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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
.( I* T. ev S? 'X & !!f li 1 & i* A f? /fe .* -)i mgtmitmm ssa««i NEW LAW IS VERY STRICT All Reading Notioes Must I Marked Paid Advertisement Postmaster JGenerai Hitch cock has issued instructions for carrying into effect the new news paper and periodical law, first returns which must be made by October firSt. The law requires that pub lishers shall file on the first days of Aftril and October of each year, with the postmaster gen eral and with the local postmas ter under penalty of the denial of the use of the mails, a sworn statement of the names and ad. dresses of the owner,, publisher, FRANK BUDACK Frank Budack, the Democratic candidate for sheriff, is making an active campaign for the election. He has many friends to assist him in his canvass, who believe he is the proper man for the place, fie was deputy under the late Sheriff Geo. E. Moody. The record he then made ia fresh in the minds of the people. Mr. Budack is all right and de serves the support of the good citizens of this county. (Political Advertisement.) Base Burner Kelly Wahpeton w??\ a** j* A editor, managing editor and the business manager of their news papers and periodicals. Religious, fraternal, temper ance and scientific publications are excepted For a corporation the names of the holders of more than one per cent of the socks, bonds and other securities must be given, and in the case of daily news papers a statement of the aver age paid circulation for the pro ceeding six months is required. All editorial or reading mat ter appearing in a newspaper or magazine for which pay is ac cepted or promised must be marked "advertisement," under than 950 or more than 9500. J|ki==ai===—===== Stoves Stoves Stoves FAVORITE ROUND OAK RANGES and BASE BURNERS Our prices are right and goods are the best money can buy. And the publishers all over the United States have united. in a protest. "Paid locals" have long been a sourse of revenue to the edi tors of the state, and have been a feature of the newspapers for years. It has been reported that some of the big eastern publications intend to test the constitution ality of this latest inquisitorial statute.—LidgerWood Broadaze- OONQMOATIONAL mm Work on the basement is pro gressing finely and under the di rections of our efficient commit tee we are assured that every thing will be done right. The com pletion of this basement will meet a long felt need. On Sunday, October 20, Miss M. M. Foote will speak morning and evening. Miss Foote was for several years a missionary in Erzoom, Turkey. She will have two interesting and helpful mes sages for us next Sunday. Let. the house be filled. At the close of the morning worship last Sabbath the pastor read the following statement to his people: To the Members and Adherents of the First Congregational Church, Wahpeton, N. D., Dear friends:— We are now well along in the seventh year as people and pas tor. Years of pleasantness and fruitfulness. During these years and his family have received the kindest'Consideration and have been supported by your united efforts. Your interest, not lack ing in the beginning, has not slackened during our sojourn. Indeed, there is the satisfaction to me that this last year has been the best one and it means much, both to this church and to me, that we have not fagged out or lost our interest in each other or in the Master's services. However, it is with the deep est feeling that I now present to you my resignation. I take no delight in reading it but after careful consideration for us all I feel justified in so doing. I, therefore, now present my resignation as pastor of this church, said resignation to take effect December 31, 1912. A business meeting of this congregation is called to meet in this room on Thursday, Oct: Soft coil and wood 4 the North Dakota 24, 1912, at 8:30 o'elock, to act upon this resignation and for the ^ransactionof* .any other busi ness that pertains thereto. All of which I submit to you with the kindest feeling and in terest in you and in this church which shall last for many a year. M. R. Olson, Dwight. M. M. Borman, Abercrombie. W. H. Cox, Fairmount. Geo. A. Lacy, Wahpeton. A. H. Burnson, Wahpeton. Members E. H. Myhra W. A. Farensworth A. H. Burnson W. L. Carter G. J. Johnson Dr. L. W. Meckstroth J. P. Reeder V. C. Fandel C. H. Johnson, Dwight W. Robbins J. H. Worner Anton Gilles Frank Benda Wm. Hupperler L. Fliegelman Nels Oslund Geo. Reeder Math' Kraker E. S. Cameron D. D. Swank Henry Miller and Co. Oppenheimer Jas. Purdon & Co. Wahpeton Hardware Go. John Bjornson Dietz & Murray. E. E. Basset W. E. Purcell J. J. Chezi'k Connolly Bros. W. Aspinwall Stern Clothing Co. R. J. Hughs C. D. Rittenhouse Wahpeton Garage Kelly Bros. M. N. Earley R. T. Barber H. H. Onstad O. Rinderman Frank Forman Frank Eberly The following names accom panied by $10 were sent in by O. A. Leer of Christine: A. Jonsgard O. A. Leer L. U. Iverson M. Carlson O. T. Halaas X. A. Foss Gust Spencer O. J. Dahl J. S. Johnson A. M. Lunde Other members will be added when time is found to solicit. A letter from Attorney Kosvik of Abercrombie indicated that they would be able to get about twenty.five members at that place. Fairmount has not yet been heard from. The report of a branch meridian road through the center of the county is pre mature. We had the assurance of the national officers of the association when they visited in Wahpeton that no branches will be allowed at present. I am Jl Very truly yours, ELMER D. GALLAGHER, Pastor. RIOHLAND OOUMTY MERIDIAN ROAD ASSOCIATION Following are the officers and members of the Richland County Meridian Road Association: President—A. G. Divet. Vice President—J. J. Keen." Secretary-Treasurer T. O' Brien. Executive Board hav- iog correspondence *ith tbepro- pe» officials now with the assur ance that all wttt adjusted to the satisfaction of cities along the Red river. We wish to ttttinl* the president andmembers Of th«T Booster club for assistance in securing membership and other encouragements. In our eanvai for members a uniform liberality and interest was met with. 925 has been paid in dues to the state association. •~u T. O'BRIEN, Secretary-Treasurer. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that dis orders of the stomach are their most common ailment. To cor rect this you will find Chamber* Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by all deiiilers. (Adv.) W. purchased a bottle of Chamber lains Cough Remedy for his. boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) i,* fc Copeland. of Dayton, Ohio S *4 -t 4*'1 u. 'r President—WOODROW WILSON. Vice President—T. R. MARSHALL. President^ Electors—THOMAS C. KELLY, A. B. LIN, M. DfWILLlAMS, D. ARMSTRONG, E. S. CAMERON Congress—First Distriet^-VERNER R. LOVELL, Fargo Second District^. A* MINCKER, Knox Third District—HAL VOR L. HALVORSON, Minot. ,. •. Governor—F. O. HELLSTROM, Bismarck. Lieutenant Governor—F. L, BRANDT, Bismarck Secretary of State—E. P. TOTTEN, Bowman. State Auditor—FRANK SHANLEY, Cando. v'fv State Treasurer^FRANK LISH, Dickenson. Attorney General—JOHN F. SULLIVAN, Mandan. Commissioner of Insurance—CHARLES S. WHITTLE SEY, Fargo. Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor—ALEX MORRIS SON, Bathgate. Railroad Commissioners—OLAF BJORKE, Abercrombie J. W. McHOSE, Fargo CHAS. D. PERRY, Cosby. ..." fcsEKi •y Member of Congress, first district—V. R. LOVELL, Fargo. Senator, 37th district—A. F. BONZER. Representatives, 37th district—AUGUST HOEFS, ANTON LEPOSKY. Representatives, 12th district—THOS. EGAN, JOHN HAGEN. Sheriff—FRANK BUDACK. Auditor—W. J. KOPPELMAN. Treasurer—S. M. HENDRICKSON Clerk of Court—AUGUST BERGMAN. County Judge—GEORGE VANARNAM. State's Attoreny—C. J. KACHELHOFFER. Register of Deeds—ERNEST ENGE. Public Administrator—E. J. HURLEY. Coroner—DR. C. H. McDONELL. Commissioner 5th district—MATHIAS KRACKER. County Justices—E. M. HACKETT, MATT JOST, J. N. JURGENSON, A. VIETZ. Constables—E. B. CARVER, CHAS. W. CRAWFORD, C. J. FREDERICK, CHAS. REYNOLDS. WAHPETON OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, Octobor 29th r' tvI hclydbhths mi thecjty I Have Jttst A CARLOAD OF SMOKELESS And would like to sell you a trial order. Remember that I always carry a full line of nut and stove sizes in hard coal, Pocahontas $pal and West Virginia splint and the best grate of soft doal and wood. H. M. Christenson Phone 111L1 Yard 314 3rd Street jo* bi tj ,B a $ "I