Newspaper Page Text
J*- f" 1 "feihrjwf fe& i»r W C^VM*. .VX.Iil'VMlHi Jt^XATt PuRCEiL, Cw*i*ua#-A*-LAir, *'1*11 B»I%J», W .*,0 **•»,' r4ti*S—1 BtcCumbcir & Bo?^ TbRNEYS AMD C0UNSKLLqn8AT LAW. SpecialAttention 3lmn to Collection. WAHMVOX, DAWWA. jRi, TSS. J3stiE§:m NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate and Loans. Offlce In Howry's L. B. EVERDELL, GEO HANLY, S E O N E N I S Offlce with Dr. Geo. B. Swnine, over Peirce's Hardware store, Wahpeton, D~.T.~ AHIOR 6ILLES BOOT AND SHOE MAKEH 8hop on Dakota avenue,- opposite N. Schott's store. All kinds ot repairing promptly attended to. Real Estate O GRAND VIEW FARM, D. Parties located1 on Loan and overmont lan usl Proofs Ma 2l Dakota Awnm. Titl **-'*'«, «.«M •«. ,o ,«,, ,»„ «.%.** Wahpeton, gjifcota.- dtHlSlAVBSB iif»t*i{, luW) Collection lid Rial Estata, Iniaraneeaad ,', Ctener&l Agency Business, DskotsAve, near id St wet, Wa!hpeto«, Ihkott. Deutsche AdvOkateri. S, H. 8NYBKB, ATT0WBT-AT-L.4LW, WjMlj^W^AjtOTA. Money to Loaif on Heal Instate an* Chattel ,- security. ,. ^I^huI Qrer.Pelrce'g hartw*r«Jto*e. now store. .'. WAAPETOW. DAKOTA. BM LEVI E. &L. Attorney rt&ftr,' & $ '5'-^.lV,N-.V-j3(tfc Wnhpeton and,. BwckenrMge, Attorney »t Law, ,"• Office opposite the Minnesota House 14 Breckenridge^MOUn. :J/ Ezra C. Valentine,'?* 14 Attorney at.Law. Heal Estate Exchanged and Monejr to Loan, Offlce in court house, Breckenrtdge,M|{in.- '^Geo^D. Swaine, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N, Wnhpeton," Dakota. Diseases of women a specialty.' Officii on Da. kots avenue. 0' G. W. ARBUCKIiE, M. D., Hoiwbovathic Physician akd 8miov« BREOKINRIDSe, MINKKSOTA. Diseases of Women a Specialty, also the Eye k? and.Ear. wahpeton calls, promptly responded to. Office and Rosience: Arbuckle'a new bnilding. HENRY C. RENO, Putsioian & StTROEOic, WahpetQn, D. T. •. 4}ffl%e" over Howry's JBee Hive Store. Resi dence, Dr. Hatten's house, Third street. w4? G- BARKOW, M. D., Physician and 9:Utgr«»9j Office over Martia'Schott's store, WAHPETON, DAKOTA, nl H, B. CRANDAIiX, Real Estate Agent, Notary.Pablic and Collector. .Farms and Town Lots for Sale. COLFAX, Richland County, DAKOTA VAC Propr. Feb.- 27n47 EXCELCIOR «GLES, AEOTA WAHP DEEDS. and Id for n^n promptly struct Collect Lands bought an will see thr.t tb urcr's records, eollected. My cha cancelled roper amo OOforeae Mario Dealers in all kinds of fresh ani hams, bacon and sausage constat Cash paid for fat cattle, hides delivered to any part of Wahpei idge, fre« of charge. Conmiercial WAHPETON, "DAKOTA. t,•••, ^5 'Good Accomodation Guarnteed tb the transient Poblje. June 9 Q. WIENS **& JPAyticla ^OFFICE OVER+ y'JtfFrSr- ^i-SEnglish 0A WAHPETO Gw.Sakou %rJ~& ^Wahpeton, ITT, Prooiietor«. M. D. f?,nam "ji A Languages iMKliitaj fltti JBlock ftro^ St.P.,li :fc M. mar** -j WW, tasUf aMI swV*V^v,J5' fe. -&«r %K: me. ,. .•?. NowsJiotes. The ^AlAnca of power ji Bonnie Ben is aft$r. He is an-ex ponent of the political music of the future. .. Jjira'ea and Harry Garfield, sons of the late President Garfield, have foteffljlned to'-study law- with the inte(^|iole«f.phtcticing. THe Episcopal diocesan convon iiotyqf^Nejr ydrk.ih«8H decided to /Cflyt^ig^^^|t||ppv salary of dtoiibili ty to per formecl^apHm^dties. Th0 new capital, at- Bismarck is comi4ete$with theiexception of the heatlng an^ ligbtiiig apparatus, and is Ajinedel ,of architectural beauty, w# l|gl|tNi and ventilated. It will be turnegt.bver to the sixteenth as s'^mblj ." _____ T^rre Haute, Ind„ 3.—No clue has bfoii obtained of the miscreant wlio. fired into the train at Sullivan, Wednesday n-igjhit^ narrowly missing St. John, the prohibition candidate for president, at whom it is thought the shot was Bred. Bismarctc, Sep. 29.—A meeting of the board of commissioners for the penitentiary of North Dakota was held to-day. The building was ac cepted from the contractors, and Dan Williams was appointed warden. He gave bonds in the sum of $15,000. The building cost $50,000, and is considered a model of workmansnip. London, 3.—A committee of the United Kingdom Alliance, temper ance organization, has adopted a resolution of congratulation to Heal Dow and the state of Maine for hav ing in the recent election secured such a majority for the measure in corporating i*itUthe state constitu tion iA .prohnltion amendment. Thftyjsay that by reason of this vote they anticipate great results to ac crue to the world. London, 3.—Intelligence is just received of-a teudble and disastrous hurricane in HKnd on the 11th of September, ^fficounts thus far re ceived sho«£h§Lten trading vessels1 and s'*ty jHlng boats were lost and tbirty-tvyJRwessels diubled. The most appalling fea|jKe howeve: was the loss of UfaSUTho exa number of those wncSlrished not yet been ascertained, but known to be very great. !ariner in the Missouri river fter trying all the ordinary So get rid of tj^gophers pro jBpSeveral hun^Hpcats and set SflF to work. HMsarm was soon ewn with the bodies of thousands the little pests and the goplier was exterminated, as well as rats and mice, but thea cats have multi plied like the seed'of Abraham, and he begihs. to fear they will be a greater nuisance than their victims. Uncle Bufus Hatch is inclined to take a cheerful view of the business future of the country. The great ressure, he says, is over, and busi ess men, while they are not mak ing money, are nevertheless getting' on a firmer basis. We may not feel the effects of the new props bbfore next spring but then business -may be counted on -to pick up. As to the.political outlook, Mr. Hatch de clares that Blaine is sure to carry New. York. 1 Bismarck, 3.'—Upon their return from Fargo with the prize for be ing the best drilled militia company in Dakota, the Governor's Guards were greeted by the Garfield Light "Guards and band, and his excellency Governor, Pierce, Commander-in Chief*. This evening the Governor was serenaded by. both companies and band, and in a few clever re marks complimented the companies on their success. A11. were hospit ably entertained for half an hour at the Governor'* mansion. Fargo, 8.—The district court com pleted,.^ the term this afternoon. he Sentences was that of Gagne. for^the stealing of jfber's diamonds, watches, informed the officers of the uts of the goods and in pee was given but five penitentiary, itfstead of lie would probably other received. The other sen lire of minor importance. 4son- has gone to the Su rjat Yankton. jag'bf Siam has seita very (truant to President Ar is^ijag of-a lilalay Kries of solid gold' hljWtf^MT.enqRsed: in a gold alloyed ^TwW, and twospeiara of quaint f:M?iay :f^_thebea\|iifuily polished blades. imported to be ot great are very valuable They *re Mint ji.iiiacknowledgme^t of gi^ ... Or^it Salt Lakb: withn$. e^es^ %nt^bypisi^^^^ nU knaed and'hol^^ '-^ui xeBWtfit kntMslingy with- the head ahd shoul- to^be itoleeofjjiisf©et, he caoait on tbe. water.: 7he one exer^omin ^taet 4s to keep bj^atice none, irhat ever is bnl ifSS^t Jf,'^ '^'SS^^Jjv convulsed, es of the thro^j rangulatlon en! tea8$r*} Forv'greasing" the griddle, cut a white turnip in halve?, rub the grid dle with it. It causes no smoke, smell, tftste. or adhesion, and ter than butter or grease.. Withii} a few days thirty-nine ed' itora and reporters of the" New York Hetald, many of whom had been connected with the papor for j|| were summarily discharged, cnVRig a sensation in lounalistiflprcles. Mris. WilbewR^Storey her husband's health' haii wonmRully improved of late. He qJeeps ^eil, eats heartily, and his miir^ ^."plain ly getting stronger. She has grea't hope that he will soon be himself again 4 Winona Democat: Bear in mind the'Minneapolis man who charges you $6 for a blanket that can be brought from England and sold for $4 has special power under the gov ernment, granted to him to talc you that extra $2. Miss May Elizabeth Garrett, only daughtherof the late John W. rett of Baltimore, is probabl richest unmarried lady in tlie^i try, his estate being variousl mated at from fifteen to fiff lions. Jefferson Davis' nephew, having died recently, none of his name of his family now survive except^iim self. He has been married thrice, but has no male descendant who bears his name, his only son having died a little while ago. Morris Tribune: Last week Mr. Elmer sold 100 bushels of potatoes at 30,cents per^pshel to be paid for when Blaine is elected president. He says he has 400 bushels more to 100 busliol J^s at 5 aid for at theVme tin] a chance for ovir confld ci'ats to get potatoes if tl] em,—at a big price. Grand Forks, 1: The University of North Dakota is now in full progress, with nearly fifty students. A boarding house lias been erected on the groqiige and work is going forwarttgMT the observatory. The presidentVMp,Blackburn, lives with his familyW the nLyadfite. The vice president, Prof. ery, will soon take up his In an interveiw with AT*G. Bell, the telephone inventor, in New York he says that an experimental wire, or rath a metal ic York and that convi cities is sons tal that the'ti^ people wfitif^have a wi: place of amusement aiii such operas or plays as til' ,wo of them, formin it between orks so perfectl between the as with tj^o ether may come Minneapolis Tribune: A corres pondent asks, probably out of mere curiosity, whether Belva Lockwood is a wife or a widow, there are some fine points in a complete an swer to this question which we sh(all not undertake .to elucidate. Mrs. Lockwood has a husband, however, and her statement would probably declare that she- is a wife. Whether she understands the full significance of that term or not is a matter of considerable doubt in the minds of a great many people. IndlartSpolis, 2: Mr. Blaine will go from West, Virginia to Michigan, and WHl spend 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th of October in that State. The 18th and l$)th will be devoted to recup spel th the 500, ber fMhi,on-,. with gold sheaths the ^ater, fo/t^stMlgl Iwinrii Jo intense that & W^|peton, RicMand Oomtty, Dakota^ Q6toT)er lOt1884 Dakota. Nine babies in o^week in Eden. The new capitol building at' Bie marck is practically completed. Thirty-two thousand dollars have already heefi paid, out for wheat at LUbon. Dr. Wisner raised 250 bushels of good corn from seed planted in sod at Lisbon. Bogus $5 gold pieces coined in 1880 are in extensive circulation in Sioux Falls. There is a great'demand for ser vant girls at any price at-Sioux Falls.and Grand Fgrks. )ne huna|bd thousand bushels of eat were received at Kelso this Season and five cars are shipped We9ley attended to committ suicide at Alpena by shoot ing himself .with a revolver, but is still aliij^p^' Farmgrs are shifBg their old wlieatjHm Ashton to Milwauk and CnUPP and the results' ha very satisfactory. an citjii^ng a satflfclBl uttited Delaiiey, Yermillian, DakSfa, was killed by the cars on-a br|dfes ar New Albin, Iowa. Francis Bust attempted suicide at rand Forks, by taking .three bow of morphine. He will recover. He is a well educated young Hollander. A trail of twenty*team jdras $ the Green farm neSr G. It. Scott and Anthony Larson were arrested by the chief of police at Fargo, on^ telegram charging them with tltaVorgery of a check on C. A. Mellette*f Casselton. Monday 7,000 bushels of flax were disposed of at Yankton for $1.14 per bushel. At Sioux Vails a grain buyers' war ran the price up to was $1.25 paid oj An duced near preiii ,A.t Scotland $14,000 ^for two day^' flax receipts. pleged insurance agent in farmer living a a note for the insurance on his pposition that it then cashed the Norwegi, boa to on $3,0i buildings, on th was only $300, $ note and skipped JhR there. There are fow^tfofesstml employed. A corps of engineers are now at wojk running and jfcarking the boundary line between the Sioux Indian reservation a^d the Black Hills. This is done a|the request of the Indians who are anxious to know Where the dividing line is, in order they may rcspeci it. ,/ silver band at Wahpeton was nly Dakota band that- 'took it the tournament at Detroit, the first premium in the class, $60, and on, their re home the people of Wahpeton 'tutSed out and gave them a grand reception and banquet.—[Globe. The republican convention in the Black Hills legislative district has made these nominations: For ton for representatiVi fit An at of Can partiei dence 11 o' assau an iron inflicted was not Beginning with will spend four days in a program which ed by the State Cen e. On. the morning will be received by te Central Committee will proceed through Gen. Loganwill ys in Indiana during October. rest-bearing debt of tggregates $1,206,476. bcrease during Septem rer $12,000,000. There has been since September 1st a de crease'of twosand a quarter millions in the amount of -bpnd^beld to secure the .national bank circulation, the tptgl:ampurit not? being' ^329,000, 000.» The gold fund shiMtt ,ain in A^aiedttripgthe^monthlf^.JjOO,- (KH) a«d is within e4,Q0^|Pof the bighest flgurea ever -j ijupairtipulatanding gold cenaA|te8 has decreHsed e4,600,000. Tiwilier ^^l^l^|pi$^eksury number ail i^iease of 1,500 Amount, there afe o' ... certificates aggreg&ti #96,^0%00j9^ In other wor outstanding silver certificaSs in Ceased «ri»lle. the to keep afloat.. Tire, cectifieates deccbiMed tng tiie monjth. Customs and inter nal revenue receipts show bat slight those 6fSepteniber, ioneerPreas, SSBBf. MaplWm last week was very saccessful. Thesr will plow about fifty acres each per day. The fHoskins Lake, Mcintosh, county,' neighborhood is being rap idly populated by settlers hundred] of choice clams still selliiuaat pet- acre. 2r Maj. Flemming of llffgo, vfce commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for Dakota, organ ized a post of the order at Lisbon last Monday. #*, i^*5/ ,. *ta, &js -TOO* 4? 'K New Goods Lumber, With every Cash or Upward, foi soon. 1 gd' CQun- cilmen, F. J. Washabaugh, of rence, and F. T. Wells of Pem •81 Custer, E. W» Gregg, of La\y of Butte. In the absence/^J tor of the Yan© the Piehe conv Brown^in cljarj and life like made and pujt ^edi 1 at racetious .s made by u: wis entering the hours o" Wednesday nig made from be od and three upon his head." the object,, as tl tory, for rves udge ty resid the a W, umn. Th to bring shot gun very ie^ditoii,8[jfllL eSiS of the' not been ab a range of 'be. urder Maj e-no on, iomewhat a perspiring to tlie bar watch and money, ed. Mr. Gale's critical, is impiv "Beer, beer,' farmer, as hew in "The Office" He hastily downe! slyly fishing aroi pocket he produc laid it on ^e The bartettKr bru appendage «to thi the grace o$n Cheste reinvigoratoa man Gophers' tails are full legal tender, in LaMoure county for all debts public .and private.—Keystone Com fljteiWafc '. LaMoure. draught and his pants opher's tail, ny counter, the candal sh box, with eld, and the walked out. Garry Ini er State: Major Ed wards, editor of .The Fargo Argus, showed- his u$ual enterpriseby send ing out letters to the varioiis county clerks of the .territory and obtaining the namti&of the delegates to the Pietre convention, tiieir instructions, If afiyi and th0 sentiment of the people ^. tbe qapita]( commission question. Nearly ev^ry county in t^rrUory rwponded. aBd the a$9w«t» Qf eaeb Vere pub 1i8hei(^in. The 'Argtfji:^ Septomtier xn«»dct T^yintetestins .-fcfthTjChC! AT THKT WHERK ARB KKPT ts and Ritas a yles in Hats and, Gentlemen, umber ^H'Wdera .Solicited. CaA and Boots and Shi Little Girls and^g^ll br N«w Gdods and A. SEELY Kii^B SUUUF AK lass, Bel tin X|gi"nCts, .Oils, DEALERS. ch Majo credit. re am ve ce U| 4.3 A Fargo you Caught a gliuf mouse,# And th scrome. Shatter dome, And bulgl the house Building Paper JEtc., Etc., ifctc.j At Wahpeton an^ Wyn Men want a Waterbnry. Boys want Needs a "Waterbim'/ ne-Price .Clothing Hou! —Gives thc- le or a Suit Btance: ntce my ve no re Goods, as I should Finest lD«^ 111 ILOCK EAST OF POST OFFICE. ards de- to be the who served ar and did ,le. aid prem since the months they have le sum of ed Bouse, poor little that sh iaven's blue the walls of= mbian Beg on so often :e notices ny more a come certifi- Col. King of th ister, has been in the matter of that he will not pi unless both bride a1 to his office with a cate and establish and he is allowed to kiss the bride, when pretty and sweet, of course. theif identity, The average weight off the gov ernor's guard, who excited so much admiration for perfection Jn drill at the competion in Fargo, is over 150 pounds, and they are straight limb ed, finely develoyed and a solid, handsome looking lot of young fel lows. The young ladies were ^capti vate with them. 7 Press and Dakotaian: Statehood for South Dakota should be the platform upon which the iegislative campaign is tQ be conducted. It should be insisted upon that, the first act of the next legislature be an act to provide for a constitution-: al convention for South Dakota, and the date of that convention1e fiMd as early in the printer as poa^ibie'. It ia tiie geoe*a} expreasedwlsh that D4oto Readmitted «9* state, and i«'"- Tjr ,"s S "4$t$3'f\* "-A x*W f^^w£J"'' Sf^ &t New Prices C3-OOC1& GFroceries, tf INCLUDING Fashionable Ladies' Wraps, Dress Goods and Trimminj^r and Cloths, Notions, and Fanc^Qoods. Jbk. •mm gi aticl New Goods and get Prices. KELLER (500DIIlJB, Wi»»or»\lako nnd Blaokan^Hia' M^krlals,4 Lime, flaftr arid Cw5g ^z" st rfst«3rfw ,i, -Ai'. .'H.i 4. A-' 9 •*&>?* VsV A ~k •"*r _-»ir-vy?tV.ttSjA^iv4^iOWTW^JtAH«\»J:u-.»/. ^veryboily ffA Tl ICoat in the Ready Made Department, amounting watch f30,00 two wntcb&s $48,00 three be Lower thanthe Lowest Tor the same Qua ly Fall and Winter Styles are now in. Gent ign Saltings in the Tailoring Departmefi have Always on Hand the j. oods! Eowest Prices! Latest NKXT DakotP this i^uSMMflKmount importance. Thd Soj^Bpiuck struck a snag in the dH|^er near Moorhead and was stoY(pP& the stern by two heavi ly loaded, barges of wheat she was towing. She sank in a minute and a half in six feet of water. She will be raised. La Moure progress: Perhaps but few of our La Moure people know Jl^at Moruionism has foothold in" our ^Qpnty, but whether these people in i®-66 practice or believe in poly jgawy- they are under directions of elder, and observe the Mormoi id. he Alert understands that the] i.crats will have no county cor Jon to nominate a county ticket^ i^t is considered best by many I re^iutjlicans not to have any repub lican convention for that purpose,] as the poeple vote for whom thef please anyhow. Let us have, for all race and every man 4^B0n his own merits. Globe: Wahpeton is a good1 and so lively that a visitor Sargent reported to the Teller tlft the sight of -it made him feel like a country boy on circus day, to see so many people rushing along the sidewalks, and the fancy turnouts flying along the streets^ Wahpeton is the bang-up town of this "upper country," a? our friend Eioh would «Vv A body was found floating inthe Missouri River at Sioux Point It had a large hole ia the skull by blow on the head. It is supposed to be that of Joe Lemearof Rapid City, \vho killed a. man named Jenack, at Sioux Point 3rea» jagp, and bavin* mS: jriuiefett Tuaosai? that turn murdered body *aa buried rfjtftott iiqi .quest. .t- ^.-:?r..-7.'-,-U-j ...M.»- llPBdaya, fMlafEast,Acei Clothing tage to get them is for Ladies ana Boys. via -4t iVr'V IP "S1 mkem, ... potagWest, Aw^^SIf!11 Depktfim B«fs taking 10 day berth ln sKupir am f. m,'eaa seenre Ala mon. ment. WahpetoH, Dakota, Hm. G. a. lUVUBL At Wu. Korthy's 8alooa, where tbeaeatirf Aiid Tceeps^OB Hand A? j^OvalJBrattde ft Vim4* ray«toe_, Cheeae, Com Oy«t«ra/j£& Lobsters, Sordini mJM Trout, Fresh Mackerel, Lambnmgtft-.CorM9d.JMsf Boston Baked Wan%^Ka^fou»m'Rgs I I I N Attorney Final And Con^fetiQns Made,'^ .4 Suits Prosecuted and nefem '. Dakota and Mil in all Office 'one Door west Store. (Opposite Ca Wahpeton,- T£% os&aM&Dii |Fre^^ Char^egg^to an Ikui rched and: Ironed, AcSHill defr^ft dry, not Ironed.^? ^Special rates to Families.^ "W. E. HA.NLY, Proprietor, ALBRECHr •it HARNE8 %IAKER. ili m~ are run without chnfee eia' ill traliM fnai Paul and MHaampoUa and -rmrgo and Dalatk for beauty attd combet tbese cara in uaaor. paiM.«$ tClCAIK CAM.. on trains between rargo a^jtMaadaB. Tbeatc cars are fixed with new reclimai^ehairs.and offisr speialattracti^Bs to the traveler. tj '. 'jiteMna MI-• wltbout ezcentioB,tha flamt ,«n tba. conUnaat are ran on alf train. Firat-claaa maals.'TSc. #^1 1