Newspaper Page Text
•::C4 ,.r... Hon. M. N. Johnson, can didate for the republican nomi nation for U. S. Senator, spend Monday in the city en route to Sargent county where he was billed to make several ad dresses in the interest of his own candidacy for senator. While here, Mr. Johnson called at the Times office where we had a pleasant visit with the an W a heaid of Mr. Johnson but had never bad the pleasure of meet ing him. He impressed us as being a straight forward man of character and ability. Mr. Johnson represented this state for eight years in the National House of Representatives he was then a candidate for th£ U. S. Senate and although at the time a large majority of the people were favorable to his promotion, the corporations and bosses willed otherwise-and Mr. Johnson was defeated. But Mr. Johnson and his friends are now sanguine that under the state wide primary election he will be successful. Mr. John son represents the anti-gang, anti-machine element of the re publican party of the state and as the machine forces are divid ed in support of three candid ates, Hansbrough, Marshall and Little, Mr. Johnson's chances would seem to be good. It* is not the prbvince of this paper to act as adviser to our republican brethern but if the republican party is to furnish the next senator, we sincerely hope in the interests of the state that Mr. Johnson will be the successful candidate. Mr. Johnson in the senate repre senting North Dakota, would certainly be in striking contrast with the corporation tools who have represented us in that body almost since statehood. Mr. Johnson informed us that he would probably speak at several points in this county before the primary election is held. ooooooodoo Closing Out. G-ents Furnishings, Groceries, Crockery, G-lasswear, Shelv ing, Countean, Show Oases, One 1600 lb. safe, One Sim puting scale, One ice box. One large store stove, One coffee mill—Everything must go, as I am going to quit business. ..M. Muchvitch.. OOOOOOOOCXD Will Continue At Ostendrfs Clothing Co., ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Many cities throughout the state are establishing city scales and appointing a city weigh master. A public scale is a thing much needed in Wahpeton. Spring is here. If you don't believe it take a stroll on Dako ta Ave., and peer into some of the display windows, but be fore you go, read the large ad vertisement of the Boston Store in this paper. The Fraternal Union will hold a shamrock progressive "500" card party at A. O. U. W. Hal', Tuesday evening, March 17. Prizes will be aw arded. Re freshments served. Admission twenty-five cents. 2t We have wall paper patterns especially selected for kitchens, bed rooms, sitting rooms, hall ways, receptiou rooms and par lors that cannot fail to please in price, quality and design. Rittenhouse's Drug Store. 3t. Mr. Larimore, of Kansas City, Mo., arrived a few days ago to accompany his wife, who has been paying her sister, Mrs. Murtha, a few week's visit, on a trip to Seattle, Wash., where they will be guests of the lat ter's parents. Mrs. Watson, who lias been spending the winter here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Meckstroth, left the first of the week for a visit with relatives and friends in Minneapolis and Watseka, before returning home to Marshall, Minn.- Bottom prices—We are in a position to make you prices that will insure your trade, and request that you call. See our stock and get our prices wheth er you purchase or not. Ritten house's Drug Store. 3t. To TRADE—I vers, Minn. will trade my farms in Swift or Jackson coun ties, Minnesota, for a good hardware or Merchandise busi ness. Land at actual cash •alue. Address box 18, Dan- THE WAHPETON TIMKS THITBsnAY M&pm tono If you want something ex clusive, something special in wall paper. Call at Ritten house's Drug Store and see the finest line ever in the city. 3t. Rev. Craig, a well known and highly recommended evangel-' ist of New York, will hold a series of meetings for a couple of weeks, beginning next week, at the Methodist church. He was formerly a pastor at Fer gus Falls. All are cordially in vited to attend. Before placing your next order for wood or coal call up J, C. Brunkhorst phone 300L who handles only the best grades of soft and hard coal, and wood of all kinds at reason able prices. Give us a call Block South of High School Wahpeton,--4st. 4t An oratorical contest for the silver medal will be held at the Methodist church Friday even ing of next week. Four young ladies, the same number, of young men of this city and a number of out of town contest ants will participate. A small admission fee will be charged. The 20th annual masquerade ball given under the auspices of the Turn Verein Vorwaerts at Turner Hail last Monday evening was the biggest suc cess of the season, and in ploint of attendance, variety of cos tumes displayed and the good time provided, surpassed all other attempts. The lenten season, which is observed by so many, opened yesterday, and from then until Easter a period of fast will be' observed. The following are the special church days during the season: Ash 'Wednesday —March 4, Quadragesima Sun day—March 8, Palm Sunday— April 12.Good Friday—April 17, Easter Sunday—April 19. An illustrated lecture on "Japan" will be given under the auspices of the Epworth League in the Methodist church on Tuesday next at 8 p. m. This promises to be an educational treat and an even ing of splendid entertainment. All should see and hear this. The views are up-to-date and handsome, the majority being colored by slide artists. Ad mission 25 and 15 cents. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can be quick 1 corrected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The prompt and surprising re lief which this remedy imme diately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of th^ Stomach, etc. Sold by all Deal ers. DR. GEO. E. Dr. George E Moody— the original George E the only George E.— the invincible George E—your friend George E.—the ex sheriff and next sheriff of &ichland county, has been doing veterinary work in the vicinity of Kindred during a plenty of Work and makes a friend of every man he meets. —Kindred Tribune .(Republic can.) In the Gunn Block, 5th Street Pain anywhere, pain in the head, painful periods, Neural gia, toothache, all pains can be promptly stopped by a thor oughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by Druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Pain simp ly means congestion—undue blood pressure at point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unatural blood pressure, and pain immediately departs. Write Dr. Snoop Racine, Wis. and get a free trial package. Large box 25 cts. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The March examination for teachers' cerificates will be given at both Wahpeton and Hankinson, Friday and Satur day, March 13 and 14, 1908. PROOKAM. FRIDAY, A. M. Beading Rules and Regulations. ..8:80 to 8:40 Preliminary to 9 2nd Grade 1st Grade Su Jec'a Subjects Arithmetic 9 to 10:45 Algebra Civics .10:45 to 12.Physical Geography P. M. XT. S. History .. .1 to 2:30 Geometry Geography 2:30 4o 4 Psy oho logy Theory & Practice..* toK ....Physics SATURDAY, A. M. Language and Crammer 8:30 to 10 Physiology and Hygiene 10 to 11:15 Heading 11:1B to 18:15 Orthograpny 12:15 to 1 R. M. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Adam Kiierhardt, Jr.. Mortgagor, to Nathan Barnes. Mortgagee, dated the 83rd day of Jan uary, 1908, and tiled lor record in the office of the Begieter ol Deeds of the County of Rich land and State of North Dakota on tne 2nd ray ol February, It)06, and recorded in Book 84 or Mortgages at page 879, which was given to secure a note of even date therewith, will be foreclosed by a sale of the oremises de scriled in such mortgane and hereinafter de scribed. at tile Iront doer ol the Court House in the County of Kicbland and State of North Dak ta. at tbe hour of Twi. o'clock P. M. on the 4ih fay ol April. 19(8. to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage at the da' of tale. The premises described in sucL ifitgv *nd whkh will be sold lo satiety the same are described as follows: The North East Quarter (N. E- of faction Sev enteen (ID township One Hundred Thirty Thtee (138) Range Fifty-Two (53) in the Coun ty 'Itkhluiut and Stat.ji.ot North Dakota. It is provided by the terms of said mort jri'jii' and the note which it pccures, that pay n:i iitt- me HI le nuifle b.v installments, and that it' delimit be in payment of anv such installments, then all of the principal suuit- in fraid note and mortgage specified to gether with the interest accruedi thereon, shall, at the electicn of the holder thereof, biciiireat neciue and payable, such elec tion to be made at any time after default and without notice. Default has occured in mak ing the payments 1 January 1st, 1807, and Jai'iiury let l'jOS, aad the Mortgagee hereby eltcts to declare and does declare the total of ihe amounts stemtd by said note and mort liajte. together with the-interest due thereon lo the date ol suie, amounting in all to tbe sum of thirty dollars andUeventy cents (S3li io) to bi due and payable, on the date of salt. Dated this gist day of February, 1906. NATHAN M. BABNES, ... Mortgagee. PDIICELL & DLVET. Attorneys for Mortgagee. First Pub. Feb' ST, 1908. 6 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given, that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Karl N Baliko, administratrix of the estate of Nils N. Bakko. deceased mort gagor, to Olf N. Olsgaard, mort gagee. dated the 80th day of April, A. D. luoi, and filed for record in the ofHce of the Uegis ter of Deeds, of the County of Itichland aud Slate of North Da kota on the 16th day of May. A. D. 1901, and recorded in book "86" of mortgages, at page 54 and assigned by said mortgagee by an instrument in writing to Brick T. Lee dated the 81st day ot January, A D. 1908, and filed for record In said office of the Register of Deeds on the 84th dayot January. 1908, and recorded in book "50" of mortgages, on page 2B1 will be fore closed by a sale ol the premises in such mort gage and hereinafter described, at the front dour of tbe court house in the City of Wahpe ton in tbe County of Richland and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m.. on tbe 13th day of March, 1908, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situaud in tbe Ooun ty of Richland and ftate of North Dakota and described as follows, to-wit: The south west quarter (S. W Si) of section twenty (8U) in township one hundred and thirty-six (186) north of range fifty (50) went and containing one hundred and sixty acres according to the United BtgteB government survey thereof. There will be due on such mortgage at tbe date of sale the sum of six hundred sixty six and 0-100 dollars, besides the legal costs of this foreclosure. Dated at Wahpeton, North Dakota, tbiB89th day of January, 1908. gttiCK life mm** BLACK, Co. Supt. of Schools. T. LEE, Assignee of Mortgagee. W, S. LADDER, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee, Wahpeton, North Dakota. First Pub. Jan. 90.1108. 6t WHY drink it? Guard against disease and poison from im« pure water by using a Germ Proof Water Filter A Word -"rV, .•• -^V V" V:* .. -s -r C. D. RittenHouse, DRUGGIST PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, WALL PAPER, TOILET ARTICLES ar We niakea specialty ofcompounding physicians' CIGARS, ETC, preocrlpMona iSiSiSiSSI§ Every Edison Phonograph and Record are carefully inspected and adjusted by an expert before it's sold to you. John G. Stluka, N D*k Write tor a Catalogue Repairing a Specialty y&u Wouldn't. Bat Dipt Positively removes all germs and impurities. It is quicK.flowing, simple, compact, cleans in a minute and does not require frequent renewal CAL,L AT THE STOKE FOR DEMONSTRATION 0. H. Shultz Hardware Co. To the Man who wishes to be WELL TAILORED. IB have just received samples of all the latest Foil weaves. When you want nobby, up to-date clothing at a moderate price cloth ing that is made well, fits well, is well tailored and will wear well that will mike any breast swell with pride, give me a call. K. Seversoti, The Tailor. •, ':3 1 1 1 JL 4-