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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
I) I S 't -•s. V$PV- ",4 A i* 'i I ..^g .11: f£! A1 4* C* ^T & hr I"' %n 3 *. *&« R»-nf rfi fcl V-1 tf- A. A*r 5*3^ $28* An excellent orchertra will furnish music for the dance and an ex cellent time and court eous tteatment assured to all. Look Through my large stock of Harness, and Collars, of which I car ry the largest and be8t as sortment in the county and the prices are the lowest. You will find about every thing you want in the Har ness and Horse Clothin&r line. My $23.00 Lead Har ness is the best in the coun ty for the money, and all other harness are lower than any other shop or mail order house this side of Chicago. Single Harness $10,11,12,13,14, W, W, 17,» and upwards. Work Harness $23, U, M, 21,30, S3, 36, W, 37, 3$» 40 and upwards. BAGE PEOGEAMS OUT by tli- Richland Ctmirty Fair .Vssofiation anrl the programs Some Fine Eaces Promised For arfc" The Richiaud Gount-v Fair Sept. 27-28-29 30 «-j- iM. .m,Avt skpt. 28 "2:15 Pace or 2:10 Trot $300 00 The following program of 2:30 Pace or 2:2") Trot... 300 00 100.00 horse races lias been prepared Mile Running. GOVERNOR BURKE Will speak on the political issues of the day at WYNDMERE on Friday Evening September, 30th, 1910 at eight o'dock P. M. My Trunks, Sutt.Cases and Bags Vl ln.#»Aa* A. 1 4 1 J9 W are the largest assortment in the city and my price* are the low. est. Call and give us atrial and you will Hud monev in pocket by trading at j| Krause's Harness Shop ATTENTION! Now is the time to put that foundation under your house and build that cement walk around the house. Let us figure on your job. We make all kinds of Cement Sidewalks a*Speclalty iVfcGullocH 6k i^oblrtsoti Lumber Company &EManvMWMXtnnrwjk!&hJVk£Ksa 'j "'^4 '^-^r:'''S—v'^ ""'"•':''•".• '.'V-,"/ t-? t. ,"5*v wJOPwmssEaasK" fjt*ins^nt out this week. your r*aaa^ tt£ska Wahpeto n's si Fopula Da nee THI'K'SOAY, SEl'T. 29 WAHl'IiTOX DAY 2:22 Pace or 2:17 Trot. .$400.00 (Wahpeton Pu.rse) Richlatid County Green Race 200.00 Mile Running for Lady Riders 50.00 Pony Race 25.00 Farmers' Watgon Race... 25 00 FIv'IDAY, SEPT. 30 BRECKKXKIDGli DAY Free for all §400 00 (Breckenridge Purse) 2.20 Pace of 2:15 Trot... 300.00 ys Mile Running 100 00 NORTH DAKOTA-MINNESO TA LIBRARY MEETING The library commission isco operating with the State libra ry association to make the next a a at in go than usual interest. It will be a joint convention with the north western sectiou of Minn, and will be held at Fargo and Moorhead. Chalmers Hadlev a re a American Library Association will deliver the principal ad. dress Friday evening. The sessions of the two days will be participated in by he a an at a will be of a practical nature. re methods and of supplies for loan work, binding, mending publicity and other library ac tivities. A large attendance faorn both states is expected of all interested in library devel opment. The list of premiums offered by the Richland Countv Fair Association for its Fifth annual fair September 27-28 29.30 is the largest yet offered fcjy the association. Anyone who has not yet received a copy of the premium list is urged to send at once to R. J. Hughes, Secre tary, Wahpeton, N. and se cure one. It is none too early now to begin preparing your exhibit. STORES WILL CLOSE The merchants of Wahpeton are requested to close their places of business on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon from 2 o'clock to 4 fair week. J. J. Hill will be here Tuesday. Our two United States Sena tors will deliver addresses on Thursday and Governor Burke will address the fair visitors on Friday. Fair Visitors are cordially Invited to attefid the Bowery Dance In the Roller Rink every evening during the Fair Out of town visitors, in the city for the first time are requested to attend. Frank Eberly, Mayor. OAR OF APPLES Fricke and Swank will have a car of bulk apples on the track near the mill, during fair week which will be sold by the bushel at the car or delivered to any place in the city. Don't waste your money buy? ing plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini ment for twenty-five cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and-much cheaper. Sold by All Dealers. Northwestern Inventors The following patents were issued this week to North Wes tern inventors reported by D. SWIFT & Co., Patent lawyers, Washington, D. C. who will furnish any of our readers with copies of the same for ten cents each. A. M. Hoes, St. Pauli double dopr bolt M. D. Hoff,'Still Paul ft if. a jsal N. I). A. J. Thompson, Aneta Engine. S. I). F. Bossen, Platte, Har vester G, %V. Hykleman Volga paper clipp William A. Wil The Citizens National BANK of Wahpeton CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $66,000.00 if IjC '/iC Vii* •tajiMimfiMMJaM r" If '*?*•%. Kosack, Omaha, wall stirup H. C. Smith, Ains*.vorth, ad justahle rim and tire. liams, Olivet, wind motor. Devils Lake has had a gener nl house cleaning. Notorious liquor pa 1 and bowdy houses are all wiped out. "Can be depended upon" is an expression we all like to WE WILL BE ON HAND THIS FALL WITH MORE NUMEROUS Than Ever Before We will have a full carload in this week, and we are prepared to give you the best Stove for LESS MONET than ever before. As a Special Inducement to buy during Fait* week, we will give 5 per cent off on all Stoves and Ranges sold, and to our patrons from outside towns, we will deliver the stoves to their stations free of charge. Romombor all StoVos sold In this City and Brseksnrldgs will bs set up in thoir house, Froe of Charos. Don't fail to call on us, when at the BIG FAIR, at our BIG TENT on the Fair grounds. Whether you want to buy or not comein and rest, and get acquainted. '1 Make Our Tent Your Headquarters Leave your baggage and be at home. Be sure and come to the Fair—you can't afford to miss it. The Busy Hardware Store CONNOLLY BROS, Hardware and Supply House You can't miss- the place going and com ing from the fair grounds it's right in your path. hear, and whenvv it iused in connection with Chamberlain's Cclic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysei terv or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable forchildren and adults. Sold by All Dealers. GENERAL BANKING Insurance, Real Estate and Per sonal Loans If you are in need of money we invite you to us. If you are figuring on a real estate loan,we are in a position to quote you satisfactory terms, or if you have surplus money which you wish to put to 'work, place it with us, and we will pay you interest for either six months or a year. We solicit your checking account and as sure you that it will be handled to your entire satisfaction. Why worry over the safety of your valuable papers or personal ettects when you can rent a private safety box in our fire and burglar proof vault for only $1.50 per year. Safety and sound ness are our foundations. Farmers are invited to make our oank their headquarters when here. OFFICERS—F. E. Kenaston, Pres. Theo. Albrecht, Vice Pres. A. Stern, Vice Pres. J. P. Reeder, Cashier S. H. Murray, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS—P. J. McCumber, Djuald Wrig-ht, E. R. Gamble, Frank Eberley *4i^ *4if *jir -.v..•- -J". r.»'' -vi J"' 1 I i" Sr:. t- I-'. kX~'S\ ?r ik Ji X?»? & ViO i-'H