I20 't- vV%£- 4r \A ^•tiMIMfi»lJUT, i^C ^lwVi'»&»aa'.-':4a(b gfrlA 11 hii, I I rl, ti JiU SS^roBta^SBE?, «w,^^j^yi»»w Mi ATf,iiearM SWeH,Wllpetoo, Dakota. ^Dfctttache Mv^Uteiii ,11 !••. 1 L^jrV'i. WJlMniTOW, rtrctm iOnr Fetfoe'i tatdwm Bton. MeCamber 4k Boprt,. .TTORmCttl Atn~CO0MMilX)R8 AT LAW. ,v -*p»oUl AVUntion 'Otrea to^lecHon. VIXNROV, DAKOTA. K,. 3r: ink, tj IfOTAST MTBLtC. to*n». ORIM In Howry's Seal Kstate end MV «t«l*. WAAPKTON. -. DAKOTA. LEVI E. SPOOKEB, Attonrey it L* w, ^•lipBtoii VV" «iia "~8(WlnmM|t. L. B. EVEBDELL, .. Attorney at Lsw, i,' Qlllw opposite the Minnesota Hoaae, /. BrecVenridg*, Minn. Ezra (^. Valentine, ,, Attorney *t L*w, Iter SutniiBtd *nd -Money to bili'. •ffiiceInconrt hiaiiiM, Breckenrld^e, Minn. 1 Eriftte I Di Swaine, M. D, PHY8ICIAN AND8URQB0N, .^tfahpietai^ .. Dakota. BW«M« women agpeclslty. Offlce E* fci^pgi"^ Jflli'SSi W. ABBUCKIiE, M. »., *Xt. r::..,.HoiraeorARMO Da. PHYSIC^AX AD Bunuoir. ..^R{6IIW!KNCIIR»»E, MIIRXKFOTA. Diseases of Women a£pecialty, also the Kre andEar. ". wahpeton calls, promptly responded to.. Once and Resience: Arbackle's new bnllding. HENItY C. JtENO, PmrsiciAW SDROEOIT, Wahpeton, D. T. Office oyer Howry's Bee Hire Store, itesl f,v vdence, Dr. Hntten's nonse, Tblrd street. wlft G. BARKOW, M. I., H'frhygJcian and Surgeon, Office over Martin Schott's store, WAHPETON, DAKOTA, nl H. B. CBANDALL, Heal Estate Agent, Notary Public and Collector. Farms and Town Lots for Sale. 7' COLFAX. Hlchland County, DAKOTA (JKiy GEO HASLT, 1 SURGEON DENTIST Office with Dr. Get), D. SwRine, om Pelrce's ^'Hardware store, Wahpeton, D.T! ANTON (HUES BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Shop on DHkota nvenna, opposite N. Schott's Sjr store. All kinds ot repairing promptly attended fi£u «^to. ^4 lOl Dakota Avenue, -a—c ..- .... ELI VACHONy Propr. Opposite Opera Hoaso. Feb. 27n47 «fOHN M. BUGGIiEB, E WAH*STOK, DAKOTA, REGISTER OF DEEDS. jsj® Titles to lands InTestlgdted, and correct ab ,'i (tracts furnished. Taxes paid for non-residents. 'fe-'S? Collections made, and promptly remitted. |V~ Lands bought and sold. ifjk I will see that the tax is cancelled en the treas -i nrsr** reoords, and the proper amonnt of tax collected. My charges are 1.00 {breach receipt. Mariow & Rice, Proprietors of EXCELCIOR MEAT MARKET. ^L" Dealers in nil kinds of fresh and salt meats, nams, bacon and sausage constantly on hand. /V CM^JKld format cattle, hides and nirs. Meat dellvfwato any jiart of Wahpeton and Breckln ittge, frea of charge. xvH C. WIENSMA, M. D. PAyncidii and Surgeon, OVER MILLER'S DRUG STORK, OFFICE English, German and ScamUnnTiaa Languages r-ijv-,«vt^T.' ..j Spoken. ng WAHPETON, DAKOTA. N. P. SAMPLE ROOM AND BILLIARD HALL, Wholesale and retail dealer in torelgn kdom «Wines, award Liquors, and Cigars •M Fro^lk and JSparSling, fty theCase or Oar Load. Parties ipfM.eir lood v-f" r'Oontlnenialflotel, tz* !4S^S ordering by will please leave their orders In tne ?#S^*ej»ailoftl»e week. Goods delivered .jj^fcharge, to all partsof the city. *S7 fffifhhmr fhni ai* JOMKBimi WAHFSr0lv BT. mmtk W^®S®WSra^8ifa8Ef..- mzh^ixmsL j. .r?t 1 f* -f ,» pipe and irtite •t iiM Nonlti Fittings, Workt™ Paper-banging,(j(ralii1ngand KalsomlniiigdoM la tret.clH^style by M.-l.Tfeigr. Parties wishing to bny or MM land will 46 well to call and ate R. N. 11VK, in Jlowry's new block. ntf Money to Loan. Money to loan on short ttme^^jr A. Aspinwaft, at Whiter agricultrAl warehouse. h2 15S?" Wanted. ?. ^.y Carpenters to work on the Headquarters ho. tel. Apply at once. an Wanted* i\,'« Wa^ied at Headquarters hotel, one seciid cook aad ?m laaadqr girl. Wilson, democratic nominee for Congress gave an address at the cOurfehoiise Monday evening of this weeK?' Said lie-did not expect to be elected^ but wanted to see a full democratic vote cast. Major Qreen hoot of this city, followed in a very eloquent speech. The ladies of the Episcopal church will give an entertainment at the opera house this and to-mor* row evenings, viz: ««A Trial by Sury," and a "Burlesque of the Mistletoe Bough." Dr. Swaine will lecture and Capt. Gregg will read. It will evidently be an enjoyable af fair. -John Nelson has purchased Col. Swasey's interest in the roller rink, which now leaves the ownership in Butler & Nelson. Mr. Eshelman of Breckenridge has been engaged to superintendent the same, and will take charge Monday. The ri nk Willi as soon as possible be ceiled and made comfortable for the public. This is what is needed now. Solid 101 RESTAURANT &B AM, hogic. To tlte Editor of The Times.' By thoir fruits ye shall know them." We have at the present time in this county a.clique of men who are candidatesfor various coun ty offices, and a few persons who are supporting these candidates. No^v Mr. Editor, this* clique Of office seekers, .and -th$^% small crowd, of supporters are beggfng to be elected to the various offices to which they aspire, mainly on the ground that they are the candidates of the far mers' convention, and that they are the fast and firm friends of the far mer. Who are these men, and by what acts have they demonstrated tlieir great friendship for the far mers of this county Chief among these candidates and their support ers are J. R. Buxton, S. H. Snyder, and the Taylors, Sam and Ben. Some time ago there was a commis sion appointed to award damages to the various farmers across whose lands the Fargo & Southern railroad was built. On -that commission were Mr. Taylor and Mr. Snyder, and Mr. Buxton appeared as attorney 'for the occa sion. Whemdhese men came to award damaj^Ko the poor farmers of this coun^p what did they do Instead of awarding, to the farmers a just compensation for the damage sustained, they, elated by 1 distinction of being commissioners, at once he servile tools of the rich company and awarded the er less than one half the he bad actually sustained, every instance where the had the means to appeal their unjust and partial an impartial jury of the county gave them double the amount that these commissioners had al lowed them. And yet these same men go about crying, "ring!" "ring!" and boastfully proclaiming themselves the especial champion of the farmen'rights. Outupon such shallow hypocrisy! Here was an apportunity to do at least justice tollie farmer. To ex hibit the sincerity of their profes sions. They jtook tho part of the railroad company in the beginning and compelled every poor farmer to undergo the expense and delay of a lawsuit, or accept 'their beggarly flWAl^Cla' This is no electioneering '.«roor. back." The r&ords of the District Court of this county will verify every word hereio contained. And now these same men have the con summate "gall" to go before the cit izens and tax payers whose rights they trampled upon when vested with a little authority, and ask for their vofcw election day on the ground- th^ they are the simon puTeTonfy. gffauiite frM^^mf tlM farmer. Tlieir plaintive wails, begr ging for votes sounds like the voiee Of Jacob but their hands (their acts) are the hairy paws of Esau. They have_ !?een tried and ^nd wanting. sFire theipout. .» AFAHMSB. Pleasant %^iey Q^t. g7^b. tm t'nusle |4M0i» 1 wfAM. T. J: Hlntgti), photocnplwr. DAKO*A. «Mt ttHti s*4 Oh»u«t Seeatttf. Given. Wits Blptee Darb#lay ask* Tit* TIJOW ix -v: IOOAB 35TESWS. Several of our "ads" are crowded out this week, but will appear nex-t. Dr. Robertsen of Fargo will give an address at the opera liouse this afternoon. There should be »large attendance. ,,. t* Retun Competent Officials. To ttas editor of t'ns Tnarsiu put body politic Is' lii Its1 nltiin a vast oopartnership or eorporatton and should be considered according^ Iy., No competeht head of such an graundofpe^onal£avoritism..xiit this is: done at each gefferal election. All the '60CM are Uirowa, as :1t were^lnto a huge'grab bag, shaken np and drawn therefrom as prizes. If an employe of a business firm or corporation is engaged for a definite period, he will not be sent away at the. expiration of such period, there ly because, the term has expired. His. employers, will askr "Is there any xeasoa why he should not re main fw .r "?:., They will not inquire "Is there any one else who can probably do as will but "Can we do any bBtteir?'.' The fact that during his employ ment, he has had and availed him* self of the opportunities of exp- So it signifies nothing that the incumbent^ known to be a very efficient offloer and keeps ooe of the best sets of books in thffcountry, because there are-others who may be able to do as well. Mr. Mer chant, discharge your book-keeper, whose accounts are models of accur acy and neatness. He has^already received your wiures eigteMmrs and you have fifty *f£rsons among your acquaintances" who c&n be trained to do as well. As to the personal quarrels with the gentleman we have nothing to do. Or if we:have they concern us only in so far as to justify the infer ence that if one who is known to be an efficient and honest official, who is courteous and gentlemanly to all who come- in contact with him, makes enemies among his fellow of ficials, we have good reason to in quire, what ails the others i(. A. G. A. The School Law. To the Editor or.The Times: In an article in the week before last on the township and school Jaw, the writer says there seems-giaJie considerable dissatisfactio the school town system seemed to be ab)e.tQ^}$MI|B!$* ob jection. Now Ij|m^Qne q^^hom I think the^ count^MMpHlira legal maj(^ife'Who think the .law an un jusWAu unsatisfactory one, and I will endeavor to state our ojections. The law will never give general sat isfaction in a country as sparsely settled as Dakota is at present. Any one who has traveled in Dakota knows that the country is not uni formly settled, as in some places. Each alternate section is railroad land, and the government land has been proved up on by young men who arc non-residents, leaving large tracts of country without a settler, while in other places it is quite thickly settled. Under the district system, districts can be organized and school houses built without re gard to town lines to suit the loca tion, but under the new law in sev eral instances town (ines divided these settlements requiring the building Of two school houses where diie would havefenswered the same purpose. And another objection: there is too much power vested in the board to the exclusion of the wishes and rights of the people! and stitl another decided objection: at the annual district meeting of each district lii the town, no one is al* owed a voice in 'its. deliberations ut as ajMtfent or guardian of chil dren of ecbool age. You might own One half of the property in the dis trict that is taxed for the support of the school, and yet if you are so un fortunate {or fortunate fa the cast may be) as to not be ihe parent or guardian of chiMren of school agfev yon are not allowed a voice or voto ,. noaeedings^ Jt ^miy be a jui snmoe«ii»fit tofepa te these Dakota ptiiiries, trat that is the only redeeming fmtow there lain it. Aa Jt Is prajiiti^i^taxaT tlon without represen^tiou itjii sound- in principle, unfust ln ita oeptlon ft la contrary to the l^ii tal principles of free goveis? it, not to Ve allowed a voice fa administration]iM men1 the we aw'ii^^p.,. writevaamti^ttbe town under ^tfie Jhite t^W W.'i" ,MBr»v» ,... ... r..v the tex. pay^^^kit j^oks': Aaite foroiblyiM^ the achoclbN^rdA with the au yeatddth thetii 6jr-]the law'while in the perforinah^ of the Vii igh fun e tlpns of their office, were quite lav tab, if not to extravagant in levying taxes»building sclibol-houses, hiring tMchers, and burdening peo pie In general. Atid whjit is tiie re 9blt It is true wei hav e|doublc the liamber of scbooUl^iisesldouble the number of teachers to piy, arid per haps a little, more attendance, but not near as large in proportion to the school houses s» we would have under the districteyatem. Now. in some schools we have one pupil a day Paying a teacjhep tliirty-flve dollars a month fo^' teaching ^on® -child is pretty expe^|iye-~edueatiien' for tbe unwashed-Mass, as in any community that i¬ sufficiently interested in education to organize districts and build school houses, will not send their'children when .... they are built. i'Very true, the ience, will not be used as an vtfjus township law proyitjes for compul ment fot 10s discharge but in tivoi of retaining him. Yet this is the line of argument that is used against the reflection of one of the most efficient of our cottnty oflcfad«|j||f a letter to the Gazette a correepon tteat use^ a series of weak, absurd soplristries against the re-election of the present register of deeds. First he reproaches Mr. Ruggle* with having received the emoluments of the office, which must amount to about sixteen thousand dollars. Now, either Mr. Ruggles has per formed adequate labor for these emoluments, and is morally and le gally entitled to them or they are exorbitant and should be reduced. «it on the ground that one has joyed exorbitant emoluments of an offlce, to award the same oppor tunity to some one else, is simply to legalize a robbery of the public by a division of the plunder. While it is true that a claim to offlce by birth right, oug]it not and will not be countenanced in a republican gov ernment, Mr, Ruggles1 claim is by tested ability and competence. sory education, but how many school officers are chere thiit will en force that provision of the law. I hope that our representatives from Richland county jwili endeavor to ascertain the views of their constit uents on this subject and USB all honorable means in their power to effect a repeal of the law at the coming session^ tlielegislatiire. M. LYNCH. A Word PofJlr. House. To the Editor of TME TITO. DEAR SIB: In the republican con vention there were three competit ors for the offlce -of superintendent of schools, vizr Crandall, Wells, and House. Mr. Crandall received nine votes, Mr. Wells 20, and Mr. Hous« 44. The candidates were all present and active in the convention: Every township in the county cast its votes and Mr. House was made the unanimous nominee by tho conven tion, after receiving 44 votes to all others 29. He is a thorough scholar and successful teacher, and should receive the support of every person who regards the welfare of schools. MANY VOTERS. For Sale. A good second hand 'self-feeding coal stove, cheap. Inquire of Dr. Swaine. Notice. There is a William John Jahr, Sr., and William John Jahr, Jr. The latter 'wants his name changed to Charles William Julir, and takes this means of notifying his fripnda and the public of tbut fact^ It will bejin^ccomuiodation to all parties concerned, as the names lead to con fusion in mail matters.' Withdrawal. Being satisfied that there are too many candi dates for sheriff inrtlie field, 1 hereby withdraw my name irom the list. N A PAGE. Notice. My wife having left my board and" bed with out Just cause or provocation, I hereby warn the public not to trust Jier on my account a Iter this date. ANDIIKW WHITKJI. Wahpeton, D. T. Oct. 31st, 18&1. Notice. A note given by Jens T. Rudlang to Ole H. UI ness, payable at Walcott and dated November 1st, 1883, has been lost, and the-undersigned hereby gives notice that no one should negotiate for the same. Ott- E. Vlkess. uSi Wheat T|ckets Lost. Two wheat tickets Noj. 8789 and 8743, on the Dwlght elevator, the first calls for forty-one bushels and SO pounds, the latter for forty-three bushels and ten pounds.' All are cautioned not to cash these tickets.-finder tvill be liberally rewarded by leaving tiiVjiataeat O Jdhnson's. stox-eat Dwlght. 'V OLEOLSON. Mule Taken Up. The undersigned has taken ^up a bay inolo his farm In Berlin townsliip, r^ige 40. town section -25, about a mile and a. half from Daniels' place. Tin animal Is quite old, a lame on right front foot. The owner will pi call, prove property, pay charges, and same. JOHN RAD: Wahpeton, Oct 4,1881. stf" Ris• fl vf A aatSME -f Ss Niew Goods Call and Wit!!,.n'.ery Ci[Sr' W 1 In I* in Howry'* new IIIli« money to loan. nltf Will Exchange. Will exchange a lot in Fargo Second Addition to Wahpeton for a lot or lots in Fargo and pay difference if necessary. Address box 841, Fargo. Notice. For sale at reasonable price, one line bull calf. Terms casli.on approved paper, quire ot O. J. Wakefield-, Dwlght elevator, •, D. T. Notipe. Three wkoat tickets numbered 872,875, and 878, payable nt^Carglll's warehouse, Dwigbt have been lost, and the pubiic ls hereby warned against negotiating for,them, it is thought they werestolen. THE MARKETS. WAHPETOX. Wheat No. l,hard....,........ Mo. 1 tegular out Oats, retailing rates........ Barley Bfa*..,*-. Potatoes,per baaliel: .. Eggs.. Batter Pork........................ (We quote eelUng pricea.'k —pd ........,....
'Oris...,./........... i-i r...... Also Fene w39 w.Vi.. vf560 0d'... .. .*v.i-.rv.'J..,. 00, ms v. A 09 0 60 i. 5 00 .. 50 ... SO 15 to 85 10 i!-' CSSO v, ,.pra#r Oaehadvanees on eattfignriteatt Mr aa|e la Du .-laUi,':or. lor- aldgaMt, ^..eastern markets. ConwvoBdeaeelnyitedateoasl^BinsRU solicited pieft Co., ffiamssioH fflmk Yf WAHPETON, #oo t*&b£B. C. BerR.'i ow *i}\ Choice Brands of Fiouv Order for r- See FARM Car Orders Solicited. Lumber, 1 a A 1 -f "WXIirTEE, and AT THE -:.\vHEHE ARE' INCLUDING Fashionable Lad ids' Wrap's, Di*es^ Gootjs ancf Tri^tmugs Clothing y-a. w-. aria Cloths, Notions apd Fancy G^ds. Carpels ahd Rugs a Specialty. Latest Styles in Ilats and Caps, and Boots,and Sltbes for Ladles and Gentlemen, Little Girls and Small Boys. Men want a Watcrbnry. Boys want a Waterbury^l Everybody Needs a Wnterburv. should be sui-o and see my For llemeinbar inest G-oods! Lo Wood New PriCies Om* New Goods and get Prices.. KELLER & GOODHUE, W. A. SEELY & CO., DEALF.Ilf ANp ionUERS 05* FIRST CLASS MACHINERY, BUGGIES AHD WAG0R£, Paints, Oils, Glass, Belting and Mill Supplies, i* Wagon Makers' find Blacksmiths' Materials, Lumber, Coal, Lime, Hair and Cemefltt 'i [•51] Wahpeton, Dakota, BUTLER & CO., DEALEKS IN Sash, Building Paper, Etc., Etc., Ete,, At Wahpeton and Wyndmere, Dak. Present Doors, **4Jrr." to All mi On^-Ppce Clothing House, -Gives the— U1Y JfATCl Sale or Suit or Overcoat ill tho Bendy Mado^partmciit, .imonntint to £15 00 iil" 'i ™. ,! 1"cti: §lu,00 one watch $80,00 two watches ?4S,03 three watches and .I "lu,llll utoe my Gouds to be Lower thantlie Lowest for the same Quality of "Ooods, as liave no rent to pay. I^pFall and Winter Styles-are now in. Gentle'mT NHXT BLOCK EASa^i: Wahpeton, for HiuterSlyles nrencnvin. Gentlemen" sn Suillngs in the-Tailoring Department. Iiave Always on Iiund the est Prices! Latest Styles! TOST OFFICE. Evrybody EC. S. SWASET, DEALS IN Grepn &I)ry Maple Dry Basswood, JTamarac and Oak £n carload lots «tby the cord. Prices as cheap as the cheapest. ffPostg, and can FuraishBridge Plllngr. Office with G. T. Swasey, over John Nelson's store. KOBETICH & CO JTHE[ FASHIONABLE •. .V 20 Shop over John Xelson'8 store. Keep Constantly on Hand the Finest Domestic & Imported Clothes.1 TERMS HEAONABLE and DRY G0ODS, GROCERIES ^fiats and Caps, Boots. Shoesam? Notions TAILO SATISFACTION GUABANTEED. DAKOTA. PURDON '—DEALER IN—• k,v *j w*r $*« Si 5g, "«"&** -is ilTEmsBK'w- s.*ro &•»" SBBSES SsS-—^! 'XiH ,*£ 5/ $ 4 A 1 rr'"TlMf*-H0®' 1 S And keep* on Haul A. Booth Je Soa'a And Oral Brawla ef Fr«sh O S E 8 mon. Lobsters, a Fresh Mackerel, Boston Baked 1 .Feet, la nict« Fnll Good Santifle Booms D. H. SMITH, Prop. Dr. T. L. Taylor BIIRCEON DENTIST, •as permanently located ia Wahpeton, and is prepared to do a general dentistry business. fttttulitj Teeth, $15fer Sit EitmttigMe CTeft palateg and all IriegtUartUe* WtihptUm, H. '1*'C J" V* •. A sg **r tyrfSsj^r.,* 2®BSBSES^asBai®i® 1 ^?r •». §rf*r, JSh^tesc?^ liSy jM"„kej«ty. aM .eo«flKt!lkHa««ri -art r.sr'.ysir^arjsj^sss'^s o^eyaaLattnwtldBetett*' tfa-nswr. jmmmmsmtL-. tageto get them tla tnlt Bae. O: AviiAWm. At Wn». Nortby's Saloon, where You can I'M the Beet or Wines, Liquons&Cigars tS MM CTk»*. 8 Toon*, CorMd Cemtot tot nchDe J. R. BUXTON, Attorney at Liw, to Loah on Real £stat^ Final Proofr Made, AnV Collections Hade. Suits Prosecuted rail Defeaded ln^Ul Coarts of Dakota and Minnesota. -,=^. Office one Door west of Bee Pf" Store. WAHPETON, DAK HEADQUABERS HO •v- Cw. M«ta Ifene nl Slxtk StrcH. ri Wahpeton, Dakota One Block from St.P.,M. fc M. depot. iv it er Dakota. Qt. ALB^fiCBET, HARNCi 1WA1C*ir.s?^ jSiAin Saddles, Cellars, B1 Preafrttimn* Carefoiig Com pmnntted. V- Opp. John Kelsoh*s'--^rei.-!3fi^«^«: "iTJ \t WAHPETON, DAKOTA B. C. BERG O O W Vrom Uaoerwood OttenaU Coanty, kOaMMta. eoastaaUyhaad. r7 »Stter nuanty tun anywasre ei»e lntowa. Orders for car load lata proaptly attZuM ia .Come ud atswlaa MM parchaalBg. Mat Lv lesxxii Continental Ho -CHARLISft ':*--i ... «,* children's tMth shall receive the latest mode of treatment. AJJ. WO** M^AmjLAxTxa. af* Fly Kets, Ox Harness, Whips, Come Combs, fcc a. A. tsho»a»d Pest office. WAHrsnft, Dakota^ WQRIOiAN, 4r "fcvi