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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
/OL. 32 t. CITY COUNCIL. Regular meeting of Wahpe ton Citv Council, Oct. 7th, 1907, Mayor Eberley presiding. Al dermen present, Forkner, Rob inson, Schneller,'Hess, Gillen, Gilles and Voves. Minutes of last regular meeting read, cor rected and approved. Motion carried that the mat ter of putting in water service for Mrs. Eckes' property, on Third street and J. Lehna's property, near pump house, be ^referred to the water supply committee with power to act. Motion carried that the mat ter of adjusting plans for found ation for boiler to be placed in pump house, be referred to the water supply committee with power to act. Motion carried that the pur chasing committee be author ized to buy furniture needed for the use of firemen. Motion carried that the mat ter of changing catch basin near P. Simonson's property be referred to the sewer commit tee with power to act. Motion carried that the Chief of fire department be author ized to have all unserviceable hose repaired and made fit for service. Alderman Schneller reported progress of finance committee in tegard to perfecting title of water works plant. Motion carried that the peti tion for abating taxes of Mrs. Downey be rejected. Motion carried that the mat ter of building a coal shed at pump house be referred to the ha in it power to act. Motion carried that the water supply committee be author-) ized to place a valve in water works system near pump house to control water pressure. Justice Basom's quarterly re port presented and motion car ried to refer the sa me to the finance cqmmittee. Water works engineer's re port showing 67 t« ns 1,426 lbs. coal used during Sept. present ed and motion carried to place same on file. Motion made that the sewer committee notify Mr. Porritt that the progress being made1 on sewer work is unsatisfac tory and that work must be pushed more rapidly and that the city will hold him' respon sible for any damages because of delay in work. Motion carried that two of the catch basins on 8th street and two on 9th street in Sewer Dist. No. 4, be not built and that the sewer committee be in structed to locate the ones built at these places mentioned. H. Albrecht's official bond and oath of office as city asses sor presented, and motion car ried to place it on file and ap prove the same. The city auditor's semi-an nual report presented and mo tion carried to refer the same to the finance committee. Motion carried that the bill of Connolly Bros, of $369,74 and bill of The American Well Co., of $306.69, be referred to the purchasing committee with power to act. Motion carried that the bill of H. G. Rasmus son, of $5.00, be referred to the Board of Health, they to report at the next meet ing. Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner & Marx Motion carried that the bill of John J. Junge, of $8.00, be re duced to $5.00 and allowed. Motion carried that the bill of V. McMichael, of $20.50, be referred to the finance commit tee with power to act. Motion carried that the bill of McCulloch Rohinpon Lumber Co, of $7019, be referred to side walk committee with power to act. Motion carried that bill of R. H. Cughan, of $25.50, be laid on the table. Motion carried that the bill of the Brookings Cement Co, of $}23 20, be referred to the com mittee on sidewalks and streets with power to act. Motion carried that the bill of the Northern Electric Co., of $260X0, be referred to the street committee with power to act. The following billa were pre sented and read and motion carried to pay the same out of their respeeti ve funds: WATERWORKS FUND. Thos McCabo. sal Herman Junge O Qulnn, sal MO, sundries |2 3 A Uilles, board for Palmer. GNHyCo, freight WAHPETON, RICHLAND 00., NOETH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1007. ..$#.% oo .... 50 00 .... 62 30 .... 1500 .... 81 40 American Well Co. exp of well expert.. 131 AO 108 63 27 67 7 00 I 28 80 I 8 40 1 00 Zenith Purnaco Co, coal John Maresh. labor Wensel Stovik Joseph Vodova Thos Novok RV McMichael American Well Co. air compressor 1145 95 Improvement Bulletin, advertising 11 80 W Deltz, cash adv. for hav 6 85 GENERAf, FUND. John Donovan, salary 50 no Wm Deltz 80 00 Ed Hartwell .. 50 00 Matt Huiuerlik 45 no Chas Wolfe 90 83 "Chas Youttgquist 39 16 W Purdon 25 00 John Early, special police.... ..... 6 00 E Rice 3 00 James Purdon ft Co, rent 15 00 Wenanl «tni»lk, lnhnr 11 00 John Maresh 24 73 Joseph Vodova Thos Novok O I Fall is Here Heiiance Hose Co, attending Area 58 80 Mazepp* Hook and Ladder Co., same... 83 40 W A Eftker, engineer services si 80 John Towrle, work on fire apparatus... 17 95 W ti Carter, insurance 10 Have You Bought THat New Suit or Overcoat? It's an easy matter for you to satisfy yourself in clothes this Fall if you come here to do it. We have a complete line of the Fnmous Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats now ready for your careful inspection. Our line of McKibbin Hats is complete. is hat rivals any $5 hat in the market. For Shoes we have all the latest, up-to-date styles. HATS WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE ANO INSPECT OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING The Home of HART, SGHAFFHER & MARX DLOTHES, MIBBIN HATS, WILSON BROS. SHIRTS AND'ROYAL BLUE SHOES. Yours for Business, 35 W A^ptnwall, sundries 3 B0 Globe laaette Printing Co. supplies 6 SO John Gllloley, police docket 18 00 Mayor Eberley appointed Chas. E Quinn at* police. Motion carried that the ap pointment of Chas. E. Quinn as police be confirmed. Motion carried that we ad journ. WM. R. PURDON, City Auditor. "QUISOY ADAMS SAWYER." In the stage production of "Quiucy Adams Sawyer" the essential features of Charles Felton Pidgin's famous New England novel of he same nanre have been followed, and t,hey are said to have been handled to extremely clever advantage. It is a distinctly enjoyable piece, both in itself and in the ingeniously natural work of the people presenting it. The production to be seen here for a night at Opera House, Wednesday, Oct. 16th, by the way, is the same in every detail of scenic production and cast as seen during the New York run recently at the Acade my of Music. There is a laugh almost everywhere, despite the teftder seriousness pertaining to Alice Pettengill's pathetic feature as the much loved blind girl and to her value as the central feature of the love story. It is a most entertaining pic ture of rural life, and prosented on quite a different plan from any other bucolic drama. Its features and typical characters are a id to be exceptionally (XXXXXXXXy^CCCGCCOCCCOOOO ANNUAL MEETING OF CLUBS. N. Dak. Federation of Women's Clubs Held Here Oct 16,17,18. The annual meeting of the North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs will be held in this city Oct. 16,17 and 18. The railroads will grant a rate of 1 3-5 fare on the certificate plan. Everv club is urged to send two delegates, that the at tendance may be sufficient to secure the reduced rates. Following is the program and list of officers: Pres Mrs. Frank White, Val ley City V-Pres., Mrs. Joseph Carhart, Mayville Rec. Sec., Miss. Hilda Sutterlund, Bis marck Cor. Sec., Miss Minnie an N el so a it Tress., Mrs. C. F. Amidon, Far go Auditor,-Mrs. L. W. Gam mons, Mi not Gen. Fed. Sec., Mrs. Grant S. Ha r, St. Thomas. Wednesday Morning. 9:00—Meeting of Board of Di rectors. 10:30—Called to order. Invocation— Rev. E. P. Moll. Music. Welcome to the City— F.E.Smith, Pres. Com. Club Address of Welcome— Mrs. W. R. Purdon, Pres. Women's Literary Club Response—Mrs. R.M.Pollock, Fargo. Report of Credential Com mittee. Song—America. Afternoon Session. Reports of Officers. Reports of standing commit tees. Appointment of-committees. lmes. a NO 27 Wednesday Evening. Reception at State School of Science given by faculty. Thursday Morning. 9:00—Business session. 9:30—Roll call of clubs. Thursday Afternoon. 1:30—Informal ballot. 2:00— Round Table— "What Should Interest Club Women." Literature—Mrs. E.G. Burch, Wahpeton. Education—Mrs. W. L. Stock well, Grafton. Civic Improvement Mrs. Wm. McKinney, ValleyCity Att—Mrs. H. F. Bolley, Fargo General Discussion. Thursday Evening. Address—W. R. George, the Founder of the George Junior Republic in N. Y. Friday Morning. 8:30—Board meeting. 9:00—Election of Officers. 9:30—Precedent's address, Mrs. Elsie Hadley White, Valley City. 10:00— Business Session—Un finished Business. 12:30^—Luncheon. Friday Afternoon. 2.00—Presentation of Officers. 2:30—Musical program, local talent. Piano Duet—Mrs. and Miss Moll. Vocal Solo—Mrs. L. W. Meck stroth. Reading—"A Scrap of Col lege Lore"—Miss Perry. Song—Ladjfs' Trio. Piano Solo—Miss Lura Muir. Song—Club Daughters. Musical numbers will be giv en at intervals throughout the session. Adjournment. CENTS' FURNISHINGS Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner & Marx BRECKENRIDCE. MINN.