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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
I Jifc V' I. ,i !. I i' ,'f«• 15 & &5-y G. E. BEMIS, Pres. A\ S t. HIGH SCHOOL OOIHGS Mary Gilles is piatieet this week. Amass meeting was held last thursday to get up a little en thusiasm for Breckeuridge game1 Alvin Meyer, Capt. of foor ball team gave three min. ute talk on atheletics in High school and Hazel Ellis on the right attitude toward our op potient, Joe Vachon lead in yell practice and every one joined in with great enthusiam. Wednesday the junior class held a meeting for the purpose of electing officers but meeting broke up rather suddenly and another meeting will be necess ary to elect the president. Friday the foot ball team played Breckenridge, a 1 a misunderstanding concern ing suits and the muddyness of the gridirou, delayed playing until a late hour, yet our boys stood up for the purple and gold by a score of 11 to 0. When the game was sbout over the moon was seen shining thru the trees. It was first time most of rooters has ever seen a foot ball game by moon light. Friday evening the first num ber of the S. S. S. lecture course was given in the Opera House and every one reported to have enjoyed it immensely. During the day tickets for the re re a a Cotton's desk. connected with us. taking department. Day Phone 241L J* •dy&tti- Saturday the Science school foot ball team played Fergus' Falls team at the college cam pus. The,score turn.-d out to be 6 to 0 in favor of the science school. The Fergus team re fused to play the High school the second game and we believe it is because they are afraid of being beaten by us also. Monday night the entile ad an an is to as kept in their class room for an unknown cause. Of course it couldn't be because they didn't a he so a most of them are dignified san iors. Don't forget prelimanaries for debate on Friday. A special program of music has been ar ranged for that day. Wednesday noon school started half hour earlier than the usual time so that every one might attend the ball game be tween the High school and S. S. S. The game was called at 4:30 o'clock at college campus. Our line up is as follows. R. End, Moody R. Tackle, Tribke R. Guard, Manchester R. Half, Vachon, Centre, Siminson Quarter, Lauder Full Back, Meyer L. Back, Putman L. Guard, Patterson L. Tackle, Assid L. End, McLaughlin Subs, Wright, Divet Announcement We wish to announce that Mr. C. H. Vaughan who has had charge of our Undertaking Department has resigned his position and is therefore no longer Mr. J. W. Worner, a graduate of the Bornes School of Anatomy Sanitary Science and Em balming of Chicago and Licenced in North Dakota, Minnesota and Illinois will have charge of our Under The Wahpeton Furniture Co. ECKES& WORNER, Props. FARM BY-PRODUCT#. A history of the evolution of by products of manufacture and their present relation to the main Industry would be the theme of a very Interest ing book, says the St Paul Pioneer Press. Such a volume would hold con siderable food for thought for the farmers of the country, and Inciden tally of the Northwest More than one careful farmer has shown that the using of a few cows and chlckena has paid him profits far above what the cost of labor and rent of -land occupied would lead him to expect, and in both cases, particularly with poultry, It Is what might be called a by-product of farming. There are poul try farms where the main emphasis Is on chickens and eggs, but most of the eggs of the state are raised on farms where the bens are rather inci dental and allowed to run as they please. By a little care and atten tion the same hens can be made to add several million dollars to the income of the farmers of the state. The loss because the eggs are not ta ken to market often enough is large and care in gathering them twice a day is another source of leak in the profitB of poultry. Mr. N. B. Chap man, connected with the University Farm, says if the farmers of the state added one pound to the chickens they sell the increased income would be $1, 000,000 a year. At present little or no effort is made to fatten chickens be fore marketing them. They are gath ered up and taken to town when the tanner is ready.. The merciful man is merciful to his beast, and particularly BO in these days df torrid tourture for the faith ful four-footed servants of man. A new car couch has been patent ed, leading to the hope that some Night Phones 321L% 127 Jt THE MINOT COLLEGE OF COMMERCE OFFERS YOU The following features not found in any other Business College in the State of North Dakota or in the Northwest. Individual Instruction—we will teach you in a separate class in all subjects, if desired. Text Books Art Fros—for the next thirty days, to out-of-town pupils who enroll with us, we will furnish all books absolutely Free. Wo Plj Your Railroad Faro—railroad fare from your city or nearest station to Minot and return will be deducted from the price of a six month's cash scholarship. Tuition Froo—if we do not offer you a good paying position within thirty days after graduation^ Addrooo all communications to Prof. G. E. Bonds, Pros., Mlnot College of Commerce, Box 361, Mlnot, N. D. 1 one will yet devise a car windodw that can be opened. ^^BBjSss^r' jg^ ,v «-•». Summons. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, I County of Richland. I In District Court. Fourth Judicial District. Paul Strubel, Plaintiff vs. William 6. Metcalf, W.S. Metcalf, Emma Met calf. Anna Leila Metealf, and Ethel Mary Metcalf and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or Interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the complaint, and their unknown heirs, Defendants. The State of North Dakoca to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, which is on tile in the office of tne Clerk of the District Court at Wahpeton. Richland county. North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service I of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service sn«l in case of your failure to {appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demand I in the complaint. Dated October 9.1911. PURCEM. & DlVET. I Attorneys for Plaintiff, I Wahpeton, North Dakota, Notice is hereby grlven that the above en titled action is brought to determine contiict injr claims to real property and to quiet the title of plaintiff thereto, said land being de I fcribed as follows, to-wit: The south half of the southwest quarter of section thirtv-four [34], township one hundred thirty-one 11311, ranee forty-nine 148], in Richland county, North Dakota PCRCELL& DIVET. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wahpeton, North Dakota. Summons. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. 1 County of Richland In District Court, Fourth Judicial District Paul Strubel, Plaintiff. vs. August Dill and El!eza Dill, his wife, some times called Elizabeth Diil, Paul Dill and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the property described In tbe complaint, and their unknown heirs. Defendants. The State of North Dakota .o tbe above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, which Is on file In the office of. the Clerk of tbe District Court at Wahpeton, Richland county. North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this Eummons upon you, exclusive of the day ol service and in case of jour railure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against ycu by default for the relief demand, ed In the complaint. Dated October 9,1911. PURCELL I HARRY COATS PRESENTS H. J. Webster's Comedy Drama "The ionaire Tramp" with a capable cast, special scenery etc. Specialties introduced during the play. Prteoe 2 So, 35o, 50o, 75o. Soato on Sale at J. J. Wolfe's and Beneeh Pleroe'e COMING—this month, "At Sunrise" A Military comedy Drama. And the big musi cal success witn Max Bloom "The Sunny Side of Broad, way." -m & DIVET, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wahpeton, N. D. Notice is herebj given that the above entitl ed action ie brought to determine conflicting claims to real property and to quiet the title of plaintiff thereto, said land being described as follows, to-wlt: The south half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter or section thirty-four 134], township one hundred thirty-one L131], range forty-nine (49], in Richland county. North Dakota. PURCELL & DIVKT, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wahpeton. North Dakota. FOR SALE—One large mod eru house on sixth street. A fine building corner with cement sidewalks on seventh street. A good building corner on fourth street. This proper ty can be had at a bargain if taken at once. A. Chezik, owner. Wahpeton Opefa House ONE NIGHT Tuesday, Oct. 17 'V FOR SALE.—A house and lot. Inquire of C. W. Stovik. FOR SALE—Young canary singer. Mrs. J. F. Whyte, 719 8th at. FOR SALE—Single top bug gy, cheap. J. F. Whyt.e 719 9th St. FOR SALE For sale cheap, a Radiant Home self feed heat er. A. H. Burnson, 910, 6th.St. FOR SALE—One of the fin est Lake Cottages at the )Yah peton Camp, for particulars see O. C. Farnsworth. TEAPT FOR SALE.—A good team of work horses for sale, Inquire cf McColloch & Robin son. FOR SALE OR TRADE.— An advance seperater for sale or trade. Inquire of Fred W«d man at the Bismarck, Brecken ridge. 57 REASONS why you should have a Stlckney Engine Let me show you. Chio. E. Gordon State Mgr. P. 0. Box 35 Wahpeton, N. D. J. C. Brandt found a ring of keys. The owner can have them by proving property. Dr. P. ^Rice Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specially Gunn Bldg., Breckenridge, Minn. H. E. RICE, C. C-Wysong, A.R.LL.R, Aat't & °v ®K!S lVi^ A Nlooly Equippod Storo. Kelley Brothers have put in cabinet shelving in their new hardware- store. Every piece of shelf hardware is in a cabi net bo*, where it is protected all of the time, and kept neat and clean. The drawers are all labelled with a picture of the articles they contain making every thing easily found and the stock kept track of. FOR RENT—Room for rent Inquire of Mrs. O. C. Farr s worth. For Rent—Furnished rooms to rent inquire of Mrs. McKay 211 Wis. Ave. Any intelligent person may parn a good income correspond ing for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send stamp for full particulars. Empire Press Syndicate, Middledort N.'Y. I have opened up a repair shop at my old stand, two doors west of City Hotel, and would be pleased to see tfiy old friends Albert Schrieber, Jeweler. Houooo for Sale. I have several residences for sale. Modern and otherwise Good locations. Easy terms. G. E. WALLACE. LOST—At the hospital ban quet, a pair of hand painted salt and pepper shakers. If found notify Mrs. Wigger. For Sale. A four and one half bourse power gasoline engine for sale. HANS CHRISTENSEN. Flavor not Strength The GENERAL ARTHUR is as mild as a good cigar can be. It is better than the best strong cigar. Try one—10c. Djp. Ji McPeek done at once. Better let me give you an estimate now so I can book your order and arrange to do your work, when it would be most convenient for you. LET THE TIMES PRINT IT Pl -ysician and Surgeon Calls answered at all hours day or night. BENESH AND PIERCE BLOCK BRECKENRIDGE, MINN And then everybody will want their Painting and Decorating 1 Phone 329-L *«, 1- •K I