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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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Men's $5.00 Shoes great values, to go at $3.59 Men's $4.00 Oxfords to go $2.98 Men's Work Shoes, $3.50 value to go at $1.98 Men's Dress Shoes, $3.50 value, sure cheap at $1.89 Men's warm Felt Shoes, $3.00 value, kid faced, high top to go at only $1.98 Sensational Prices in Men's Shoes Men's $5 values in button and lace, made up in the latest lasts in Gunmetal, Box Calf, Velours, that America's leading makers pride AQ A themselves on, going at this sale at....$OaTi) Mens $6.00 high top box calf A A leather lined, only Men's $4.50 values in Button and Lace Vici, Gunmetal, Ve'.our, cut to the Aft in price of (pOal\f Men's $4.00 Button and Lace Gunmetal and Box Calf at this sale IPfaawO Men's $3.50 values in Button and Lace Blacks and Tans in Gunmetal, Velours and AI QQ Box Calf to go Men's $3.00 shoes, great values, they come in Gunmetals and Box Calf in Button 7Q and Lace are great bargains at lv Men's $3.00 work shoes ^Q ogo at «pL l%j Men's $3.50 work shoes togo at Men's $4.00 work shoes to go at Men's $5.00 work shoes to go at CQ $Q QQ $1.98 $2.98 $3.49 Men's felt shoes S3.50 values, high top kid faced lace, a great bargain togo at kid faced $1.98 63c Men's felt slippers $1.00 and $1.25 now Men's oxfords $4.90 values Lace in AA QQ Velour and the latest styles to go at. .(pfaiwO Men*8 oxfords $3.00 valuas, they QQ come in button, are rare values at (pl|vO J/ Bar slsak al (tea's Mass Is vary tarp. Dm tm EL pairs feat waaaat mmbtm la ttts aI. CM laarti Don't forget the Date and Place I'Wednesday, Jan. 21 Follow the Crowds »•*, jfc A Boys Shoes Prices Cut to a Frazzle Boys' $3.00 shoes, button and lace, black and tans in gunmetal An QQ A great snap Boy's $2.75 shoes, button lace, box calf, a real bargain Youths' shoes, button and lace, $2 value to go at $1.69 Boys' $2.50 shoes, button and CQ lace box calf, itsahummer. Lwv Youth's shoes, button and lace box calf and gunmetal, a $2.25 shoe to go at $2.50 values to go at *..... $1.50 values togo at Ladies'felt slippers $1.00 now Ladies felt slippers $1.25 now $1.49 LADIES House Slippers $1.79 $1.19 69c 89c BRECKENRIDGE BIG SENSATIONAL SALE! Lawerence Schanhaar's $8,000 Stock of Shoes Being Shot to Pieces THE GREATEST SLASHING, CRASHING, CUTTING SALE THE BUYING PUBLIC HAS EVER SEEN. Follow the Crowds to Breckenridge the $8,000 Stock of L. Schanhaar's, the well Known Shoe Store is Being Unmercifully Slaughtered. On Wednesday, Opening Day, the Store was Crowded from Early Un til Late. We Have 9 more Days Left to Dispose of this Brand New Stock of Shoes. This Sale to go on Until Saturday Evening, January the 31st, 1914. A Bubbling, Bursting Freshet of Startling Bargains. Every Item an Unprecedent Price Marked Wonder. Greatest Shoe Sale Ever^Held in Western Minnesota OVERSHOES FOR EVERYBODY Men's Fleeced Lined Rubbers $1.25 now. i.... 1.50 now 1.75 now 2.25 now... 2.75 values.... 3.00 values.... $1.37 3.25 ace box calf $1.50 values to go 98c $1*10 $1.29 $1.79 $2.29 $2.89 $2.79 BOYS OVERSHOES $1.19 1.25 values to go 89c LADIES OVERSHOES $1.00values, togo— 125values, togo.... 2.25 values to go.. 79c $1.49 Ladies Fleece Lined Rubbers $1.00 to go at 79c Hisses' Overshoes $1.00 now only A/ A 79c ENTIRE STOCK IN CHARGE OF THE T. K. KELLY SALES SYSTEM, THE WORLD RENOWN ED BARGAIN GIVERS OF NEW YORK, CHICAGO, MINNEAPOLIS HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE BROKERS. & ,'i «*'•, Look ever and read every Ham of those wottdsrful bargains GIRLS' AND MISSES' SHOES Girls' shoes 2.50 and 2.75 values in gun metal, patents and tans in buttons and lace. All up to date AI QQ Togo at $laOv Misses' shoes 2.00 values gunmetal and vici kids, button and lace $1.39 Misses 2.25 and 2.50 shoes in gunmetal patents and tans, button andAI QQ lace, all snappy styles at ^liOw Children's shoes 1.75 values in kids, button and lace Ai QQ Togo at $L£\f CH1LDRENS' Shoes Galore 65c values go at .. $1.15 shoes go at 85c values go at......... 1.50 values go at at 49c 83c 69c $1.19 Children's high top shoes in patent tan colored tope, also Mack, very nifty and the swellest made for little folks. Sold regular for L60, at this war Ai qq declared sale only vLbV MINNESOTA •••.•I Ladies' House Slippers $2.50 val ue to go at only $1.79 Ladies' Oxfords, $3.50 values, 100 pairs to go at,. $1.19 Ladies $4.00 Shoes in black ooze, the very latest, to go $2.89 Ladies $3.00 Shoes, one grand lot cut to the tune of only $1.49 Ladies' $4.00 Fancy Pomps in patents and satin go at $2.98 Whirlwind Prices On Ladies Shoes Ladies 5.00 high top button and lace, Tans Lotus calf, the latest toes and lasts, made up in the styles that the ladies are looking lor AA A only Ladies' 5.00 patent colt, button, in the new and latest lasts. A very dressy shoe Afi only $O.H-vF Ladies' 4.25 values in patent dull kids in button. The very height of fashion and the kind ladies are looking for who care for dress. At this sale we price them $2.98 Ladies 4.00 shoes in black ooze button, the fad craze for ladies who care for dressy feet An OA Only tp£.0\f Ladies 3.50 vici Kid button and lace in the latest toes, heels and lasts. Every pair stamped on the sole of the shoe their former price AA A is a Ladies' 3.00 button and lace in kids, gunmetal, and every pair the latest styles and a AI QQ great bargain to goat $l*«90 Ladies 3.00 shoe, and here we are offerii great snap. 100 pairs all going war declared sale are offering yon a •""•$1.49 Ladies' fancy 4.00 pomps in patent and satins, the latest craze and up to the minute in style and fashion for ladiea who care for swell dressed feet At this war declared sale "... Ladies' 3.50 oxfords-in gunmetal and leathers, 1 grand lot of at $2.98 loo pairs be A-fl sure to get a pair of these tploltf 3j°2 aii? 3-S? oxfonlatup to the minute •n style and big bargain, to close out AA A. $2.39 Remember, Sale Starts Wednesday, Jan. 21 Lssts 10 Days Only •t* lA 1 $r