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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
1 intthfr schools Vacat.,. -this wee*. "Pathos Weekly Braun's theatre. 'tbnight at iNew gods arriving daily at the Wonder Store. Prof. Rurwell was. a Fargo ^visi tor last Saturday. L. Fngelman left Tuesday on a businect^trip »c the twin cities. The jury disagreed in the Jim I Jam Jems ease at Bismarck last fweeki 1 ....... Streeter & Co. Ihie.week sold Sthe Martin Early fe^^ar Wood hull to testern'pamp^ Dr. ITarr has closed up his »Wahpeon office and-will confine his practice to Lijgerwood. The Wonder SMfre fg theplace I for you—rcome and see for your self—Bargains ^veiywhere. Supt. -Sweet f.w|i&: ipnfc of the /judges in the 6n0tiil contest I In Fairnjiount lasi ^iday night. Sheriff Budack antj depu^r were transacting busine/Hr ,in Wynd mere arid Hankinson last, Mon day. Services Vrill be held intbe Episcopal church next Friday, March 21, at 10:30 a. m/ All are cordially invited. The Methodist lidies aidwill hold an Easter bake sale at the Wahpeton Furniture store on Saturday March "The Grotto of. Torture,'' an animal story will 'be shown at the Braun theatre Monday and Tues day, March 24 anil 25r Rinderman, the shoe man, is daily receiving merchandise to add to hj.8 stock of shoes for the spring and summer wear. Mrs. Henry Connolly, assisted by Mesdames Ruddy, and Fandel will Entertain the St. John's ladies aid on Thursday afternoon, March 27th, iat her home o!n Fourth' street. Geo. Wallace and wife came down from Bismarck last week to look afier some business mat ters and see about moving the rest of his household goods to Bismarck, where he will make his home, for the next six years. fiiWIW •i U' to Saturday night. The Shoe Man H.F. 3." system of dry cleining.* Saturday riitrht. .sm Mrs. McClintock has been con fined to her bed for a week. Tillie and Eddie udack are visiting in Fergus Falls this week Carrie Budack is spending her ??ur Emmerson Smith and wife of Fargo were Sunday guests at the home of Pres. and Mrs. Smith. Fred Sewrey of Fargo was an over Sunday visitor at the home of his paents, Rev. and Mrs. Sew rey. Don't forget the date of the ladies chorus concert March 26. Opera house. Tickets 50c. Pro gramme arranged exactly to suit you. Adv. A second mass meeting was bailed last Monday night to nomi nate candidates for. police mag istrate and city justice. F. B. Schneller was the citizens choice for the former and Judge Dow for the. latter office. You will find on sale another 1000 yards of embroidery—17 in. wide—excellent quality at 35c a yard—our price only 10c per yd. The Wonder Store. Aow Ready to take care of your shoe wants: We have aimed first to find the best Shoes at the price that it is possible to produce, and next to open the neatest and most up-to-date shoe store in this vicinity Easter vacation visiting friends ^orus ®onc®rt. "Dayo and Reban" in their elec nAw hnt trical, musical and dancing nov oHv Afll a# Ikn 4 W a in Hankinson. Oppie has received a "w® receivea a new nat v: 7 case that matches the rest of his store fixtures in flnisli. week. Easter Buns at the Wahpe- ton Bakery from Thursday noon Ladies Chorus concert, opera A 4new house, Wednesday evening, Mar- .. ch 26th. Tickets 50c. Reserve !-.r,"k and complete line of ladies and ohildrens spring and summer underwear is going at special sale prices at the Wonder Store. Harry Stone was• calling on friends in the city the fore part of the week. He has just re turned from Maryland where he spent the winter at the old home. "r II-• •/. -9 WAr Vl in •j*.- are Filigree Shoes For Ladies O'Donnell Shoes For Mdi m* KBUMW mcu $3.00, $3-50, $4 OOf* $5.00 We guarantee shoe comfort We take the greatest pains to fit your feet properly. fi 1 •ih. Styles Here you will find not only the lat est and best shoes, but the laigest I stock of new &6es in this vkitutif: Fitter of Feet jf ... Vss rCi' v.i-' A yx iftt jgmmmamm mmJl Mrs. M. C. Walker and Iflss Iola Cameron were Fargo visitors last Saturday. ....,' ^fliot* JS, Buhl 'it im yahpeton -iiki-- f*: nw Hupeiou Q#pfe ^installing the Bowser *r»in Thufrsdey eHy.aC hats ynoohto Satujetlajr liight. Clerk of Court Bergman was a witness in the federal court at Fargo last week. Go to Wolfe's today and have f®al9 Pe»erved for .the*$a. un theatre next If you want a real Iad,es |!»rgain in »nl childrens re^tty to wear y°W will find them at the Karl Mikkelson made his first trip as traveling sftli&main fbr Leach & Gamble this-week. 'v£' W. E. Purcell attended the banquet given- .in honor of Gov ernor Burke at Fargo on Tues day evening. French Dry Cleaning—Does not A. o^ fade at once. The Grotto of Torture" in two reels. A thrilling animal story will be shown at Braun's theatre £-I wm. imr next Mnndnv .nH T,,B.,i»v plements and repair* on handof next Monday and Tuesday. -, clothes. Tfce Phone Mitchell-Finlay Cleaners. 297. 304 Dak. Ave. Mrs. M. N Early i^ &dverjtiBj^g an auction sale of tlie. fVni. im. 1 -:a a i«»i. «. the late M. N. Early Stock. The present teaching force in our public schools 'halve all been reelected to ..their respective po sitions for toother year. Ladies chorus, fifty, voices in charming programme, opera house, March 26th. Do not miss it. Adv. James Gardner, an old!.time, res ident of Wahpeton, but .for'the past few years livijng at Spokane, Wash., died in thart city last week. Clifford, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cherry, is on the sick list. The a?'mints are the measles and a tovch of pneu monia. Get your tickets reserved, at once at Wolfe's grocery for the Ladies Chorus concert. Entire house 50c. A big lipe of laces on sale at the Wonder Store—don't fail to see them—they can't be beat. The last number of the Science School lecture course will be givtn by the International Operatic Co. in the opera house Thursday eve ning, March 20th. Extra special for Friday and Saturday while they last—-a beau tiful line of hemstiched and em broidered pillow cases—splendid quality worth and sold at $1.00 a pair elsewhere—our price 49c a pair The Wonder Store. The best concert of the season, Ladies Chorus, opera house, on March 26th. Tickets reserved to day. Miss Iola Cameron entertained a few lady friends last Monday night. The guest of honor waft Miss Valley Wright. The occas ion was her birthday anniversary A guessing contest created con siderable amusement. Dr. Fitzgerald has moved his office to the rooms formerly occu pied by the Booster club over Hausken's store. Aidv. The county treasurer reports 9273,652.22 as the amount of money received by him for the payment of the regular taxes, during the month of February. This is th.e largest collection of taxes ever made in this county in one month. When In need of anything In the Watkins line, eall at 23 So. Second street, Wahpeton, where your wants will be attended to. Adv. 45 inch Swiss embroidery—just the thing for dresses—a beautiful line to select from—sold every where at from 50c to 75c per yard. Our price only 19c. It's a wonder and cannot be duplica ted by anyone. Come and see for yourself. The Wonder Store. Did you know that there is no place like the Wonder store for Corsets? Not a lot of cheap cor sets but high grade in every re spect—sold at from 98c to $6.00 elsewhere—look. us oyer before buying. Speoial' fittings givfe.n by Mrs. Ross, a thorough corset lady. A few: of Mrs. Walson's friends assisted her: in celebrating a birthday anniversary last. Mon day night. co\|ple of hours wejre .enjoyed at whist af|sr which 'dainty refreshments Were fi if 'K a-rwai Vhn 1^, ni, sh*Pe' Can save ypu money. Farmers and Stockmen—now is the time to fix up your cat Ue, horses,* sheep and hog*, have opened up a shoe re Watkin's stock tonic will be 'a p^ir i|iop in the Purdon store great help. Call or write the AH work guaranteed to give sat Watkin's man, 23 8econd Street isfaction. Thef snappiest styles in shoes are to be found at Oscar Rinder man Vshoe store. French Dry Cleaning—Does not shrink or fade the clothes. The Mitchell-Finlay Cleaners. Phone 297. 304 Dak. Ave. Harry Lieber has one of the neatest stores in the whole coun try. fiis stock is all entirely neW and uptodate. His customers will all get value received and courw teoijs treatment. Elwood terson is a very able assistant in the new store* The Wahpeton Iron Works are now prepared to' do welding of all kinds of brokeh castings, as well as other machine work Good Friday services at the'" Immanuel German Evangelical Lutheran church, corner Fifth street and Pembina ^avenue, Fri day evening, at 7:45. Rev. Hick of Great Bend will preach the sermon. Regular Sunday servi ces will take place as usual, ex cept when special announcements are made. Mr$i Hazel Moody and Miss Donna Forkner entertained at a receipe shower for Miss Iola Cameron Tuesday night at the Forkner home on Fourth street There were about a dozen guests. The dfcoations were all in S$« Patrick's green. The smusemeniM were fait tin and rummy. A* delictus luncheon was served.' Fdt SALE—Four Big Fopr Gas Traction Ehgines srith plows Hackney Building, St. Paul, Minfi: W^Spnjig garments now. Styles I were iliever prettier—-Coats oi*4 Suits were never more reason 4bly priced. You get the latest selection here, Get yours before ones are gone. ^'"v'CkwtSv®^ The new 45-inch and 48-inch length cutaway coats in & wide range of pretty new materials jui both fight and dark colors., Wooltexcoats and niany other makes that for quality, style and workmanship can- iiidt See Our be equalled at the jprfce. $10.00, II2J0, $1180, $19.00ami opto$26.00 '".u In Our Children's Department In Infant's Goats frbiti2 to 6 years of age we have practically anything one could wish for, serge and mixture coats in light andf 'dapk colors, white serge and also white cotton pique coats at $1.00, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5.00. Other pretty exdusivse models in nor folk and other pretty styles at $6.00 and $6.50. Children's Goats. In these sizes (6 to 14 years) you have almost an un limited choice here. Serges and mix tures in pretty new girlish styles that will please you, navy blue and tan serges and light arid wurk.colored mix tures, priced from $$.73 ft $8.50. See our Children's Dresses for Spring jf and Summer wear -'yy-t, fi-V:. u.-e Patr. yi:& j! «'U •l1.- ifl •4* r.i'. 4i-:* =maeaaaammm!m Oppie's Toggery Wahpeton, N. D. $3* T? VERY "IMPERIAL! Hat is guaranteed to «ive full wear satisfaction If it breaks its pledge yo^i ea new one free.«||| Ask the' Imperial AgenA to shw you this guaran 'I' .. r' .ft I '•i am* i.: 1,^ Suits Plain tailored* cut-' aways, norfolk and other pretty new styles in Wooltex* McPherson & Langford and other well known makes. A wide range el styled and materials in each: Our $25.00 Wooltex suits are the greatest values ever Shown. Ollwrsat $19.00, $1M0 Is $07JO. 1 i.ii" ft. i3 ::v'K5S P» "H Ji IV I I I fi 'l' t-i* .f