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plumbing and sewer. Garden and barn. Inquire of A. J. Connolly, li3 Iowa Ave. ^Business Cards C.H.VAUGHAN 1 funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Funeral Supplies Day Phone 135J Night Phone 342J LADY ASSISTANT With H. H. Onstad Furniture Co Wahpeton, N. D. Dr. Glenn.B- Wheeler Dr. Jennie Y. Wheeler One door north of the G. N. depot at 519 7th St Phone 295 W. E. Pureell AG. Divet PW&ELL & DIVET ofltiorneys at Law Practice in all the courts of the state. Collections a specialty Wahpeton, North Dakota Se4M CHRISTIANSON Contractor and ^Builder Plans and estimates furnished for all kinds of building Contractor for all kinds of mason work /. W. WORNER MRS1 W. WORNER Licensed Embalms and Funeral Direotors With Wahpeton Furniture Co. Day Phone 241L Night Phones 321L, 127J Wahpeton, N. D. C.N.ThonpM.D OPTICAL SPECIALIST EYEGLASSES and SPEC TACLES from the very cheapest kind to the very beat gold frames with toric lenses properly fitted. My glasses will satisfy you. Wahpeton, N, J. QUICK, Ph.G. &M.D. Physiom and Surgeon Specialist on Diseases of Wo men and Children OFF.CB IN "3SIGGS' BLOCK Phone No. 66 WAHPETON. N. D. F. H. FARMER Veterinarian Phone 77 EIIGENE SCHULER Offices in Schuler Block 1 ii is State of North Dakota, County of Richland, In District Court, i't'J Fourth Judicial District. Mintina Loucretia Young, ..x Plaintiff, vs. Charles Michael Young, Defendant. SUMMONS.- The State of North Dakota To The Above Named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this ac tion, which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, at Wahpeton, Richland County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the sub scriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of ser vice and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by de fault for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated August 5th, 1912. Geo. W. Freerks, Plaintiff's Attorney, Whose Post Office Address is: Wahpeton. N. Dak. Notice of Hearing Petition for Li cense to Sell Real Estate. State of North Dakota, County of Hicliland, ss. In County Court before Hon. George Van Arnam, County Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of Christian M. Johnson, deceased. Clarence Herbert Johnson, Peti tioner. vs. Annctta Mathilda Frisvold, et al., Respondents. Notice of Hearing Petition for Li cense to Sell Real Estate. The State of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons interested in the Es tate of Christian M. Johnson, de ceased. You are hereby notified that the petition of Theodor Larson and O. H. Fischer, executors of Christian M. Johnson, late of the town of Dwight in the County of Richland in the State of North Dakota, deceased, has been filed in the Court therein petitioning that they be authorized, empow ered and directed to sell real es tate belonging to said decedent's estate, described as follows, to wit: All the real estate situated in the State of North Dakota as shown by the inventory and ap praisment of said estate, not specifically devised by the Will of said decedent. That said petition will be heard by this Court on Wednesday the 18th day of September, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day at the Court Rooms of this Court in the City of Wahpe ton, County of Richland and State of North Dakota. And you and each of you are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this Court and show cause, if any you have, why this petition should not be granted. Dated the 14th day of August, A. D. 1912. By the Court, (Seal) George Van Arnam, Judge of the County Court. 7-15* *4t MOTICE OF CHATTEL MORT GAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given, that de fault has occured in that certain Chattel Mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Math Meyer of Section four (4), Township One Hundred Twenty-nine (129,) Range Forty-eight (48,) mortga gor, to John R. Jones of Hankin son, North Dakota, Mortgagee, dated tlie ith day of December, 1907, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Richland County, North Dakota, on the 16th day of December, 1907, at eight o'clock ,.A. M., and assigned by said mortgagee, John R. Jones, on the 28th day of De cember, 1907, to R. R. Pureell, who is the present owner and holder of said mortgage which default consists in the failure of the mortgagor, Math Meyer, to pay the amount due on the note therein described that the debt securcd by said mortgage became due and payable on the first day of September, 1908 that the a mount claimed to be due thereon on the date of this sale is the sum of Seven Hundred Three Dollars and Twenty-fourCents, ($703.24) that said mortgage will be fore closed to satisfy the deht secured thereby by a sale of the property described in said mortgage and which is hereinafter described, at the front door of the Post Office in the City of Wahpeton, Richland County, North Dakota^ at the hour property described in said mort gage and which will be sold to satisfy the claim is described as follows, to-wit: One black gelding named Bar. ney age, about" four years old, will be five in the spring of 1908 weight about 1200 lbs. One iron grey gelding age about four years old will be five in.the spring of f908 weight about 1100 lbs. called Frank. One brown mare age about six years old, will be seven in the spring of 1908 weight about 1100 lbs. called Lady. One black hor§i colt age about one year old, coming two years old in the spring of 1908 with white stripe in face called King. One brown cow age, about six years old weight about 900 lbs. is dehorned. One iron grey mare age, about ten years old weight about 1100 lbs called Queen. One brown mare age about 12 years old weight about 1100 lbs called Dolly. One set of bob sleds seven foot runner bought of Fred Worner. One fourteen inch new deal gang plow, complete with shares. One Studebaker truck wagon with whiffle trees, neck yoke and Stoughton triple box spring One two-seated D. M. Schiller buggy bought of John R. Jones. One brown heifer with white star in face ago, about two years old has horns. One 10% ft. Fuller & Johnson hay rake, all steel, self dump with all natural increase of any live stock herein described. The foreclosure of said mort gage will* be made by W. P. Rob bins, Sheriff of Richland Coun ty, North Dakota. W. P. ROBBINS, Agent. Dated this 17tli day of Septem ber, 1912. PURCELL & DIVET, Attys. for assignee of mortgagee, Wahpeton, Richland County, N.D. SUMMONS Stale of North Dakota,) :ss. County of Richland. In District Court, Fourth Judicial District. Movius Land and Loan Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, V8. Mortgage Company of America,a corporation, and Francis P. Pace, Receiver of said Mort. gage Company of America, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of the Plain tiff in the above entitled action, which said complaint was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Richland Coun ty, N. D. on the 4th day of Sep tember 1912, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the subscriber within thirty (30)days after the service of this, summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judg ment will be taken against you by Dated this 3rd day of August, 1912. W. S. LAUDER, V. Attorney for Plaintiff. $1000.00 Insurance, 5 years costs $10.00 3 years costs $ 7.50 Town Property $1000.00 Insurance, 5 years costs $ 7.50 3 years costs $5.00 Why Not Be Safe? Phone or Write Today Robt. T. Barber, Agent Peoples State Bank Wahpeton, N. D. Reliable Insurance If you want the best in the line of Printing let The Times print it for you. P. O. Address, Wahpeton N. D. CORN PRIZES The corn prizes offered for ex hibits at the Richland County Fair at Wahpeton Sept. 24, i3, 2 and 27 are the best by far that have been offered at this Fair. Besides the regular cash prizes offered on the exhibits of the sev eral varieties of corn and about Lwo hundred dollars worth of *'zcs offered in the school boy's corn contest, there are the follow ory valuable prizes: For the best ten ears vt' corn, any kind, raised and exhibited by a farmer living in Richland County, N. D., or Wilkin county, Minn., the Deere & Weber Company of Min neapolis offer a Deere No. 9 Edge Drop Shoe corn planter worth $47.00. For the best corn dis play, one or more varieties, at least one bushel of corn in all, the Martin Manufacturing Co. of St. Louis Park, Minn., will give a No. 6 Grinding mill worth $24.00. and the winner of this prize will be given a Sterling Silver Trophy Cup by the Northern Pacific rail, way.' Many Driven From Home. Every year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung troubles. Friends and busi ness are left behind for other climates, hut this is costly and not always sure. A better way— the way of multitudes—is to use Dr.King'sXew Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay right there with your friends and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, cold, grip, cr6up, whop ping cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. U^hy does the young man who rides a bicycle double himself up like a doughnut the minute he be gins to work the pedals? _Yes» and why does a fellow when he goes to throw a snow ball first have to screw it into the palm of his,right hand with his left, then hop on tlie right foot while he bumps his knee before he throws it? And why does a man when he gets a raw-boned plug and a ten dollar cart have to rein the poor old crowbait up like a turtle tread ing water, till it can't see the road before it, and goes stumbling a. long as if trying to read the ans wer in the stars? Why does a girl whom nature has given a clear complexion have to paint till she can't wink for fear ol breaking the enamel? Why does she bang her hair like spitz poo dle and make her head look like a window mop? There are lots of other queer things which we would like to know, but will wait for another time.—Ex. Insurance.—We have a line of good companies and solicit a part of your business.—Eugene Schu ler Company, Schuler Block, peton, N. D. A Easiness Proposition Can You Afford to be Without V* indstorm Insurance when the cost is so small? Farm Property Wah •Vv 407 Dakota Ave. Columbia Restaurant 8 Annex ANTON GILLES, Proprietor Short Orders a Specialty For kidney and bladder troubles try a box of Dr. J. V. Quick's Alaska Kidney Pills. For sale by all druggists. THE Benda flarket OUTDOOR PLEASURES are apt to produce a keen appetite which almost anything will satisfy. But even th: most languid of appe tites is tempted with our FRESH MEATS AND PROVISIONS Try our Iamb chops, for instance, if you want sometl ing hot and delicious. And a slice of our ham cold is a treat indeed between meals. FRANK BENDA, WabpetOD,N.D One Door East of Post Office. OVER Class Meals Mr»d Lunches Served to Order at all Hours ii PHONE NO I fc' jrt School Sup ii^ .. Books, Tablets, Pens, In fact we can supply you with anything Call on us for your warn- Visit our store and make your selections at a? early date I Am Prepared to take Contracts for Dwellings and other Buildings and will furnish estimates for new work or repairing. Estimates for concrete and mason work l5ISJSISISI5ISISIS15ISIS15ISiS(3ISIS5ISISIS]3l3ISlill@l3ISIS$iSfG!lGyi!i[njEiiSI es YEARS' EXPERIENCE TMK MARKS OKSMNS COffNtMHTS*C. AnroM Mndfng iMtch uid dMortptloa qmcklr atcwtala oar opinion fto* whitbi Inraanon to pratablr Mtaatabfe. Comma rmcMMnia. "iff mrttiN. Branofc OMen. OK CvMwiOd, D. C. Steam Heated Rooms Wnhp^toit, N. 1 1 D. Etc. for school Oo M. PARSONS C. D.Rittetihouse Proprietary Medicines, Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Etc. We make a specially of compounding physician's prescriptions. THE FLOWER OF FLOURS whith Our Best brand is, natur ally produces the best of bread. A woman does not have to be an expert baker in order to get good bread, if she uses our flour. TRY A SACK OF OUR BEST next time. Don't mix it with any other. For it is just right as it is, as- you will acknow ledge after your first baking. Nev Star Roller Hills I have have a number of good houses for sale. Some of them are snaps and can be bought on monthly payments. E. S. Camer on. City Dray Line HENRY BECKMAN, Prop. MKMsif Graying and Transfer Work Lmw warial tka City Hatol 1 work -*1 51 1 I 4 1 1 .'3 .j •J 1 ,7 V.