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Newspaper Page Text
VIp Safairtim ©intra By E. S. CAMERON Published at Wahpeton. X. D, -«a Thursday of each week, and entered as second class mail mat te? under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER MTICttL DrHCCTMY UNITED STATES SE5ATE «. J. Cronna L»fco« ». t. McCumber STATE SUPREME COCRT charities. widows and orphans, cbief Jusuc« B. F. sptidint Oommlssioners of lUOroMt 0. P. 5. Anderftoo. W. H- Mann, W. H. •reman. Ttank P. OODKTT frank Bodack snertff r. A. Burton Auditor falter G. Woraer Treasurer Otpar oison Redster of Deeds M(uii Berfinan Clerk of Court C. t. Cacbelboffer Sale's Attorney w. TUornton Supt. or Scboots fleor«e vaaArnam County Judge J. M. s«j Coroner «. A. FarasworUi Fulflte Administrator COUJTTY JUSTICES fstseXB Dow Wb. Edwards & i. Kin* CODKTT CONSTABLES Little jcitrin Rockstad THE WAV IT HAS WORKED OUT The cash dividends paid in 'IS according to the same report, was #51,813,334 for the first half of 1913 the dividends were #71,224. 543, almost three times what was paid before dissolution. The value of the capital stock on the' market was almost destroyed byi the dissolution, being officially! listed at only #1.102.989.677, «r nearly four times-its fare value.I But the dead Standard Oil "coin pany" can regard its dissolution with considerable equanimity when it reflects, in the language of the erport that the "total earn wabpeton ings of the Standard companies COSCRESSHEX **'LUAL "VER 18 times the dividend -*. T. Heifesoo *utonj requirements." Indeed, there are sporce St. Younc valley city other companies that would be D. Sonon Buaurc*^ willing to be dissolved on the FEDERAL OFFICERS same basis the trust busters em Caiied Sutes District Judre—c. F. Amldon ployed toward Standard Oil. (felted Suits Narstul Jofin F. S&e*j uused S'.a:es Attorney Edward Entered CllARfiED BACK. AS USUAL Clerk or L\ S. Court J. A. Montgomery Surveyor Gfocrtl C. A- WUlisnxs Oon? almost 0rok6 under tu&oaal Bank Esamiaer E. S. Tyler Morgan management, to the se-1 Collector of Custom Jed LaMoure, Jr. vere whose •££.' deprecia^ cterk of supreme Court R. D. Motfooa ton & Maine railroad is to be al-j •Reporter F. w. Ame» lowed to save its bacon by asses «TATE OFFICERS sing an extra 0«Ternor.....~ L. B. Hanna every ton of local freight. lieutenant Gorereor A. T. Kraabel, The fellows whose mismanage Secretary of State .„.Tbomaa Han ment money General Andrew Miner money of the stockholders, wont sopx Public instruction E. Taylor. have bo make good the defleit. CbmmiisioDer or lastmnce....W. a Taylor, They never do Cgscfesloner of A«rieulwreW. GUfiream DISTRICT OUtHl Allen Foortfc Judicial C'.st. BERATE m. Carter District A. r. Bonier J?ib District REPRESENTATIVES A. 0. DiTCt District «Bert WeU «th District 4» V. Carey TTtti District tm oisprd 3TUi District of a great many! funds were tied up in its hcHIH lb. Bos-| A majority of Boston & Maine stock was subject to purchase by Massachusetts at a price fixed by law. Had this option been ex ercised.the folks themselves could have run the road in their own interest, getting such serivce and results as they chose. This would have meant other confusion and maybe loss at the beginning, but also freedom and the chance to make grandly good. It has been waived because those who do the deciding prefer !.* t0 The Standard Oil company is no will have a ballot worth watch more. It was killed by the trust ing. ilwisters. Instead, of there being, Standard Oil company the Stand ard Oil companies have taken its Every great invention takes its place, and these "companies,", toll of human life. It seems that with headquarters in New York, without human blood there is lit— fcave just issued a bookletshowing tie progress in either liberty or how seriously the government in- mechanics. But the natural Am vred the oil business. It appears erican recklessness regarding hu ifrom this report that the capital man life seems to have been in «tock of the concern "at disso-j creased by the automobile. Small lution' was $277,015,954 on July boys, nervous women, giggly I, 1913, it was only 8423,449,947,' girls run highpowered machines not quite double what it was be-' at perilous speed along country fore the government destroyed the' roads and city streets. Men with company.' brains fuddled with drink, men remain dependent. Notice we say "those who do the deciding." They are not the people. The people have not been consulted. It has never been put to a popular vote. Some day it may be. Then you AUTOMOBILE SPEED FIENDS 1912 naturally Wahpeton Opera House TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16th B.E. LANG Presents Stageland's Greatest Novelty the Famous Juvenile BOSTONIANS In Kirke La Shelle and Julian Edward's New York Success THE PRINCESS CHIC Equal to Robin Hood—N. Y. Journal An Original Opera Comique With an all-girl cast and a complete production exactly as used in the Casino Theatre, New York. Prices $1.50, $1.00,75c, 50c and 25c Seats at Wolfe's Grocery it Id toll of ten cents on brought on this crisis, the exploiters who aw with the The burden' Jwijl have bg ,' borne by the common folks, the workers as most burdens are— which is as it should be until to free themselves they learn from it. There was another and a better way out, but New England hadn't the nerve to take it. careless, handle these AV'V^' l^jTi •-a M.%- modern monsters with a criminal: disregard of pedestrians. Sometimes one thinks that a" certain class of automobilists-' forget that pedestrians have any! right whatever on earth. In large cities almost every day takes toll of children playing in the streets|pg —often they have no other place' to play—and of men and women.® In New York, one day last week, 500 auto drivers were in court in one day, the police having taken a spasm of virtue to stop reckless driving. On the other hand, the vast majority of auto drivers would sufTer greatly for even a minor injury inflicted by their careless ness. There are those who have felt deeply grieved that they had injured some dumb beast by care less driving. Such would never! forgive themselves if they by any untoward accident took the life of a fellow being. Let the streets l^e made safe and no man allowed to drive an auto Lf under the influence of liquor. There ought to be license regulations for drivers requiring not only mechanical qualifications but moral and mental. The dri%- /)r has under his finger great power wiiicb may easily destroy he has the responsibility of an engineer who must make his own switches and pass other engines upon them. We must have a renewed care for human life carefully made laws for its protection from the speed fiend, and vigorous enforce ment of them. Call at the Variety store be-j fore you complete your Christmaa shopping. We have toys, dolls, Christmas novelties, aim many useful and artistic presents whieh can be purchased for a small amount of money. H. Lindquist, proprietor. ..." :ri^Vv*2i tW-'C.V' •x.-V£Cn»V/. 3- BOSTON SUITS $35.00 Suits, now $21.00 $30.00 Suits, now $18.00 $25.00 Suits, now $16.00 $20.00 Suits, now $14.00 $15.00 Suits, now $10.00 at the With our exceptionally extensive stock of desirable Christmas Gifts, we can show you many solutions to your what-to-give problems. Here is a store full of splendid Christmas Opportunities which you are cordially and earnestly invited to come and enjoy. Prices Sharply Reduced On All Suits and Coats Give her a fine new suit or coat, probably nothing would please her more. Buy it here now and you'll get an excellent garment at a very low cost. 25 per cent and 33 1-3 per cent off on all Childrens Coats Furs Make An Ideal Gift We have many different kinds of Furs and Styles to show you- You will surely please her with Furs. We have Mink, Civet, Marmoth, Coney, Pony, Grey Fox, Muakrst, Red Fox, Kit Lynx, Raccoon, Oppossum, Leoperd, Beaver, Jap Mink, Canadian Wolf, White Fox. Neck Pieces, Nufis, Hatched Sets Ladies Hack Russian Pony Coats made of soft evenly matched skins, large shawl collars, 52 in. long, lined with Skinner Satin, sizes up to 48 bust, the best coat you ever bought at *w*vv Our Store will dose on Christmas Eve at 6:30 (or the benefit of our employes, so that they may enjey the evening at heme. SHOP EARLY 3- £ii» fi '*2 & -"Jl COATS $35.00 Goats now $23.00 $30.00 Coats now $21.00 $25.00 Coats, now $18.00 $20.00 Coats, now $14.50 $15.00 Coats, now $10.50 STORE Silver for Christmas Of course you want your table to look its prettiest on Christmas Day. Already you are planning the dec orations. Perhaps you lack some of the little things in silver, glass or china which belong to the perfect ly appointed table. Get Them Now! They will add greatly to the attractiveness of the Christmas Dinner and be a constant source of pleasure afterwards. Some things you may need are listed below: CUCUMBER SERVER, CREAM LADLE, JELLY KNIFE, OLIVE mama RADISH DISHES, CANDLE STICKS, GRAPE JUICE r.i.Asap SCOOP, ALMOND DISHES, CARVING SET, BULLION SPOONS,' SALAD FORKS, COMPORTS, WATER SETS, MARMALADE JAR, HONEY BOX. CHEESE PLATE, GRAVY LADLE, NAPKIN MARKERS, OLIVE SPEARS SEE^OUR WINDOW DISPLAY EVERY DAY FROM DEC. 4th TO THE 20th E. E. BASSETT Up-te Date Jeweler Wahpeton, North Dakota V* My, *3