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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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The Wahpeton Times Established In 1879 Published every Thursday by E. S. CAMERON AT \VAHPKTOX, NORTH DAKOTA Sub. $1.50 per year in advance. Entered aaxeeoiid rlasH matter at the I "oat (Wire at Witlipeton under un not of I'lMiyifss ol 1 a tell 3,19 87. DEMOCRATIC TICKET UunKr. iHi.un. J,)) j* ,!*'***'" Governor—John ISurki" i.ieutdllaiit Gov. \V. I.. I!icllil'i1 Treasurer— H. I.. Mrtlvotsui Auditor—INiler tl. ItonUs Seo. of SUite—VV. K. Itc lici t-nn C'ODI of Indurative —i\ I.. lili iWwiey Cum. ot AKilcilltilrf lex .Mnl'rbuii Kallroad Coin. I'. I.. Walker John I. IIHIIKOII Mit'o I. Mitlet'i' I'M li rMftlrii-l Sena'tir—.1. G. Hageu Re|ir"!*tiitrttiv('n-j Ji V\'um!!,llv 371U HoprcHi'nti(tlv« ^l8,'ey COPNTY TH'KET Sheriff—A. Unut(Mi Auditor—c. O. CTIvon Treasurerr-Wm. Sclmit Heglster of Ow»ls-' lljukt* olerlc of court— Auir. lli-rirniHti county Jndtro—Geo. YituAriiiiiii States Alty.— Cusiav Si lnilfi Mupt. uf S-llo il—Ainlri'tV J^U: Vi.M com. :)rd I list.—I'ail wilt Com. 4th hist.-dins Hfill Official Directory I'..I. MrOiiuilier I!. S. Senator* \Y. K. I'urivll i:. S. IU|I'I'SI'I1-^ I,. It. Hniititt minus A. .1. firoiin.t Governor—John ilnrki' l.leuteiiHnt Governor—It. 8. I.ewir Swrretury of Stata—Allrt-il ItlAhitell Stale Treisurer—G. 1.. Itiukforit State Auditor—I). U. ItiltfllOilll Attorney Gennral—Andrew Miller Killrnftil Com- W. H.Miiiin uilN*ioiurs W. H. SiHinliali Supt of I'uti Inst—W. I.. State Smiiiior 12 Out Stale Senator Stoekwell C'oiu of Instirauee— R. C. cooper Coin A*rr l.atior—W. C. (illliicaili IV R. Muriran Judtcer of Supreme it. I\ Spalding Court U. K. lulsworlti t! J.Fisk .1. Cnrniody Ji Dim 15. O. Moving Meuilit-rj of the I,. I,, liruslctten l.ejiii'lntui'e K'llisi W.T.Ward MemlMTA or the H. I- Kinney :i i»ist O.T. Grant .Imlyi- nf Fourth Judicial HinM'ii't—F. A Allen tJOl'NTVOmCRItS States Attorney—Cliaa. B. Wolfe Clerk of Court—.1. M, Kramer Sberltf—Frank Helev Auditor—F. A. Ilinton Treaaurer~-K. I,. Mikketaon RegiHter of Deeils—A. J. Nelann ''onmy mlife—Geo. Van Amain Surveyor—A. G. Peterson Supt. ot Bchoolg—F. It. Itarnes Corner—Dr. Iverson Pulilio Administrator—K. G. Tweeton COUNTV COM (SSIONEKS 1st District—P Sletinoe 2nd District—C Ness sird District.—.1. J. /enteral 4tli District —Wm Greeu nth District- W ItoSinsun 1M it supposable that the stal warts would have tailed to bring their candidate for gov ernor to the front at the Roose velt meeting in Fargo had he been a man of Hurke's ability? The chairman did not want Burke to talk and C. A. John son was in the crowd. Why was he not called upon? But I then, Burke is a man of whom even his most bitter enemies feel proud to say to the visiting [listener "that is the governor lof our state." The people will •have a chance this year to say [whether they prefer this man, jivho is admired for his ability and independence or the man whom it was generally conced ed was selected as a candidate because he would do as he was told. Senator Hansbrough warns the temperance people that if Burke should be elected gover nor of North Dakota for a third term they are likely to be con fronted with local option Hansbrough has' made a tool of himself a great many times but never made a statement in his life that sounds more like an insane man. In the first place to change the constitu tion of North Dakota requires the consent of two legislatures and then a vote of the people. In the next place the prohibi tion law has been enforced more thoroughly under Gov ernor Burke and Attorney •General Miller than ever be fore in the history of the state Hansbrough is demented and should be placed in Jamestown along with his old friend Lord Thursby.—Minot Democrat Everything new and cLeap at A, Mikacbe 4c Co.^vvv As Governor Must be Determined by His Appointmeut ot a Sec retarv The Democrat lias at H!1 times argued that C. A Job nsim is not the big calibre of a man whom the people of this great state should fleet for governor He is not big enough nnd knows it and lor this rtnson has li hitnselt in the hands of the old gang believing that by allowing theiu to dietate his policies they Now Georgie comes out and proves what a diplomat lie is and just how competent he will be to fill the position of private secretary to a governor of North Dakota 1)3' falling into a trap prepared for him nnd making a bet that if Johnson is elected governor he'will be his private secretary. Should Johnson be elected governor the man he has prom ised the most important posi tion in bis cabinet has violated the laws of the land by making a gambling bet and then has further disfranchised himself as a voter by betting on the re sult of the election. A few days ago a prominent merchant of Plnza approached Smith and told him that he could not support Johnson for governor as he understood that the event of his election Tommy Poole of Bismarck was to be his private secretary. This George emphatically de nied and in order to make his denial convincing, offered to bet $2f) that lie would be John gon's private secretary. An agreement was drawn up and the bet made and placed in the hands of Stalle Hendrickson, of Coteau, who deposited the checks and the agreement in the safe of Wing & Haley of of Plaza, to be opened by Mr. Hendrickson after election and the money given to the win ning party. This is the man Johnson has promised to make his private secretary and entrust the af fairs of the state with in case he is elected. It is said that every position in the gift of the governor has been promised. One man told The Democrat Monday last that he had been approached that day with the promise of a good position if he would sup port Johnson but refused. The Johnson forces are getting des perate and realize their man has no chance of being elected unless they can barter away money, offices and threats to accomplish it. The people of North Dakota are not to be bought, bull-dozed or driven and Mr. Johnson will never come within 25,000 votes of sit ing in the executive chair.— Minot Democrat. y" £rj S I4- iii*. JOHNSON'S ABILITY would spend sufficient money to secure his election. When he lirst hccHtne a candidate this year he looki around Minot lor a man to manage his campaign and to do his dirty work but either he could not find a Minot man who would consent to accept the job or he would not trust one of his fellow citizens so he imported George i.^aFollette Hansbrough Smith from Motin traile county under a promise of making Georgie his private secretary. A private secretary supposed to be a man of abil ity, probity and diplomancy and from recent developments it would appear that Georgie in all that and then some. A few weeks ago be made him self famous by writing holders of farm mortgage loans, ad vis ing them that his papers—the Plaza Pioneer ami the Ryder Slews, were the proper medi ums of publication for in »rt gage loans and intimating that many foreclosures were to be made and published in his papers, all of which the poor farmer who lost his crop thi* year and who wants to he car ried over will appreciate. U. S. OLAP IlJORKIv Democratic candidate lor Reg ister of Deeds. Mr. Hiorke is making clean stjnare cut catrpaign and is a very popular candidate. JOHN I HANSON Wyndmere, N. D. Democratic candidate for rail road commissioner. A. D. HANSEN Democratic Candidate for sher iff. The three cornered fight for sheriff in this county this year as conditions are makes his chances of election look very bright, I FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election as sheriff of Richland County on the Republican ticket subject to the will of the voters at the coming election. SENATOR W. E. PURCELL Candidate fox- Re-election for the Short Term Respectfully yours, FKMK BELBT. ANNOUNCEMENT Having received the Republi can nomination for States At torney, I should like to be elect ed. 1 shall not ask for the of fire again, after this coming term. If elected, the business of the effire will be done just as it has been for the past two years. Mr. Forbes and 1 have tried to do it right and'we believe we have succeeded. 1 shall not be able to see many of the individual voters during the campaign and take this method of askin each one of them wilt) believes that the States Attorney's part of the County's business has been and will be well done, to help me to be re-elected by his vote and bis friendly influence, ft or go election is over. Respectfully, CHAS. E. WOLFE GUSTAV SCHULER ratic Candidate for States Attorney SPECIAL GRAIN PRIZES The Albert Weis Land Com pj.ay of Wahpeton has offered to buy the prize winnin grain exhibits shown at tbe 1910 Richland County Fair Mid will pay the following amount in cash: For the first prize 10 ears of school boys corn.... $1000 For the second 7.50 For the third 5.00 For the fourth 2.50 For the best bushel of White Dent corn raised by any 'farmer in Rich land County For the best bushel Blue Stem Wheat For the best bushel Vel vet Chaff Wheat For the best bushel White Russian Oats.. For the best bushel Fax For the best bushel Barley For the best bushel Po tatoes For the best bushel heads of Cabbage For the best display of -grain •'KsSi BUSINESS LOCALS List your land with C. W. Rink. Wahpeton, N. Dak.' R. T. £fcMicheal at Mike Mohr's old shop on Dakota Ave. All kinds of blacksmith ing neatly and quickly done. Wm. II. White Lumber Co., are headquarters for Hard and Soft Coal, also Pocahontas Smokeless. &¥*?£. J. J. Hull, Agt. 33tf Clothing and ladies skirts neatly repaired, cleaned and pressed, by John Brown one door east of Miller's drug store. Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired, at Brown's. .* The Columbia Restaurant open day and night, good meals served at all hours. Across the street from the Merchants Ho tel. B. Yates, Prop. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Sold by All Dealers. Swank's GROCERY We carry all sizes of Fruit Jars in either the Mason or Economy, and Fruits for Canning Heinz Pickling Vinegai^O 25 White PicklingVinegar Pickles in quart jars D.D. 10.00 7.50 7.50 500 10.00 5.00 5.00 Onions 5.00 For the biggest Pumpkin 5.00 5.00 5.00 Your complexion as well as your temper ib-rendered miser able by a disordered liver. By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can im prove both. Sold by All Dealers Tak« In Ma ThtaArt tonight Tj," 25 20 Sweet Pickles per qt. Try a Can of our TELMO Canned Goods—fine qual ity at moderate prices. Swank 300 Dak. Ave. 'Phont 64 I.**.,'? WE WELCOME matters not what amount of money you have to deposit—we will accept it at this bank. We welcome the small de positor, we extend him the same considera tion and courtesies accorded all our patrons TP rai a loan on your form, either on first or seoond mortgage security,at a reas onable rate of in terest, with privi leged payments. It you are in need of a loan it wiUuay you well to see me. UMHS FUGELMAN, Wahpatoti, N. D. THE BendaHarket PROPERLY DRESSED and sweet and toothsome is the fresh pork that we are selling by the pound or by the WHOLE HOG' The pigs and hogs we handle are' all clean fed stock. SELECTED WITH GREAT CAKB and killed and dressed by the most improved methods. Sweet as a chicken and twice^the quantity On each helping. FRANK BENDA, Valipetn,H.D. One Door East of Post Office. I want some First Class Farm Loans. The larger the better. Intaria! thaLowaat No delay in your getting T. Your Money. A. A8PINWALL Bxtra Pine River Sand FOR SALB In Large or Small Quantities Will deliver in either Wahpe ton or Breckenridge or can load cars and ship to any point. Can see me at the City Hotel or will attend to mail orders promptly. Anton Paulson Wahpaton, Narth Dakata. «Ti 4 Our Customers All Know TMs^ THE WMWtHa ill WAHPETM NMTH DAKOTA, 4^#? jV