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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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|Bv :^W- lisrViSi"' *K !l 9? r. 'M b:m$- :fc*::•' '-ySsril^ ~M v'jCj J' .'f$ 'W0ati b.t-.. !iit '. w\ ?4.fVi TS-!n»' £fc 'Ij-V :»R Phono Ut 64 tr Call 1M& Kb a Mttufactarm of ud Dwtonln foreign and Domestic Marble r$ and Granite Monnmenta 5 per cent Paid on All Time $ Deposits The National Bank if's' fa fJ H: M. Phone 111L1 Coping andiron Fences 1. J. Koif, J. B. Villig, hops. 1 WAHPETON. N. D. W. L. GARTER, President DAN R. JONES JOSEPH PATTERSON, Vfee-Pr D. D. 8WANK esident PAUL METER W. F. ECKES, Cashier WESLEY PATTERSON P. A. PESGHEL, Asst. Cashier O. K. ULSAKER f-^fs jr" His Risky 1 Business ifei 'W-yl,x\ Nowdays to buy groceries that are not protected by the pure food laws of our home state, N.D., (which are the best in the U. S.) All our groceries are guaranteed I to us and we therefore guaran tee them to the trade to be 1 absolutely pure and just as rep resented. Goods delivered. m?- I Have Just Received A CARLOAD OF SMOKELESS •liV rtf*- -w ^Aakd would like to f&l yo$*|tf^$fer. i"' V?:'A Remember that I always cany a full line of nut and stove rises in hard coal, Pocahontas coal and ^JfaalMaiiiia tpUnt andtfae bestjrsde rfsoftcoal Yaid 314 3id Street 'H o»!' ,Cr.Xc xa MMSMEkTlM Citizens mass meeting held at the. city hall in the oity of Wah. peton, North Dakota, March 14th 1913, at S o'clock p. m., called at the request of the City Council for the purpose of nominating aldermen. Mayor Eberly called the meet ign to order. On motion Mayor Eberly was. elected chairmap of^the meeting. P. B. Schneller was on motion elected secretary of the meeting. Motion carried that the voters present from each ward nominate their aldermen for the respective wards of the city. The voters present held their respective ward meetings and re ported the following nomina tions: Nick Freiderick for alderman of the First ward. W. L. Fricke for the two year term and T. R. Mahan for the one year term as aldermen of the Second ward. Peter Simonsen for aldermen of the Third ward. G. L. Harris for alderman of the Fourth ward. Motion carried that the chair man of this meeting appoint a committee of two from each ward to circulate petitions nominating the above named persons for al dermen as aforesaid. The chairman appointed as such committee the following per sons. Matt Kraker and Nick Eckes for the First ward. Wm. J. Dietz and W. L. Fork ner for the Second ward. M. Peschel and Nels Oslund for the Third ward. O. J. Olson and W. A. Baker for the Fourth ward. Motion carried to adjourn. F. B. SCHjNELLER, •,: Secretary. Ohronle Stomach Trouble Oured There is nothing more dis couraging than a chronic disord er of the stomach. It is not sur prising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a per manent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trifle. "A bout one year ago," says P. H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., I pur chased a package of Chamber lain's Tablets, and since using them I have felt perfectly well. v?V A:'-. 8- Iffi- 3 *r Is Here Alabastine wall col ors make the home look the freshest^ean est and most home like Heavy and Shelf Hardware Tinware, Stoves,Prints, Oils I had previously used any num ber of different medicines, but none of them were of any last ing beneSt.".. For sale by all dealers. .-I ',s Fof a first class modern up-to date hotel nothing better any where at popular prices, remem ber the Beaufort hotel of Min neapolis, Minn. Adv. Have you read J. R. Molloy's add in this issue of The Times? Cleaning, repairing and press ing. All work neatly and prompt ly done. L. J. Mitchell. NOTIOE OP ELKOTION Notice is hereby given that the annual election of elective offi cers the City of Wahpeton, Richland County, North Dakota, will bo held on Monday, the 7th day of March, A. D. 1913, at the following polling places in the several wards of the said city, to-wit: First Ward in the Commercial hotel. Second Ward in the Sheriff's office. Third Ward in the City Hall. Fourth Ward in the Wahpeton hotel. Said election will be held foi* the purpose of eleoting the foli lowing officers, to-wit: One Police Magistrate. One City Justice. One Alderman in the First Ward for the regular term of twq years. $ Two Aldermen in the Second Ward, one for one year and onc| for the regular term of two yearsl One Alderman in the Second Ward for the term of one year. One Alderman in the Third Ward fore th regular term of two years. One Alderman in the Fourth Ward for the regular term of two years. At said election the polls will be opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon and will be kept open from that time until five o'clock in the afternoon of said day and no longer. Dated at Wahpeton, North Da kota, this 17th day of March, A. D. 1913. By order of City Council. (Seal) CLARK M. OLSON, City Auditor. 'V'.V You are planning to do some painting and kal somining. Remember that the Sherwin & Williams is the best ready mixed paint on the market. Try the flat tone finish for in side work. For Sale—A blacksmith equip ment with tools complete, eleo trie power, in one of the best towns in North Dakota. For par. tioulars write or eall on R. V. Mc Michael, Wahpeton, N. D. Adv. MONEY TO UMM ON FARMS I am in a position to make Uv) 0 -M i-. «j|: A Ui III W 4 Wood and Coal In hard coal I have nut, stove and egg elzes SOFTCOAL: All kinds of wood, also fence posts J. B. Lotzer FOR A LOAN on City Property or Farm Lands Call an loans on farms at ik I6w rate .of Interest and give you the priv ilege of paying off the mortga ge on any interest paying day.y, It would pay you well to have ai talk with me before plaeing ai, loan on your farm. ,iU LOUIS FLIGELMAN, Adv. Wahpeton, N. ltu Cannel Pocahontas Smokeless Smokeless Briquets Mine Run Smokeless IBIacksmitMng Coal Hocking the The Wm. H. WhiteS HcCnlloch Lumber Co. is the oldest lumber company in the state.' They are strictly a North Dakota concern with head office at Fargo, N. D. They carry a full line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Brick and Cement T3#y have the best equipped cement block plant in the state. Give us a call when in need of building material J. J. HULL, Manager Ct D.RIttenhotise DRUGGIST Pi-oprietary Medicines, Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Ggars, Etc. We make a specially of compounding pbyaician'a prescriptiona. 4ANTON GILLES, Proprietor Short Orders a Specialty «». »v ,v'' 407 Dakota Ave. 1 North Dakota Meala and Lunchea Served to Order at all Houre PHONE NO. 1 .. ,, Stoun Heated Rooms Wahpeton, N. D. -,A. 'h? 'I !riv i1' .•r' I •:w 1 •t«"f 1 Vi '•'is -i,