Newspaper Page Text
B, nuiMoiqrr -*fc: W'Ffi#mthi» Mrs. Goetlemta of Wahpeton .hail been Visiting Mrs. Mont, -^Thompson. W..K. Stebbins and Wm. Dahl quist are transacting business. in tbflt twin cities, Milwaukee and Chicago/ (Nick Yalker, who has been ail ing since last fall, died Friday morning. Mrs.C .E. Newby is confined to the house, the cause being (a sprained ankle. She was going to the basement- to look after the furnace, and stepped on apiece of coal, which turned hqr ankle and she fell down a few steps into the basement. She was terribly shaken up and it will be some time before she will "bp well again Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Champion of Colfax, this county, who had been to Eau Claire, Wis., on a visit to Mr. Champion's relatives, returned last Saturday as far as Fairmount, where they stopped for a visit with Mr. Champion's sister, Mrs. Geo. E. Ballard. Clayton left Sunday morning for Colfax, Mrs. Champion is staying with Mrs. Ballard while Mr. Bal lard is in South Dakota on busi riess. John W. Allen and John ft. Ma lone who left here last week for California on a pleasure trip were at LasVegas, New Mexico, on Sun day. and took dinner at Hotel Cas taneda, at an altitude of 6399 feet —that's purty. high for them fel lows.A card from Mr. Allen says: They were ip. Arizona on Monday and near the Grand Canyon and that Malone has the heart ache. Allen says the Hotel Castaneda is patterned after the old California Missions,and is named after Ped ro de Castaneda, who was the principal historian of Coronado's your meats remember we also have, Olives, Pickels, Chili Sauce, Salid Dressing, Con densed Milk, Pork and Beans in Cans, Sauer Kraut in cans, Mushroons, Sardines, Salmon and National Biscuit Co.'s Crackers. ,0 i-V. 1'.. 1" V' :V Wehner & Voss P—In in Frwk and Salted C. N. Thompson, 0. if OPTICAL SPECIALIST ixEGLASSBS "ma/fr'HHfai" TACLES from tbe very cheapest kind to the very best gold frames with tpric leases properly fitted. My .glasses will aatisfy you. Wahpeton. N, l- UU. 1 "I MM, expedition in the southwest in 1540, but he don't remember the old fel)ow. Sheriff Budack was in town on Monday on his way to Harikiii son. While in town the sheriff made a call at this office and left an invitation for all the resident of Wahpelon and vicinity to call and see him when in Wahpeton. The News has faith in our new sheriff and believe that he is go ing to make good and. make a good sheriff. When Mr. Budack was running for office, we could have appealed to the religious so cieties for support, on the ground that Mr Budack never has yet been known to be under'the in fluence of liquor—yet he may at times used liquor as a stimu lant—we don't know. ....... AMOTION Symphony Hornless Model TalkragTMachine The undersigned, residing 4 miles north and 3 miles west of Wahpeton, 3 miles east and 1% miles north of Dwight and 2 miles south of Woodhull, on the southwest quarter of section 13, in Dwight township, will sell at public auction, on Thursday, February 20th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property: •leven Head of Horsa* 1 black horse 7 years old, weight 1400. 1 black mare 5 years old,weight 1400. 1 black mare in foal, 5 years old, weight 1400. 1 bay horse 12- years old, weight 1300. 1 bay mare 12 years old, weight 1300. 1 gray horse 3 years old, weight 1300. 1 gray horse 12 years old, weight 1300. 1 aged bay horse, weight 1300. 1. aged black mare, weight 1300. Henry Miller & Co. T&MNIA VVAMHiTON, 2 ,R 1 1 black mare 2 years old and 1. black horse 2 years old, both Perchon draft colts. 50 chickens. Household Ooods 1 Michigan Stove Co. range, 2 heating stoves, 1 gasolene stove, 1 Kimball organ, 1 sewing ma chine, 1 extension table, 1 couch, 1 dresser, 1 cupboard, 1 barrel churn, 1 creamer, 1 1900 washer, bedsteads, carpets, cooking uten sils and dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Farm Maohlnery 1 Deering binder with 8 foot cut, 1 McCormick binder with 7 foot cut, 1 22 shoe Hoosier drill, 1 Hoosier seeder with 24 shovels for cultivating, 2 26 foot drags, 1 18 foot drag, 1 McCormick mower with 5 foot cut, 1 Wood's mower with 4 foot cut, 1. hay rake.l Bement gang plow, 1 Hum mer gang plow, 1 Hummer sulky plow, 1 breaking plow, 1 potato plow, 1 potato digger, 1 John Deere corn cultivator, wide tire wagon, 3 narrow tire wagons, 1 bob Sleigh, 4 light sleigh, 3 bug gies, 1 cart, 1 top buggy nearly new, 5 set of work harness, 2 single harness, 1 Victor fanning mill, 1 grind stone, 1 portable forge, 1 feed cooking kettle. Feed About 35 tons of hay, about 500 bushels of spelts and 500 bushels of oats, also 75 bushels of potatoes. 20 loads of stone. Free lunch at noon. Terms: Sums of $10 and un der cash, oyer that amount time will be given, if desired, on bank able paper due October 1st, 1913, with interest at 10 per cent. "T* EDWARD WILLARD, Owner. L. C. Riemenschneider, Auctioneer. SPECIAL SALE A SENSATIONAL OFFER! 1 This Bttvttful $25 HornlMt Symphony Talking MaoMna to Our Cuotomoro Adv. NORTH DAKOTA J£'i ^ri. J* \r 1 TN If you are going to the city soon phone or write us to re serve a room for you at the Beau fort hotel. Minneapolis, Minn. Ad. When you think hotel, think Beaufort Hotel, Minneapolis. Choice rooms with private phone 75o to $1.00. Excellent rooms wiCh phone and bath 91.25 and 91.50. 112 Third St., So. Op. posite postofflce. If you are thinking of selling your farm list your land with Louis Fligelman and he will find a buyer for you. Adv. Dr. C.P. 'Rice Disease* of A V-v the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty GnnnBldg, Breckenridge, Minn Y* The holiday rush is now over and we are ready to do your furniture repairing and pic ture framing. All the latest and best mouldings for you to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. /^\UR Furniture Line is complete and up-to-date. Our prices are so low that we can save you money on anything in the furniture line. Get Your Quotations Where You Will and Then Figure With Us. Ask Our Many Satisfied Customers About "WAY" SAGLESS SPRING "t was suffering with liver com plaint," says.Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, "and decided to try a 25c box of Ghamberlaih' stab lets, and am happy to say that 1 am completely cured and can rec ommend them to any one." For sale by all dealers. Av. (Adv.) effi* a cAfessi mm® Royal All Worsted Velvets Size 27x54 inches $2.5o Size 6x9 feet $12.5o Size 9x12 feet $24.oo We are making similar low prices on all grades of rugs. CM, see them, get prices. Wonderful Spring E never saw anything just like the "Way" Sagless Spring. It has many of the Qualities of the most expensive bo& spring but sells at the price of an ordinaiy article. 4 It never aagt or bag*. It never double* you up like a jack knife. It never bump* you on the bed (lata. It never roll* the occupant* toward the center of the bed. It never creaks, and groan*, and rattle* when you turn over, It i* unbreakable at well a* untag gable. It will last a lifetime with ordinary care. There are no open link* to come un* hooked or tear the bedding. It ia a mott economical proposition too. To prove ill this we will send one to your home for 3# wlgtify tree trial. The Manufacturer's guarantee, as well as ours* gives you absolute protection. II it sags within z$ vcais the Manufacturers agree to furnish anew fabric free Price only $7.00 Think .of it—more than nine thousand night* of luzuriou* cue guaranteed. No riak—no worry—no expente—it's all comfort. The very first time you go shopping, drop in and we will tell you more about It. Onstad & Vaughan 9 I Am Prepared 1, I Bugs! Rugs!! to take Contracts for Dwellings and other Buildings and will furnish estimates for new work or repairing. Estimates for concrete and mason work Our M. PARSONS ..NEW T0NS0RIAL PARLOR.. Equipment New Work First Qass and Up-to-Date Courteous Treatment Accorded to All Shower and Tub Baths hi Connection First Door West of Swanks Grocery '&Y mi A '1* k- VsI if '3 9 Ox ^4 W Wii- "F