OCR Interpretation

The Wahpeton times. [volume] (Wahpeton, Richland County, Dakota [N.D.]) 1879-1919, January 30, 1913, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024779/1913-01-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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Hollee cf Hearing Petition for
,, on— to Ml
State of North Dakota, County
pt' Richland, m.
InCbuiity Court
Before Hon. Oeorge VanArnum,
the matter of the estate of
Thomas Connolly, Deceased.
Henry T. Connolly and f/-,*.,.,
Arthur J. Connolly*
Julia A. Connolly, Mary
E. Quinn, Julia A.
Gardner, John W.
a A
Fitigerald, William
Connolly, Margaret
Bellaine, Louis J. Con
no^y, Mabel Early,
Lucile Early, Frank A.
Connolly, Elaine Con-
The State of North Dakota to the
above-named Respondents, and
all persons interested in the
Estate of Thomas Connolly,
You are hereby notified that the
petition of Henry T. Connolly and
Arthur J. Connolly, executors of
the estate of Thomas Connolly,
late of the city of Wahpeton, in
the county of Richland, and state
of North Dakota, deceased, has
been filed .in this court, therein
petitioning that they be author
ized, empowered and directed to
sel) real estate belonging to said
decedent's estate, described as fol
l^ws, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of
section nineteen, and the
northeast quarter of section
thirty, and the southwest
quarter of section thirty,—
all in township one hundred
and thirty-one, north, of
range forty-seven, west,—
and the northeast quarter of
section one, in township one
hundred and thirty, north,
•0 range forty-eight, west,—
All situate, lying and being
in the county of Richland,
state of jNorth Dakota.
That said petition will be heard
by this court on Monday, the third
day of February, A. D. 1913, at in
clock in the forenoon of that
day, at the court rooms of this
court, in the court house, in tho
city of Wahpeton, county of R'.oti
land, and state of North Dakota.
And you and each of you are
hereby cited and required then
and there to be and appear be
fore this court and show cause,
if any you have, why this peti
tion should not be granted.
By the Court:
Judge of the County Court.
Attorney for Petitioners,
Wahpeton, N. D.
State of North Dakota, County
of Richland,—88.
Ill District Court. Fourth Ju
dicial District.
the complaint.
Dated this 16th day of Decem
ber, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
P. O. Address: Wahpeton, N. D.
The above-named defendants
and eaoh of them will please take
notice that this action relate* to
and involve* title to the following
described real proper?, situate,
lying and,being in Riehland coun
ty, North Dakota, to-wit:
The southeast quarter of
section fourteen, in township
one Hundred and thirty,
north,1 of range fifty-two,,
west of the fifth principal
meridian, containing one*
hundred and -sixty acres
more or less, aoeording to
the United States govern
ment survey thereof.
ilflK-jfSy W. S. LAUDER,
g. Attorney for Plaintiff
Notlo* and Oltatlon, Hearing of
Final Account and Distribu
tion of Batata.
State of North Dakota, County
of Richland,
In County Court, before Hon.
George VanArnam, Judge.
In the matter of the estate of
Augustus Aspinwall, Deoeased.
William B. Aspinwall,
riolly, and Stanley
T. Connolly,
Hattie L, Crowl, Mary A.
Aspinwall, Edson A..\
Aspinwall, Kate A.
Smith, and Maria
L. Aspinwall, Respondents.
The State of North Dakota to the
above named Respondents:
You, t,he said Hattie L. Crowl,
Mary A.' Aspinwall, Edson A. As
pinwall, Kate A. Smith and Maria
L. Aspinwall are hereby no
tified that the final account of
the administrator of the estate
of Augustus Aspinwall late of
the city of Wahpeton in the Coun
ty of Richland and State of North
Dakota, deceased, has been ren
dered to this Court, therein show
ing that the estate of said de
ceased is ready for final settle
ment and distribution, and pe
titioning that his account be al
lowed, the residue of said estate
be distributed to the persons there
unto entitled, his administration
closed and he be discharged
that Wednesday, the 26th day of
February A. D. 1913, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of that day, at
the Court rooms of this Court,
in the Court House, in the City
of Wahpeton, County of Richland
and State of North Dakota, has
beenfduly appointed by this Court
for the settlement thereof, at
which time and place any per
son interested in the estate may
appear and file his exceptions, in
writing, to said account and pe
tition and contest the same.
And you, the above .named re
spondents, and each of you, are
hereby cited and required then
and there to be and appear before
this Court, and show cause, if any
you have, why said account shall
not be allowed, the residue of
said estate distributed, the ad
ministration of said estate clos
ed and said William B. Aspinwall,
administrator, discharged.
Dated this 9th day of January
A. D. 1913.
By the Court,
Judge of the County Court.
State of North Dakota, County
of Richland.
In District C"i.rt, Fourth Ju
dicial Dictrict.
Albert Granrath, Plaintiff,
John H. Movius,
Mary B. Pierce, Flora E.
Brown, George A. Brown,
Abble L. Herrick, Lewis
Herrick, Nellie A. Le
l«nd, George F. Le-'
land, and all other per
•0ns unknown claiming
any estate or interest
ia or lien or Incum
brance upon the real
property described in
(lie complaint herein,
and their unknown
heirs, Defendants,
he State of North Dakota to the
above named Defendants:
You and each of you are here
summoned to answer the com
laint in this action, which said
plaint is now on file in the
ice of the clerk of the District
court of Richland county, North
Dakota, and to serve a copy of
your answer upon the subscriber
within thirty (30) days after the
service of this summons upon
you, exclusive of the day of such
service and in case of your fail
ure to appear or answer judg
ment will be taken against you by
^default for the relief demanded
American Bicycle Company
and all other persons
unknown claimingany
interest, or estate in,
.or lien, or incumbr
land which is described
in. the complaint herein,
The 8tate of North Dakota to the
above named Defendants:
You are hereby summoned to
answer the complaint in this ac
tion and to serve a copy of your
answer upon the subscribers with
In thirty (30) days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of service
and in case of your failure to
appear or answer judgment wilt
be taken against you by default
for the relief demanded in the
complaint, which complaint will
be filed in the office of the Clerk
of the above named Court atWah
peton, North Dakota.
Dated at Wahpeton, N. D., this
15th day of January, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
P. O. Address: Wahpeton, N. D.
To. the above tuuned defendants:
You will please take notice that
the above entitled action is
brought to determine adverse
claims and quiet title to real
property, situated in Richland
County, North Dakota, described
as follows, to-wit: Lot numbered
Three (3), in Block numbered
Fourteen (14), Root's Addition,
^Wahpeton, North Dakota, accord
ing to the map or plat thereof on
file in the office of the Register of
Deeds in and for said County and
Dated at Wahpeton, N. Di, Jan.
15th, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
P. 0. Address: Wahpeton, N. D.
Notloe of Expiration of Time or
E% of SE% of SE% of Sec
tion 10, township 136, range 51.
Sag! Real Estate being assess
ed \in 1908 to J. Slothaug.
You are hereby notified that
the said above described Real Es
tate was sold as provided by law
at the annual sale of lands upon
which taxes had become delin
quent, after advertisement there
of, as provided by law. which sale
"was made at the Auditor's office
at the Court House in the City of
Wahpeton, County of Richland,
State of North Dakota, on the
14th day of December 1909, and
the amount of delinquent tax due
upon the property aforesaid at
the date of sale was Two and 35
100 Dollars, including penalties,
costs and interest, to make which
amount the said property (was
then and there sold, as provided
by law,) for Two and 35-100 Dol
lars, and a Certificate of said sale
was issued to the purchaser therd*
of under the hand and seal of the
Auditor of said Richland County,
and you are further notified that
the owner and holder of the Cer
tificate 'so issued has presented
the same to the undersigned as
Auditor of said County, and de
manded a deed for said property
as provided by law, and said Cer
tificate being and remaining un
redeemed, and there being Four
and 16-100 Dollars due and un
paid thereon, including interest,
penalty and costs, and there ap
pearing no legal objection why a
tax deed should not be issued as
demanded. You are therefore no
tified that Four and 16-100 Dol
lars, exclusive of accruing costs,
is necessary to redeem said prop
erty from said sale, and that un
less the said amount and the
costs of this proceeding are paid
on or within ninety days after
the service of this notice upon
you, a tax deed will be issued
therefor as provided by law. Per
iod of redemption expires May
7th, 1913.
Given under my hand and offi
cial seal this 20th day of Janu
Auditor of Richland County, N. D.
County of Richland,
Office of County Auditor.
Wahpeton, (N.D., January 20, 1913
To Christine Rolphus the per
son in whose name certain Rear
Estate situate in Richland county,
North Dakota, and hereinafter
described, now appears of record
in the office, of the register of
deeds of Richland county and
which said Real Estate was assess
ed in«the year 1908 as follows:
J. N. Thompson,
Notiee of Expiration of Time of
Redemption. kj"$,
County of Richland,
Office of County Auditor.
Wahpeton, N.D., January 20, 1913
To H. J. Ruprecht the person
in whose name certain Real Es
tate situate in Richland county,
North Dakota, and hereinafter de
scribed, now appears of record
in the office of the register of
deeds of Richland county and
which said Real Estate was assess
ed in the year 1908 as follows:
W% of Section 7, township
133, range 52.
Said Real Estate being assessed
in 1908 to G. L. Moulton.
You are hereby notified that
the said above described Roii Es
tate was sold as provided by law
at the annual sale of lands upon
which taxes had become delin
quent, after advertisement there
of, as proivded by law, which sale
was made at the Auditor's office
at the Court House in the City of
Wahpeton, County of Richland,
State of North Dakota, on the
14th day of December 1909, and
the amount of delinquent tax due
upon the property aforesaid at
the date of sale was Seventy-one
and 02-100 Dollars, including
penalties, costs and interest, to
make which amount the said prop
erty (was then and there sold,
as provided by law,) for Seventy
one and 02-100 Dollars, and a
Certificate of said sale was issued
to the purchaser thereof under
the hand and seal of the Auditor
of said Richland county, and you
are further notified that the own
er and holder of the Certificate
so issued has presented the same
to the undersigned as Auditor of
said County, and demanded a
deed for said property as pro
vided by law, and said Certificate
beicg and remaining unredeemed,
and there being One Hundred
1)wenty-Five and 71-100 Dollars
due and unpaid thereon, including
interest, penalty and costs, ana
there appearing no legal objection
why a tax deed should not be issu
ed as demanded. You are there
fore notified that One Hundred
Twenty-Five and 71-100 Dollars,
exclusive of accruing costs, is
necessary to redeem said proper
ty from said sale, and that unless
the said amount and the costs of
proceeding are paid on or
within ninety days after the ser
vice of this notice upon you, a
tax deed will be issued therefor
as provided by law. Period of
redemption expires May 7th, 1913.
Given under my hand ana offi
cial seal this 20th day of January,
Auditor of Richland County, N. D.
J. N. Thompson,
The Time* want* a eorrespona
ent in every community in this
county. Ask for information and
Mrs. John Sether and daugh
ter were passengers to Wahpe
ton Saturday.
Miss Laura Bagg spent Sunday
with her sister, Florence, at Wah
M. C. Peterson and daughter,
Mabel, visited' with relatives at
Vining, Minn., over Sunday.
John Quinlan and family of
Devils Lake, arrived Monday eve
ning for a, visit with Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Quinlan.
Hattie and Hiram Bagg of Wah
peton spent Sunday with their
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Will Pelzl on Sunday, January
Mrs. Clara Smith was a passen
ger to Wahpeton Saturday.
Mrs. Agness Comstock return
ed to Wahpeton Saturday.
G6orge Tomz was at Wahpe
ton between trains Saturday.
Will Interest Readers of The
Those having the misfortune
to suffer from backache, gravel,
dropsical swellings, rheumatic
pains, or other kidney and blad
der troublesNow sthe time fora
der disorders, will read with grati
flcation this encouraging state
ment by a Wahpeton man.
Henry J. Dietz, 820 N. Fifth
St., Wahpeton, N. D., says: "A
severe pain in the small of my
back, together with other symp
toms of diordered kidneys led me
to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which
I procured at Keen's Drug Store.
Soon after I began taking this
remedy I was relieved and con.
tinued use cured me. I do not
hesitate one moment in recom
mending this reliable kidney medi
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York,sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's
Doan's—and take no other.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks almanac
for 1913 is now ready. It is the
most splendid number of this
popular year book ever printed.
Its value has been more than ever
proven by remarkable fulfillments
of its storm, weather and earth
quake forecasts this year. Pro
fessor Hicks justly merits the con
fidence and support of all the
people. Don't fail to send 25c
for his 1913 almanac, or only one
dollar 'for his splendid magazine
and almanac one year. The best
one dollar, investment possible
in any home or business. Send
to Words and Works Publishing
Company, 3401 Franklin Ave., St
Louis, Mo.
Four Famous Stage Beauties
look with horor on skin erup
lions, blotches, sores or pimples.
They don't have them nor will any
one who uses Bucklin's Arnica
Salve. It glorifies the face. Ec
zema or salt rheum vanish before
it. It cures sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblains heals burns,
cuts and bruises. Unequalled for
piles. Only 25c at all druggists.
The Win. B. White KeOnl
tugh Lumber Co. have a large sup
ply of bard eoal on hand. Can
furnish stove, nut and pea size*
on short nolle*. Adv.
California Woman Seriously
"A short time ago I contracted
a severe cold which setteled on
my lungs and caused me a great
deal of annoyance. I would have
bad coughing spells and my
lungs were so sore and inflamed
I began to be seriously alarmed.
A friend recommended Chamber
lain's cough remedy, saying she
had used it for five years. I bou
ght a bottle and it relieved my
cough the first night, and in a
week I was rid of the cold and
soreness of my lungs," writes
Miss Marie Gerber, Sawtelle, Cal.
For sale by all dealers. Adv.
For Sale—A blacksmith equip
ment with tools complete, elec
tric power, in one of the best
towns in North Dakota. For par
ticulars write or call on R. Y. Mo
Michael, Wahpeton, N. D. Adv.
House and five lot* for sale In
the village of Colfax. Inquire of
Mr*. Rivett, Wahpeton, |H. D. Adv.
Have you read J. R. Molloy's
add in this Issue of The Times?
Folia a Foul Plot
When a shameful plot exists
between liver and bowels to cause
distress by refusing to act, take
Dr. King's New Life Pills, and
end such abuse of your system.
They gently compel right action
of stomach, liver and bowels, and
restore your health and all good
407 Dakota Ave.
"feV+f *rl\S,
Big Stock Fuel
Wood and Coal
In hard coal 1 have nut, stove
and egg sizes
City Property or Farm Lands
feelings. 25c at all druggists.^
Irvin L.. Streeter & Co. have
several desirable residence prop
erties for sale. If you are con
templating the purchase of a
home, call at their office over tho
Peoples State Bank. Adv.
Pocahontas Smokeless
Smokeless Briquets
Mine Run Smokeless
Blacksmithing Coal
All kinds of wood, also fence posts
Call on the
Wahpeton North Dakota
The Wm. H.
WhiteS McCulloch Lumber Co.
is the oldest lumber company in the state. They are
strictly a North Dakota concern with head office at
Fargo, N. D. They carry a full line of
Lumber, Sash and Doors, Mouldings,
Shingles, Brick and Cement
They have the best equipped cement block plant in the
state. Give us a call when in need of building material
J. J. HULL,, Manager
Q. D.RIttenHotise
Proprietary Medicines, Wall Paper, Toilet
Articles, Ggars, Etc.
We make a specially of compounding physician's
prescriptions. j.
Columbia Restaurant ft Annex
ANTON GILLES, Proprietor
First Class Meals and Lunches
Served to Order at all Hours
Short Orders a Specialty
•linn iiiimi
Steam Heated
Wahpston, N. D.

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