Newspaper Page Text
%v OF* fi ife- ITs-'--. t$g2&-v S®fr rff 1 -1 m- S3» &*• 6r 'V Jk '^BAD LANDS COW BOY, -T ip? Pi 1 fe At Bl A. T. PACKARD. r.) THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1880. Northern Pacillc Time Table. WgBT BOUND. Pacific Rxnrera,No. 1.........r ..6:45p.m. Express bre»jjlit. 8d (jltes..,.....,9::jf»p. m. Mi wgbt,8d Class., ..,•. ....11:40 p. ju. EAST -BOUND. Hl»ntJeExpro8H,No.,2 8:3ft a. m. Express FwlirhL Jkl ulaea ............i,6:«0a. m. Freight! 3rd Clues.... 2:55 a. in. D. YV. WILLIAM*, Agent. Northern PaciGc preferred stocks, Gi% common, 29%. Dr. lleber Roberta is now practising in Livingston. .. Alex. McKenzie of Bitsmarck spent sev ,erul days in Medora lust week. Mrs. Jamea Foley and two slaughters returned to Bismnrck Tuesilny morning. Tiy Sanford, Dickinsou, tor Holiday preseuts. John Norria, wlio formerly cooked for 6111 Kennedy, has opened a restaurant in M. M. Coleman's building. Chas. 9. Eaton with his'wife and wife's mother will spend the winter in Mandn. Tlier h&ve already gone to housekeeping. Thoa'i using tlie river as highway have lately found a-great deal ot difficul ty at the crossings. Down the river the water is betweon twoand three feet deep "on the old ice ilnd where the regular crosilng is broken it forms almost an impassable barrier.. A wrestling match'came.oft at the Senate, Moml&y niglrt. between Jim Hayes and W. Wall. Each contestant er.rned a fall and the tlurd round being undecided, the contest was declared a draw. Stockmen should remember that there is no better or more appropriate Christ mas present that llioy can give than a Bet of round-up views. Tlie set of thirty six cost only $5 at the Cow BOY Orders by mall promptly filled. Warrants have been issued for the ar rest of Hsnry Williams and Jack Tisdale as accessories in the case against George Myers. As tliero is no doubt that Gporge will, be found innocent, Williams and Tisdale will of course be cleared, Wil liams is now tinder bail. Chuck full! Awful fullII Never was as full in all my lifelll Am getting ful ler every dayllllll Oh, how fullll!ll*tt||§ It is glorious to bfr full, but then I want less full. I don't feel good when I am-so full therefore buy some of my nice Christmas presents and I won't get full again till just before nest Christ- Tngq MAI SANFORD, Dickinson, Dak. The "society event" of the season will ^ome.oft Christinas,, when "Van" and "Nltoh" will eat an Oyster mnteh for a Silver cup. The one eating the most oysters will. wln the cup. As "Van" re cently ate six dozen raw after a full inelll, it looks as though the odds wpuld fator the gentleman from Holland. lift. Sanford, of Dickinson, has been adding .largsly to his stock in the following new -lines: $400 *worth of silverware, knives, forks anil spoons, napkin-rings, -children's cups, castors, cake dishes, abutter disliesT berry dishes with fine cut glass bowls, clock1), watches and jewelry. ,8end a .postal card to Max Sanfoid, Dick inson, Dak., describing what \ant and I will send it immediately. All goods can be examine^, if necessary, at the express office before paying for them and returned if not found sstls factory. •te All kinds of wagoii extras for sale, in cluding double and single-trees, clevises, .-.wenches, neck-yokea, 'lock and stay chains eto. k* T* Packam. To close'out the stock of Stndebafeer ^jjragons now on hand, I will make prices ''J- for cash that are lower than the wjiole^ ^sale factory rate. The wagons are new ^|«nd arst-class and have Studebaker Bros. v?fefuU goarantee as to. soundness. They ^j^rilL-be sold? cheaper than any wagons K'^that have ever been sold' in this Atantry ,^y»nd cheaper than they can be bought in car lota at the factory. The only reason for making these rates is to close ont stock on hand. They mnst and shall go too n. A. T.fiCSABD. ——7s 1*8# Advertised Iietters. Remaining in the postofflca at Medora for the week ending'Dee. 22 I88fls^f Bergsetji, S 4 Catler.'S DUtns JoMniiM laWerence, If Osborne, ]Bob J.undy, W Osborne, Broa^^ Larson, Nowakowska, Geo ,Fettibone, Chas 3" Killer, Suid Bobbins, E Stone, Wyland, 8eth. Fersons fiatllng for .any 'of th0tab0Te lettora, please aay "advertised." t.T. VIM DBXESCHK.'^.M. Commissioners' Meeting. A special meeting of the board of county com missioners of- BUIinjca* eonnty/wfte "beld at On.motlon,tliere«ignoUonwa«iocept^And 1. C.Jleherappftntfd^^imtyt«Wrt^fbr the wvmr :On moti*»iJ*f,irt»«i('a1kh|l v-t SlV f-p'V'iv 5 6f Absolutely Pure. Thin powdor never varies. A marvel of pnrlty, «trengtIiandwholfe8oraobe«fl.-.Moreeconomlcftl than The fojrdioat-y Jdnda.",and .cannot Je sold'in competition with the mnlt)|nde of. loyrteet. short weiglit, alum or phosphate powdere. ''Sola only in cans. LTORAT, BABIMS Powoxn'Co.. 100 Wall St, Mew York City,,.. LIPPlBCP'a^pj# X|C«dsaiioth«rlCaBixlMS,- will appear In early issues Circulars, giving details,'etc., mailed oji applicaiion J. B. LIPP1NCOTT COMPANY 715 and 7x7 E. J. OWENHOUSE, office. BOZEMAN, MONT., Dealer In all klnda of FANCY BITS AND SPURS, Chaparejos, Rcatas, Quirts, AGENTS) v'' i*:- lolVlcsof Flcuott. A Netr Departure so 1 1 yisailngShort Stories- v. interesting MUceilany. .: .- 25 CtS*' a, ••:Kotes of Vrognit. KHAWtT »*Choice SelectioT«: .• 21)0 Conmbntlona PAGXA IN SACU issuz xoplcs of tho Times "•'^xerseGems'''-v•••..• •. A Complete New Novel VSupeilfttlve Metit,. Bj ubm &ront« ta^ ia Giving* library nrsfat^d vuUAbt worV worth from ^ij.oo to $t8.oo annually GUNN. im- STOVES AND HARDWARE CHEAP ,u'—AFCLL LINK OF— Mioal STOVES, COOK STOVES RANGES, ^D-a The Best General Line Of Hardware^ iSWEST OF THE MISSOURI EIVEB.— Call on or address^ McDdDOALA GDNN, -MANBAK.DAK.- -eft irfei ^STl ,,/liISITlk T-Vr -v-o. ?fcEi"» Uanu&cturera of 82, Si8 & 44 OaUbtqf AUTOMATIC SBV1U.VKR8, XL -Bl)£U.DOUB BLUB AC W, RANGER, AMD Jthe nanal place of meeting on De^'8,1886. MeeUng was called toprderpby clutlrman of the board. Preeent Commidelonere Trn^fiott^nd-.Goodall and Clerk WQllameon. Coanty TreiaaWf Wp, Van Drloscbe'e resig nation being on file, the/object of the meatiag wae to examine hi* reaisnatlon a^ if approved, toappetnt np# tMprarft. DICTATOR KBTOLVBB8.. Aineripan Metallic, $4,009 to ^eeoan* of Billing^iraa approved ^.Qsinotlott#^the boafdadJoarnedU J. O. Wftfcuiutfl, i,u Wsnrnr, ittrutn jC MCh*nb«rt SI., wit tpsfgpy^rst FORTHB WANTED)? ^VIBV P« Aatthe'nominal Market St., Philadelphia -i" y4 -^ORDERSt^®^/ From nil p*rtfl of tlia T«rrit«ry TvUI ric«ira prompt attention. '.' O5 '-,• DAV ure%Vle,L^. Jt* by THOSE WHO KNEW HIM. From the obtcurity ot life boyhood to the date of his 'r*glc foith. A now jJlDgrtphy of the grout Ainerlcaii I'rcsidpnt, from a new etand puiut. AH Urate and exhaustive in fact and inci dent, replete- with: anecdote, profane and elegant In Ulustrntlon.(iQO engravings from original. dor eigne, Illustrating lnciuojits, anecdotes,' ptiraonfe, eto, inciuding'10 ateelpoxtraiU.) mrm \u ximn I' Send for. I full psr ticulare and for ence that tnie is the most ealable and proflta-' ble book published: or. to atve tlpie, eend ^l.SR at once for Canvaeefnor Book and atato your clioice of townshipe Address, N. P. TnojiraoN PUB* TIIIUKQ Co.! Pnim St. Louia, Mo,ror -New«York City .OF** CHICAGO^ ?'iv ^drculatloa and Political influencais the :S XH TBM NOBXHW«K^®vf^ '3SS»S5 THH INT3fltO€niAirh»« from the t?*srtnnjn* toeen' As jialUndir .pf home InpUtatte&s utf Autrlaao idea*. It is-th* kdToeato of equal rlKbta tbre the Uw.-orproteetiOn to Amarie&a labor, «s&d 3(fh«ld8s t)»t 4iB»rtoftla for Ais«rle»ne*«notneo' sNarlly. Aznerlcotisbyblrth. but trne dtlzens oCtha Republic.' It^balleVea la 'the W«*t Mid \7Mter^u men," hold* tta the tn*t t&e ftitnre aeat of «m plre "will be tn-t&e!3«a VlaBlaBlppl Vallaj, and Is. THE INTER OOBAN lo aarneeUy ln ftkTCr of tha Republican partybeosnaa ltbellavos the prinolples of that party are correct, and th*t, honaatly car ried out, thay will beat protect tbe rights and ad .vaaoejttre loiteroots of the whole jeople. It 'la not,. ^bwever,a^)lndfollower, bet.Is always rkadyAo denounce Itepublloaia wrong.dotsg. eiaer. In: algb orlowplecea. •v THB UfTBEOOBAK&as alwaya maintained _is Nation launder «tran ln waav 'As a Howepaper THB M1T8R OOTAK le not e* celled lu the United 8tates.. Aside from the service of the Associated Preae, in which It holde a mem borahip, lt keepe a large body of Special Oorrar Hpondents. both, in this country and'In.ths Old World: and has SPECIAL LEASED TELEGRAPHIC WIRSS oonnecting Its Ohloago office with WASH iKOTOK-and NEW YORK. In both of whloh cltlee It has 3PHCLAZ. NSV8 BURSAU0 ud malntalna Branch Offices. «um of 35 cents per month Sub%aiptfon, J3.C0 yearly. .Stories by john-Habbiyrton France* Hodgson liutv. nett, Julian HaWiHofne, Lucy LUlie, ctc.f etc., 7be.Daily Inter Qocan Is published every day In the year. Priee ". BcInsiTt of Smidij, $ 8.00 per Tar Safldaf 10,00 Tbe Ssmi-l/V)eeHljr Inter 0aean Is published on MOKDATS and THURSDAYS, and contains the News condensed from the Dally. Among other features, -THB BEUL'WBKLT Etg rlnts the Sermone of Pro£ Swing and othar lead' Ulniatera ot Chicago. 'Prices per Year. 0oean Ras the IAARGBST CIRCULATION, of any weekly paper West of New York. In 16S4. before the reduction ef.postags. it paid fbr POBTAGB ON QIROUIIATION $Bfi,000. alone over j^ricet 91.00 per "Veoi\ Brery eSort Is need te .nski T8B* WSBSJLY INTER OCRAN a MODSL PAMILT FB WE PAPER, one that can be taken tnto-any flamlly with profit to eacb.of Its members The Storlea.and other liter ary feature* are from the pane of the ablest and moat Approved writer*. Among.thea are MRS, BURNHTT/MISB PHBLPB, MISS JRWBTT. and ISESBR&'STOOSTON. TROWBRIDOSIXATHROP, JBOYBSU5N,' SIDNEY IJUSKA, and B.F.^OB. AUtheieadlogfoatureapfthapapar whlch mode It SOPOP0LAR IN THB HOSCB OIROLS ba'ebntlnued and lmprored, and nothing wll!fcbe left undone to keep it in the front rank as Brbwife'H^yy^l^e United States 7su Wontidff f^«aT$W^miCLT'mTBB OOBAK, one ye^r» at the T*y low rate of ONE IIOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS For Wo^i ^he history and paper. BROWN'S HISTORY is- a well-wrlttea story ot tir oountry, firom the' earlieat settlement to the resent d:vy It le well prlntbd^ln dear type on REMSU&BB^QIfB DOCLAitAJWr/FTr CXNt* txtptfor tAt paptr Ong Ytar 0n4 m* StUorv, Mh to to Mntp*ttaf4p9t4. r. A PREMIUM TO AGENTS. The prlce Or THB WBZJELY INTaB OOBAN fl.OO per yesr, aiitfa»y perconsendlngfbnr yearly 1 eubscrlpnons ftor that ealtSon. aooompanlsd by the' subscription prlce-FOUR DOLZiARS^ws-will them A COPY CP TBa BISTORT 7RSB. Al most snr boy-or girl oan eeours fbur anbscrlbere, andinpus way obtain aocpyofthls valuable book. Thiprit* tf TBiS SEM/ WKSKL IN TKB OCSAX titii BROM 2C& HI8TQR TQF.THB OJftTSD STATS A TWQ DOLLARtt ASD SISETY VBXT8,. Sample copies of any edition of THB lMl'll OCEAN will be eent on application Remittaneea may be made at our risk, either by draft, express poatoBce order, express order* postal notes, or registsred letter. Money sent Is any other way Is at ths risk or the person aendtag UL Address THE INTEP OCEAN, •w^*wwww*iM£s5!S2£5fefaMi£&BiL EDICK BROS.f^ -.VanufactareraandJobberala Mr 4s? YM i-Jri vi*VT^' ^51obacco line of *11 kind* ot— SMOKERS','ARTICLES. ^4-5Iain StreefcW 1A aWdiSff *, .K v^r,u ,W)I| ^^HAYWARD HAND QREN beat Uand Qreoade Flre-B*ting.. prfl^DOed.Bellable,: eirnplc, «oonomi notfreeM KaaH/*-—^- jiid^oi .. and fabric proof. We do no! MEDORA STAGE £F CO|| Brand as aSovenn leftfhoul^er. Hordes ^tr(ing on etage atatloue between Mado* raand l)eudwood»'Dakota. A reward of twenty-flve doHare will be paid for information tbe arreat and. conviollon of any one'deallnlc nniawfully with theas horres. CHASE GUIHOB^'S BA^CH. CuAfp A FuV, Managerat Dfckinaon, Dak.- bold, end aggressive In Uiropposlticn to the xmboly eUl*. Aaos between the"j^oneycbsogsrs of Kew Tork dty and the 8tsree lately la rebellion. Rangeav-?Ohervyrcreek and Little lllaaonriin winter a^dv.Kllldeer'Uonntaina in euminer^ el a a 1 an obUtratloa to the aoldlere Ot the late war, who jeopardised their lives to protect it from armed'treason* wlUoh .lt'oaa never repay, ahd. .consequently,--'has adTooated the eetabllaii. ment'oT Soldiers' Homea. and the enactm.ent o! J\"jkfiptilAB ^ARNETTr BTTtiwwa, f- A.U AnNitTr .Ohfly^Bi Wyd^.' t.' -Dickinson, Dak. 1^ango.^rt4tt.le -M ioaouri, »estflilKilideer te. Rrand.-rAeiaboveron anyv patrol .tbe animal Eat markP.-*-Ov£r})aH cnjj^botlvearn.'i Additional braedei'-ft—E on left alde'and Ul on point of left felionlderr- Horae Brand.-r-VH on left abouldeft^ Studebaker FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS^ :0 7.W ."•«••. A SOUND, WHOI^QMSN^W^PAPJ^A. t//:. SPECIKL OFFERS. -v-There''is a great demand from all parts-of the dountry-'for -'a correct but cheap EUatory of the United: fitatsa:Moot of suoh books jus eo large* andvaypenslys *a .to'- be ,rout of the reach of .moat* fl»mlllea -tY*t svery boy and girl ought to befrunll. Uir wlth the history of their oontitry. It 'can -hard ly fWl tattiak^ them better dtUena.THB XNTSH OCKAN. J^Ae made special arrangements by which tsaii%-i t* e&f. upuvvu,.::. u«imiiie wiuptCf wouunii^u j',-i H!REEI» ORJXIRETCXNNOYIAHK^PINCTHATAW1orvbiiratrCxTiit LsHy broken. can be usfdiiy any onet ^Tbe !(ontained in U1a abgolirtelr^nsnSle^L-tof dfabrl&-: tonebee beeomea'i erytliing. lt toncbee beeovSea^fln^' not claim to extlngnleb coflfiagra onsor to nsurptheplaceoccopiedbyfii^dp pliatie^ynoldiruitno ln ftye iVrhar# the AY- partmente, botve em clnlent flrd can juoaalbtri\ WA&D HAWinftBNApB» are mmmr m4 Qelde are teem.vbu, BUnton Ca(PertMflMtf^||t nee,. niH«infirrtint[on •boW'fr^rVi-'ihfcTi thcy.ean«li».and lirealTimn^tfiatwlll^uj .-j 'lifia/rwn It to |3i|Mr day. Some bare earoel overS«'liraday.. Xnherftet ytufi: .nrol(L'Capital tint reqelreJl. 7o»iareMerted:ftee. ThoMirhoitaM at ooce are absolutely ture of euus ilale fcrfeiBM.-.'AllIs nei Fortyye«r* nee In .the _^tion of mere 1: One. Hundred ns for patents, in —jd. Fpreicn 00 nn- i/therpublleben of tbe Seientiflo Aaserioan ooptinne te set as.eolieitore fffiMtega, eareata,trade-marks, eopy ••wfWs.-JSfeforihe'8Utei.and to obtain.palsotsiir Oanade, England. France Germany* sad all otBer eountries. Their ezperl enoe^ia unequaled arid their faollltlee are unear .. Drawing* and «peol8oetions'prepered and filed 'In the Patent Ofioe on short notice.- Terms very raaaooable» NoehsTgefor examination of models or drivings.. Advioc by mall free Patents obtained tbconah Mnnn*Oo.arenotleed Inthe BClEimFIC AHKRlCAlf.whloh hu the largest oireulatlon ana la the most influential newspaper of its Idnd publUhed In the world. The advantages of sooh a notloe erery patentee onderstands. Thle large and splendidly illustrated newspaper UjDnbltotaed^l/VZBliXYat fS!oOayaariandts admitted to be the out paper devoted to soienee meehanlce. Inventions,-engineering works, and' otbsr. departments ©*.industrial progresa. pnb Heried in any oonntrys 'Xt oentalns tbe names of all patenteee andtiue olerery Invention patented each week. Try-U Jour months fer oae dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. .' -.a. MINNEAPOLIS&ST.LOUISR'Y 4«mna "FAjjOBS AlBEW IE» ROUTE," above la a tovtmrntp ot the oldtW-no in i«r# the HAY jtrona. firM prevented. flBGAUTJOim AND DON^' 1' IrHASB WORTiUCjEBa.lMlTATtONS^ .'Beud to ^1%. confiaCTftdone op qiaaeirona Ar 1L teta containing proofsbf thea wondftrfnljefli?j(eon Lgratlonf reVented.BRCAUTJOim ANBDON'IVJ'UR tRADB WORIlUCjEBa.lMlTATtONS^.'l q* for fitltltarnSpnlara and one of 1»nr naw^ oarcrfnadea inextinflnKeblngactna) Area. W« ant il"n» 'di"* •-,iau!o uten far aj^ti -lnitbr Hnlted states. Addreen HATWAUD IUHO TITIMNI Co MiffiLt tb* j, 407W Broadway, T« 11 MsaffiaK»,T? Vavatfl Tr^n, txtwno t*1 iv-xT" MINHUPOUt AtlS IT.^I -UBton^Deeoa far^aUTeU^e^g^ pw^taNorth and E. W. CASEY to. HUNT, Manwr Poatefflce Addreae. HVPORA. BILUNQS Co. Dax lat. brand—Ae above on left aide and hip Also own KC in Circle, Ear Mark.—Under blc both eara Vint.*4L nnder both orande IIoree.BraQd.--KC on left bi^). Ranije.—tiamer Creek 8LOP1NG BOTTOM RANCH v: LLOTD itossRTa, Proprietor. P. O.—Medpya, Dak Brandaaaboveo'h.left'blp ^lUnge.—Little Nlaiotirl,-? mileraouth of N Horee brand.—Ae above on left ahonlder BftDGTCR OATTLE COMPANY NQHVANN SATOM, MV I^TOMCEAD^E^MPL TFNON* UIILUTOS CO» DAK mmm- UIUIIVXT'^ Brand^aa above ob lett hi^, horee brand aame Rang?i fie»var creek and kittle Mieeoori river DORROLARK. apfaBViaii: PAKOTA^^ above on leftsid$ V.-a on either aide.. Bar mark.—Under-bit in left eart^ -1 PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, BUCKBOARDS 1 A. T. PACKARD, AGENT Aiao one or .-two Rangei^JBelle Fotircb OLARK A.PLUM •PEAAVISN, DAKOTA. *v' 4 ilrann aa above-on left aide. 7 Ear mark.—I.oft ear cropped Kange —t)rand river Additional b'nnda ZO (bar), circle ZD, DZ, crow Allratwe bran Additional^ beneath) Oy, nometfflfouB.—fc8 ^,8l(W|PeWrtrd:for in r?st md'convjlctipn 1itocffromth8vvV ,DAK df. gj. eide on loin, GARNER CREEK HORSE RANCH. A VAHIBOBBK, ?rop Hedora, i)aki^:?'| 9 SiSa Brand aa above on left elienlder Range.—Davla creek and IJttia Mieeourl rlver Wi N THOMPSON & CO. WM*,4DANTZ, Manager Poatoffice Addreae, MBDOKA, BII.UHOB Co... DAK Brand ae above.on left hlp. bar Mark—'i ip of left eat cntoff equate. Vint—Bar under T- Additional hrande H£iiftrter-clrcle diamond on ^eftelde. and Ton left: iijp^/ Alt yotang Btock^xandca^uaitp^ circle diamond. LEM0YNE CATTLE CO (LIMITED.") J. ?.SMALL, Manager, tilendlve, Montana. rl hhf Abov °nl*ftai(^ ^nd-TeveraedOon _^AnUBr—Little^leeonrlRiver, aonth'ot'vK.P. R. and Dawaon Co. ont. 'lloHn KASOU.—DawaolivCo^ Montana Ear Mark.-rCrop the right* Horeebrand.—LC onleft elionlder. Wiff cattleBold brande. CHAS. fSon?£^J,SFn£& Dik.* %MF* .V' rn. ^ftrkntfu above vritli BOeo-ieftelde wi Bar Marks—Swallow fork right ear and erop Brand —Aa above low down on left hip Range Uarner creek,- eight inilea from month CHIMNEY BUTTE RANCH. TiiroDonx RoosBYKiyr Proprietor Faimia & MaitRiriBLS, Uanagera O —Medora. Dak. Rffngo —Six miles aduth of N. P. B. R.. on Lit tle Uiasoarl Brand —Ae above on left hip, or right aide, both or either Alao down cut dewlap aa above BULLION CRE^K HORSE RANCN JACK UDJXUJK, Piup.,Jdodocs, DAK Brand.—Ae above on left hip llange.—Bnllidh creek, twenty tnllee aonth of Jdedova N. P. REFRIGERATOR CAR CO. MKDORA, DAK. Brand asiibove' en left aide. Tim N. P. H.-CvCo is aleoowner of ateere pitr. chased of Mason A Lovell branded -w- and /Z, Alason A Lovell branded -M- and on left side-betitnd the ehoulder Calf Mark-^Leftonr griiblieu liaogea for'all: aliove Brands—Little Missouri river and Boaver croek £TNA RANCH. .-{FOIIN MITMBO, Prop Postoftlce Addreae. -XiNouavtLMt. MONTAKA (bar ation leading tothear killing or driving Oranges LITTLE-MIBSOU H|R8E COMPANY TI^.,M0OOIU,:UAK n-TAnaau Brand aa above on either eide Range,—Knnteon creek. Horee Brand?—'M on left hip. BERRY, BOICE 9c CO. Poetofllce Addreae, KBITH, MONTANA. Brand ae above on right hip, aide and ehonloer. Kar Marke— Grub the right ear iloree Brand—Same as above on right hip MJ Range—South of "N. P. It. it., on Little Mlaeonrl river and Beaver creek Ei-Qrf. PADDOCK, Poetofllce Addreee, MEUO^A, DAK Brand aa above [elx?incb circltle^o on both leewelluD.. Rango—six miles north-of eroaalng of N. P. It R. and Little Mlaaouri. fcgiji ^ssaS^ tirand «s rtove (Ad^U^L^Klihiot) lsll ahoMlderandleft hlp.l' _Kancb—vETour tnllea.ncurtbiVf eroaalng ofN.'P. R. R. and Little Miaepnrl SPRINQ ^EK R%NCHV L.&r#BrROMSBY:' J, L. Tn^Boefrr^llanagar. Pott^fCce Addreea^ Mumuv. Brand ae above on ieft ^hiu .and alde or left bill onlv. flVW. Range ^Little Mleeeorl rjv^r and Beaver Creek UtlJilNAt Wi, ll LarMark»~ltoth eara ewttloieiftrkHI^ florae. Brand—Same as abava enleft ecrtglit bfcp. Range—fioWU 4 j({kf.ft^o* Utea ?Uaopri 1 vf v/ «V J* CUSTER. TRAIL CATTkE GO F. AlDtN EA'I ON, bopt. \r PoatolBce Addreae, MaponA, Bjixmoa OO., DA^ HorM Rmnrt_T nn l«ft. hln Horae Brand—^ on l^t hip Vint, bar acroea near top Range—Little Mieso rreeka ... imoml rlv.r, D.ap ud, p«rl. P-sU lat brand.—Ae abeve on right aid^ Alao awallow fork right e&r.- Snd brand,—Aa aboTe en left aid*. Srd brud —A. thor. 0» left htp NEIMMELA RANCH UBI«OI Lave. Manager P.O.—JlBDORA, DA*. Ranchbrand.—As above on letter right efce«l» der. .. Range.—fieogh eroaalng ef Little KlaaenH Pretty bntte. Vint.—Bar nnder thistle. All young stock nranded with thla brand. 1 2nd. Brapd.—As abo»e«5 left er right akealdt Vlnt.-^-Bar under brand 8rd. Brand -^Asabeve any wbereea asusal BAD LANDS CATTLE CO. II..WADaW0RTU, Manager. PoatolHce Addreas, Uaue^A, KiixiMea 0e., lat brand aa above 7L, en right kly aad der. both sr either mtmi Bnd. brand.—Aa above, bellewa en left kip eg ehoalder, both-or eltber Srd brand—As above, Pd eniefthlpaad akealn der, both or either. Range for the three branda.—Little lltaaewrl Tlver, fifteen miles north of Medora. TOWER8&QUDQELL, Poetofllce Addreae, Knira^amvA. Prand aa above en tight ale, .Ad41Menal kiaa| on both aides Ei Marka—Left ear cropped aad ttiwUahei tbe 1 igbt crapped Me lloree Jiraade—Same aa abava. Raage-gouth ot N. K* JL+m UMa rtv«r and Baaver ^treak