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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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For constipation and liver troubles. Try a box of Dr. V. Quick's Alaska Liver Pills. For sale by all druggist. Fifth Street Have Yon Looted at the Mitchell Six, 18 b. p. for $1,750? V*V Good Think of it. It is a BIG car with SIX cylinders for the price others ask for a four cylinder car. It is the top-notch value being offered to-day, any where. If you have ever thought of buying an auto mobile, THIS VALUE should impress you. You will examine this car SOMEDAY, beyond a doubt. WHY WAIT? There won't be enough made to supply the demand this year and if you appreciate value WE WANT YOU TO HAVE ONE. This Mitchell Six gives you all the high grade features you will find for $2500 to $3000. And being 4 Mitchell, it is backed absolutely by the factory make good guarantee. It is a continuation of the same guarantee that made Mitchell wagons famous for years. It reads: If anything about the car proves Defective, it will be Made Good, Without Question, Without Argument, Without Charge and Without Delay. Here is the Mitchell Six, $1750 The Famous Long Stroke Car, Giving 48 h. BUSINESS TS what we want to do and so do you. You will do good business and save the $$$" if you buy that new pair of spring shoes or oxfords of me. All the latest styles for Men, Women and Child ren at prices that will suit the pocketbooks of all. Call and look over my excellent line. Save the $$$ by having me do your shoe repair ing. It will be promptly and neatly done. Lawrence Hchanhaar The Wm. H. White & HcCullocta Lumber Go. is the oldest lumber company in the state. They are strictly a North Dakota concern with head office at Fiirgo, N. D. They carry a full line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Brick and Cement They have the best equipped cement block plant in the state. Give us a call when in need of building material J. j. HULL, Manager p. Hankinson Auto Co., Agents HANKINSON, N. D. Fredrick E. Murphy Automobile Co., Northwestern Distributors, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE—One Singer sewingmachine, as good as new, for sale cheap. Inquire of Mrs E M. McKaj, 720 5th St. Breckenridge •»1 Seats Five. K. One of Life's Best Pleasures Mltsed. Of all the things that make lite worth living friendship comes neat the top. But friends are rare, be cause we are too busy. Wise Philosophy. When anyone has offended me, try to raise my soul so high that the of* fease cannot reach It—Descartes. In the Capitalist Class. The man with health and strength and. good character is a eapltallst Photographs.... Erorjtbing Guaran teed to be first class and prices right. •:1 Come In and Examine Onr Work J. A. Photographic Stndio One block north of the Wilkin Hotel Breckenridge, Minnesota FAVOR INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS Pew Breeds Better Suited to Farm Raising--Imported From West In* dies Flftssn Years Ago. Much has been said through the dif ferent farm and poultry Journals In favor of the Indian Runner duck, but I believe there are few who realise the possibilities and advantages of rear* lng ducks of this breed. •As I have been raising this breed of ducks for a few years, I can testify that they deserve all the praise given them. They are not an entirely new vari ety, having been imported some 15 years ago from the West Indies, thus It receives the name of "Indian" with the "Runner" added to denote its chief peculiarity, Its rapid movement over the ground. They are great foragers and pick up Innumerable bugs and Insects. This alone should give them an important place on eveiy farm. Owing to their extreme hardiness, it is quite an easy task to raise a large flock of Indian Runners, with vdty little trouble. They are never bothered with lice, there are no roosts to keep clean, and no expensive houses are needed Just a low-roofed shed to protect them from the severe winds and snows In winter, says a writer in the Farm Progress. The houses should have a dry floor covering of straw or some kind of lit ter, as they must have a dry place on which to sleep. While they are not a land fowl, It Is not at all necessary to have running water for them to swim in, all that is needed is plenty of clean water to drink, placed In a vessel deep enough Indian Runner Drake and Duek. for them to cover their heads, as the nostrils are liable to-become clogged with mud or feed. The young ducklings grow and ma ture so quickly it is indeed -very inters esting and fascinating to raise them. We have had young ducklings that weighed three and one-fourth pounds when 60 days old when matured they will weigh from four and one-half to five pounds. Being a quick maturing fowl makes their meat exceedingly tender, and Juicy, of fine, flavor, equal or su perlor to spring chicken. Their eggs are large, about one-third larger than the average hen egg, and perfectly white. And, contrary to the general Idea of duck eggs, they are of mild, delicate flavor, making them very desirable for the table or cake baking, puddings, etc. The eggs under ordinary conditions are very fertile and will hatch exceedingly well In lncub* tors. DOIIIM nafwwKi Renew^the nests often with clean material. Field peas make most excellent feed for laying hens. Feeding clover fe a preventive of soft shelled eggs. It takes knowledge, experience and skill to produce a good egg. The more comfortable and happy the hen, the more eggs she will lay. A hen should have all the green feed she will eat every day of her life. A turkey will consume more grit than any of the poultry kept on the farm. New blood Is a necessity, it one In tends to build up the egg-laying and market qualities of his floclj. After mateC give yourbirds the beBt sanitary conditions possible and keep the houses free from lice and mites. Great care should be exercised that breeding stock, young chleks, or eggs for hatching, be secured from flocks which are free from white diarrhea infection. Air-slaked lime slftqd or scattered 'over the dropping boards win assist the cleaning process materially, and also take up much of the dampness from the droppings. Save the small potatoes and other vegetables that would otherwise go to waste and feed them to the fowls. They will help In keeping up the egg yield In cold weather. scratching hen and opportunity to fout to £hi.sun in Operate weatfc er are Important to the nealtS and thrift of hens In winter, and conse quently to winter egg production. Room, exercise, food, warmth, kind* ness, pure water and a management that will conduce to the comfort of the hens generally, will keep the egg bas ket full In winter and make winter poultry growing profitable^ Dr. Je The Walls are the Background Of the pictures and furnishings. It is important that the decorations be arranged so as to harmonize with their surroundings. We would be glad to suggest suitable color and decorative treatments, and have a large line of Exclusive Wall Papers to select from, Estimates Cheerfully furnished on all Interior mil Extorter Work FOR SALE.—Incubator for sale, also a Philo brooder. J. G. McLaughlin 824 6th street. Canarlee For Sale I have a few canaries, singers and females which I will sell. J. F. Whyte, 922-10tb S». H. E. RICE 30 Years Experience in Wahpeton Phono 329L 16 2nd Street So. TYPEWKIT 1NG—I will do typewriting for anyone in need of such service. T. L. Drew. FOR RENT.—Two rooms for rent. Inquire at 303 Second street. f'have opened up a repair shop at my old stand, two doors west of City Hotel, and would be pleased to see my old friends Albert Schrieber, Jeweler. EGGS FOR HATCHING— Rhode Island Reds 50 cents for a setting of 15 eggs. John Whyte. The Wm. H. White Lumber Co., are head quarters for hard and soft coal. We have a stoch of Pea Coal which is cheaper than other sizes of Anthracite Coal, J. J. Hull, Agent. McPeek P'. ysician and Surgeon Calls answered at all houre day or night. BKXESH AND PIERCE BLOCK BRECKENRIDGE, MINN wants LET THE TIMES PRINT IT 5 per cent Paid on All Time Deposits The National Bank 4 FOR SALE—One small re fridgerater, one oil heater. Ia qnire at 720 5th St. Houooo for Salo. I have several residences for sale Modern and otherwise Good location*. Easy terms. G. E. WALLACE.. Norton Bakery Bre*kasrM|t, pMsa. Wholesale and Retail Free Delivery In let* Cities Sszzzsxss: phone gg» E E S ORCHESTRA will furnish S I for any occassion Address MEYER'S ORCHESTRA, Box 562. Wahpeton, N. Dak. Dr. C. P. 1?ice OF WAHPETON, N. D. W. L. CARTER, Pres. J. PATTERSON, V. PMs. W.F.ECKES, Cashier. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty Gunn.'Bldg., Breckenridge, Minn. P. 4. PESCHEL, A. Cashier