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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
e* *, res.-. Piv •W. l, Society Column Birthday Party. Miss Dorr 19 Barber gave a party to a number of her little friends lest Friday evening. The occasion being her birth day. Magazine Club Met The Magazine Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Kidder last Satur day night. After a 9even o'clock dinner the guests attended the Musical at the opera Louse. Supt. and Mrs. Wigger Enter tained. Supt. and Mrs. Wigger euitr tained the seniors aud faculty of the high school at a futir course fceven o'clock diutiei at their home last High School Alumni. An iiiij.ort-.nt meeii.ig ot Aluiiitii School win be he a: *#r What Texane Admire. Is hearty, vigiirou^ lite, cording to Hugi if San Aiitoniu. limi," h. writes, "Una lh 2ve* Lift Puis Murc u. nt-sv nlt and eneigy iui -,t pei»oi. lie and 1 belli, vc taoy ir^ the best anade." Ex eil.n for :tini:icii, liver or kidti'-v truubica. 25'ts. at ail drngijift--. •Mh 'rA *PHE man A HOW if with a v• At German Lutheran Chrouh SuiM.'a- May'rii i*h ser vices in tliff G^nn ii Lutheran church, corner s-tre«*t and Pern }ina Ave., at 7:30 P. M. All are welcome R- v, Heftier. Look Through ir.y as-icnn-.ent of Heavy Harness and Dollars It is the Ltst, the largest and cheapest. d.«y mghi. The roouji- wci^ clecorauu ,n iihe cihfcj colors- ji»k «:l wh u. •Covers wxre th lani tor tijuiy- the oi Wfihp.-um High the lli^h School Luilduig, Saturday eveniug, May 4th, at 8 o'clock •sharp. All officers innat be there, ail members ought to be there. The President. Notice. The Supt. of Water Depart cueut is hereby ordered to -iro ceed at once to collect all de iinqucnt water itut Alto to (turn off the watiir from services where rent is jxiul JJy ord»-rof City Council. the I carry everything for the horse The prices of r.-.y harness, collars and all other goods are lower than any mail order house besides you see what you are getting, and you don't have to wait for your goods. Quick service at my store at all times. My prices of Lead Harness are $28, $25, $28, $30, $33, $35 antl up. Breeching Harness, $28, $28, $80, $33, $35, $37, $40. I have a good all around Brass trim med Harness for $55. This is a good farm harness, such as other stores will ask you $40 for. Compare these price with your cata logue. I carry a complete line of Sali gocd that every time he uses it—and there are many of them every day it is a source of satisfaction. many times does somebody ask you to borrow your knife? Again there is a feeling of satisfaction in having a good one. A good knife is as convenient and as necessary as a good watch and there is fully as much satisfaction in carrying one. You wouldn't carry a cheap unreliable watch if you could get a good one for the same money or even for a few cents more. Buy your knife on the same ba^is and you will buy it fromus Prices range from 10c to $4.00 ^ahiyeton'Hordaiare (ftomparib The PLACe: or Trunks, CaiOJ and Traveling Bags !i at low prices. Ladies handbag at 25' off. I lhank you all f-jr your past pat ronage and hope you will continue to trade with me at Krause'sHarnessShop wwwmM® Mm -v/aM MS Jilfii HMRak Nc3i knife knows QUALITY. Phone 2?j' Stcamfiitlngs Curtains j' Additional Local Miss Lizzie Weliner left Mon day for Jamestown and Miss Xora will stay at home and keep liouse for her father. Miss Jennie Wentworth has resigned as telegraph operator at Wahpeton and expects to leave Monday. Miss Norborg of Esconaba, Mich., is the new operator. J7. E. Royer and wife of Grand Forks visited relatives in Wah peton between trains last Thursday on their way home from Howard Lake, Minn., where they attended the funer al of Mr. Royer'a sister Miss Tessie Royer. For Big Assortments and Slg Values In and Come to the Boston Dry Goods Store 'E have long enjoyed the reputation as the best place to buy curtains and draperies. Our line of Lace Curtains and Drapery fabrics, speak for themselves they are not an average line, but one of the best line manu factured not only in Quality, but in price as well. We Can Positively Save You Money JX Get the latest baseball scores at Oppie's. Miss Clara Heruien and John Silvernail were married last Sunday night. Mr. Silvernail is the young man that lost his foot in the Breckenridge yards a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Babcock brought a 45 horse power five passenger Jackson car up from Minne apolis for Mr. Johnson of Ante lop* township. He was twelve hours on the road and used 16 gallons of gasoline in going 240 miles with three passengers and some baggage. AueUon Salt. Commencing at 2 o'clock sharp, I will sell on Saturday, In drapery fabrics we are showing Madras, Swisses, Nets, Eta mine Voile, Casement Cloth, Drapery Burlap, Art Denim, Scrim, Cre tone, Grenadine, etc. There are many plain colors as well as printed patterns in various clothes of both plain and fancy weaves, suitable for the making of small articles for decorative and practical home use. Art Craft Portieres ()Q tn QQ Silk Draperies from up to We urge you to visit this department before making any purchases of such goods, knowing full weil that your own best Judgement will tell you to buy here and save money. V.-HP 79c 89c $1.48 $1.79 $2.00 $2.50 $3 $3.25 $3.50 $3.89 $5-00 $600 Ecru Lace Curtains at A ^yv?. Draperies A large selection, the newest pat terns, the best qualities and what will interest you most, no doubt, the prices are surprizing low. Come see for your self and you will not regret the time spent. Wlhte Lace Curtains at 79c 88c $1.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $2.75 $3 $3.50 $4.50 $6 $7.50 $10 $15 oston Dry Goods Store May 4th, at the Estes ware house, Wahpeton, the follow ing: 1 second hand piano in good repair 1 Axminister rug 9x12 new 1 Radiant Home hard coal stove new 1 3 piece parlor suit good condition 1 high grade baby cab nearly new 1 bed spring and mattress 1 desk 1 couch 1 dresser, commode and bed 1 folding bed 1 dresser 1 table 2 iron beds 1 truck wagon 1 mower' I gang plow $2.60 $8-85 $15.00 1 buggy 1 delivery wagon As a number of parties are moving away, a lot of goods will be in this sale not adver tised. E. C. Estes, Auctioneer. E S. Cameron, Clerk. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merrts of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimoni als from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. '$A tr 'f? &