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r- v.v .* 7C I* 11 k in x-* ffi [r Iff rs Uk The Housed? Kuppcnhcimcf Chicago The Wahpeton 'limes Established in 1879 Published every Thursday by E. S. CAMERON At WAiii'ET »n, North Dakota Sub. $l.f0 per year in advance. Kntered as second class matter at the Post Oflice at Walipeton under an act of congress of March 3, 10 87. SCIENCE SCHOOL ITEMS CALENDAR I9IC--II Fall Torm began--S»pt. 20 Wintar Tarm bagintNov. 3O Spring Tarm baglns--April 5 For further information write to PHE3. F. E. SMITH Watynton, N. D. The Hoard of Trustees held eting a the school, last •Thursday. The girls of the domestic science department served dinner for tlieni in their department dining room. ii President's secretary, Miss Hazel King, made a busi iiess trip to Fargo Jast Satur day. Professor Black's mother from Ohio, who im been visit ing at his home fur a month, left for Kansas last Tuesday. Mr. Haxby, the Fargo archi•_ tect who phi titled Bureh hall and the Chemistry building, was a visitor last Thursday. We hope his visit mny tneaM re in buildings of the school, for larger and better accomoda tions are already needed. The Science School Hind un der the leadership of Hubert Warren has so far materialized that it gave a band concert a' the assembly last Thursday The boys do good work in tnusic, and they will be heard frotn many times in the next few mouths. The calling in of the foot-ball uniforms reminds us that the season for that game is clost d. Hand ball is the sensation now. N definite announcements have been made public in re gard to basket ball, but prac tice was begun last Monday. A recep.ion to the students will be given by the faculty next Friday evening in the gymnasium. President Smith will address the citizens and teachers of Aneta next Thursday eveni on the subject, "Education Yes terday and Today." The library has ju9t received a camplete new set of the prose works of Walter Scott, a forty volume set i-f the Booklovers Shakespere, and the first eight vclutnes of the Catholic En cyclopedia. Also, Nelson's Loose Leaf Encyclopedia with the new material for 1910 has been replaced on the shelves. Next Wednesday, Nov 23, the fall term closes, and the Thanksgiving recess of live days will be observed. There will be school next Monday to make up the day taken off tc attend the foot ball game with the Agricultural College, and the Saturday schedule will be followed. By the applications for rooms which- are coming every day the winter term promises to be one of unusual attendance. High Scftool Doings The prett«»iaarie«, to deter mine the teMB. which should rtprflWMi eur school in the Noitii fteiLOte iftgh School De- *5 SOME. 1 bating League, were held lastj Mondaj\ Art Purdoti, (iilbertl Gilles and Bip Keeder werej chosen as the team, and Art! Uustad and Leo Keen were! chosen as alternates. The first debate will occur sometime in December. Last Friday, the presidents of the various cla ses were call ed tfpon for the purpose of giv ing impromptu speeches 11 order to arouse enthusiasm among the pupils foi Satur day's (tame/ Well, it certainly was apparent that there was enough enthusiasm during and after the game, but we will not venture to sav whether or not the speeches were the cause of the wakening. The Moorhead hoys, nearly all of whom were present at th» dance last Saturday night, are a very nice and pleasant crowd of boys, and we hope to see them again. Of course we will have to defeat them but then, that* all in the game, don't you know? A few days ago, one of our High School pupils found a let ter to Santa Claus, which had been written by one of ou.r eighth graders. She showed it to the reporter, and it really does look genuine. That re minds us, its about time that we were writing to old Santa. Writing epistles to idanta Claus, is somethiuglike writing "High School Notes." Mr. Pfingsten found his way up to the High School dance last Saturday, but when he-got there, he pleaded inability to dance. Our sympathies go out to poor Mr. Pfingsten. Some of the girls, in the mestic Science Department, ire now able to stitch without sticking the needle into their fingers. They are doing nobly, and ws hope they will keep it up. We do not claim any large hats at our school, but last Fri' day, one of the senior boys claims to have lost his overcoat a a a in a to a it id a a small(?) "Merry Widow." Miss Mclntyre gave an illus. at re as a morning on "Good health and Good looks". We appreciated the lecture, but we are aware our case is hopeless. Miss Reike's "American His tory Class," have finished their "Thesis of the Adoption of the Constitution". They are sorry? to leave such an interesting(?) topic,. The game, last Saturday be tween the "Sophs" and Indians was won by the Indians by the close score of 12 to 11. "Little S a a a Miller, and Ole Laige One Big Bone Herbert Gottlemen, star red for the "Sophs,'. The boysv in the Chemistry Class were to examine a penny, last week, and jusv when the examination was to be made it was discovered that none of the boys had a penny along. Certainly it was a case of hard luck all right. Our program to be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:45, is as follows: Oration, "Physical Education" 4 Elia Simard Recitation, "When the Jimsons have old meat" Irving Van Buren Recitation. "The Widow Flight ly's pood bye Cab" Madella Quick Recitation, "The Tiresome Cal ler" Hazel Ruddy si *r THE TEST OF TIME IS THE TEST OF A SUIT OR OVERCOAT w," tr TL •v' tfS-srfK ... CLOTHES look baautiful in the shop window, but they lose their fine appearance while OUR QJ3THES not only look well anywhere, but they always look well the fit and shape is £tailored into them by experts." The^styles are authoritive, distinct, They arie a season ahead of any other in style. We have a. Suit or Overcoat to Suit, to satisfy your need, your taste and your pocket book. Let us show you,' •'I*! Sit ism Oration, "Black the Heel of Your iot" Rhoda Stenerson Recitation, "Grandfather's Por trait" Henry Blake Recitatimi, "Warren's Address" Herbert Qoettelman Recitation, "The Ruling Pas sion" Mae Wright Oration, "The Colonial Girl" Hester Schaffer D.bate—"Resolved that Auto mobiles cause more harm th a good" APErmative, Alice Nichols, Nellie Bow nia". Negative, Selina BoV man. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend. The Jocular Juniors didn't crack a smile on last blue Mon day. The Tlnmksiiivin program of the Grade School will In el in S A torium, Wednesday evening, November 23rd. I'ROtik'AM Grades A Life Lesson, song 7th Jack's Thanksgiving Dream, P'ay 2nd The Indian Story, Rec. 3 & 4th Sweeping and Dusting, song 3 & 4ih Give Thanks for \Vrhat, Rec. 7th Seven Sad Little Maids, Exercise 4th The Bill of Fare, Rec. 4tb T.he Turkey School, play 1st Where Do We Keep Thanksgiving, Rec. 6th' November's Party,Pan tomine 5th. An Old Sa3'ing of Mothers Rec 5 th, 6th The News Boy's Drill The Lily's Thanksgiving Rec. 7th What the Months Bring, Exercise Upside Down, Drill My Country 'Tis ofc Thee, song. METHODIST NOTES The choir is getting a few well' deserved compliments, from those who heard its effoit! last Sunday night. The meeting of the Social .^lub last week was one of the best. The supper and sale last night in the Commercial Club rooms was well patronised. Sunday Nov. 27th, Rev. W. A. Dunnett will come. Plan to hear him at the first. This will insure your regular attendance. On Sunday next the pastor will preach on "Soul Winning, our Responsibility" at 10:30 a. m. At 7:30 p. he will con tinue the series of addresses on Conversion." The theme will be "The Reasonableness of Con version." Little Earl White is getting better. Mr Snyder, is now occupying the "Sowles" residence, came to town when elections were over. He registered hie vote else where. Dunnett will speak to men only on Sunday afternoon Nov. 27th. All men are invited to hear him. He hss a messace that tells, 1 We were all grieved to learn of the departure of. Mrs. Stewart She was a public servant and we shall all miss her, Minneapolis ministers are doing things. We wonder if a similar movement will be ne cessary here. ft is a ^blessed thing to have a rhurch even if it only plays the part of a watch dog. Tbit, ho#«ver ic not ttw mairr dafjr .•n H. WICHMMN CLOTHIER SHOE FITTER of the church. Mrs. Ed Hattwell has been confined to the house for some days but is getting well so fast as to indicate that she will soon be around.again. Miss C. E. Avery left for Cheyenne, Wyoming, on Satur day. Everybody irrespective af creed or church is invited to help make the Thanksgiving .sesvice a public good. This service is not a sectarian mat ter. It is held in obedience to the order of- the President of the Republic and the Governor of the State of North Dakota, atid the approval of the Mayr of this city. Let us he patriot ic, at least. Pian to hear Dutinett when he commences 011 Sunday ^o veuiber the 27th. Congregational Church Notes Arthur C. Peterson, one of Haukiiisou's splendid young men, and Evelyne M. Mourer, a charming and winsome young lady, were married at the parsonage Nov. 12lh. Many friends will wish these people S3£ v\ \siW J*" f^l well in their new life and home They will reside oti the farm near Hankinson. ie Sabbath School will take their annual offering next Sun day for the Orphanage in Erzcfum. For several years our school has been sftpporti ig a child in this school, $25 heir the required amount. Will an parents aid their children in lh»s offering Sunday. The pastor and his wife i* vite ail who wish, to met in^es evLinVforpra8ise'm"d Thanks^ giving. Come and let us re goodness nk8 Tt- G°d for~ hia thanksgiving morning at! 10:30 the union service will he custom is time honored, the President a 11 Governor re- The State School of Science Fall Term begaii September 20 Winter Term begins November :»0 Spring Term begins Aprils COURSES GENERAL COLLEGE-—(3 years) Preparatory# COMMERCIAL—(Business, Shorthand and Typewriting.) STEAM ENGINEERING—(2 years, and a short course with Traction Engine for boys who want to run threshing outfits.) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING—(2 years) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. DOMESTIC SCIENCE—(2 years' Teachers'Course.) DOMESTIC SCIENCE—(Homemakers' Course including Cooking, Dressmaking and Millinery, and all matters pertaining to a home.) ELEMENTARY AGRICULTURE. The school has five buildings7an execellent facility, thoroughly equipped laboratories, and shops for teaching such practical subjects as Blacksmithinir Wood Working and Carpentry. The aim of the School is to better fit boys and girls to live full and profit able lives upon the farms as well as elsewhere. Tuition is free except in the Commercial Course and board and room is? furnished in the dormitories at the small sum of $3.50 per week V*'\? JsIf se Catalogue Giving Full Particulars Will Be Serif 6tt Request F. E. SMITH, {Resident Copyright 1910 -j The Houie of Kuppennome* Chicago AUCTION SALE REMOVED! Owing to the cold weather we have removed our FUR NITURE STOCK to the build ing known as the Gopher Store, Wahpeton, and have made arrangements with par- owning the Lee & Coro- therS Bankrupt Stock to close out the balance of that stock \at the same^ time. This sale 'commences 1 held in the Methodist cliurch. I nU^Snay, NOV. lfftn There will be Allspring music, there will be a helpful sermon and will continue from day to yrZ every afternoon at-2 o'clock, ancJ quest, and, well, let us cone ,. out of respect to the Fath discount at private sale, er who has sent us life's bless- ESTES itigs. All the usual services Sunday Nov. 20th. evenings at 7:30. Liberal J. F. MUNSON Austionw. v.-, J" v. 1- ts%r .Wff-i v$e •. IV &i &W.3 1*7*k day until.all is sold. Auction tt is .•$h •& 4