncriU»r i«Ih«iI| liappra tit be out «f r»* It our Milwrttier* will act «i|»»n th**t (acV atal tl*i» avoid a:iy m*eiMhig lark «f NuOdriMr t»n mtr part by stopping tbe paper, it «i1tl greatly »bJtg* the eilllltr aad etihann* g»»ri ftvUng im both •••/.\ beforehand and Interferes in aow*yiri^ the annhal rwmi-nik 'KveiT cattle should and, pnt^ably.wiU, atrangj business an as'to be preeenti'. &ci should tjiink o' iom? matter,thai nwii consideratipn, tl'-uik' ltorer«reCallyaad be prepared With 6ds and flgnres npoo It This will aTtii^ tbc ioss of ^xn^an& Waste of ijind that usually attends th^ bigianing ot' an Organization. Enbugh important inattori%in come tip to pcco py.ali' the- tim^ i^t jeaiv be giteuio lk% meeting. This brgtixfxatloii will bie In the course of tiino, if. not at onc^ i«ie of he.strongest 1u theKocthw^All then should attend theoptaingmttting:whlen will be li»w »t Llttla Uiannrl, Ibe S8lh' ot Ihlt.iiiontli, at 101: ic Tlteraarem In the Smoky there.'liiTt ,, JhereiJa-VfefUnglaThnng aljetcjof oirc eattH men .that there are ^no^h '.. by new .oiuers :4ft bring, cattle to- tlili point jshonld" be dliiedbrag6L ITe in happy to state that this feeling la not by any means -nn(Tersa).- Brery man .Who In here now has Jds^ range, whieh will not'.he interfered with in any -way -by new stock raisers. There is an ab'iinr dance of unoccupied land and an increaa^ in the nnmber of cattle and caHleialsera will work .to .the odrantage d^all eMi Ccrned- Ifthe B*i Lands wcre NlI of cnttlc. it Would not decrease tho pdcetas the denuind is Car in adranco of the snp ply. WcM comes from EansaS: tliat the cattle Bectioni tlier^ are oyeretockwli and tlie cattle men th^re are looking to Uie Xbrthwe^t'for relleL': To ail these-We Would ny, come. S There isj ptOjtj of room, and yon will be made weleoine. Frodx tho ar£iele4 in some of aur chabg^ .lt Would i«m Uiat iaboui' tto only live topic thoir^ton had Wu tlut of lying Uwut UU4 Ulnqurt Aft ktrta. of Btoriesjarebeingi published, themiid cstonesimpiying that Uttle'UisRourils ilin of thiovds 'jK id cuttlurjAta. How thisfidca got about ore at a lam to,un dorauuui* Then, hi i. beea but one' ai tempted robbery hei ?, and uUt cufe Wii perpetrated^ by'a tra 1r who was iQKor^ ercd iu'lhoact anii'G -deritl toledve town Immediately, wliich he did.. Van from bclorthflharOeit.t ^'UttW'l^iMixrt pcacnlol Vone is ton be' found ou tlie Koithent E idfit tf tfur exchanges would hare the nan! ood to pablislt ortt cles in reierchc to I [t^ Ubwiori whlch arcniadonp ird teas alone It Will 4h0w that, h«jr liaVr rV|(lll (V MS truth whlrh m«tr* coau»dabl» than eoo». men among thedu re and ofit-^pokrR la mr opinluaa^ \Vlu*ucv»r wnug cununtttM will Ktrum* with alt uur fwlil* jntght tu haro It righted. To rani np. wv intvad tn publish' thr best paper tre can, sparing uo expense In that dlmetW* h# we are conQdmt that tt wf II be Ma*breadc&Hupuothe 1 BATTLE8XAKB OH TOAST. Atypical coWtioy, treah iron hia betil, weni Into a Cbeyenr chopJiouM. tablN were |alt fillvd with the eicep tlon of nue. at witleb tlte terror of the plains ecated" UltuwlL As he paUed off his hat and' antied frit red bandanna handkerchief from around his throat* ha linked disdainfully araoad. The stable wid tor brushed an imagiasry bread crumb Emm the eloth, whbkad a bill of fare trocu the jeastor. awl plaeod tt before tlva f^allve and uutamed youth. water*.". It will return before many day* In Ibe nhap* «it tlin«e mate almigbty dullar* of wUrb *r liit* pm-l»w*ly l» A Wimn TO (IT'R SfOSCRinERK Taka awayf he aaaried. 1 eau*t eat that I want rattlesnake ou tnastT b. (ur »»t all kiud« at tt»* bigbe«t mark* prbv wilt Banlesaa^e on tnstr yelled the' waiter. S- lUttlemake no toast responded the emit. ', Thm was aistraage flatter among the gueetn at thin strange order, and (tit evw Uy was «cannel by many eurlntM eyes. He t»4ac«l a Uttle d!scpie*rtfd at baring hU (irder so prnmptly taken, and glanced furtively inward lite (mot nf the hooae. He «aw the owb aod waiters engaged tn Oiling order*, and Inoldog ss noteaaa as graveyards after midnight. He apsnmeri a nonehaleot air and pieked his teeth with Ids fork. fidr*. We are clad to* wee" that Mr. Howard Eaton l«» takeu Ibe Inltlatlre in tlie oso tbing tfcwl In wtw n»«*t fuipnrtant in onr rattie ai«*n. NW u» tlw »nh)efi at a cattle onrBnitatb«. In another rnlnmn will be fuui»d tbe rail fir a latv-tliig. Tktu a matter 4 vital latere* in rtwy Mnck nan of tlw Bad Landf. frthJecU enntitHujUx enme np tia*. idwNibl bewt UeU bytue vnii ot cattle nen. At pnwnc dim bi no nr gaolatkm. ami each man tmint decide all next loo* far hlmeelf. There weft A ciMtk deftly removed the skin from a pickerel, sod cutting a atrip tlie proper chape, placed It In a eplder. Tbe waiter wbo tuA taken the oitlir came trlpptag back to ibe* bold buccancer uf the pampas Will yon here your snake well done or rare r* 1 Rare with milk gravy no it' Olmtue that snake raTe--mllkmry nn tlie side." was ^alUvd tu the Cook. cook -Snake rare milk* gravy—eide,' •hunted bock -Say mid the bnvlne eteerer as the waiter pawil him. "I'll take it well 4*ae.M to Mnke It well done." Make it taken in (Kjwnt. Ilk* are a* f««l a* th^ mnoey.a:Ht b-vf hld««will be Uwigtit hi UU^'way f«c twi«ty-Ar« a pimtxl. (mm flu* t*i Mirra reol* i»re tUaa can (nmIMt le r**»Ui*l furtlu-iii In oA. well done." was answered hark. The lariat wTestler began to grow aerr ut The carrlewsexprewdna had left his fyrf, sud a mft, aubdoed, metnaeholy shade had taken Its place. Ito fidgeted In his chair, aad seemed to be nsrriag himself for an ordeal. ffre yna are, sir," astd tbe eitllaary Ganymede, placing a dish in which was anmethinjg nicely called, which looked like a fried ipcctmen ti. When the waller was dellreslag hia *elf of this eulogy on tbemeai tbe Met driver slowly shored hia chair bade. Ills eyes bulged ant aod lie became pale around the gills. dsn'l Utah Ifl eat the mj«iriiy uf oar if bo oe«d at reeapitalatius 1b* lUt «*f- benefltv that arill arUe tnvi tM»nrganixziiluo. They are patent tu all. Every *t*k man oiuat be la taror «f It and bene* we look for a targe meetfag nest Feh. tk Thia date aa exrelteat «wv it girt* plentyo time •'*'k £Sy *& Si JrjS: [TSSEANGC. isa. About Xtraiiit Ia4y( lluuif.'fi^l rtrtft '1' «title w*re paitureiia j... 1 •wi,wn'iaa^gqt- POOL v'i i^r bMavrtpsHi^iitoit' 'InlttJ TU« In. one u( tbe finnt grata Bfriloni ony*hfrt) to be found iiid. a taw *111 In fortune tu lU oTTOerii South Wedci' lj .rlwUiKl'to be'ltbe iiMt.gieat fni^nt'oicl.tKa *oclil. It ^stiinatd tliat ia two ycin* from Dow thaythf cdttle IntliflArgentine &^»ttr«Uoi!wlll ttumbir2«j^0(101' Wiiut iSW®!*) it 18^7. nioua inermn niinilwr n('dittle hai bhmglit towi) Uie prte»(» that good Ilcirn asi:Brau« S fiititMn nreaelllnf »t |4' to LItb Stock Joiirnil. .. I ilwrt juSJ ta thfi Uealth' of iiaim&lj nur .be jOtUTl miita l^.tefllaf ibelr palw.' liia:ii(iiat, «ntil:'o( tat'itfMi( lmt'jiitiak i^Srliiift fcrij tinwa |nUfteV in.»»,oi.: flftr io ThcfeoppMrataboneqixcatluaUatt. Ulniau will b.|l«« matnUSncd. tvemaa It utural, bat do not an- tbe genus crota^ lua.1" Have a little Wicwtct ssoCe (rives a very One daw. Boas folks like mnArooms with their snakes. Others prefer Chili enlorow. A little draping don't ge bad. There^ vinegar and olive ell in tbe eaSter. Will yen have tea or eeffeet 'Very flna snake. Caught yesterday. Fat and tender. at anything., ain't hungry.'*' be said, asks ruse unsteadily) to his feet Cor his hat lb}hf yoo*(f prefer brtM moccaito.1 Insinnatlngly ewggeated II waiter. "S«,' he replied: as the aehea dlor deepened onhb faef," ain't a bit hnagry.^Hi a ume d* asecksr flanee at tbe [lAbehader- to -have mattecs which will come np for. A *red. aa! made a VTaak ilbedqor. Oa coailderatiea that dme, comidend forget tn'psy st tbecenn ec." MpPWii MP ttwcattloas fatoiahK aa«mp 'ta&aft does this yiar. weather. RMrrta frA'all qnaWi^ ^Ue^ift.^ U»re *ilt IN iifdt dC i^S§C .vtola Wett'loacaf* In Uu atoiik?bi&! -TBE report* tint b«n conttidlrtwl. Xa W W O O W I Tin? Elo|inWt& SooOtni niams iDdthereieeina tobogreatpalnneartiw' :l iScirt ^ihe4,aBietejl cattle dio'lnalwui 1 oh or '. Pianee ta' ahfad'ot Grent Britaln.ia cattle and hdgi, and behind In Bheejvtfeii Agues being ai followi:: France Kaa llV LTHttBQ catUe,t,750,U» awiho and MjBOQ, dOO. iheepJVffTWt Brital)i lias tmtaap :e*tUe, ^5nrMK)0 Bwlne and' l«h(«p.-^CK. W. Live'Rtock /onrnlL ,:: b^Bn^^^ -Tliere. tea prospect of a^ ayndlafU-of 3t tools, and*! fCans^' gent^emen' secur iig a iease oC a largo tract orgfjixiiig 11 iikoted':^^ und lnitlie liidiaii terrltoty zibVCar fnan Viiiif wmvm ZjagrfufexdsSkii tluui Mran^r: bar mora tiur dgliljr. iar ordinary health*' Itmaybo UAimhtxitrir, 4'Xwge' ortj^^osaa'a Inni^-Vrin^'taiM' It Kiferierallif -felt on Uie^cbWiWhicli ®7^lf Mi lower iiw in front of the earred position or tn tho bon^ ridge abore the eye, and tn cattle orer the midtUeot Qte &ras<fU- In sheep It la, perltapa, easier to place the hand on the i|£i side, whore tbe heating of the heart may bo felL A rapid, hard and full pulse in atockpetnts to inflammation and high fever a rapid, small and wedk pulse also to (ever, but to Cerer accompanied by a poor and weak eta(o at tf&WiSKi yjagaB^siBtei mtssaSBlm health and can no Ujng* give 'pfeisqaal'. attention to- his* vslhiMe stable, which consists oLtwehty-aKz-^knaaOgszs atTih tndning, thi ^UooMlMtng-J&tf^ien and little firown JUgJ JTohi 'Flood,' Who Wai^i time ago*jr John L. any man lb the wyilj tot hie sboeUer.\ .fli pcWeri to vah, tint If they metf wii^t1bsr^any. ef^clal preferences tatsipinO'tiiaef the subject. A very alow poise In stoek will often be found to indicate brain rtlaeaao, while a lumping and Irregular pulse shows thing wrong with thp heart Forthf ceknlng\ rsees, to be held ln%leaaa, eJ^rgte%. of entries has. been niwnTnafeg thin for The Idea nrefalis fn manT narts of the aayotharjaeeUageTer.hlridlntbeHalted Tha'cqtrtoa^l! «to^ fa..--|«» range cattle in the Korthwest daring the leoted np a grand Itta) of winter acasoa Is very great—sulfidesUy Tlfnaus kgalu defeated Sc^isifeT in thO so to render tbe boaiitae extra hosardous. hUk-tine bUttard' toutnamint in- Iwt. The following otstecnent may act as an To do tt be-bad" to play tho Anwtgajae'ef eye-opener in the matter: Late In th^ hlUlards thalwaa e+er playtdi flcliiiafrtr fall of UMI. T. J. Allea drove ttjQOO head himself surprtrfng oll pmioits^qoeMs. of Texas steers into the Niobrara rtrer Tha ecore si the dose of (he tottraa&aiit etiuatryakiat the Unc dividing Wyoming was: Vlgnaux^XOUOi Sobttfer^l^fl from }ColnAa^ Two Uraoaand of them l^tesalary Ibdalonetof t^«bahjgUyere. turned nn the range far the wtnlec of the CniteA titaiee reetiiei Marly a" mlgathered tlie nest year, Out of the mQlien noliars. tlds'ti"Aostrhkll'the. twiithnnnnd lw{[trand and took to mar- expense of running Cbe elhM.. 'Baae.nall- kctjall but ihirty-flre bead. Since that by thestrthgeat rules applied tpplajoqi lie haa fnond (mtrtoen head of the bsa rfaea frsoa amere'tool (rfgaafWatsta one^ leartng hut twentymos be ebe o€ the bsst and ttit "nirri^ h.wwt lostjcmt of two fhounnd. ajhade oror aporta la Aai^riea.. one per cent Ur. Alien baa had no men on the range since Nfc gathered his stack In IfBt or hs undoubtedly woold have Cattle' i»Jofitah*.'Ln. fnond ingoueO. There' Th^^ai^t^^jr^get^ly^ :. ''l of the BMI ..... are other esses wfceif equally as good Hercd that stock tattle' si to wings can be made.. This does not, reached thOlr «riniin (MfUka,.MV ,. lank Ilk. .n-Vxtra tunrtom" bualnMa, Mtorta) 4«i(lu.«» H»«a, [X.W.lire8to^k JouinftL tatUaowntnhail.fatf'jt bwl eatUo. tlita ranllUoa «t aOMn *™2™S •rnwld vnrillr Uiag atoat a obU. 'tewhyaj. x»nr:ge«ijot Ml»|r, nota tmnl any other hmrineaa 14*Tailed» Jj^unndaoLauaH'. TOM ol prim Wc do not Ix- tba«lll.b« to Jlero tt pmslMe that Oils condition of of* 10 7 ttrt|ial« Uiat tua Mttltug nTlprtow oC ttau.cTBr MteT).cjTiaww^paplj ranga oaU(r irtll rMolt in amaoa 10- baiaavneat to anjtMdr. It tha IKtcaa an tn» hlfti. th. growtti the jtnpger am tlia tha^Mt racklaaa naukoxM [UiCaTtJnibl. condition* tint na tnattar what priceor wfcaj.troakaol t«4 lodnn, am aooooiltaM, (aa doat %U grow to. tha doriraA mark.-£B«««rt Oaiatta, Ckkag^l S£- ant- mala *111 mow Uiaa rampeoaala for tb* y™ j-yil?1?JPffS •UOanoMtana Uk oU« oa* *Uh IMr that t»M*uga*cuaf tnenaw at mr prica whloklna, 4. eallcil lagjtlnatr. frtll M.Aartb wOm mam Car tHMwIaali «Ub, «^|b» tnora. Wty_»^»3l nit lakreaM ara ntcit IMnnanra. That* la apaadUUt tliat a attUlng 'ot irfcaa "a» aay tojiiaiiMa... wlU nJinlltfil. a nHldf ot aaHrjgafaJ prattaE tt.t laatxcnUailtTottlioUrp- oa*patl4i.wlU 1 alnlr Ma 8iU tfifi&i dtMMailU on taagi idu W] liartta» 1 irtock ti^uMwUleli liaaaatad4lio—niHa boa tan*mp«Q aM ttraagktiniaeaaaaat —•-Uxpili lftll„wlea(ia' ingdau lb. nl^« AndmxSSSS'&ateil CtaulMj amoa ta a Oita ti^alin. 'wraa matcti at Jfaar Orfu'ln Wl CtawoJ wm tt* tab. |a •taaqbi iO(,«I' and UiMdM M.iiUl,)MM.|linw atnifgt.teOTaIU^,Mtaj^._, jMrttnMltiqgJ .•- I" •riKi