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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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8TATE HEALTH LAWS Section 7298, Revised Statutes, 1895, is as follows: 7298. Every person who will fully violates any provision of the health laws, the punishment for violating of which is not otherwise prescribed by those laws or by this eode, and every person who will fully violates or refuses or omits to comply with any lawful order, direction, prohibition or regula tion prescribed by any board of health or health officer, or any reg ulation lawfully made or establish ed by any public officer, under au thority of the health laws, is pun ishable by imprisonment in a comi ty jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding two thous and dollars, or both. The following regulations of the State Hoard of Health for the pre vention and mitigation of infec tious and contagious diseases have been aproved by the State Board of Health, dated the 21st of Nov., 1913, and have the force of law: I. Notification of every case of *ny diseases known as smallpox, diphtheria and scarlet fever shall lie made in writing to the health officer within 24 hour* by the at tending physician, if any, and if there be no attending physician, the parent, guardian or any oth er person who has knowledge of the existence of such disease, which notification shall specify the name •f the disease, and the name and place of residence of the person so afflicted. II. The shortest period of quarantine for scarlet fever and diphtheria shall be thirty days. It. is the intention of the City Board of Health to rigidly enforce the health, laws, and in case where ho physician is called if the parent or guardian fail to report the dis ease. they will he fined according to the law as stated above. 11' neighbors will report, suspicious eases, it. will help. T. O'BRIEN, Supt. City Board ol' Health. A CKOECE I'd rather lie a Could Be If I could not be an Are. For a Could Be is a May Be With a chance of touching par. I'd rather be a Has Been Than a Might Have Been, by far, For a Might Have Been has never been, But a Has was once an Arc. METHODIST CHURCH Elmer Duden, Pastor Morning worship, 10:30. Sunday school 12 in. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. At the prayer meeting hour on Thursday evening the report of delegates to the recent Sunday School Institute at Fargo will be given. It is requested that every Sunday school worker make a spec ial effort to be present. The meeting of the ladies aid, held at the parsonage, on Wednes day, the 18th, was very largely at tended. The men of the church were also invited to the lunch, and refreshments were served to seven ty-seven persons. After the lunch those who remained enjoyed a so cial half hour, after which the So cial club of former years was re organized. The club begins with forty-one members. Officers were elected and com mittees appointed and a program arranged for the first meeting to be held at the home of Mr. Oliver ,on Fourth street, on Wednesday evening, the 25th. Membership in 'the club is open to all the attend ants of the chureh, and all are in vited to the meetings. I A very cordial invitation is ex tended to all, especially strangers, to the services of this church. If you have no church home, come and worship with us. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES I "Behold how the gods pro|this tect. the guiltless." We had assem bled for music as usual .Monday af ternoon expecting nothing and hoping for less. We sang a num ber of patriotic selections as is our wont OH any occasion, of a pat|the riotic nature. We had finished singing at ihe usual time and had repaired to our respective seats, looking forward to another after noon of hard labor, stern lessons fearful recitations, mighty doubts 'and dreads and above all else to a quiz in physics—we had done and anticipated all this when suddenly like a gleam of sunlight, through the dismal and. foreboding hurri cane came the announcement by way of Miss Austin that there Bernard ft Canham Oxy-Acetylene Welders Have rented rooms in the Wahpeton Garage Company's new building, and are prepared to do all kinds of welding, such as steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, copper or anything made of metal, and do all kinds of boiler repairs. Will answer telephone calls from the country and will go out to make repairs of anything too large to bring in. Remember the place, Wahpeton Garage Company's building, Wahpeton, N. Dafc. Telephone call 157. Bernard ft Canham Oxy-Acetylene Welders would be no school for the remain der of the day. After the shock had passed and the assembly had received ample time in which to gain their equilibrium a joyous, exultant, liberated student body was dismissed. Said Darrel Rasmussen to Helen Shea when the above announce was made with his hands clasped over his heart, "oh, this is so sud den!" Paul Sewrey of the First. S. S. S. basket ball "team visited the high school in the company of Hiram Putnam Monday afternoon indulg ing with us in our patriotic inusi ca.l program. That lovely and ever delightful topic known as 'Moonlight on the Lake," was '"ally discussed in that famous ethical society, the American literature society, at one of that society's sessions. Miss Fennel gave a very lengthy and interesting lecture on this subject, closing with the words: "Those who have not seen the gleaming of fair Luna's mellow light, as it glistens and sparkles on the uubri an azure surface of the lake and is reflected and reflected on each tiny little wavelet, have missed a most beautiful sight. I am happy to say that I have been fortunate enough to have seen this charming scene." Who would have thought it? lluth Douglass, professional known as Madame Sembrick II, is pianist this week. The following amusing incident occurred in the assembly room one afternoon just as school was about to have been dismissed for thai day: Miss Austin: "1 wish to see Leslie and Barrel after school, evening." Leslie P. (turning I to Barrel R. with a feigned look of surprise) "Then must have been some mistake." Miss Snvder. a member of the faculty, is at present confined in St. Francis hospital at Breck jenridge, having undergone an op era! ion because of a very serious ithroat trouble. The operation was 'successful and she is the road to recovery. We expt her back in Ischool in a week or ten days. The sympathy of the entire school is with her as she is very popular with the student body. Lo! What have we here Is it really true or do my eyes deceive jme? Charles Qniim (P. A.) is no longer a boy—he is now a man. THE WMPETON TIMES 0 (0 •o a S c. a c. 3 IL "O CO 'D W •sma He lias started to wear ankle length or long trousers. It is hard ly neeessary to say that he ereated :i great deal of commotion on ap pearing with them Tuesday after noon. It will be remembered that ("has. Payne will lecture, aided by ster eopticau views, on the •'Panama Canal." Thursiday evening at S o'clock in the high school auditor ium. The admission will be 2"c. Everyone is invited to attend, and we have sufficient: accommodations, li The games between Baltic Lake jjand this high school I led as !j follows: P.ovs. W. Ii. K., (J2. Bat tie Lake. Pi girls: W. IL S. 1:?, Battle Lake. 11. Notice thai it was a double victory, ll was our first !I game away from home, and the fact that we won it speaks well for 'the future. The Physics and Zoology classes have been suspended on account of Miss Snyder's absence. Hazel Quick substituted in lie half of Miss Morden Tuesdav. Editor CJunn was elected mayor •of Breekenridge by a. plurality of 72 votes. Harvey James and Clias. jllunkins are the newly elcctcd al dermen. BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received by Aaron Stern, Esq., at his office in Wahpeton, N. l)ak., until 12 o'clock noon, March 4th, for the erection of a two story and basement, store and office building at Wahpeton. \r. Dak. Plans may be seen at the office of Hie undersigned, and at the office of Aaron Stern, Esq.. and at the Builder's Exchanges at Minneapo lis and St. Paul, up to the hour for receiving bids. Extra plans and specifications will be furnished to anybody making applications for the same. All bids are to be in strict ac cordance with plans and specifica tions prepared by A. J. O'Shca, Architect, Fargo, N. Dak. No plumbing, heat or wiring will be let at this time. Each bid is to be accompanied by a certified check for $250.00. The same to be forfeited to the owner as liquidate-1 damages for| delay if the accepted bidder should fail to furnish bond and enter into contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. A. J. O'SHEA, adv.-lt. Architect. New and Saoond Hand Furniture New and 8eeond Hand Furniture New and Second Hand Furniture New and Second Hand FURNITURE Everything in the Furniture Line for every room in the house Brass Beds, Guarantee Spring Mattresses, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Chairs, Parlor and Kitchen Tables, Dressers, Buffets, Tables In Short, my store is headquarters for both New and Old Furniture, as I have a large stock of both kinds to select from BELIEVE ME MY PRICES ARE RIGHT A large stock of new Baby Carts on hand NEW AND SECOND HAND Furniture Store J. R. Molloy, Prop. A, Miksche Bidg., Wahpetim, N. D. puBH pucoos P"® mori ojtniujnj pubh puooag pue M3jy ojn i.ujn^ pucH puooas pus mom WARNING use 1 SlTiV rite City Board of Health puli-i, ,, 1 lished last fall a notice prohibit ing 1 he dumping of ashes on boule vards, streets or alleys. After March 1st. 1!H4, all found guilty of practices will be proseeu- .,|j ted. As rubbish and dirt are liab-i le lo be covered and hidden by ashes we must enforce this rule, Also all rubbish, manure, elc.. It, took the .jury only te?-, min mnut be dumped at: 1 he east end ofjuies to free Senator Gore of Ok tlie road leading lo river bank* on jlahoma of the charges made against dumpMir ground. No paper or re-'him by a certain "female woman." HAVE YOU Any Wild Oats in Your Barley? \jp so We Can Separate Them Bring in a Sample and Let Us Show You Barley Separators $18.50 New Hero Hills $25.00 to $45.00 Smut Mills, 24 in. #25.00 And Guaranteed to Rid Grain of Smut or Money Refunded Yours, Grout Implement Co. fc't tft* 3 3 o. p» 3 a. a t» CL 3 to a 3 a •n s» 3 8 3 a. -3 Cft 3 C. ft) 3 a tt •9 ailowed in gutters or the Anv rubbish that is liable jto be blown oil by the wind must be not be left in back yards. By order of the CITY BOARD OF HEALTH, A. HODEL. Alderman from rirst Ward,