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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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••/'.. A dt vCSiS i*2* •,» r* «, ft- L» /, 'f' ,K?'V' 1 ,' c-'^ „', ,4lir "t '*1 & 5 2 /, 4®a7 'i** Pr, +$ $ J" J* 1$*?'$ S J"$ 11-it IS ,// "V 1 ment in Next Edition of This Paper for DATES of our Big Summer Goods fr iiiL-y' ••*•*.•-+ Clearance $ v' ^,J Sale •*i I.' jn"\ '****. BEEHIVE n« 4^ 4, if*- ,4'fVj Girl wanted at the Dairy Lunch. Eva Shea autoed to Fargo SaU urday evening. E. H. Myhra pras a Fargo visi tor last Sunday. Mrs. Lulu Lauterman is visit ing at the Weling home. .,(ij Miss Maude Hausken spentja day in Hankinson last week. Darrell Rasmussen is deliver* ing groceries for Dietz & Murray LOST—Bunch of keys. Finder please leave at Times office. James Purdon and family left for the lakes Wednesday morn ing. Prof. Chas. Hanson came down from Christine Wednesday morn ing. Coming soon, at the Braun theatre "The Millionaire Cow boy." A son of William Popp is in the hospital for treatment for ap pendicitis. Wm. Schutt, August Bergman and their wives autoed to Fargo last Sunday. D. D. and O. O. Swank are en tertaining their father from Ah oka, Minn. D. D. Swank returned last week from a visit of a couple of weeks in Montana. There was a little more than a one inch rain fell in Wahpetdn Tuesday night. County Auditor Burton is fn Bismarck this week attending a Masonic meeting. Dr. Thompson has moved to northern Minnesota where he will open up an office. Grace and Hazel VanArnam re turned home the fore part of the week from Walcott. Litany will be said in the Epis copal church next Friday evening at 7:30 by Rev. Brown. Prof. Truby of the Lidgerwood schools is one of the instructor^ at the summer school. B. L. Lounsbury left Frday ev¥| ning for Reimlander, Wisconsjp for a visit of three weeks. FOR RENT—A five room house. Inquire of John Whyte at the Wahpeton Hardware Co. Geo. W. Wallace has bjtj shaking hands with friends in^t^ city a day or two this week. Watkins, the enforcement lea gue man, has been in the dfty and county for some time. Pres. Smith is attending the meeting of the Masonic grand lodge at Bismarck this week. Bentley & Norton have a large trantula bottled up which theyp Sheriff Budack went to Lidger found in a bunch of bananas. W. E. Purcell and J. W. Perk ins are at Bowman for a couple of weeks on business purposes. P. Meyer returned on Monday night from a church conference in St. Thomas, Pembina county. "The Millionaire Cowboy," is coming to the Braun theatre'Mn the near future. Watch for the date. Miss Marguerite Baker has^jlf} for Lake Chilan, Wash., to spend the summer with her brother, Lyman. Judge VanArnam is to h° nna of the speakers at the Veblin C8R? bration. Mrs. Onstad and Mrs. Rasi%s sen entertained a few friends at a thimble bee last Saturday after, noon. Miss Florence Purdon retur home last week from Grand 7 where she has been attending University. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Korf *Q|re had as guests a brother &id a sister of Mr. Korf from Meyers' Grove, Minn. 5,1 Henry Procnow has a daughter and Wm. Weis of Great 'Bend a son in the Breckenridge hospi tal with typhoid. Bert Hull is home from rthe University of Minnesota, he hav ing graduated from the law de partment this year. if •G. J. Johnson, Judge Van!}Ar anm and their wives attendeli a picnic on the Sheyenne in Barrie township last Sunday. The Gollmar- Brothers circus is being advertised all ove part of the country. ThejC will be in Wahpeton July 9th. Mr. Kepler, the stenographer in Judge Lauder's office and a(law student, Is taking the bar tttlin ination in Grand Forks this 4Cek. The Wahpeton Garage 'Sintd ing is progressing nicely. ?JThe walls are completed up to' the second story. Mrs. C. E. Wolfe and son, Hu bert, left Friday morning for Stewart lake where they wUf re main for the balance of the sum mer. week where they will yisil^toc month with her parents. iviji- It has been semi-officially an nounced that the 2 cent if$tte on the G. N. and N. P. in Minnesota will go into effect-July 10th.' Mr. Jacobs is visiting his fam ily at the Fligelman home for a few days. He is on a trip that takes him to the western part of the country. "The Little Minister," a story portraing Scotish life and of heart interest, will be shown at the Braun theatre Monday and Tuesday, June 30 and July 1. Many from Wahpeton attend ed the Old Settlers1 meeting in Walcott last week, and the rough roads prevented many auto loads from going from here. Andrew Peterson and Miss Car. rie Kjelland, both of Walcott, were united in marriage by Judge VanArnam, at the county court rooms 'Monday morning. Wm. Schutt and wife autoed over from Hankinson Wednesday He got stuck in the mud with the car and had to have the assis tance of a team to pull him out. Amund Fatland was brought down from Walcott last week charged with assault with a dead ly weapon. He gave bonds for his appearance in district court. "The Little Minister," a beau tiful story portrayed by the Yi tagraph Co. will be shown at the Braun theatre Monday and Tues day, June 30 and July 1. Mrs. C. B."Kidder is enjoying a visit from Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Wallace will be remembered a* Miss Allensworth who taught in the high school a few year sago. Miss Tilda Aust, who has been visiting in the city for several weeks, left Monday night for E&r_ go and Winnipeg where she will visit before returning to her own home in Minneapolis. L. B. Simmer has been doing considerable cement work aroUnd town. He put in a walk in fr^nt of Alderman Hodel's- residence, also the walk cn the west side of the Hintgen property. John Holt was brought down from Walcott last Saturday nght iby Sheriff Budack charged with assault. John had taken a li(t)e too much fire water and star ed in to clean up the town. j' Barn for sale cheap, 22 by 36 feet, room for six ton of hay up stairs. Must. sell within thirty days or tear down. Address P. O. Box 403 or N. W. Phone 116J, Wahpeton, N. D. Adv. 2t lave a targe waupeion, Xi. U. AOV. 2t. wood a few days ago with, thirty six subpoenas for witne^eefe in the H. Burke case that came Ap for trial Friday. He succeeded in serving thirty-two of them. Sunday morning service at tiie Immanules German Evangelical Lutheran church next Sunday at 10:00. English service in the evening at 8:00. Everybody invi ted. Church at corner of Fifth Street and Pembina avenue. Marriage licenses have been Is sued to Roy C. Umbreit and Miss Olga B. Abraham of Hankinson Bennie Lieum and Manda Fla£.of Christine, and Gustav O. Fossum of Walcott and Bordlie Flaa of Christine. L. Vachon and family have moved onto the farm which they recently purchased near Per ham, Minn. The Vachon family are among the oldest' residents of Wahpeton and wili be missed by a large circle of friends. The little daughter of Ift J. Mitchell was knocked down and run over by an automobile Fri day night in front of Swank's grocery store. She was not very seriously injured. No blame was attached to the^driver of the car The baseball game btweeen Jthe Leach A Gamble and Globe-Ga zette forces which was scheduled for Tuesday evening was post poned until Saturday afternoon July 5, on account of rain. Fi innings were played on Tu evening. Mrs. L. N. Code and children were burned last Tuesday morn went to Brainerd, Minnjgpst ing. The fire started in the kit chen of one-of them abritit Ave o'clock in the morning. Tho A. vv* "if*' •.* ',X if "i* •.'r1 ri. •{'f tf A i* *3? .rr,' %,X fr i. v.. four The Northern Light. Electric Co. is running a line of poles in the alleys on each side of Dakota avenue. They are pre paring to riake all poles off of the main .street which will make a material'"improVement in the busineaa-tfection of the city Geo-, Saunderhauf was married on the l8tb to Mrs. Rosa Berlan di in Williston at the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. A. J. Bessie br Rev. E. S. 8haw. They will live Plentywood, Montana. All of the parties except the bride arie well known in Wahpeton and have resided here. A couple of the houses,. On the south.side of the N. P. iracks A buildings were a long distance from a water hydrant and were destroyed befote the water could reach them. Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Re. pairing done quickly and neatly at the Mitchell's Dry Cleaning. Goods called for and delivered. Phone 29,7. The Mooreton court house case has been before the court most of the week and as we go to press the hearing is still oil. The coun ty commissioners, state's attor ney, auditor, treasurer and other witnesses in this suit. Attorney Cuppler of Fargo is 1 conducting the prosecution and State's At torney Kachelhoffer assited by Chas. E. Wolfe, the defense. FOR SALE—One Singer sew. ing machine good as new. In quire at 120 Fifth street. fty tf V?•?' fVlA JT^ozens of the prettiest styles received this week by express. New Ratine Balkan Dresses and many other new style effects in this big assortment. $1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 5.00 to 8.50 Balkan Blouses. Prettiest styles in the dty and the largest assortment at low prices for such well made garments. $1.00,1.25 and 1.50 Another "BEE HIVE" Store Wahpeton, N. D. C. A. McKean and Alex Hay will leave here the 27 th or 28th of June for Fargo where they will join a party of old soldiers and from there they will go to Gettys burg. From Fargo the party will travel over the 'Northern Pacific railroad to St. Paul, from there to Chicago over the Milwaukee, and the balance of the trip will be made over the Pennsylvainia line. Mr. and Mrs. Leathart, A. W. Blake and Mr. Wetherbee of .Fairmount will also make «the trip. i. FOR SALE—Two mares, one 1-year old and one 2-year old. Inquire of O. H. Sprung, 720 6th street, Wahpeton, or the Farmers State Bank, Mooreton, No. Dak. Big discount sale at Oscar Rin derman's. Great bargains in shoes at Os car Rinderman's. TO PREPARE FOR THE FALL SEASON We must move our summer stock to make room for the fall goods now being shipped. To do this, prices must be considerably reduced. We'll let you make the profits—because we must have the room. It will pav you well to investigate what we are offering. Come and see these shoes whether ^ok just want td at buy See Our Windows •C ::A ""'h1 "T .W'- Shipment •W'1 f- -5- KSt' O* Summer Dresses Ulcere And Skin Troubles If you are suffering with any old' running sores' or fever ooreafr ulcers' boils' eczema or other skin troubles' get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and yo& will get relief promptly. Mrs Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala. suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine months and Bucklin's Arni. ca Salve cured her In two weeks. Will help you. Only 25c. RecoHi mended by all dealers. .v, FOR SALS Two automobiles. One 1912 Ford roadster $375. fi One second hand Buick 9125. 3 Inquire at Red River Motor Co 720 Sixth street. Phone 224-L. Take your watch and jewelry repair work to Albert Schrieber» He guarantees all of. hie work 'ri 'V 1 las^'V jf-« lit W r-| $'^ 7 ,4 ,V 1 "k* ft •& r'/ f- i: I 4s, Hi