Newspaper Page Text
ur, Money by W. "n A press Co. Mone fcWelptsgiven. Money reftinrtedifortersare Soldat All offices of the company. Pay To«8,8cj *10, 8cj |40, i0oif30, IS $40,15c: $50.30o. B- w. MiLBviur, Agt. J»O. U. Pr ATT. WM. K. PviOXtL PYATT & PuRCELL, T» COUNSELORS-AT-LAW $ Heal_ Eatato, Loan ,_and Insurance Agwti J. C.Pyatt, Dept. Dist. Atty. Wahpeton, Dakota. ||FSISDLANDEB BESSIS, Law,'Collection and Real Estate, Insurance and General Agency Business Dakota Ave, near 3d Street, Wahpeton, Dakota. Deutsche Advokaten. ...Jffyft S. H. SNYDER, SIT VS'Money XTTOIINBT-AT-JJAW, WAHMTOK, DAKOTA. to Loan on Real Kstate and Chattel Security OrrciE: OrerPelrce's hardware store. McC amber & Bogart, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Special Attention Given to Collection. WAHPETON, DAKOTA IR,. IsT. IZSTKI, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate" and Loans. Office in Howry's «s new store. WAAPtftON, DAKOTA. nlv« LEVI E. SPOONER, Attorney at'Law, Wnlipeton and Breckenridge. L. B. EYEBDEIiL, Attorney at Law, Office opposite tho Minnesota House, 14 Breckenridge, Minn. Ezra G. Valentine, 14 Attorney nt Law, Real Estate Exchanged and Money to Loan. Office in court house, Breckenridge, Minn. Geo. D. Swaine, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wahpeton, Dakota. Dlsonses of women a specialty. Offlco on Da kota avenue. 0 G. W. ARBUCKIjE, M. D., HOMFEOPATHIC PHYSICIAW AKO STTHOEON. BRKCKIHHID3K, MINNESOTA. Diseases of Women a Specialty, also the Eye Bnd Ear. wahpeton calls, promptly responded to. Office and Resienco: Arbuckle's new building. HENRY C. RENO, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Wahpeton, D. T. ""Office over Howry's Bee Hive Store. Resi dence, Dr. Hatten's Loose, Third street. w46 G. BARKOW, M. !., Physician and Surgeon, Office over Martin Scliott's store, WAHPKTON, DAKOTA, nl H. B. GRANDALLi, Real E9tate Agont, Notary Public and Collector. I Farms and Town Lots for Sale. COLFAX, Richland County, DAKOTA GEO HANLY, SURGEON DENTIST Office with Dr. Geo. D. Swaine, over Peirce's Hardware store, Wahpeton, D. T. ANTON 6ILLES BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Shop on Dakota avenue, opposite N. Schott's store. All kinds oi repairing promptly attended to. Joseph C. Henvis, Real Estate Office v-3' GRAND VIEW FARM, D.T. /$•' Parties located on goverment land. Money to Loan and Final Proofs Made. JnncO 1Q1 Dakota Aoenue, lO I RESTAURANT & BAKERY, ELI VACH.ON, Propr. Opposite Opera House. Feb. 27n47" JOHN M.1HJGGLES, WAHPETQN, DAKOTA, REGISTER?*)]? DEEDS. Titles to lauds investigated, and correct ab •tracts furnished. Taxes paid for non-residents. Collections mado, and promptly remitted. Lands bought and sold. I will see thvit the tax is cancelled on the treas urer's records, and the proper amount of tax collected. My charges are $1.00 for eneh receipt. Rice & Mariow, Proprietors of EXCELCIOR MEAT MARKET. Dealers in .ill kinds of fresh and salt meats, hams, bacon and sausage constantly on hand. Cash paid for fut cattle, hides and furs. Meat delivered to any part of Wahpeton and Breckin idge,'fret of charge. Commercial Hotel WAHPETON, DAKOTA. Good Accomodation Guarnteed to the transient Public. MICHAEL June 9 SCHMITT, Dakota Proorictor. c. wiens: M. D. Physician and wurgcon, OFFICE OVER MILLER'S DRUG STORK, nit English, Gcftnnu and Scandinavian Languages Spoken WAHPETON 'DAKOTA. Ctr. Avenue ant -Sixth Street. Walipoton, Dakota m? One Block from St. P., M. M. depot. G-ood Sample Booms. D. H. SMITH, Prop. Dr. T. L. Taylor IBURCEON DBNTJaT. fe" :iiu permanently located In -Wahpeton, «nd ig prepared to do a general dentlsw/'boiliMM. |«9tk, $1S pw Set Bstraettig Me states *nd all lnegnloritles of children's I 4l^U/ecelve tbe latest modbot treatment. Wahptomx Dafat«' nf, »fc Here and There. "I don't know why it-is," said a church usher, "but the first person seated in a vacant pew will invaria bly plant himself close to the aisle, compelling every other occupant to crowd by him to get a seat, and in fact each new comer does the same in turn. How much pleasanter it woiild be ftr all if each would take the further seat as he enters thepe w." '••Did you read those horrible stories of the Arctic sufferers living off ..each other?" asked Mrs. Lam phiey of her husband. "Yes, I read all the particulars." "Dreadful, isn't it?" "O, its nothing when you get used to having people live off of you. I used to kick when your mother, arid. your sister, and all the rest came to live off of me, but I've got so" used to it ndw that I never complain." A Washington correspondent of the Sun thinks the colored race is dying out. He says: "Allowing that the races have in proportion in the District of Columbia since 1880, and supposing that the whites now number 140,000 and the blacks 70,000, the death rate of the former according to the returns, would be 17.4 in 1000 per annum, and the death rate of the latter would be 31.9 so that the death rate among,colored people is 13.5 in 1,000 greater than "among whites." News Notes. Latest rumor, President Arthur is engaged to Miss Lille Freling huysen, daughter of the secretary of state. They have a captive wildcat in Virginia which lias whipped ten of the best fighting dogs in rotation, and now has her back up looking for another. The steamer Alaska arrived from Liverpool Saturday, making the trip in six days, twenty-two hours and seven minutes, hey second best west ward voyage. Col. P. Donan was among the speakers at a big. republican parade at Springfield, ^Illinois, last Satur- day night, added to the He is reported ^enthusiasm. &** JSf to have Three thousand dollars damages was awarded the other day in a Mil waukee court to a young lady in a breach of promise case, "for ex penses incurred in preparing for the wedding, and for great mental an guish suffered." Tl&LMofclier Hubbard costume is prohibited in Pendleton, Or., unless worn belted, and bill^to that effect aae posted throughout the town, and ladies who violate the ordinance are fined heavily. The alleged reason is that "they scare horses terribly" •cause accidents,' and 'ruin business.' When a woman refuses avman with decision, or even with con tumely, there is no need for his sell ing the engagement ring at an im mense ssterilice'or ceasing to figure on the cost of married life. But if she says cordially that she'will al ways be his friend he may as well look for another girl who wears a ring of the same size. Minneapolis, 29.—James Robert son, chief engineer at the electric light works, received injuries yes terday while cleaning out the boil ers, which resulted in his death this morning. The gauge showed no water and presuming the boiler to bo empty, lie stepped to the man hole on the front of the boiler and opened it. He was immediately deluge'd by a stream of boiling water and terribly' burned. He leaves a wife and seven children. Stillwater, Minn., 29: Receiver Brown has his report on the con dition of the Northwestern Car & Manufacturing company ready, and though not yet filed it is reported that it will make a much better showing than was expected. The assets will exceed the liabilities to the extent of warranting the contin uation of the business. Senator Sabin is said to be extremely hope ful, and since he now controlls a majority of the stock it will likely resume business under his direction. Benyer, Sept. 26.—Miss C. "Welton a wealthy young lady of New York city, perished in the snow storm .last Tuesday night while descend ing Long's Peak. About four weeks ago she went to Estes'park, stopping at.the hotel. Monday evening she walked^over to the house of a guide named Lamb, living at the foot of the pe£k, and engaged a son of Mr. Lamb^ nineteen ytiars of age, to act as Ii& guide in ascending, the peak. The next morning at six o'clock they left the house and safely as cended the peap, but encountered a: iierce.snow storm on their return, dtiring which the lady became com pletely chilled. Young Lamb as* sisteid her in the descent as best he could iintil .About nine at night, When strength entirely .failed, arid he carried her half mile, wheta^ finding his own strength failing,- he* tol$ her the only chance ofoaving .either of their liv6s: was fot him to leave her agd go to his fathers house seven miles .distant for assiW tancv He leit hdr i!t ten arid re turne'd with assistance at four 'tyediiesday moruing, finding the 'lady frozen to death. The reiriains were taken to Longmont and will be sent io Ne?v York, Miss. Walton was highly refined, a great, lover Of nature, t»nd V£ry self reliant. A lieavy snow storiri prevails »in th« mountains to*night.{ Vol. 6. wahpetony Rippand 0^ 1884. Dakota/ doctor is needed at -9^ good tdWn. A watermelon weighing 60 pounds was raised by Reynolds Bros., of Brule county. The board of commissioners ac cepted the Dakota penitentiary at Bismarck yestertlay. The Fargo carriage works were totally destroyed by fire last Mon day night, loss $10,000. The .business men of Huron sub scribed 8168 this w:eek for the bene fit of their fire department Madison donated 10 ^cres of ground to seeing $5,500 creamery, which will be erected at once^. The Marquis de Mores has ordered the erection of a new brick church to be built at Medora immediately. Dakota's exhibit of grain, vegeta bles, and fruit are being boxed ready for shipment to the New Orleans exposition. Rev. A. C. Law died at Blunt on Tuesday of last week, of typhoid fever. lie was a misssionary of the Methodist church. One thousand $10 gold pieces were recently received by a firm of elevater men at Fargo and paid oi& to farmers for wheat. At the band tournament in Water-, town the Mitcbel band took the 4rs|^ prize of $200 Huron second, JtlOO and Ashton third, $50. j&* The Methodist church afrf'.i^is marck, last Sunday, raised $73${$rid paid off all indebtedness of'Vthe church for the building. 5,4 James Elliott, late local editoir of the Mitchell Republican, has been commissioned as mail agent between Sanborn and Chamberlain. Small grain in Brule county is not turning out as well as was ex pected, from eighteen to twenty-five bushels being about the average for wheat. Geo. E. Sutton has sold his inter est in the Hutchinson County News to J. S. Detwiler, a competent jour nalist, who will have full charge of the paper. The first annual of the Sioux val ley farmer's and dairymen's associ ation, met in Sioux Falls to-day, ^24th) and will continue through the week. The band tournament at Water town last week is said to be the greatest blow .that ever struck Da kota. It was a splendid success in every 2articular. The banquet given at Pierre Thursday night in honor of the press, is said to have been one of the most delightful and recherche affairs ever given in the territory. The Turner county democratic convention which met at Swan Lake the 20tli to elect delegates to the Sioux Falls conventioh, instructed for. Bartlett Tripp, of Yankton. The second annual fair of the Bon Homme county agricultural as sociation will be held at Tyndall, commencing Sept. 30th and lasting through October lstand 2nd. Hanson county farmers state that the cause of the difference in the growth of wheat this year—some field giving an abundant yield while adjoining ones will not give an av erage yield—is owing to the depth of plowing, the deep plowing bring ing forth a bountiful ciop. Raymond, it is said will work hard at Washington for a division of the territory. Gilford is said to be a profound North Dakota man, and in the event of a division will favor Mitchell for the capital of South Dakota. Huron people are dissatisfied with his nomination. The depot of the Fargo Southern in Fargo is completed on the exter ior, and is a handsome building. It will ba the most convenient and handsome structure of the kind in Dakota. The work on it is being pushed, as that line is developing a business that requires commodious accommodations heq|| Sioux Falls Press: A Scandinavian farmer from Edison township, named Trygstad, arrived in this city yesterday morning with his fifteen year old son, who is insane. The boy became demented last Saturday, and the father attributes his misfor tune to the persistent reading of re ligious tracts and papers. The boy will be sent to the insane asylum at Yankton. An Irish woman, about thirty years of age, who gave the name of Mrs. Haley, was found lying by the roadside near Howard, a few days sinoe in the-pains of childbirth. A man came along, and seeing her sore need of assistance, placed her in his.wagon and took her to a house, where she soon gave birth to a pair of twin girls. The woman says her home is in Oivatonna, and that she was searching for her husbabd. Clinton, Wis., Herald: Clinton had quite a curiosity yesterday, it being rioting less than a m$ii, wife, and. three children, who left New YdMc City last May, and^had since walked thus far, being on their way to Dakota. Their household goods they had loaded on a two wheeled cart, which they had drawn the en tire distance, and which needed re pairing at this point. The man thought this far. west a littie. dan gerous, so hC bought a revolver to protect himself. The children's ages were nine, seven, and four yean. The youngest had been drawn, in a portion of the »S WM time, bht-the balance of them had walked every step of the way. ThoMitcliell public schools opened Monday with an attendance of 300. There is great need of a bank at .Dickenson, the iargest town be tween Mandan and Glendive, Mon tana. A very fine display of the products of Northern Dakota, sent from Man dan, is on exhibition at the Chicago exposition. It was ascrtained at the Pierre press associaton, that the average age of a Dakota editor is thirty-two and three-fourths years. A car loaded down with a fine dis play of Dakota products left Yank ton over the Milwaukee & St. Paul road for exhibition in eastern cities. While pref&r\9ng, at Alexandria, a family named Stegner were driven out of their home by a swarm of bees that were attracted by.the sweets Mid took possession of the premises. Some^jtilroad hands at Tower City poured kerosene oil over a thief whom they caught stealing from thjgn, and then set fire to it. The thiifef was badly scorched before he was rescued. TA Camping ground plat of 50 acres ias been purchased by a Methodist Association on the Dakota side of Big Stone Lake, two miles from Or tonville. It will be laid out after the style of the famous camping grounds of Lake Chautauqua, New York. Argus A private letter from a gentleman very close to the next president says: "Mr. Blaine knows Dakota jthouroughly he is proud that her delegates to Chicago went for him by the wish of her people, and has expressed himself as very much gratified that Dakota's next delegate will be in harmony with the administration." At Millbank lightning struck and set fire to the residence of John Oelhoffer, tearing out one side of it, but the fire was promptly ex tinguished by the inmates, none of whom were seriously stunned. The chimney of the C. M. &. St. P. rail way depot was knockcd off and every instrumental the office torn from the wires. Mhe arm of one of the operators atjwork was partially paralyzed. Last Saturday noon one of the separators on the Elk Valley Farm was burned in the field. It will bej remembered that the wind was very high. The men had just gone to dinner, leaving an expert at work on the machine, wheix the first thing he knew the entire machine was en veloped In fiaines, supposed to have started, from the engine. The ma chine was insured and no other dam age was done. The body of .Nellie Quakenbush, aged 18, wKb died at her sister's home at Columbus, was exhumed on account of the suspicious circum stances attending her death, and the evidence elicited at the post mortem examination went .to show that she was enticed into a prominent clerk's room in a store under false preten ces .and kept there from Sunday un til Wednesday, where and six com panions repeatedly ravished her. Woonsocket Times: Last week Thursday, while Edmund Yersted was out hunting he meta team and buggy and stopped to talk with the occupants, leaning his arm on his gun with the muzzle upward. In some tinexplainable manner, he raised his foot while talking and it caught on the hammer, exploding the gun and sending the charge in to liis side. He was immediately taken home and lived about nine hours, retaining his senses to the last. A brakeman while assisting in switching in the Jamestown yards Thursday night barely and almost miraculously escaped an instant and horrible death. It was about nine o'clock at night and very dark, and he was running toward the rear of the train on the top of the cars, the train at the same time running backwards. Miscalculating the number of cars he stepped off the rear car and fell outside the track but So near that the trucks tore his clothes' slightly as the car passed him. It is also singular that the fall hurt him but little. Now we just want to see the fel low who scoffs at the idea of fruit being raised in Walsh county. We want to show him a bunch of tran scendent crab-apples we have in our office, which were raised on the farm of Mr. James Woods, of Forest River. We think these are the first, fruit of the kind ever raised in the county but they prove beyond a doubt that such fruit will grow here, and do nicely, too. They are as large and rich looking as any we ever saw in southern Minnesota or Wisconsin.—[Minto Journal. Argus, 27: Yesterday morning a man who refused to give his name was brought in from Casselton, where he had attempted suicide on Thursday by stabbing himself in the abdomen and also in the neck. In an interview with an Argus repre sentative he said his name was C. P. McEUigate, that lie had been at work on A. M. Anson's farm near Casselton. He further stated that he had squandered- his money and iie wa? ashamed Jest his children, who live In northern Minnesota should And it out, and that, com- Goods If pi,V^ 44 A* AT THlf| WHERE ARE KEPT ca-oodL & CB-roberies, Kit INCLUDING Fashionable Ladies' Wraps, Dress Goods and Trimmings Clothing and Cloths, Notions and-Fancy Goods. Carpets and Rugs a Specialty. LatesfeStyles in Hats and Caps, and Boots and Sh0es for Ladies Gentlemen, Little Girls and Small Boys. Call and See Our New DEALERS IN Lumber, Sash, Doors, Building Paper, Etc., Etc., Etc., At Wahpeton and Wyndmere, Dak. A Present to Men Avant a WaterlmiT. Boys want a Waterbumyv Everybody Needs a Waterbnry. The One-Price ClQthing With every Cash Sale of aSmtoi- Overcoat in the Ready Made Department, amounting to $15.Q3 Of Upward. I guarantee my Goods to be Lower tlinn the Lowest for the same Quality of Goods, as I have no rent to pay. My Fall and Winter Styles are now in. Gentlemen should be sure and see my Foreign Suitings in the Tailoring Department. Remember I have Always on Hand the Finest G-oods! Lowest Prices! Latest Styles! NEXT BLOCK EAST OF POST OFFICE. bined'with ill health was the cause of his rash act. Servant girls are not to be had at any price at Sioux Palls. Brown county has .built forty eight school houses this year. Tin ore is being shipped from Pine City, Black Hills, to New York. Wahpeton Dako% Ex-Delegate Pettigrew is a candi date for Representative to the terri torial Legislature^ for the Sioux Falls district. The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad company is building a forty-two stall round-house at Mitch ell, and will also put up a machine shop 50x80 feet. A standard weekly newspaper has been substituted in the public schools of Anita for the ordinary fifth reader. The experiment, if it works well will be tried in other places. Water will be turned on early next week through the mains of the Sioux Falls Water Works, just com pleted. Six miles of mains have been laid, and a large stone pump ing house erected. Near the Little Big Horn batte field the skeleton of a white'man was recently "found in a narrow ra vine. One o| the teeth was-built up with gold, and it is supposed the re mains are those of an officer of the tJnited States Army who was killed in that encounter. Valley City Times: Dakota will send twenty carloads of exhibits to the New Orleans exposition. It took twenty men three days to pack and ship Bismarck's qnota. It will take twenty men three hundredMays to find Barnes county's quota. Too much politics. rV7^ $• Goods and get Prices. KELLER & GOODHUE^ W. A. SEELT & Co., DBALERE AND JOBBERS OF FIRST CLASS. FARM MACHINERY, BUGGIES AND WAGONS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Belting and Mill Supplies, Wagon Makers' nnd Blacksmiths' Materials, Lumber^ Coal Lime, Hair and Cement, Car Orders Solicited. [w51] Walipetoil, Dakota, F. H. BUTLER & CO., nd r»fvv "WWTOH Canadian capitalists are establish ing grain warehouses along the line of the Canadian Pacific with head quarters at Montreal, which prom ises to prove beneficial to the grain producers of the northwest, calling out the St. Paul Dispatch as follows: "Ift has long been a cause for com plaint that the Minnesota and Da kota farmer has been subjected to competition with Manitoba wheat, which is conceded to be an excellent variety. The Minneapolis Robber's Association has held this competi tion over the head of the Minnesota farmer like a club and used it to compel him to accept their terms for his own product. The only protec tion vouchsafed him—the govern ment tariff on grain—was, through the perfidy of Windom, taken away in the interests of the llobberg by Hlie granting by the treasury depart ment atr Washington of a "draw back," or rebate, equal to the cus toms duties. Now, Canadian capi tal has entered the field, and, with the active co-operation of the Ca nadian Pacific road, as outlined in our special telegrams,bids fair to cir cumscribe more narrowly the Rob bies'. field of operation. In other words, the Minneapolis -mills have to have wheat or the capital invest ed will be a losing investment and they will have to get that wheat hereafter this side of the line, exclu sively from the Minnesota and Ihi kota farmers. On this account the Dispatch hails the new departure with rejoicing satisfaction, mainly because it benefits our friends, the farmers and secondarily because it is a blow at that ctirsed monopoly the Millers' Association.'^ -o 4it*t! i* yz&T&zy*-* ~ig- liii WIDOW KmuQCHt igtYMmiMf. 507 aiSem 700 »m 740*m 7.R8 am 10% km ItSOp M'W [nsEa*t, 4HwmodaUoSt.. nepart»farp»». Going West, A ceomodatlon.... Arrive* 74S Departs 7:8S m. Dally except Sanday. Paetengerstakincthls route reach Wadena at 10 pm, can secure barth ia CIMIST MTTOV MUU CAM. on day trains betweenTargo aml:Mandan. These cars are fixed r«rith new reclining chairs, and oflfer speial attractions to the traveler. nmiummcjua ,T without exception,: the-finest on the continent are ran on all trains. First-class meals. 75c. Persons wishing to West, North or. South,, wll tage to get them via this line. d. A. HAWJCXS, ... -. Agent. Served at all times, consisting of O S E 8 In their Various Forms, Wines, Liquors & Cfgajs Wm. KOBTfiEI. J. R. BUXTON, Attorney aftpEw, Money to Loan on Ileal Estate, Final ProofP Hade, %. And Collections. Made. jf Suits Prosecuted and Defended in all Courts of Dakota and Minnesota. Office one Door west of Bee Hive Store. WAHPETON, DAKOTA. j| If TnSSfttii :aleep«r aBd thereby get a good night's rest, wrcivmKft St. ad. train Paul at 7:65 a m, ma! east and sonth b?«uLti PJT"VsBjpOe* '.W.w* lax ceneeUena with all V". rainsfromthU portt. riruKAM lunuHito CAM are ran without ckangfe en *11" trains irom ... Paul and Minneapolis and Yargo and Dnjath for beauty and comfort these- cars are ansur. passed. 1 1 1 RIurchaseto tickets East, find it tbeir *dran- Near Kotschevar Bros. stonL'. ,'U it LADHDRY (Opposite Catholic Church.) Wahpeton, Dakota. Free of Charge to any part of The City. Will be Starched and Ironed, or will deliver dry, not Ironed. Special rates to Families. W. E. HANLY, Proprietor, ALBRECHT, HARNES MAKER. DBAIM IN i, Blankets NetSVOx Harness, Whips, Brushes and Curne Combs, Ice., Opposite Post office. WAHPKTON, Dakota H. A. WORKMAN, DEU Gr Gr IST, M*re8critions cMptfully Com- Oppijfg^ai^febon's Store. O JEi, DAKOTA B. C. BERG Has at the Northern Paciflc depot,Wahpeton. Dakota, a sufficient supply or the famous W O O From Underwood, Otteriail County, Minnesota, constantly on hand. Better quality, tban anywnere else in town. Orders for car load lots promjsHy. attended to Come and examine before purchasing. All at Lxxxii Ajid Sahfiple lt^omV Josepi Bemisl, Proprietor Csritr Street art NbUlreiie. 'j Sample Room and finest Double Bow ling Alley In the-northwest. S8w15 alipeton, Dakot tal Hot& CHARLES -co FiratdaMin^ •&> raoo» nrkttr. I BRANDON,