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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
«v. 4 6 h** 1 ih-v 4s J!' fr- fi-r $•': &f \U fe $ *r it- k' m. 1 Kr ih'-?,, Miss Whipps and Miss Walsh visited the high school Tuesday afternoon in the company of Miss Rowan. The student body enter tained the visitors with exhibi tions of their musical attainments Mary Gilles, vice prcsidetn, and a member of the Senior class, on account of her extraordinary musi cal talent, was chosen as "pian iste" this week. To her vivifying martial strains, and beautiful ca. denses, our footsteps we guide through the labyrinth of desks, up and down the parallel ailses after the close of school at noon and at four o'clock. In the fore going system we bid "Au Revoir" to the high school twice daily. The office has been used as a conference hall of late for those who have been personally called thither. The reporter was not present at the conference anu therefore is unable to say what were the private proceedings tak ing place thereat. Arthur Christensen is again a mong the number of those who are trying out for the basketball teams. The cheerless outlook of the school is brightened into a glorious hope for the future *.r *, Upholstered Rockers, Chairs, Davenports, Book Cases, and Desks Slok rttckc "Elastic" Bookcass and Desk combined. Pr.rrr.'J-: as much cr as liitte book jpace as wsr.ied. Cor.vjrises Desk Unll v.v.h, few u.' n.a:i» Book Units r-.' «3e:.ired. P.oomy, conven ient, altraciive. Ca'i art seo ft cr Wiile for catalogue 1 «4 W. F. ECKES I HIQH SCHOOL NOTES We met the eneniy for the sce ond time this season Saturday af ternon last. But they are not our. Translating this "Hawthorn ian" (coined) mystery into the English idion, the above state ment wuold read as follows: The boys' and the girls' (basketball teams of the high school met the second boys' taem and the first girls' team, respectively, of the Indian school on the field of bat tle in the Indian school gymnas ium in a bloodless contest. The result of the game between the two boys' teams was a tie, the score being 24 to 24, but contrary to the usual custom the tie was played off and the final score was 26 to 24 in favor of the Indians. The result of the game between the girls was 10 to 10, also a tie. These scores are correct for they are those given by the referees and their word of course cannot be legally doubled. These were both practice games, and accord ingly the scores are of slight con sequence but, nevertheless, we are glad to learn the progress of the teams from such a source. IKSS^Ikilic Seniors: —jsj-. Horace Freerks Ella Lawrence Florence Morris Marion Royce Alma Simonsen Anna Stone Grace Swank Hazel Van Arnam Ervin VanBuren Mae Wright Oscar Youngquist Juniors: Herbert Hintgen Herman Reeder Earnest Weling Florence Wright Sophomores: Olivia Edelbrock Rosa Fligelman Verna Freerks Minnie Nickel Freshmen: Muriel Babcock Hattie Bentzin Esther Bauldauf Ella Beaty Oryl Black Knid Brown Henrietta Fligelman Anna Geister Lillian I.eavitt Catherine McCarty Geraldme Mehl Harold Mikkelson Edna Novotny Clara O'Brien Vesta Parsons Viola Parsons Herbert Royce Mabel Trebil ftny Trebil Carl Zeyher. & thereby. The once drooping mount and vicinity, this district has seven hundrAH that class thinking that a change have in Fairmount a man whom of climate would be desirable have we all know as a man of sterling changed their seats, some to the qualities, fully capable and a man front and others to the back of that will be a credit to Uie dis- 15131 1 v.' 'K.' The county has no better men than Mr. Pinkney, and should the fourth cotrmiissi'pners' dis whole county would be looked af k'*Tity The following new books have been added recently: Barbour, JR. H.—"Behind the line." mission, and Attorney R. M. Pol- lock of Fargo, were the speakers It is getting close for candi. at the dedication. This library tomorrow. For sale by ajl deal dates to make their annonuce- was erected by Egerton Watts, a menls. Now we want to say to pioneer, at a cost of about Ave our readers especially of Fair, thousand dollars. The library niow 'Sub«*»Hbe fr»r »bo Ti,v»'»s 1 ».' 31. i!S I* 9? MS K!2 Eg PS r-S EVERY K^VSEHOf Be it twins tondBed by mother or the "TWIN" PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLES These tables derive their ncnac from t!.e fact that they have two oval or oblong pedcrLab, e..c!j complete in itself thereby gaining a decided imprcvevaeni ever tl:s ordiuciy one pedestal cut in helves^ CO as fo divides. When entertaining friends st luncheon and you have spared neither pains nor expense preparing, will yoa serve the "spreed" on a "divided" one pedestal locks, bolts, uufs, eta, unfinished surfaces exposed, or will you have a "Twi: thai is perfect whether closed or extended? It's up tc you, and surely, as table lasts a lifetime, you will procure "Twin," the table you will be proud oL Vfa carry several spirits of the students give way will elect a county commissioner, the tonw has voted a small lew to gladness and rejoicing even we have heard of different can- for maintenance 4 the weather has changed for the didates from Hankinson, Lidger better. May he remain faithful wood, but to be sqaure Fairmount to his trust and the expectations has delivered the goods and thru' A BAD WAY" of the^high school. our efforts, Hankinson has three! Moving is now under way in county officials in the court Many a WatiDeton uiiii the Sophomore class. Many in house. Fairmount has none. We "this Nl your Approval is our Ambition"W the room. trict if elected. A man of intelli- had way' The following is the honor roll gence, one that is conservative Doan's Kidney for this month. This list shows and a man that is the choice of weak kidneys. a decided increase over the prev- every voter of this community be Local evidence proves their ious list issued last month. The he a democrat or republicanwe merit. list is: take pride in Charles R. Pinkney Mrs. B. Brand, 108 Second St, as a candidate for county com- Fargo, N. D., says: "One day I missioner from this district'. Fairmount News. tric.t nominate and elect hiirj to could not rest well. I arose in represent them on "the county tj,e morning feeling tired and up board, tiheir interests and the ip- freshened. terests of the taxpayers of the aches ter by a main of ability and. in- benefit I learned of Doan^s Kid JTo WAHPETON PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES O —f I Library hours: Wednesday)eve ningSv.7:30 to 9:00. afternoons, 2:30 to 5:30. During the month of November I there were 151 visitors in the. li brary, and 94 books were isstied. A gif tof money has been re ceived from Mrs. Hartwell. The Globe-Qazette has promis- ed to give the Scientific American" 1°?:_ I to the library for a year. A much needed waste basket has also been received from the same source, .:"•' rC !-B ii$ 33 f» IS BS .~I aj- •, V^J, 11 I* I #v? 1 !:i iris SX ii- Sale on the Twin Pedestal Extension Tables 'i 4 I AJOT table showing patterns in iP&4! inaJc ia numerous designs and finishes, say of which stock but "Twitis** era ofctaia oa shc rt notice. CALL AND SE£ THSM. OUrnifeltftd UpKei»ttr«i ER FUR ar.s«vp* wg vni..m« .n^ W-#r Wm Feel Grateful for Infer* matlon. If your back gives out Becomes lame, weak or aching Perhaps your kidneys are in a Pills are for was taken with a sudden catch in the small of my back and after I was so !ame that I could not stoop. A steady, dull at he settlor! across my loins -and ut ni*lu I I had severe head dizzy spells.' After aiid taking various remedies without ney Pills and got a supply at Mr. J. J. Keen's drug store, A short time after using them, the pains became less severe and soon dis appeared. Four boxes complet ely cured me. I take a few doses Doan's Kidney Pills once in a Iwhile iand Ihey always do me good. I-recommend this remedy as highly today as when I gave a public statement for it some years ago." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. xt 8ole -agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doans and take no other. Burnett, F. H.—T. Tembarom. aoh and constipation. Chamber Churchill., W.—"Inside of the Iain's tablets correct these disor cup." d#r« and onahle you to sleep. For The first township library in the ?ale by all dealers. state was dedicated two weeks ago 5 at Leonard. Governor L. .B. .. .. Hanna, Mrs. M. C. Budlong, secret Tonight, if you feel dull and tary of the public library com. Cause of Insomnia ThA most, common cause of in somnia is disorders of the stom- or ™ious, ®on"U,p®- takp dose nf Chamberlain's an(' yj[u leWji'f'J '$ J&L> wi" f*®' ®|j '0A. We shall be glad to have you visit our store and look over all tKis beautiful and up-to-date &" ^(r r*' W.* $ FURNITURE J. W. WORNER RE IO School Supplies AT MILLER & CO., Vahpeton Advertisements It's the all-year-'round car. In gusty Fall—thru Winter's snow in balmy Spring or sunny Sum mer—the Ford serves its owner equally well. It's the one car on the job every day of the year. Five hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford runabout the touring car is five fifly the town car seven fifty-all f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from Red River Motor Co., Wahoe-' ton,N £., Telephone 224-L A '":Y' ^y4xz k. -v H*" is' vis} ilifr-'Wi- t' Yn 'St /I in $1$ ^-:?4 rSti