Newspaper Page Text
WHP-0 Mi *4 iV th fiv ./Jh fh W, KW III it HSP^ I'-'f r^- 'Vt Volume at,. Number ?a* CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, $SS foS? ^a Hats and Gaps, r-/rn Boots and Shoes, 1ii§ NOTION S|f EXC.^ II jj&maKtumL VlMl'TLE MlSSOrRI, »AKOT A. Prlees arb Lovi6r tlwfo a 1 SALOO "I (StwSc-" »-wh ,r 'fFfigtiye Bdrlci&p LITTLE MISSOURI, DAK. mm*. ^f^tde Missouri, D^kota.g ij zfc:yjf «*i 'A-ii |'f The Pioneer Motel of littU I &0r4 Mwsouvfasvhttiteft close M,t *3s^i» to the depoi. ,1% f-vV. f* S,t HEADQUARTERS FOB TBlVKLLTUG, MEK, «-(3sUS!I fe*s&3®ai & pill§l mm* Tr ij:| Rfc. oo., «U£ mt^JUL^BAKOTjl,^ KMSfr- HAS A COMPLETE USE Q^1 rtM Lowest. jj?p waiS -J* Im mm FELT SHOES, i:- -VOVf—— I.J. K# I Furnishing Goods, Etc.- jgSHjPp CVSKELLEM -f 'iTAKBS THE liAU, ,'VS -V«* if y*S ilTTLE KiaSOUfil, DA c' T'l-':- 'n f.xhy r/ OVERSHOES, i^^sxoQyar »v f* wl •MiMr BOOtS ILND ^HOES, S -r/^ c? sffflSgar^ ,V! t•%-•»{• t|frfcis^L/ J•»« LITTLE ^SSOJJRI, MEBORA: THE GENERAL Bad LA$&ffEcbr Contractor and/Builder ViM UTTLEJVIISSOUBIiDAl^l® All kinda^of ^Gaipenter Work .dOiie wlth §^eato68^&nd diepa^L: Besldence at Cttatomneni T. IL 8xucBS. PreBjdent.v S TL 1/roif b&fibler.^ a aL Lahg, Vice President. PST NATIONAL BAffi OF MANDAN, DAKOTA, 1 -s ,-r-MI/jM' flaid-up -Capital,$^05,060 SJ- r,Surplus, $}o,ogo. sl __ Bulking ftnd Jfccbu^a Bosmefe do® 'AM'fVttMtUk 'nofcwIia A .ffi(^^XiinAw0*rMru'«t LYLE. $ a^ggiyv^ &™%m «3-5UTt1£ MISSOURI] QAKOTA. •, LITTli MISSOURI, DAK. Work'done neatly anil^romptly.^ •0%! READY-MADE CLOTHING," V, -x.Ttv 1 Wines, Lipors and,Cigars, Wmf ^4-iAlX ASE MADEr,WEL?OME.Wri *"1- In f^ct almost ev^tything thai fc-*' '^"5 ft anyone needs *HSr-r: vv tm &£&/* iaisa -si- »vf& Bl A.T. ^^C^porUs^pil^hratorf^Dti^Xor $9jeryear 4%T -i/'Ve?"' Advertudiiff Bates Standing Adverttnoments. payable ipuHerl^ rranslentAdvertiMmeii.tB a&d aU Job work, won ey la sight, AddrosaaUcx^nimnnlcitioiie^^f--./-.^ The, WorthemJf^dfic^. Land rant ^rfeit^di ~jgi 4 River Open' no morereServeo lands! WRt 8ij*i BARBER Ther^xlsaTeryw^li^arithenticatedrtt fflor tlmt TOngress ^hJB pagsed a bUl de^ clarlng the land grant ot the'Northern Pacific ^est of the' Missouri river to be forfeiteiC pils hewfjwill (ireate'a neater sensation, and ^Ufi^erbbom for*"the Northwest thanvh&si«rbr. hitherto Iteen eiperltofid. Orie jflfjthe greatest draw hactawfettUngpntinsnrveyed land^was that after ysars' of,lahor the^and^ght Horn onito IbS reilro^il la)id. There is a proviso to[ tM billwijitih baa nndonbtwl- ^SfS'iiiSS Fine Work flnaranteed.^ mm Jk "1-SiEI ^ghts 6H^noceit imfcll&sera from-the ra(Ifoa({ Smpany.fto one who has aet nnlly taten po^^ftfof laud t»pght o| fto.railroad.^viU'liiS timllne4'in 'anyway. Jf JIie law lias actually passed, it Will ^eSnlfe in iirtr great^t ,lflaimJ ^nmpin^ flcene.ofl'r FEBRUARY ^i^f&ilf' **&<? of^tcre? of for entry iM gfcfoiext three dayswiU witness sueKa#«ip le for Claims froni Mndanlt^Pomaiia'^s will lay tfie Bis^ nmirck bo^ltn cleW in the jA|d«f ^altAff*nn vti«aA.'v -ffiKW^Sr- ^Clie latest reptfifa fkoifl tWflhion,th Hundreds of Loused liave been swepj and Personrfb forced ta ^epwidr 'On^oh'arity.-i 'But few grainsTanirun in^,JtoflwaU'flnd the Soffie^Kgos aon^, j^JaSrttfte river are ontlrely under water. At last than tlio oidinaiy fftkiani Si"1* paper The Bad LAsob Cow Boy. We i".3ft!^S i!V'i« SS«iwii sSS '-fi&SSS'i'i •it"the end of the flftli jWar Mil tUre&iuid four-' |be frand eter^n'herevbn flfltWMltfc-? Mif.tiA.''^'lhltfL»iAwai^in)Wli'i imsm Money in Cattle. |fi Xt^lDKto be a^ niiSisirated fact theit the vcattle busine88u yields larger and snrer.r^tnrnsthan anyother boslnesdin the world, toordinary- bijfliness life'the mercSant Js gatJflfled with ten to twenty Jier^ cent. and if these pTOflts are sure the' bnsiness is considered a godd one^ Bnt i(S make ajiet profit Ot teV to twenty per «entth6mereliantfBitjstmakea-gro68 profit of fthfirty to forty-fits j^ eent. »nd Aen. her.has tojcnstle hard: torv£ market. Bent^ help hire^loas on .goods held 'over, -and^fiom handling, and fifty other ex penBesnecessitateve^ clos&.'figuringto jnake.any profit at'alU, ,, Look at the difference in the cattle business.. ]Bzorbitant charges forvrenf pre reduced to nothing at alL The loss1 j*t» muula Ivntn linldttiM vMt y^* -jJ®11r.4iliA'rmAvAliant'a ®e merchant's goods from lv)(Uiig -4 —J??- orar aiwther yea? l8«x»etty yrbere the 5 MORE RESERVED LANDSr pnrftti»fTfte cattle maaarises. The Sal- atff list otthe merchahtand'^toekinan is. the only'point n^on- which thfeir- Ex penses bear any gelation to each other.f Bnt right here we mvsTadd that outside salary and food ot the^cow boys and the food^.cf the hones, the expens^ of run ni^ a'ranchefiu matter: how,lar^,Ja ara«t, nothing SJverytliing pays for itselli^n the rahqhe. Nojhtog ira dead loss. Wer have prepared a table with the^as slstanceof^xperienced eaitlemenwliich will open the'eyes ot many as to the prof itsintottlera^g.^Welmvecomputed the profits .for term of seveji years only as beyond that they Wonni ug so rapidly tha|.itisalmostbeyondcredenc%:Prof its beyond thet8flve*iL years ctui e&sily be floored with pb gnidanctf ot the'' table and each" can satisfy himself. ^The. rate of increase is nhuost «quat. ^o a problem in geometriteirflrogresrioji'fUt Temipds one of ..the story of |he blacksmith- who waff to receive acent W the first ndil in a horse's shoe, two cents-for th« second, four ih» third and so on for all thirty two jituis.' We have several1 reams of Wank papei ^hich w6 wilt sell aft cost pri^to.thosedMiring^toworkoutthi^ problem. .. let as start ,ttm wifii^dnd we find that this,w)upttfchase 1,000headof yearling 'heifers-anff put^em oif the range. Thron^hohtt we mil^figure that tvyo-year-oldswIU fifty per cent of •Skives Md.thrSe-y«ir-oia8 aadoverseven tVrBvene^enti^Thinltwfllhfl HAAirlo* WJ »:PiVi^?s wmsssmmst* SbiisS H-tC W. cc tc Stegc mmmmm call' to mind-? mmE®§@g3 HM 1 mm Ion of alHatUe rimeevWth^tU^aUqyertt^ mm wi grand foUl wm the Bad XAnds'ia this the ease. The losses very rarely go ov^r oue per cent and ihe prqfitS are as we have stated. Muiy cattle men report that they have not lost a solitary ^head. This is why we claim that ara money-making business, cattlp is' king, and also thlt this 'is the king dittle ttmntry. fjS'fes&ssaa-—4|M, vTne rongjlooSed-for paper firbmxlttle Missouri, has made:, its appearance and te bright and newsy.but a feeling of regret permeates the micd of every one who sees itiOVer the iU-spunding, horrible name chosen for ift** The editor cannot be. so staidly blind as to: be. unaware ot-the. fact"that throughout the East the name •fcowboy" is looked upon. as a gynonyqr for lawlessness and cusseSntes in its most active form, and the "bad lanjs" ha^6 ever Ueen regarded as barren and: desolate in the extreme. The namg of the taper willsbe looked upon as. fin evi dence ot the ruling tharacterlstics bt the town in wliich it is pnblisbed, and ta: eastern eyes it means all' that is had, lawless and desperate."—[Bismarck Tri bune. "Maquis de Mores is arranging tor a liQe.orfitages.from his new town Metfora, at LittleUMsonri, to the Black Hills. He has ajso iiidaced a tendorfoot newspaper man to. start a paper there, to be called The Bad Lisps Cow Boy.j* Thanks All.we ask now is1 a compari son ot The Cow Boi and The Helena In dependent, the 'paiper from which the above, was clipped, and an unbiased opin. loto as ^o^cho^,"getting there." ^ftapwy^ent-ia Live stak.^ /The consfani dropping"of water will .wear away marble,-nndi the lessons o£ Uveafecltviian irpiwjrbBuy'isito^.u] ^^Kxdftfding -.tlt&r 'or.wlUch kiiowii' and the reuudnd?#, constituting what there'may jw'in^the^iiiifiyi'sioWaBinefr higher quality than it did a tew years: ago nnd every farmer is to-day richer by far be cause of the influences 'of, blood and pgencies to 'wh}ahf he gives'bnt slight credit" Graces, anil the g^ades o£grades io the/tenth generation—lit&erdroJs of ^od blood,-diluted over aud'«ver agnin, JbutHeVer lost—have been making tlioir influence felt, ramifying and reaching through thousand8^otdividingand.inler ^ingchi^el8,t)iegr0atbodyofnative Uve^fltoekt. aodi. luting ,tffe, whole to higher blane." The proct&g hasTeen slow and the results/ meagre," compared to WhatwouldVriav0 been the ease had ad X)int»ge beettM-wywhere taken of^pure- bredinniitiUs forbteeding ptirpbsesjBiit, neyeOTel^irthegaaTOn^ mo^t g^i^iitg: ^^^d jiite^iR&iiages are ap^rent whe^6ydr',fe pure ciws heto,appr^ch newr the perteqf 8sndard, ibefettuse. of this undei-current of.good Mood, widening and loi^«sh(ffld W"m facttha^ :»B1,240 mmmmmmm j.-i'"®* Mhfinofla.nw-vfWKiM: Mil g^^BaWB Ifvte?'?-V-- -"v. :.i 1 The above is from the pen of T^asty Adainsy-Erinceof 'Smut, who IB at present editor ot the "Bismnrck Tribune. For the opinion.of an.alleged paragrapher who constantly Reviles ,the feelings which' 4honldbehe|a-as'md$t sacred we:hateap opinion &r beneath contempt 1 •f5?Av£..*-$i. *$&&&&, hb^A irA- Price $2.00 per Year. andtherafsingofmulesissoeiceptioj!. (hie thing is eatt&In, the dgmarii for' moles is yearly increasing in-the .West* ondthat a mule'wlllhot costaa mucit fo raise as a stew, while a thre^year-old mole will generally be worth inorethai^ a thre^year-old.steer,^-[Kansa0:CJty tes' S.Indicator 3" i& 4 SPORXiye NO«B& and 3,000 bones are aan, yellow Umiet'a&.T'*1" i'v "'*^1 W^H. Cr^t Iptely, aceomplisWi task pf walking 802 mii^r ia/KX^'bMuw fw}thotrt'sIeepv& 'TJie^, Pittsburgh Stfcfeuan /estimM^ •"Over 1/100 t&tfaps are being trained at Newmarket, England, to the tprf oventa «C the coming sen&h* The ma jority ofjlls w}t (?)"is made np of low flings at women'a&d the rest is'madenp of abusev He has roade, The Tribune the. cla£ who enjoy such in uendwat'the fair name of woman, but at the'sftme t(me has made it totally un fit to be clrenlated In any pnre household. We only pnblish the article as thank offering that-^e have not obtained Tiis approvals That wonld .be a far greater: corse than we could l^ar. •1 The largest eel pond te Amerfea is at $ pnt in several yeaw ago/ atd now then are mlUions.)^ A fairy sylph by the none of Beard will play the coming- season with the Qniney base-ball* clu^. ^H0,«t4nds sixt Weston, the pedestrian, has completed halt of his iask la England on his walk' lngiind lecturing tour. Some time ago he had completed hip twenty-flve"hnn dredth nlil^tLiverjwoJ," So many hunters are engaged in kill ing alligators for their teeth and hides thit it is feared that theyjwill soon be come almost «xtiAet. Tlie greatest de mand for their hides is Jn France. A base-ball employment bureau is the- '«U?j latest thing in that,line. -It vyilldoubt--lw v.^' less be a success, howaver.aJi it furnishes a ready ehnnnk ot communication be tweefla club brneed of a player and the player who, is wanted, ,, Mprwin Thompsonj pt Cleveland, m Feb. 5, knocked oftt Jack Stewart, Cham-, pion of Canada,'in a three-nrand-,glove' .j fight, Thompeop's friends ax| jubilant and want to back hfm for any anMunt^o it Johfi L. Sullivan. Mf&S idgm^i :fij W0 -,.-.' The Italiaa government has poK2#d0i soyereigns tot the English honq Scobell Lake George tuts been successfully re stocked with tnrat from S»th. Green's ff il.performed jiBb graMest B^ifipg featfever Hmmn-. plished in America. His altempt vras to beat all existing^ records from ^e^to twenty-five milest ^It^was a Complete ^ccess. He made his first mile inr S minutes, 34 3-5 seconds 6 miles in 19 minutes and 10 seconds, and 10Joilesd%d 39jninutes,J-7 8-& seconds. ^#1 Speakfugabohtcowboys.SamgtewMt,'" known from Montana to OM Mexico as "Broncho Sam," was the chief. His spec ial delight was to break the warlitf» heart of the vicions wild pony of Am, plains and make him the servant of mm. There may be joy in a wild gallop across the boundlesetrPlains, in the cr^f* in^rningi en the back of a fieet broncho*/ but when,you ret^m. with your ribs sttclrfngttjirijagh your Test, tuid find that yonr nimbfe: steed^Kas returned to town two hours ahead 0t yon, there is a tinge of sadness about it all. ot doing aU theriding liimself. He would- the howe to ride him. ABifa'fechiess moment'he ottered ten pilars i^k he Mtid in^ '^^riWeU,he,cymbe^ the con«l gate, ai^d astod.the ithw.boyB i^As the jgteer passed ont, Sim 'slid dow"1^® his. around- that high-headed^ broad hpraed briiie, md' he. todd m^^ffl^^^ :tedted- aniiM feU::doTO on ttiS bttflSti^ It'tookSam four cb^rs to wUk'Mek. A tefedollar bill looks as laige to me as tte- ^4^gi^^boain^ ^etiin^: ^ntthktiBaQa iBniTO ot.^Mlth!t|^ lMd not ooermedto me^ rg rather ride a buek-e#,w at two dol lars a'day and founcL—[Bill Nye. tothe^pb^leadven^^ the b^tphe of thatel^'wekncwl^ ^elght-pageweeUyUveStortlndi cator. of Btasasi'Citjr'.'Bi market '•aa nr 7i fr 1 2| I '. .. i' H/ By, special arrangement We cap, for/*