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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. Old papers, lOcts., a hundred. Miss L. C. Briggs is reported quite ill. For bulk oysters, go to Wagners. Frank and Eddie Herman are reported quite ill. Mrs. Putman of Campbell was a visitor here Friday. Pete Ready is reported quite ill at the Breckenridge hospit al. Mrs. D. Quinlin and sister •were in from Mooreton Satur day. For a farm loan, see F. Schneller. Kates the lowest. tf 7-10. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hafner of Mooreton were Wahpeton visit ors Monday. Ben Buscher of Mooreton was a Wahpeton visitor the latter part of last week. John Forkner of South Dako ta stopped off here on his way to Fergus Falls last week. To RENT—Seven room house. For particulars inquire at A. Miksche & Co's. store. Miss Matilda Rustad has re signed her position at the Northwestern telephone office. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing every where, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventics Preventics are also fine for fev erish children. Take Preven ties at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48—2oc. Sold by all dealers. The ladies who attended the Woman's Federation Club at Minot returned home Saturday morning. For first-class cleaning, re pairing and pressing take your clothing to John Brown the Tailor. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Nelson are rejoycing over the arri-val of a daughter at their home last Wednesday. Miss Olga Hurstgaard of Breckenridge has accepted a position at the Northwestern Telephone office. Bismarck"—the finest and cleanest place in Breckenridge. Everything up-to-date. Blatz Beer on dratuh, tf* Miss Elizabeth Boudiette will teach a seven-month terra of school near Barney this win ter. She left for that place Saturday. S a a been the guest of her sister Mrs. Chas. Frederick, left for a visit with her parents at Everdell. Lost.—On Dakota Ave. a baby's Roman gold ring set with one turquoise and two pearls. Finder please return to this office and receive re ward. tf. Mrs. Littistol of Barney stop ped off here on her way home from Sioux Falls, So. Dak. She returned to her home at Barney Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patter son left Tuesday for a visit at Minneapolis, Chicago, Iowa and Indiana, expecting to be gone a month or six weeks. Lost.—On road between Wahpeton and J. A. Rickert's country home farm a tine 38 Smith & Weston revolver, blue. Finder kindly teturn to J. A. Rickert and receive reward. "The Holy City" which is at the Opera House on Friday, Oct. 16th is to be one of the most important events of the season in this city. The play, which deals with life during the Biblical times, is most in teresting and the subject is handled most reverently, com plete scenery is carried, and the cast is the best that could be secured, so that Manager Probert is very fortunate in securing an attraction of this class tor our local theatregoers. $6 For lime, brick and cement see John Rischard. tf Miss Mary Skauge attended dance at Hankinson Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ben Schneller is visit ing with friends at Hankinson this week. For first class watch and clock repairing go to Albert Schriber. Mrs. Stelli who has been the guest of Hans Myhra and family returned to her home at Grandville, N. D., Friday. Mrs. Henry Albrecht a nd daughter Alice left Saturday morning for a visit with Miss Ada Albrecht at Jamestown. Wanted.—Girl to do general house work, four in family, good wages. Mrs. A. Sterns, 825 6th, street Wahpeton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice returned from Spokane, Wash. Saturday after visiting two months with relatives and friends. Miss Auna Medvid has ac cepted a position with the Chaney Everhart Candy Com pany at Fargo, and left for that place Sunday. Miss Bertha LaClaire who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baily for several days left for her home at Hopkinton, Iowa, Friday. Don't be deceived by imita tion of DeWitt's Carbolized W it a el S a W you ask for DeWitt's be sure to get it. The name is stamped on every box. There is just one original. It is especially good for piles. We sell and re commend them. Sold by all druggists. Special Shirt Sale At GEO. H. WICHMAN'S for Cash only On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1908 All Shirts are included in this sale, stiff bosom shirts, banded negligee shirts, Golf shirts, coat shirts, soft Collar shirts and flannel overshirts. $1.00 shirts go at 75c $1.25 shirts go at 1.00 1.50 shirts go at 1.15 2.50 shirts go at 2.00 ONE DAY ONLY If in need of a Suit or Overcoat it will be to your advantage to see us before buying. Our im mense stock enables you to get just what you want at prices as low or lower than elsewhere. Suits or Overcoats from to Shoes for Everybody. Overshoes and Bobbers Geo. W ichman Wahpeton, N. D. Order your township blank, from the Times office. John Stanton and daughter Pheobe spent Wednesday at Fairmount. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chezik and Miss Mae Terral were Far go visitors Tuesday. For tire insurance, see F. B. Schneller. 5 ot the best old line companies represented. Mr. and Mrs. James McCann left Wednesday morning for Dilworth for a visit with their son. For Rent. Double offices, hot water heat, only $15.00 per month. Inquire of Miss L. C. Briggs. 2 wk. Mrs. C. H. Smith is expected here Monday from Pennington, Minn., for a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rin derman. Mrs. B. Sletten and Mrs. Nordhouse of Dwight attended the funeral of their sister, Miss G. Lein at Union, N. D. last week. Mrs. Christina Garrett and son Grant after visiting in Breckenridge for several days left for Graceville, Minn., Tuesday evening. The W. R. C. ladies will give a dance Friday evening Oct., 23rd, at Armory Hall. Every body invited Music by Braun's Orchestra. Tickets $1.00. 2w Miss Agnes Myhra spent Monday the guest of Miss Maud Hauskin at Christine. She savs Miss Hauskin is well pletsed with her school and has enrolled about twenty pupils. 2.00 shirts go at 2.75 shirts go at $12 Bulk oyester season will open at Wagners Friday. Miss Josie Oliver came in from her school at Barney Friday returning Saturday evening. Miss Alvina Eckes has organized a music class at Mooreton, Barney and Wynd mere. I wish to say to my friends throughout the county, that I am still doing business at my old office and invite all my friends to call or write to me for anything in the line of farm loans, fire insurance, real estate or probate. Oct 8. Chas. G. Bade. 4 wks. Matt Gillen, George Miller, Inglehard and Baldauf cele brated their October birthdays at Turner Hall Satuday even ing., Lunch was served and everyone reported a good time. There is now on exhibit a photo from Jackson Michigan and one from Mankato, Minn, at Qpnaldson's Studio for one week only. All are welcome to ccme and view the fine art. STRAYED—T my place Sunday, Oct. 6, pigs red and black mixed, Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Juilus Smith, Farmington. Clarence Bennett's beauti ful play, "The Holy City" which is considered one of the best things on the stage, will be seen at the Opera House on Oct. 16th. We do not general ly announce attractions so far in advance,but as this is to be an event of importance in local theatrical affairs, we take plea sure in doing so. •f For bulk oysters, go to Wagners. E. Tharldson an old mer chant of Grand Forks from '77 to '98 but now located at Starbuck, Minn was a visitor in our city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire left Wednesday for their home at Cameron, Mo. Mr. McGuire has been employed at the Indian School for several months. Auction sale of pure bred S or or a A Angus cattle at Campbell, Minn. Tuesday Oct. 27th. Send for catalogue. O. E. Shaffer, 2t Wahpeton, N. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the Heart and one to the Kidneys. When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs must falter. Dr. Shoop's Re storative is directed specifically to those failing nerves. With in 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize again. Sold by all dealers. Lot 1 Block Fargo Add to Wahpeton. Lot 2 Block Fargo Add. to Wahpeton. Let 3 Block Fargo Add. to Wahpeton. Lot 4 Block Fdrgo Add. to Wahpeton. Lot 5 Block Fargo Add. to Wahpeton. Lot 6 Block Fargo Add to Wahpeton. Lot 9 Block 13 Hoots Add. to Wahpeton Lot 12 Block 7 H. 8. Tylers Add. to Wuhpeton. lb Or.uniiil I hereby certify that tbe expense as stated below is the amount paid by tbe city of Wahpe ton for the building of cement walk abutting the property described: Cement Work Notice Interest 31 00 $1 95 too 16 31 00 1 #5 16 31 00 1 95 16 31 00 1 95 is 31 00 1 96 16 182 40 4 70 *9 70 3 75 17 iS 3 75 49 Notice Is hereby given that the Wahpeton City Council will meet and U...<p></p>Nov. ft lAi the Council rooms 3 1918 at 8 p. m. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction on Thursday, October 22, commencing at ten o'clock a. m. sharp at my farm one mile south west of Mantador the following personal property: 1 Srt'y Siding, 8 yrs old, wt 1400 1 grey gelding, 7 yrs old, wt 1400 1 grey mare, 7 yrs old, wt 1400 1 bay home, 8 yrs old, wt 1400 1 grey mare, 4 yrs old, wt 1100 1 grey mare, 4 yrs old, wt 1130 1 black horse, 4 yrs old, wt 1200 1 black mare, 4 yrs old, wt 1200 1 grey mare, 8 yrs old wt 1200 1 grey mare 12 yrs old, wt 1200 1 bay horse, 8 yrs old, wt 1200 1 black horse colt, 2 yrs old, wt 800 1 yearling colt, 1 full blood Short horn bull, registered, 26 fresh milch cows 8 cows coming in soon 2! head of steers and heifer calves 10 TolouBe geese 15 young turkeys 6 full blood Poland China bro&d sows 3 wide tire wagons with boxes and hay racks 3 pair bob sleighs 2 McCormick Sft truck binders 2 McCormick mowers 1 hay rake 1 John Deere gang plow 2 Emerson gang plows 3 4-horse drags 1 2-horse drag 2 Kentucky drills 1 disc cultivator 1 shovel cultivator 1 hand cultivator 1 disc 1 cornplanter 1 Milwaukee binder 5 sets double work harness 1 heat ing stove 1 Fabia rauge 1 DeLaval cream separator 500 bushels White Russian seed oats 1 bull hay rack other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch will be served at noon. Terms: All sums under $10.00, cash. For larger amounts bank able paper will be accepted. No property to be removed from prem ises until settled for. Chas. Woiwode, Owner. C. Riemenschneider, Auctioneer. J. W. Hargrave, Clerk. Total $& II 33 11 33 11 33 11 *3 11 1« W SB 12 S3 0 WM. J. Dim, approveTto88'011"atsamer* Wm. K. PriiDo.1, City Auditor