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pp If Vl* I iV 3 1 .?. 1 "M fc* 5 I j£.| 1 Sir u& Ui ^•kJNT' fV Hv »4V ?a 4 Ii&m TWIN CITY DAILEY $2 PiR YEAR The St. Fau Daily Wws is one ol the newest ami le*t of the Twin City Dailits I am working for Lk-, •SHr? V4 ,r'V one of the GORTO PREHH'S BAKERY Wahpeton' Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 that beautiful and realistic comedy of modern life THE CLIMAX By Edward Locke Musical Theme by Joseph Carl Breil A play of Sweetness, Cheerfulness and Strength Seat Salt, WOLF'S, Wednesday morning, 9 a. m. Prices, Box Seats, $1.50 Balance $1.00, 75e, 50c, 25e ATTENTION You are cordially invited to call during Fair week, to see our Concrete Block Plant. Good" stock of concrete blocks and well curbing always on hand. THE W. H. WHITE LUMBER CO. J. J. HULL, MANAGER Fuel! Fuel! Fuel! All Kinds of Ft4el You can save money by putting in your winter supply of coal and wood now. In Hard Coal I have both Stove and Nut. Soft Coal, Smokeless, Hocking:, Steam, Ligtiite I have contracted for a large quan tity of Wood and can furnish any kind in car lots or smaller quanti ties at reasonable prices?Phone 298 J. B. LOTZER V^'C i®-5 'N -,, •'•§'".v: fa- k&« *«v v' &*,?< Daily News. I would like to have your subscription, it will assist me, and you will be pleased with the paper. H. C.'Snyder. prizes offered by the St. Paul y'-*-T|rwrTj| Z&XXJEtZXZZZWfCXStS i&si •fM LARGE LIST IN 1 xe' HARNESS RAGES Oood Races are Promised as Many Horses are Entered fan The entries to e* harness races for the Richlaud County Fair closed September 15th and the largest list of entries in the fair have beeh booked. The list in is complete p.s the entries in those as evening before the races. Fol lowing is the list of horses nanied in the harness classes: THCRSPAY, SEPTEMBER 25). 2 22 Pace and 2:17 Trot Wah peton Purse, $400.00 Amy G, owned by J. Smith Fostena, 2:2414. owned by Jay Stiles. Bonnie Lou, 2:40, owned by G. F. Houston Vera Vapo, owned by \Y. F. Can tie Id. Oro Zinc, 2:2314, owned by Jut West, Agent. Sweet Child'2:17*4. owned by Mre. E. C. Pettis. John Aenry, 2 20^4. owned by W. F. Sanderson. The Moccassin. 2:24^4 owned by J. D. Conner. Beecher, 2:21 *4. owned by Fred Carlson. Grace Red, 2:2 *,4, owned by J. T. Smith. FRIDAY, SEPT. Free 30 For All. Breckenridge Purse $400.00 Ked King, 2:07*4»owned by G. G. Schafenberg, St. Cloud Luke Vernon, 2:10V&, owned by Mark A. Kraker, Wahpeton. Rob Roy, 2:12*4, owned by Champine & Rawson. Hummer S 1 n, 2:14*4, owned by Mrs. Mae Enzicka. Commander Mac, 2:15*4, own ed by W. R. Smith. Idle Times, 2:16*4, owned by J. T. Smith. 2:20 Pacers and 2:15 Trotters, Put se $300.00 War Bells, 2-.19V4, owned by W. F. Harck. Grace Red, 2:21^4, owned by J. T. Smith. Ideal G. 2:19*4, owned by W. R.Smith. Baumont, 2:20*4. owned by C. A. Soliday. Beecher, 2:21 *4» own6d by Fred Carlson. Wanda A. owned by P. L. Knowlen. Lotheart, 2:16*4. owned by Mrs. Ed. Jones. Prinqes Oratoris, owned by J. McGann. The Moccassin, owned by J. D. Connor. John Henry, owned by W. F. Sanderson. Sweet Child, 2:17%, owned by Mrs. l5. C. Pettis. Diadell, 2:19*4, owned by Jut West, Agent. Oro ,Zinc, 2:23*4, owned by Jut, West, Agent. Vera Vapo, owned by W. F. Canfleld. Richland County Green Race. Purse $200.00: Russillion, by Ad Starin, Wyndmere. r^^-r's The Great New Yo»k and Chicago Succes, 'The Climax.' «*»»wahp6ton Opem House,' Friday Sept 30* Emmy bestin, owned bj A4 Starin, Wyndmere. Dairy, owned by J. Prentice, Wahpeton. Nancy, ownedUby RaySlocnm Fairmount. As this race did not fill, it is probable that two specials will be made of it, one of them be tween three two-year ol 1p, own ed in Richland County. CAR OF APPLES Fricke and Swank will 'have a car of bulk apples on the track near the mill, dtirit% fair week which will be sold by the bushel at the car or delivered to any place in the city. CITATION HEARING PROOF OF WILL- State of North Dakota) VSS Comity of Ltielilaml I IN f'Ol'NTV OOCHT Before Hoti. George Van Arnam. .1 idtre. In the Matter of thy Estate of uhms Lawr ence, deceased. Charles W r.awrence. Petitioner VS. Frank Lawrence, Mathiae, J. Lawrence, Li/.zy S.'lmnhaar, Anna Chrietianson. Christine Huff and Ag-nes Lawrence, Respondents. UI-S STATS OF1 SOUTH B.v the Court CiEOWiE V.»x Ak.sam, (SEaij Judge of the county court. Dated the 17th day of September, A. D. 1910. Itet service of this citation and notice be made upon ah resident Respondents, bv per sonal service, and upon all nan resident re spondents, by publicat l. GECR(iB VAN Ahxam, vsea i.i judge. CITATION HEARING PROOF OF WILL State of Noith Dakota 8S County of Hichland IN COUNTY COL'KT Before Hon. George Van Arnam, Judgn. In the Matter of the Estate of William Mc Nab. Deceased. Margaret Wilson, Petitioner. VS. John MoNab. Alexander McNab, Adam Mc Nab, Frank McNab, Mrs James Muir, James McNab, Robert Mc Nab, Adeline MeNab. Fred MeNab, William K. MeNab. Marfon Nesblt, Agnee Klggs, Walter 3. McNab, Ro bert Arthur. Kennedy Arthur and Glen Mo Nab, minor, and C. D. Rltten bouse, Special Guardian, Respondents The State of North Dakota. To tbe above named respondents and all persons interested in tbe Estate of William McNab, dec« ased: Yon and each of you are hereby notified that Margaret Wilson tbe petitioner herein bas filed in this Court a document in writing purporting to be the Last will and Testament of William MoNab late of the City of Wahpe ton in the County of RiohUmd and State of North Dakota, deceased, with ber petition praying for tbe admission to probate of said document as tbe Last Will and Testament of said deceased, and for tbe issuance to John Mvhra ol letters of administration with Will annexed thereon, and that tb» said petition and tne proofs of said purported Will and Testament will be heard and duly considered by this Court on Saturday, tbe 13th day of November A, ltUO, at 11 o'clock in the lore noon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, in tbe County Court House, in the City of Wahpeton, County of Richland State or North Dakota: and You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before this Court at said time and place and answer said petition and sbow cause, if any there be, why tbe prayer of said petition should not be granted. By the Court George Van Abnasi, (Seal) judge of the county court Dated the %)th day of September A. D. 1910. Let serviee of tbe within citation be made by publication in The Wahpeton Times for 8 successive weeks. 'M&r A MV STAVES a "-n -•'T li & A "j.\ x' S' «-v m. ^:v DAKOTA, To the at o'.'e name 1 respindonts and all persona Interisted in the Estite of ithias Lwvr ence Deceased: Yon and each of you are hereby notified that Charles W. Lawrence the Petitioner here in. has tiled in this Court a document in Writ ing purporting to be the Last Will and Testa ment of Mathias Lawrence late of the Town of Dwight. in the count? of Richland and State of North Dakota, deceased, with Ills pe tion, praying- for the admission to probate of said document, as the Last Win and Testa ment of said deceased and for the isstance to him, the!said Uarle3 W. Lawrence, of letters testamentary thereon, and that said petition and the proors of said purported Will and 'Testament will be heard, anjl considered by this' Court on Thursday, th* 10.h. day of November, A. D., 1910, at 10 o'clock in the foreuooh of that day, at the Court Rooms, in the County Court House, in the city of Wahpeton, County of Hichland and State of North Dakota and you and each of you are hereby cited to ba and appear before this Court at said time and place ana answer said petition and show cause, if any there be, why tie prayer of said petition should not bo granted.: i- 41 N Eckes & Vaughan Successors to E. C. ESTES Wahpeton N. D. .f ir FURNITURE RUGS 'LINOLEUM For the Hunting Season |fi This is the time of the year when everyone will be looking for their hunting outfits and at our store you will be able to find the best selection and a most complete line. INGUNS .. we have for a leader the REMMINGTON PUMP GUN, which every hunter knows to be. the best on the market. Call and examine these guns and let us quote you prices. AMMUNITION K:' we handle the PETERS' am munition and. can. supply you with anything you need in this line. Call arid examine our goods before making your purchases. WumWno andStMmfMnf 404 Dakota Ave it UNDER TAKING -"^1 7 if if JUST ARRIVED An entirely new 1 in e^ofcr tables and chairs, for renting purposes THE BEST EVER wmi .v. Pictures We will soon have on hand the finest line of pictures ever shown in the county. Hold your orders until you see these Picture Framing and Repairing a Specialty "*'t ,1" 3^'T' Phone 25-J •'v^l ''"•'i-P*! jfj -s| trt' hrJ.