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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
r: Ed. Holden, the Vernon, S. D., merchant was in the city Wednes day. LOCAL HEWS NOTES T. E. Riley of Wyndmere was the city Monday. -|p§ Banker Hatlie was down from Abercrombie Tuesday. Wm. Koppelman was up from. Great Bend last week. Mr. Ostby of Elma township wmr-attending eourt this week. Ethel Purdon l»:iigain attend ing to her school work at Doran. The state hotel inspector was looking over our hotels Tuesday. Willis A. Joy of Grand" Forks was a guest in the city Tuesday. Why not list your land with Louis Fligelman and let him sell it for you? Adv. Sheriff Budack was transact ing business in Leonard Mon day. Furnished rooms for rent in a modern building. Gall at The Times office. Adv. Joseph Patterson attended a bank meeting in Walcott last Fri day. Paul Dahlke of Indiana is a guest at the home of his uncle* Mayor Eberly. H. P. Myron of Abercronihio -was transacting business in the city Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Olson-was in Hankinson Monday subpoening witnesses. Paul Kunert of Hankinson was renewing acquaintances in the city last week. A good barber chair complete for sale at the Second Hand Fur niture store. Adv. Hon. A. G. Divet and wife re turned the fore part of the week from Bismarek. The Gunn wholesale beer house in Breckenridge was burned on Monday morning. Max Wipperman, the hustling merchant from Hankinson, was in the city last week. For Sale—Hard coal Monitor burner $65 stove for sale cheap. Call at Times office. Adv. Jake Glasner, one of Hankin son's prosperous citizens, was a visitor at the county seat last week. Prof. Jones of the Science school has become ..superintend- earning Draying lam prepared to do all kinds of teaming and draying For prompt service telephone your orders to numbers 370 or 341 A. E. McHl 7HAEL •j/...'-*' '3 SPRING "WANTS" i' Connolly Brothers Phone 158J .•«•'.• 71 ent of the Congregational Sunday school. Dr. Fitzgerald has moved his office to the rooms formerly occu pied by the Booster club over Hausken's store. Adv. Herman Kempke took his son home from the Breckenridge hos pital where he was operated upon for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gamble left last Thursday for Datonna, Flori da, where they will spend the bal ance of the winter. Louis Fligelman has just re turned from a trip through Illi nois and if you wish to sell your land list it with him. Adv. A marriage license has been issued to Mr. Alfred J. Woiwode of Mantador and Miss Mary Thiel of Mooreton. Geo. Stroehl was a caller in the city a few days this week. Mr. Stroehl is one of the many pros perous farmers of Moran town ship. Nick Hohman was a special deputy sheriff apart 6f the week while the sheriff and regular deputies were out on court busi ness. LAND for sale or rent in Bur leigh County, N. Dak., or Park County, Montana. Good terms to settlers. W. E. Rawlings, Bis marck, (N. Dak. Adv. 48-5 W. M. Butts, an old Wahpe ton boy but for the last year a banker at Newark, S. D., was re newing acquaintances in the city last Sunday. A. Hackey, the popular and pros perous farmer of Colfax township was in the city last week doctor ing up a badly sprained ankle, caused by a fall. Mrs. Shea has gone down to Menominee, Wis., to bring her daughter, Eva, home. Eva has been quite sick and is coming home for treatment. Heated and furnished rooms for rent. Inquire at 903 Third St. north. The Methodist ladies aid will be entertained by Mrs. Geo. Doug lass Wednesday afternoon, Feb ruary 5th. All members are re quested to be present. Great Bend and Brandenbur* township were represented in the city last week. There was a case up in district court that many of them were interested in. Mrs. O. C. Farnsworth returned Tuesday from a six week's visit to the twin cities. Her sister, Mrs. McKay, is quite sick at pres ent and she remained in the cities OYSTERS. See Gilles ft Hank Ins when in need of fresh oys ters. Adv. W. S. Tibbetts of Staples, but an old time resident of Wahper ton, was transacting business and renewing acquaintances in the city the fore part of the wek. The Womans' Literary society of the Congregational church will meet next Wednesday after noon with the ladies aid society at the home of Mrs. N. P. Simon son. There is no longer any excuse for not having a good supply of water at any time the Eclipse Pumper has been designed especially for this service. Call and see the pumper at out store. You can pump, wash, dean your grain and do many other things with this little engine. 'We can sell you any size gasoline engine you want l-'s" We are agents for the Fairbanks, Morse Co. engines, the best on the market. Now is a good time to figure out your fence wants and bring in your orders. You can save money by placing your orders early. Ours is the American Fence. See our sample of Steel Posts cheaper than wood and much better. Come in and talk over your SPRING "WANTS." '_/t ... i... Wanted—A competent girl for general housework. Good wages. Apply at once to. Mrs. L. W. Meck stroth. Adv. Services will be held in the Episcopal church next Sunday, February 2nd, as follows: Morn, ing prayer and sermon 10:30 a. m„ bible study class 11:30 a. m. All are cordially, invited. When in need of anything in the Watkins line, call at 23 So. Second street, Wahpeton, where your wants will be attended to. Adv. The N. P. club was entertained last Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Myhra. Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Wichman and George My bra took places of the absent members. A special featurefllm'The Lion Tamer's Revenge" to be shown at Braun's Theatre Monday and Tuesday, February 3 and 4. A thrilling story of circus life. A picture that is worth seeing. Nicely furnished rooms for light house keeping. Inquire at the Second Hand-Furniture Store. Adv. Frank Eckes returned home last week. He has spent about a year in Montana and the Cana dian northwest. Frank likes the northwest country and after a few week's visit here will return there. For Sale—A good water motor washer at the second hand store J. R. Molloy. Adv. "Plain sewing will be done at reasonable prices by the ladies of Trinity Guild. Leave orders at Trinity rectory. Phone 120. The two young Norwegians who broke into the Latson house on the south side of Breckenridge were caught by G. N. Policeman Rassur. A part of the G. IN. ex press goods that were stolen last September were found last week. O'Clare & McDonald in Irish comedy, singing, talking and a little dancing. A great act with special scenery at Braun's Thea tre Thursday, Friday and Satur day, January 30 and 31 and Feb ruary 1. Mrs. Theeda left the Wahpeton hospital last Sunday completely recovered from an operation per formed by Dr. O'Brien. She came from Canada for treatment. Mr. and Mrs: Theede are visiting rela tives and friends in Tyler and will visit Mrs. Couver, Mrs. Theede's sister, at Fargo before returning to their northern home. O'Clare & McDonald in their Irish comedy, singing, talking and a little dancing. A fine act with special scenery. At Braun's Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We notice in the Florida Ban ner, a paper published at Home stead, that state, that Irving Matthews, a student and graduate of R. R. V. U., is in the real estate business at that place. If you really want to sell youi farm, call on or write Irvin L. Streeter & Co., Wahpeton, N. D. Office over the Peoples State Bank. Adv. In a letter received from Mr. J. Machkovich of Beaver Dam. Wisconsin, by which he boosted his subscription a couple of years he says he is glad to hear from the people around Wahpeton through The Times. He wants to let bis friends here know .that he is among the living and his home is at Beaver Dam, Wis. Irvin L. Streeter & Co. have several desirable residence prop erties for sale. If you are con templating the purchase of a home, call at their office over the Peoples Btat eBank. Adv. The annual meeting of the la dies aid Society of St. John's church (will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Bfrs. Math Braun. The meeting will open promptly at 2:30. Officers for the ensuing year grill be chosen and reports from the var ious ^committees read. Mrs. J. Lehna will assist Mrs. Braun. L. W. Seidler, one of Branden burg's oldest citizens and most prosperous farmers was in the city Wednesday. He has lived on the land where he made gov ernment filing in 1879, which has been his home ever since. He has seen this country .develop from a bare prairie to one of the richest and most prosperous farming communities in the whole country. He has raised a tfamily of two boys and three girls. The ladies aid of -the Congre gational church will be enter tained by Mrs. N. P. Simonsen, assisted by the officers of the aid, next Wednesday, Feb. 5, at Mrs. Simonsen's home, 201 Second St. mm S. The following officers have been elected for the following year: Mrs. R. T. Barber/presi dent Mrs. E. E. Bassett, vice president Mrs. D. R. Jones, sec retary Miss Lilian Mirick, assist ant secretary Mrs. C. D. Clip fell, treasurer. Thexates in the Modern Wood men society will not be raised un^ til .the membership passes en the entire question. It is quite\eyr dent that a raise in rates will be required, but many of the mem bers, believing that the rates as made by the last head camp were excessive, carried the matter to the courts, where restraining or ders were issued against the pro posed rates. There will be noth ing further done until the next meeting of the head camp. ''The Lion Tamer's Revenge," a special two reel feature to be shown at Braun's Theatre Mon day and Tuesday, February 3 and 4. The most startling and spell binding film ever produced, por traying a thrilling story of love, jealousy and the fiendish ven geance of a lion tamer. Fit His Oaae Kxaotly "When father was sick about six years ago he read an adver tisement of Chamberlain's tablets in the papers that fit his case exaotly," writes Miss Magraret Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. "He purchased a box of them and he has not been siok since. My sis ter had stomach trouble and was also benefitted by them." For tale bj all dealers. Adv. If you really want to sell your farm, call on or write Irvin L. Streeter A Co., Wahpeton, N. D. Office over Peoples State Bank Offloe over the Peoples State Bank. Adv. WANTKD Ladies and gentlemen to canvass. Experience is not necessary. 1 $1.75 guaranteed. 40 per cent commission. Ap ply to C. T, Sands at Commer cial hotel, Wahpeton, N. D. Adv. Oould Shout FOP Joy "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. B. f, I Breckenridge, v.,. V, -e i„ "H A# if ,iv* 4/ 1 E. R. GAMBLE, Pres. A STERN, Vice Pres. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stom ach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made V. -A- On account of the Farmers' Insti tute which will be held in Brecken ridge on February 6, 7 and 8 we have decided to continue our BIG CLEARANCE SALE one week long er, during which time prices will be the same as during the sale and on some things lower. We will en deavor to give extra special prices throughout the store during the three days of the Institute meeting. We invite you to make your head quarters at this store while in the city. VERTIN BROS S f-f We Have r1 'v fl $1Q0,000.00 To loan on good farms V• Come in nd see Ui when you wish To make a Loan THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK WAHPETON, N. ERYICE AFETY TRENSTH \y ,n,S f* -t J. P. REEDER, Cash. S. H. MURRAY, A. Cash. just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheuuiau8m, Electrio Bit ters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to sail isfy. Only 50o at all druggists. Adv. Minnesota 4 1 .Mr -i f: 1