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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
P! I fti- & -:'s m, if it* W J* h\ -V J. M. MESS OPTICIAN. Osteopatic Physicians Dr. Glenn Wheeler Dr. Jennie Y. Wheeler. Office one block north of new G. N. depot at 51-J 7th Street. Phone 295 W. E. Purcell A. G. Divet Pureed & Divet Attorneys at Law Practice in all the courts of this state. Collections a spe cialty. Wahpeton, N. Dakota. G. A. ROUN5EVELL Llcanied Embalraer tnd Funeral Director Three years, experience with one of the largest undertaking firms in Minneapolis WITH W W. Jamieson Complete and up-to-date Stock and Kquipment -T.T—r~ -j—ufc 1. .-V—iW~" 7: •l'V.*""v-r' v. •. .. Ajj^ent for Belmont Indestructible J.eaci Coated SU-el Caskets. In.time of trouble let na help you INCUMBER & FORBES ATTORNEYS Practice in all Courts Special attention to Collections Office over the Citizen's National Batik Wahpeton, N. D. Dan R. Jones Attorneyat-Lzw All Collections Made Ofiice in National Bank Buildinr Wahraeton N D. Barney Kicin I! First -i iss Thrce-(!hnh l-nrbci SIici. (live him cnl! it yon \r tit Good $hive. Scissors and razors honed. One Door Bast of City Hotel. BARNKY KLIN K. I'ROP 8 am Christetisoti Contractor and Builder FLANS and Estimates a kinds of Buildings. CONTRACTS FOR ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK. *r- fti *"5*- V-\ JM ROYAL F. A. Bagg and P. ?i. Kelly left for Minneapolis Monday to attend the Auto show. Mr. and Mre. Mike He were at Wabpeton Monday. Miss Rose TUiel left Wahpe. ton Monday where she is to take a three months course in sewing. M. Chernich and 1). L. Quin tan were passengers to Wahpe* ton Tuesday. Mr. Mason Holcomb left for Toledo, Ohio Thursday to visit with his mother. Mr. Spencer, Editor of he Weekly Witness, of Gwinner, a in to be a Thursday. ADVERTISED LETTERS Advertised letters in the Wahpeton, N. 1). post fti e, Feb. 1.1th. 1911. Laiuks. Bubb, Mrs. Louise. Cloudy, Miss Lizzie. GKNTMiMKN. Dougan, J. A. Granrath, Toney. Hall, Ray. Helgesen, Mandin. Lucehest, Bliseo. Murry, Jos. Ornisbe, Johtiie. South, A. G. When calling for the above please say advertised and give date of list. Respectfully, E. H. Myhra P. M. C. H. VAUGHAN LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREC TOR. at Eokes & Vaughans Furniture Store. Calls answered Day or night. Piione 241 L, Night Phone 342 J. -sm Wahpeton, N. Dak. A.E. McMichael Robt. McMichael BLAGKSMITHING GENERAL REPAIRING Automobile Repairing A SPECIALTY McMichael Bros. Opposite Times Office K. S. FNK GEO. B. WALLACI INK WALLACE. Atvornere-at-law Masonic Temple. Wahpetcn, N. Makes the most nutri tious food BAKINQ POWDER Abmoiutely Pure fba only Baldng Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. most and the dainty and W Receipts—Frtt. Smi Nmmt mi AUnm, f WOVAL KAKIWO POWDCW Cft. MEW YOMC W rr^i"A Mr. Dale, the boy acoat or ganisser, gave an interesting speech before the boys of the high school and graded schools Friday afternoon. The boya all seemed very enthusiastic and spoke very flatteringly of his interesting speech. A complete write-up of the basket ball games appears else* where in this paper, and if you wish an arithmetic account of the games, you will do well to read it. Misses Rieke and Runkle were roused out of tkeir slum bers Monday morning and prov ed themselves very capable firemen. They assisted greatly by standing around and look ing on. Mr. Burwell, teacher of the grade school was much sur prised to find no restaurant wheu he came down town to eat his breakfast on Monday morning. In next week's issue we ex pect to publish a letter written by one of the "Lincoln Day Strikers." It will be very inter esting especially to his com rades. The rhetorical program will be held tomorrow (Friday) af ternoon. It is as follows: Recitation, 'Tom was going for a Poet" Fama Mittou Recitation, "Builders of Fate" •*. Harry McLaughlin Recitation, "Betsy and I are out" Mabel Hickey Oration Caroline. McCabe Recitation, "Over the Hill from the poor house" Merl Gallagher Recitation, "The First Settler's Story". ., Winnified McCarty Recitation, "Grad" ,..,Earl Hausken Oration Arthur Rustad Recitation, "How Betsy and I made up". .Florence Morris Recitation, "What have you done?" Alfred Forman Recitation, "Life's Conflict". .. Morris Hilderbrandt Oration Lillian Robinson Recitation, "Picnic Sa.n" Jennie Kramer Debate, "Resolved that recipro city world be for the best in terests of the people." Affir mative. Julia Manikowski, Gertrude Hilderbrandt, Ne at iv be a Joseph Stern. The [yogramme will begin at 2:45 and all are invited. Colfax liocals Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts entertained at cards Thursday night. Rev. Lunde delivered an in teresting ceremony last Sun day. Services again in four weeks at 11 A. M. A number of young people were invited out to the J. Ista home Thursday evening and royally entertained. Card play ing was the order until mid night when lunch was served. Butcher Moen was looking after his interests in Colfax Tuesday. He also took time to pick up some fat stock. ii W. Grell who has been spending the winter in St. Louis and Kansas City is with us again. He is suffering from a sprained knee received in a fall from a street car. The dance at the hall was well attended at the hall Satur day night. Clarence Craig prov ed the lucky winner of the phonograph. Hope Clarence strains. Messrs. J. Bolstad and C. K. Norby spent Saturday at Wah peton looking after their busi ness interests. They returned well pleased with the city., Mooreton News Miss Rosa Thiel and Mr. Pe ter Trap returned Sat a from a two weeks visit with rel ative friends in Iowa and S. D. Supt. Barnes of Wabpeton was in town Friday. Miss Olean Ness visited with friends at Wahpeton last Wed- vi 1K, THEWS NO JOKE ABOUT THE FLOUR question with good nouneseepera. They want the best and insist on having it. THAT'S WHY SO MANY USE OUBBEST FLOUR ONLY and will have no other. There's a reason of course. Try a sack of OUR BUT next time that reason will make itseit plaia in the better bread, cake, etc., you bake from it. New Star Roller MillS Farm Loans I can make you a loan on your farm, either on first or second mortgage security, at a reas onable rate of in terest, with privi leged payments. If you are in need of a loan it will "oay you well to see me. LOUIS FUGELMAN, Wahpeton, N. D. DR PRICE Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty. Gtunn Bldg. Breokenridge Minn, F&rftl6tSmmmThis Kr t-1 yrji Dr. «li McPcok Physician and Surgeon Calls answered at all Honrs day or night. BKNKSH AND PIBRCE BLOCK BRECKENRIDGE, MINN. For baled hay baled straw and feed see J. E. Morris. Plumbing and Steam Fitting Supplies Geo. J. Engelhard WAHPETON, N. DAK. W I S O O N E E E =^0i:}0i The Old Columbia Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT Meals and Lunches Served at All Hours A, GILLES, Proprietor Everything the Best Hodern Conveniences DON'T FORGET That the White Lumber Co. sell all kinds of good coal. If you are not satisfied with "The Coal THE W. H. WHITE LUMBER CO. going to build spring. The American Fence is conceded to be the best fence on the market, and costs no more than any other fence. Comejn and talk fence. You will be surprised how cheap you can buy J. J. HULL, MANAGER SPRING is the time to think about that fence you are This is also the time to repair and oil your harnesses. We have Harness Repairs of all kinds, Leather Harness Oil and Trimmings, Curry Combs and Brushes, and Horse Clippers and everything usually kept in a first class hardware store. For the next 30 days we will give one Street Car Ticket with each $1.00 Cash Purchase -ti i- bM* i.~v -V, 1 '•t I* "izmf MEYER'S ORCHESTRA will furnish S I for any occusion Address MEYER'S ORCHESTRA, Wahpeton, KDsk Estimates Given Repair work neatly and quickly done Eave Troughs made and put up. Question" Give us a trial. Our Motto, prompt delivery and "a square deal." BROS. r-sc ... &s *4-" I -.-5 :r: O- -r N Gasoline Stoves Repaired c. 4^. ft I r4f J# A' y! .'1 4 W 4 A 4 ¥l C-4 A. A \1* *r