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Vfyt 9sitptitm Wfants & (CAWB8QN ¥#bteHs*&m W'aUpeVon, $. ©-, •flu Thurs-' 4*yvi M:ek, entered as «eQftn£ olftw ,matter uwter the #vt vA Wuxh'i.vm. Wi»«wwt: A'tfUlKUIC ..MMAf 4W* Pi*. j|A- (.dm #vCuu)Ui &• #.. .Hawi# &• T .......ivbo .....!t*.JL-»uctfttk '****•?.* Umfi-liwtrMtt... tttW.... ttMtK %Utmv**r 4WM Auditor SAMr**? •.•.• «g«Un*1 JSuwu imvmuou, U. fcrUCteMiWU, W*liJMtOC '4*1 delbwti.',iyjA).r 1K. W. «w*/, 144gerwvoil 4 i*r« OJtaKfcrt, W*l«y« wwr wruvwe. -Sbwiir AamUW*..., fr«W)U«r."» .••• •, -SCmrnAw vf IMftrito •MsMSAMr Awwyw.-. •.,,,.. w. .......... .„,.. ..... .*•. A. tturfxi ...... MrJi^lwio OmmtOJWW ... A-ujruat a«**«u»n &A J"..# #««wm ..... 4ruS0er4Mmii ••». #u4*«e autKuxneOewt. •.••JiiiiVwf Mtlliw Jf7«er~ !.S:I'.«mT H.V'*uSSw,kh1 Comuri—iutnn Yw*rn$w .........Qkuw. *. W«lt* -If.*. Ovum ••J. *iurt*jult Dr. Ir*i» Assessor SciiKtt received instructions yesterday arduous Htui perhaps hazard o»i« one for him hut he ie nt, piker «nd wtt w!b«i ifibe 3599 wtoo iMr» to tfceSr of imT&vtiwo. Ivx 4mpror« ftuntmimi .... ...... cni^Hur ^g«i. /6«^ilM.wweeeM#r.vW.y.*4lwi*l* «$»**,« #uv.- tiwueehw v.-.-,.... /.. T-wtar uUge rviuftto utuvtai S»i»eiwt utfc •. *iiw. i«ieU» .......«r. •Mtti ftiet..... •KtiWUK MtrMubtimTAnvtbs. CUAVUSGK from W«h|M!toa by pb«o« to j«clvd« *ym«» vct*rs in the political ««ow» to taken by tb« as aestor under the new lew. Thu« every woman voter will be call ed upon to swear to her party Mffiiisfioni, I(««][|)ecU totsle **p the matter of enumerating the women as toon as he fiuith the property assessment,-— llankinson News, liiJl it) hHsoful «nd tirnid and we know that the task of enum erating the women will be an "If frel sure thin tmuuifrHtion hueiuefefe will he '/J one efikentiy and thorough J}'. An Hddres« w«a recently de livered at one of the leading educational institution!) to the pupil* and the apeaker took for Alia subject, "What Can You Do?" That was a good subject to talk to the pupils on and it is a good one for those who de. «ire a position in the world to think about. People who can «lo something are wanted all the time and those who cannot «lo somet'. iug are not wanted amy place. Many of the pupils dn our schools and even in tllgtier schools do uot realize "that they [must learn to do •Otttething if they desire to get position that will pay them a aalary to support themselves In after years. What can you •do? iMlitlPgiiig Director Isiuay of tlte White Star line which ownas) the Titanic and put it into commission with enough 'lifeboats to take care of one third of its list of passengers *u»d crew, thinks the senate omii)itteu quite brutal in its -rtKamliitttiou of him to deter mine the cause of the accident and the reason for uot provld 4ug more appliances for the safety of passenger*. It looks 4»s though the company was trying through its building of tblg boats and Jfast ones, the capture the class of passengers who would pay the price for •peed. The same mania that iias a grip on many railroad *uanagera they increase the .«l»eed beyond the limit iom«. lime* that their equipment will •tend and the result la Inevlt* able. The equipment will •land It (or time and then *Ue way, juat as the Titanic •did when It struck the Iceberg •I lull apeed. The flnauclal lose to the company la email aa they carried Ineurance. but I ner's telegram i« Ml^wc 1 bare toM the re*peet fc. Cwrtar. Wwhfaetoti Hvri w, l-Kiwtewtf TO "T, K," "I challenge you to produce no copies are in your pos session, I demand the depart" went of justice proceed at once to discover them." EmlorMtf by ttw Ctorgy. Meyersdaie, l"'a., Nov, 10, 1M11. Mr, A. Mayo Hradfield, Mgr."liarriers Hutned Aawy" My Dear Mr. Hradileld I cannot tell you how much enjoyed the lirama "Barriens Hurried Away" presented last night by your company. I wish that more Dennia Fleets might be found in actual life. Such fearlessneas, honesty and living faith aa he repreaeuta ia refresh, lug indeed. America needa to day aa never before to be taught the leaaona of "Barriers Burned Away," that wealth, birth, art and the like are not to be com pared as real bleaainga with tbe aimple rugged faith and in tegrity found in the humble Fleet home. I take great pleas ure iu giving thia Great play my unqualilied endoraement. Youra moat alncerely, Rev. H. 15. Lew a, Pastor First M. E. Church, Myersdale, Pa. The aame company will pre aent "Barriers Burned '.way" at the Wahpeton Opera Houae tonight, May 2nd. VandtiMIt Rao*, The moat important event of the auto racing world ia the Vanderbilt race. From ita bt ginning in I00n up to and in eluding 1U11 it haa been run on the Loug Island course near Miucola. This annual event haa brought together the most famous drivers iu the world and scores ot manufacturers, who participate iu the racing game, have aought to win the coveted trophy. While the cara In this race have rarely ever reglatered the faateat time for the distance, they have at least furnlahed some of the moat exciting aport In the country, The courae em braced several extremely dat geroua turns and many a driver, in negotiating them, haa had hla nerve tested to the limit. Serious and fatal accldenle have marred several of theae races. In 1010 aeveral were killed and more than twenty Injured. Spectators have flgur ©«(Wur*e WerisA fgjkims-G&ffam df Tin* ye«* is. a* Utefjrmm ixtm *m%e m*lie Au*«,tik*e GrtwA ia mimK to 10jioH3» c® «&&&* jw*A «vt faer« tio4ey, TA^r"* C8Gf»K«B 6«r4iO«r «afto Tmft CotooeJ to mlceps^kio«iteiaiomfp«B^ «nc« tet««es tbeixAowl m4 tiwpKiMcat,l)Mri^a^atlK isffMtigttM^ afikb Q»r4»#r siMtto votM eaticdj im tfc*t S«utsr Uriaer b«d M^eta»c« or Mppwt from Tmft, A portfoa of Mr, Gard public that Taft baa alieaaied your toy aMbaervjeocy to big iotereata, 1 deer it. Prari4«et Taft ioatitttted proceedings agaioat all the great offender#, fie o»ad« no except toe« on ac count of espediency- Can yon aay ae much? charge yon with making exceptions with favorites tone time* under the allegation that tesboicaiitiea eome timea bare riaen unknown. «4 £#tatoffee aod ttee ec* say *91 Sc amet fiiflkw3!i five or ten f««r* tbe euppreesed report of your instance: own commiaaioner of corpora tioos, ffertert Koos Smith, of floor space. Good daylight. asrilh EI„._ with regard to the Harvester trust. I assert tbe report ex plicitly ahowa the Morgan In tereata alwaya favored your ad ministration. In the interest of square dealing I demand you to produce copies of these suppressed paper*. —^-r-srit' itjv asd at baa toes peractScalSy (decided to accept tbtir pnsfwU t&oau Itie soar rsMMcrtd tint CbcaislH!ia«if tk: Xitdkll«ir b««ri(i0ered teenrtiibgtefKI,' WOiW toward t&e fwntratlwii of Hwcmiw, proridi^ tfctiae cbatjge of the work *Mld locate tbe aoaaeao aa to pea* Sfceir cnMUhda, wbicb mtm at Rmctme sad are b«t a tear •ikn aostb of Mtlwaakee. April IS, 1912. The onderaigoed will receive propoaitiona up to and inclod tog May 31, 1912, for tbe for uiabing of anitable preaaieee for poat office pur{o ea at Wa£pe- too, H, D, under a )«sw fw from July 1, IS12 in acrordajyce wiiu the «t tached blank forts, vbUb, a« will be noted, calla for the for siabang of re at, beat, light, water, closet*, urinate, aafe or vault, and all necessary furnt. tore and equipment for the proper conduct of said office at a etated price jer annum. There will be needed in this Not leas than 1600 square feet Location not too far from busi ness center and within eighty rods of railroad depota are points for general confident tion. Blank profositione and speci fications mn\- be obtained from the \n)*tttiHkU r. The form of lease may be ex amined at the post office. Diagrams of the rooms offer should be submitted, eho inn 'JiitteijfeiooK, window*, etc. Tbe right ia reserved to re- •.w- propmml» Geo.. H. CMA*K, Poat Office foepector, Addreaa, Fargo, N-1 Fint Pub. Apr, 25—5 time. RVMP IVi^ri "Barriers Burned Away," pleaded two large audiencea at tbe JCew Grand Theatre yeater day- Tbe play was well receiv-i ing demand «d aod is one of the beat Dram as tbat baa played Sioux City ibis aeaaoo- Tbe work of William Winter boff aa leading man waa excel* lest. Alice De Lane aa Mrs. Fleet was good, bat is only seen twice daring tbe play. Roee Asmawortb aa a capricious little Miaa was pleasing and waa tbe beat laogb producer of tbe company. Martha Hsrgrare aa an old German character waa fine and waa greatly appreciat ed for her comical philosophy. —Sioux City (Iowa) Journal, Feb. 2Vib, 1912. The same company will pre sent 'Barriers Burned A way" at tbe Wahpeton Opeia Houc-e tonight. 6* Aftor flfet tew. "lion't sit down in ihe meadow and wait for tbe cow to back up to be milked—go af ter the cow" ia a line which ap peared a abort time ago and applies particularly to North Dakota farmera. The basis for tbe whole dairy industry ia tbe cow and if farmera are going to utilize to beat advantage the great quantitiea of roughage 'bat annually are waated on every farm tbey must go after tbe cow. There is no way to couvert tbe corn, the hay, the clover, the tnraw and the abundance of green feed into a marketable form so quickly atid soeconomi cally at by feeding to the dairy cow. She works day and night constantly, both summer and winter, on week daya and Snu. dayw, in flood and drouth, to convert tbe unmarketable waste of tbe farm into a finished and valuable product of bnmao food 4,' •. Thefi'at thing is to get "tbe cowa and profits are assured, for the country ia especially adapted, the feed is here, the marketing facilities are at band and the product* are in grow* Ftr HmML hereby anooonce myeelf aa a candidate for tbe nomination of aheriff subject to the Demo cratic voters cf Kicbland Conn ty at tbe primary election to be held June 26th, 1912. I will ap preciate the aopport of all my friende and acquaintancea. Frank Bodack. To tbe Democrats of X. Dak. I am in the race to aernre the Democratic nomination for Governor at the Jane primary election. If nominated and elected, I shall ever be mindful ot tb* fact that the office of Governor belongs to the peoole pledge you faithful service in return for your support. F. O. Hellatrom. To the voters of Kicbland Co. For tbe reaaon tbat it will not be poaaible to call upon yon, pereonally, aa I would much prefer to do. I take this way of informing you that I am a candidate for tbe nomine tion to the office of State's At torney. Pleaae accept thia announce ment in tbe place of a persona interview and aa a requeat for your individual assistance tbe canvass. If you consider me n-orthr of the nomination, shall be thankful for your support at the nrimary election. Wahpeton Opera House Gilson and Bradfield present E. P. Roe's Famous Novel "Barriers Burned Away" Mr. William Winterhoff, Misd Sada Simmons and Mr. Stanley Andrei and Miss Rose kinswbrth in scene of "Barriers Burned Away" This is the play that made sueh a decided hit here last season, the company is even stronger this season than last. You'll Be Sorry If You Miss This Bxcellent Attraction Very respectfully yours Joseph Forbes. 1 wieb to MoeMte to the votere of Kk bland coanty that will be a candidate for T%» Actor (i Caesar")—Upon wfcat aw Csessr, •9 tbe at no in at on sheriff at tbe primariea in June- W. J. DIETZ. wieb to state to the Demo era tic voter* *4 Richland coun ty tbat I am acacdidate for the nomination for Coanty Auditor. 1 would appreciate jrour aop port at tbe primariea fane 20th. VS3£ W. J. KoppeluMo, Great Bend, M. D. la "Jv&as tot* this, Csat. that Is paw as fa tbe ks aata as meat at all: tmIjr on -SpUar yon afctata at yoar New Is the Time to have the Wahpeton Decorating Co. furnish estimates for painting or decorating your houses. BttfucMug Wall Paptr 151. W nipt ton Decorating Ct. Phone 32L Shop on 6th St No. Geo. Jorgensen 3 J. Nelson fr6m 3rd act