OCR Interpretation

The Wahpeton times. [volume] (Wahpeton, Richland County, Dakota [N.D.]) 1879-1919, October 15, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024779/1908-10-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are the famous little pills, easy
to take, safe, sure and gentle.
Get Early Risers. They are
the pills made. We sell. them.
Sold by all druggists.
In the matter the e«tnte of I
George F. Ball Deceased
Notice Is taerby given by the undersigned
'Elizabeth M. Ball Exioutrix of the Estate of
George F. Bail late of the City of Billows
Falls in the couuty of Windham and State of
Vermont deceased, to the creditors of, and al
persons having claims against said deceased,
to exhibit tbem with the necessary vouchers,
within four months after the first publication
of this notice, to said Executrix at the office
of Ink & Wallace in the City of Wahpeton in
arid Richland County.
Dated September 88th. A. D. 1908
B. N. INK. Resident Agent
Wahpeton N. Oak,
First publication on the 1st. day October A
D' 1908. 4wk.
County of Richland.
Fourth udlcial District.
Henry B. Connors,«
Norman F. Thompson,
Harry Thompson, Ber
nard Ai. Thompson. M.
Kavich, and the un
known heirs of said
tour persons John K.
Jones and all other
persons unknown
claiming any estate or
Interext in or lien or
incumbrance upon the
roperty described in
the oomplaint.
u, atid e. oh of vou, are hereby summon
ed to answer the complaint in this actiou
which was. on tt9 5th day of October 1908. fil
ed in the office of the clerk of the said Dist
rict Court of the Fourth Judicial District
in and for said County of Richland and State
-of North Dakota in the City ol' Wahpeton in
said county and state, and to 9erve a copy of
your answer to the said complaint upon the
subscribers in their office In said City of
Wahpeton in said county and state, within
thirty days after the service of this suram ins
upon you, exclusive of the day of scrvice
and in case of your failure to appear or aus
wer, judgment will be taken against you by
default l'or the relief demanded in the said
Dated October 5tb, A. D. 1903.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address: Wahprton. North Dakota.
YOU, and each of you. will please take
nr ticethat the object of said action is to quiet
the title of the plaintiff in and to the real
estate which is described in this notice, and
to excluded you, the said defendants, aud
each of vou, from any interest in said real
estate, and that the description of the land to
which suc'ta action relates is as follows, to-wit:
The Northeast quarter (N E of section
twenty-nine (89) in totvnship one hnndrcd
thirty (ISO) of range forty-eight (48) in Bieh
land County, in the Slate of North Dakota.
Dated October 5th, A. D. 190*.
At oruey lor Plaintiff
P.O. Address: Wahpeton, North Dakota.'
First Publication Oct 8.6 wks.
County of Richland.
Before Hon, Andreas Jersin,
In the Matter of the Estate of Karlolina
Julin, Deceased:
John Erickson,
Hagbarth Rosendahl
Obarsles Rosendahl,
Adolf Julin: Helga
Hosendahl John H.
Rosendahl Johannes
A- Rosendahl Johan
na Nelson: Mary Jnlin
Carl Julin Albert
so a
Johnson and Henry
.lohrprn: and Oscar
Rosendahl Woltred
Johnson, minors and
K. H. Mybra, special
guardian of and for
said minors.
On reading and filing the petition of the pe
titioner, as the administrator of the above
mentioned estate setting forth the amount of
personal estate that has come to his hands,
and the disposition thereof, the amount of
debts outstanding against said deceased, and
the expenses of administration, a description
of all the real estate of which said deceased
died seized, and the condition and value of
the respective portion thereof and praying
that license be to him granted to sell the fol
lowing described land belonging to the estate
of said Karolina Julin. deceased, to-\vi::
Lot seven (7) in Section Thirty-two (82)
Township One Hundred Thirrv-six (186) of
Range Fortj -eight (43) in Richland County,
North Dakota.
And it appearing, by said petition, that
there is not sufficient money or personal
estate in the hands of said administrator to
pay said debts and expenses or administration
and that it is necessary, la order to pay the
same, to sell said real estate:
said petition be heard and considered by the
Judge of the County Court of the said County
of ttichland at the court rooms of said Court
in the city of Wahpeton in said Oounty, on
the 16th day of November A. D. 1908 at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day.
sona interested in said estate, appear before
the Judge of tbis Court at said time and place
and then and there show cause, if any there
be, why said petition should not be granted:
By the Court:
Judge of the County Court.
Dated the 2nd day of October A. D. 1908.
Let the service of the above Order be made
by publication thereof for tour weeks in The
Wahpeton Times, a newspaper published in
Wahpeton, North Dakota.
(SEAL) Judge.
Attornej for Petitioner,
Wahpeton, N. D.
First publication Oct. 8,4 wks.
Continued from page 8
Louis Hein Clerk Co aud 70 00
Frank Markus janitor O H... 55 00
Stephen Braun Co Treas 101 66
K. L. Mikkelson dep co treas. 85 00
A. ]. Nelson sal reg of deeds. 166 66
Oscar Olson dep co reg of
deeds 85 00
Andreas Jersin Co judge 150 00
L. S. Braun clerk Co Treas.. 70 00
Lillian Shields dep co supt of
schools 73 14
J. C. Gottwald clerk reg of
deeds 38 86
Avia H. Sleeper clerk co
judge 50 00
Gustar Schuler states attor
ney... 166 66
B.N. Black co supt of schools 146 25
R. M. Black' institute exp.... 126 57
J. M. Kramer clerk ot court.. 150 00
C. A. McKean dep clerk of
court 9 75
E. S. CAMERON, County Auditor.
Kidney Troubles May Be Sap
ping Your Life Away Wahpe
ton People Have Learned
This Faot.
When a healthy man or
woman begins to run down
without apparent cause, be
comes weak, languid, depress
ed, suffers backache, headache,
dizzy spells and urinary disor
dors, look to the kidneys for
the cause of it all. Keep the
kidneys well and they will
keep you well. Here is Wah
peton testimony to prove it
Mrs. Jacob Sweitzer, living
near Public School, Wahpeton,
N. D., says: "For twenty years
I was bothered with backache
and a disordered condition of
my kidneys. Pains would
catch me in the small of my
back and an almost steady
aching through my loins made
it hard fot me to bend over.
Whenever I caught the least
cold it would settle in my
kidneys and cause me to suffer
severely. Headaches and dizzy
spells were also of frequent
occurence and at times I felt so
miserable that I could scarcely
drag myself around. After
trying many remedies without
receiving relief, Doan's Kidney
Pills were brought to my atten
tion and I procured a box at
Keen's drug store. This re
medy helped me from the first
and I continued using it until
cured. I am now enjoying
good health and give Doan's
Kidney Pills the credit."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's
—and take no other.
Sheyenne Tips.
(To late for last week.)
Erik R. Johnson went to
Davenport on the 12th, where
he will be employed in the
blacksmith shop for the busy
fall as he is a good blacksmith
and the shop is crowded with
Edelbert Stensrud was out
here from Davenport on the 21,
looking for a farm to buy for
his mother who may move her
family out here and locate for
the future, people are now con
vinced that Sheyenne is the
place for prosperous stock
Henry Gulland went to
Davenport this week, returnit
on the 5th.
Miss Emma Hanson is home
from her work in the boarding
car ot Ed. Thompson.
On the 2nd day of October
the Sheyenne School district
had a very fine and successful
entertainment in the school
house, the transport wagons
rolled in children from every
direction and in spite of two
threshing machines in the
neighborhood there] were a
number of visitors present.
State Superintendant W. h.
Stockwell, County Superin
tendent R. M. Black, Hon
George VanArnam of Walcott
our next county judge and E.
S. Cameron our county auditor
were all present. Mr. Stock
well presented to the school a
very large glass framed picture
of Geo. Washington while
crossing the Delaware River
with his army aud captured
the English soldiers it is a
very fine ornament to the
school house speeches, and they
were good ones, were given by
Stockwell, Black, and Geo.
VanArnam, after whom M.
Lirdal and Lars Severson
made a few remarks. It was
an entertainment long to' be
remembered and we are very
thankful to our two superin
tendents and Geo. VanArnam
and E. S. Cameron for their
kind visits Our school is also
this year managed by our form
er teacher Miss Injeborg Fos
san who towers up with a first
grade certificate.
Do you notice how many
republican papers in this state
are going over to the democra
tic party, they have seen the
wrong in the G. O. P. and will
stay no longer with them.
Those who have in an un
prejudice fashion studied the
Roosevelt methods and have
separated the wheat from the
chaff in his premier make up,
are struck with the fact that
the good in his political
actions, should be marred by
the evident truth that his aim
is not the accomplishment of
the good, but solely for the
purpose of increasing his
popularity, in other words, it
is "simply playing to the gal
This is true also of his
methods to popularize his man
Taft. For an example of this
take the publication of Mr.
Taft's letter in the recent
Hearst-Foraker episode. The
letter was written in July 1907,
at a time when both Foraker
and Taft were sparring for
points to get the nomination
aud when Mr. Foraker criticis
ing Roosevelt for his actiou iu
the Browrusvi le affair. As the
chosen deputy of Mr. Roose
velt, how could Mr. Tait do
anything else under the cir
cumstances than disavow as
sociation with Foraker? What
evidence of high mindedness
and indepenence of character
on Mr. Taft's part does that
display, in view of the fact
that as soon as Mr. Taft had
received the nomination he
immediately became reconcil
ed to Mr. Foraker, both met
and spoke on the same plat
form, both exchanged greetings
ot good will and friendship for
each other, and republican
newspapers pointed to this fact
as a sure arguary that Taft
would carry Ohio because he
had the aid of the great war
horse of republicanism, Mr. J.
B. Foraker. Not only so, but
he was to be a great factor in
thespeaking campaign in other
states as well. He was stated
tor the chief address at the
grand rally of republican clubs
in Cincinnati, when behold in
to the happy reunited republi
can family, the harmonious
music of praise for the two
great men, Mr. Hearst flung his
apple of discord, the Standard
oil letters' Now, to save hi
Iriend whom he has decided
(regardless of the opinion ot
American voters) shall be pre
sident of United States, Mr.
Roosevelt comes forward with
Mr. Taft's letter written a year
ago, when Mr. Foraker was
openly fighting both Taft and
Roosevelt, to prove that Mr,
Taft is a man of great inde
pendence of character and
should be president because he
disavowed Mr. Foraker, i^nur
ing the fa'.'t that »lr. Taft as
soon as he got the nomination
received Mr. Foraker with open
arms. This is
a fair bauiple
Rooseveltia.j methods oi de
ception aud buticot-isui
"Bismarck"—best wines and
liquors by bottle or gallon, all
kinds of bottle beer. tf.
To The Voters of Richland
1 am a candidate for re-election to the
office of States Attorney of this county, and
will greatly appreciate all tbe support .vou
may accord me. 1 believe my past adminis
tration of this important otlice is entitled to.
and is triven, favorable consideration by all
who believe in conservative, conscientiouit,
economical and safe conduct of its affairs I,
assure you that, if re-elected. 1 will continue
to carry out that policy without fear or favor
If you have good clean flax
straw do not burn it as you car
find a market for it at the
Wahpeton Tow Mill. For fur
ther information call at the
mill. tf
We wish to inform the gener
al public that my undertaking
rooms are under the charge of
M. LaChance a licensed em
balmer will give the business
his special attention, calls at
tended to day or night.
2w W. W. Jamie
The wholesome, harmless
green leaves and tender stems
of a lung healing mountainous
shrub, give to Dr. S hoop's
Cough Remedy its curative
,»ro[)erties Tickling or dry
bronchial coughs quickly and
safely yield to this highly
effective Cough medicine. Dr.
Shoop assures mothers that
'tiey can with safety give it to
•vt'ii very young babies. No
opium, no chloroform—abso
lutely nothing harsh or harm
ful. It calms the distressing
cough, and heals the sensitive
membra es. Accept no other.
Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold b?
all dealers.
See MrCulloch & Robinson
o. fi re buying your fall fuel.
A are ov stocked with wood
co will i. .ke foliong prices
or a Iini'Tcd lime.
Maple sawed $9.00
Birch sawed 8.00
Oak sawed 7.50
Tama nek sawed 7.00
(tick Pine sawed 6 50
Bassvvood sawed 6.00
Jack Pine Slabs sawed 5.50
Take-Down Relating Shotguns
The Winchester Repeating Shotgun has stood the trying
practical tests of sportsmen and the rigid technical trials
of the U. S. Ordnance Board. Its popularity with the for
mer and the official endorsement by the latter are convinc
ing proof of its reliability, wearing and shooting qualities.
Stnd for Cotalotot otWinchetttr—fh* R$i W Brand—Gans and Ammunition.
TheSuit You Thought 1
Was Ruined
will undergo a remarkable S
transformation in our hands.
All those nasty spots which
were so annoying will have 1
vanished during1 our process
of cleaning, and the whole
suit will look so clean and jf
fresh as to be equal to anew j|
one. Send anything' you wish
cleaned to
GUSTAV Scnur,.Eit
DeWitt's Kidney and Blad
der Pills are just what you
need and what you should get
right away for pain in the back,
backache, rheumatic pains,
and all urinary and bladder
troubles. Thousands of poeple
suffer from Kidney and Blad
der trouble aud do not know it.
They think it is a cold or a
strain. Don't take any chance.
Get DeWitt's Kidney and Blad
der Pills. They are antiseptic
and promptly soothe the pain
Don't fail to insist upon De
Witt's Kidney and Bladder
Pills. We sell them. Sold by
all druggists.
The Panatorlum
and you will be more than
Vachon & Co. Prop.
Phone No.209. Next door to Optra HouseS
A circular giving large
Illustration, with full
on is
handsome new gun,
sent free on request or
with complete 136-page
catalog for 3 stamps.
flie20tu/ihfic*eums Co.,
42 Willow Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN.
(Successors to Cbas. ft. Bade)
Jewelers and Opticians.
Go to the blood, if you are to
drive out Rheumatism. A
Wisconsin physician, Dr.
Shoop, does this with hit
Rheumatic Remedy—and with
seeming success. Rub-on's
says the doctor, never did cure
Rheumatism. It is more than
skin deep—it is constitutional,
always. Because of this princi
ple, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy is perhaps the most
popular in existance. It goee
by word of mouth from one to
another, every where. Grateful
patients gladly spread results.
It is an act of humanity to tell
the sick of a way to health.
Tell some sick one. Sold by all
I have opened dress making
parlors at 215, 2nd street South
also agent for a fine line of
ladies suits,—particular work
for particular people. 2w
A pain prescription is print
ed upon each 25c, box of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets.
Ask your Doctor or Druggist if
this formula is not complete.
Head pains, womanly pains,
pains, anywhere get instant re
lief from a Pink Pain Tablet
Sold by all dealers.
The Times $1 per yr.
(Successors to Chas. G. Bade)
Jewelers and Opticians.
Expert Watch and Jewelery Re
of such high grade that there
is no use in looking for better.
It isn't made. The first sack
you use will prove that to
you—ask your Grocer for it.
This new 6-shot
model is the simplest,
surest, and fastest 12
gauge repeater made.
It has the solid top,
aide ejection and
double extractors
Epecial Ulat/in fea
tures of comfort and
convenience. The closed-in breech
keeps the action clean and the shells
dry—keeps out rain, snow, dirt, leaves
twigs and sand.
The new take-down construction allows
you to take gun apart in ten seconds for
cleaning or packing, yet the joint la always
as firm and rigid as in a solid frame, non
take-down gun. The fat forearm fits vniir
hand and helps quick operation.
The full choked guns are guaranteed
close-shooting, hard-hitting guns, and are
unequalled for ducks, geese, foxes and all
long-range work.
Loan on
City Property
Farm Lands,
Can on or write
Wahpeton, North Dakota.
Cough Caution
Never, positively never poison your lungs. Iljroa
cough—even from a simple cold only—youshouM
always heal, soothe, and wise the Irritated bn»
chial tubes. Don't blindly suppress it wltk a
stupefying poison. It's strange how some tM„f
finally come about. For twenty years Dr.
has wnstantly warned people not to takeeoogfc
mixtures or prescriptions containing Opium
Chloroform, or similar poisons. And now—a UIOs
late though—Congress says "Put it on the Itbd,
If poisons are in your Cough Mixture." Good!
Very good 11 Here
afterfor thisvery reasonmothmw
and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's
labels—and none in the medicine, else it mnsttv
law be on the label. And it's not only safe, bat it
Is said to be by those that know it best, a truly r*
markable cough remedy. Take no chance t)M%
particularly with your children. Insist on havias
Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully Qs
Dr. Shoop package with others and not* Ikt
difference. No poison marks there! Yon CM
always be on the safe side by demanding
Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure
Benda Market
If you are looking (or fre9h meat,
this is the makret to come to. We
handle nothing but the choicest.
W.e also handle a fine line of Smoked
meats. Highest cash price paid for
hides and pelts.
FRANK BENDA, Wahpeton, N.D.
One Deor East of Post Office.

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