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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
yv' ,-..^ g--— ,j& i- tl rip "if- &• Peterson is erecting a ..,very large two story granary for •Iver Bolhjem at his farm on the .'rive* ..and Martin Hanson is help ing With the work. Bergum closed his first gy repairs, term of school near Colfax, and returned to Sheyenne last week.o /Where he got a job as carpenter iwith IPaul Peterson. Otir school in the Central dis /trict was closed on the 25th of •. April and four days before the end of the term on account of the. imumps among the children. Not |even the two teachers, Newman J|Wel8on and Chris Solhjen, were 4 spared, but as they now are re -covering they will finish the term ^beginning again on the 5th. We are glad to read reports tabout the success of Miss Cla'.a f.Solhjen as teacher in the Helen. j*dale schools and wish her a ton ^tinuous success in the future. A week ago the Hon. Andrew ^.Jersin of Walcott was out here taking a look at his farm and decided to turn the place into a pasture. Olaf Hagen was ap pointed superintendent of the farm and ordered a wind mill and tower from the Moyer Bros, of Barrie. Ingmar Bjorgan is .now erecting the windmill and driving down a pump. One night last week the wolves w.enfc clear into the dwelling house of Einor Ulsaker and took a big fat goose. The Gilbert Brothers dug out nine wolf pups last week and shipped them alive to Wahpeton. Ole Germundsen of Helendale and Tom Anderson of Owigo have each purchased an Overland auto from Porter •& Leonard. Peter Hille is now carrying the mail with his new Ford auto which is Working to his satisfac tion. "?'$t If there is any person in Wali- THE FLOWER OF FLOURS which Our Best brand is, natur ally produces the best of bread. A woman does not have to be an expert baker in order to get -good bread, if she uses our -flour. TRY A SACK OF OUR BEST next time. Don't mix it with any other. For it is just right 'as it is, as you will acknow ledge after your first baking. Hew Star Roller Hills THE Bendaflarket YY ftiUiUMWi" x1-J OUTDOOR PLEASURES I are apt to produces keen appetite •••.$ which almost anything win satisfy. But even the most languid of appe tites t« tempted with our FRESH MEATS Try our lamb chops, for Instiance, you want something hot and delicious And a slice of our ham indeed between meals. ",\'i peton having an old and worn out Sunday at Fargo. auto to sell cheap, notify John R-1 J. J. Lawrence autoed to Hank Johnson, Homestead, N. I inson Thursday. If there is anything in a print- Miss Elsie Smith accepted a ing office by the name of the devil position with the Farmers' Tele he must have been present when Phone company Saturday, my article in The Times about Frank Veit was a passenger to the taril^ was set in type, as the a treat ft! FRANK BENDA, Vahpetoi,N.D One Door East ot PoatOthee wprd "fine" was set instead of Vifree." It should, have been ••freev traded. inslieaa of ''fine Wade.*' II. you catchhim tie iiiin up, editor. "."-" "v'' Erik R. Johnson is now running his iOwn rip saw fend is sawinghis own material for wagon and hug- I I Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hafner left for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Thursday morning where Mrs. Hafner will take treatments at a sanitarium, v.--V:f11 zW'y Si 'V The Misses Margaretta and Eli zabeth Chernich and Francis Len zen and Mr. Frank Veit autoed to Wahpeton Monday. SfeVf -yf f- Steve Hafner aiid daughter OU via were passengers to Wahpe ton Monday. Adolph Yeit and Guy Clement autoed to Wahpeton Wednesday. Herbert Johnson of Dwight was in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Rutnmell Returned Monday evening from a three weeks' visit at Foxhome and Wall Lake, Minn. Mr. Wamsley of Barney'was in town between trains Tuesday. Dr. Halts? Hektner of Battle Lake, Minn., arrived Saturday for a visit with relatives. Messrs. John Tomz, Ferd Ev enson and Anton Hafner vere passengers, to Wahpeton Satur day. Mrs. Alfred Egnes was a pas senger to Wahpeton Saturday. Miss Thompson visited with her parents at Wahpeton Satur day. The Misses Marks and Mr. O. Olson of Great Bend were in town Saturday. Miss Susie Chernich returned Thursday evening from a visit at Fargo and Mapleton. itfiss Elizabeth Chernich spent Fargo Saturday. Olaf Peterson returned from Two Harbors, Minn., Saturday where he spent the winter. Adolph Veit autoed to Wahpe ton Monday. Will Pelzl was. a, Fargo visitor Saturday. D. L. Quinlan received his new Ford car Sunday. IN THE COUNTY Lidgerwood wants a ball team. A barber at Abercrombie is giv ing instructions in papdr bang ing. Wolvertoiv was mcorporaled as a village last week at a special election. t- The Walcott Reporter would impose a tax on baby carriages aind wheel barrows, —o— An auto club has been organ ized at Lidgerwuod with a view to improving the highways in that locality. —o— The Fairmount News is sure some booster. It keeps the peo ple posted on thai new railroad all the time. Two Lidgerwood boys were ar rested at Hankinson last week for '"scorching" on motorcycles and were fined $5.00 each. Tber Abercrombie" Messenger has again changed hands and is now under the management of Johnson & Westersoij. Fairmount is obtaining wide reputation as an egg market. Ac ording to the News of that place thirteen hundred cases of eggs were shipped from there last Week. (J'W 5 $ it .-Q Mr. and Mrs. Nels Elton of Co fax township were royally enter tained by over three hundred of their friends and neighbors last week, the occasion being the 25th anniversary of Mieir marriage. When in Minneapolis stop at the Beaufort hotel near the whole sale and retail districts, theatre and railway stations. Street car to any part of the city pass our r« 1 kl $« 1 iv tl ... 30 h' —O— •'-•o®': 'V 5" -vArf A -1-, Wahpeton, HARD COAL The Wm. H. White ft McCul lugh Lumber Go. have a large sup ply of hard eoal on hand. Can furnish stove, nut and pea sizes on short notioe. Adv. C.H.Thompson, O.D OPTICAL SPECIALIST "f-. il.-r .. EYEGLAS3RS and SPEC TACLES from the very cheapest kind to the very beat gold frameu with tone lenaea properly fitted. My glaaaea will aatiefy you. Wabpeon, fen Guaranteed 25 ».#} Trial -m i-S if '1 Nights Free ''J •iO" The Way "Never-Spread" Mattress HAS tl a' patented seamed tick, which makes it impossible to spread. It always fits the bed. Outlasts several ordinary cotton felt mattresses—costs no more. Always comfortable always shapely. "Tailor-made"—the very best materials,'the very best workman ship employed in their manufac ture. Price only $15.00. W, D. t* ft rr, t!" & V1 Notice iidud teami on rader tide of lick, taking up (lack between tail*. "The Scheme it in the Seam." Equal in every way to mattresses costing $5 to $10 more, only mattress with the. non-spreading feature. Highest grade, pure, long fibre cotton felt used in this mattress. The Way "Never-Spread" Mattress is also made in two other grades—prices $12.50 and $17.50. The only difference being in the grades of cotton-felt and ticking used. 30 Nights' Free Trial Tou can't appreciate the strong features of dally the luxurious comfort—until you have slept on one. Let us send one to your home on the condition that you can return It get your money back If you are not satisfied, after trying it out for 30 nights. In addition you get an absolute guarantee against spreading. We also have In stock "way" Guaranteed Springs, beds and sanitary ateel cots. Prices $12.50 to $17.50 The Comfort of a Box Spring at One-Fourth the Cost WAY "NEVER-SPREAD" MATTRESS 1 The this mattress—espift- and Dr. C. P. 'Pice Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specially tnnEIcg., fitc}r.i::(fc, •Jw&. cNl. cNgss 2^Optician -A:--.':: •v",' -.j -4 Onstad S Vaughan "Everything in Furniture" ft Kr r.-'V NICK MEYERS Y^y\Z •i-: Ever sleep on a box spring? Talk about your luxurious comfort, real restfulness—that's it! Yet you may not feel like investing $25 or $30 in a box spring. The next best thing is a ...... Way "Sagless" Spring It has many ot the features of a box spring. For comfort it can't be equaled by anything but a box spring. Absolutely sagless. noiseless, unbreakable. You get a new spring free if it sags within 25 years from date of purchase. For $7.00 you get sleeping comfort for life. The only way you can really appreciate the comfort' of this spring is to sleep on one. Try it for 30 nights. If you are not de lighted we'll take the spring right back and return your money. Drop in any time and look over our stock of "Way" Guaranteed Beds, Mattresses, Springs and Cots. One Price $7.00 tV^Bn iV*' SPRING We still have a number of good bargains in sec ond hand furniture. Picture framing and re pairing recieve prompt and careful attention. I Am Prepared to take Contracts for Dwellings and other Buildings and is at or or or re pa in Estimates for concrete and mason work M. ..NEW TONSORIAL PARLOR. 1 ,'Mf •twvir fa IT ~T7" 4 r*r HT 7* V-.,. I We make a specialty of is in housekeeping outfits and will gladly figure on furn ishing any size house. Dak. Equipment New ',v W41 Work First Class and Up-to-Date Courteous Treatment Aeeonied to All Shower and Tub Baths In Connection First Door Wist of Swanks Grocery ih -t# I ly.- tf§* wmm.s H#4 lt, 1 4 fat- & 5 rrr $,1 "dv *k-jf-hi .'i VJY V, 'IH 'A- V" $ -r 4 ,* v'V, f-V f' ,4 r} {••Ma '4i .:*4