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1 it^fe'::'-v: la llttkj ids of tha precocious Bri^itnass personified Johnny Pol*. Certain friends family touUtr him rather pi •—bat thai'* qui to another story. At any rats, ho la tho prlda of hla fatlh or'a hsart, and Palo, 8r, Invariably r» fan to tho youngster aa a Angolan .chip from the old block." The other night little Johnny looked «p from hla stool by the ftraslde, and ejaculated the query: "I'm a chip from the old block, alnt I, father?" Tea, my son, indeed yon are," came the proud reply. "And, pa, you're the head of the fambly, alnt youf asked the simple little lad. 1 am." replied Pole. 1 "Then," chuckled Johnny trium phantly, "you must be a blockhead!" But we will draw a kindly veil over Ivhat followed. Good Fellowship. Good fellowship la aa old as mail. It la one of the elemental thinga— footed In man with good and evil, lore and hate. Ita temples are wher ever good men get together Its ahrlnes and sanctuaries the hearts of men More tlpui the impetuous, com .'X Present of a Imagine her expression of pleas ed surprise if she should find a brand new Singer sewing machine in her sewing room on the morn ing of Christmas day. .* And her pleasure in this particu lar present will continue everyday and will increase more and more as the years roll by and it proves its real worth: Bring us three dollars and we will see that it is delivered prompt ly according to your directions. For the balance we will make terms as low as two dollars per month. Singer Sewing Machine Co. B. C. HESS, Sales Manager WAHPETON, NORTH DAL Oil* on Father. ®.i- *f-,yT radeship of ycftttn, it is the settled faith of men In men. Passing all boundaries of nation, creed or It asks only the open heart, the hon est purpose, the cheerful countenance. Its password Is the kindling eye, Its Sledge the hearty hand—Its finest messages are unspoken. It Is the golden age made manliest Riles, re* llglona, men and measures paaa— good fellowship remains for It Is eternal love of life, eternal faith, eter nal charity and cheer.—Jamee Ed ward Kehler. .. Revelation, The hero of this story Is a famous dramatic anther. The plays he has written have electrified thousands upon thousands of people, and he has mastered the art of making men and women laugh or cry at his own sweet wlU. On one occasion a friend of his found him at his desk working on a new drama. "So you are writing a new play?" aaked the friend. In reply the author confeaaed hla aln. "No," he aald. '1 am juat remem bering one from all thoae I have seen produoed. It's easier."—Popular Mag- 180,000 MMM to Prevent-Domestic Breezes From Developing into Gales la Utsst Pad Taken Up, •A National League for (he Prom*, tton of Domestic Happiness Is the lafc. eat proposal* for Bngland. It has Dor its promoters a few clergymen who have been Impressed by the extraordi nary number of couplea In their par ishes who have obtained separation orders from the magistrates becauiir of domestic strife. The Idea of the clerics Is that magistrate* are too accommodating toi applicants chafing under the matri monial harness and If efforts were made to subdue domestic breetes they would mostly be prevented from developing Into gales. So this league Is to organize ministers of all denom inations and kind Christians of both sexes to act as peacemakers. They will take their respective par ishes under survey and in caaea of houaehold atrlfe where the b°«b»^d 1* at fault the member of the league most likely to Influence him will be selected to Intervene and subsequent1 ly keep' aa eye on the culprit If the wife Is the offender then some sym pathetic woman will plead with hen. Most enthusiastic workers among the poor, especially In the north, call these separation orders the "working class equivalent to divorce,' the 1%% tar being too expensive for them to obtain. The consequence Is they have real freedom, and looseness of moral Is the result In Sauce -v --r "T r- 'r Industrial contort where both husband and wife ar wage earners, this Is especially the ease. Ladfeashlre alone has IS,000 people separated by law, but not free to remarry. SAYS OYSTERS SUFFER AGONY Dr. Wiley Aeserte They Endure Ago nlzlng Pain When Doused With Tabasco Sauee. "Oysters on the half shell suffer un. told agony when eaten," said Dr. Har vey Wiley, formerly Uncle 8am's purs food expert, the other night, according to a New York Herald' Washington correspondent "Ninety per cent, ol them when eaten are alive and kick ing. They suffer the most excruciat ing pains when you Jab them with a fork and follow with a sprinkling ol salt, pepper and tabasco aauce. "It la true that they area very low order of life, but aa.they eat and drink they muat be live anlmala and have feeling. Imagine aome monater com ing to earth from Mara who thought that we poor human belnga were very aucculent moraela of food when eaten alive. It would Indeed be a nice sen* satlon to be poked full of holes and covered with about six pounds of salt "However, this will not deter ma from Indulging In the delicious half ahell habit. I am going to eat my oyatera In auch a way aa to save them pain—one Jab with a fork, put the on quickly and then gobble It "It's a good thing that they, cant yell and Jump, for If this were so out 'dining rooms would be full of tragl« moanlngs and shrieks. However, thle would not be so bad, for we would jthen have the alternative of oooUnj jOtem." NO LEGAL VERBIAGE THERE Mary Newhard of Alfentown, Pa*, Wrote Will In Her Own Homely Wsy, and It Stands. S. W. German, register of wills of X«hlgh county, admitted to probate the most remarkable will offered hera In a century. It waa written by Marn Newhard of Lauraya, who left several hundred dollara In personal property^ It reads: "I guess It Is about time I want mjn things fixed after I am gone, because have nobody to depend on except myj slaters. I hope they see to thinga ana do It In the way I want It done. It lsf a great task, but It cannot be fixed otherwise. They always helped mef along. I want them to divide my' clothea among them, becauae I have no chidlren, ao they are neareat I hare] a good lot of thinga that have to be: Bold for expenaea and then 1 guess It will reach to bury me decently. "Such thinga aa my big copper ket tle and tuba, washing machine, sew ing machine, watch, bedroom auit, bureau, cheat, trunk, waiters (two nice ones), caatera and other articles are to be aold. There la also a atovenloe in I Paid a Quarter for, and two big to be The North Dakota Kennel asso ciation Is to give its fourth an nual exhibition in Fargo January lli 15 and, 16, during the week of Uie Tri-state convention. Owners of thoroughbred dogs in North DMkota and other parts of the northwest will have an opportuni tjftlo show their pets in cones. iPresident W. J. Gowie and Sec tary C. E. Porritt announce that there have been an* unusually large number of inquiries regard ing the show. They anticipate the largest number of. entries in the history af the association. A judge of international reputation has been secured to make the a wards. There are forty special cups offered by citizens of Moore head and Fargo, in addition to the cash prizes and ribbons for the winners. The show is under the A. K. C. rules and points by win ners count on championships. The premium list contains all de. tailed information and will be fur nished on application to the presl dent or secretary at Fargo N. D. MOTIOS TO OITIZtm OP WAHPETON No person or firm are author ized to do any work of a plumb ing nature or any work in con nection with any water service pipes without having first filed a bond with the city auditor and procured a license to do such work. The firms authorized to do such work are Connolly Bros., A. Hodel, H. B. Onstad and the Wahpeton Hardware Go. By Order City Council. Send your consignments .of grain and orders for future de livery to the Wernli-Anderson Co., either Minneapolis of Dulu th for very best results. Harvey O.: Brown, state .solicitor, Brins made, N. D. Adv. WHAT A WELL PLANNED ROTATION WILL Do If a well planned rotation is carried out on the farm it will accomplish the following enris. 1. It will keep the soil in a high state of productivity. 2 It will prevent excessive losses in dry years. 3. It will keep down weeds. 4. It will make it possible to obtain a better distribution of the farm labor. .5 It will decrease the cost of producing farm products. 6*. It will provide feed for suf ficient livestock to materially in crease the profits of the farm productivity. •THE ARRIVAL OF KITTY" Loaded to the brim with fun complications, this now famous comedy will be seen at the Wah peton opera house on Saturday, December 21. It is full of musi cal numbers and the dialogue and repartee sparkles with wit and humor. Hal Johnson heads the company and as an imperson ator of the fair sex he has no equal. He is supported by a com petent company who were espec ially engaged for their own par ticular line of work, consequently a guaranteed performance is as sured. Headquarters For Holiday Footwear Slippers and shoes make acceptable gifts and afford real pleasurable comfort to say nothing of appreciation. Our stock is large and complete and prices are very reasonable. If you are in doubt as to what to buy, pay a visit to our popular shoe store, it will pay in more ways than one. LAWRENCE SCHANHAAR Breckinridge, Minnesota 0HUR0HE8 TO UNITE The Methodist and Congrega tional churches have entered into an agreement whereby Rev. Sew rey will preach to both congre gations. During January the*feer vices will be in the Congrega tional church, the next month in the M. E. church and so on alter nately between the two churches. The other organizations connec ted with the churches will be in dependent as in the past. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS I am in a position to make loans on farms at a low rate of interest and* give you the priv ilege of paying off the mortga ge on any interest paying day. It would pay you well to have a talk with me before placing a loan on your farm. LOUIS FLI6ELMAN, Adv. Wahpeton, N. D. I am making a special reduc tion on Ladies', Misses' and Child ren's coats. My stock of these coats Is not large but there are some good bargains while they last. Children's fleece lined vests and pants reduced from 88e to 19e each at MRS. JE. DUGAR'B. Adv. Four Famous Stage Beauties look with horor on skin erup tions, blotches, sores or pimples. They don't have them nor will'any one who uses Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Ec zema or salt rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains heals burns, cuts and bruises. Unequalled for piles. Only 25c at all druggists. Adv. When you think hotel, think Beaufort Hotel, Minneapolis. Choice rooms with private phone 75c to $1.00. Excellent rooms with phone and bath $1.25 and $1.50. 112 Third St., So. Op. posite postofflce. The Citizens National Bank of Wahpeton, N. D. Always in position to adminster to YOUR wants. If YOU desire a persona or farm loan call on us and get our terms. No red tape in closing up farm loans. Money paid over when you sign fhe papers and show title. If you have surplus money put it to work with us. Pay your bills ^with checks drawn on us, you will find it satisfactory. Let us look after your insurance, and zest easy when you have a loss. Protect your valuable papers against loss in one of our safety deposit boxes, the cost is small. E. R. GAMBLE, Pres. A. STERN, V-Pres. J. P. REEDER, Cash. S. H. MURRAY, A-Cash ft* DIRECTORS DONALD WRIGHT P.J.McCUMBER O. A. LEACH FRANK EBERLEY E.R. GAMBLE A. STERN J. P. REEDER •V3fes(-V* HIT Sslwt An O— WeTmH from your first copy of McCALL S. If you subscribe quickly. in Mm OMPunr, rsn w«i 37* si, NOTE—A«k for a Ifge copy of McCALt- Swoade, faul MW premium cataloRtte. Sunple copjr uul LAMBS i-j OOWRWHTe Ao. AmwMMndlns a «M«h and dMertpthm MT nlcuy MMrtaln oar opinion frM wbathar ib Ej^sanmMaSraiiaa Scientific ahkucm. mtSSm Madam, Read McCaBTs The FasMon Authority McCALL'S is a large, artistic, band* smslr illustrated lUO-page monthly Magazine that is adding to the hnppi. ncss and efficiency of 1,100,000 womaa'aadi month. Ewh IKSIIO lirlniflil of Mlonii, fhncy- work, intcrcytiiii short ptnricx, and sroros of labor-savluir tuul nitiiiry-fcavlng icl is for women. There are moro tliaii 60 of the newest drslsng of tlio crloliiated McCALL PATTKltNS til cucli ietue. McCALL PATTERNS nrn lhiiioin Ihr Ktylo, lit, simplicity auil ecoiiouiy. Only 10 aud 15 ceuU emiUi, Tlje piilillKliers of MrOAIJ/R will t:io: !«niii:.( if (lolluni MLRI In tlm s" 4V vl rl sT I ,vf« vKS-i OVUt YCARC UKMINeC PATENTS 1 TRADE MARKS OnMNi "1 ''''4A CUIIIIIIKheudmmd r.ioullis in order t-i keep HeUALL'ri •nd shoulders aliovv alt «u»t wrani-n's »t any price. Hnwover, M£ALt/S to ouly He a year positively worth (l.00i Tea MI ten catAlogue liio Ine on request. CUCHESTER SPILLS OIAMOND OoLD metalUc boxes, aemled with UuKO) luiy WVi«i» —VMIIIW. IIWKS, iBMW wtin 01IH Ribbon. Tua MO OTBBK. Tim T«l« Bey sf TW KNIM and ask fto OIMUI.Tl •IAMORD BRA 110 PILLS, for tw«(*llt years regarded aa Best, Safest, Always Rel(abl» SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWIIFRF WORTH* Ricninncnc IKSTBIV i:\-t .'v'V ..... 1 T'.: O