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M?" S i-v »V r- IK p^( |S 4£"" 'IV I $V, rf^:'' I, iC J. M. NESS OPTICIAN. I'I. N. L.NK. E!-. E. W A .I .U-I VAIJLACK. INK 4- AUorneyg-at-LNW Ma^oinc Tpuipiy Wahpeton, N. 0. DR PRICE Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat a Specialty. Gunn Bldg. Breckenridge Minn. Osteopatic Physicians Dr. Glcnri B- Wheeler Dr. Jennie Y. Wheeler. MTice out block north of I'o.-iliv'fiV',- o'.imi'r itli VV. K. Pa re-11 St. an.I Wisconsin Ave. Phono 295 Purceli & Divet Attorneys at Law Practice in all the courts of this state. Collections a spe cialty. Wahpeton, N. Dakota. C, H. VAUGHAN, LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREC TOR. at E Furniture Store. Calls answer ed day or night. Day Phone 'J41 L, Night Phone 1U2J. Wahpeton, N. Dak. McGUMBER & FORBES ATTORNEYS Practice in ail Courts Special attention to Collections Qfiice over the Ciiizeu'3 National Bank Wahpeton, N. D. Dart R. «Jone» Attorney -aULaw All Collections Made Office iu National Bank lluilditij WahDeton N. D. MCK MEYERS 11ns a 5% First rhiss Thr'r-(,'haii J'nrh/'i Shop, (tire hint a mil if yon want a Good Slia i7 One Door East of City Hotel. NICK MKYHRS, I'ROI'. 8atn Christensofi Contractor and Builder FLANS and Estimates a kinds of Buildings. CONTRACTS FOR ALL KINDS OP MASON WORK. G.A. ROUNSEVELL 4l#lc«nted Bmbalmer and Funeral Director Three years, experience! with one of the largest undertaking firms in Minneapolis WITH W. W. Jamieson Complete and up-to-date Stock and Equipment^ Age its for Beimunt'Indestructible Lead Coated Steel Caskets. In time of trouble let us help you Tell some deserving Rheu matic sufferer, that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's book on rheu matism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely how rheumatic pains are quickly killed by Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—liquid or tablets. Send no money. The teat is free. Surprise some dis heartened sufferer by first get ting for him the .book from Dr. Shoopi Racine, Wis. Henry Miller Co. fr'C-clear $t, Slilir I li LOCAL NOTES W. 1. House Candidate for Secretary of State was in town Monday. Tlir Old Settlers association is in session today and tomor row in Wahpeton. A. L. Woods Progressive Candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction was in town Mon day. C. E Quinn was i:i Fergus Falls Tuesday transacting busi ness for the State Science School. John Hohman md wi have returned frora Seattle where he was in the te'ephone business for a time. WANTED—Reliable parties to break 9S0 ae. and put It to flax. For particulars apply to Joseph Fitzelsberger. Coro'hers VY»hpeton. Hanker Armstmno a:ul of the firm of L-e &: Corothers was up from Coee- up well Tuesday. Gilbert Johnson, Renjamin Taylor and Will Eckes return ed from a trip up in ti Sask achewau county. Miss Lizzie Schiller of Wadena, Minn., has com for an extended visit with her sis ter, Mrs. H. E. Wilson. County School Supt. Barnes is with his brother George in Idaho making the mcessary improvements on his mother's claim. FEATHERS WANTED Until further notice we will pay in exchange 30c per lb. for Duck feathers, 35c for Geese feathers. Must he free from quills and coar-'e feathers. ESTES FURNITURE STORE H. H. Hanson, Supt. of Schools in Emmons county, called at the County Supt. of Schools office in Wahpeton on Friday of last week. Mr. Morden arrived home last Saturday for a couple of days visit with his fam ily. He has been through S. Dak., and Nebraska during the last couple of months. Miss Mary Movius and Her bert autoed over from Lidger wood Sunday. Herbert visited Miss Bessie Walker in this city and Miss Movius stopped at the Chezik home south of town. The Union Transfer Company are prepared to store your house held goods and stoves in a good clean place where they will be protected. Union Transfer Company Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and in vigorate the whole system. So'd by All Dealers. When in Minneapolis stop at a or el rooms, 75 cents per day. Choice rooms, with telephones and bath, $1.25 and $1.50. 112 Third Street South. For Baggage Transfer or General Dray Work, Night or Day Call* Aaswered Pronptly Phone 355 PAUL MENQ If you are not satisfied after using according to directions two-thirds of a bottle of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can have your money back. The tablets cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial and get well. Sold by All Dealers. LANDMARK MUST GO HISTORIC SPANISH PALACE IN TEXAS TO BE RAZED. tan Antonio Structure to Be Replaced by a Modern Ten-Story Office Building—Was the Home of Spanish Governo^. After having been in sittfTsiwce 1735 he stone and mortar of the Verataendl jalace will be used in' the construe ion of a modern ten-story office build ng, a New York Herald's San Antonio :orrespondent says. Instead of hear cg the gasconades of Spanish con luistadores and the dolce voices of jenoritas they will hereafter listen to he click of typewriters and the giggles )f those who work them. No more will they look upon proud Dons from :ar Hispano, armed cap-a-pie and in 3ased in helmet, visor, doublet and :uirass, for hereafter twentieth cen :ury business men with green ties, jink socks, pigeon-toed shoes and pad led garments will be the only coiupaiv ens. Before the stones get that far, lowever, they will be put through the I nill and made of the size used in eon :rete construction. They are lime stone, of excellent quality and well idapted for their future mission. Mr. With tho Veramendi palace passes j3ue of tlie best known architectural ains of S & »™ish American civtiha- :ion. It was erected almost simulta neously v.iili the Mission San Antonio ie Valero, now the Alamo, and for many years was the white house of :he Spanish province of Bexar, a ter ritory comprising all of Texas. In those days, however, It was merely known as the governor's house, a de scription more suitable than Vera aiendi palace. The latter name is received because of its occupancy by :he last Mexican governor of Texas. The building stood in Soledad street, its site marking formerly the north sastern corner of a large public square, the center of which was occu pied by the Flaza des Armas of San Fernando Presidio. In its rear was a big garden, which extended to the banks of the San Antonio river, the whole house and garden being at one time surrounded with a very strong palisade and deep ditches. It was no uncommon thing to have the Indians make raids right in the city in those iays and for that reason defenses of •hat kind were necessary. The old building was the scene of many a romance of love and murder. Almost In its shadows a Mexican gen eral caused to be butchered like pigs a number of Spanish and other pris oners, who had been unfortunate enough to side with the Spanish gov ernment during the Mexican revolu tion. The description of this scene, picturing the assassin as he whetted the knife on the soles of his shoes every time he had slit the throat of a prisoner,- forms one of the most stir ring chapters in Texas history. In the Veramendi palace Ben Milam met his end at the assassin's hand, and in it3 patio and the shaded walks of Its gardens James Bowie, designer of the famous knife bearing his name, court ad and won Ursula Veramendi, said to have been by far the prettiest wom an in Texas. All that remains intact of the fa mous old structure now are a pair of old cedar doors which had swung on their hinges sines 1735. They are elaborately carved and unusually well preserved. For some time to coma they, will swing in a private residence in this city, but it is hoped to put them in some museum in the near fu ture. Dogs as Draft Animals. It is curious that though the Anglo Saxons are a dog-loving people, we do not use our dogs for draft purposes. In the last century, as we have re corded, the oldest postmaster used dogs to draw the cart. And nowadays the seaside knows the goat that draws the baby chaise. But the dog, for some obscure reason, Is ruled out of such service. Not that we neglect his service in hunting, as a watchman or as a detective. -But he is no longer asked to drag a barrow as he Is In France, Belgium and Germany. Yet so soon as an arctic expedition Is planned the dog is called in to pull the sledge, says the London Graphic. And you may notice the curious dif ference between the northern dog (with the touch of the wolf still evi dent) and the cultured dog of the London drawing room. Take the pug out on a chain and he hangs back. But put a chow-chow on a chain and he pulls violently forward. His in stinct is to work against the collar. It Is still something of a mystery why the dog is not permitted to work for his living between the shafts in Eng land. The "Dean For-Gott." When the bishop of Truro, Doctor Gott, was dean of Worcester, bis ab sentmindedness was so notorious that he earned for himself the sobriquet of "Dean For-Gott" On one occasion he had Invited some friends to dine with blm on their arrival a abort time before the dinner hour he sug gested that In the Interval of waiting his friends would perhaps like to walk through the grounds. After spending about a quarter of an hour In admir ing the flowers, shrubs and green houses, they suddenly came upon a door In the garden wall. "Ah!" ssld tho dean-to his Astonished i«*sts "this will be a iineh peww 4rajr far jtm to an h«vs thaa by goi* baok to the frtoC Aad. all flM MWHIM at Ms lavHtttoa, he spml the isst -iV v'Av5 RESOURCES^ Loans & discounts $ 329,287.11 U. 8. Bonds 51,000.00 Banking- House 12,000.00 Cash & due from banks 117,306.04 due from U. S. Treasurer 3,100.00 BUSINESS LOCALS List your land with C. W. Rink. Wahpeton, N. Dak. If you want up-to-date job work, you know where to get it—at the Times Office. R. T. McMicheal af Mike Mohr's old shop on Dakota Ave. All kinds of blacksmith ing neatly and quickly done. Wm. H. White Lumber Co are headquarters for Hard and Soft Coal, also Pocahontas Smokeless. J.J. Hull, A gt. 3tf Clothing and ladies skirts neatly repaired, cleaned and pressed,^by John Brown one door east of Miller's drug store. Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired, at Brown's. For convenience in getting your mail, have your house numbered and have a mail box for the carriers to deposit your mail in, Connolly's have mail boxes from 2oc to $1.25 and out side copper house numbers. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr* Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or Drug gist about this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, ii a re W it Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free trial to prove value. Henry Miller & Co. The Columbia Restaurant open day and night, good meals served at all hours. Across the street from the Merchants Ho tel. J. B. Yates, Prop. "It cured me,'' or "It saved the life ot my child," are the expressions you hear every day a ha be a in Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is -true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use tor diarrhoea or bowel complaints has receiv ed such geueral approval. The secret of the success of cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by All Dealers. CENTRAL MINNESOTA FAEM FOB SALE Farm of 120 and 142 acres at a bargain. Rich soil, clay sub soil, fair buildings, near good market, churches and schools. The 142 acre farm has 100 rods of lake front, plenty of all kinds of fish, also 90 acres of timber. Inquire of Henry Tillmann, Long Prairie, Minn. INSURANCE .. .We write Fire, Lightning, Xprnado, Hail and Automobile Insurance in six of the Strong est Companies. Ratesas cheap as the Cheapest. SCHUI*«B»OS, IRS J* ofthe Condition of Tho OF WAHPETON, N. D. As made to the Comptroller of currency at the close of business Mar. 29th 1910. 1 YOU are requested to carefully study this statement, as YOU will have occasion to some time use a bank, and it is for YOUR information this statement is published, YOU having a right to know, if,YOU are now a customer, and if YOU are not a cus tomer to be in a position to choose a bank that YOU know something about. Our Business is general, safe and conservative banking in all its branches, Fire, tcrnado, plate glass, Automobile and Hail Insurance, Surety Bonds, personal and farm "loans, subject to check deposits, interest paid on time deposits. YOU know our stockholders »nd directors as well as the officers, and YOU know that SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS is the foundation we are built on. YOU knowing all of these facts WE solicit a share of YOUR business assuring YOU courteous treat ment, Yours trulv. Phone CAMPC0RLESS Located on the shore of "Clitherall Lake" is the finest lake resort in Otter Tail Co. Beautiful shaded shores, sandy beach, buildings thoroughly re modled, cottages and stort buildings with all modern con venicnes. Rates from SI to $2 per day including board, rcom, boats, bait, etc. Carriages and autos from Battle Lake pr Clitherall. Address:—J. Severson, Clitherall, Minn. "Camp Corless." Wedding stationery and call ing cards at the Times offlce.- y\ The Citizens National Bank of Wahpeton, N. D. CITY MEAT Market Fresli and Salt Meats Fish in Season J. P. Fosberg Prop. ARE YOU ON A CASH BASIS? Do you pay all your bills with cash, aud per haps pay them twice? Do you argue and dispute over the amounts? Do you try to keep all such records in your mind? A checking account with this bank will elimi nate all such troubles. Deposit your money in this bank-pay your bills by check-that is the saf est way, the modern way of doing business. Come in and let us start you We aim to please von. The National Bank of Wahpeton. Me Cream Gsod purs Home Mads lM Crsam at !K^« ?*r iv 4V --V: LIABILITIES f|||||f Capital Stock' $ 55,000.00 Surplus & undivided prof. 15,955.84 Circulation 50,000.00 Deposits 391,737.332 $512,693.15 512,693.15 Officers and Directors I. F. Kenaaton. President Theo. Albrecht, Vice President Aaron Stern, Vice President-J Eeeder, Cashier S. H. Murray Asst. Cashier P. J. McCumber, Director E. R.Gamble, Director Donald Wright, Director Frank Eberley, Director. iv' fr Employment Agency The Stern Clothing Com pany have started an em ployment agency for farm ers. If you need any help Mr. Farmer just drop us a line and let us know your wants, or telephone No. 158L and we shall try to get you the help you desire. Having had so many calls from farmers, as well as from farmhands, inquiring at our Store for help or work, caused us to start this em ployment agency for farm ers. It's free of charge to the farmers as well as to the help and we earnestly re guest them to make use of it as much as they desire. We hope we can be of great benefit to them. The Stern Clothing Co. Bxtra Pine Rlver Sand for sale Ira Large or Small Quantities Will deliver in either Wahpe na™°Q«Hr-£^en/idRe I c* •"$ SsiAsjsji 24 I br can lo»d