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»k a & 4 A -8 Copyright 1910 The House of Kuppenheimef Ciucago The Walipcion Times Established In 1879 Published every Thursday by E. S. CAMERON AT WAII 1'IITI.\i NORTH DAKOTA Sub. $1.50 jier year in advance. Knterecl as secotH class matter at the I'ost Ollice at Wahpeton under ati act of emit* n-.-is of March 3, 1879. DEMOCRATIC TICKET E I 1 1 1 S S a I I I a A 1 a a i"V.- W I I a I I I I a A S a W 1 I I a I I I A 1 l-\ I.. Walker -{John I Hanson I (1 'jo .Mateer Kailreai! (Tom. I S a 1 I I tatnc, 3 7 1 I 5™^lly N I E S A 1 A '1 reasiii'cr —11 in el it I I I A I a a A a A S I 1 0 I A S a com. i:.. n. {Wlll ,::uv Official Directory i' .i !r 01.ill'* l\: I S I I ii ii laliV. .'.. .1 Ij I o'!|| I a it IIr.I A a a ii I ii S a A it I A O O a A I I a iT ii a Jin S a a 3 S I S I (ni|ii-r A A a 1 Ii K. Jloruan U. I". ri|iaiiinv •, I) fcll-jwort J. Fiik •til C. 1 Stan? r-ei.alor arinoil.v :it Hist il. \-ji:~ I I Lpirirlaiurc I W W a Memli'-rs ol tin- I-.. L. Kinney 7 is O I a I a A A O W I E S RF. a A W a S 1 a A A a a '^-v ft 8S? K-^T*r- -il i?" 3k1' 0k n/ *uj:m A 1 E S 2 N 1 a 4 W W In connection with the con didacy of Hon W. S. Lauder for the nomination as Repre sentative in Congress the peo ple of Richland county and especially the voters of Wahpe ton should remember that it was thru the efforts ot Mr. Lauder as a member of the Constitutional Convention in connection with Senator Fur cell and the late Hon. Andrew Slotten that the State School of Science was located in Wah peton, and that a grant of 40,000 acres of land was secured for the support of this institu tion which grant of land is now worth well towards a million of dollars. Member of the Constitution al Convention was the enly of fice Judge Lander ever held in which the interest of the city could be promoted by securing appropriations or institutions or anything of the like, and in that position he did his duty well and to the great benefit of his cit3 and count}', and the vot ers of this county should re -I member this in his favor when they mark their ballots at the primary election. GIVES HIS FORTUNE FOR SCHOOL'S SUPPORT St. Louis, Tune 12.—To die poor, David Rankin, Jr., ha9 not only given up his fortune of more than $3,000,000 to tht support of his favorite school, announcement of which was made 3Testerday, but $3,000 per annum he has reserved for his own support during the rest ot his life, and will revert to the institution at his death. A great variety of the new grey shades to select from GEO. Money back If not satisfied a A a S A S S a I I A a O N O I S S I O N E «r ™Tf Sstt -^-Hr 1 The 1) vid Rankin Jr. School! of Mechic .'il Like his office, his home is unpretentious. I occupies re a a grocery store at fifteenth and Washington avenue. When he enters the side door and climbs to his home he shuts out the world and declines to be seen. At his office his hours are from 8 a. m., to 9:30 a. m. Only a few people even in St. Louis know him personally for he avoids publicity and shrinks from the limelight. He is 75 years old, a native of Ireland, who has amassed a fortune in re il estate and stock deals. The property which he has deeded to the school which bears his name comprises large realty tracts, his home, stocks in I in is a a Rock Island roads and in four local banks. WOMAN HIDES HER CASH IN ALBUM. Winsted, Conn,, June 12.— While looking over the effects of the estate of Mrs. Nellie C. Turner, Mrs. W. G. Manchester fouud $30 in bank notes in an album. Further search reveal ed $25 more. It is supposed the bills were passed in the album about 18 years ago by Mr. Turner while he was a resident of Valpariso, Ind. He was killed instantly by falling out of the third story window of a building upon which he was at work. Most of the billa were issued by banks in the Middle West. The vx -1 When you come in to see our Suits you would bring your wife. She knows! If we were not sure of the perfection of our Suits we wouldn't dare invite her. Name your Suit price and let her decide whether or not we show you the best money's worth obtainable. H. Clothing Trades, the benefi ciary of its founder, is to be en larged ami its curriculum im proved, but lr. Rankin himself does not care to talk about what he has made possible. "I dislike to see my name in newspapers," he said today. "I don't want any more publi city. I decline to say anything about it. The matter is in the hands of a board of trustees." The Beauty Of a well made shoe is that it will retain its shape. The chief benefit you obtain by purchasing your shoes from a reliable dealer is that the shoe is an exact fit. Our new spring stock shows value in every line. We have some very hand some Pumps and Oxfords. GEO. H. WICHMAN The Big Stiee Store WICHMAN money has been added to the estate, of-which Mr. Manches ter is administrator. TO THE VOTERS OF RICH LAND COUNTY Respectfully, W. S. LAUDER. HIS FOOT SLIPPED Yttorney Aaron J. Bessie's foot slipped. He has been wearing a cane for several days. A nice black cane with a gold handle. It is the first time for a long time that Attornej' Bessie has taken the time to wear a cane. He explains it. In his way, Attorney Bessie says that he was sprinkling the lawn and doing other house- *.- w\ a re ad know, I am a candidate for nomination on the republican ticket to the office of Represen tative in Congress and I re spectfully solicit your support at the primary election. I have been a resident of Richland county for nearly thirty years and during that time I have tried to perform the duties and act the part of a good citizen. Should I be elect ed to Congress my only ambi tion will be to promote the best interest of this state. My whole time thus far has been taken up in canvassing the distant parts of the state where I am less known than at home, and for this reason I will not be able to call personally upon many of the voters of Richland county, and if I do not see you -ersonally you will please not conclude that this is because I am indifferent to vour attitude. I remember with gratitude the many favors I have received aj: the hands of the voters of Richland county and shall be very highly grati fied to receive a large vote from the men with whom I have lived and laboured for so many years. i& Money back if not satisfied wifely duties in the cold grey dawn of the morning and that he statted to step up on the walk and the foot wouldn't stay. A sprained ankle was the re sult. He is getting on nicely however, and has challenged Frank Fisk to a half mile dash as soon as the hobbles arrive. FISH STORY George the Dr. and Clarence Miller had a couple of days outing at the lakes last week. While there George caught a nine pound pike the largest fish caught? in the lake this spring. We did not see the fish but know it was caught, for George says so. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clev er "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer iv Shoop, Racine, Wis. It is silver plated, very pretty, and posi tively prevents all dripping of tea or coffee. The Doctor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to in troduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popularity because of first, its exqnisite tasts and flavor second, absolute healthfulness third, its eco nomy—pounds 25c fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boiling. "Made in a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's, for a pleasant surprise. W. L. Fork ner. I want some First Class Farm Loans. The larger the better. Interest the Lowest. No delay in your getting Your Money. A. ASPINWALL n.i&A£3>fa. Chicago Times Wants WANTED—L sundress and kitdhen giril, goo I wages. Merchant's Hotel For sale—Two Pcdegreed Tri Colored Scotch Collie's puppys. James Morley. FOR SALE—1 range and 1 round oak heater dirt cheap. In quire Engineer, Indian School. LOST—Large gold heart shaped brooch amethyst set ting, return reward. WANTED—Position as man ager or head clerk in general merchandise or grocery depart ment. A tn married, a good stock keeper, ail writer and etc., best of references. Address Robert L. Lee, Wahpeton N. D. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is sold on a guarantee that if you are not satisfied after us ing two thirds bottle ac in to re on money will lie refunded. It i9 up to yon to try. Sold by All Dealers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS INTHK MA TEK OF TIIB ESTATE CFJ Syver S Syversoii. Deceased. Notice is lierohi (riven by the undersigned Eriek E. [.einan. Administrator, ot the eBtate of Syyer S. 8yvers late of the town of Ahercroinbie tn the County of Kichlund and State of North Pak -tn. deceased, to the cred itors of. and uli persons havinjc claims airainst gaid di ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of. this notice, to said administrator at the law office of Gustav Schuler, attorney for the undersigned admin istrator in the City .f Wahpeton in said Itich land county. Dated June 18.h, A. I). 11110. KKICK F. LEIXAK', *V •s Mr a. G. E. Wallace. Hole—Proof Hosiery now for sale b3T R. R. Hausken by the box or pairs. Wanted—A housekeeper in a family of two. Scandinavian preferred. Box 44 Wahpeton N. Dak. A ^.fiv Administrator,' v' 4' tu -r i-Sk 1 .'w. 1 A -I '-MP zrT' lv*$ t»S