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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
Extra 1 Grocery Department Phone No. 28 We can deliver the goods anywhere in Wahpeton or Breckenridge. Walcott (The Reporter.) W. M. Rohan was a Kindred visitor Monday. Prof. Hatison sold his farm in Canada Tuesday. Amund Sorlie shipped a car of cattle to St. Paul Wednesday evening. These cattle were all raised on Mr. Sorlie's farm and will, we believe, bring him more profit than his wheat crop. Mr. Sorlie has shipped a car of cattle each year for a number of years and says that stock raising, as a side line, is bringing him splendid results. The reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Russell at the opera house Saturday evening was well attended and all pres ent report a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Russell were present ed with a well filled purse as a token of the respect in which they are held by their Walcott friends. Wyrjdmere (Wyndmere Pioneer.) The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Barney was held in the of fice of the bank last Tuesday, and it was found that the net earnings of the bank for the past year were $1,618.00. A 10 per cent dividend was declared "to the stockholder*, $500 was left as surplu*. and $118 was left on the books as undivided profits. This is a good show ing for the bank only in its second year, and the directors to show their appreciation they felt for the efforts made by the present cashier N. H. Berg for the success of the bank for the past year, they raised his salary to $100 for the coming year. The stockholders of the bank elected the following officers for the ensuing year. R. M. Holec, Milnor, N. D., President and Director. Sril Campbell, Wyndmere, 'vV cm:~ -SP 't-.-jJ. I Pure Food Products reg. Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Lima Beans Red Kidney Beans Sweet Potatoes Sauer Kraut Standard this week loc 12i oc loc 15c 15c I2i oc 121/oC Standard Products Can Peaches, Frank Albert, reg. 20c, this week 1 5C Can Apricots, Ibec 20c 1 5C Can Tomatoes, Homer, 12c Oc Can gal. Maple Canada Sap 85c 7 3 Fresh Eggs per doz. 33c 1 2V2C lOc 1 2!ac 1 2Vac 1 2J/'C lOc lOc Ladies Stop*" Peaches .•* Plums Greengages Raspberries Strawberries Grapes Opposite the Post Office X. I)., 1st Vice President and Director. J. S. Cole, Lisbon, N. D,,2nd Vice President and Director. a Minn., Falls, Director. F. W. Becker, Barney, X. D., Director. X. H. Berg, Barney, X. D., Asst. Cashier and Director. C. K, Harris, Barney, N. D., Asst. Cashier and Director. Hankinson (Hankinson Xews) Mrs. Frank Reinke of Brand enburg had the misfortune to fracture her arm last week. Dr. Spottswood reduced the frac ture and she is getting along nicely under his skillful care. Alfred Worner returned to Thief River Falls, Minn., Wed nesday after a short visit here and at Great Bend. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ireland are spending' the week with the latter's parents, Sheriff He ley and wife at Wahpeton. Chas. Hein, Jr., returned to Fargo Monday to resume his studies at the D. B. C. Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Anna Frundt to Dr. J. E. Ambrose of Kenmare, at Minot on Jan. 5th. The bride is a daughter of John Frundt of Greendale and is a native of Richland county, highly es teemed by all. The newly wed ded couple will make their home in Kenmare where the groom has an excellent prac tice in his profession. The News joins the many frienda of the bride in this part of the country in extending congrgtu* lations. The 1G months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Differing died at the family home east of town last Friday from complications following smallpox. The fun eral was held Saturday, inter ment being made in the Catho lic cemetery. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED You can do Both by Coming During this Week and Selecting Goods to the Amount of $3.00 Which we are Selling at Such Low Figures. To Introduce our Special Coffee we give ABSOLUTELY FREE With Every Three Dollar Order With the[Exce|itlon of Sugar, Flour and Produce One Pound of the Lee and Corathere Special 25c Coffee Free OUR MOTTO— irriM Most of John R. Jones left Monday for Bowbells to attend the an nual meeting of the stockhold ers of the First National Bank, the instiution of which C. A. Wiper formerly of Hankinson is president. (Monitor) Liidgerwood The editor had too many irons in the tire last week. He was counsel for the defense in one case in the federal court at Fargo and also in nine cases on the district court calendar at Wahpeton and when Thurs day, the day of publication came found that the tab of the two courts wanted him to get busy. The federal court was first attended to and Thursday evening he returned to Wahpe ton from Fargo and did not reach this city until Sunday morning. Thursday Mr. Wil laims arrived from Wahpeton and though a stranger to tLe office., succeeded in getting the paper put. Not knowing the office he worked under many difficulties. Carl H. Willprecht and fam ily leave this week for a visit in Minnesota and Nebraska and will take in the excursion to Texax next Monday. E. A. Movius, wife and son left last evening for a trip thro the south and will visit for several weeks. FairmOnot (Fairmount News) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A.. Tuttle left Manday night for St. Paul, where Mr. Tuttle will spend a week on business with the Crandall, Flynn & Tuttle Land Co., when he will go to Illinois and spend a week on land busi ness. Mrs. Tuttle will prob ably accompany her husband as far as Chicago, but she ex pects to return home in about a week. IIM GRANULATED SUGAR, 18 LBS. $1.00 Gopher Brand California Can Fruits, This Regular 25c Dried Fruits Fancy Cleaned Currants, reg. price 12V&C this week Fancy Seeded Raisins 15c Extra choice large Prunes 10c Pears 15c Xew Walnuts reg. New Almonds Fresh Roasted Peanuts Nuts 20c 25c I2i,j THE GOPHER STORE F. A. Deans and wife and 1 •^FF*4P!tesqQ»f&-'- Btst tor the Ltatt Money." THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Week's Price 21c this week LEE & C0R0THERS lOc 12V2C 25c 25c 3 for 1 for 18c 20c lOc Miss Rowley left Monday night on their three week's visit to difierent parts of Wisconsin. Mrs. Mont Thompson went to Wahpeton this morning for a visit with Mrs. Phil Gottle man and to see her boy Charlie. O. T. Vaala of The Big Store went to Fargo Wednesday morning to meet his family, who were on their way home from Leonard, N. D., where they have been visiting since before Christmas. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happiness it Would Bring to Wahpeton Homes- Hard to do housework with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery st Iei*n*e-er at work. If women only knew the cause—that Backache pains come from sick kidneys. Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, Many residents of this vicini ty endorse them. Mrs. Mary E. Conley, 202 Sixth Ave., South Moorhead, Minn., aays: "Up to the time I used Doan'a Kidney Pills about six months ago, I had been greatly aunoyed for years by a constant, heavy ache through the small of my back and oc casional sharp, darting pains which radiated from my kid neys to all parts of my body. At times it was very hard for me to stoop or straighten and though I used various re medies, I did not derive any lasting benefit. Finally I de cided to give Doan'S Kidney Pills a trial and procured a box In a short time I was complete ly cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 90 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents Wahpeton, North Dakota 1 t& ijifr Metal, Patent Colt Blucher or Button Ladies' $3.00 Vici Kid Patent Tip Ladies' $2.50 Black Vici Kid, Patent Tip Tor the United States. Remember the name—Doans -and take no other. FARMERSJHSTITDTE Will be Held in Wahpeton Tues day January 25th Every farmer in Richland County is especially invited to attend a Farmers' Institute to be held in Wahpeton onTues day Jan. 25th, There will be some of the best speakers in the county to deliver addresses. The Great Northern Railroad Company will give 100 return trip tickets to farmers living along their lines in this county from Dwight, Galchute, Colfax Lidgerwood, Hankinson, and Fairmount. Anyone that can use one of these tickets will have one sent to them by noti ,lying Fred Barnes ssctrstar® of the Commercial Club, R. J. Hughes of the Globe Gazette or E. S. Cameron of the Times. L. W. Hill, President of the Great Northern is taking a great interest in the Farmers' Institutes that are being con ducted in the state and to en courage attendance he is giv ing away 100 return tickets to farmers living along their lines to attend institutes at each of -the following" place's, Wahpeton, Fargo, Reynolds, rtift6n and^Walcott.f p' g,?^* ViW J, Shoe Department Bradley ft Metcalf Co. Shoes Men's $3.50 Gun Metal or Box Calf Blucher $3-29 Men's $4.00 Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Box Calf, in Blucher or Button Ladies' $3.50 Vici Kid, Red or Black Gun Extra Special Bargains in many sizes for Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys Up to $2.50 Values Divided into 3 Lots $1.09 $1.39 $1.69 A large assortment of Overshoes almost all sizes at prices that will surprise you. w-s MiR N •&,# •j ':.••• "yK? 'iu IfcSSs? V* 3 89 329 2 79 239 Phone No. 28 We will deliver the goods anywhere in Wahpeton] or Breckenridge. SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone lending a Rketch an* rtemrlptlon ma? quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au Invention li probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Potent* sent free. Oldest agency for secmi..t: pateiim. Patent* taken tnroneh Munti Co. receive tpeeial notice, without charge, In *!:u Scientific A handsomely lllnstrated weekl*. I.nrcest cir culation of any scientlUo Joiirniil. Terms, (U a. year (our months, (L. Sold by all newsdealers. If your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys are weak, try at least, only a few doses of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate -the Heart or Kid neys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Each organ has it on in When these nerves fail, the de pending organs must of neces sity falter. This plain, yet vit al truth, clearly tella why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so uni versally successful. Its suc cessful. Its success is leading ruggista everywhere to give if universal preference. A test wilt surely tell. Sold by Henry fdfilerjSclCo. A. I- We wish to call your attention to the fact that our line of Drugs, Books and Stationery is the finest and largest in the county. Henry Miller & Co.